Supposedly in 2008 there will be a new type of universal controller for consoles and PC computers, and the cool part is you can control everything with your mind. But any real information about the product is vague.
I've seen some rudimentary controllers.
One reads muscle twitches in your face, and looks to be a commercial product.
The other I've seen is an implant tot he motor control part of the brain. (A quarapalegic used it to move a mouse around a screen in the demo.)
I don't think I, personally, would care to use either of those in substitution of a keyboard or game pad.
Will I have to think in Russian ( :mowdizzy
Quote from: DarkAudit on July 14, 2007, 01:22:59 PM
Will I have to think in Russian ( :mowdizzy
... even without following the link. The book was better, though.
pfah! i dare them folks to try and play freelancer or CNC with a wacom tablet! >:3
Quote from: Reese Tora on July 14, 2007, 01:13:25 PM
I've seen some rudimentary controllers.
One reads muscle twitches in your face, and looks to be a commercial product.
The other I've seen is an implant tot he motor control part of the brain. (A quarapalegic used it to move a mouse around a screen in the demo.)
I don't think I, personally, would care to use either of those in substitution of a keyboard or game pad.
Personally, I woundn't mind something that uses the brain as a controller...I would be able to do some fine art on any CG program that I can't make with these flimsy hands...which means a lot of Art.
Contrary. Just because you can imagine vividly doesn't mean the machine will be able to pull the correct info out of your head. That's why it's so hard to draw with your hands: knowing what you want the drawing to look like does not necessarily allow you to produce exactly the drawing you were after, and given you'll have had at least 10 years more experience with your hands than with any mind-controlled helmet, they'll be a lot more intuitive, as well.
It'll get there in a few decades, though
Which is why I just want to mention that I think we need some sort of laws to make it illegal to read someone's mind against their will. For the United States, it would be an extension of the first and fifth amendments(freedom of speech merits even freer thought, despite what the government is trying to do to us, presently, and probing someone's mind without their consent is akin to rape, IMO, except more severe, as there are thoughts everyone has which they should have the right to keep private.)
The matrix has us!... or will soon. Personally I'd like a paradise in my mind while my body is pampered to run a machine's engine.
I wonder if we can play video games while we are sleeping using the emotive, thus having more conscious control of our dreams.
Artificial lucid dreams?
whell surely you'd like to experience some RPG games as reality...not all mind you just a handful.
I think they already have lucid dream stimulators. No idea how they work, though. When I go lucid, I usually wake up too soon to actually get anything out of the lucid dream.