Yeah, im leaving pretty much. Not much to do around here and i have no time to get on sometimes. My DA has got to be overfilling and some people on this forum disgusts me or makes me mad. I havn't been much of a talker on here and i just think im wasteing space. Even now i probably am. I remember once leaving but i got draw back. When I went to see my good byes they were gone. O well, guess I won't be missed after all really. Ive been a thorn in some peoples sides too so Im sorry about that. Being lazy and not doing requests even the pasts ones and abandoning those Im sorry. Not being very supportive, Im sorry. Not posting back to other peoples art in response to them posting on mine, Im sorry. So many reasons to apologize, yet it will most likely thrown aside and forgotten.
Goodbye, it was Enjoying discussing with you and putting up with me.
I'm sorry to hear your leaving us...
I'm sorry if I've done anything to upset you,
good luck where oever you go hon
Don't let it hit ya on the way out.