Jirra's partner reminds me of that bandit who was holding up Snell's (or whatever alias he was using...)'Fellowship' in The Dark Lord Rises...
Quote from: ProfesseurRenard on February 28, 2023, 04:27:51 AM
Jirra's partner reminds me of that bandit who was holding up Snell's (or whatever alias he was using...)'Fellowship' in The Dark Lord Rises...
Yeah, they most likely are.
Yep that's her! I stole her and named her Isabella
I bandited the bandit
DHS continuity is a great place to shove one-off characters with good designs.
I believe it's also been said that minor characters killed in PF-verse end up appearing somewhere in DHS continuity...
As I've said many times, bandits (and robber barons' entourages) have a much longer life expectancy in LaRaGa than in Furrae.
Quote from: Lying Foo on March 03, 2023, 08:37:54 AM
As I've said many times, bandits (and robber barons' entourages) have a much longer life expectancy in LaRaGa than in Furrae.
These 'bandits' are actually enforcing a toll road for the local lord. They're just not very good at it.
(see also https://dhscomix.com/dfcomics/dfcomic.php?p=15 )
Hence the parenthetical.