The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Treasury => The Arena => Topic started by: TheDXM on July 12, 2007, 07:19:46 PM

Title: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: TheDXM on July 12, 2007, 07:19:46 PM
This is fairly self-explanatory.

Someone will start out with a post, identifying the worst pain they've ever felt before, and the next poster will try and top it.

Obviously things would go very quick if we could just make things up, so it has to be a painful experience you've ACTUALLY FELT in your life time, first hand. Feel free to mix in 'emotional' agony on top of things.


Tabasco in both eyes.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: lucas marcone on July 12, 2007, 07:23:12 PM
failed kick flip ending in me comeing down on my vertical skateboard nuts first.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 12, 2007, 07:25:45 PM
Tabasco in both eyes.
Yeouch. I don't even think I could imagine that...I've always made it a point in my life to avoid physical pain at all's part of the reason why I'm a strictly indoor-person. I only leave my home when I have to.

Probably the worst pain that i have ever felt (that I can remember, mind you) is a time where I think I almost broke my arm. Fortunately, I have never in my life actually broken a bone. For that I am thankful.

failed kick flip ending in me comeing down on my vertical skateboard nuts first.
Holy $#!7, I don't think I can even think about that one...
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Angel on July 12, 2007, 07:29:04 PM
A cyst rupturing inside my body. I thought I had appendicitis, that's how bad it was.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: lucas marcone on July 12, 2007, 07:30:04 PM
i also got hit by a van in fifth grade and broke my leg. it was a clean break so they had to put a metal plate in so it could heal....when it did they took it out and i still have the screws they used to put it in.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Zedd on July 12, 2007, 07:32:28 PM
Rusty nail....In and out the foot..With shoes still on
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: lucas marcone on July 12, 2007, 07:35:25 PM
in carpentry at votech my classmate baily got that treatment too. poorboy nearly passed out. says "the sight of my blood freaks me out"
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Feroluce on July 13, 2007, 05:24:36 AM
hmmmm, tough one. I have a bit of a draw.

First was in shop when I was 16, I was cutting a plank of wood (I forget why) And had my thumb out to stabilise the edge of the saw. It was rough wood, and I was in a hurry, so when the saw hit a knot and jumped out of its groove it sawed to the bone in my thumb. Through the nail. It hasnt grown right since, funnily enough, and was impossible to stitch because of the nail.

Second was more recent, when I tripped over a table in my room, and put my hand over an old canvas needle I had pushed into the wall (because I had nowhere to put it, and didnt want it lying around on the floor >.<) The needle went stright through the muscle that seperates the thumb from the fingers, to the point that when I pulled my hand away on reflex, the needle came too. I wondered why my hand hurt when there was nothing on the wall... till I looked at my hand, and saw the needlepoint. Yep, that sucker went in eye-end first.

Im probably beat by getting hit by a van, tho o.o;; I have to admit, I havent broken any bones. Then again, thanks to my job as a bone density tech, I know that my bones (And those of my extended family, its a genetic trait =D) are about twice as strong as normal, lol.

*edit Plant to Plank. Wow, what was I drinkin... oh yeah. The wine. >.>
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 13, 2007, 05:37:12 AM
I'm not sure I can beat those.

I mean, I've done the rusty nail through the foot, broken my arm a couple of times - worst one was when I broke my arm at 11pm, and the folks wouldn't take me to A&E (there were a bunch of other kids around as well, so it wasn't like they had the spare people to watch) until morning.

At about 2am, m'mother come out to hear me whimpering. The cat had sat on my broken arm, and was purring happily. I, on the other hand, couldn't push the cat off because it hurt so much...

I still think the worst one, worse than that, I mean, was watching my wife give birth. Because, well, there's this thing, see, that some women get so caught up in concentrating on giving birth that they don't want to even be touched. So we're sitting there, she's screaming in agony (every three minutes, on the dot), and I can't even touch her. Heart-breaking, really...

Let's not go into the "falling asleep between the screams", though. That was just weird. :-]
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: xHaZxMaTx on July 13, 2007, 05:49:58 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on July 12, 2007, 07:30:04 PM
i also got hit by a van in fifth grade and broke my leg.
How fast was the van going?  My sister was driving down the street toward our house and I jumped out in front of her while she was still going about 15 MPH and rolled across the hood. :lol  That didn't hurt at all, though.

I was just a little kid, maybe 3 or 4 when this happened, and I don't really remember the pain, but there was a lot of blood, I remember that much.  I was staying with my dad at his sister's house in a converted garage that had two steps down from the  house.  For fun (because I was 3-4 years old and stupid), I jumped down those two steps, but I landed awkward and ended up falling forward hitting my forehead on the sharp edge of a wooden table.  I don't remember actually hitting my head, I just remember falling, then waking up on the floor bleeding profusely with my parents holding several towels to my forehead to try and stop the blood.  Had to get a few stitches for that one and I actually cracked my skull.

And if that doesn't cut it, I was riding my bike down a sloped sidewalk when I lost control and got a face-full of concrete.  Fortunately, it wasn't my face that was hurt, but when I sat up, I noticed a streak of blood on the sidewalk about a 6 inches long and 3 inches wide, and that there was no longer any skin on my knee.  It didn't hurt until I saw what had happened, and then it hit me like a sack of bricks.  There was no way I could get home on my own, but fortunately, someone was kind enough to stop, pick me up, and take me home.  The bandages around my knee had to be changed pretty often because the pus was soaking them. :P
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: lucas marcone on July 13, 2007, 10:45:46 AM
somewhere in the neighborhood of 35
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Angel on July 13, 2007, 11:04:44 AM
WOW. And I thought I went through bad pain.

I was gonna say cramps that woke me up at 3 AM, but although they are unpleasant, it sounds like everyone else's pain was worse.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Kenji on July 13, 2007, 11:22:17 AM
My spine tried to rip itself in two with 4th degree sponolothesis, nearly causing paralysis and/or death. Oh, and the agonizing 4 years leading up to it of having to carry around a 20-30 lb bookbag, all the while with my doctor telling me that I was just complaining for attention. Yup. Those were the days.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Castle Pokemetroid on July 13, 2007, 03:23:26 PM
I once had a dollar stolen to me and my friend and I tried to get it back, and the person who stole it slamed my head and my body into the concrete wall. He did that while I was holding onto his backpack strap and I never did let go until my friend got teh dollar. And I still have that dollar today and I don't think I'll ever spend it.

Another one: In PE class, my class (7th grade) was facing the 8th graders in soccer and I think some of those were taking steroids, cause they can hit the ball instanly hard and very far. I got hit by those soccerballs a few times. Once it was pretty much aimed at my nuts, It was my reflexes that saved me. It hit the side side of my leg and nummed it for half an hour. My PE teacher acually praised me for it. He said I was one of the few who got pelted like that and didn't quit.

Both those times it happened at school and I acually never felt pain from thoses, nor did I get bruses.

A time that I acually felt pain was when I ate boiled crab.  :U I got a stomach ache for 6 days and the pain was so bad I couldn't sleep until it went away and I threw up alot.  :<

So this means that the worst pain I had was from eating crab.  :erk
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Miaka on July 13, 2007, 03:41:36 PM
I'm almost positive that I can't top any of your stories, but... here we go!

six or seven years old, a cookie sheet seconds out of the oven hits me, literally milimeters away from my left eye. It swelled up, I had a gigantic burn blister which scarred over(Hardly noticeable now, but...)...
Even worse, is that my mom was the one holding it.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: xHaZxMaTx on July 13, 2007, 04:08:41 PM
Oh, speaking if burns, I was once trying to get the lid off of a cup of hot chocolate fresh off the stovetop, and I ended up spilling it all over my chest.  That wasn't fun. :<
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Fuyudenki on July 13, 2007, 08:59:30 PM
nope, don't think I can top any of those.  My worst pain would either be the random metal slivers that I've been getting in my hands the past few days(installing a tile floor.  I think I've personally screwed in over 600 screws, just for the subfloor.  The driver I was using got hot enough that I think I almost burned myself when I covered the vents earlier today.), or the random INTENSE pain in my arm, which feels like a broken bone.  Not that I know what a broken bone feels like, since I've never had one.

The worst emotional pain I've ever felt was when my long-distance girlfriend dumped me, three years ago.  I still do not foresee myself having a romantic interest in the near future.

They say love's better the second time around.  That's because getting your toenails removed with a jackhammer would feel good, compared to the first time.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Brunhidden on July 13, 2007, 11:15:02 PM
I don't think i can top kenji or zedd, but i do have two very nasty ones.

When i first got married i worked at a factory to be left unnamed, producing parts for caterpillar tractors and casings for artillery shells. we worked with BIG machines and made BIG parts, particularly fuel tanks and hydraulic tanks for earth movers. One fateful day i was flattening some parts that were bent incorrectly (your supposed to scrap them, but company policy said flatten and re bend) on a 250 ton hydraulic brake press. one of the parts slipped, pinning my index fingers against the die with a full 250 tons of pressure. luckily i had taken my foot off the 'down' pedal, just barely in time, unluckily the safety devices on the press had been removed- the 'up' pedal was not on the floor where i could reach it, it was above my forehead and out of reach. i tried, i even tried head butting, sticking my toung out, and contorting until my foot was up there. no luck, and shouting for help in a noisy factory was no help, it was half an hour before anyone heard me. the boss, instead of letting his superiors know this happened, drove me to the hospital which was luckily kind of open at 4 AM. after being admitted i waited in the waiting room for one hour, fingers turning purple, swelling, and listening to the nurses chat to each other. finally they said, as though i was bothering them, that i could go to X-ray. i waited an hour at X-ray waiting room until they let me in, they tried to mush my hands to different shapes to get a good X-ray, sent me back to the waiting room, and an hour later said i could go down to the ward. at the ward i waited another hour before a doctor showed up, looked at my charts, and said "the X-rays say you didn't break anything, show up tomorrow morning and we will check you out and you may go back to work the same day. would you like an ibuprofen?"

would i like an ibuprofen? YES PLEASE!     (

so they give me an ibuprofen, put my fingers into splints that look like those giant foam fingers, and send me home. the following morning i show up, the doctor laughs at me cause i look like im wearing  giant foam fingers, tells me my tendons have been crushed and will not function for two months, and then tells me to pee in a cup. This posed about 20 minutes of painful wrestling with a zipper using my pinkies. That day i went back to work.

a previous incident in high school involved me working in shop class grinding a hammer head with a belt grinder and some BLEEP BLEEP goat BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP taco BLEEEEEEEEEEEP BLEEP foot BLEEP BLEEP thought it would be funny to sneak up behind me and shove my elbow. i don't know if the sound of my thumb being chewn by a belt grinder was funny, but the sight of bone was not funny as i heard nobody laughing. However i was in shock and felt no pain for the first five minutes, allowing me to have a bit of fun asking the instructor what i should do... the instructor was a man with no facial expressions, and constantly lectured his classes on safety by telling stories starting with "i used to have a friend who-" and invariably end in the death of the friend (highlights being a guy who died doing a dukes of hazard stunt after modifying his engine, and another who died when someone pulled a prank sticking a compressed air hose up his tuckus) i was rewarded by seeing his eyebrows raise, which had never happened before. by the time i got home shock was over and i was left with a bloody chunk of thumb in a band aid which my father insisted i take the bandaid off so he could poke the bone.

I also had dental surgery which require sawing a portion of my jaw off, but they gave me so many meds it probably dosent count.... if i DIDNT have the horse tranqs it would definately have topped the list. (

QuoteInstant gratification takes too long.

Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Fuyudenki on July 13, 2007, 11:56:21 PM
oh yeah, I had my jaw broken and realigned.  That doesn't work, though, since I was out at the time, and didn't feel a thing.

The recovery was marginally more fun than reeds under your fingernails.  I dislike being sick.  That's why I rarely am.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Kryptic on July 14, 2007, 01:01:43 AM
I skidded on my face on asphalt once.

It was a horse-riding accident. Apparently horseshoes and asphalt don't mix too well. Lots of slippage.

I wound up making a nice bloody skidmark on the road. I didn't even go to the hospital. I actually went on a field trip the next day, movie-monster face and all.

What else? A friend slammed my finger in a locker once. It broke my nail in half. That hurt.

I've also broken a lot of bones. Growth Plate, Radius and Ulna, Pinky Toe (twice). But my brother's cracked his skull open... so maybe I can't top that.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: xHaZxMaTx on July 14, 2007, 01:45:31 AM
Oh, can't believe I forgot about this, considering it only happened two months ago:

I was donating blood for the first time (I had no idea how big those needles were :erk), and the lady was having trouble finding a suitable artery in either arm.  Finally she just stuck the needle in and was pretty much scrounging for an artery, which is obviously a bad idea, because she ended up hitting a nerve.  I can describe exactly what it felt like - fire.  A flaming streak of pain running the length of my arm, but she also found an artery at the same time, and at the risk of having the same thing happening again, I just had her leave the needle in and draw the blood.  Afterwards, I could hardly move my arm for a few days, couldn't really pick up anything heavier than 2-4 lbs. for a week, and was still feeling pain 2 weeks after that.  My arm still feels a bit weird, but nothing hurts and my arm's fully functional, so I'm not worried about it.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 14, 2007, 01:50:20 AM
Hmm, on a similar note, I once had a blood test (for the first time ever, mind you), and yes, the needle was quite thick. But when it went into my arm and began sucking out some blood, that's exactly what it felt like: My blood was getting sucked out. Not, it didn't really hurt (aside from the slight sting on the needle), but the interesting part was that, since I had never felt anything like it before, My body (and I) didn't really know how to respond. So I giggled. And I couldn't stop. No, seriously. I was giggling the whole time and for the life of me I could not stop myself.

Ok, end post of experience that was not really painful, but related to the above post.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Brunhidden on July 14, 2007, 07:38:31 AM
donating blood is a fun kind of pain- its not very intense but its slow, persistant, incredibly unnatural to fee, and more or less self inflicted. also theres the mental torture of watching your blood move through a tube in front of you and the strong urge to wiggle or pull it out even though you know thats a very bad thing to do.

for months i donated plasma, twice a week. its different from donating blood because theres a few extra steps

1- once the blood is sucked from your arm (the crux of your elbow is still a nasty place to stick a needle) it goes into a centrifuge immediately, the urine colored plasma goes into a bag or bottle and the red pudding of your blood cells is stored

2- about once a minute the needle stops sucking and starts to spew that pudding back into your arm. keep in mind that it is going THE WRONG WAY into your blood vessel. this is the point the attendants have to be careful of- if they inserted the needle wrong its leaking that blood paste into your body outside of the blood vessels and your arm puffs up. ive had this happen often, it hurts like crazy and then they either wiggle the needle around inside your arm (its a nasty thing to feel something move inside your veins) or remove it and screw up your other arm too.

3- after a set amount of plasma has been collected they want to rehydrate you by hooking up a bag of saline solution to pump into you as long as the needle is still handy. this solution is always very cold, and its a very disturbing sensation to feel cold liquid enter your veins, particularly that you can now feel a few dozen blood vessels and could practically draw on your arm where they branch its so vivid a sensation

4- for no apperant reason your mouth tastes like a rubber glove, its just weird

5- oh yeah, in order to facilitate things the donation center asks you drink a lot of fluids, roughly a gallon of water, a set time before arriving. this means that you just spent about an hour bleeding in a chair trying not to think about fluids and now have to dash to the restroom with only one usable hand

i did that twice a week why? cause they paid me, 20 dollars flat rate, a 5 dollar bonus if it was between the hours of 9 and 2, and the second time in seven days gets an extra 10 dollar bonus. so i go twice a week a little after noon to get 60 dollars, i get stabbed and bled in order to pay for gas.

QuoteYour sole contribution to the sum of things is yourself.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: superluser on July 15, 2007, 02:56:58 PM
In my younger days, I had an experience sort of like Brunhidden's, but three orders of magnitude less forceful.  I was at a conference with my family, and I decided to check out the weight room at the hotel.  There was a pneumatic chest press there that went up to 350 lbs., but I noticed that it wouldn't go up to 350 lbs. (or whatever your selected weight was) until the press was fully back for the first time.  Independently, I noticed that there was a button that you couldn't see because the machine covered it up whenever the press was fully back.  So, with the machine set to 350 lbs., but before the machine was actually delivering that weight, I decided to press the button.

I lost a nail, and the next time we went to that hotel, there was a minimum age requirement on the weight room.  I'm told that I've actually caused many safety improvements over the years.

I've also had some surgery that was probably more painful than anything mentioned here, but I was under (and two years old) at the time.

My mother tells me that her dentist didn't believe in Novocaine, so she had cavities filled, wisdom teeth removed, and root canals without any anesthetic.

Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on July 14, 2007, 01:45:31 AMI was donating blood for the first time (I had no idea how big those needles were :erk), and the lady was having trouble finding a suitable artery in either arm.

If they're looking for an artery, never go there again.  ;)  They should be looking for a vein.  I've had some health problems, so I've had a few experiences with drawing blood, including the ``we can't find a vein'' issue.  They'll go wiggling the needle around like a set of rabbit ears.  They never hit a nerve, though.

(The last time I gave blood was September 10, 2001.)
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: TheGreyRonin on July 15, 2007, 05:11:03 PM
 Interesting game.

Being an accident magnet, I could ramble on for days. The highlights include two seperate surgeries to remove my wisdom teeth while awake, being stabbed through the hand with a screwdriver by a "friend", and multiple seizures for over a decade, but the top physical pain has to be from when I was a kid, and the car I was riding in was hit by a drunk driver.

The tally from that accident alone was two broken ribs, my left shin broken (Wear seatbelts, kids!), a chunk of the dashboard slicing my scalp open in two places, and my face being mangled.

My lower jaw hit the back of one of the front seats and was shoved back hard enough to split it, and the upper half of my face caught some glass from one of the windows. I spent the next couple of years with screws in my leg and had reconstructive surgery to rebuild my face. Should have saved the money; years later I was in another accident and caught a truck mirror with my face. Had to do it all over again.

But the worst pain in my life? When my first wife passed away. Nothing else I've been through even touches that.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 15, 2007, 05:15:45 PM
The tally from that accident alone was two broken ribs, my left shin broken (Wear seatbelts, kids!), a chunk of the dashboard slicing my scalp open in two places, and my face being mangled.

My lower jaw hit the back of one of the front seats and was shoved back hard enough to split it, and the upper half of my face caught some glass from one of the windows. I spent the next couple of years with screws in my leg and had reconstructive surgery to rebuild my face. Should have saved the money; years later I was in another accident and caught a truck mirror with my face. Had to do it all over again.
:boggle :boggle :boggle :boggle :boggle :boggle ...And that has just reinforced my paranoia about leaving my house...
Remember kids! If you stay inside and live out your life as a crotchety old hermit, the odds of some very bad physical trauma happening to you are quite low!
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: bill on July 15, 2007, 07:18:20 PM
Either when I got a wasp sting on the bottom of my foot, or when a baseball bent my left index finger about 90 degrees back.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Castle Pokemetroid on July 15, 2007, 08:02:23 PM
Yesterday I just accadently stabbed a knife into my leg. I never felt anything, as it was a butterknife, but still, it was the point, the very point.

This is how it happened: I was spining it in the air and catching it (both spining and catching was done with my palm facing down) and then I spun it really hard and slapped my hand down it catch it, but instead it went into my leg sideways then fell to the floor.

It wasn't deep, nor did it hit a nerve or artery or anything like it. My leg just went numb.

It seems like I get into lots of accidents inside the house, more than I would outside for some reason. I once had my dad's 4 or 5 foot tall speaker fall on my leg when looking for something, and I say, that was not fun, as my leg was numb and in pain at the same time for nearly 3 days.   :U
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: xHaZxMaTx on July 15, 2007, 08:32:09 PM
Quote from: superluser on July 15, 2007, 02:56:58 PM
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on July 14, 2007, 01:45:31 AMI was donating blood for the first time (I had no idea how big those needles were :erk), and the lady was having trouble finding a suitable artery in either arm.

If they're looking for an artery, never go there again.  ;)  They should be looking for a vein.
That's what I meant. :confused
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Kenji on July 15, 2007, 08:55:24 PM
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on July 13, 2007, 04:08:41 PM
Oh, speaking if burns, I was once trying to get the lid off of a cup of hot chocolate fresh off the stovetop, and I ended up spilling it all over my chest.  That wasn't fun. :<

Replace "chest" with "lap".
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: DarkAudit on July 15, 2007, 10:41:19 PM
I'd just had 2 wisdom teeth removed at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard dental facility, and was waiting for the duty vehicle from my ship to pick me up so I could begin my bed rest. The OOD had commandeered the drivers and all available vehicles for his division's use, and refused to send anyone. While I was still in the waiting room, the anesthetic wore off. I was literally screaming. The officers at the dental facility finally had to have one of the hygienists drive me and another shipmate back to the ship in her own car.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Eibborn on July 16, 2007, 02:13:17 AM
I mighta stubbed my toe or something...

I'm careful, okay?   :T
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Arcalane on July 16, 2007, 02:28:03 AM
Neither pain nor injury are common in my books. That said I did get a thump on the head with a tennis racquet when I was much younger that was mostly blood and no serious damage (I hope :B) and lots of grazed knees, but nothing really impressive.

Oh, well, I guess I nearly drowned once (I was floating! kinda!... maybe!) and I've been a hydrophobe ever since, but hey. :U
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Castle Pokemetroid on July 16, 2007, 04:16:19 AM
Quote from: Kenji on July 15, 2007, 08:55:24 PM
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on July 13, 2007, 04:08:41 PM
Oh, speaking if burns, I was once trying to get the lid off of a cup of hot chocolate fresh off the stovetop, and I ended up spilling it all over my chest.  That wasn't fun. :<

Replace "chest" with "lap".

That has happend to me acually... I've also been burned from a hot pot more than seven times and my hand has gotten smashed in the door double that amount...

Seems like I get more pain from being indoors than out. But eh, I got used to most of it already.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Turnsky on July 16, 2007, 06:24:07 AM
ear infection, pain was bad enough that it threw me completely off balance, nearly fell over
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: mini-lion on July 16, 2007, 02:21:04 PM
Dropped a paving slab of concrete on my bare foot, to add insult to injury it was at the beginning of Summer Holidays in plaster for the whole time ( I had shattered, not just broken a bone in my foot). The initial pain was quite bad, however after an hour it just went numb and started to swell, plus I had split open my foot using the dirty paving slab so infection was a concern, last time I do that again  :3
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: superluser on July 16, 2007, 04:11:47 PM
I forgot one!

My dad tells the story of a guy who would go down staircases by jumping over the railing from one flight of stairs to the next.  Nicely efficient, but never get your ring caught on the railing.  Or at least, make sure that you free it before you go over the railing.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Brunhidden on July 17, 2007, 12:00:42 AM
My best friend told me of the time his older  brother set himself on fire.

He really did, the spaz was actually crazy enough to videotape himself. Just a screaming ball of flames running back and forth for almost a minute before jumping into the lake not 5 feet away. Then he turned to the camera, gave a thumbs up, and went "YEAAAH! WHOO!"

I am lucky, the craziest my older brother ever did were the invention of the hand held double barrel bottle rocket launcher and inventing the sport of 'brother toss' where the objective was to throw me from across the room with enough force to knock a couch onto its back.

QuoteMy father imparted two pieces of wisdom to me for exactly this event. "walk it off" and "rub some dirt on it"
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Zedd on August 02, 2007, 04:51:45 AM
Quote from: Turnsky on July 16, 2007, 06:24:07 AM
ear infection, pain was bad enough that it threw me completely off balance, nearly fell over
I forgot I had that once....Or thrice really...Such a pain in childhood and later teenhood
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: vulpesweasel on September 27, 2007, 09:18:05 PM
trying to give myself a tattoo on my upper upper leg...((yea you know what i mean >_>)) dont try that with a plain needle. DONT DO IT!!!
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Sienna Maiu - M T on September 29, 2007, 10:39:21 PM
The time I fell down that one Friday night while running up the stairs to chat online during commercials and broke my foot. (I never did get an x-ray. Kind of hurt to walk since I was never told not to...) Anyone from IRC remember that?
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: familyghost on September 29, 2007, 11:29:13 PM
Last summer I had my first attack of Vertigo. 

The world was spinning so fast and at such odd angles I couldn't stop throwing up.  Add to the fact that it happened while I was on the toilet and my grandparents had to help me wipe myself, stand and put my clothes back on and you can see the un-funness.  Next of course was the obligatory  "It's just the flu" coimment that delayed a much needed trip to the hospital and when I eventually did get there I was so exhausted and dehydrated that I was slipping into and out of consciousness.  I don't even REMEMBER being admitted and I woke up to the lovely needles in my arms and the need to continue vomiting for another few hours.  I spent 4 days in the hospital revoering and another 2 weeks at home and with doctor visits just to get my balance back.   :<

Have fun   :)
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Sienna Maiu - M T on September 30, 2007, 12:27:55 AM
I was stung by a wasp for the first time while doing an orienteering project at a local park for school. I was determined to go in for that M despite knowing that someone had disturbed a wasp nest. In the end I was stung a few times, most memorably in my hand, and the teacher would not let me go to the washroom to atleast run cool water over it. That pain mixed in with the fact that I never did get the M, or even finish the route, was a blow to my ego most devestating :<

(just kidding. About that being my thing, that actually happened)

One day Sienna decided to race a transport truck on her bicycle while it was raining. I think that she wanted to proove something to herself. In the end the wet pavement as she raced down the block ended in her nearly running into a mailbox, the concequences of missing it being that she instead ran face-first into the mud (minus the face). So, she trekked home in a mood most unfit, having just dirtied the matching outfit her grandmother had given her, thinking the day could not get any worse, hoping she would not run into her worst enemy of school who lived on the block she was riding. She was crossing the street with her bike, when suddenly as if in slow-motion...
Car, meet Sienna. Sienna, meet the asphalt.
The bike went flying at least six feet, the wheels too badly damaged to even turn. She did not feel up to riding anymore anyway, but having to carry her bike home several bikes was no sweet treat either.
She spent the next several (six plus, to be counting) hours of her life in the ER. She missed her first Guiding meeting of the season, losing the chance to develop new friends, she did not get her homework done, losing the chance to get good grades, and in the end to this day people look at her oddly when she waits for cars to finish passing, even when they're nearly a block away.

And that was the story of the day Sienna died a little on the inside.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: xHaZxMaTx on September 30, 2007, 12:35:00 AM
I hit a parked car, once, while riding my bike, if that makes you feel any better. :<  It wasn't the most painful experience of my life, but it certainly wasn't pleasant.  Crotch + Handlebars = Sad Hazzy
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: vulpesweasel on September 30, 2007, 12:54:41 AM
Just because a friend SAYS eating mentos and diet coke at once will be funny, doesnt mean YOU'LL find it funny. My tummy hurt so badly i cried.  :<
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 30, 2007, 01:17:52 AM
Quote from: Harley Tsukioni on September 30, 2007, 12:54:41 AM
Just because a friend SAYS eating mentos and diet coke at once will be funny, doesnt mean YOU'LL find it funny. My tummy hurt so badly i cried.  :<

You never saw that Mythbusters episode, did you? The myth was that some guy did that, and his stomach actually exploded and he died.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: vulpesweasel on September 30, 2007, 02:33:33 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 30, 2007, 01:17:52 AM
Quote from: Harley Tsukioni on September 30, 2007, 12:54:41 AM
Just because a friend SAYS eating mentos and diet coke at once will be funny, doesnt mean YOU'LL find it funny. My tummy hurt so badly i cried.  :<

You never saw that Mythbusters episode, did you? The myth was that some guy did that, and his stomach actually exploded and he died.

yea i saw that like, two weeks AFTER i tried it ¬_¬ didnt the model they made's stomach explode?
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: xHaZxMaTx on September 30, 2007, 02:53:22 PM
Actually, nothing happened.  The soda lost all its fizziness on the trip down to stomach land.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: vulpesweasel on September 30, 2007, 04:18:58 PM
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on September 30, 2007, 02:53:22 PM
Actually, nothing happened.  The soda lost all its fizziness on the trip down to stomach land.

okay mebbe not so much. i saw SOME episode where they tested something on a pigs stomach and it blew up...
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: superluser on September 30, 2007, 11:42:57 PM
Quote from: Harley Tsukioni on September 30, 2007, 04:18:58 PMokay mebbe not so much. i saw SOME episode where they tested something on a pigs stomach and it blew up...

Pop Rocks and soda.  You know, how Mikey died.

They had to injection feed the pop into the stomach.  In other words, if you're eating pop rocks or soda that way, you're probably going to incur more damage from the people force feeding you.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Zedd on October 01, 2007, 12:14:10 AM
Todays suffering...
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: James StarRunner on October 04, 2007, 03:28:38 AM
There's some pretty serious stories here... Let's see if my pain can top things...

I thought pain was when I had surgery on my ears and had to wear a turban type bandage for a few weeks. Even when it was taken off, I had yellow bruises. The pain got so bad at times, I went into convulsions. While outside for gym, a kid had grazed my ear with a blade of grass and I went to hold my ear in pain, only to slap it and suffer even far greater pain. I thought that was pain... I was wrong.

Then my lung collapsed. I thought it was really deep back pain and thought little of it. It got worse each time. The third time nearly killed me. To have all that air trapped in your chest cavity, putting pressure on your other organs, feeling like you were racing against the clock to get to the hospital before the pressure was enough to make you explode. That was pain. Even after the surgery the lingering pain made me plead for death. It still wasn't the worst though...

Then, I got crohn's disease (A bowel disorder) and never looked into it right away. More than a year goes by and the disease eats up my digestive system. Needless to say, I was in constant pain, having spasms of greater pain, puking, diarrhea, constipation, chills, fevers, nausea, dizziness, and an upset stomach no amount of Pepto Bismol could fix. The pain would double me over in a second, making me writhe on the ground and it only got worse as time went on. When I finally went home a year later, my parents sent me to the clinic as soon as it was open. I was hospitalized that day. The surgeon put me on anti-biotics and sent me back out. This happened multiple times for half a year, my condition never improving. My 6 foot frame now hardly above 100 pounds, a walking skeleton. I went to a specialist who dealt with the worst cases and still came out as one of his worst cases out of the already bad ones. I was not expected to survive long after the surgery due to how far gone I was. The toxins that built up in my intestines were building up, making a growth that longed to push through the skin, to quite literally, poop out of my stomach. He cut the growth while I was still awake and the freezing never took hold and was awake still when he squeezed the crap out the new hole he made for me. That was pain... Then later when he cut out the worst part of my intestines, I woke up to find that the tube for the painkillers wasn't inserted properly. THAT was the worst pain I had felt so far and had longed for death long before. They put me on so much morphine that I was having terrifying hallucinations and feared sleep since that's when things got worse. Any more morphine could have killed me and it was hardly enough to make the pain bearable.

At the same time, I had no social life, no girlfriend, no job, and given a side effect from the crohn's that gave me clinical depression. That was the worst pain I felt so far in life.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Vidar on October 07, 2007, 05:06:15 AM
Boiling hot water all over my foot. Second degree burns are not fun. Strange thing is, it's not the first time that foot had to deal with boiling water. When I was very little (before my first memory) my mother spilled boiling hot water on that same foot. I still have the burn mark.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 07, 2007, 05:23:13 AM

Interestingly, my mother reckons my younger, eldest sister pulled a cup of scalding hot tea onto her leg and foot when she was about 2 - just as toddling age.

She has no mark of it, and hasn't had as far back as I can remember.

Want me to ask m'mother what she did with it, on grounds of it might work for you, too?
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Sienna Maiu - M T on October 07, 2007, 12:41:26 PM
Chances are that she dipped your sister into cold water.
When my older brother was younger he stuck his hand on a burner while it was on. He was looking at my mother at the time, with a "look" and my mother told him "don't you do it" he did it.
Since she was preparing dinner at the time (why the burner was hot, but not on anymore) she stuck his hand in the bowl of water she was washing the lettuce in to make salad. The water boiled/sizzled around his hand, but he didn't get a burn from it.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 07, 2007, 12:48:20 PM
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on October 07, 2007, 12:41:26 PM
Chances are that she dipped your sister into cold water.

Yeah, but she still got a burn. From what I recall, it was used over the next two to six months (given I was 5 at the time, I'm working from hearsay - and given I haven't been living in the same country as m'mother for ~6 years, I doubt I've heard the story in at least ten...)
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Sienna Maiu - M T on October 07, 2007, 02:48:13 PM
Well m'good llearch, going based on the time a burned my arm on a grill two or three Summers ago, I guessing that your mother used Vitamin E on her scar. That's what I "used". Honestly, I was too lazy to do it often, but it faded anyway. Technically though, it should only work if you use it relatively immediately after the healing (assuming that you also took proper care of the initial wound, to ensure it heals properly, not festering and such).
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Fuyudenki on October 07, 2007, 03:12:16 PM
if we're talking about burns, I found out how cigarette lighters in the car work by using my thumb at the age of 12.  I don't remember the smell anymore, but for about five years afterwards, a particular computer game would trigger the smell memory.

Not my worst pain ever.  In fact, it's pretty far down the list.

I also burned myself on a lawnmower once.  Apparently, skin melts.  That hurt even less, though.  I put a band-aid over it more to protect others' eyes from the wound than anything else.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 07, 2007, 04:22:56 PM
If we're collecting trivial childhood interests, my oldest brother still remembers dropping lighted matches on my hair.

He says it was the last time he got belted by the parents. ;-]
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Sienna Maiu - M T on October 07, 2007, 06:59:12 PM
ah yes, on car lighters and radiators... When I was about the age of ten (the same day I was going to, I guess, my first Guide camp) I decided to try to set a stick a-flame with the lighter. Since it wasn't smouldering or even getting warm, I thought "Well maybe since we don't use it, it doesn't work" and thus proceeded to index-stick my finger in to check. It burned, and blistered, and somehow I managed to convince my mother that I did it in some way that I can not remember, which was not absolutely stupid. Fascinating...
When I was younger, and about five or six, I leaned against the radiator for warmth, and then I felt my upper chest where there appeared to be putty on me. I rolled it in my fingers for a bit, puzzling over the mystery of it, but in the end just tossed it away and went to bed. Honestly, I think it was actually a peice of melted skin.

Those are my stories. And I may or may not have a scar on my chest, you'll never know. More over, so probably neither will I.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: xHaZxMaTx on October 07, 2007, 09:05:52 PM
Burns, eh?  Chip sets get reeeeaaaally hot. :<  Specifically malfunctioning ones.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Sienna Maiu - M T on October 11, 2007, 01:21:41 AM

But imagine going through your days with a jackhammer to your head, no matter what you do, and no drugs will help.
Migraine anyone?
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: AngelSephy on October 13, 2007, 07:12:22 PM
Worst pain I ever felt was along the lines of contraction pains. Not exactly the full giving-birth experience, but somewhat close to it.... That's all I'll say on the matter though.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Stygian on October 13, 2007, 07:23:03 PM
I think I have two things that can top a lot here. I'm not accident prone, but I have been hit by a car and run over before and broken a number of bones. However, the two injuries which I think were the most painful weren't so much physically damaging as much as they targeted sensitive areas.

The first injury was at fifteen, when I was tearing down an old boathouse together with my father and grandfather. I happened under a falling beam, still with nails in it, and these rusty nails were shoved into my left shoulder. The wound healed a lot better than it should have, but the nails went right through the nerves. That's a burning pain I can't even explain. I wasn't able to use my arm properly for quite a while, and full sensation hasn't returned to it ever since.

The second happened during a ski trip at sixteen. I was learning how to snowboard properly and popped a binding during a jump. When I came down, the edge of the board was knocked up between my legs. I twisted my knee and sprained my foot, and completely crushed my family jewels. Fortunately, that was also something which healed better than it should have.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Janus Whitefurr on October 15, 2007, 10:07:07 AM
UVitis during high school. Basically conjunctivis/eye infection. Great bloody red scleras are not pretty.

With extreme sensitivity to ultraviolet rays - namely sunlight - essentially meaning I couldn't go outside with it feeling like someone was shoving hot pokers through my skull. I got a week off school because of it while I took eyedrops, then went back still on the eyedrops.

There was something fitting about a nerd having medical reasons to sit in the dark with the blinds drawn...
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: techmaster-glitch on October 15, 2007, 10:28:05 AM
Very fitting indeed... ;)
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Sienna Maiu - M T on October 15, 2007, 12:14:53 PM
Well, I would say being a woman, but looks to be covered already, to a more severe degree.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Brunhidden on October 17, 2007, 09:40:34 PM
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on October 15, 2007, 12:14:53 PM
Well, I would say being a woman, but looks to be covered already, to a more severe degree.

nothing against all women, i actually fully understand that statement, but a statement about SPECIFIC women will follow.

one that always settles my hash is women who spend hours going on about how no man will know the pain of being a woman, nothing can compare to childbirth and we are all pigs who don't know pain and so on and so on.... and then come childbirth they scream bloody murder until they're so full of pain killers they wouldn't care if a rabid dingo were chowing down on their knee.

it would not irritate me if they were consistent

mostly its because its about 45% bunk- should a woman be mentally prepared as they have been told sines before age 12 this will happen, had at least 8 months of being constantly reminded, and probably even received professional counseling.... and yet most of the pain is just shock from not being ready.

this is when the women rise up to say i know nothing due to me being a man, except i have talked to a great many women who have had children, one of them being my wife. during childbirth she had a Tylenol, and said the experience was less painful then the average constipation she had previously. other women claim that snakebites, burns, broken bones, and dental surgery were all far more painful.

also keep in mind i am one of those weird men who actually wish they were able to have kids too, and also judge the amount of pain in my early post here before saying i don't know what pain is... actually large parts of my body don't have feeling anymore, so its a weird issue.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Sienna Maiu - M T on October 18, 2007, 01:25:32 AM
see, I was just talking mostly about the Crimson Tide, but then I didn't bother saying it.

As for actual pain, I suppose I had something to say, but forgot (although congrats on finally being able to post something on what I said, all the others are affeared to say their pain is more than childbirth).

Pain... mostly for me it's all constant aches and pains, and the thoughts of, "Am I always sick like this for a reason? Are my frequent headaches tied-in to an even greater problem? Am I going to die?"

And then I figure I'm being overly-dramatic again.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: gh0st on October 20, 2007, 04:14:53 PM
i'm happy to report that i have not felt true pain, the closest to that is i almost got my fingers chopped off, my toenails frequently leave the nail beds. but other than that i have not experienced true pain... i have however been hit with a 2-4 no nail thankfully and had my big toe on my left foot smashed by a pick. got strept throat twice when i was 5 and 6 both times coughing up blood, and sadly both times taking chewy pills that probably had more carcinogens than i could shake a stick at.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Brunhidden on October 20, 2007, 06:33:29 PM
Oh, i got one, i had just remembered a teacher of mine who as a child had ingrown toenails.

seriously, consider your toenails growing inwards, gouging into tender flesh bit by bit every day. his parents did not thing it serious untill they caught him in his room- numbing his feet with a bowl of ice and using a pliers to rip the nails out because it was better then leaving them grow. apperantly he did this about once a month, and that horrible revelation led his parents to pay for surgery.

yeah, if at any time home surgery done by a grade schooler with a pliers is LESS painful then your problem, its time to see a doctor.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Fuyudenki on October 20, 2007, 07:07:06 PM
while we're on the topic of toenails, the pinky toes on both my feet have some messed up-shaped toenails.

We call them "peanuts."
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: superluser on October 20, 2007, 09:48:38 PM
Quote from: Brunhidden on October 20, 2007, 06:33:29 PMOh, i got one, i had just remembered a teacher of mine who as a child had ingrown toenails.

I had an ingrown toenail once.  It kept digging into the corner of my toe and I'd have to jigger with the skin on the edge, removing it whenever it got inflamed.  Painful, but certainly not the worst pain ever.  As soon as I could, I got the nail removed, and I've been letting my big toenail grow a lot longer ever since.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: ShadesFox on October 21, 2007, 01:57:55 AM
Once I took my knuckle off with a knife.  Man that hurt.  Then I had to go demonstrate how to build a fire to a bunch of new Boy Scouts.  It is hard to start a fire while you are bleeding all over the place.  I think I showed some people at Anthro Con the scar.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Kitsune Ascendant on October 31, 2007, 12:35:47 AM
Hmm... Well, there was this time when I was around 13 (I think) that I got this cramp in my leg. I don't remember much beyond that except it happened at night and my dad took me to the hospital to get it checked out so it must have been pretty bad.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: Sienna Maiu - M T on October 31, 2007, 01:17:46 AM
This one time, at band camp -wait... wrong story,
after school back in grade four, I was playing wall ball with my brother, when the ball got away, many minor details later my arch-nemises at school had punched me in the stomach, pushing all the air out of my lungs forcefully, so when I tried to breathe in again (from the ground mind you) it was painfully hard, to the point where my young mind thought that perhaps I could never actually breathe in again, due to the pain of course, and that I would die right there in my spot.

Needless to say, my brother gave chase.

I guess I might edit with those vaguely important details later.
Title: Re: Worst pain you've ever felt.
Post by: DoctaMario on November 07, 2007, 04:33:30 PM
Quote from: James StarRunner on October 04, 2007, 03:28:38 AM

Then my lung collapsed. I thought it was really deep back pain and thought little of it. It got worse each time. The third time nearly killed me. To have all that air trapped in your chest cavity, putting pressure on your other organs, feeling like you were racing against the clock to get to the hospital before the pressure was enough to make you explode. That was pain. Even after the surgery the lingering pain made me plead for death. It still wasn't the worst though...

That's mine. The feeling of the lung collapsing is what I imagine being shot or stabbed in the chest with a penknife might feel like. I had surgery twice, but one time I had an episode, and I went to the hospital and they put a chest tube in WHILE I WAS AWAKE!  :U They shot a little novocaine into my side, made an incision, and plunged the thing in. Needless to say, feeling a 6 inch tube moving through your chest cavity doesn't feel like roses.