I've never seen a girl in these forums! :januscat :bunny :mowwink :mowhappy
First, you gotta open your eyes. Then, you look around. Then you count the people wit--*gets shot*
Oh, it's easy to find females around these parts, just wander into a thread and ask everyone to get nake-- *Gets taken out by a tranq dart.* --ng, oh, I can see the music!
... on a more serious note, as far as I know, we have Serline, Hilary, Xze, Dakata ... um ... curse you, worthless memory! I'm sure there're more than that even but my mind refuses to work right now.
How about Amber? xD
Girls have cooties.
QuoteMale to Female Ratio: 3.9:1
Statistics strikes again. :paranoid
Quote from: Rowne on September 23, 2006, 03:23:59 PM
... on a more serious note, as far as I know, we have Serline, Hilary, Xze, Dakata ... um ... curse you, worthless memory! I'm sure there're more than that even but my mind refuses to work right now.
[Steals from Rowne's list]
Amber, Damaris, Blade, Seraline, Hilary, Xze,
Dakata, RJ, Catherine Willington, Zina, Miaka, Gabi, Mewgal, KBR*, Ryn, Aisha, Silverfox, Aary*, Nirfy*, TalonR, Tigress Moon*, Sunny Chiba, Wildy, Marin+, Forestcat ...
..and various others I've forgotten..
*May not have crossed to the new forum. Delete as applicable.
+Occasional visitor.
Thank goodness for Tape, his mind is a steel trap.
Dakata isn't femme enough to be female!
...Dakata is a nothing. :B Who has hooters. *Holds up some little baby owls*
Hooters: *HOOT* :B
Quote from: Zina on September 23, 2006, 03:25:28 PM
Girls have cooties.
o.O ??!?!!?
well, mewmew, as tape said, there are a lot...not as much as i would like to but...*ahem*
in the other hand we have beautiful guys...uh...not really just one...guess who? ;)
Me. :P
.... gee i feel like a girl right now >>
DO I GOTTA WEAR A FREAKING DRESS TO BE CONSIDRED FEMALE!!??? :evil :nono :censored :cuss :rant :banghead :tantrum :boom :bat :plzdie :chainsaw :gun2 :gun1 :redrum :lynched :bunnycry
Bloody hell, Xze, you just gave half the internet a seizure.
:evil :nono :censored :cuss :rant :banghead :tantrum :boom :bat :plzdie :chainsaw :gun2 :gun1 :redrum :lynched
I just feel like a non-girl right now
:evil :nono :censored :cuss :rant :banghead :tantrum :boom :bat :plzdie :chainsaw :gun2 :gun1 :redrum :lynched
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 03:37:28 PM
.... gee i feel like a girl right now >>
Tapewolf mentioned you!
um, there's Wildy... I'm sure there's some more...
Did Marin move over or no? I kinda forget. >>
I'm sure there's more that were not all forgetting. >>
xze transformed a small talking into a therapy session :B awesome :O
And Xze- I'd had people try to convince me I was a boy.
Just because some people's memories suck is no reason for you to spaz. Kay love?
<< I'm done.
did someone mention RJ? :B
Quote from: Tapewolf on September 23, 2006, 03:26:39 PM
Quote from: Rowne on September 23, 2006, 03:23:59 PM
... on a more serious note, as far as I know, we have Serline, Hilary, Xze, Dakata ... um ... curse you, worthless memory! I'm sure there're more than that even but my mind refuses to work right now.
[Steals from Rowne's list]
Amber, Damaris, Blade, Seraline, Hilary, Xze, Dataka, RJ, Catherine Willington, Zina, Miaka, Gabi, Mewgal, KBR*, Ryn, Aisha, Silverfox, Aary*, Nirfy*, Taross, Tigress Moon*, Sunny Chiba, Wildy, Marin+, Forestcat ...
..and various others I've forgotten..
*May not have crossed to the new forum. Delete as applicable.
+Occasional visitor.
FFS, can't you read the thread before posting? ¬_¬
[sarcasm]i know she was mentioned i just thought she should be mentioned twice! ;) [/sarcasm]
I have been adding to the list as new people I've forgotten are mentioned.
Can I be removed from the list? :B
no, now get in your dress girl!!!!!!! ;)
NO. *girls Dakata very girlily*
D: Meanies!
*Uses magic to make -himself- look like [this (http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c60/dmdakata/drawings/dakahooters.gif)]*
...I'm pretty! :3
...*Dances....because -he- can*
lol, that's a nasty pic! :p
naughty... >:3
but nasty! :O
Dakata's a guy, you f00lz! :B
How is it nasty? :3 *Pets his owls hooters*
Hooters: *HOOT* :B
...*Goes in the off-topic corner* :3
Quote from: Rowne on September 23, 2006, 03:33:13 PM
Thank goodness for Tape, his mind is a steel trap.
... rusted shut? :-)
Quote from: Leafar on September 23, 2006, 04:27:12 PM
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 04:20:49 PM
Dakata's a guy, you f00lz! :B
now i am lost... :[
As you should, it seems that not many people know the tr00f.
yeah but i don't get this ''gay'' talking thing...
so...dakata is a ''DUDE >:3 '' and gay...is that right so? :B
No, Dakata's 'ghey.' :P
now, let's stop this mewmew is getting scared... :B
* Rowne stares, like a Deer in headlights.
I ... buh?
Well er, hey, I mentioned Xze too!
See, Dakata comes to us from two separate universes. In both dimensions Dakata's annoying, confusing, and fun at parties. But that's where the resemblance ends. They're different genders and both deny being female. There might be other Dakatas from other universes who don't quite dismiss it, but this has yet to be proven. Sciencey.
Quote from: Zina on September 23, 2006, 03:25:28 PM
Girls have cooties.
finally I see a girl! :januscat :bunny :mowwink :mowhappy
:P Since when was taross a girl?
/me laughs and posts a link Taross (http://www.dutchfurs.com/~taross/new/index2.php?file=about)
btw: Nice site redesign Taross
So Xze-Xze,Zina and Miaka are girls? :januscat :bunny :mowwink :mowhappy
Quote from: Mew Mew Renee on September 23, 2006, 05:34:29 PM
So Xze-Xze,Zina and Miaka are girls? :januscat :bunny :mowwink :mowhappy
yes, Darling they are. ;)
zina is not only a girl :[
she is THE girl! ;)
Quote from: Leafar on September 23, 2006, 05:38:39 PM
zina is not only a girl :[
she is THE girl! ;)
Zina is the Own D:
Ok!? :januscat :bunny :mowwink :mowhappy
anyway, mewmew how old are you? where are you from? do you think we are being watched? :paranoid
Quote from: Leafar on September 23, 2006, 05:54:55 PM
anyway, mewmew how old are you? where are you from? do you think we are being watched? :paranoid
seconded, truly being secretive about your age is unnecessary on a world With 3 billion+ people.
aiyno, go to your room... >_>
Quote from: Leafar on September 23, 2006, 06:00:44 PM
aiyno, go to your room... >_>
I'm in my room D:
I like the big shiney red buttons! They force me to do evil things! It's not my fault!
I'm secretive about my age but only because I don't like being judged by it. I can be compassionate, retentive, cool and old-fashioned in equal degrees. I find that giving anyone a label to latch onto will only allow them to see one side of who I am, as that's what conceptions do.
Truly judging people by their age is bad, Just look at some people that are below my age acting like true adults here and me acting like someone half my age, People vary and some people just never grow up. People should judge people by their actions how hard at might be it's the only real way to get to know a person.
Truer words ne'er spoken, Aiyno.
If everyone held beliefs like that, I wouldn't have to keep my age secret so frequently.
Quote from: Aiyno Wolf on September 23, 2006, 05:57:58 PM
seconded, truly being secretive about your age is unnecessary on a world With 3 billion+ people.
There may be 3+ billion people on the planet, but there is only one llearch.
I thought it was 6+ billion? Though 3+ billion people would still hold true, just not as specifically.
BEFORE MEWMEW answers, the touche question:
are you single? >:3 (if you're over age of course :paranoid )
Holy crap, you're so annying!
save the compliments for later, k? ;)
I'm not kidding, you were already temp-banned once, you apparently didn't learn your lesson.
you gies keep cuting me off my post! :januscat :bunny :mowsmile :mowhappy :mowmeep
Seriously, Leafar. Quit asking the girls if they're single. :( It's annoying, and most of them don't live near you...and stuff.
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 06:24:28 PM
Holy crap, you're so annying!
Would it be too easy to say, your typing skills are so awful? :P
;) Leafar you scare me, Taking that as a compliment is something only the devil would do.
have to agree with Dakata
so, as i was saying MEWMEW..... >:3
TO AIYNO : hahaahahahahahaahahaaha *rofles*
Quote from: Aiyno Wolf on September 23, 2006, 06:27:46 PM
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 06:24:28 PM
Holy crap, you're so annying!
Would it be too easy to say, your typing skills are so awful? :P
Don't remind me... :sweatdrop
Quote from: Leafar on September 23, 2006, 06:30:01 PM
so, as i was saying MEWMEW..... >:3
TO AIYNO : hahaahahahahahaahahaaha *rofles*
Atleast you're keeeping the floor dust free. :mwaha
yeah, where my dog was rofling a while ago... :S
Are you trying to get a girlfriend? :januscat
Quote from: Mew Mew Renee on September 23, 2006, 06:38:21 PM
Are you trying to get a girlfriend? :januscat
mmm....is there some cool-new-member avaiable around? *looks like in doubt* :)
no! :januscat :mowwink :mowmeep :mowhappy
Quote from: Mew Mew Renee on September 23, 2006, 06:38:21 PM
Are you trying to get a girlfriend? :januscat
He's just a horndog.
Quote from: Leafar on September 23, 2006, 06:40:35 PM
Quote from: Mew Mew Renee on September 23, 2006, 06:38:21 PM
Are you trying to get a girlfriend? :januscat
mmm....is there some cool-new-member avaiable around? *looks like in doubt* :)
Don't worry he's gay and in denial :mwaha
Oh dear, I missed this thread? D:
You didn't miss much. :-)
Only fail. :<
Who failed, where, and when?
Quote from: Zina on September 23, 2006, 06:45:42 PM
Only fail. :<
EVEN YOU ZINA!!!!!!??!? :O
*runs crying upstairs*
bill is so lost... :P
Are you gay? :januscat :bunny :mowmeep
Quote from: Mew Mew Renee on September 23, 2006, 06:52:51 PM
Are you gay? :januscat :bunny :mowmeep
*laughs* :laugh
Come on leafarv answer it you straight bi-jockey!
He sure is! Why, he's as gay as Brokeback Mountain! Yeehaw!
*run away*
He's as gay as Elton John in a purple thong! :O (No, not really.)
He wears white socks and underwear!
Like I'd go out with someone gay! :januscat
He's just in denial, hun. HE THINKS HE'S NOT GAY. D: Ignore him.
...*Loud whisper* HIS MA N' PA DUN'T APPROVE OF 'DEM GAYZ. :B
Edit: His ma n' pa dun't approve of 'dem Dakatas either. Nope. 'Dem Dakatas sure is kuh-RAZY. :B
does this great good looking guy looks gay to you??
I wasn't aware that one could 'look gay.' :|
Look at him! He's -smiling-! That means he's -happy-!
...And -gay- is just another word for -happy-!
...WE'RE ALL GAY. :3
I know I'm gay. Gay and perky.
hmmmmmmm............ :januscat
Quote from: Dakata on September 23, 2006, 07:02:53 PM
Look at him! He's -smiling-! That means he's -happy-!
...And -gay- is just another word for -happy-!
...WE'RE ALL GAY. :3
Well then, I suppose that pic you drew is the essence of all gay, then. Besides, you're not gay all of the time, you're always cutting yourself with plastic knives. :B
Wow, I think I have accumulated at least 10 pages today!
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 07:04:46 PMQuote from: Dakata on September 23, 2006, 07:02:53 PM
Look at him! He's -smiling-! That means he's -happy-!
...And -gay- is just another word for -happy-!
...WE'RE ALL GAY. :3
Well then, I suppose that pic you drew is the essence of all gay, then. Besides, you're not gay all of the time, you're always cutting yourself with plastic knives. :B
Wow, I think I have accumulated at least 10 pages today!
Quiet, you! No one needs to know about my emo-ness. D:
*Tries to cut his fwuffy-dragon wrists with plastic knives, and listens to Linkin Park* D':
...*Goes in the off-topic corner*
Zounds. Haz, I see your schwar-- I mean, your postcount is as big as mine. Almost.
Is it?
I should cut back, then...
Just 99 more to go. >:3
We filled four pages in 1 or 2 hour(s)! :januscat
Oh boy, the mods are going to wreak all sorts of havoc when they see what we've done. :help
Why? :januscat
Another set of negative karma? :-)
(no, probably not. Ewps, we are in -so- much trouble... :-)
Why???????? :januscat
...It's all Llearch's fault!
Blame the box! Blame the box!
Blame the box! Blame the box!
Who is the box? :januscat
Those boxes are tricky types, ya know.
*Joins Dakata in chanting.*
Blame the Box! Blame the Box!
Blame the Box! Blame the Box!
Blame the Box! Blame the Box!
*I'm* the box.
And we're in trouble because the mods have to read those posts. The problem is, they don't get them in dribbles, like we did, but in one heaving great mass... at which point, the logical consistencies are gone, and it's just a pile of random junk.
... which is awful hard to read.
Quote from: Mew Mew Renee on September 23, 2006, 05:34:29 PM
So Xze-Xze,Zina and Miaka are girls? :januscat :bunny :mowwink :mowhappy
:( you make me cry a little.
Quote from: Aiyno Wolf on September 23, 2006, 05:29:51 PM
:P Since when was taross a girl?
Aw nuts. Was Teroniss the female, then? I've heard one of them on teamspeak and I always get them confused. Of course the fact that Taross runs around with a female avatar on The Nice doesn't help any :P
I'll add TalonR - I can reasonably confident that she is a she.
Quote from: Miaka on September 23, 2006, 07:21:09 PM
Quote from: Mew Mew Renee on September 23, 2006, 05:34:29 PM
So Xze-Xze,Zina and Miaka are girls? :januscat :bunny :mowwink :mowhappy
:( you make me cry a little.
Awww, poor Mika. :( *Hugs the sad... umm, what is Miaka?*
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 07:22:50 PM
Quote from: Miaka on September 23, 2006, 07:21:09 PM
Quote from: Mew Mew Renee on September 23, 2006, 05:34:29 PM
So Xze-Xze,Zina and Miaka are girls? :januscat :bunny :mowwink :mowhappy
:( you make me cry a little.
Awww, poor Mika. :( *Hugs the sad... umm, what is Miaka?*
Squirrel, thankyouverymuch.
Uhh... I've only been here like... a week or so? So I don't know whos girls and whos not, well... the obvious ones I can tell apart... >>
I've been here about a week :januscat
'Kata you stil have the evidence against Leafar right?
What... Jesus this thread is bad.
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 07:26:58 PM
'Kata you stil have the evidence against Leafar right?
What evidence? D:
Was there even a topic to begin with?
Quote from: Mew Mew Renee on September 23, 2006, 05:34:29 PM
So Xze-Xze,Zina and Miaka are girls? :januscat :bunny :mowwink :mowhappy
I do so hope so, otherwise I would be quite confused. Last I checked, I was straight >>
Now that I'm not quoting from two pages ago, hurrah for threads falling off topic!
The Evidence, 'Kata, THE EVIDENCE!
Evidence is for sissies.
Quote from: Dakata on September 23, 2006, 07:29:50 PM
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 07:26:58 PM
'Kata you stil have the evidence against Leafar right?
What evidence? D:
the one where he asked me sumthin and you tok a screenshot of it >>
Holy crap, Xze, that sig is freaking boss. Stick with it.
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 07:34:37 PM
Quote from: Dakata on September 23, 2006, 07:29:50 PM
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 07:26:58 PM
'Kata you stil have the evidence against Leafar right?
What evidence? D:
the one where he asked me sumthin and you tok a screenshot of it >>
I already told
Dammy Damaris about it. D:
Blame the box, blame the box, blame the box, blame th-- ... sorry. It was addictive! And it helped get the Extreme Heroes theme out of my head, yay!
Xze's ... sig is empty? I see no sig! It's zen! Yes, that makes it boss. I understand now. Zen is good.
Quote from: Dakata on September 23, 2006, 07:35:38 PM
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 07:34:37 PM
Quote from: Dakata on September 23, 2006, 07:29:50 PM
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 07:26:58 PM
'Kata you stil have the evidence against Leafar right?
What evidence? D:
the one where he asked me sumthin and you tok a screenshot of it >>
I already told Dammy Damaris about it. D:
D:D:D:D: but you kept it right!! we need the Advantage if a blackmail situation ever comes up!
... now I see the sig.
That was weird.
I have to agree, I like bats too. Who doesn't?
Quote from: Rowne on September 23, 2006, 07:36:07 PM
Xze's ... sig is empty?
She's using a CGI script to rotate them like her avatar. Which means that we have no idea what it was that Bill thought was cool (unless he meant the CGI script rather than the image)
Yes, I have it, Xze. :P
...and I think Bill thinks the Xze-sig is cool. D:
[Click] (http://s88.photobucket.com/albums/k182/xzexze/Banners/?action=view¤t=B-173.jpg&refPage=&imgAnch=imgAnch20)
...*Goes in the off-topic corner* :3
Penguins Rock..
i need more sigs >>
Xze: Try searching 'insane sigs' at images.google.com. Though I half wish I hadn't.
I just thought I'd admit to everyone that I can't tell the difference between Xze Xze and Dakata.
Quote from: Netami on September 23, 2006, 07:49:38 PM
I just thought I'd admit to everyone that I can't tell the difference between Xze Xze and Dakata.
...Well, I have a rooster in my pants, and Xze doesn't. Does that help? :B
And uhh...she has a random avatar-thingie...I don't...aaand...I'm red. D:
Er, no, you're a girl and both of you are sort've fitting into the fan grrl thing. Though I guess Xze Xze posts more often, it doesn't change the fact that you're pretty much the same personality with different names. :O
Quote from: Netami on September 23, 2006, 07:55:26 PM
Er, no, you're a girl and both of you are sort've fitting into the fan grrl thing. Though I guess Xze Xze posts more often, it doesn't change the fact that you're pretty much the same personality with different names. :O
...I still have a rooster in my pants. D: *Takes a rooster out of his/her pants* :B See?
Rooster: Cock-a-doodle-dooooo! :3
...And I'm still red. And furry.
It's far too easy to label anyone with a wild generalization if you ask me. Then again, that's what wild generalizations are for.
Quote from: Netami on September 23, 2006, 07:49:38 PM
I just thought I'd admit to everyone that I can't tell the difference between Xze Xze and Dakata.
I'm nicer than Dakata!!
I don't think "nice" is the word we should be using.
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 08:19:44 PM
Quote from: Netami on September 23, 2006, 07:49:38 PM
I just thought I'd admit to everyone that I can't tell the difference between Xze Xze and Dakata.
I'm nicer than Dakata!!
No, you're pretty much on par.
She's a bit less sane, IMO. Lack of sanity is good.
D: I am not less sane!!
I'm glad I'm on this side of the internet, because I have a feeling that I'd have a knife implanted into my eye 'bout now.
Bad Bill!!
No cookies for you!
That's okay. I prefer Chex Mix anyhow.
*spanks Bill and steals his mask*
Oh. Oh snap. This is war.
*takes Xze's scripting*
*steals his pants*
The joke's on you, I have none. :P
....I love these boards
I have shorts, to be exact. I'm not a perv unlike SOME PEOPLE. *coughs at nobody in particular*
* Rowne whispers to Xze, "Hey, mess with his favourite band so their genré switches to country & folk, that really drives him nuts."
Oh dear. I'll need to borrow a pair from Haz.
Quote from: Rowne
* Rowne whispers to Xze, "Hey, mess with his favourite band so their genré switches to country & folk, that really drives him nuts."
Rowne, I will eat your children. Actually, folk's alright, but country is a shooting offense in Bucknaria.
*whispers to Rowne* I'm not THAT mean X3
*steals Bill's underpants*
*steals Xze's hair*
*puts on a spare pair made especially for this purpose. And people said I was paranoid. Losers.*
But I don't have any children! Thank the... whatever I should thank for that.
No! My plan, my beautiful plan! Ahem. I'll cut you off on the freeway, then. Twice! Muhahaha!
*Steals Bill's Sanity*
Quote from: Rowne on September 23, 2006, 08:44:02 PM
But I don't have any children! Thank the... whatever I should thank for that.
Quote from: BillBuckner on September 23, 2006, 08:46:12 PM
Ketchup and kitties! :3
*Claps hands/paws*
Mayo and Bunnies!!
Not exactly but you win this round, Aridas!
* Rowne creeps off to mess with Organya View so that it only plays country & folk.
Tartar sauce and goldfish?
Quote from: BillBuckner on September 23, 2006, 08:38:56 PM
I have shorts, to be exact. I'm not a perv unlike SOME PEOPLE. *coughs at nobody in particular*
I like shorts, they're comfy and easy to wear
hot sauce and cows!
I like bellbottoms, they're breezy and stylish!
Short season is over in New England, sadly. Soon, though, will be ski season. And fun.
Quote from: BillBuckner on September 23, 2006, 08:50:21 PM
Short season is over in New England, sadly. Soon, though, will be ski season. And fun.
Bill is a fellow NEw Englander >> I think I remember learnign that already.
I rarely wear shorts even during the shorts season :P
Hey, I inadvertantly stopped the war between Xze and Bill! This is a win I'm going to pin on my belt.
It's a party Haz and you've only just found your invite.
Give me back my shorts, Bill! :evil
*Steals Hazzy's shorts*
* Rowne leaps on the bandwagon and ALSO steals from Hazmat's large closet of identical shorts.
*Throws Haz pair of shorts, grabs jeans from closet*
Stop stealing my clothing! :cry I know I have an impeccable sense of fashion, but c'mon!
Wow, that's one trippy sig.
I wonder how much I could sell these on eBay for. Should I try?
*steals everyon'es clothing*
YEY! nekkid people!!! ^w^
*steals Xze's sight*
Oh noes.
How ironic. Xze's avatar happens to be a naked Xze tangled in a ball of yarn. xD
*steals Xze* MY XZE!
Yay, it's the summer of love again! Now where'd I put my pipe ...
That's 1967, right? Booyah!
*steals 1967 AAR Eagle, drives around*
Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on September 23, 2006, 08:58:05 PM
*steals Xze* MY XZE!
0w0 i feel loved...
*gets her sight back* ooohhh..nekkid boys and men 0w0
I'm not naked, I have a helmet and balaclava.
*parades around nekkid*
Freedom, drugs and good music, Sister.
Odd note: Rowne's name reminds me of Rouen-Les-Essarts. I'm sure he gets that all the time.
Yay, I'm a racetrack!
* Rowne takes this oppurtunity to sing a parody of 'lean on me', except with drive in the place of lean.
...i feel un-loved again ;;
A boss racetrack, as a matter of fact. Boss enough that Papyrus Racing Games included it in Grand Prix Legends despite it being historically wrong (the game was set in 1967, Rouen was introduced in 1968), because the correct track was Le Mans De La Bugatti, which was a crap track.
I didn't know that! You're a font of racing info, Bill. ... and now I want to play GPL again.
Xze: I called you Sister, how much more loving can a man get?
Oh, hey. Look at that! GPL, GPL, GPL, GPL. Hm. Grand Prix Legends is pure and good!
Quote from: Rowne on September 23, 2006, 09:08:54 PM
I didn't know that! You're a font of racing info, Bill. ... and now I want to play GPL again.
Xze: I called you Sister, how much more loving can a man get?
Oh, hey. Look at that! GPL, GPL, GPL, GPL. Hm. Grand Prix Legends is pure and good!
*mind slips into the gutter*
Hey hey hey wait. You've played GPL? D:
Bill: Indeedy, yonks ago. I tend to play Grand Prix games in fact, period. Ever since the days of the Mega Drive with Super Monaco. Then a while ago ... I stopped. Not sure why. I need a new wheel. What's the current flavour of Grand Prix games?
Xze: I asked for that, didn't I?
Quote from: Rowne on September 23, 2006, 09:11:37 PM
Xze: I asked for that, didn't I?
yes...yes you did >>
*snuggles Hazzy* erm...*remembers she's still nekkid* ^^;;; ah well XD
The current flavor is rFactor, which is a racing game that is just meant for modding. And modding has been done on it. The F1 2006 mod is supposedly excellent, but I don't have rFactor.
Graphics if you have a Cray supercomputer.
I kept looking at rFactor! It's indie! I know that game! And other sentences with exclamation points at the end!
Seriously though, I've actually been tempted to buy that on numerous occasions. I just need to find myself a good wheel, to be honest. My old one's ready for the scrap heap.
I love the rFactor ideology though, it's so community based. I took a goose around a lot of the sites involved with it, lots of interesting cars and stuff, even a tractor as I recall.
(Cleaned up ambiguity, whoops!)
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 09:13:40 PM
Quote from: Rowne on September 23, 2006, 09:11:37 PM
Xze: I asked for that, didn't I?
yes...yes you did >>
*snuggles Hazzy* erm...*remembers she's still nekkid* ^^;;; ah well XD
If there were any super embarassed blushing emotes, you can bet there'd be one in place of this sentence.
Awwww Hazy, don't be embarassed ^^
After all we were born naked, which must mean that we are meant to be naked!!
Yes, because freezing to death in the winter is the way were all meant to die. :S
what about animal skins?
Haz, just go with it, dude. Summer 'o love, man. Summer 'o love.
Waitaminute, I'm sounding like Leafar here, aren't I? Crap.
rFactor's demo failed on my computer in the preformance department, so I stick with GPL. Which has the most amazing graphics for a 9 year old game I've ever seen.
http://ninosgarage.speedgeezers.com/GPL_intro/GPL.htm (for those who are uninitiated)
Quote from: Rowne on September 23, 2006, 09:18:09 PM
Haz, just go with it, dude. Summer 'o love, man. Summer 'o love.
Good point, I don't think it's possible to freeze to death where I live, anyway.
*More Xze huggles*
Hey Rowne, do you consider the word 'Brit' offensive?
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 09:19:21 PM
Quote from: Rowne on September 23, 2006, 09:18:09 PM
Haz, just go with it, dude. Summer 'o love, man. Summer 'o love.
Good point, I don't think it's possible to freeze to death where I live, anyway.
*More Xze huggles*
goodie!! *nakey huggles*
... I blame you for this, Bill. I have two things on my schedule of stuff wot I should do. One of them is to get a new racing wheel, the other is to dig out my ancient GPL or to snag it on budget somewhere.
I thouroughly blame you for this.
Haz: No but I prefer "Limey".
Well, you can get the GPL 2004 demo from bhmotorsports. You can add tracks and mods to it, and you're only missing the original tracks, which you can get from someone.
*Nakey-huggles Rowne and Bill*
now...where's Boogey.....*looks around*
I would severely advise against that, Xze, lest you want to fell the wrath of a certain forumite.
Bill: Who would that someone be? There are a lot of someones in the World. Could you give me a hint? ... oh, riiiight. Got'cha!
Seriously though, this is something that I shall do. Wheel. Must get wheel. Any suggestions? Preferrably one with a desk clamp and proper pedals.
Xze: Hey thanks! Another thing I can add to my 'stuff wot happened to me' list. *Pats a Xze.*
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 09:23:22 PM
I would severely advise against that, Xze, lest you want to fell the wrath of a certain forumite.
Dakata can kiss my Furry ***
Hmm, a steering wheel? I would suggest a wheel with a shift knob, clutch pedal, and force feedabck, but those can get kinda pricey. I have the Logitech Wingman, but it doesn't have any of the 3 previously mentioned features.
Oh, wow, Xze.. Umm, nice knowing you. :(
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 09:24:50 PMQuote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 09:23:22 PM
I would severely advise against that, Xze, lest you want to fell the wrath of a certain forumite.
Dakata can kiss my Furry ***
Quote from: Dakata on September 23, 2006, 09:27:46 PM
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 09:24:50 PMQuote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 09:23:22 PM
I would severely advise against that, Xze, lest you want to fell the wrath of a certain forumite.
Dakata can kiss my Furry ***
*grrrrrrrrr* right back atcha >=3
Quote from: Dakata on September 23, 2006, 09:29:01 PM
=3 goodie!!
maybe i'll get spankings >=3
Haz: I have amazing deal finding skills!
... it looks like research is on my schedule, too. I don't think I'm going to get out of this one. <.<
Bad Xze, naughty Xze!
I'm just going to call you Xzoot, now.
...*Pulls on Rowne's tail* Wowne-y! Xze-Xze's being meeeeeeeean!
(I'll tell Toric LATER. >:P)
*Looks around.* Another derailed topic?
I'm one of the many girls, by the way.
Quote from: Dakata on September 23, 2006, 09:31:31 PM
...*Pulls on Rowne's tail* Wowne-y! Xze-Xze's being meeeeeeeean!
(I'll tell Toric LATER. >:P)
oohhh..does this mean i'll get more spankings? >w<
Rowne: you do know that means instant death right?
Keyboarding is for MEN. :P (and people who can't afford wheels)
My direct inability or desire to actually do anything prevents me from actually being able to do anything. For this I am sorry. <.<
Bill: I have loads of newfound respect for you.
Gabi: And how. Eesh. It's like the summer of love here. Well, it was until Xze and Dakata started fighting.
Stop it, you two! You should love each other! ...andnotinthatway.
Quote from: Rowne on September 23, 2006, 09:33:38 PM
My direct inability or desire to actually do anything prevents me from actually being able to do anything. For this I am sorry. <.<
Bill: I have loads of newfound respect for you.
Gabi: And how. Eesh. It's like the summer of love here. Well, it was until Xze and Dakata started fighting.
Stop it, you two! You should love each other!
okay =3
*drags Dakata into a closet*
I lose.
*Escapes* D:
Alright, when we get into anatomical impossibilities, everyone loses.
...Yup, I'm pretty sure I'm a girl.
:3 RJ has joined us!!
now come be insane while me and Dakata make bebes!
Out of what?
out of LOVE!!
D: No! Bad! Dakata brother! Brother and sister don't make bebes!
...*Hides behind Bill* Protect me, Mask-man! :B
*Flails.* That was priceless, Bill.
And you're just as bad Xze.
Yes, let us all make metaphorical babies of good will and cheer.
I'm soaking wet. >:3
..What? :| I fell in the pool. (Yes, i really did, I fell in while getting all the damned leaves out of it. :sweatdrop)
Quote from: Dakata on September 23, 2006, 09:46:16 PM
D: No! Bad! Dakata brother! Brother and sister don't make bebes!
...*Hides behind Bill* Protect me, Mask-man! :B
:< Daka no wanna make paper-mache bebes then light them on fire?
Holy crap, that sounds like fun, can I help?! Lighting bebe's on fire, how delitefully evil! :mwaha
Wot, making metaphorical babies of good will and cheer?
I'm sure the 'lighting bebes on fire' thing popped into existance five picoseconds after I posted this. <.<
:lol @ Xze's current avvie: Jesus is coming, hide the porn!
Quote from: Rowne on September 23, 2006, 09:48:09 PM
Wot, making metaphorical babies of good will and cheer?
I'm sure the 'lighting bebes on fire' thing popped into existance five picoseconds after I posted this. <.<
*luffs on Hazzy*
I can make bebes by myself. :<
...*Makes a little bebe bunny out of -evil- Dark Dragon magic* See? :3 Bebe!
...*Eats the Dark-bebe-bunny* Mmmm....Magicky...
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 09:49:28 PM
*luffs on Hazzy*
Luffs? :| Uhh, I'm not familiar with this word.
Pish, metaphorical babies are so much easier to care for than real babies.
Hey, I'm the only one certified to eat babies in here. I have a certificate to prove it.
... can I see?
I'm holding it up to the screen right now.
...*eats a kitten*
*Makes a dark-magic-human-baby and EATS IT*
I don't -need- a certificate. :B I'm an animal.
...*Scratches ear with his/her foot like a PUPPEH*
Quote from: Dakata on September 23, 2006, 09:54:29 PM
*Makes a dark-magic-human-baby and EATS IT*
I don't -need- a certificate. :B I'm an animal.
...*Scratches ear with his/her foot like a PUPPEH*
*eats Dakata*
Pfft, that's nothing, you should have seen Leafar earlier, shoving thouse puppies in the wood chipper like a pile of dead branches!
When threads get this bad, it's compulsory for me to post something concerning cosplay (usually bad).
Quote from: Dakata on September 23, 2006, 09:54:29 PM
I don't -need- a certificate. :B I'm an animal.
Soz, but the National Baby-Eating Board included animals in it's certification requirements.
Quote from: RJ on September 23, 2006, 09:55:19 PM
When threads get this bad, it's compulsory for me to post something concerning cosplay (usually bad).
D: That's BAD!
That's the second funniest thing I've seen today, RJ.
Holy crap, that guy has a package of LifeSavers stuck through his ears! :O
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 09:56:57 PM
Holy crap, that guy has a package of LifeSavers stuck through his ears! :O
still isn't as awesome as my industrial girder trick.
*Makes Xze BARF HER BRAINZ OUT 'cuz he's a filthy dragon* :B
Quote from: BillBuckner on September 23, 2006, 09:55:43 PMQuote from: Dakata on September 23, 2006, 09:54:29 PM
I don't -need- a certificate. :B I'm an animal.
Soz, but the National Baby-Eating Board included animals in it's certification requirements.
Pfft. Too bad. *Eats Hazzy's evil-chibi-bebe-twin*
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 09:56:57 PM
Holy crap, that guy has a package of LifeSavers stuck through his ears! :O
*falls down laughing*
ok that's it 'Kata...
*put's kata in the midlle of two gurls hugging*
The National Baby-Eating board has a large collection of firearms and explosives. They do like their regulations.
There is a point in time, every so often, when the entire forum becomes the forumites' play-thing. That time is now.
*Doesn't care, because he's being HUGGED* :B
Quote from: BillBuckner on September 23, 2006, 10:00:10 PM
The National Baby-Eating board has a large collection of firearms and explosives. They do like their regulations.
FINE. D: *STEALS a certificate*
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 10:01:13 PM
There is a point in time, every so often, when the entire forum becomes the forumites' play-thing. That time is now.
Yes, yes it is.
Rowne plays with an iron girder.Zoop,
zoop, zoop,
zoop, zoop ...
Nobody appreciates my party-trick skills.
You've also got to wonder if perhaps Damaris or Darkmoon have stopped by, peeked in here and thought something along the lines of:
What the HELL?!?!!! ...okay, nevermind. It's all good. It's all good. I'll just come back in six hours. Maybe it'll go away.
You know, you could just fill out an application. You look like a cinch to pass.
*plays with a kunai*
I was going to look that up on Google, and thought better of it.
Oh noes, 1 post off, I'm sure. :cry
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 10:03:31 PM
Oh noes, 1 post off, I'm sure. :cry
What are you talking about?
This! :D
GRR, CRAP, when's the new page! D:
What? Oh, this. Yay!
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 10:04:36 PM
This! :D
GRR, CRAP, when's the new page! D:
It still makes no sense to me. But then again, SPAM threads never do.
Oh noes, Kill Bill, I made a funny! :D
He's talking about the 'view all posts by user' thing, I think.
Or this page.
I stopped thinking pages ago.
...who we talkin' 'bout?
No, I think they're arguing over who gets to make the first post on a page. What I don't see is the point.
Quote from: Gabi on September 23, 2006, 10:06:57 PM
No, I think they're arguing over who gets to make the first post on a page. What I don't see is the point.
If you make the first post of a page, the whole page automatically belongs to you. :twisted
...it does?
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 10:07:55 PM
Quote from: Gabi on September 23, 2006, 10:06:57 PM
No, I think they're arguing over who gets to make the first post on a page. What I don't see is the point.
If you make the first post of a page, the whole page automatically belongs to you. :twisted
How so? And what are the benefits of this alleged ownership?
You generally get to decree the topic of that page.
Everyone, start talking about brass instruments, or I get nasty.
Quite so.
It doesn't take a new page to set the title.
My brother plays the trombone. :>
I sing. Does that count?
Unless your voice box is made of brass, I don't think so.
I think we scared Mew Mew Renee away.
does a flugelhorn count?
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 10:11:56 PM
Unless your voice box is made of brass, I don't think so.
Then I guess I'll take my voice elsewhere. It's late and I'm tired. See you tomorrow, or whenever my huge pile of work allows me to get back online.
what about hooters? =3
Hmm. *looks up wikipedia*
I don't believe so. Yet, anyway. The obvious solution is to edit Wikipedia to make it so. That's how Wikipedia works, right?
Noooo~ Gabi, come back! I love vocalists! Gah. I was seconds too late. I blame you all for this. A pox! A pox on brass-obsessed forumites!
*Back but only for a moment.* This is like a chat. Frequent updates and no one greets me when I'm leaving. Anyway, I'll be back... As soon as I can.
*curses her web*
see ya later, Gabbers!
erm, am i allowed to say that?
Quote from: RJ on September 23, 2006, 09:43:17 PM
...Yup, I'm pretty sure I'm a girl.
i'll have to agree with the blondie princess here... :)
I though you were temp-banned again.
well, I got nakeys and gave out nakey huggles...
and ate kitties =3
Probably should've been.
I got my mask stolen.
And your pants. Everyone's pants. Then everyone's clothes. Then we had the summer of love and it was awesome ... but I missed the chance to hear Gabi sing. Can't win them all, I suppose.
*pokes moobs* uh..one sec. *looks in pants* Too bad, Im a guy.
Heh, sux2bu, Leafar. You missed all the glorious glorious fun.
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 10:18:37 PM
well, I got nakeys and gave out nakey huggles...
and ate kitties =3
AND I LOST THAT????!!!?! :O
do it again? :3
*is still nakeys* 0.0 EEK! *jumps into Hazzy's pants*
I'm not sure what you plan on doing while taking up residence in my pants, perhaps you would like to go get dressed.
11 pages in like what?2 hours????? :S
Okay now that's just wrong.
This is my official stance.
Unofficially, I wish to broadcast it on open-access television.
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 10:22:41 PM
*is still nakeys* 0.0 EEK! *jumps into Hazzy's pants*
Well, you likely can fit into his cargo pocket.
*puts her ninja stuffs on*
ok i'm better..*jumps out of Hazzy's pants*
Quote from: BillBuckner on September 23, 2006, 10:25:10 PM
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 10:22:41 PM
*is still nakeys* 0.0 EEK! *jumps into Hazzy's pants*
Well, you likely can fit into his cargo pocket.
That's true, too... In fact, why doesn't everyone just have a big party in my pants! :3
Correction, I wish to broadcast that on open-access television!
Quote from: Leafar on September 23, 2006, 10:23:31 PM
11 pages in like what?2 hours????? :S
7 hours. Learn to count.
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 10:26:16 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on September 23, 2006, 10:25:10 PM
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 10:22:41 PM
*is still nakeys* 0.0 EEK! *jumps into Hazzy's pants*
Well, you likely can fit into his cargo pocket.
That's true, too... In fact, why doesn't everyone just have a big party in my pants! :3
.... *mind goes into the gutter again*
This is the most IRC-like non-IRC thing I've ever been involved with.
Xze: Why do you think I wish to broadcast it on open-access television?
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 10:26:16 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on September 23, 2006, 10:25:10 PM
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 10:22:41 PM
*is still nakeys* 0.0 EEK! *jumps into Hazzy's pants*
Well, you likely can fit into his cargo pocket.
That's true, too... In fact, why doesn't everyone just have a big party in my pants! :3
How would you get in?
Quote from: BillBuckner on September 23, 2006, 10:28:47 PM
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 10:26:16 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on September 23, 2006, 10:25:10 PM
Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 23, 2006, 10:22:41 PM
*is still nakeys* 0.0 EEK! *jumps into Hazzy's pants*
Well, you likely can fit into his cargo pocket.
That's true, too... In fact, why doesn't everyone just have a big party in my pants! :3
How would you get in?
Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device. *Hoist! Choir! Shiny!*
Now you're thinking with portals.
I'll just take them off and party with no pants. :3
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 10:31:06 PM
I'll just take them off and party with no pants. :3
Right, Rule #1, you must party without at least 1 article of clothing.
Hey, my fortune cookie from a few years ago is coming true!
"You are the life of the party."
It's the summer of love again!
Bill, go get your car.
does as haz *sees gurlz go crazy* >:3
Well... erm, uhh *cough*... :help
i'll drive... :cool
i was born to be a drifter :cool
*4minutes later everyone is dead :X *
Soz, it's a single seater.
Well, my car only has 2 seats...
(http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v451/xHaZxMaTx/th_Sexy_Car.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v451/xHaZxMaTx/Sexy_Car.jpg)
Rule #2: At this particular party, everyone must listen to bad mod music! That or Amiga/C64 remixes.
I call Stampede.MOD!
... it just seems so apt.
*shoves everyone off to the off-topic thread*
xze? a right order???? no evilintentions???? :O
*Smacks Leafar* You heard the lady, move it! :evil
In response to the glut of this thread:
I didn't even notice that you posted in here. :lol
Oh, that's because you did when I was re-reading the whole thing. xD
Seriously, you guys should not be left unattended.
But hey, congratulations, this is the first real post worthy of Treasury status. Games really don't count. ;)