lucas seems to have missed the subtle, "hey, wanna tell me about that?" subtext.
Not really all that surprising, though. Messages in text are prone to being misunderstood, as am I. *pout* ;-]
For some reason, Llearch reminds me very strongly of one Rodney Gallowglass.
Cogidubnus uses his linguistic skills with far more consistence grace thin myself
e voyager tries his best and is to be commended for it....not to long ago on the old forum his linguistic skills left something to be desired. you have come a long way and improved greatly friend.
lucas marcone started this new page! How nice of him :)
Aiyno has three very interesting animated signatures.
tech master can be arbitrary, pig headed, and foolish but we all love him for a plutonic sort of way.
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 15, 2007, 09:20:33 PM
tech master can be arbitrary, pig headed, and foolish but we all love him for a plutonic sort of way.
( :< If you're referring to BOTM, there's a reason they call it
roleplaying... you play a
role which may or may not be how you would normally a movie actor. Not to mention if you follow the LITS rp that I joined recently, you'll find that my attitude IC for Nazareth is almost completely opposite of Jexx)
Lucas is a good judge of fictional characters, but sometimes confuses them with real people. It's ok, we all love him for a "plutonic" sort of way ;) (whatever that's supposed to mean :B)
Tech seems a tad defensive. He should lighten up. ;)
Haz knows how to keep the mood light. He sounds like he'd be a blast at parties. :3
Cogi has a point and something smart witty or thought provokeing to always
lucas marcone recognizes some peoples abilities and uses them to his advantage in this thread :)
I don't think I can emphasize enough the awesomeness of having Aiyno back on the forums. :3
Cogidubnus is a man whom puts his heart into his words with spectacular results
e voyager is an avid megaman fan....though i could never really get into it...i know guts man kicks ass.
lucas knows it takes a big man to cry but it takes and even bigger man to laugh at a big man crying that man is guts man (
Quote163 is your lucky number
Spanky has a fixation on classic side scrolling games, we should all have such fixations, they make us more interesting.
QuoteI'm sorry but I can't come in to work today. Ive got leprosy and my arm fell off. You're sorry to hell I drive a stick shift.
Brunhidden's tradition of putting a quote in EVERY one of his posts is quite interesting.
Techmaster-glitch makes a astute observation, as do I. Perhaps, we shall see witty quotation of his own?
Cogi has successfully confused me with his copious vocabulary. I thought he was saying something about a statue.
Haz knows when to admit he does not know everything....a VERY admireable trait
This is the third time I have to say something nice about lucas marcone and I'm not running out of replies >:3
/me laughs
I've lost count of the number of times I've commented upon Aiyno.
I still think he's a great guy to talk to, as well.
This is the second time llearch has lost count at something, seemingly proving that point he made himself earlier in [the last P.A.Y. thread]. That doesn't matter, however, as his moderation skills are superb :)
Techmaster-glitch is one of the most interesting semi-mechanoids I've ever run across.
TheGreyRonin is one of the more interesting parts of an otherwise rather uninteresting state. :3
He also makes Grey look good, which is hard to do, sometimes.
cogi would be fun to have at parties
lucas has likely been to more parties then me.
Spanky can officially say he has been to more parties then me if his answer is anything more then "do family reunions or weddings count?"
domo arigato your ass off you robotic party animal.
QuoteThese aren't your average cookies wildy-san... they are girl scout cookies! I suggest we flee.
Brunhidden da Muse is a interesting man with a amusing daughter :)
variety? uhhh...
Aiyno seems to have understood my latest philosophical rant. Well done!
Aiyno needs more hugs.
Perhaps we should adjust the random in the randomiser?
Gabi is too quick for me...
llearch is generous. He got a hug and wants to give out more, even if the method he's suggesting would destroy the randomness. But I know he wouldn't do it that way.
llearch wishes to 'fix' the random in the randomizer. I certainly wouldn't put it past him what with him being a code monkey, and all.
Gabi is, indeed, too quick.
xHaZxMaTx can mean anything almost everything in a good way :B >:3
Aiyno brings much happiness and warm fuzzies to this thread
e_voyager pays very close attention to this thread, aren't we special for the company.
Brunhidden got rid of the last part of his name, his avatar, his signature, and put his avvie text as "resident dipshit"?!? While I liked his old setup (and I hope he gets it back, or something better to replace it), Brunhidden is still Brunhidden Da Muse to me :)
Techmaster Glitch pines for the days of yore. The past is oftentimes made brighter through the lens of time than it ever really was, however. Still, an appreciation for things gone by is rare these days.
Cog has gotten yet another nifty avatar. Quite a bit more colourful than his previous, which contradicts his avatar text, but looks great, nonetheless. I wonder where he gets them...
(Cogi's got a new avvie, too? And so I noticed, Keaton does as well. Is it Change Your Avatar day or something? And is it mere coincidence that it is also Amber's birthday?)
Hazmatx has an eye for colors and text contradiction. Then again, who doesn't? :P
techmaster-glitch makes interesting remarks.
Gabi is both highly skilled and insightful
Looks like even E is getting in on the "Change Your Avatar Day" spirit...
(Pally's also got a different avatar, but he's had his new one for at least a week, probably more. I'm terrible with time :S )
Whereas techmaster-glitch appears, sadly, to have a glitch in his avatar... ;-]
We'll await with impatience the appearance of his replacement avatar.
llearch knows how to keep people inline. the job probably should seem easier but it is difficult to determin fair warning for brandishing of his ban stick.
lucas seems under the mistaken impression I brandish my ban stick.
I don't brandish it. If it comes out, you're banned, end subject. ;-]
Still, he does well at avoiding attention. I wonder if he's aware that the link he has in his sig is removed due to copyright violation?
Llearch is fondly reminding me of that one song. You know, 'I've got the magic stick'?
Cog's mention of that song left me profoundly amused at a certain memory.
Black_angel can remember things, unlike some other people who I wont mention here... *cough* :3
Aiyno wolf is discreet. This is meritorious.
C-doggy uses his large vocabulary with prejudice, i applaud that
Despite what Brun has put as his avvie text, I will never recognize him as a dipshit (and yes, I realize it's supposed to be a joke). All that I have know of him since I came here is a kind and well-thought man. And since the introduction of Eowyn, a caring father :)
What Eowyn types- hhhhiiiiiiiiiiiii sssssopppppppppppooo
What Eowyn says- pfayn yuu. goodoggy, gogetit
What Eowyn means- techmaster-glitch likes me, and shall be spared when the revolution comes
Eowyn is brunhidden's daughter and is quite capable at her age. :U
Aiyano has never gotten on my bad side.
lucas marcone doesn't like typing my name >:3 No matter, he knows how to say nice things to a hatefully named critter :P
Aiyno has so many names it's a wonder everyone recognizes him by all of them. Few people can achieve that.
I want to say something nice about Gabi, but I can't think of anything that hasn't already been said that would do her justice ;) That's how high-up she is :)
techmaster-glitch is a good kind of evil it seems if I glance at his karma . :U Of course this does not truly represent his kind character.. ugh, just a nice person.. :U
/me shakes head
Aiyno probably gets more sleep than me. :B
Roureem answers more questions than I do. And his answers are unusually useful, for an APF. :-]
llearch is probably the one who is responsible for my uberbad karma, as well as Raist's and a few other people, because we actually were talking about the karma system. This was to teach us that it means absolutely nothing :U
techmaster-glitch shows wisdom beyond his years. >:3
I want more easy ones :<
Seems to me like Aiyno may be posting in the P.A.Y. thread too often for his own good. :P
Haz might be close behind him.
Lucas Marcone doesn't begrudge a bit of PAY posting. He's pretty cool like that.
Cogidubnus doesn't begrudge any PAY posting, either. Judging purely by the number he's posted, and all...
Good thing, too. He always has something useful to say.
llearch is my hero! [wisper] and the wind benethe my wings [/wisper]
Lucas is a fine fellow who I would love to pay dinner for and he sings rather well
Zedd's rotating avvie makes me smile - especially the numerous Doctor Who references.
Angel has avatar envy, i know how she feels- we should get her a nice shiny avatar of coolness
Brunhidden should ask Cogidubnus for an avatar. :-)
Either that or go back to his hooded binary one. I miss the binary hoodness of that one...
llearch likes that avatar. So did I ;)
brun is a good father!
lucas appears to have missed techmaster-glitch.
Maybe he got confused about which page we're on? Who knows.
It's a terrible pity, though, because techmaster-glitch is worth commenting upon...
Like the Yggdrasil of old, Llearch has the power of root.
Cogidubnus has knowledge of norse lore, and without help i assume
brun is a good father!
Lucas is brave enough to post the same compliment twice for the sake of being nice to Brunhidden. :)
Black_Angel has watched the Foamy cartoons. Kudos for that ;)
techmaster had good taste in internet videography.
and because i owe him anotherone dosn't get on my nerves as often as some people do.
lucas marcone hardly gets on my never to if ever. :B
Aiyno wolf is nice, by keeping people off his bad list.
I think.
Cogidubnus thinks, which is more than I can say for some people...
llearch n'n'daCorna is a box, a box that can code and be used for storing things! One of the wonders of the world don't you agree?
/me doesn't think, duh
aiyno knows ignorance is bliss. that must be why my world is hell on a stick
lucas marcone knows that knowledge is power! :B that's why I always have problems :U
Aiyno just made me think of the old-school Schoolhouse Rock videotapes. Happy memories brought to me by Aiyno! :)
Black Angel or B_A is a girl that demands that her gender be recognised with out her falling into stereotypical mannerisms for people to use as id.
Evoy has a hair erection, and thus is more glowey then the rest of us
brun has a daughter... proof that get gets more than me.
lucas marcone can survive with less :B
Ayino is an excessively tall and lanky guy from the Netherlands. And he still manages to be cute. How does he do it?!
Stygian is one badass bad guy ;)
techmaster-glitch is not making a bad attempt himself.
seriously, lanky? Look at mii... shaggy belly D: (scooby-doo reference)
Aiyno wolf is like shaggy. Who was always the best Scooby Doo character, in my humble opinion...
Cogidubnus refuses to shave and thus gives himself a scruffy look on his birthday. And that's a good thing, really!
techmaster knows when let a person be scruffy.
lucas marcone knows what is the best comment to give in the p.a.y. thread.
Aiyno does not consider "you are sexy" or any deviation thereof to be the best compliment. nice to add a bit of class to the place
Brunhidden is one of the few who will admit their mistakes and learn from them. That's a very valuable trait.
gabi is an intellegent and kind person. she gives me the hope that the human race isn't gradually getting more stupid....the stupid are just getting louder....and sadly more powerful.
Lucas keeps his hopes up for the human race when so many I know have given up. It helps me feel less alone. c:
Black Angel is a sweet caring girl even if she has given up on humanity as we know it but I do hope shes always will be a great friend in the end
Zedd's a cool cubi, even though he seems to have misread Black Angel's post. She said that people she knows have given up, but not herself personally :)
Techy doesn't always misread posts. ;) Funny, one of the times he does read a post correctly, he ends up correcting someone else who misread it.
Hazzy appreciates irony. And now I have nothing ironic to say.
Oh, wait...
Cogidubnus dabbles in self fulfilling prophesy, the best kind
Brunhidden made the 20th post on this page by my calculations that could be wrong. Why I feel this is a good think remains a mystery to me. :B
Aiyno calculates. Luckily, we don't burn people at the stake for that anymore.
Cogi references the Dark Ages. In this case, I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing :B... but with the context, I would lean towards bad :<
But, Cogi kniows his history. That's a good thing :mowhappy
tech's logic is infallible.
Hazzy has not yet meet Mephistopheles whom can find fault with anyone.
e_voyager apparently has, he's seen more of the world than I have.
Aiyno should not feel bad have a home to returned to may lessen travel time but just knowing that home is there for you to return cane be a source of comfort and strength.
E has updated his Avatar to a more recent rendition of Forte' (AKA Bass)..... I think....
I commend Valynth for attempting the Line In The Stars RP, but sadly shake my head in that he dropped out. He probably would have been a good player. Not anymore though, if he is following the RP even though he dropped out, he'd know that his left-over charcater just got his head blown off by a sniper :<
techmaster-glitch is the creator of robo-huggles. A nice and interesting way to bring something fresh to random hugs.
Gabi said someting nice about meeeeeeeee! :mowhappy I feel so special!
Have a cookie, Gabi! :mowcookie
techmaster-glitch started a good old new page! Before your grand appearance I bow before you?
Aiyno has made a contradictory statement. This is good, because it forces people to think, and more people need to think. ...I think. :B
Haz is right more people DO need to think.
lucas controls the undead. a kind of entity that sends my self preservation circuits on high.
E is made of inorganic materials and as such cannot live. This prevents him from "dieing" which in turn prevents him from returning as "undead." He can, however, be deactivated.
E_Voyager has circuits. That means we have something in common!
Valynth is faster than me :<
techmaster-glitch is slower than E_Voyager, so he has something to strive for, which is a good thing!. >:3
Aiyno helps keep this game alive, which means he also helps people keep being nice to each other. For that, he deserves cookies. :mowcookie
Black is a good friend of mine who delivers the sweets to her friends :3
I have no idea what Zedd is saying 3/4 of the time, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that it's metaphorical. ...Yeah, that's it. :B
xHaZxMaTx has a car orientated avatar and sig, cars are cool tho I hate driving them :P
Aiyno doesn't like driving cars. This is okay, as long as he has a pair of quality shoes.
Cogi's avatar again amazes me.
Egas knows that honesty is the way to go.
E Voyager is honest in his appraisal.
Honesty is not always nice, per se, but it is always appreciated.
Well, that's not necessarily true, either. And I'm speaking in general - I do prefer honesty. ;)
Thanks to Keaton's suggestion to read the Castle RP, I have been exposed to more of Cogi's talent as a writer. :3
Hazzy has read the Castle RP. That's a task that I've been kicking myself in the head to do for some time now :<
techmaster-glitch is trying hard, a good thing I can hardly bring myself to do. :U
Aiyno wears his heart on his sleeve or at least he post it in his sig which ever is truer as i have confused myself as to what i wanted to say.
E Voyager means what he says, although sometimes he doesn't say what he means. But we understand what he meant. :3
Cogi's writing endeavors continually astound me.
Black angel is someone who I can agree with often. :U
Aiyno is a walking play on words, i find that agreeable as well
Brunhidden has given up his status as a Muse. Perhaps he did not like the company? Muses can be an irritating bunch. So fickle.
Brunhidden, however zestful he is, however, doesn't seem fickle so much as free-spirited. Which is a good thing.
Cogidubnus knows of an actual group of people knows as Muses. I didn't until now :B
And that explains Brunhidden's original name.
(OOG: Forgive my ignorance, but what is a muse? I know what the word itself means, but I didn't know it could be applied as a noun.)
tech has obviously never heard of ( Luckily for him, I have it bookmarked. ;)
xHaZxMaTx bookmarks dictionaries, just like me. :3
Aiyno has moved with the times and uses electronical dohickeys on the magic picture box for information. I still use the paper and leather version of the dictionary and refuse to use wiki at all... dictionary and encyclopedias are starting to crumble to dust however, online is good
Brunhidden remembers and values offline sources of information.
E-Voyager is one who fights the good fight. May his feet never slow, and his heart never tire.
Cogidubnus got the new page! :) congratulations!
Aiyno wolf is a generally awesome fellow. He also gives congratulations, which it seems like only announcers do nowadays.
Cogi certainly doesn't have an enormous post count (relatively low, even, compared to some members), though he is, without a doubt, one of the most well-known members of the forum.
hazzy has soon the trailers for Halo 3. too bad i never liked Halo one other wise i could understand the antispation he feels for the new game coming out.
E_Voyager doesn't like Halo?!? He...argh...grr..must...say...something...nice.....
He has struck me speechless! :mowgrin
techmaster-glitch likes Halo, but recognizes that not everyone may like it as much.
that's all I could come up with, I don't share your Halo liking as well :animesweat
Aiyno is probably among those like me who are unable to play games that soooo many people keep telling you over and over are just so great and you suck cause you don't play it. But Aiyno does not suck, FIGHT TEH GAMER POWER!
Brunhidden appears and disappears at random.
Kids do that to you. ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna knows more about that than I do. :B Of course, I dunno... :P
Aiyno understands that different kind of people like different kind of games.
E_Voyager remains one of my favorite people on this forum. The reasons are too numersous to list; suffice it to say that they are all good.
TheGreyRonin has a cool av, the av fits the person behind it.. who is cool himself :)
Aiyno has, as of this posting, precisely 1400 posts.
Despite this, he remains one of the people I enjoy watching for posts of.
Llearch once gifted me with the knowledge of the Nantucket limerick. I never knew how that thing went, before. He has my unceasing praise and gratitude.
cogi is capable of very eloquent speech
lucas marcone tries his best :B which is good! :U He is a good guy....
Aiyno likes good guys, which seems out of place here but adds some variety
Brunhidden seems interesting from what I've seen. Here's hoping I can get to know you in the future.
Sienna is a very nice woman. She gives good advice. She is also a good artist :)
techmaster-glitch is complementary, many eating/drinking establishments give him away for free
Brunhidden is witty.
I like that.
(Is it a bad sign that several hours ago I was far too tired to understand the joke, but now it makes perfect sense? And no. I haven't slept.)
SMT has discovered that the more sleep deprived you are the more intelligent i sound.
If she functions on caffeine alone for the next two days i should get hilarious... but then so will oatmeal
It would seem that Brunhidden has stumbled upon some sort of secret weakness I had no idea existed.
It's a shame I don't like caffeine then, that poor oatmeal shall just continue to be unloved.
Oh yeah... and he made me giggle again.
Sienna Maiu - M T is joining the sleep option group. we welcome you and have some sprite. (it's caffeine free if you believe the label)
e_voyager is sweet, but I'm afraid I must decline, it's time for my 11am nap.
Whatever! :)
Sienna has started to enter sleep mode. this is natural for even my computer needs to sleep form time to time.
e_voyager is molding time to his desire? :B Anyway, sleep is indeed needed, if only to get away from the daily things... like college... :U
Aiyno is familiar with molds. This is a useful skill - perhaps he could recommend me something to get rid of this strange growth under my sink?
It's getting smarter, I think. Yesterday, it tried to speak to me.
cogi...good rper. right on brother!
lucas marcone has a most interesting nick name, reminds me of something I might have known once
And if it should be a real name, tis an interesting one.
Sienna's had the same avatar for as long as I can remember (which isn't that long :P), which is good, because I normally recognize people by their avatars rather than their name, and I remember how nice she is. :3
Hazzy's name xHaZxMaTx is inventive but difficult to try correctly the first time.
e_voyager has improved his grammer over the years
(... I think)
xHaZxMaTx: You better be careful with that. One year for April Fools FKK (Kenji) and ShadesFox switched their avatars, just to throw everybody off who only looks at the pictures.
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on September 08, 2007, 02:09:03 AM
xHaZxMaTx: You better be careful with that. One year for April Fools FKK (Kenji) and ShadesFox switched their avatars, just to throw everybody off who only looks at the pictures.
Sienna has given me a devious, devious idea, which I will probably never get a chance to execute.
Also, you managed to get me to post here. THE WORLD'S COMING TO AN END!
Raist is a very outspoken person, and is not afraid to voice his opinions when he has them. That is a good thing (usually)!
techmaster-glitch is not afraid to voice his opinions when he has them as well. >:3 At least when in the pay thread to voice his compliments? :U .. :B
Aiyno is a supporter of honest opinions, thus we can guess he has little to fear of someone expressing a bad opinion of him. clear conchinces are so nice
Brunhidden understands the perks and clarity of a clean conscious
e_voyager talks about something I feel I lack...
but that could also be because my conscious is as lazy as I am. >:3
he however is a nice guy since he has a conscious :) and I'm pretty certain he would do fine without one too ;)
Aiyno seems an interesting bloke.
And his name seems fun, as I now think of it as "Love, why not?"
Quote from: Raist on September 08, 2007, 02:22:41 AM
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on September 08, 2007, 02:09:03 AM
xHaZxMaTx: You better be careful with that. One year for April Fools FKK (Kenji) and ShadesFox switched their avatars, just to throw everybody off who only looks at the pictures.
Sienna has given me a devious, devious idea, which I will probably never get a chance to execute.
Also, you managed to get me to post here. THE WORLD'S COMING TO AN END!
And that's because I'm awesome.
I've never met Sienna Maiu - M T, but she seems like a right nice person. Also, she is awesome - what more can be said?
And I've never met Cogidubnus, but his name reminds me of inconspicuous (among other things) and has a cool avatar.
Not only is Sienna nice (and apparently awesome), she's Canadian! :D And everyone knows all Canadians are awesome. Except for Scott. Scott's a jerk. (South Park reference.)
xHaZxMaTx thinks SMMT is double awesome, I might agree after putting more thought into that.. I will not do that now...
×Haz×Mat× has the most unusual name that I still enjoy seeing ever... :) Which is quite a accomplishment..
(quite-ing on my side reveals the lateness :U )
My name was based on 'I..I.. Know' :B and stolen from one of my older creations.. ftw.. laziness.. it's why every creation I make has a name similar to the former one... <.< almost every one.. *rambles on for another five minutes in a random IRC channel*
Aiyno knows. This is good, for knowing is half the battle.
Cog has had a series of the coolest avvies I've ever seen. His most recent one continues the pattern, much to the joy of my eyes. :)
Black_angel appears to be a Kakashi fan, which means she also enjoys Naruto.
Naruto is cool.
sienna is a very nice person who i don't run into on the forum as much.
lucas marcone is someone I run into very often but it never gets boring. :)
Aiyno is trying to say something, but I cannot decipher it! This dot - what could it mean? It is a symbol of hope? Of despair? Does it, perhaps, communicate the feeling of a mote of light, in a sea of dark?
Perhaps he means an ending of some sort? A period to the unspoken sentence? What hasn't he said? What lies between the unwritten words?!
In any case, Aiyno doesn't get bored easily, it seems. A good trait to have, especially on long car trips.
Cogidubnus seems to run a flair for the dramatic. And in the best way possible as well.
Sienna Maiu - M T is right as so often, Cogidubnus drama is very amusing to say the least.
of course I place random dots when I don't like the second sentence I write, but that's just me :P ... jup, that's my excuse.
and t'is a mighty fine one.
Aiyno is a flatterer, that'll get ya places.
Sienna Maui realizes that flattery isn't everything.
But it can be quite a bit. :3
Cog's sig ballz liek a muthafuka.
BillBuckner is evil, but it's cool since evil is cool.
Of course evil makes one think of hell and hell is hot but saying someone is hot when talking from a male to another male is not so much.. cool :<
I don't think Aiyno's posted anywhere but this thread since he came back from his vacation. xD That's good, though, he's keeping the thread afloat.
Hazmatx finally has a nifty avatar of his own charcater that I've seen. Awsomeness ;)
Techmaster-glitch beat me to the punch, although I can now say what a speedy character he is.
I must also admire his stiff upper lip. You must always admire the stiff upper lip.
Cogidubnus also has a new avatar of awsomeness. And it fits with his 'grey' theme. Kudos :D
techmaster-glitch used kudos. I love them, they're both crunchy and chewy!
Sienna wishes to hug my avatar, which is perfectly understandable. And for that, she gets a non-random hug! :hug
xTaMxZaHx's new avatar needs either a bucket of water or a rolled-up newspaper. Despite that, he's still one of the popular people. ;-]
llearch is very intelligent and his posts are mostly intelligible.
Gabi is very intelligent, nice and her posts are almost always intelligible. :P (is lazy)
Aiyno uses a bunch of shiny stars as an avatar.
That's cool.
I get to comment on Sienna Maiu, again, which is an honor and a pleasure.
She seems to appreciate the starry avatar. On certain themes, it's actually rather witty.
Sienna Maiu has a clever eye. :3
Cogidubnus seems to think that I'm a northwestern island of Hawaii. Awesome.
It was a pleasure to finally be able to post on Cogi again *laughing*
Sienna seems to have snuck in while I was typing. No matter - she's just as pleasant to comment on. :3
xTaMxZaHx has an infectious little avatar.
He makes me smile every time I see it.
Sienna must be able to read my mind or something, because that's exactly what I thought when I made it. I can't look at it without smiling.
Hazzy looks like he wants a hug. And not in the sad, I need a hug way either. :3
He is also a right nice fellow, and shall hopefully receive as many hugs as he wishes.
Cogidubnus is king of cool avatars, he switches quite often and sometimes I liked his old one better but they are always cool :)
Like me, Aiyno has appreciation for things that are old. However, in this case, I like Cogi's new avatar better. That's not to say his old one was bad in any way, quite the opposite in fact, just the new one's even better. It fits with his avvie text.
(And I still need to get one of my own... :<)
techmaster-glitch could learn much about sly and subtle hints.
He does however, seem well on his way.
Sienna is one of few people I know of who, beside myself, use the word 'nifty.'
heh... I suppose I should stop doing that...
xTaMxZaHx's name reminds me of tambourine.
Sienna Maiu is one of the names I have trouble not typoing - particularly since I have family living on the back side of Maui ;-]
Despite that, she's always fun to comment upon - and always worth watching for.
I haven't gotten to comment on llearch for awhile. Not since the poem about bubble wrap, anyway.
Honestly, I have nothing but the highest respect for the vaunted box. His is the perfect mixture of wit and thoughtfulness, his crimes against my head nonwithstanding.
The Box is indeed, a very nice box.
Cogidubnus does something he does it with style when possible, and probably when it's impossible as well :P
Rock is stoned hard :B (dutch stereotyping)
Aiyno knows style when he sees it.
*shrugs* yes, lame I know
Sienna keeps this thread truckin'.
Haz is good at random hugs.
Llearch is good at sniffing out stale threads.
Black_Angel is good at roleplaying lines that make me laugh :giggle
Liz had flicked on the radio, and was just trying to change to a news station, when his seatbelt was cut by nothing, the roof of his car was ripped off by nothing, and he was catapulted through the air... by nothing.
(Explanation avaliable on request)
techmaster-glitch is a humorous person it seems :P Good thing. dah.
Aiyno wolf is a right nice fellow, who never lacks for something nice to say about the person above him. He's got heart too, which is more than I can say for some.
Cogidubnus has both avatar and signiture full of shiny, which sadly easily amuses this one's tiny mind.
Sienna Maiu - M T minds seems to be one that is tiny, amazing how well tiny things work these days sometimes superior to their larger predecessors. ;)
*cough* yeah...
Aiyno can confuse you as to whether what he said was an insult or a compliment. That's talent.
Black_angel got the new page, and yes the former post I made was a compliment and not meant sarcastically which I just noticed it seemed like.. Black angel is observant and has had the ability to claim black angel as her nickname before anyone else could, that's quite a achievement since I've seen 25 people on unrealtournament with the name black-angel :< name stealers, it's your name :U
Aiyno is full of stars! I miss talking to him, we just don't seem to coincide lately.
Gabi is always welcome to drop messages with anyone handy. After all, she's so nice, how could anyone decline to do her a favour?
llearch n'n'daCorna provides us with alternate means of communicating with the community beside this forum, it is nice of him to do this :) I enjoy it a lot, although this has been said before I felt like repeating it. (and this time without copy-pasting)
Also, who can disagree with what he said in his last post, no one I gather :)
Aiyno is so nice he's complimented 2 people in just one post.
I agree with what he said about llearch.
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Gabi's a real fox.
And I do mean that is so many good ways.
On top of that she was one of, if not the first femme-fox on the nice forums, (*sigh* back in the day...) which is awesome because foxes are so beautiful.
EDIT: Curse you BackSpace! Curse Youuuu!!!!
Sienna is awesome.
Ah, Raist doesn't post here, often. How fortunate that I get to comment on him. :3 (And that, itself, is a compliment, but that would be lame.)
Raist says he doesn't exist, which is a shame; he's a cool guy. We need more cool people.
xHaZxMaTx has a nice soft and elegant-looking signature, it reminds me of Autumn and other conforts.
Sienna's really good at this game. :3 In her previous post, she complimented not one, not two, but... well, I don't really feel like counting, but you get the idea. :P
xHaZxMaTx sig and Avatar are coordinated, he is taking over the world with them one smile at a time, they force is to smile I tell ya! :)
Aiyno has such a pretty little femme.
Sienna's so cute she even sounds cute when she posts. And she's stopped being jaded a long time ago. ^_^
But I'm pretty sure Silver came to the forums before I did, she just didn't post so often.
Gabi is a wonderful fellow Random-Huggler :)
techmaster-glitch is a faithful... well, eh.. He's a nice fellow anyway :< Man, such fail.. do I.
Aiyno has never ceased to amaze me, both in his politeness and his ability to come up with nice comments.
TGR is, as ever, well spoken, clear, and concise.
Something I feel we should all aspire to be considered. After all, who wants to be misunderstood?
llearch n'n'daCorna is a box and boxes are useful objects that can be used to store stuff in for later use and such, this comment was brought to you by box admiration, we learn you to appreciate boxes :B
Aiyno has had his star-block avatar for a while now. What amazes me is that he got it into a single solid image. :)
I've never met a Roureem Egas,
and I'd love someday to meet one,
but I can tell you, nothing lost,
I'd rather see than flee one
(The Purple Cow strikes again! >:3)
Cogi is a poet, who can apparantly run one off on the fly. Surely he also uses referrences which elude me, although this is no difficult task.
Sienna doesn't give herself enough credit; she's one of the more competent people on this and many other forums I'm registered to. Which, unfortunately, isn't saying much if you consider some of the dim-wits on the other forums... Er, yeah, you know what I mean. :P
Haz appears to be attempting to compliment Sienna. Sadly, his compliment went awry a little. Still, we all kno whe means well, and that's important, isn't it?
llearch n'n'daCorna is a nice fellow who has a good sense of humor (or an evil one?) He's also emperor webcomic collector (unofficial)
Aiyno is sweet, and makes me laugh.
Also, he seems to be resident Maker-O'-Phoney-Titles.
As I've stated elsewhere, Sienna has an extremely attractive and eye-catching avatar, at least to me.
She has also shown herself capable of holding her own in a duel of wits with Llearch, a feat that is both rare and remarkable. All in all, quite a capable lady.
TheGreyRonin is, as ever, a master at compliments, and also at smooth talking. Especially when he isn't after something, which makes him unusual; people usually bring out the smooth talk when they want something.
Duel of wits? I wasn't aware I was duelling...
llearch is llearchy, and being llearchy is cool. The coolness of being llearchy is due to the fact that llearch is cool. And llearch is cool because he is llearchy, and being llearchy is cool. And so on and so forth.
In short, llearch doesn't need a reason to be cool, he just is.
xHaZxMaTx now avatar fits him well, always fun with him. :)
Of course fun is relative...
everyone has said so many nice things about Aiyno that they're worried they'll repeat themselves, apparently. So he must be a great person.
>:3 One more day and I'd have complimented myself on thread killing, I must be amazing at something like a shirt said:
I'm not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example :mwaha
Aiyno isn't as good at thread-killing as he'd like to be. ;-]
llearch is one of the more visible members of the board. Not befitting of the "worst lurker" title, but we love him all the same.
Roureem has quite an elegant sig picture.
Black-Angel is quite a good RP'er, although we see much less of her than we'd like.
Although it's been stated before, by myself and no doubt others, Cogidubnus has a way with words most spectacular.
Sienna Maiu - M T avatar remains a pleasure on sight, It fits her well and always has had. :)
Aiyno had kept this thread thriving, it's not every day that I get to alliterate so freely.
Sienna strives for special language devices. :3 At least, that's what I think they're called...
Roureem, much as I like him, appears confused as to what "worst lurker" refers to.
Since I post more than anyone else on the forum (as counted by the post count, which, although it's larger than Azlan, doesn't count my Nice posts (approx 1100) whereas his -does-... so my posting is profligate enough to overcome that 1000+ post differential... which is worse than just straight overcoming his post count...) I fail to see how I can't be a worse lurker than anyone else...
Still, we all appreciate his posts. Me more than anyone, since I've been waiting for him to post so I can respond... ;-]
Llearch can be a pleasant person to talk to =3 *huggles*
Xze's not been on much, lately, which is too bad, she makes the forum much more interesting. :3
I'm naming a small country after Haz, pending the culmination of my plans of World Conquest.
Cogidubnus plans to conquer the world.
... d'you think he might like some help? ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna is helpful.. I can see it now the world being rulled by a box.. and pizza... and Pie... yyeeessss..
Aiyno just made me laugh bits of olive into my nose. :dface
Hazzy is honest, and he just made me giggle. :giggle
Black_angel is black and black is cool, and she's an angel and angels are nice.. and she's a girl and girls are often nicer than males.. *Depression* Okay, she's not the average Black Angel Woman she's better. :U
Aiyno shouldn't be depressed; his compliments are always good, although he makes me wonder if I should clarify that I'm white.
I've always assumed that Black Angel was meant more in the dark angel aspect, rather than a declaration of skin color. But Black Angel is kind to clarify for us.
Also, when my plans of World Conquest come to fruition (and Llearch is more than welcome to help. He can have Portugal), she's more than welcome to a small country. Luxembourg, perhaps. If that isn't a country, it will be.
Cogidubnus appears to be one of the many friends I have with plans to overtake the world.
I hope they don't all destroy one another :<
Except for that one... he's a jerk.
Sienna knows of that one guy... who's a jerk. Maybe she can help me finally defeat him! :grin
xHaZxMaTx is AFK, how did he type? It's impossible! He must have mad leet power
I'm sure Aiyno means well, but it's rather hard to comment on someone who seems to post exclusively in this thread. He is, however, usually in high spirits and is fun to talk to, which I should probably do more often. :3
Haz seems like a cool guy.
lucas marcone does appear to be quite a cool guy himself. :)
I know Aiyno Wolf to be a cool fellow. He keeps this thread going, and always has something nice to say about the person above him.
I do agree with Haz, though. It would be nice to see him post elsewhere, every now and again. :3
Ah! Cogidubnus, in his usual inimitable fashion, has fulfilled the task of commenting upon the uncommentable, and allowed me to comment upon his illustrious self.
Something for which I'm truly grateful, even if I do say so myself ;-]
llearch has 0 calories.
lucas marcone, yes (tries to get mind to work) lucas marcone is a interesting person full of interestingness..
*FAIL* :< I blame school..
Aiyno should not blame school, when television is clearly the answer. But, he gets points for trying, and that's what truly counts on teh internetz. Because really, how often do people really try these days?
Well, they try your patiance, but that's another point entirely.
to some degree at least.
Sienna is attempting to kill this thread, too. It won't work, she's given everything away! I know where the poison is! And I choose...
... What in the world can -that- be?
llearch n'n'daCorna has the power! Power to the box! :U
Aiyno recognizes power when he sees it. An advantageous skill to have in the corporate world.
(Or if this one should ever be taken over)
Sienna has some very interesting ways of looking at things, and actually stays on-topic more than most of the other users on the forum.
The Grey Ronin is someone I see far less often than I would like, although I am also glad that I can speak with him at all. I wish him health and peace.
So many people keep trying to wish others dull things, like good luck. Kudos to Cog for wishing something useful for someone else.
Boogey still has the same signature he had before my long leave. Shows he stays true and faithful to things. ^_^
Harley Tsukioni recognizes the value of continuity :P
-me rolls
aiyno is a very odd individual. he is mah buddah
Every time I see lucas marcones' avatar, I think of Master Splinter.
Every time I see Sienna's avatar, I think... *cough,* uhh, never mind. :P
Haz has X-rated thoughts. And he's not ashamed to admit to it... is he? ;-]
llearch has them too. he just has a handy box carringcase for them.
lucas marcone understands the handyness of boxes and such.
/me rolls
The above post is just how Aiyno rolls. Much praise to him for not being afraid to say it either.
Cogi only has 600 posts? :confused I could swear he had a lot more than that. Guess that's quality before quantity at it's finest. :3
Haz only has less than four thousand posts? I could swear.... ;-]
More seriously, Haz is always fun to watch. No matter how much he's posting.
llearch n'n'daCorna is a funny fellow and the (re)inventor of the boxy smile :-]
Aiyno has a personal title which seems so full of depth and meaning. Tis' like a sad song.
Sienna, like me, has a scanner that does not work, a terrible blow to any artist. But, she is still able to soldier on, continue making art, and hope for the day when she can reveal it!
Techmaster realizes the horror that is an artist without a scanner. His compassion is not unnoticed.
Cogidubnus has a signiture with marvelous flow.
And I am so very lame...
Sienna says she is the procrastin......i'll come back to this later...
Harley knows the secrets of ironic humour. :-]
I've been looking forward to posting this on llearch for a while now. One of the few I have anything to say about on the PAY thread now.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 17, 2007, 01:55:50 PM
TGR is, as ever, well spoken, clear, and concise.
Something I feel we should all aspire to be considered. After all, who wants to be misunderstood?
llearch clearly understands the importance of being intelligible.
(Okay, seriously? I couldn't help myself)Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 19, 2007, 04:48:04 AM
Duel of wits? I wasn't aware I was duelling...
Nor was I.
Sienna Maiu clearly understands the importance of being earnest.
And she's been holding on to that quote for a while, now. Nearly two weeks. Anyone would think she didn't have anything better to do with her time... ;-]
I haven't gotten to comment on the wonderful personage of llearch n'n'daCorna in some time. A honor without equal, truly.
He also seems fond of the subtle quote. Or, so it would seem. :3
Cogi's new, greyer aura gives off a very calming, yet mysterious feel to him.
Harley, from his avatar, is one gnarly ferret, as well as from what I saw of him a long time ago. His return is certainly going to be one to watch.
(And I'm the first one to comment on him--yay! :boogie)
techmaster loves to do a little dance. dont we all? *dances with you*
Harley has a cool screenname and quite the sexy avvie, and isn't afraid to boogie every once in a while.
Black_angel likes house being a fan and all and who like House can't be a bad person, except me. :B
Aiyno wolf is slightly unclear. I think he's saying he likes House, though, which is good.
Or maybe he isn't. Still, he's a nice person either way. :3
Cog's got a pretty pimpin' sig. ;)
Haz should know, since he made the awesome little thing. :3
Cogidubnus appears to be encouraging the self-inflation of ones' own ego.
If he knows how to harness this power, it is a most caniving skill to have.
I find myself once again following Sienna, which is rather interesting, much like Sienna herself.
TheGreyRoanin has an interesting quote under his avatar...
techmaster-glitch has more text in his signature. He seems to be quoting Halo, games are awesome.
Aiyno recognizes that video games, especially Halo, are swesome. We need more people like that in the world.
(On the subject of my quote, I'm actually doing it in sequence. Last week was Sgt. J's Easy Difficulty speech, this week it's his Normal difficulty. Next week will be hard difficulty, and the week after that will be the timeless, unforgettable, forever-in-the-Hall-of-Awsome Legendary speech. :) That one is my personal favorite, i can't wait to put it up :eager)
techmaster-glitch may be presuming that I actually played those games more than a dozen times and that I find them grand however I am glad he enjoys himself with them :) He is probably a good played making it through legendary :P
Well really, what is there to say about Aiyno?
I find his signature soothing though, in no way disorienting and nauseating. It has calm, cool colours, as well as being at a nice leisurely speed, while still having flow.
Sienna's sig is, well, obviously from Silver. ;-]
It's also slightly grammatically incorrect, but that's no big deal, right? Right?
Lo! Two days in a row, it would seem, that I get to comment upon the llearch n'n'daCorna! The boxy glory! The cardboard splendor!
The unabashed and wanton coding! Truly, a -box- among parcels.
Cogi looks quite good in his all-black outfit.
Roureem Egas has a signature, whos' appearance is most mischeivious.
Sienna gives me the impression that she has this eternal smile. Wish I could be that expressive.
Edit: ... oh god, am I emo-trolling or something?
Roureem appears to be ego-trolling.... ;-]
No, in all honesty, Roureem is one of those people who usually has something worth watching, and whenever it's not, it's still funny.
most of llearch n'n'daCorna 's post are amusing, if not all. :)
Aiyno appears to be easily amused by the likes of llearch.
And I appear to be easily amused by the likes of Aiyno.
I don't believe I've ever complimented Sienna, but she seems like a nice and clever lady.
I get to complement Black_Angel far less than I wish. She is a good writer and a very nice person to boot, not to mention the sheer amount of style she seems to have.
The necklace on Cogidubnus's avatar has my curiousity all a flare.
Sienna has an abundance of curiousity, one of the more endearing traits shared by felines and females alike.
The Grey Ronin has some awesome cats. He was kind enough to offer a few to me, but I was saddened to have to decline. :3
He also has a really awesome car. This is, without question, a very good thing.
Cogidubnus knows a lot about some people :erk quick hide your most secret and sacred things
Aiyno seems a bit paranoid. >:3
Haz -should- be paranoid. ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna uses paranoia in his advantage, maybe he want's to take over the world? Prepare yourselves! :U *cough* What? Physical sickness effects my mentally :<
Aiyno says that a(n) (assumed) cold affects his mind, but he's still amusing just the same :giggle
My seasonal allergies are kicking in, and I've got a runny, crusty nose and I'm still fine. I'll be like this for a few more days, but I think I can pull through.
techmaster-glitch has just disturbed me. Good Job.
But really, he's a rather fine fellow (even if he's never graced my thread. well okay, once) and could proove to be a breath of fresh air from all the anime styled art. (but really, who isn't on this forum. Except for maybe, ...)
Sienna Maiu - M T likes striping out words, how unique.. :) She is unique in overall. :B
Aiyno catches on quickly, it's my way of hiding stupid comments that I feel like posting anyways and he's overall generally intelligent anyways. Always gives me a good laugh, or at the very least a little smile.
Sienna needs a better hiding method. ;-] I can still read those...
llearch doesn't seem to gather that that's the point. But that is okay, because I love him anyways as he is a sweet helpful individual.
(yeah, that's right, I called the llearch n'n'daCorna a sweet individual)
Sienna's art and antics make me smile :)
techmaster-glitch admirer of many things.. Yes, I find that a compliment.. I hope.
Aiyno is attempting to shut down this thread by posting more than anyone else on it.
That's ok, he's still worthy of comments. And if he can, I'll b every impressed. And comment on it. ;-]
(BTW, Sienna - I -did- realise the irony. Hence the smiley... And I'll get you for that, see if I don't :-P)
llearch always knows when to grin.
Gabi always knows when to smile, her presence brings smiles on faces, maybe because of that. :)
(woohoo, commented on Gabi, and now I'm leading poster on the page! :B )
Aiyno has a new avatar. It's certainly interesting, although perhaps less snarky than his previous one.
Cogi's avatar always looks so serious. Maybe it's a character flaw? Maybe it's just me...
llearch seems to think he's flawed, but that's okay. He would also appear to be out against me, but I ain't scured.
Sienna should get some rest. I'm waiting until she's no longer looking over her shoulder.
... or am I?
llearch is creepy. :<
I've always found it interesting how Hazzy has a bunch of Xs in his name. I always pronounce it in my mind as 'Hazmatex'.
techmaster-glitch may not filter out all the X's but that just makes him more unique :U I usually don't even think about hi s name while posting here but now I have, makes me think of goblins.
Aiyno has a goblin nifty little jester for an avarar, and I'm really not quite sure if it looks ebil (okay, you do not even want to know how many times that typoed as I tried to write/fix it) or simply misunderstood.
Sienna Maiu - Moonshine Tallgrass is fun, ghost or not.
Gabi is so incredibly awesome that complimenting her gets redundant after a while. And she isn't prejudiced against ghosts either. Good for her!
Black_angel doesn't post in this thread often; lucky for m I get to compliment her. :3
Although she's not very active on the forum, and I can't really recall any really memorable posts by her, she's one of the more well-known forumites, so that must count for something. :animesweat
xHaZxMaTx is well known as well, mostly because of his comments upon the big and small bill >:3 ..what was I going to type again?.. :animesweat
Aiyno needs to stretch his postin' legs and post in more places in the forum - even so, we still like to see him here. How could one not like to see Aiyno? :3
Cogi is just as much of a joy to see posting as Aiyno. He is very smart and seems like a genuinely nice guy, and he always has the best avatars.
I can't say as that I've actually gotten the chance to post on Black_angel here yet. Once maybe.
But as a female, she ranks high for starts, and from there she becomes one of words, and possibly actions, rather than one of flashy pictures.
Seems like Sienna gets to the forum just as everyone else is leaving, and vice-versa. It's a shame she's nocturnal; would be nice to see her active the same time as everyone else, so that she might partake in more involved discussions.
I'll bet it would be, but that would involve the partaking of actually reading on my part, and we all know how lazy I am. Also... it wouldn't make a difference when it comes to where I bother posting anyway. *shrug* :<
But I still like xHaZxMaTx though, and he's really all the conversation I need. :)
Sienna is one of the less active, and yet not as crazy as she likes to make out, posters.
This makes her part of a select group. Who knows, maybe we'll organise some night-time posters to keep her company...
At first I was hurt, :< but I should have realized that llearch always hides his good heart behind a snarky box.
But the thing I like about llearch, is that no matter what the time, he seems to always be at hand. Because he's awesome like that.
But really? *sniffle* I could have sworn I was crazy... *scuffs at ground*
and silly v-tunnel... not acknowledging my tab options, forcing me to enter my own code.
Poor Sienna. She needs more people to post her out of house and home.
Oh, come on. You're not even close to crazy. Well... apart from the furry thing. That seems to be generally accepted as being nuts. Oh, and the talking to random strangers, that's pretty crazy, too. And ...
Yeah. She's got a nice smile, too.
If being a furry makes you crazy, being a box must make you flippin' psycho. However, it seems like the crazier you are, around here, the better. So llearch must be the best freakin' thing that ever happened to the forum. :U But that's not the only reason. ;)
xHaZxMaTx is well, xHaZxMaTx-ty would probably be the best way to describe xHaZxMaTx :animesweat but anyway I had no idea how to compliment him more than I did before.. so.. xHaZxMaTx has a original name :)
Aiyno has several original names.
Sadly, everything else about him has already been commented upon, appraised, praised, applauded, and exhumed several times over in the course of this page alone. ;-]
Llearch's physiology has become a subject of my curiosity. That, and boxes are fun. :)
Black_Angel is also fun, although perhaps not as boxy as the good llearch n'n'daCorna. Still, perhaps that's for the best. :3
Cogi's sig has one of the most poetic things I've read before. c:
mirror-boy just used a little smile. That is so cute! It makes me squee most uncontrolably.
That and the name is cool...
...Where, whisper sweet the moon will rise,
and out, the stars shall settle thence,
where wind through moonlit grass will sigh,
As though with nightborne reverence-
So soft the night that falls so sweet,
so chill the lightening air,
and softly sways the nighttime wheat,
bereft, of sunlit glare
I thought this might have been oddly...applicable, perhaps, for one named Sienna Maiu - Moonshine Tallgrass.
I have no idea why Cog doesn't consider himself an artist. Poetry is an art, too! :U
xHaZxMaTx recognizes the arts, he also colors himself.. which is cool. :)
Aiyno has some nice androgynous hips.
Sienna has left me lost for words.
(And with me, that's an achievement and a half...)
Well, I was going to post something snarky, about how llearch waits until I go to sleep to comment on me, so that I can't defend myself, but then I come in here and just, he gets me all a-giggle. Makes me wonder what he does expect of me.
(and for record, I don't need to be posted out of house and home, since I was in school at the time anyway)
Sienna seems to think I expect something of her. This is a sad disappointment, since I'm always pleased at whatever posts she manages to provide, no matter the content.
... within limits. ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna pleases us as well, I gather. He is the best box ever, if not the most functional one. :)
Aiyno is, as shown by his sig, a Kyota fan. Who or what Kyota is i don't know. I must be out of the loop or something.
Gareeku is a rare treat to comment on, as account of the fact that the last possible time would have been many a year (okay, one) ago in the Nice Forums.
[And well, you know what llearch?!?]
Sienna appears to like cheese. This is a good thing, as the calcium in there is good for folks.
I've never seen llearch with his flaps closed, which can only mean that he has an open mind, and very accessible, to boot. Which may or may not be a good thing, depending on whether or not the monkeys keep him company. ;)
Oh great. Now xHaZxMatx has me thinking that all that's inside of llearchs' box is a giant brain.
This does lead to some interesting thoughts though.
Sienna Maiu - M T is often thinking outside the box beside that.. mostly because I've only seen few people going in llearch.. mostly Saist tho.. but anyway the compliment.. Sienna Maiu - M T is a friendly person who is very creative.. :)
Be it either on purpose or not, Aiyno is carrying on the trail of appauling box jokes which, while quite painfully bad, are a bit amusing. :B
Gareeku seems deficient in vitamin C. How this is caused by box jokes, I'm afraid I'm unable to say. He's still appreciated, even if he can't square up to the jokes. ;-]
llearch understands the value of cheese on a growing body.
Sienna has a very interesting tradition of handing out pointy-sticks for the newbies who join. It is a good thing, because they often need it ;)
Indeed I do *javelins one at techmaster-glitch* Hope ya catch it! ^'^
On an on-topic note, techmaster-glitch needs to post more art, for I enjoy seeing it!
[My I've been rather violent recently... first pies, now pointy-sticks... what next?]
Sienna Maiu - M T arms others, with weapons in the form of words, and .... *removes that from head* eh, where was I oh yes, Sienna Maiu - M T protects those who she wishes to remain unharmed. :)
For some strange reason, Aiyno's avatar seems to fit with his rank as 'deer in the strobe room'... or is that just me? :B
(To Sienna, my scanner still doesn't work :< The software's all brokey :cry)
Tech could/should make good use of the Computer Problems thread. ;) He's also a Halo fanboi, which automatically makes him cool.
Wewt, new page is mine! :mwaha
xHaZxMaTx is the first poster on this new page, happiness and joy :)
Aiyno appears to be keeping up his task of posting more in this thread that anyone else, apparently in hopes of killing it off.
.. or is that Sienna that does that? Who can tell?
Llearch, while he may post in this thread, seldom threatens to kill it off.
Not subtly, anyway. If he really wanted to do that, he could do so far more overtly.
That being said, the good box keeps this place running smoothly, to which he is owed much honor and thanks.
Cogidubnus is far too kind.
... wait a sec. "seldom" threatens? I don't think I've ever threatened. Unlike Sienna, whose title proclaims her pride at such a task... ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna, while he doesn't -ever- threaten to shut down the pay thread, could do so if he so wished. He does not, to our eternal thanks, applause, and gratitude.
It's been said before, but it's worth saying again, in a different way.
In the words of Sergent Johnson:
"Cogi's sleek grey style cannot be defeated!"
techmaster-glitch recognizes Cogidubnus avatars coolness, probably means he could find a avatar just as cool, that's cool. techmaster-glitch chose not to wear an avatar and thus is dark and mysterious. :)
Aiyno is very generous in giving credit for awsomeness/mysteriousness, which is very kind, don't get me wrong. Unfortunately, the sad truth is, I know what I want for my avatar, I've just no flippin clue how to get it :<
techmaster-glitch want to get a avatar fitting his specs but a noble cause that I fail to achieve myself :)
Aiyno needs more people to comment upon him.
llearch n'n'daCorna has been busy while my voyages have trapped me offline
E_Voyager is an awsome dude, who hasn't been seen for some time. It's really cool to comment on him, as it is now rare :)
techmaster-glitchs' valour(presumably) prevents him from requesting whatever it is he needs for an avatar.
I would be happy to oblige him whatever it is he needs, should it be within the bounds of my power to do so. :)
Sienna is ever-helpful.
This may or may not be a good thing... ;-]
llearch understands the pains and sorrows of my helpfulness.
Sienna Maiu - M T bares the pains and sorrows of helpfulness in order to be helpful, by doing that she deserves recognition and a badge or something >:3
(ctrl C is your friend)
Aiyno is nice :)
Sienna's efforts to help Tech with his avatar dilemma are admirable, though futile. I've already asked, but Tech insists that only he, himself can make the avatar.
Haz has a good sense of what to put in his avatar.
llearch n'n'daCorna avatar is unique and brilliant, yes? Yes, I concur. :B
Aiyno is two for the price of one :)
Sienna is always fun to comment upon.
Sadly, I had a comment a moment ago, and it slipped my memory completely. Hopefully it'll come back...
llearch n'n'daCorna is always fun to comment on.
I didn't think of a comment but I will come up with a excuse shortly... >:3
If Aiyno needs excuses, the world is coming to an end!
... either that, or I need to break into my spares and get him some.
llearch n'n'daCorna collects excuses for others to use, he is very helpful by doing that :)
Aiyno's made a home out of the P.A.Y. thread. That must be what that smell is. :P
Hazzy realizes the wonderful boon to society that deodorant is. Hopefully, however, he does not use the discount ladie's speedstick.
Cogidubnus knows the difference between deodorants which is a good thing. :)
Aiyno appears to be doing his utmost to outpost anyone else on -this- page, too.
Good luck to him. He'll need it...
llearch doesn't seem to realize that Aiyno has already out-posted everyone in the entire thread. ;)
xHaZxMaTx states something I cannot verify at this time, however it is nice to think that I might have achieved something like that, xHaZxMaTx probably keeps better track of facts than I do, a good thing.
I deny anything that llearch n'n'daCorna said in the above post at this moment in time, However he is correct that it does seem to be so, It is misleading I do not wish to be this pages post-overlord. I just.. really need to wander of to bed.
Aiyno appears to have pink hair. This is always a good thing.
Sienna Maiu - M T has blond-purplish hair, which is also good.
I think more people should have purple highlights. This would dramatically increase world supplies of rock awesome. Sienna, contributing to such supplies, is to be commended.
Cogi has grey hair! :O Which is cool, 'cause from what I can tell, he's not that old and having grey hair is cool when it's not because of old age. :3
bishi=silver hair? :3
xHaZxMaTx... well I just like him okay! He's always nice and super cool!
Get off my back already!
Sienna must be hallucinating - I'm not on her back. Or maybe she's talking about llearch's monkeys, which would mean she's got a monkey on her back. :P
Haz seems to think my monkeys are active enough to think outside the box.
Obviously, my monkeys are just plain lazy. Well.. except for those two, and they're busy...
llearch suprizingly actually does sleep.
Shocking, isn't it?
Sienna, on the other hand, apparently doesn't. ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna states the most apparent thing about Sienna Maiu - M T :B
Aiyno is another who enjoys (my) nightlife.
I swear that's the first thing that came to mind upon seeing him, somplace... <.< >.>
I can always count on him to be there to be posted on, especially if I'm bored. :P
Sienna has finally left to go get some sleep, not before time.
Although we enjoyed her presence, honestly we did. Or, at least, I did... ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna tells us whats up. :)
he probably has a arrow on him saying "open this side."
Aiyno overestimates the average shipping company.
Not only is there "open this side" arrows (pointing to three different sides), but also "this way up", "fragile", "keep dry", "do not drop", "do not freeze", "biohazard", "fire warning", "corrosive", and, most importantly, "no hooks".
It's important to keep these things safe, you know. ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna knows a lot about safety, it's better to be save than sorry I guess. In the occurrence of a nuclear disaster I know who to stay close to :P
Aiyno is cute. As a person.
Sienna... well I just like her okay! She's always nice and super cool!
Get off my back already!
I'm so lame. :P
xHaZxMaTx is lame, but also game. :B Wait, what? alright, He is a nice guy and all the stuff I said about him before :B
puh, stupid inner.. bleh
Aiyno = awesome and on my head.
realy, 'Nuff said.
Sienna has a lot of people on her, apparently. :P
Haz seems to like asking people to get off his back.
I could swear he's done that for Sienna twice, now... ;-]
llearch's rotating avvie and siggy are quite amusing, and sometimes psychedelically mesmerizing... :mowdizzy
Tech is wasted. :giggle Er, he was when he typed that post. :P ...Or maybe he's just a hippy.
Whether or not I've said this before, xHaZxMaTx sounds like a Bio-Hazard.
I'm taking Biology, so this is cool.
Sienna Maiu - M T is taking Biology. I always thought it was the best science - Sienna Maiu's taking it, of course, simply clinches the deal.
Cogidubnus is sweet and of the utmost flattering nature.
Indeed, he's set my heart all a-flutter.
Sienna seems to enjoy receiving compliments. I can't blame her, though - who doesn't enjoy being complimented? :3 Lucky for her, she receives compliments quite often, and for obvious reasons.
indeed, the one known as xHaZxMaTx is always good fun, and great to have at dinner parties.
Sienna Maiu - M T would be very active at parties I gather seeing as she is very active here. ;)
Aiyno is a very welcome sight when you come back, like returning from work to see your favorite chair.... i now have the urge to sit on Aiyno...
Brunhidden, an all-around nice/cool guy, is finally back. Yay!
He and his cute little organic offspring have been missed :3
techmaster-glitch is on the up-and-up more than me, he probably posts more too.
Or atleast the posts he does do are of a certain quality.
Sienna can be counted on to post in the P.A.Y. thread, regardless of who she's commenting on, which is certainly admirable. :3
Haz has switched back to a rotating avatar, which is nice. He has quite a collection of very cute avatars, which are always a delight to look at.
Cogidubnus reminds me of another fine friend that I had once, in both his eloquence and artistic nature. However, Cogidubnus is still around to be talked to instead of just about.
It would be nice to talk to Sienna (more so than on the forum, that is), unfortunately, she's unable to login to an instant messenger. :(
xHaZxMaTx should be informed that lately I can be found at the place which shall not be mentioned. Yes, it is unfortunate about the messenger though, I've other friends as well I would care to speak with.
xHaZxMaTx believes that I always have something nice to say about people, this is marvelously naive of him, also xHaZxMaTx is good at both keeping the lines of communication open and keeping the air clear.
*snicker* Despite what his nick name might imply.
Sienna Maiu - M T hangs around the people in Comicfrenzy which is cool, the place has become a lot more active since she came, she must be good karma :) or at least a inspiring spirit. :)
The only way I could possibly love Aiyno more is if he came to my art thread.
Or if I met him in real life.
I bet that would be total, shear awesome.
Sienna Maiu - M T does not know that I watch everything apart from the RP forums (which I can't keep up with) I just hardly comment on anything, mostly because I would contribute very little and have even less to say. However she is a nice girl that apparently can sing nice/good/awesome and tries to better her artistic ability whenever she can, gets the chance to.
right now something about Aiyno is calling out to me "draw me..."
I think I should.
Sienna is welcome, no matter where she is. ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna is known for providing services free of charge to some extent, it is good. :B
Sienna, I would love it if you want to draw one of my characters however I wouldn't want it to be too much of a hassle, so don't feel pushed. ;)
Aiyno should know that it is a service which would be of the utmost pleasure to provide.
For he is the dark and the light, reminding me of a poem I wrote in grade ten, linking us as kindred spirits.
[soo, I know naught of your characters Ai, so you shall have to inform me, something which I find great interest in]
Sienna Maiu - M T thinks I remind her of her past, which is good since mine isn't good :P Anyway Sienna cares about other people and is glade to provide free services, she likes making people happy. As for my charaters..
I have about .. I have no clue how many..
she could look at my doodle storage center >here< (yeah, doodles) ( , two others >here< ( and >here< (old~!) (
Quote from: Aiyno on October 18, 2007, 03:02:21 AM
Sienna Maiu - M T does not know that I watch everything apart from the RP forums (which I can't keep up with) I just hardly comment on anything, mostly because I would contribute very little and have even less to say.
I'm sure Aiyno has plenty of useful things to say (which is more than I can say for myself :P) and it would be nice to see him in other places besides here. :3
Haz always has something useful to say. For example, seeing Aiyno in another board would indeed be nice. :3
Cogidubnus often has something nice to say and does say it then, he also wishes to see me post outside of The Arena, although I really do not post outside much I do post outside of it so his wish is only a matter of a good search :P
I would just comment on everything by ony saying: Pie :B
Aiyno used buckteeth, and this makes me giggle. Which also reminds me of the good times I have with my RL-friends. He is also very encouraging and kind.
Sienna is one of the most active members on the board, which is amazing to a sluggish poster like me.
Roureem is one of those people I keep an eye out for.
I'm sure I'm not alone in this.
llearch n'n'daCorna is apparently a box full of eyes or eye holding things and entities. Observing llearch we can learn a lot, this wonderful box posses many unique qualities and habits, a llearch is a caring creature which helps both his own kind and others whenever he can or feels like it. -entry Saturday 20th of October 2007
Aiyno is obviously on something.
The only questions are "Is it legal?", and "Can I have some?" ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna obviously doesn't know that I am my own drug, Smoking, sniffing or licking Aiyno is at your own risk. As such Aiyno is not allowed in most countries of the world, The Netherlandish goverment does not recognize Aiyno's existence. :)
Aiyno has a similar problem to mine, which is both special and coveted. my version however is a narcotic BO that is both vile and addictive, prolonged exposure leaves people dazed and creates very weird conversations.... like this one
Brunhidden is a man of cool, and it is great to finally see him back on the forums, especially in this thread :)
Tech-Gli is teh awesome =3
Xze-Xze's new Ozzie avatar is teh cuteness, a perfect contrast/foil to the somehow greusomly appealing Xze of which I'm looking at right now... :erk
techmaster-glitch has one of those totally unique names that you can't help but to remember.
Sienna Maiu always makes me think of Maui. Which was fun, because I had three weeks of doing nothing there.
Best holiday I've had in years. ;-]
I understands the value of doing nothing and how doing nothing is so relaxing, I agree, doing nothing is great, just reading a book in.... *wanders of the a reference to his vacation*
Although having an apparently scattered mind, Aiyno is great fun to talk to.
Also, he's very good at making me feel bad. With the simple click of a button he can make you discover that you've known him for quite a while, except for under two different other names, by which you knew him as a close friend. Also, knowing his distinct art style, it makes me feel bad.
So bad in fact that it made my laptop battery die just as I typed the word 'also', which in turn caused the system to restart, and in turn remaking me mark down the words of my grief.
So good job on the guilt-trip.
Sienna appears to enjoy guilt trips. I wonder why...
llearch n'n'daCorna wonders why, I wonder why he wonders why, is he happy wondering why? He is still a great box and maybe now a great wondering box. :P
also Sienna, I am a hard person to find in different places, I use many names. I would use a single name but every time I join a forum.. I'm just to shy to show myself everywhere I also don't want other places to come and haunt me :B , thus I hide under a Alias, one of many.. Heck, I only have aliases :animesweat
Aiyno appears to miss the rhetorical nature of the wondering.
Perhaps some more sadonicism or sarcasm is required?
llearch n'ndaCorna, while possibly not the most sensitive soul around, it quite insightful for a box. Certainly, enough to wield wit with a deft hand, and also enough to know when wit is perhaps uncalled for. A very erudite and eloquent box he is - not exactly something your faux-porcelain gift at Macy's might come from.
I'm sure there are plenty more awesome/nice things to say about Cogi, but I can't think of any. :<
I am not worthy! D: ...Or maybe I should go get some sleep.
Hazmatex thinks alot like I do... :shifty
:U GASP!!!
techmaster-glitch used the shifty-eyes!!!
He's my hero... :3
Sienna is the first person in living memory to ever call me a 'hero'...I don't know what to say... :S
The awesome continues!
Sienna obviously likes the lesser used smilies.
(This is my personal favourite: :boogie)
xHaZxMaTx want the :boogie to be used more, it's indeed nice to see the lesser used smillies being used :animesweat tho I probably have a favorite one myself I can't think of it :P xHaZxMaTx knows his, he's awesome like that :smile
Aiyno is one of the reasons why I have a low selfestean in this place.
Omega needs to post here more. Given just a few posts, there'll be more than enough ammunition for a major ego increase. Just try it...
I'm sure llearch has plenty of ego to share. ;)
xHaZxMaTx doesn't have as much ego as llearch, I'm assuming, however he does have a lot of avatars. >:3 Their of nice of course. ..yes.
oh Aiyno... he truly does always have something (nice) to say. Despite his own beliefs on the existance of pie.
Although many a times I've been left with naught to say, somehow he always manages to come up with a new way to suprize me.
sienna spreads random glorifacation. it's a good thing trust me.
Lucas has an impressive avatar picturem but I doubt that he made it himself. ;)
Omega seems to have 'compliment' confused with something else. :lol Based on some of his other posts, however, I don't think English is his native language, so I can't hold it against him. I'm sure he'll get it soon enough, though. :3
^Hazel has empathy for everyone. For the big and the small.
(Uh, Perhaps in the future, I should choose my words more carefully. The standads of what's 'nice' and what's 'not' in here are not yet clear to me. I was just being merely sincire)
Omega is trying his hardest to fit in to the CW Mansion. I have respect for the newbies, but he might be trying just a wee bit too hard. It's alright though. I wonder what he's going to be like once he's been completely assimilate-eh-I mean, gotten used to this place as a regular ;)
tech should know what assimilation does to one.
After all, he's been here long enough to lose all his sanity, and yet, here he is, posting useful content. ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna is posting useful content in greater quantities than anyone else, but he also posts in greater quantities in general :P
Aiyno's posts are things of quantity, like the fabled bottomless mug of mead, and largely with the same effects.
Cogidubnus surprizingly got into posting on Aiyno, just as I had come up with something to say (or new at the very least).
Despite this shock, Cogi is still a very nice sight to see, reminding me in many ways of another lad I once knew (which I do know I've said before) in both manner and articulateness. It is so very nice to meet an articulate person. Preferably not even a jerk in this case. For it seems that the articulate can be jerks just as much as the illiterate. You just happen to notice more, because there are less of them around.
I'm sure if one were to dig through that post, they would be sure to find some comments of merit on the one known as Cogidubnus.
Such digging is unnecessary. The post Sienna makes is from Sienna, and, as such, will have meritorious comments upon whoever it was commenting upon. Nuff said. ;-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 24, 2007, 06:10:08 PM
Such digging is unnecessary. The post Sienna makes is from Sienna, and, as such, will have meritorious comments upon whoever it was commenting upon. Nuff said. ;-]
So then if I were to call you 'cheese'...?
Llearch. Always entertaining. A riot to be sure, plus - he starts them. You can always count on him to be snarky but lovable. Easily remembered, and not necessarily for his possible misdeeds either.
He also now has art.
oh yes. Art.
Sienna has a great singing voice and doesn't succumb to stage fright. I wonder if she takes requests. :P
Because I haven't gotten a chance to comment on it yet, I really like Hazzy's new rotating avatar :) The various images are quite amusing.
T-G... well I suppose there's the fact that that's just plain fun to say. :) and in general I find techmaster-glitch amusing.
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on October 24, 2007, 06:36:28 PM
Sienna has a great singing voice and doesn't succumb to stage fright. I wonder if she takes requests. :P
It really all depends on who's asking :P
But seriously, I probably would depending on how much work was involved in learning the song/how accessable the sheet music was to me.
Unless of course you meant in person. In which case...
Sienna Maiu - M T responds to everyone mentioning her quite well, maybe she tries harder than most of us (I). It makes her a pleasure to comment upon. :)
Aiyno wolf does a good job commenting on folks too. Perhaps his posts are not the most eloquent, or his thoughts the most coherent - but he's got heart, which means more than all those things. Like the underdogs playing those Damn Yankee's, you gotta have heart, and that, Aiyno has.
Cogidubnus makes up for any lack of eloquence on Aiynos' part. Or, indeed, the part of anyone and everyone else on the forum. ;-]
llearch makes up for the lack of posts on the part of everyone else on the forum. :P
Awww, shucks.
Haz does me great honour. ;-]
He's also no slouch at posting, but his posts tend to have more content than mine...
llearch is overly generous. My posts having content? That's just silly. :P I'm actually surprised I haven't been warned for some of my posts, having seen some of the older ones in past threads.
Hazel laughes in the face of terror :mwaha
Omega's avatar is the face that shall bring the end to all things.
Either that, or he's spotted the very last sprinkled donut, and he'll be damned if anyone else is going to get it.
Cogidubnus knows the mighty power of donuts :3 he knows, how well.. uhh..
Aiyno seems to have writer's block. Or A.D.D. :P What he does manage to get out, however, is always nice and nice to read. :3
Haz has kept me from being a secluded person.
text messaging FTW =3
Xze-Xze is one of the reasons why this world isn't that bad place to live.
Omega has an interesting avatar. I keep meaning to ask if he drew it.
llearch n'n'daCorna avatars all posses boxy awesome concentrate or something, ...yes? :)
Aiyno has ambiguity, loads of fun and adds mystery to any situation
Brun has swords. Run away! Run away! ;-]
more seriously, Brun has an interesting story in the works. It remains to be seen where he goes with it...
llearch is good at many things. Now he's proven that writing is one of them!
Gabi brings things to light, i was unaware llearch wrote
Brunhidden's karma speaks for itself. That's one nice karma.
Omega seems to be making himself at home relatively quickly here in the ClockWork Mansion ;)
techmaster-glitch agrees that the afore mentioned is a good thing. (relative) techmaster-glitch speaks truth! :P
Aiyno-wolf is also a speaker of truth - no Aes Sedai is he either. The truth jumps through no hoops for him: he speaks honestly, and directly, which is an admirable trait.
Cogi has the most kick-ass avatar and signature combo.
Xze-Xze's rotating avvie and siggy provide endless amusement. Also, her art is quite good :)
techmaster-glitch has to power of quotation! and he also comments in art threads, I think, awesome :) :)
Aiyno thinks awesome art, i wish i knew how to do that
Brunhidden himself is awsome. Anything he types anywhere is always eagerly read :eager
techmaster-glitch appreciates what is handed out so easily and is so common. A sign that there is hope for humanity? or is he not truly human, a angel? who knows?
Aiyno thinks of others as angels - to go through life with such an appreciation for others is rare indeed.
Cogidubnus seems to come so easily by words, even in times when I have none.
Although I have no doubt that sometimes his words are hard-fought and won, possibly lost in some case, increasing his appreciation of appropriate ones.
Sienna's good compliments have been deterring me from posting here lately in fear of making lame compliments compared to hers.
Haha, look at that nub HazMat, he really sucks at the P.A.Y. game!
xHaZxMaTx tries, that's all the matters :) Otherwise I would win the prize for lame comments :)
Aiyno wins at volume. ;-]
We like him anyway.
What Eowyn types- bbbbbooccc,,,, llllllloooouuu,,, iiiiittttrrrt
What Eowyn says- Box loud? i try!
What Eowyn means- If the box likes loud things I would be happy to oblige yelling and stuff
Eowyn types is mystery language, coolness. I which I had the ability to translate it like brunhidden. :P
His self-made title of "Careless" causes me all a-giggle. Please do continue with your insanity and amusing nature Aiyno, you're always a pleasure to see. (I still like pie though...)
SM is a gigling pie loving silly goose that brightens any room. its like having a vase of flowers that can chuckle
Brunhidden's analogy is most amusing. And I always did consider his quotes as more of an identifying feature.
Sienna Maiu - M T can see quotes, she must have exceptional eyesight
Brunhidden is intelligent and fun to talk to.
Gabi is always worth commenting upon.
And she's like the ever-friendly puppy around here. ;-]
llearch is a good many things. He is helpful, of course, but also his personality reminds me so much of a friend of mine from school, or perhaps of several. Meaning that llearch is a correllation of several awesomes.
Sienna Maiu - M T is sweet and colorful like some candy, only she is not unhealthy. :B
Aiyno makes forumers sound so tasty and part of a balanced diet, must have some great persuasion skills and would be good as a salesman
Bruhidden, being hardly as fickle as Calliope and the rest of the Muses, should make a good father. As solid an individual as I've ever had the chance to run across.
The first thing that leaps into mind at Cogidubnus' statement is an old Fred Dagg skit.
"I run across farmers every day, well, perhaps not every day, but the brakes on the ute failed the other day and I ran across three or four of them, I forget what they said, but it was much the same..."
I'm fairly sure that wasn't what he meant by "run across", though. Cog is far to genteel a person to do that. ;-]
llearch forgets that gentility does not indicate an ability to drive. :)
Llearch reminds me very much of another person who I respect very much - a great, dry as a bone wit, a talent for wide, varied, and often eclectic recollection, and a general ambiance of niceness and good intent. And the general snark, of course.
"I was teaching the wife to drive the other week, and she managed to drive the tractor into the stream. It's okay, though, she should have fished most of it out by the time the winter rains come..."
Cogidubnus titles himself "Philosopher-King", and I see no reason to dispute such a title.
llearch n'n'daCorna is resistant to idiocy, he deals with it every day but knows how to walk away smiling 9although that doesn't always happen »see below reply by sienna«. If only everyone was like llearch.. than the world would be a bit more boxy, and less idiotic »see .. ah you get it!« . :P
editzored, I blame my homework, it took away my.. ability.. to think.. in sync.. with.. write.. shizzlewhizzle
Aiyno wishes for their to be more boxey-butts.
(okay, I couldn't help myself)
But in all seriousness, I agree. It's a very good evaluation on Aiyno's part. (although I'm sure llearch doesn't come away smiling all the time... course, if we had more llearch, he wouldn't get into stupid people-oriented situations to begin with.)
Sienna Maiu is a part of the fanclub for box booty, that sounds like seven kinds of awesome
Quote from: Brunhidden on November 02, 2007, 01:32:12 AM
that sounds like seven kinds of awesome
Ah, but finally to comment on Brunhidden the Wired...
Dear Brun has that latent ability, to insult in the form of a compliment, quite a talent indeed.
And he is of course, obviously entertaining.
Sienna appears to be attempting to kill this thread. Haha, fat chance ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna is not trying to kill this thread, he is trying to have fun with it :) How nice of him, we all know that we are having fun in this thread, iether by doing what this thread is made for or by trying to kill it, or be silly, or make obvious statements like mine... or because we hate school and have nowhere else to rant about it.. but that is not relevant to this thread.. I really needed to stop typing before the school sentence, yes.
Aiyno is a Kyota fan, which itself is a sign of a good taste :nod
Yeah :< To bad that hellbound is on haitus and awaiting a quick massive finish up/round down/aftermath >.<
Kyota forever, Omega, I kewl because he knows Hellbound and kyota :3
aww.... :3 Aiyno finally has a little friend who understands his tastes :)
And while on that note, I would just like to comment that Aiyno is most likely tasty
Sienna thinks that some members of our forum are tasty :D
...Wait a second :B
Though, for the sake of this thread, it's considered a good thing.
I don't think I see techmaster-glitch nearly enough around here, we could all you a little more Vitamin TG in our lives.
He is also quite fortunately one of many entertaining individuals in this thread, making it so that it is indeed and verily, never boring.
Sienna says nice things about me that I have never heard anyone say to me before. Not too many people think of me as entertaining ;) Or as a vitamin :B
techmaster-glitch is a vitamin it appears, maybe it is present in something healthy that even I would eat, who knows maybe I would better my live.. buwhaha, as if. :P
Aiyno seems to be addicted to the warm fuzzies.
if i had a choice of what kinda junkie i would be, that would be the one
Brun seems to have 'suffered' a direct hit from Penny's WAFF (Warm And Fuzzy Feeling) cannon. :P
xHaZxMaTx is not hard to find, and since he is a nice person that is a good thing and a compliment I think. :januscat
Aiyno is edible <333
Xze can be a ton o' fun. ^_^
Aiyno hax. :razz
He is, however, a fun guy to talk to. :3
Hazzy's new rotating avatar continually amuses me :giggle
techmaster-glitch is a nice person who is nice that is nice! :) (goblins?)
Aiyno appears to be running out of things to say.
We like him anyway. Or, at least, I do. ;-]
Lord Box never runs out of things to say, and is thus always pleasant company
Brunhidden might become a great swordsman! A knight of the present, a.. very honorable thing, yes!
Aiyno's strange phrasing of things has given me a new idea for a drawing, involving Brun being the Knight of Presents :B
Also, I was most saddened last night to have missed chatting it up with Taj.
Knight of Presents? Sienna has some funny names for Santa Claus. :B
But xHaZxMaTx gets points for trying though.
Sienna gives points for effort. This is a very good thing :)
techmaster-glitch likes smileys :)
:) = good
Aiyno seems to be the one before me more often then i care to guess.... maybe this means we think alike or something, but Aiyno is probably smarter then that
Brunhidden is one of those folks I'm looking for, so that I can talk to him. Next time...
llearch n'n'daCorna continues to be one of my favorite forumites, despite the abnormal capitalization of his name. I can only attribute this to his general awesomeness and extensive knowledge of the day the internet shall run out.
Cogidubnus has a way to say things, that makes him unique even among us unique people. It also makes him able to give a greater variety of comments, but that should be a compliment for future use, so now you'll have to forget that what I just wrote.
Aiyno doesn't seem to mind if people forget what he says xD
Techmaster is a great RPer and seems like a very nice person to boot. :3
Black Angel is also a fantastic RP'er, and quite the personable person as well. In addition to qualities of mere amiciability, she is quite honorable - and this is deserving of praise.
Cogi is one of few people I would follow to the ends of the Earth.
Haz seems to be quite noble, a difficult trait to find and recognise in these days. he is deserving of my respect and theres not very many i can say that to
Brunhidden deserves respect as well, there are few people I do not respect in some way tho, but Brunhidden has done nothing that would make me really disrespect him. He is a nice fellow, with a lovely daughter and the other family members can't be too bad either.
Aiyno is one of (I'm sure) very few forum members, whom would look so good in a crop top.
Sienna's avatar wouldn't look too bad in a croptop either. ;-]
I couldn't say about Sienna, though. I don't recall seeing her picture recently. OTOH, if she wanted to, I would be among the ones arguing for her right to do so. ;-]
llearch is one of those other people I'd follow to the ends of the Earth. ;)
On a completely unrelated note, I've gotten to used to IRC. I tried hitting tab after typing 'll' to bring up the rest of his name. :B
xHaZxMaTx or Ha[tab] recognizes IRC's very useful feature for what it is. :)
Aiyno never seems to lack for things to say. This means he must both be a very curteous and observational forumite.
*added for humours sake*
Unlike llearch, who hasn't seemed to notice what few pictures I've posted. Or rather, perhaps believing them to be HaZ.
OTOH, I'm still months (of hard effort) away from even considering owning a crop-top.
[Yes Haz, I've had that happen to me both in the past and more recently, to the effect of trying to do actions as /me *fill* and just now instead of italics, I was going to asteriks.]
Sienna Maiu - M T knows things i do not. specifically what a crop top is. it is a shame for her to be confused with haz
Brunhidden is thinking about starting along the path of the swordsman. I wish him luck with his new endeavour.
Cogidubnus, whether or not he actually is a swordsman, is still very good at RPing scenes with them.
techmaster-glitch is a useful tool for bumping threads, also he is a useful person too if he's cooperative. xD
Aiyno gains 459 exp for slaying sevven hobgoblins single handedly
Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. And anyone who knows their Greek is fine by me. :P
Black_angel knows the alpha, delta, sigma, tau and omega :B and probably many others! Which I can't write down here from the top of my head, sadly :< (tho, I have had more than that at school :< )
Aiyno appears to have missed beta, gamma, episilon, zeta, eta, theta, iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu, xi, omicron, pi, rho, upsilon, phi, chi, and psi.
For all that, he's still welcome. ;-]
The box knows latin, now I can speak in code just for him
ucksays otbay steray oyubay uysgays
Brun is speaking in code so no one can understand him! :U That's evil! D:
techmaster-glitch finds calling someone evil a compliment, how evil >:3
Aiyno's got awsome new avvie!! W00T!
Edit: Ooo, new siggy, too...
techmaster-glitch is just as observant as I am *(actually, you might want to work on that...)
techmaster-glitch can incur my response, at times that I am tired, as well as times when I'm not on enough to actually having anything to say.
You know what? Maybe I should just scrap this.
Sienna Maiu - M T is more and more becoming one of my favorite forumites. She puts a lot of effort into each comment she makes, and it shows.
She also has a very nice Sakura cosplay outfit, sings very well, and doesn't look so bad with pink hair. *grins*
Cogi puts my posts to shame. :B
Regardless, xHaZxMaTx is always a humourous and entertaining individual.
He is also adept in matters of making sure to stay connected to his friends, in times that would have others missing unexplainedly. Also, he makes for a very nice femme :3
Sienna Maiu - M T is a nice person to comment on thought i never did ask what M T at the end of her name means.
e_voyager has returned, with a not so subtle hint towards a question I might add. He seeks knowledge, what a noble quest! xD
Aiyno understands my love of mystery and wonderment.
E_Voyager's absence is apparent, as he seems to have not voyaged enough (in the Villa, various intro threads) to know that the M T after Sienna Maiu means Moonshine Tailgrass :3
But, perhaps the reason for his absence is that he has voyaged to dimentions beyond our understanding, and yet still decided to return to this humble, silly little place. That in itself makes him awsome :)
techmaster-glitch is knowledgeable as he remembered Sienna's full name where I had already forgotten, but I forget things a lot so that was to be expected, *sigh*
Aiyno knows how it is with names. after all it's hard to live so long and still recall everything at a moment's notice.
(she also used to use the full name on the old the nice forums)
EV still is getting Aiyno's gender confused. xD
Hazy misunderstands as i was referring to Sienna when i said she. ( and why the tears?)
e_voyager made hazy misunderstand, how amusing. Yeah, I remember that Ev, still my memory refuses to remember Tailgrass. :B anyway, e_voyager has been proving his worth once again, may his presence remain a lasting one?. :B
Aiyno has switched to an interesting avatar and sig combination which would appear to coordinate. The sig is also hilarious.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 12, 2007, 02:56:49 AM
Dear boy, it's Tallgrass.
Sienna Maiu still has a good sense of humor
E is a pretty good RPer, and I can't wait for his reappearence in some of the ones he used to be in (particularly Villain's League).
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 12, 2007, 01:00:35 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 12, 2007, 02:56:49 AM
Dear boy, it's Tallgrass.
*face distorts*
*dies of shame* :redrum
tech is silly. Or maybe just emo. :P I wonder how he would react as a contestant in a spelling-bee.
xHaZxMaTx likes sillyness, and wondering.. xHaZxMaTx is going to be one to be remembered by many names.. Yes.
Aiyno has been quite solid and strait forward in his name unlike me.
e_voyager confuses me.
He also has switched to a very snazzy avatar, though I likes the other one, this is quite shiny.
Sienna Maiu - M T has had the same after for a long time, however it is a awesome one. Sienna Maiu - M T knows when someones avatar is filled with awesome too :)
Aiyno is a wonderfull old friend, he always had something nice to say back on dA those years ago, and he still does. He's just one of those people who likes people.
Sienna Maiu - M T remembers the good old days, i do too but not those particular ones
Brunhidden has some fine karma
Omega has an interesting avatar. Not my personal choice, but I can see how some folk might like it.
llearch n'n'daCorna finds Omega's avatar interesting, I agree It is an interesting avatar. Llearch has a interesting avatar too, it shuffles, blinks and morphs into many variations of itself, you hardly ever get bored with his avatar. :)
Aiyno is like the Death's Head Brigade of the pay thread. It seems like he's the first one to comment, and oftentimes that he'll be the last one to comment too.
Cogi doesn't post nearly as often, which makes it nice to be able to compliment him in the P.A.Y. thread. :3
xHaZxMaTx doesn't think it's nicer to comment on people who post in the paychat a lot, that's ok. I'm running out of material because of my obsessiveness with posting here :3 Although, xHaZxMaTx does post a lot in here himself, he keeps this thread alive :)
Aiyno says he's running our of material, yet I see him here more often than anyone else. I think that is self-explanatory that he is better at this than he says he is ;)
techmaster-glitch is also a thriver (and thriving member) of this thread.
He is possibly one of few (if not the only) friend on this forum I can identify by name alone, (although if he got his av going, that would be cool too)
Sienna wounds me deeply. :cry Which isn't necessarily a good thing, but it certainly isn't easy, so bonus points for that. :razz
xHaZxMaTx confuses me on a regular basis, which complemantarily I apparently also do the same for him. So, I do have to wonder about how this works and Haz just made me lose my train of thought.
But the point is, xHaZxMaTx hi-jacked my brains and refuses to give them back.
Intrepret this to be good as you will.
xHaZxMaTx does however make for a very cuddly zombie, living off of hugz, rather than brainz.
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 14, 2007, 01:00:52 AM
xHaZxMaTx does however make for a very cuddly zombie, living off of hugz, rather than brainz.
Sienna is mistaken, for I
do require brains, just not in the same sense as your typical zombie:
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 14, 2007, 01:00:52 AM
...xHaZxMaTx hi-jacked my brains and refuses to give them back.
The hugz are just an added bonus.
(I totally just made that up. :B)
She is also forgiven. :3
For what? Murdering you (with my mind bending ways)?
xHaZxMaTx is always so helpful, always there to lend a helping hand and generally just be a good sport about things.
Sienna Maiu - M T ... ..... .... is like a cup of hot chocolate on a cold day :B
Aiyno has made me process naught images with that simile. not easy to do
e_voyager is giving Aiyno a run for his money with frequency of posting.
the box gives everyone a run for their money, sometimes its as though the forum actually exists inside of llearch
Brunhidden's got his avvie back! HOORAY!!!
techmaster-glitch is techmaster-glitch-y , this is a good thing, yes? I think so at least..