The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Treasury => Topic started by: Darkmoon on October 07, 2006, 02:49:37 PM

Title: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Darkmoon on October 07, 2006, 02:49:37 PM
Rules for the photo album:

1) You MUST have a picture.  However, no one said it has to be actually you.  If it is an actual photograph, it must either be you, or a non-human entity of appropriate taste.  You may also have any drawn item of appropriate taste that you like instead (or as well -- no one said you had to be limited to ONE picture).

2) You must have a short summary- however, this will most likely be edited by me, as I am want to do.

3) You must have at least 2 favorite things.

You can pop up to the top of the forum and click on "CM Site" to access the photo album if you are interested in seeing previous entries.

Keep in mind: the Photo Album is time intensive and is usually updated rarely.  It may take a while for it to get done.  Please try to keep chatter in this thread to a minimum, so that we can actually find the updates.

We would hate to have to close the thread and start all over because of the massive quantity of off-topic posts.

4) If you post multiple pictures, you MUST have enough content to fill the page (to balance them out). If you don't have enough content, I will use as many of the pictures as I can, but won't use them all until you give me more content to play with.

The goal: write a ton of stuff, people.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: xHaZxMaTx on October 07, 2006, 02:52:16 PM
*Spam Spam Spam*

...You told me to!
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on October 07, 2006, 03:02:13 PM

A true friend will post pictures that were taken of him while he was drunk.
Name: Jim
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Lives in: Arkansas

Short summary: I'm having trouble dealing with my own mediocrity

Food: Sushi

Movie:  Hudson Hawk.  It will OWN YOU

Books: Good Omens
Music: Man, I have Ace of Base sitting right next to Rob Zombie, so pretty freaking varied.
Hobbies: Things
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: insanekaosx on October 08, 2006, 12:29:21 AM

Name: Kaos, Matt, GG, Tanis
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Lives in: Boston

Wait, didn't I already fill that out.... anyways, this is me, channeling my rage through my eyes. If this were a video, I went on to burn a hole through a tree with only my palm. I then proceeded to wreak havoc on the city. Let slip the mows of war.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Zedd on October 08, 2006, 01:54:12 AM

Name: Daniel,Dan,Zedd,Vash,Pineapple head

Age: 24 1/2

Lives in: Lansing

Gender: Male

Sign: Tauraus/Dog

Likes: Movies,Anime,Games,friends,reading,and being in love

Dislikes: Mean people,Bordem,Big churches,and salesmen

Hope this is enough Dark...I have so much to tell
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Xuzaf D on October 08, 2006, 02:09:19 AM

Currently "The Warlike"

"The Warlike" doesn't really do much aside from working 50 hours a week.

Likes: Making observations.

Dislikes: The fact that he is not allowed to say what he dislikes.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Darkmoon on October 08, 2006, 12:27:23 PM
Updated through Warlike.

Oh, I edited this above, but for those that didn't read it:

If you post mutliple pictures and you have enough content to balance the page out right, I will use all the pictures I can. If you want more pictures, but I can't post them, than you'll need to post more content for your bio.

Seems reasonable enough.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: RJ on October 08, 2006, 11:01:01 PM
Okay, here's an update for my profile so you can use that second photo:


B-Day: 12th March 1987
Greek Zodiac: Pisces
Chinese Zodiac: Rabbit
That makes: A rabbit with a fish tail? Or a fish with rabbit ears and a fluffy tail? I guess you'd have to call it a 'Pisbit'...
Lives in: Australia

Fav Colour: Purple... or orange... or maybe pink... oh, perhaps green or blue... heck, rainbow!

Fav Food: Dark chocolate (70% cocoa), carrot sticks with peanut butter, pistachios, Strawberry Pocky, blueberries

Fav Shows: Iron Chef, Scrubs, House M.D., CSI, Boston Legal

Fav Anime: Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Naruto, Angelic Layer, D.N.Angel, .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet, and pretty much anything else that isn't centred around giant robots

Fav Movie Types: J-horror, horror (zombies!), martial arts

Fav Video Games: Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Dynasty Warriors, We <3 Katamari

Fav Music: Ska, jazz, j-rock/pop, classical

Hobbies: Drawing, writing (fanfics and rants), reading, cosplay, half-finishing games (excepts for Kingdom Hearts, yay), Naruto (yes, I consider it a hobby), DDR, modding over at the forum

Loves: Corny stuff like bizzare pop culture references, when people make fun of the Akatsuki from Naruto, hilariously bad cosplay photos

Secretly: Visits the /cgl/ section of 4chan and hosts the 'Caption the Cosplay' thread

Tries To Be: A friend to everyone she meets, a little bit knowledgable on many things, an avid listener of rants/worries

Wishes: She wasn't a procrastinator, had a regular sleep schedule, and had a good camera
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Zedd on October 08, 2006, 11:05:29 PM
Your cute as always RJ and nice rocket launcher
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Darkmoon on October 09, 2006, 12:33:33 AM
Updated RJ. ;)

That was more than enough.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: RJ on October 09, 2006, 02:09:02 AM
Awesome ^.^ Thank you!
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Silverfoxr on October 09, 2006, 10:34:43 AM
sorry for all the typos ><

birthday 5 th october 1972
zodiac: libra - chinese: rat (that explains the furry aspect alot !!)
Lives in Australia

Fave Color: pinks and purples!
Fave Food: Chicken, chocolate, pasta dishs anything yum

Fave shows: most Hunted, Futurarma, the real ghostbusters

Fave animes:  Inuyasha, narato, one piece, slayers, runorri kenshin, orphen, and tons of others!!

Fave movie types: fantasy, animation, comedy

Fave games: Second Life, City of heros

Fave music: instramental, Trance, eighties

Hobbies: Collecting movie memobrilla and anime, drawing, animation, writing, sleeping :D

Loves: drawing cute things and being with friends

Secretly: watchs way to many cartoons!

Wishs: i could be somewhat semi-normal!
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Darkmoon on October 09, 2006, 11:35:24 AM
Somewhere, in the mass of all that memorabilia... a person exists...
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on October 09, 2006, 10:20:51 PM
Updated profile and a new pic.    Sorry, my friend finally gave me this picture and I love it X3

A true friend will post pictures that were taken of him while he was drunk.
Name: Jim
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Lives in: Arkansas

Short summary: I'm having trouble dealing with my own mediocrity


Hight: 5ft 5

eyes: Green

Hair: brown

Sexual Orrentation: yes


Food: Sushi

Movie:  Hudson Hawk.  It will OWN YOU

Books: Good Omens

Music: Man, I have Ace of Base sitting right next to Rob Zombie, so pretty freaking varied.

Hobbies: Things

Video Game:  Breath of Fire Two

Car:  1970 El-Dorado Cadillac convertable

Brand of Cigarette:  Silver

Booze:  Jim Bean  (HAH!)

Other crap about me:  I like to glowstick once in a while when I am good and drunk.  I'm a friendly, if a bit spaztastic, individual.  Hopefully this balances out the fact that I have a terrible dark sense of humor, but hey, thats what you get for surfing the interwebs for almost a decade.

Other pic of me.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Tug on October 11, 2006, 11:54:44 PM
Nick picture there Jim!  I can see were both the decadent type.

Oh and thanks for the template.

I'll start out with two pictures of myself!

First the cute one:
Me with stary kittens that I raised

And second the geeky one:
Me gamming with the one and only Gary Gaygx on his porch

Name: Nick
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Lives in: The great state of Wisconsin

Short summary: What do you want?  You want some of this?! D:  You Can't stop this!


Hight: 5ft 6

eyes: Hazel

Hair: Brown, but almost always bleached blonde

Sexual Orrentation: yes


Food: Jimmy Johns

Movie:  Final Fantasy AC becauce there are never enough fans.

Books: Watership Down.


Hobbies: Bitching about work.  And waking up every morning wondering why the damn alarm hasn't tied yet.

Video Game:  Breath of Fire III

Car:  1991 Ford Explorer

Brand of Cigarette:  Camel Lights

Booze:  Vodka, the cheap kind.

Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Darkmoon on October 12, 2006, 12:39:42 AM
Updated through Jim (and his new info). Tug will be on the next round...
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Xuzaf D on October 14, 2006, 10:26:49 PM
Quote from: Darkmoon on October 08, 2006, 12:27:23 PM
Updated through Warlike.
I should have specified that I would like the "Joseph" part removed.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: TheGreyRonin on October 15, 2006, 03:40:59 AM
Would you prefer the real me, or my online persona? Or both?
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Hilary on October 15, 2006, 10:34:04 PM
Another pic... If I don't have enough info to match, I'll gladly post some more. (It's blurry, but I like it anyway. <<)

Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: TheGreyRonin on October 16, 2006, 12:36:38 AM

Nicknames: Grey, Ronin, TGR, Stalker, T'sayluhcheerImuhthaydow't, several obscenities.
Eyes:Changing(usually grey).
Lives in: Shadow's Reach, South Dakota. Population:3

Favorite Authors: Long list. Robert A. Heinlein, David Drake, Stephen King, Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffrey, Jack McDevitt, Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child come to mind first.
Favorite Anime: Cowboy Bebop, Ghost In The Shell, Trigun.
Hobbies:Writing/Running RPG's, Painting, Growing Roses, Reading, various other things I dabble in
I drive: A 1974 Cadillac Hearse named Roxy.
Allergic to:Chocolate, silver
Pets:One Basset Hound, female/indoors(Rosebud Thorn), Eighteen cats of various ages, genders, and colors/outdoors, Twenty hermit crabs, mostly unnamed/indoors.

Bio: Youngest of five children. My family moved a lot when I was growing up, so I've lived in several places. Graduated from high school, failed out of becoming a coroner in college because I literally can't handle the smell. I've been married twice; widowed once, divorced once. I work part-time as a grunt in a local feed store to pay the bills. I write because not writing is unthinkable to me. I'm a hermit by nature, rarely leaving my property outside of work and necessary shopping. I'm obssessive about roses, and a clinical insomniac. I don't drink, do drugs, chew, smoke, or have sex, which has made several question why I bother living. *chuckles* I'm open to most any questions about myself; if I don't want to answer, I simply won't. My personal library in my office is actually bigger than the two nearest public libraries combined, and I'm a packrat in other areas besides books.

Weaknesses: I'm incredibly socially awkward, and often miss what more social people accept as a matter of fact. I'm not stupid, but in social situations can sometimes come off as an absolute moron.
I work at my own pace, which usually involves several days of incredibly frantic writing or painting, followed by as much as a month of wishing I could squeeze my brain for more.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 16, 2006, 04:45:16 AM
That's a very serious pic, there, Hilary. Can you smile at all, or will your face crack? :-)
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Hilary on October 16, 2006, 07:47:04 AM
I can't fake-smile for the camera. It just doesn't work. <<
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: xHaZxMaTx on October 16, 2006, 10:24:16 PM
Hey, I actually have a good picture! :O


That's my unbelievably cute baby cousin. :3
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Slavkei on October 17, 2006, 02:55:05 PM
Stealing RJ's form:


B-Day: May 21, 1983
Greek Zodiac: Tastes like chicken
Chinese Zodiac: But twice as tangy
That makes: One tasty meal.
Lives in: Pennsylvania, near Gettysburg

Fav Colour: Green and Red. It's one color damnit! >..<

Fav Food: The edible one.

Fav Shows: Robot Chicken, Metalocalypse, Stargate in its various incarnations, Hollow Men (Come back to Comedy Central damnit ;..;), Megas XLR

Fav Anime: Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, s-CRY-ed

Fav Movie Types: Campy, most anything from the 80's that doesn't suck hairy donkey balls, comedy, well done drama/action

Fav Video Games: Perfect Dark, Halo, Halo 2, F-Zero X, anything bearing the Castlevania name, anything with Raziel

Fav Music: Rockity rock!

Hobbies: Working at the factory, working on my car, sitting on the internet for hours on end, reading

Loves: People who have a clue

Secretly: Isn't the asshole he pretends to be online. Don't tell anyone.

Tries To Be: Trustworthy loyal helpful friendly courteous kind obedient cheerful thrifty brave clean and reverent.

Wishes: He could do half of what he tries.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Azlan on October 19, 2006, 06:57:14 PM
Not that you couldn't already kill me Slav, but you seem a bit buffer then I remember...
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: God-Beast on October 29, 2006, 03:52:04 PM
Quote from: RJ on October 09, 2006, 02:09:02 AM
Awesome ^.^ Thank you!

so agree...*ahem*



so ''happy'' there... :p
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: God-Beast on October 29, 2006, 04:22:29 PM
Quote from: Hilary on October 15, 2006, 10:34:04 PM
Another pic... If I don't have enough info to match, I'll gladly post some more. (It's blurry, but I like it anyway. <<)


you're Gorgeous...Really.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Nimrods Son on November 02, 2006, 07:11:50 AM
that's me. I'm not on cocaine that night  :mowdizzy - I know it doesn't show. please notice The Person I Hate Now on drums. the other guy is quite cool.

Edgar 'Keighton' Voß
Age: 24
Location: Metropolis
Likes: guitars, noise, girls
Hates: drummers, noise, girls

Fav song: "Chemical World" by blur (1993)
Hated song of the day: "where d'you go" by No Mercy
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Lushin on November 04, 2006, 10:17:49 PM

B-Day: April 26 1982
Greek Zodiac: Taurus
Lives in: Some back water town in Maine

Fav Color: Most dark colors.

Fav Food: Cooked meat

Fav Shows: The Jeff Corwin Experience, The Crocodile Hunter/Diaries, anything on the History channel that has to do with WWII, and Mythbusters

Fav Anime: Too many to list

Fav Movie Martial Arts (Jackie Chan bitches), action, and comedies

Fav Video Games: Halo 1 and 2. Comix Zone, and the DOA series (Only the fighting ones.)

Hobbies: My computer, video games, DnD, and driveing around

Secretly: I plead the fifth on this one
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Forestcat on November 09, 2006, 05:38:48 PM
Ooo you need to change my photo album entry to get my date of birth right, tis June 21st, not the 1st ^^ You may also want to spell it "Furfire" for the first of the favorite online comix ^^

And could you add this picture -->

And this:
Location: Middle of BFE, otherwise known as Nebraska. For serious. All we have is corn, cows, sandhills and um. . . yeah.
Hobbies:  Playing D&D, attending renaissance festivals (and spending way too much money at them...), pestering my two cats (who are trying to take over the world), painting figs for playing the Warhammer minis game, attempting to become a decent artist of cuteness, reading, role playing in general, hanging out at gaming stores, lurking around online forums, updating my live journal, and generally being really really weird and geeky. I freely admit to geekdom. Long live the geeky female gamers of the world!
Relationship Status: Wouldn't you like to know? You would, but I don't have to say. ^^
Favorite Fantasy Animal: Gryphons and Dragons. They really could just combine and that'd say it all. Yes.

Ok? Thanks. You rule. :) I do oh so much love the 'intro blurb' on my album spot. Muchly. ^^
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Xuzaf D on November 11, 2006, 08:00:00 PM
Remove my old profile.  :cuss :smack

Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Damaris on November 13, 2006, 10:36:27 PM
I don't think Darkmoon removes them.  He just moves them around...
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Darkmoon on November 13, 2006, 10:38:47 PM
I don't remove profiles. You can either submit a new one, or live. Tis the way it's always worked.

Trust me, I've had enough people ask me over time that I remove their bios. If I wouldn't for them, I can't for you. Honor system and all that.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 14, 2006, 05:31:37 AM
.... but we -can- request changes?
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Darkmoon on November 14, 2006, 07:09:07 AM
You can request changes... whether or not I make them... :bwaha
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 14, 2006, 07:19:41 AM
ITYM "mwaha". TYVM, HTH, HAND...
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Xuzaf D on November 15, 2006, 12:15:52 AM
I just want the old stuff gone, I already posted mediocre crap to refill my profile.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: God-Beast on November 18, 2006, 07:47:08 AM
Quote from: Warlike on November 15, 2006, 12:15:52 AM
I just want the old stuff gone, I already posted mediocre crap to refill my profile.

that's the spirit! ;)

btw, i prefer the old ; ) smile better :<
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: olroxshade on November 29, 2006, 07:21:39 PM
Three photo albums and this is the first who i post...

write a little more in my summary xD

a.k.a. :Brauner, Shade Reaper, Nosfherathus d'Lacroix, clockwork vampire

Real Name:Jose Hernandez

B-day:July 29,1988

Zodiac: Leo

From:Forest of Doom or Mexico?what is the difference...

Likes:Death, War, belic designs, Castlevania, ocultism, gothic stuff

dislikes: peace, extreme religion, Mathematics, School, Regaetton, GST¬¬, ghouls...etc..

Fears: the church, extraordinarie tests, Holy Water, spiders¬¬

I'm a superior being who lives with ghouls, his family and school mates are simple humans who like regetton....I'm a war genius, I ever win Risk without lose any troop or domain, I'm mading an army......Nosfherathus Army...I'm smart and serious, but with friends I'm a sweet kitty

Favorite Games:Castlevania, Metal Slug, Sillent Hill, Final Fantasy, Chrono Cross

Food: Italian and Japanese one.....I don't like mexican one

Anime:Hellsing, Naruto & Vampire Hunter D

TV: Lost,The simpsons, Grey Anatomy and Gilmore Girls

My dream: .....good question......

Music: Gothic and Dark

Favorite groups: t.A.T.u. , Evanescence, Mecano

Fav, compositors: Toshikazu tanaka, Michiru Yamane, Yuzo Koshiro, Masahiko Kimura

fav songs:all of the grops and compostirs who I like....

movie: Metropolis and Nosferatu
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Gareeku on December 15, 2006, 06:59:49 PM

Forum name: Gareeku
Real name: Gary Higgs
Age: 20
Gender: Male
B-Day: 30th August 1986
Greek Zodiac: Virgo
Chinese Zodiac: Tiger (rawr!)
Lives in: England, UK

Fav Colour: Red and blue.

Fav Food: Ooooh...tricky...but I would have to say the classic British favourite; Roast beef dinner

Favourite shows: South Park, Scrubs, Futurama, Family Guy, American Dad

Fav Anime: Samurai Champloo, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie

Fav Movie Types: J-horror, horror (zombies!), martial arts, comedy, action

Fav Video Games: Tekken 5, Final Fantasy VII, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Capcom vs SNK 2, Marvel vs Capcom 2

Fav Music: Anything, really ^_^ i'm pretty diverse in that respect

Hobbies: Writing (fanfics and rants), reading, roleplaying, playing sports (especially soccer)

Loves: Hilariously bad cosplay photos, being around friends, music, art, roleplaying, and of course fighting games.

Secretly: Visits the /cgl/ section of 4chan and hosts the 'Caption the Cosplay' thread

Tries To Be: A friend to everyone he meets, like someone who knows what they're talking about, a shoulder to cry on.

Wishes: He had a regular sleep schedule, wasn't so lazy, could actually draw without causing the pencil and paper to self-ignite in horror.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Valynth on December 17, 2006, 07:28:45 PM
Forum name: Valynth
Real Name:  Joseph Anzulovic
Age: 19
Gender:  Male
Date of existence:  December 14 1987
Lands of origin:  Alabama/ The U.S.A's buck-teeth
Favorite colors:  green and gold
Favorite food:  Whatcha got?
Favorite show:  Family guy
Favorite movie:  Transformers the Movie(the original one)
Favorite music:  I'm open, but I like Weird Al
Hobbies:  Playing games, watching T.V., and working out.  This is one of the few times you'll see these together under hobbies, the universe will now implode, have a nice day.
Likes:  Women, First person shooters, RPGs, ect.
Hates:  Stupid people and people who refuse to expand their views despite the illogical arguments and inefficiency of their current view point.

Misc description:  I try to be nice to everyone and anyone, but if you treat me like dirt, expect me to beat you down to my level.  I try to be fair and just in my view points, but I readily admit that sometimes I'm hypocritical and make the wrong decisions.  Strangely I also seem to be one of the saner members of the boards, which might explain my very low post count, or it could be the simple fact that I act much like a scientist in that I need evidence and information to justify a post.

And theres me in a nut-shell!....AND FOR THE LAST FREAKIN' TIME I'M NOT RUSSIAN!(I get that alot)  I'm of Croatian descent, there's a difference, but people don't notice it.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: vulpesweasel on January 15, 2007, 04:06:01 PM

Forum name: Vulpesweasel
Real name: Travis
Age: 14
Gender: Male
B-Day: Mey 27th, 1992
Greek Zodiac: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Monkey (go figure)
Lives in: Virginia, US

Fav Colour: black and red

Fav Food: Chick-fil-a!!!

Favourite shows: Family Guy, robot chicken, my name is earl, meerkat manor

Fav Anime: Inuyasha, cowboy bebop, ruoroni Kenshin

Fav Movie Types: Gore, horror, comedy

Fav Video Games: Disgaea 1 & 2, final fantasy VII, okami

Fav Music: emo and hair metal

Hobbies: writing (poetry, novel), drawing, collecting swords

Loves: friends, watching people die in movies, ferrets, music and breaking things

Secretly: writes Inuyasha fan fiction

Tries To Be: as nice as I can be, caring, funny, and cheerful

Wishes: people would accept me for who I am, and for a faster computer
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Goatmon on January 19, 2007, 10:24:58 PM
Goatmon with The Hat.


Goatmon with Sword. 


Goatmon with Lightsabers. 

Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Darkmoon on January 20, 2007, 08:45:19 AM
Okay, I'm doing upgrades to the album as we speak. However...

Goatmon: If you want pictures in the album, you need to post bio content. I don't do bios without content.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Darkmoon on January 20, 2007, 10:48:56 AM
Aight, Photo Album has been updated. If you posted pictures in this thread and you don't yet have a bio, that's because you didn't give me an content to go with the pictures. You have to write something for me to work with.

I updated everyone's pages more or less to their specification, so enjoy.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: TheGreyRonin on January 20, 2007, 05:09:37 PM
Well, I personally think my bio is one of the most sick, wrong things anyone's ever written about me, and insane to boot!

...Also funny as hell. Thanks, Darkmoon. I love it. *grins*
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Darkmoon on January 20, 2007, 05:15:58 PM
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Hilary on January 20, 2007, 05:21:06 PM
There's two of the same picture on my page... was that on purpose? Or did I post the same pic twice because I'm silly? (That's very plausible.)
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Darkmoon on January 20, 2007, 05:22:22 PM
Very probable. Lemme check and see.

EDIT: Fixed.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Valynth on January 26, 2007, 08:27:59 PM
I love my bio, it's hilarious.  THIS ONE'S FOR BRUCE!
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 26, 2007, 11:58:33 PM
One is tempted, tempted, I say, to post the monkey boxes.

And a collection of answers that are either misleading or downright erroneous.

That might be considered to be messing with the idea of the form, though....
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Darkmoon on January 27, 2007, 12:12:32 AM
You are perfectly allowed to do that, if you want. A previous bio on the album was a picture of one of the members in a pizza outfit (ie, he was dressed as a big slice of pizza), and the bio simply said "Moo."
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 27, 2007, 12:34:56 AM
Oh, well, in that case, this ( is probably the right image...

Birthday: 29th February, on odd years. 31st April on even years.
Age: Indeterminate (and if anyone guesses correctly, they'll get lied to outright :-)
Gender: He's a box. Boxes have gender?
Popularity: None. Nobody likes the admins. It's part of the job description.
Note: He's the box that Amber ( is thinking outside of. Just so you know...

Description: Well, he's a box. And contains monkeys, which may or may not want bananas, depending on which random image you're looking at. They might be busy making more monkeys, to which typewriters will be assigned in due course - he's aiming to re-write Wikipedia in fluent Gibberish, but we're having difficulty finding Gibbers to perform quality assurance.
Amongst other things, he's doing some of the startup of the Wiku-wiki ( over on Wikia (, hosting the backup copy of the old forum (,  running upgrades on -this- forum in his spare time, doing some coding odd jobs in the background of Darkmoon's comic, and holding down a full-time job, too. He's a sysadmin by trade - they're all grumpy bastards, so don't expect him to be polite.
Maybe sometime this millennium, he'll get some sleep. We're not holding our breath...
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: superluser on January 27, 2007, 01:24:16 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 27, 2007, 12:34:56 AMGender: He's a box. Boxes have gender?

I used to have a set of male and female boxes.  I was planning on making box porn with them (a la Cable Porn ( suggestive, but pretty much SFW), but I lost them somehow.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: TheGreyRonin on February 02, 2007, 08:22:34 PM
A request if you please, Darkmoon. Will you capitalize the t, g, ans r in my name on the site, please. Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Darkmoon on February 02, 2007, 10:25:52 PM
It wasn't capitalized at the time of writing, so that's why it wasn't. When I get around to updating the album, I'll correct it.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Castle Pokemetroid on February 09, 2007, 01:05:17 AM
Heh, I only looked at the updated stuff now. The funny on mine could be better.

I found out that at the time of writing my info, I got lazy, so update mine with acual info.

TV shows: Naruto, Transformers, Bleach, MAR, Bobobo, One Piece, Inyuasha, Trinity Blood, and all the other stuff on toonami and adult swim, as the list will have all those, exept Pee-Wee's play house. That show makes me go mad if I watch it.

Foods: Thai foods that I can't spell, since it's in thai.

Color: Green, Blue.

Hobbies: Being lazy and playing video games.

Video games: Castlevania, Pokemon, Metroid. (Castle Pokemetroid, duh.)

Hates: Eh, I'll get to that later as I'm too lazy at the moment.

Got lazy and forgot animal: Cat. And some pokemon if they were real.

Tell me if I forgot any others.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Malicious on March 03, 2007, 11:00:57 AM

Scotland, kicks the bajeezus out of any other country.

Name : Jak
D.O.B : April 28th 1989
Location : Birmingham, England
Height : 6'2"
Weight : 11 stone
Style : Seriously easy going

Favourite things :
My MP3 Player
Art & Design
Partyin' on Down.. evidently

Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: vulpesweasel on April 11, 2007, 05:05:04 PM
(  hurry for another picture!
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Teroniss on April 15, 2007, 12:05:34 AM
I has a sword!

Real Name: Cory

Bday Date: February 9, 1982

Zodiac: Aquarius (You know you love us)

Lives in: The ninth circle of Hell that is Texas

Likes: Gaming, Swords, Drawing, Swords, Writing, More Swords, Rats, and uh Swords

Dislikes: Stoopid Peoples >.> Brussel sprouts Xp

Favorite Color: Blue and Black

Favorite Movie Types: Horror, Anime

Brief Summary: I know Kungfu!!!!
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: rabid_fox on May 02, 2007, 03:58:19 PM

Oh, g'wan then.


Thon's me.

What do I love?

Folk music, for I play the guitar and the bodhrán.
A good book is hard to beat, though easy to beat someone with.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: bill on May 14, 2007, 09:30:01 PM
im rly sexy IMO.

Profile information:

Hello. As a moderator for this fucked-up forum, I find it difficult to look sufficiently badass. So I bought a hat. Is that badass, or what? Even the... thingy on the hat looks badass. Like it'll fuck you right up. I've got a Glock off-screen. I'm serious. I'd fuck you right up myself if I didn't have such good self-restraint.

Anyway, agressive impulses and mood swings aside, I'm a sucker for music, especially if it's overly indulgent, pretentious, and bombastic. Unless it's Dragonforce. I fucking hate Dragonforce.

If you're still reading this, and are somehow still interested, I'm also a fan of cars. Any fast car is good for me, except if it has:
(Exception: Any American car made before 1980 may have SPINNERZ AND RIMZ)
2) A fog system
3) An anime paintjob
4) A little blue oval on the front with "Ford" in it.
5) A picture of Calvin pissing on something.

In conclusion, I have no bloody idea why I'm here, how I got this job (after being a member for about two months), or what to type next.

I really like that hat, though.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Swift-Skink on May 16, 2007, 05:38:18 AM
Yes, this is me, and those are trees in the background. But unlike the other trees in New Zealand, these trees were not featured in The Lord of the Rings". Poor, poor little trees...

But neither was I. Poor, poor, little me...

I need a hug!

Real Name: Michael

B-Day: Feb 7th
Gender: Male
Greek Zodiac: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac: Horse
Result: A Kelpie?
Lives In: New Zealand, -AKA- "Aotearoa, bro!"

Favorite Food: Banana's, Pizza, Sushi, other consumables...

Favorite Color: All Colors.

Favorite Movies: Howl's Moving Castle, The Lion King, The Lord of the Rings.

Favorite Anime: Cowboy Bebop, NGE, Oh My Goddess!

Favorite Shows: Scrubs, House, Heroes.

Favorite Video Games:  The Elder Scrolls Series, but I play a lot of games.

Favorite Books: The Lord of the Rings, The Discworld Series, but I read anything.

Favorite Music: Dragonforce, Tool, Tiny Tim, but I listen to way more. Except Rap...

Hobbies: Reading book's, reading webcomic's, playing game's playing guitar, and making pitiful attempts at art.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 16, 2007, 05:46:03 AM
Quote from: Ellyriun on May 16, 2007, 05:38:18 AM
Yes, this is me, and those are trees in the background. But unlike the other trees in New Zealand, these trees were not featured in The Lord of the Rings". Poor, poor little trees...

But neither was I. Poor, poor, little me...

Sorry, there was someone in NZ who -wasn't- in LotR? In some way? :-]

(yeah, yeah, I know. Heck, I wasn't involved, either, but I know at least two groups of people who were...)
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Swift-Skink on May 18, 2007, 07:05:13 AM
I actully knew quite a few people who were involved. In fact, one of the Ringwraiths taught me how to ride a horse!

Of course everyone in NZ who wasn't in the movie's, knew people in them. Which does discredit our attempt's at telling the world "We're not a small country!"

Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 18, 2007, 08:10:31 AM
Given the size of the movies, and the size of your average ring of "people I know" (dunno about the movies, but I know a good couple thousand, easily) getting a decent sized slice out of ~4 million isn't -really- that hard.

I can one-up that, though. My sister used to live next to one of Weta's houses full of render-boxen. "Used to" because they expanded into the house she used to live in, and her landlord asked her to move out...
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Netrogo on May 30, 2007, 10:52:17 AM

This be me. I'm a 24 year old aspiring film maker from Toronto Ontario. My favourite things are generally anime, movies, and generally anything that keeps me from having to go outside. Anything else, you'll probably figure out the longer I hang out around here.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Damaris on May 30, 2007, 10:20:11 PM
So, is Toronto the Hollywood of the north or something?  I know more aspiring filmmakers up there...
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Netrogo on May 30, 2007, 10:22:28 PM
Toronto and Vancouver kinda compete over which is the Hollywood of the north.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Sunblink on May 31, 2007, 07:26:33 PM
Eh, why the hell not.


My name's Keaton, and the handsome fellow perched on my hand in that picture is Murgatroid, my leopard gecko.

I'm currently 16 years old, 5'3" and fluctuating between 140 and 145 pounds depending on whether or not I shirk my diet (I WANTED to lie about that, but nooo, curse my morals). Living in Florida. I'm hoping to become a writer and illustrator some day. I love writing, drawing, creating new characters and designing them, my friends, happiness, the color yellow (yet I don't own a single clothing article which is yellow), rock music (or music in general), comedy movies, DMFA, my boyfriend, my family, dark and macabre writing, demented and evil things, yaoi, and RPing.

I hate self-righteousness, real-life violence, prejudice, most Italian food (not including the flying spaghetti monster), and that guy over there. MOST ESPECIALLY that guy over there.

~Keaton the Black Jackal
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: bill on May 31, 2007, 07:59:05 PM
Hey Darkmoon, you fucking prick, update the fucking album.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Netrogo on May 31, 2007, 08:02:03 PM
Wow, you've grown up alot since the first time I met ya online KBJ :mowhappy
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Lushin on May 31, 2007, 10:02:11 PM
Here's another pic of me. I think it works better with the bio Darkmoon gave me.
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 01, 2007, 04:35:08 AM
Quote from: BillBuckner on May 31, 2007, 07:59:05 PM
Hey Darkmoon, you fucking prick, update the fucking album.

Donate some of that loose cash you're collecting, and see what happens. :-P
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: King Of Hearts on June 01, 2007, 05:00:00 AM
I always thought Keaton was a guy...

Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Janus Whitefurr on June 01, 2007, 06:18:58 AM
Stealing RJ's layout. Because I'm bored.

Behold the horrible photo! (

True Name: Terry
Online Name: Janus Whitefurr / Janus Lamington (depends, really)

B-Day: 8th November 1983, ten weeks early.
Greek Zodiac: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Pig
That makes: A pig with claws and a stinging tail. Beware the scorpipig!

Fav Colour: By and large, pink. Also in this category, are purple and green. Taste the rainbow.

Fav Food: Chicken. Most sweets except licorice. Rediscovered a fondness for Jaffas lately.

Fav Shows: Don't watch that much standard TV. Did like the original CSI though. And I sometimes watch the news.

Fav Anime: I collect all and sundry. Current favourite is Heat Guy J. It'll change to one of the others in a few months.

Fav Movie Types: Science-fiction, fantasy, anime, and even I can enjoy J-horror. Not a horror fan, really.

Fav Video Games: Most RPGs. Special love goes to the Shadow Hearts series and the MegaTen games.

Fav Music: I'll generally listen to anything with the exception of country music, rap, or pop music. J-pop is an exception.

Hobbies: Being lazy, being a uni student, writing, gaming. Writing's the main hobby, but not many people read it. Oh well, I'm not complaining.

Loves: Writing. Sweets. Being nice. Nice people. Pretty boys. Pretty girls. Plenty of generally silly things.

Secretly: Does the occasional e-wrestling stint. Hail the SWF!

Tries To Be: The Nice Guy. I'm well-loved, if the people who talk to me are telling the truth.

Wishes: For superpowers!
Title: Re: Photo Album: The Quest Continues
Post by: Damaris on June 01, 2007, 10:47:42 PM
Oh, dear.  I can't wait to see what he does for a bio with THAT picture.  Classic, sir.  Simply classic.