this explains some of it..
otherwise? yeah, basically every single time i've tried, life got in the road and i've needed to take up commissions in order to cover costs, pay bills, etc.. which consistently gets in the way of comic production, subscriber models won't work for me if things sneak up on me like they do, so this is the best way i can think of where someone can just commission a page from me and i can be on my merry way (read: face in clip studio arting feverishly).. I KNOW this'll leave a sour taste in the mouths of a few folk.. but it's a lot easier for me to work on this if i don't need to worry about having to shuffle my commission workload off to the side to do it..
These'll be big commissions, basically.. which'll be ALWAYS open for me to do..
*gets back to working on the next page*