Quite frankly, the last skin took me a long time to do... so I would get comfortable with this one if I were you all. :)
I'm going to start work on a new skin soon, but for now... blech.
Please be aware that you can activate Quick Reply in your Profile Preferences. I would poke through there and see what other goodies you are able to find as well.
This is a nice, fully-feature-laiden skin, so I think everyone will be happy here. If we can figure out an easy way to do skins, than we can start on that soon. At least it's not as bad looking as EZBoard for now.
and at least the default logo isn't as fugly as the phpbb one
Yeah... but I'm still likely to change that asap.
This time, I vote we actually name the Skin something appropriate and not just "CVRPG."
EZBoards skin made my eyes bleed... Not literally of course. :p
Can't wait to see how the new skins will look like.
Acatually, I'm sure it makes some people's eyes bleed in the literaly sense. Blue and Gray and red and shit... ugh.
Yeah, I'm every hopeful. I dunno. Should we go for yellow or what?
I'll see about making a new Skin. It might be a fun project for me.
Oh no you don't! You've got too many sprites to make and too much art to draw and too many midis to sequence.
I think you should have installed the same board, put back the buttons and logo's and got the old stuff back up, rather then have a bland forum like this for months while you have to figure out something new.
I doubt it'll be months. Prolly a week max. We were all just too tried after last night to even bother workin on a skin.
It isn't hard to make images for a forum. The longest part will be getting the CSS up and running all proper like.
Mars- We did install the old forum. Twice.
The hacker managed to kill something (we don't know what) that rendered our backup useless. Any time we added anything from the backup folder onto the server, it reverted to the "you've been haxored" skin. Either way, you all would have been stuck with a generic skin for a while
So, it was use that, which would have been even uglier and which had a critical error that comprimised security, or use this, which has actually even more features, and a slightly bland skin. I think most people would prefer this course of action.
Sounds like the default skin was changed i would create new blank skin based on the default template and make changes there. I don't know, I just read bad things about SMF boards.
It was a problem with the mysql database. Whatever they did overwrote the mysql database, which meant that all the files we had, which wew pointint to that database, we thus screwed. Nothing we could do, since we couldn't load the old one.
As for SM, a lot of people just don't like that it's not as easy to hack into as phpBB is. For us, that's not a huge deal, since it looks like most everything we need is already installed here.
hea i have some mp3s i made in frootyloops
if you want em
of what?
i'll send them to you