The Clockwork Mansion

The Grand Hallway => Tower of Art => Topic started by: Tapewolf on January 18, 2012, 03:46:41 PM

Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Final Chapter (2013/06/29)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 18, 2012, 03:46:41 PM
This will hopefully be a new story, set 25 years after 'Future History' (aka Project Future), or 175 years after DMFA.
I'm hoping that it will still make sense for people who have not read the earlier stories or the comic version.

I have perhaps put this off for a little too long because although I currently have four complete chapters, I'm still scared that I won't be able to sustain it creatively.   (EDIT: It reached 62 chapters!)

Anyway, as before I'm going to post the index here and the chapters in subsequent posts.  I will probably be running on a fortnightly update schedule as I did with 'Future History' and 'Chronicles of Jakob Pettersohn'.  How long will I be able to keep it going?  Have I started this too soon?  I guess we shall see.

EDIT: Critique would be very handy.

Chapter 1 (,8787.msg359394.html#msg359394)   Chapter 2 (,8787.msg359784.html#msg359784)   Chapter 3 (,8787.msg360112.html#msg360112)   Chapter 4 (,8787.msg360436.html#msg360436)   Chapter 5 (,8787.msg360636.html#msg360636)   Chapter 6 (,8787.msg360974.html#msg360974)

Chapter 7 (,8787.msg361258.html#msg361258)   Chapter 8 (,8787.msg361782.html#msg361782)   Chapter 9 (,8787.msg361987.html#msg361987)   Chapter 10 (,8787.msg362261.html#msg362261)   Chapter 11 (,8787.msg362642.html#msg362642)   Chapter 12 (,8787.msg362984.html#msg362984)

Chapter 13 (,8787.msg363309.html#msg363309)   Chapter 14 (,8787.msg363623.html#msg363623)   Chapter 15 (,8787.msg364105.html#msg364105)   Chapter 16 (,8787.msg364562.html#msg364562)   Chapter 17 (,8787.msg365025.html#msg365025)   Chapter 18 (,8787.msg365204.html#msg365204)

Chapter 19 (,8787.msg365351.html#msg365351)   Chapter 20 (,8787.msg365473.html#msg365473)   Chapter 21 (,8787.msg365627.html#msg365627)   Chapter 22 (,8787.msg365818.html#msg365818)   Chapter 23 (,8787.msg366013.h.%20 ml#msg366013)   Chapter 24 (,8787.msg366153.html#msg366153)

Chapter 25 (,8787.msg366282.html#msg366282)   Chapter 26 (,8787.msg366442.html#msg366442)   Chapter 27 (,8787.msg366672.html#msg366672)   Chapter 28 (,8787.msg366843.html#msg366843)   Chapter 29 (,8787.msg366997.html#msg366997)   Chapter 30 (,8787.msg367198.html#msg367198)

Chapter 31 (,8787.msg367406.html#msg367406)   Chapter 32 (,8787.msg367532.html#msg367532)   Chapter 33 (,8787.msg367641.html#msg367641)   Chapter 34 (,8787.msg367816.html#msg367816)   Chapter 35 (,8787.msg367970.html#msg367970)   Chapter 36 (,8787.msg368044.html#msg368044)

Chapter 37 (,8787.msg368162.html#msg368162)   Chapter 38 (,8787.msg368250.html#msg368250)   Chapter 39 (,8787.msg368324.html#msg368324)   Chapter 40 (,8787.msg368484.html#msg368484)   Chapter 41 (,8787.msg368741.html#msg368741)   Chapter 42 (,8787.msg369013.html#msg369013)

Chapter 43 (,8787.msg369166.html#msg369166)   Chapter 44 (,8787.msg369338.html#msg369338)   Chapter 45 (,8787.msg369529.html#msg369529)   Chapter 46 (,8787.msg369723.html#msg369723)   Chapter 47 (,8787.msg369935.html#msg369935)   Chapter 48 (,8787.msg370087.html#msg370087)

Chapter 49 (,8787.msg370227.html#msg370227)   Chapter 50 (,8787.msg370414.html#msg370414)   Chapter 51 (,8787.msg370695.html#msg370695)   Chapter 52 (,8787.msg370912.html#msg370912)   Chapter 53 (,8787.msg371028.html#msg371028)   Chapter 54 (,8787.msg371150.html#msg371150)

Chapter 55 (,8787.msg371261.html#msg371261)   Chapter 56 (,8787.msg371388.html#msg371388)   Chapter 57 (,8787.msg371492.html#msg371492)   Chapter 58 (,8787.msg371591.html#msg371591)   Chapter 59 (,8787.msg371718.html#msg371718)   Chapter 60 (,8787.msg371857.html#msg371857)

Chapter 61 (,8787.msg372003.html#msg372003)   Chapter 62 (,8787.msg372119.html#msg372119)


Brief timeline (dates are approximate):

1089-1985: Chronicles of Jakob Pettersohn
1990: Present-day DMFA
2140: Future History (Project Future)
2165: Epsilon Project
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 1 (2012/01/18)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 18, 2012, 03:47:48 PM
The Epsilon Project - Chapter 1

The fox entered the room cautiously.  "Sorry I'm late..." he said, his ears burning slightly and his mind projecting embarrassment.

"Just take a seat, Sidney," the Professor said, causing the fox to jump slightly as his name was plucked out of thin air.  "We're still settling in.  You haven't missed anything."

Abashed, the fox settled in an empty chair, and cast his eyes around the room at a veritable sea of wings... all the other students in the class were 'Cubi too.  This was not unexpected since Illiath's was a 'Cubi-run school, but it still came as a surprise to Sydney to see so many others of his kind... some things you can't really appreciate until you've seen them yourself.

In principle, it was difficult to identify which of the Creatures in the room was the professor at all, since everyone looked like they were in their early 20s, no matter what their true age was.  In practice, Illiath's provided their staff with enchanted badges bearing the crest of the Academy.  Staff were encouraged to wear formal clothes during the introductory week of term, after which the policy was relaxed.

Of the students in the classroom, some were dressed conservatively, others with a flamboyancy bordering on the outrageous.  The professor, a female snow leopard with batlike wings, paid the outlandish sartorial mismatch not the slightest attention and cleared the whiteboard with a wave of one hand.

Sitting slightly apart from the other students in the row in front of Syd, was a jackal with plain white fur, raven-black hair and striking red-orange wings of the feathered kind.  This what was initially caught Sydney's eye, but once he had laid eyes on the Creature he became fixated with trying to work out if he was seeing an incubus or a succubus.
At length he finally took the jackal for a male, but only after great difficulty.  The Creature's clothing only added to the confusion; around the neck was a black collar but otherwise he leaned towards the scanty end of the clothing spectrum.  The only other garments he wore were a pair of arm-length gloves made from some kind of high-gloss polymer and a remarkably tight pair of leather pants which made Sydney wince just to look at them.

Looking the other way he saw that he was sitting next to a succubus, a feather-winged border collie whose prim and proper attitude perfectly matched the grey jacket she wore.  The fox's eyes widened slightly when he realised that she was wearing something underneath it that he had last seen on a top shelf magazine.  Great grandmother does that too, he remembered.

Sydney looked down at himself, feeling somehow inadequate given that he could easily have dressed as outlandishly as the jackal guy.  On a sudden impulse he removed his shirt, revealing the Doberman-like patterning of his muscular chest and arms.

"Now," the professor said, snapping Sydney and some of the other more dreamy 'Cubi back to full attention.  "As most of you will be aware, we will only be running the introductory classes for the first two weeks.  Regular courses will begin after that.
"This is the first introductory class, and we may as well start off with a brainstorming session, since I'd like to get some idea of what you all know about the major races.
"Naturally, our race will be the main focus of our courses, but for reasons which will hopefully become apparent, I would like to start with Beings," she said and wrote the word in the centre of the whiteboard, surrounding it with a circle.
This done, the professor turned her gaze towards and class and paused expectantly.  Most of the students put up a hand and in some cases a wing-tentacle as well.

"Sheila," Professor Jevex called out.  Sydney jumped slightly - it was the succubus sat next to him.
"They are the most common race on Furrae," she informed the professor.  She thanked her and wrote it upon the whiteboard.

"They have very limited magic," another student informed her.  "They compensate with technology."

"Daniel," the professor said, and a Doberman incubus replied.  "We, 'Cubi, are like Beings until we grow up.  We often masquerade as them."
"Very good," the professor replied, and turned towards the white jackal.   "Richard?"

"They are a resource for our race to use," he declared.  There was a deafening silence, punctuated only by a confused blur of emotions from everyone in the room.  Richard's smile faded slightly and he gave a quick glance at the other students as if seeking reassurance.

"Er, would you care to expand on that?" the professor asked him, her head-wings fluffing out fractionally as she tried to control them.

"Well, Professor," the jackal began and recovering his poise, leaned back and placed a black boot upon the table.  "Their souls can be eaten and make a very good source of energy, especially since they are an easy kill.  While they're alive they're good for harvesting terror, pain and other emotions from, and when they're used up their skins make very durable leather," he said and slapped one of his thighs for emphasis.  A thick wave of horror and disgust seeped through the room and those nearest to Richard edged away from him.

"You bastard!" Syd snarled, standing up.  "My mother is a Being!"  Richard whirled around, almost coming off the chair and stared at Sydney, his head-wings fanning out in alarm and a gloved hand in front of his mouth.
"Oh, I'm really sorry," he said apologetically.  "I didn't know.  I wouldn't worry about it though," he added brightly, "She won't last long.  Probably die while you're at the school..."

Sydney lurched forwards, stumbling over the desk, his mind filled with red rage.  Richard seemed genuinely startled by his reaction.  One of the professor's wing-tentacles wrapped around Syd's throat and an icy sensation filled his head.

Next thing he knew, Sydney was lying slumped in his seat, staring at the ceiling and not quite sure what had happened.  Richard was nowhere to be seen and most of the class were quietly chattering amongst themselves, sometimes casting surreptitious glances towards him.

"Where's the professor?" he asked timidly.  "Outside, with Richard," Sheila replied.

"Oh shit..." Sydney exclaimed.  "Did I... did I hurt him?"  How would his parents react if he was expelled on his first day...?

"I wouldn't worry," the succubus said, gesturing at a couple of other dazed 'Cubi who were only now stirring.  "You weren't the only one who needed to be subdued, and besides, they'd have taken you aside if you were in trouble.  As a race we're... well, highly strung.  This sort of thing tends to happen a lot to begin with, at least until the self-control classes start to kick in.  I'm sure they're used to it."

"How do you know all this?" Syd asked her.  "I read a lot," she said said, with a small shrug, but her gaze lingered over the fox for some time.
"May I ask," she said finally, "When you found out you were 'Cubi?  Was it recently, or have you known it for many years?"

"It's a long and sordid story," Sydney said, "But the short of it is yeah, it was fairly recent.  Though I often wondered what race I was, I will say that."

* * *

The envelope was glowing slightly.  Not in an alarming way, nor yet in an irritating manner.  It had often been the case that junk mail would be covered in cheap, tacky spells that caused them to flash or display short loops of video, but that trend was on the wane now, a passing fad.

Most people had by now developed a habit of consigning such garish mail to the shredder without checking it and this association with junk mail was probably a major reason why, but this particular letter was quite clearly something else.  It had the air of an official letter from a Creature-run organisation, likely formed before even Mayor Dickens' great grandparents had been born.  And now it was sitting in his in-tray, addressed to him.

Cautiously, the llama opened it.  Care was needed - sometimes Creatures would send a Warp-aci, some similar messenger or even themselves, shape-shifted into the form of the letter.  Casually stabbing such an envoy with a letter-knife had sparked more than one diplomatic incident.  In this case the letter had obviously not been through the usual postal system, and that itself was a very bad sign.

"What do you know about this...?" he asked his aide, eyes widening as he scanned the letter.  It was hand-written in quill with a fine script and the paper was embossed with a large runic Clan symbol in one corner and coloured with pressed gold leaf.  As was often the case with long-lived Creatures, the text was lengthy and took its sweet time getting to the point.

"It's... well, I think it's a request, Sir," the aide replied.  He was a fruit bat, and he sat in his chair, staring into space.  "It was hand-delivered to me this morning by an emissary of Daryil's Clan.  Apparently they wish to expand their territorial holdings."

The llama slumped.  "Well, that's it, then, Patrick.  I had long feared this would happen, that Creatures would take it from us, under a thinly-veiled threat of force dressed up as diplomacy... Force us to hand to them this city which we built from practically nothing..."

"Oh no, Sir.  The emissary was very clear on this matter.  The Lord Daryil... he personally ordered this.  He wishes to be made supreme overlord of Grunmore Council Estate, no more, no less."

The Mayor went very quiet.  "This must be some 'Cubi trick.  No-one would want Grunmore.  He means to gradually expand his territory and take over the city by stealth."

"Be that as it may, I'm not sure we could refuse this demand.  Parbury is on land owned by King Fairwater, but even so the city itself does not officially enjoy the protection of a patron.  Angering this clan could be a mistake - they may take it by force or raze it to the ground so that no-one may have it at all.  We could not win such a war."

The Mayor sat silently, trying to think of some way out of the dilemma.

"Frankly, Sir, I say we let them," the bat piped up.  "If the Lord Daryil really wants it, Grunmore will become his problem.  Our statistics and costs will show an enormous improvement once that has been cut out of the picture."

"We'll have to send it past legal first, of course, but in principle, yes.  This may come to be a blessing in disguise."

"Do you think he knows?" Patrick mused.  "If he doesn't, should we tell him?"

"Yes," the llama decided firmly.  "Even if it jeopardises the transaction.  He must have the right to refuse if it is not to his liking."

"But, Sir!  If he signs it, it is legally binding..."

"No.  We must not hold anything back.  It's no longer a question of business ethics or legal procedure, it's a matter of our own safety.  He knows where we live.  The fact of the matter is this... if he feels he's been robbed, the esteemed Lord Daryil is very likely to come here and kill us both."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 1 (2012/01/18)
Post by: VAE on January 18, 2012, 04:06:11 PM
Interesting so far...
It appears Richard rolled a 1 on Diplomacy... that is, unless he had an anger affinity and decided it's time for a snack.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 1 (2012/01/18)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 18, 2012, 06:07:22 PM
Lord Daryil, Supreme Overlord of Grunmore Council Estate.

It has a ring to it.

Although... I do have to wonder how many other Council Estates he's Supreme Overlord of, by now. And... just how much emotion would there be in such a packed, unpleasant place to live? Hrm. Ulterior motives...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 1 (2012/01/18)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 18, 2012, 06:24:15 PM
Quote from: VAE on January 18, 2012, 04:06:11 PM
It appears Richard rolled a 1 on Diplomacy... that is, unless he had an anger affinity and decided it's time for a snack.

The original concept for Richard was that he was like Dan would be if Destania had brought him up during her tenure at SAIA.  It was inspired by Mink saying "I was originally kind of scared since I heard you were Destania's son..."
He's developed a bit since then, but he's a character I am really having fun writing.  Sheila too, actually.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 1 (2012/01/18)
Post by: justacritic on January 18, 2012, 08:06:08 PM
Poor little mayor and staff, killing you would be the least painful thing that Lord Daryil would do to you :mwaha
Here's to more of your story
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 2 (2012/01/29)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 29, 2012, 10:29:25 AM
I was going to publish this yesterday and switch the update day to Saturday, but I (1) forgot, (2) had to do a little re-editing for consistency with the current WIP chapter.  Enjoy.

Chapter 2

After the initial briefing class, the students had the rest of the day free and were encouraged to explore the grounds of the academy.  Not quite sure what to do, Syd tagged along after Sheila, who didn't seem to object.

"Nice corset," he remarked at one point.  "Thanks," she replied, polishing the shiny undergarment.  "But don't get your hopes too high, mister," the succubus added with a lascivious grin.  "I prefer other women."
Syd decided it was best to pretend he hadn't heard that, at least for now, and his expression did not change.

"So, uh, what clan are you from?" he finally asked.

"Clan Ketonia," the Border collie said.  "Fairly minor clan, but we specialise in financial matters."

"Have you ever had a Leader?"

"Not as such... we have a CEO instead."

This was not the answer Syd was expecting.

"Yeah," she said, "We run the clan as if it was a corporation.  My father is Technical Director, and I think his hopes are to have me set up and run a new R&D facility in one of our cities.  After I graduate from Illiath's, of course."

"I don't know if I should mention mine," Sydney said.  "We have a shadowy past."

"That goes for a great many clans," Sheila pointed out.  "Still, you seem to have a good heart.  I don't think I can hate you for yourself, whatever your family may have been like.  But if that's how you want to cope with it, I can't argue."

"We're allies of Daryil clan," Sydney said.  Sheila paused but made no other sign.  "Weird, but pretty harmless," she said, as if reading aloud.  "Usually gay," she added, causing Syd to scowl briefly.  "Anyway you seem sane enough to me."

"Thanks, I guess.  What about... Well, do you know anything about Richard...?  His clan?"

"No," she said, her eyes narrowing.  "He's a funny one.  Not many clans revel in destruction these days, most of the really brutal ones got killed off in the wars.  If I were to stake a guess, I'd say Jyraneth."

Syd quivered and radiated fear.  "Jyraneth...?"

The Border frowned, reasoning that the Jyraneth had some kind of beef with Syd's mysterious clan, not an unlikely thing given that Jyraneth's clan were a bunch of religious fanatics who held practically every other clan in contempt and had made many enemies.  Sheila's guess was in fact true, but not in quite the manner she suspected.

"I wouldn't worry," she soothed,  "He won't hurt you.  Jyraneth are psychos, and they committed many atrocities, even against Ketonia clan.  But they tend to honour their vows.  Of the surviving members of the clan, they must be at the moderate end of the spectrum even to consider using a school.  Be that as it may, if Richard is here at all, that means he's sworn to set aside his inter-clan differences for the duration of his attendance.  He might push the boundaries if your clans are really at each others' throats, but targetting another 'Cubi for a vendetta is very unlikely."

"I guess so.  Uh.. what did the Jyraneth do to your clan?"

"Oh, they massacred a number of villages and towns that were supplying us with raw materials such as wool and ore.  They also killed several members of our clan who tried to prevent it."

"Shit," Sydney said.  "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Hey, it was a long time ago," she said.  "Way before my parents were born.  Beside, I might be completely wrong about Richard being of that ilk.  Most of the Jyraneth were wiped out about 700 years ago after they pushed the Kamei'Sin too hard by murdering their Leader's lover.  It's just as likely he's Cyra Clan.  I mean... I've read about them, seen recordings from SAIA.  If Destania Cyra ever brought up a child in her own image, Richard would be pretty much it."

"I heard Destania was dead", Syd pointed out.  "But I guess with someone like her, you can never be too sure."

* * *

"Thank you," the incubus said, entering the room.  Vulpine he was, and dressed in a long black cloak with holes for his feathery wings and the Daryil symbol upon it.
A cane was held fast by two gloves of brown leather and his demeanour, at least as much as his clothing, gave the impression of an ageless nobleman who could personally recall those bygone times when such clothes were fashionable among the gentry and not just a mark of distinction for formal occasions.  The headwings alone practically guaranteed it, for younger 'Cubi rarely left their studies until they were at least one or two hundred years old.  Daryil was more than four thousand.
The effect was finished by a dark burgundy shirt of fine silk with gold trim that was tucked carefully into an expensive pair of leather trousers.  These in turn branched off into an equally costly pair of knee-length boots.

"I bid you welcome, milord," Mayor Dickens said, bowing courteously.

The incubus made a polite gesture of acceptance towards the llama with one hand, and held the door open with the other.  An unkempt husky Being bumbled in, dressed in a T-shirt and a particularly scruffy pair of jeans.  Tucked carefully under one arm was what appeared to be a gigantic sugar cube.

"Afternoon," he said.  Everyone else flinched slightly and the incubus narrowed his eyes in a threatening manner, as if to say 'behave'.

"Milord," the mayor began, addressing the noble.  "It is an honour to have you with us.  Can I bring refreshments for you, and your... assistant?"

"A jug of water, and perhaps some pastries, if you would be so kind," he replied.  Patrick scurried off and returned a few moments later bearing a tray.

The incubus drew from one pocket a leather-bound folio, adorned on the front by the mark of Daryil Clan.  The gold clasps and jewels had clearly been worked by hand.  "May we present you with a gift on behalf of clan Daryil?" he asked.  The Royal 'we', the Mayor thought.
"It is our hope that it may bring you a better understanding of our aims and way of life."

Mayor Dickens opened it gently, and drew breath.  "Hand-written?"  Privately he made a rough estimate of the book's value and his hands began to tremble.

"Copied out and illustrated by monks from the order of St. Palance," the lordly incubus said.  "I understand they even raised the cattle whose hides went into the vellum and binding."

"This wasn't hand-made," the scruffy one said, pointing at the sugar cube.  "Sorry about that."  There was an uncomfortable silence, punctuated only by another sharp look from the incubus.

"We do also have the document available in Braille, audiobook, comic form and scratch-and-sniff," the fox said happily, regaining his composure.  "But this one is much nicer, don't you think?"  The incubus faltered slightly, as the husky glared at him instead.

"Yes, yes," he said, glancing at the unkempt one.  "Apologies.  I suppose we should get down to business now."  The Mayor shuddered slightly.  "No, wait, the other gift first."  So saying, he waved a hand and a bottle appeared in it.  "Marque D' Sade, 1808," he said.  "Save it for a special occasion if you wish."

"Anyway, to business.  On behalf of Clan Daryil, I am here to extend our love and appreciation towards the people of Parbury and their delicious souls..." the incubus faltered, looking confused.  The scruffy husky gave him a look of pure venom and he tried to regain his thread.  The Mayor was shivering.

The incubus started again.  "We wish to formally take over Parbury..."

"GRUNMORE!" the husky screamed.  The Mayor pinned himself against the wall.  "It's exactly as I feared!"

"Why are you acting like this?  You'll ruin everything!" the husky snarled in a low voice.
"It's him!" the incubus whined, gesturing at the mayor plaintively.  The scruffy one glanced at at the mayor and then back at the fox.  "Emotion-jammed by a Being?  Anyone would think you were 22!"

"Mayor Dickens," the noble said, his gloved hands clutching the top of the cane like grim death.  "Will you please stop thinking all that paranoid stuff?!  I don't know what you're using to break my mental filters, but it's making it really hard to concentrate!
"Listen... think about the smell of the sea and the wind whipping your hair... That's better.  Now, can you feel that...?  Good.  Now concentrate on it, and... yes, that's so much quieter."

"Right," the incubus continued, once he had taught the llama and bat to conceal their thoughts. "I really don't know why you're so worried.  If Clan Daryil truly wished to take the city by force, we wouldn't be talking to you now.  You'd have been incinerated and replaced by impostors from our Clan before you even knew what was going on."

"Now, if we can forget this moment of foolishness ever happened, let's try that again.  On behalf of Clan Daryil I wish to extend our love and appreciation towards the people of Parbury and I hope this agreement marks the start of a new era of cooperation between your city-state and our Clan.
"We wish to formally take over the district of Grunmore, nothing more or less.  We will protect Grunmore from attack as best we can and will try to protect Parbury also, though we cannot promise anything.
"While some of our people will be moving in once the agreement has been formalised, It is not our intention to harm any of the existing residents other than as may become necessary in the event of civil unrest."

"And how likely is that, milord?" the bat enquired.

"Frankly, I'm not sure," the incubus admitted.  "We're not an aggressive or violent clan by nature - Daryil members are forbidden to commit wanton acts of murder - and the 'Cubi race as a whole... well, we don't like killing, if only because dead people can't have emotions.
"Now, we're not talking about subjugating the population either, that's really not what we want.  But as you both know, Grunmore is a hive of villainy and scum so we can't presume a completely passive approach will work in all scenarios and there may be some resistance to us just because we're new here.
"Understand though, we're talking an emergency situation that I don't expect to occur, but want to provide for just in case it does.  Covering our backs, really."  The mayor and his winged assistant nodded.

"Now, I believe that's..."

"Trade routes," the Incubus' assistant piped up, interrupting him.

"What about them?" the noble retorted, turning on his heel with a questioning stare that perfectly matched his noble demeanour.  The husky cleared his throat.  "I took the liberty of examining the area and its financial status.  While Grunmore is not exactly a commercial district, there are twenty-six corner shops, two or three supermarkets and a number of fuelling stations within its boundaries.  These will of course, need to be resupplied.
"Since the estate has no financial centre of its own but a large area of farmland and several industrial estates, virtually all monetary transactions will cross the border also."

"I see," the incubus said, rubbing his chin.  "Yes.  Making it a separate state would give us the power to impose levies on trade occurring with the rest of Parbury.  That is something we must consider..."

"Taxes?!  Import duties...?" the Mayor seemed to be sinking rapidly into his chair.

"The taxes would be fair," the fox said, soothingly.  "I am sure our esteemed colleague is thinking of nothing more than a nominal fee to help cover administrative costs.  Besides, these are details we can work out properly later."

"That's not the point!" Mayor Dickens protested.  "Parbury is a province granted to us by King Fairwater!  Ultimately we report to him... being made governor of Grunmore is one thing, but you can't just go and declare it an independent state!"

"We'll see about that," said the husky simply.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 2 (2012/01/29)
Post by: joshofspam on January 30, 2012, 02:16:27 AM

Daryil setting up his own little town. Should be interesting watching him make a town of villainy into a nice place to raise your kids.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 2 (2012/01/29)
Post by: VAE on January 30, 2012, 03:27:47 AM
A nice place to *raise* your kids, given that the gravity might very well work in the opposite direction.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 2 (2012/01/29)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 30, 2012, 04:37:08 AM
FWIW, I have no idea what happens to Destania, I'm covering my bases :P
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 2 (2012/01/29)
Post by: James StarRunner on January 30, 2012, 07:03:23 PM
Interesting... another SAIA-like school. I didn't know you had this is the works. We shall have to converse.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 2 (2012/01/29)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 30, 2012, 07:51:48 PM
Quote from: James StarRunner on January 30, 2012, 07:03:23 PM
Interesting... another SAIA-like school. I didn't know you had this is the works. We shall have to converse.

That would be handy.  The people I'd usually run ideas past all seem to be busy at the moment :-/
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 2 (2012/01/29)
Post by: James StarRunner on February 01, 2012, 05:33:27 PM
"Why are you acting like this?  You'll ruin everything!" the assistant snarled in a low voice.

You should either say it was the mayor's assistant, or call him by name or species. As there are two 'assistants' in the room, it's a little vague as to who's speaking.


"Anyway, to business.  On behalf of Clan Daryil, I am here to extend our love and appreciation towards the people of Parbury and their delicious souls..." the incubus faltered, looking confused.  The scruffy husky gave him a look of pure venom and he tried to regain his thread.  The Mayor was shivering.

"We wish to formally take over Parbury..."

Seems a little out of character for Jakob to mention delicious souls and for Daryil to be the one to put Jakob back on track, which is amusing. And who was it that tried to regain his thread? The husky?

By creating a different paragraph, my mind thinks there's a different speaker. I suggest something like, "We wish to formally take over Parbury..." the vulpine incubus continued, looking sheepishly back at the mayor.


"Why are you acting like this?  You'll ruin everything!" the assistant snarled in a low voice.
"It's him!" the incubus whined, gesturing at the mayor plaintively.  The scruffy one glanced at at the mayor and then back at the fox.  "Emotion-jammed by a Being?  Anyone would think you were 22!"

This is all really unclear to me. Multiple speakers in a single paragraph and I'm not 100% sure who the speakers are.


"Now, I believe that's..."

"Trade routes," the assistant piped up, interrupting him.

Who's saying the first line? And which 'assistant' is saying trade routes? I can take a good educated guess studying the context, but otherwise is unclear.


I like what you got so far though and I'll be looking into future chapters!

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 2 (2012/01/29)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 01, 2012, 05:50:12 PM
Quote from: James StarRunner on February 01, 2012, 05:33:27 PM
Seems a little out of character for Jakob to mention delicious souls and for Daryil to be the one to put Jakob back on track, which is amusing.
Or is it?

I've fixed some of the problems.  Some of them I'm not sure I can easily fix without introducing worse problems.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 2 (2012/01/29)
Post by: James StarRunner on February 01, 2012, 06:04:50 PM
Well, I'm not going to debate your character, but he did seem quite traumatized years after he last consumed real souls. Or at least really hated himself for it. :B
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 2 (2012/01/29)
Post by: VAE on February 02, 2012, 03:32:25 AM
Quote from: James StarRunner on February 01, 2012, 06:04:50 PM
Well, I'm not going to debate your character, but he did seem quite traumatized years after he last consumed real souls. Or at least really hated himself for it. :B

There's a difference between actually going to do it, and pranking someone into thinking so by scaring the hell out of him.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 2 (2012/01/29)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 03, 2012, 05:51:36 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on February 01, 2012, 05:50:12 PM
Quote from: James StarRunner on February 01, 2012, 05:33:27 PM
Seems a little out of character for Jakob to mention delicious souls and for Daryil to be the one to put Jakob back on track, which is amusing.
Or is it?

It's still unclear as to which is which. I know which the _Mayor_ is supposed to think is which. I'm not sure yet which one the _reader_ is supposed to think is which.

Which may or may not be the point, at this stage. ;-]
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 11, 2012, 06:06:14 AM
Chapter 3

"Welcome back," Professor Jevex began.  "We covered Beings last time.  In this morning's session, we will be repeating the brainstorming exercise, but the subject will instead be us - the 'Cubi race.  Incubi and Succubi."  She drew out a new circle and turned to face the class.

One of the younger students, an osprey griffin named Mike, raised a taloned hand.  "They can eat emotions and don't need to sleep," he said.  "We," the professor corrected, gently.  Mike looked at the floor and radiated embarrassment.


"We have head-wings," a Doberman pinscher replied.  "No other race does."

"We can shapeshift," Sydney contributed.

As the minutes went by, various other attributes of the 'Cubi race were added to the diagram, such as thought and emotion reading powers, wing-tentacles, the drawback of emotional instability and the fact that it was possible to ascend, achieving a third set of wings, indefinite lifespan and a spectacular level of power.  "Though tri-winged 'Cubi are different enough to a normal 'Cubi that they could almost be classified as a different race," Professor Jevex pointed out.

"Clan symbol," Sheila said, simply.  Some of the younger students radiated puzzlement at this, so she tried again.  "Most adult 'Cubi have a mark somewhere on their body, the symbol of the clan we were born into.  It's the one thing we can't hide by shapeshifting."

"Very good," the Professor said, "Richard?"

"We're top of the food chain," the jackal said and as before, his remark was met with a cold silence.  "But we are!" he protested.  "Top level predators, the Master Race.  All others are prey for us, alive or dead..."

"Is he serious...?" the osprey piped up.

Professor Jevex gestured for silence and sat upon the table.  "It is not my place to criticise Richard's parents or the beliefs of his Clan," she began, "But it seems clear to me that his upbringing has been vastly different to most of the rest of us.  In times gone by this would have been closer to the norm, but even before the Dragon Wars our race has often had to keep a low profile to avoid persecution.  Richard's attitude, I'm afraid to say, is very likely to get him killed unless he is able to keep it under control."

"But Professor," Richard objected, "The Dragons and Fae have both departed from this realm, so that leaves us as the Master Race to inherit Furrae in their wake.  Why shouldn't we take advantage of our superiority?  Who can stop us?"

The professor sighed, and shifted into a more comfortable position.

"It is true that in a fair fight, a Tri-winged Clan Leader could mop the floor with even a very powerful Demon," she said, "But life is rarely fair and a Tri-wing can be killed, even by an ordinary Being if the right situation arises.  There have been only a few hundred Leaders in the entire history of our race, and nearly all of them have perished.
"In any case, you are not a Leader," she pointed out, and then paused.  "...unless you are an Aspect of Dimanika, come to troll my class...?" she asked hopefully.  Richard shook his head.
"Daryil, then...?"  A look of distaste crossed Richard's features.  "No," he replied stiffly, "I'm not."

"Well then, if you are just a normal dual-winged 'Cubi like the rest of us, it is essential you know just how vulnerable you are.  If provoked, even a juvenile Demon or a Being adventurer can slay you with a single lucky stroke for all your powers and trickery.  Your first and best defence is to be a model citizen and give them no excuse to attack you in the first place.

"Back when SAIA was founded, we had to keep hidden or risk immediate execution, simply for possessing a clan mark or head-wings.  Until quite recently, SAIA was the only 'Cubi school and it was made dimensionally separate from Furrae to prevent the Dragons or adventurers from storming it and making us all extinct.
"It is only within the last two centuries that Beings have become tolerant enough for us to live more openly among them, but we do so on their terms and so we have to behave ourselves.

"The excesses of our past and the black propaganda of our enemies have left us with a very nasty reputation.  Let's be clear about this - stealing your neighbour's soul and turning his hide into trousers is not considered acceptable behaviour, no matter how sexy they look on you.  Random acts of murder will get you killed, or worse, it may get other members of our race who happen to be in the area killed as well or instead - and if someone else is executed for your crimes it is likely to spark a war between clans, a war which our race can ill-afford."

Richard was taken aback.  "But we have all these powers!" he complained.  "Why were they given to us if not so we can use them how we want?"

"There is a time and a place for everything," the professor said placatingly.  "The purpose of this institution is to teach you - not just how to make the most of those powers, but when it is safe and sensible to do so.  And most importantly of all, we will help teach you the self-restraint that you will need to avoid killing or maiming your friends in a moment of anger or earning yourself an early grave.

"At the end of the day, how you use your powers is your own business.  This school can teach you techniques for fighting, for self-defence, methods of healing and methods of causing pain and torment in others.
"We teach seduction and we teach public relations.  We teach adventuring and mechanics.  We can also teach you how to manipulate souls."

"A question, please, Professor," Richard said.  "Does that include eating them?"

There was a sharp intake of breath from some students and a flux of emotions washed throughout the room.  Some - such as Richard - looked positively eager at this prospect, others were horrified and the remainder watched with interest to see what would happen.  Professor Jevex emitted a sharp spike of annoyance and seemed to be on the point of hitting Richard for a second or two.

"Yes and no," she said after regaining her composure.  "We will teach you how to trap souls and how to consume their energy, but it is not intended that any of you use these techniques upon live specimens and we will mention that only in passing for completeness.  The main purpose is to teach you how to consume synthetic energy, and how to use it for various other purposes."

Richard made a face and radiated facetiousness.  "Freakin' typical... a free sample to get students hooked on Jayhawk's product.  Why?  Why'd anyone want to pay for a cheap imitation when you can steal an actual soul for free?"

"Because doing that will get you killed," the professor snapped, and then continued in a more mellow vein.  "While Jayhawk do have an interest in this and some of their researchers will be doing guest lectures, that is beside the point.  More advanced students will be taught how it is actually synthesized."

"For what it's worth, soul-eating was and is far rarer than most Beings would have you believe... it is, I think you will find, largely a myth put about by the Dragons to aid in our extermination.  Angels are far, far more prone to such acts of violation, and some say this is why they have been dying out.  On that note I should probably add that consuming a real soul - aside from being abhorrent to most 'Cubi - will damage your own soul in ways that Jayhawk energy doesn't, but that is neither here nor there.

"To answer your question, our school will teach you how to heal souls of the living, and how to trap them for humanitarian purposes if the body dies.  You will also be taught how to consume synthetic energy in order to extend your lives and powers.  While it is possible to adapt these techniques to consume a living victim, that will be left for you to figure out on your own if you truly wish to become a monster after your graduation and taint the souls of any descendants you may have.

"But it is vitally important that you understand this:  We are all at the mercy of the other races and we, the school, must ask that you remember this and think very, very carefully how your actions will look to others.  For the sake of your fellow 'Cubi, if not for you."

Reluctantly, Richard nodded.

* * *

"You... you plan to secede it from Fairwater's kingdom...?" the mayor looked horrified.  "But won't this... he will... we do not want Parbury to get dragged into a war!"

"That should not be a problem," the incubus said.  "You see, we have already reached an agreement with the King.  I know him of old.  In fact, Daryil Clan helped him take the throne.  We would not even have considered this project without first obtaining his consent."

"In that case... I believe all is in order, Milord," the llama stated.  "All that it requires now is an exchange of signatures."  Carefully, he and the bat read through the document and when sure it was the same as the draft they had been given, signed it.

The incubus took it, read it through once and then handed it over to his aide.

Mayor Dickens started.  "Milord, it must be signed by your own hand.  It will not be binding if signed only on your behalf."

"That..." the incubus said, and looked a little embarrassed.  "Trust me, it is better this way."

As the llama and bat looked on, the scruffy dog signed it, looked at it and then pressed a thumb against the page.  There was a faint hissing sound and a small amount of smoke.  When his digit came away, there was a perfect monogram on the page - the mark of Daryil's Clan.  His chest was faintly glowing in the same shape, visible for a few seconds through the T-shirt.

The bat stared at him with a look of incredulity - the llama's face was a textbook illustration of slack-jawed idiocy.

"Ah well," Daryil said.  His husky face became vulpine and the scruffy T-shirt exploded as his back-wings appeared, scattering fragments around the room.  Fortunately he remembered the jeans, which morphed slightly to accommodate his hip-wings.  "I guess the game's up," he said.  "I was wondering how long it would take you to realise."


"Yes," Jakob said, and reverted to his wolfish base form.  "He is the Lord Daryil.  I apologise if you feel you have been mislead, that was not strictly our intention, but sometimes there have been assassination attempts.  Against both of us, in fact.
"For your information, I am actually a lord and I do frequently act as our clan's official representative.  But at the end of the day, Daryil is the clan's Leader, not me.
"By the way, I also apologise for my Lord's appearance and attire, though it could have been worse.  He intended to conduct this meeting in a skin-tight catsuit and would have done so if I hadn't stopped him."

"I'll wear it afterwards," Daryil said.

"Must you, Milord?"  Jakob looked pained.   "It's not very becoming for someone of your status.  It will make a very odd first impression."

It's shiny," Daryil said, as if that explained everything.

"It's none of my business, Milords," the Mayor said hesitantly, "But is this some engagement you have planned for this afternoon?"

"Sort of," Jakob said, and looked slightly uncomfortable.

"We can provide transport as a token of our esteem if it would help.  We would not wish you to be late."

"That's okay, we'll walk," Daryil told him.  "It's just an informal thing, and what better way to check out our shiny new city-state?  Well, town-district-state."

The Mayor gulped and Patrick took a few steps backwards.

"It's a simple informal dinner to celebrate," Jakob soothed.  "It doesn't have to be anything fancy."

"I don't know of any suitable restaurants in the area," the bat said uncertainly.  "Certainly none befitting a clan leader..."

"It's befitting that we should sample the local produce," Daryil countered, "So we're going down the chippy.  Fish and chips for the entire clan!  Except for Werrew, he doesn't like fish.  And Falkirk is a vegetarian."

"Please, Dar," Jakob said, "Fish and chips is a wonderful idea, but please, please... just don't do what you did last time..."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: justacritic on February 11, 2012, 10:46:26 AM
Daryil makes no promises Jakob, Daryil makes no promises. I can't wait to see what zany antics are in store for you.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: joshofspam on February 11, 2012, 04:59:04 PM
Good old Fish N Chips.

One could only imagine how that could end up with how Daryil feels about fish.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 11, 2012, 05:48:34 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on February 11, 2012, 04:59:04 PM
Good old Fish N Chips.

One could only imagine how that could end up with how Daryil feels about fish.

It's mostly live fish he has a problem with.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: VAE on February 13, 2012, 07:57:13 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on February 11, 2012, 05:48:34 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on February 11, 2012, 04:59:04 PM
Good old Fish N Chips.

One could only imagine how that could end up with how Daryil feels about fish.

It's mostly live fish he has a problem with.

Reminds me of that old quote - "I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals but because I hate plants."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: justacritic on February 13, 2012, 05:48:14 PM
Quote from: VAE on February 13, 2012, 07:57:13 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on February 11, 2012, 05:48:34 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on February 11, 2012, 04:59:04 PM
Good old Fish N Chips.

One could only imagine how that could end up with how Daryil feels about fish.

It's mostly live fish he has a problem with.

Reminds me of that old quote - "I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals but because I hate plants."
Hey don't diss the flavor of the Plant Kingdom.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: Gabi on February 14, 2012, 04:09:25 PM
Now I wonder what it is that he did last time. >.>
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 14, 2012, 04:45:35 PM
Heh. The jig is up!

... and I do wonder about the vegetarian. Most chippies use animal-based fats in their fryers, rather than vegetable-based ones; the meat flavouring is more popular, or so I understand. Less common are the ones that use olive oil, for example.

A secondary consideration is that vegetable oils "wear out" faster, requiring more maintenance and replacement...

but I digress a little, I think.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: Gabi on February 14, 2012, 05:09:08 PM
Really? Here people use mostly sunflower and/or corn oil for frying. I use sunflower oil myself. However, most restaurants and fast food chains re-use the same oil multiple times, which is unhealthy and ruins the taste of the food. But lots of people will eat it anyway.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 15, 2012, 02:49:40 PM
This is specifically in the case of deep-frying, rather than pan-frying, I should clarify.

I may also be misremembering certain details (like which vegetable is used, for example)...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: Gabi on February 15, 2012, 06:19:19 PM
Deep-frying or pan-frying you can use the same oils. Deep-frying is better, but if you use the same oil again and again it becomes saturated and thus the problem I mentioned (unhealthy and bad-tasting, but people will still eat the stuff).
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: VAE on February 15, 2012, 11:17:01 PM
Quote from: Gabi on February 15, 2012, 06:19:19 PM
Deep-frying or pan-frying you can use the same oils. Deep-frying is better, but if you use the same oil again and again it becomes saturated and thus the problem I mentioned (unhealthy and bad-tasting, but people will still eat the stuff).

Saturated? That seems odd.  I mean, where is it getting hydrogen from?
I thought it was more splitting into shorter hydrocarbon chunks? *shrug*
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: justacritic on February 16, 2012, 12:06:30 PM
Quote from: Gabi on February 14, 2012, 05:09:08 PM
Really? Here people use mostly sunflower and/or corn oil for frying. I use sunflower oil myself. However, most restaurants and fast food chains re-use the same oil multiple times, which is unhealthy and ruins the taste of the food. But lots of people will eat it anyway.
Have you ever used sesame oil? It's quite aromatic and gives a quite indescribable taste 
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 3 (2012/02/11)
Post by: Gabi on February 16, 2012, 03:34:42 PM
Quote from: VAE on February 15, 2012, 11:17:01 PM
Quote from: Gabi on February 15, 2012, 06:19:19 PM
Deep-frying or pan-frying you can use the same oils. Deep-frying is better, but if you use the same oil again and again it becomes saturated and thus the problem I mentioned (unhealthy and bad-tasting, but people will still eat the stuff).

Saturated? That seems odd.  I mean, where is it getting hydrogen from?
From the air, I suppose. I learned that from my mother while she was studying nutrition.

Quote from: justacritic on February 16, 2012, 12:06:30 PM
Quote from: Gabi on February 14, 2012, 05:09:08 PM
Really? Here people use mostly sunflower and/or corn oil for frying. I use sunflower oil myself. However, most restaurants and fast food chains re-use the same oil multiple times, which is unhealthy and ruins the taste of the food. But lots of people will eat it anyway.
Have you ever used sesame oil? It's quite aromatic and gives a quite indescribable taste  
I have, but not for frying. A couple of drops of sesame oil can give the food a good taste. Any more than that makes me literally sick. My dad learned that the hard way.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 4 (2012/02/25)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 25, 2012, 06:48:19 AM
Chapter 4

A Being walked down the street, many years of living in Grunmore making a simple act into something furtive, as if every shadow held a mugger.  Things weren't quite that bad, but sometimes they came close and it only took one knife to end you, all over a packet of cigarettes.

A cry of despair made his fur stand on end for a moment - it seemed to be coming from the Jolly Roger fish bar.  There was a blinding flash from inside it.  "No!" the person yelled again, "Daryil, NO..."

* * *

Sheila took off her jacket and let her hair down, for once actually looking like a traditional succubus and not some kind of diabolical stockbroker.  Settling herself into a nearby chair in the common room, she put up her feet and gave a contented sigh, which turned into one of annoyance as she noticed that Sydney and Richard had got into some kind of argument again.

"But," Sydney was saying, "Last lesson!  You agreed!  You agreed that it was wrong to kill Beings like that!"

"It's dangerous and could easily get you killed," Richard said, "I agree with that, but 'wrong'... that's a little steep, isn't it?"

"I think you may have missed the point of professor Jevex' little sermon," Sheila said testily, "That it is evil to murder Beings for their souls."

Richard's head-wings fanned out threateningly.  "Evil?" he repeated, "How dare you?!  I pride myself on following our laws!  I would never, ever do something that was evil!"

A hush fell upon the room, interrupting card games and pausing the Soul Burglar tournament set up on an ad-hoc network in the corner as everyone turned to look.

"So seducing a Being, raping them and then devouring their eternal soul as they beg for mercy doesn't strike you as being 'evil'?", Sheila said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Should it?" the jackal shrugged.

"Then pray explain... no, wait...  What would you consider to be evil?" she asked, changing her mind in mid-sentence.

"Murdering a fellow 'Cubi, maybe an Angel or Demon, depending on the circumstances.  That's wrong.  Killing their entire family, or stealing their souls, that's evil."

"But it's okay to do that to a Being...?"

"Of course."

"Of course nothing!" she snapped, and then looked contrite for a moment.  "Look, just humour me.  Pretend I'm an idiot.  Explain to me why it is perfectly moral for you to murder a Being, but evil for someone to murder, say... me."

"Sure thing," Richard said, with a shrug, and seemed happy to be given something constructive to do.

"Consider a simple food chain," he said, pulling out a tablet device and sketching a hasty diagram with a stylus - his gloves (and for that matter, his fur) didn't work well with capacitive touchscreens.
"You got predators at the top, you got a prey species lower down, probably several layers of prey species.  Finally you got the herbivores, and the plants at the bottom.  Is that evil?"

"In the abstract, no.  But it's a very subjective thing.  However, I don't think anyone can argue that it's evil for a wild animal to kill and eat something that is their natural prey."

"Exactly, it's the natural order," Richard said.  "And Beings don't consider it evil for themselves to eat livestock."

"Largely, no, but not universally." Sheila pointed out.

"Yeah, so you have your animal rights and vegetarian protesters," Richard said enthusiastically and gestured at Sydney.  "And the same goes for Beings.  You'll get people who are squeamish about it or want to be sure that the animals don't suffer before they're slaughtered.  I don't have a problem with that, it's their choice.  But they shouldn't have the power to prevent me from doing what is only the natural order of..."

"Now hold on," Sheila interrupted.  "There's a big difference between non-sentient animals and Beings.  You're saying that it's not evil for, say... a wild fox to eat a wild rabbit.  I agree with that, because the fox is only doing what it's been genetically programmed to do.  That's not to say a feral fox has no free will, but hunting prey is its default behaviour.

"We, being a lot more sentient, have a greater amount of free will - we get to choose what we want to eat and how we go about getting it, that means we are not bound by the natural order of things in the same way as the fox and rabbit are.

"In terms of base form, I'm a large dog, you're a jackal.  I could crack your skull open right now and eat your brains.  But if I did, it would be my decision to do so, not a matter of instinct.  Everyone in this room would see it as an act of pure evil and no amount of protesting that it was 'the natural order of things' could hand-wave that away, or get me out of a lengthy prison sentence."

Richard glowered at her and radiated anger but remained silent.

"See," the Border continued, "Your 'natural order' argument gets even more shaky when both the predator and the prey species are sentient and can make their own choices.  A wild hare can't reason with a fox, but a Being, knowing that I was intending to kill them, would.  They would make emotional appeals and logical arguments as to why they should be spared, why what I was doing is both wrong and unnecessary.  Not only that, but we are empaths.  I would know how much suffering and horror I was causing to my victim, and... and it would make me question it.  It would make me think about how I would feel if I was the one being tormented and threatened with such a horrible death..."

"But you wouldn't be," Richard said.  "You're the predator."

Sheila opened her mouth and then closed it again.

"Let me ask you a question," Syd said.  "If you were a Being, would you consider being raped and then murdered for your soul an evil thing?"

"I guess so," he admitted, "But I'm not a Being."

"Up until your 20s you were identical to a Being," Sheila retorted.  "Would that make it moral to kill you while you were in your 'prey' state?"

"No!" the jackal squawked.  "I had wings!  I'd grow up to be something far more than a mere Being!"

"But if you were killed before that could happen, what would be the difference?"

"Beings aren't fully sentient!" the white jackal protested.  There were murmurs throughout the room, and Sheila's headwings drooped.

"What makes you say that, Richard?" she asked softly.

"They don't experience emotions in the same way that we do.  They can't feel them as strongly, so they're obviously less sentient than Creatures."

"I'm afraid that's not true," she said.  "Demons and Angels feel emotions about the same as Beings.  We, 'Cubi, are the odd ones out, and that's because we're over-sensitive to emotions, to the point where we need special training and mental exercises just to live a normal life."

Richard did not reply, but his head-wings were quivering and underneath his fur the blood had run to his face, making the tips of his ears slightly pink where the fur was thinnest.

"Yeah," Sheila said.  "Look, I'm sorry, but being 'Cubi is a very mixed blessing.  Given the choice?  I'm not sure I'd want to be any other race.  We have a lot going for us, but the fact is, some of it just sucks."

The jackal shook his head and walked out of the room, radiating a wide spectrum emotions that could be loosely described as 'emo'.

Shelia sighed.  "Well, that sucked.  Sorry for killing the mood, everyone," she said to the common room.

"You know what?" the succubus mused, "I think I need something to cheer me up."

"Oh?" Syd asked.  "Any ideas?"
"...yeah.  I'm gonna get laid.  See you later..."

Syd watched, trying hard to suppress a pang of jealousy as the succubus made her way back towards the dormitory wing with a slightly predatory expression on her features.  With a mental effort he wrenched himself back to the present and in doing so noticed some of the other male students were radiating similar emotions.  He gave a sidelong look at Daniel, who turned away with a surge of embarrassment and made a show of adjusting his headwings.  Sydney gave a shrug - that was the Doberman's problem, after all - so he paid it no mind and headed off to try and find Richard.

* * *

The jackal stood back and admired her handiwork with a smile that simply radiated sadistic pleasure and anticipation at the heinous crimes she was about to commit.  She stood there, clad in her favourite evening wear, a black form-fitting suit that either screamed "seductive" or "run like buggery" depending on whether you were more powerful than she was or not.

Like many 'Cubi, the succubus was of the belief that if you really wanted to inspire terror in your victims, you had to dress the part.  Perhaps it was a little cliched, but it worked and that was that... nothing said 'soul killer' in quite the same way as shiny black leather.
The wolf Being, on the other hand, said nothing at all.  He stared up at her, his eyes wide with terror and his shivering limbs bound tightly to the four corners of his own bed.

"This is your last night on Furrae, you little shit," the succubus crooned and stroked his chin with a hand gloved in black, funeral garb for her victim's doomed soul.  Tentacles rose behind her from her feathery wings, capped with little wolf faces that leered wickedly, staring into her helpless prey's eyes.  And once again, that smile.  "The only good accountant is a dead one, and you'll be so very, very dead."

The Being gulped.

"I like souls," the succubus purred.  "And yours is a very nice one.  Nice body, too," she slapped his belly for emphasis.  "Pity you won't be needing them anymore."

There was a muffled whimpering from his muzzle, bound shut with one of his own ties.

"Enjoy your final moment," the jackal said and jerked her head back.  She let out a piercing, girlish scream as a small polystyrene box appeared suddenly in mid air, right in front of her face.  She swiped at it and the box fell, turning over in mid air and spilling battered cod and fried potato across the Being and his bed.

The wolf writhed with a loud "MMMMM!" noise and the jackal panicked, sweeping the burning hot food off her victim's exposed fur.  "Oh shit, oh shit, I'm really sorry," she gabbled.  "Are you all right...?"  Cass froze, bapping herself on the muzzle with one shiny black hand as the murderess act came crashing down around her ears.  "Gods dammit!  Stop that!" she snarled as the Being snorted with helpless laughter through the gag.

"I'm not done with you yet, Being scum," she said, trying to regain her prey's delicious terror and failing miserably.  Daryil's gift had utterly killed the mood.

Cass sat on the bed forlornly sweeping the chips and fish back into the box.  "Well so much for a night of fear," she said sullenly, stabbing one of the soggy chips with a crappy wooden fork and eating it.  Out of politeness she offered a lump of fish to the wolf, who grunted and blinked twice, staring at the binding around his nose with both eyes.

Gingerly, Cass untied the bond around his jaws.  "Ta," he said.  "I don't suppose... Do you think... Would you be able to come back next week?"

Cass just glowered at him.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 4 (2012/02/25)
Post by: VAE on February 25, 2012, 08:20:56 AM
Ahahaha, so Cass is cosplaying as Keaton once again?

As an aside, loved the argument about ethics of killing Beings.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 4 (2012/02/25)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 25, 2012, 09:13:02 AM
For those who may have missed it, I commissioned a couple of characters from this when Nyil was hurting for cash.  I'll probably get Syd done next.


and on DA:
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 4 (2012/02/25)
Post by: Gabi on February 25, 2012, 12:54:25 PM
Yes, it was a very interesting argument... with a weird ending, but I guess that must be a far more common way to end things at a Cubi school.

And the food scene was funny. And the first scene was intriguing.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 5 (2012/03/10)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 09, 2012, 07:00:41 PM
It's Saturday here, anyway.  Just.

Chapter 5

"Richard?" Syd called.  He didn't yet have control of his powers so as to be able to pinpoint nearby minds, but that would come in time.

"What is it?" the jackal returned tersely.  He muttered something brief into his phone and pocketed it.

"Look, I just wanted to say... I'm sorry about the argument."

"Yeah, well," Richard sighed.  "I guess it was bound to happen eventually, if I'm really so... different.  Still, it's hard... so many things I was brought up to believe.  And I still think that most of them are right," he said, with a sudden flash of defiance.

Sydney put up his hands.  "We'll have to agree to disagree there," he said.  "I was brought up weird too.  Actually it runs in the family.  I've had to re-evaluate a lot of what I was told as a child, and I guess you will too."

"I probably will, but not right now."

"Richard, if you don't mind my asking, why did you come here?  I mean... no offence, but you don't exactly fit in.  It almost feels like you were sent here against your will."

"I wouldn't go that far, but... well, yeah, there was an ulterior motive.  I was in Dresburg recently."

"Wasn't there some kind of disturbance there or something?"

"Yeah, they were gonna hang me," Richard said offhandedly, as if he had been fined for littering.

"What?!" Syd exclaimed.  "What did you do?  No, forget I asked," he said.  Richard looked up at the ceiling with a slightly crooked, toothy smile.

"Yeah, probably best you don't know.  They all had the noose around me and everything.  There was just one problem - the charm they used was designed to subdue Demons and it didn't affect my wings at all.  Out came the tentacles," he said, with a hazy smile at the memory.  Syd took a few steps back, radiating concern and a certain amount of horror.

"Yeah, it was kinda messy, but that's one of the reasons for these," he said, wiggling the fingers in a gloved hand.  "All the blood and wet bits, you can just wash it all off.  It works with the pants too, though not as well as latex does.

"Anyway, Mom figured I should lie low for a while after that, so she sent me here.  Partly to keep me out of trouble, partly to learn more restraint.  I guess... up until I was sentenced to death, she hadn't really appreciated the value of 'Cubi training."

"I thought most clans used one school or another," Sydney queried.  "What is your clan, if you don't mind my asking...?"

"Fa'Rana Clan," the jackal replied.  "Terror based.  Not many people heard of us, though."

"I can't say I have, either.  Are you forked from another clan?"

"Yeah.  There was a disagreement, a schism over how other races should be treated.  Most of the Clan went one way, and some of us... some of us decided it was time to part ways."

"So you branched off?"

"Pretty much.  Now, tell me about yours?"

"It's complicated," Sydney said.  "Please don't tell Sheila.  In fact, I'd prefer to keep it a secret in general."

"I won't tell anyone," Richard said, putting a hand on Syd's shoulder.  "I promise.  One 'Cubi to another, you can trust me - however much we may disagree about Beings."

"Very well.  We're renegades from a larger clan, I... I can't tell you who, not yet.  They weren't nice, they even ate the souls of their own members if they stepped too far out of line."  Richard's eyes widened and he radiated the same kind of horror that his classmates had earlier.

"Our clan father didn't have the know-how to break away properly so he used various tricks to try and conceal our identity and interfere with our link to the clan's Leader," Syd continued.  "There was a major disaster that wiped out most of them, though - otherwise they would have tracked us down and killed us all.   As it happened, they were too preoccupied with the enemies storming the realm to deal with the enemies who wanted to run away.  After that, it didn't really matter what they thought."

"Kind of the inverse of my clan," Richard said, thoughtfully.  "That explains a few things."

* * *

"The take is a lot lower than expected," the lynx said to his three associates.  "Winston is having trouble with his suppliers again, which is disappointing, but not unexpected.  We'll have to get involved ourselves, make them a bit more... pliant.  But right now, I'm more concerned about Balville, I think he's been holding out on us again.  Ron, you will need to pay him a..."

There was a shout from outside.  "Stand by to board 'em, me hearties!" the voice yelled.  There was a muffled thump.

"Ron," the lynx hissed, "Find out what's happening."

Ron made it halfway to the door when it shattered with a splintering crash, knocking the unfortunate camel backwards where he lay very still.

"Hands up, land-lubbers," Daryil said.  He was dressed in an authentic uniform used by the Altlarian Navy about eight centuries earlier, complete with tri-corned hat, an eyepatch and a cutlass that he held with expert precision.

"Who the fuck is this idiot?" the lynx snapped, and then choked as Daryil's enforcers arrived - a Demon panther who grabbed him by the throat with one arm, and his colleague with the other.  Clawing ineffectually at the Demon's toughened skin, the lynx noticed another enforcer, a muscular Alsatian hound in light adventuring armour.  He had the leathery wings of an incubus and had subdued the remaining member of their party, all except for Ron the camel, who was still motionless upon the floor.

"I's the Captain," Daryil announced, and gestured at the lynx.  "Throw 'im down, Bosun," he said, and no sooner was the cat on the ground than Daryil's blade was digging gently but firmly into his throat.  "Nice and easy, lads, or ye'll be shark bait."

"Milord," the Alsatian said, "There are no sharks in Grunmore, milord.  It's land-locked."

"Arr, that it be," the fox said.  "But ye be forgettin' one thing, Nigel lad... the swimmin' pool in Worple Road.  'Tis next on our list to plunder and pillage, and once it be ours, we'll fill it wi' sharks.  They'll walk the plank yet!"

"Very good, Milord," Nigel said.

"Captain," Daryil said, dangerously.   "Aye, Cap'n!" the Alsatian said, snapping to a quick salute.

Ron lay where he was, but one eye was half open.  Slowly and carefully he drew out a flick-knife and threw it at Nigel's back, between both wings.  He gave a grunt of pain and staggered, almost throttling his captive as he went down.  Captain Daryil didn't even turn his head, but Ron flared up in a burst of light and somehow became a rather large pile of camel-coloured sand.

"That were a stupid thing to do," Daryil said and the cutlass moved infinitesimally, drawing out a small bead of crimson that trickled down the blade from the lynx' throat.  "Stabbin' me First Mate in the back..."

The dagger popped out of Nigel's back, leaving it clean and healed.  "Thank you, Milord," he gasped.

"What say ye, my lad?" Daryil asked, "We should keel-haul the lot o' them."

"I agree, my Captain," Nigel said venomously, and wincing with each breath.  "Sadly, this is a council house and it doesn't have a keel.  But hypothetically, if we are going to ignore our usual conventions against harming Beings, could we please hang them by the yard-arm instead?"

"Nay," Daryil said, after a long pause.  "I says they should walk the plank at Worple Road, 'tis more nautical.  But for now, clap 'em in irons, we'll settle their fate later."  As he spoke, a set of manacles appeared in the floor and the wall.  Nigel and the Demon got to work, and none too gently.

Safely restrained, the dealers looked on helplessly as Daryil began to rummage through the desks, sweeping what documents and papers he found into a briefcase.  Nigel watched him for a while, before locating a large plant pot and headed towards Ron's remains, sweeping the late enforcer into it as a sort of makeshift urn.  Resisting the urge to desecrate the powdered camel's remains took all his strength.

"Bosun Istov!" the Captain said, "Fetch me the treasure, it must be nearby!"  The Demon gave a quick salute and ran upstairs, followed shortly by what sounded like some kind of major demolition work.  The lynx arched slightly and struggled against his bonds.

"I found these, Cap'n!" the Demon said, holding up a tea-chest filled with bags of white powder.  The lynx suddenly went limp.

"Booty!" Daryil cried.  "But it bain't the treasure.  Keep searchin'!"

Nigel stared hard at the lynx, studying his emotions.  The Being got more and more agitated the closer he got to a particular desk, so he lifted it up, wings flowing slightly to reinforce his already muscular arms.  The desk was lighter than he had expected and crashed into the wall, shattering.  Underneath it was a small hole cut into the foundations of the house.  Inside it was a small strongbox.

"Treasure, Cap'n!" he yelled, and broke it open as the Demon returned, which he did by assuming a foetal position and rolling down the stairs as a ball of toughened flesh.  The three of them gazed in awe at a fine collection of gold dollars, credit chits and account details.

The sun rose that morning to the sight of a winged privateer, standing upon the roof the house and staring into the distance with an ornate brass telescope.  Beside him flew the flag of Daryil clan.

* * *

"What?" the succubus said as the call came in.  "I left strict instructions I was not to be disturbed."

"Lady Finch... It's him!  He bought number 19.  He's... doing something to it."

"Are you sure it was him?"

"'Course I'm sure.  Who else would be dressed as a pirate with three pairs of wings?"

"Dimanika perhaps, but I'll take your word for it.  If it is him, what is he doing now?" the wolf frowned, her leathery red headwings drooping slightly as worry and uncertainty crept into her voice.

"Mowing the lawn, I think."

"That doesn't mean anything.  You're certain he modified the house?"

"He did.  He cast spells at it, cleaned up the paintwork and things like that.  Then he went inside and I heard a lot of power tools, and eventually he took out most of the kitchen fittings and dumped them on the lawn.  But then the trucks showed up.  Just now.  They were delivering something white, it looked kind of like gravel but there was far too much of it and it didn't sound right when it poured."

"What did he do with it?"

"Holy gods... It's gone!"

"What?  All of it?  Where?"

"I don't know, it happened while I was looking away!"

"He must have done something to... very well," the succubus said.  "You will go inside.  Wait until night and break and enter if necessary but I want you in that house.  Explore it - I can probably drop off a sonar unit.  Make sure he hasn't been digging tunnels.  And find out what he did with all this... 'gravel'."

"You think he suspects?"

"'Suspects' nothing.  Why else would he be muscling in on our territory?  He knows.  He knows about Project Epsilon."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 5 (2012/03/10)
Post by: joshofspam on March 09, 2012, 09:59:47 PM
It's getting pretty interesting.

I was laughing at Cass's big moment ruined by a gift from Daryil to his clan. Now we get to see him work as a pirate captain. Getting lots of Daryil time this story.

Though I was starting to wonder when that Panther first showed up that Imac might have gotten some newer body type upgrade. Though it is rather amusing to see Daryil pillaging the different criminal elements of his newly acquired town. This is all happening in his new town, right?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 5 (2012/03/10)
Post by: VAE on March 09, 2012, 11:29:38 PM
*objects to the mistreatment of fellow lynxes*

Seriously though, raising a pirate flag above the building was hillarious - I imagined the whole process as similar to the Crimson Permanent Assurance Monty Python sketch.

EDIT: Thanks for pointing out, Tape. *is a dumblynx*
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 5 (2012/03/10)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 10, 2012, 06:49:53 AM
Quote from: VAE on March 09, 2012, 11:29:38 PM
*objects to the mistreatment of fellow lynxes*

Seriously though, raising a pirate flag above the building was hillarious - I imagined the whole process as similar to the Crimson Accountancy Monty Python sketch.

The Crimson Permanent Assurance?  I hadn't thought of that, I was thinking more of Yellowbeard at the time.  The idea actually occurred to me when reading Treasure Island over Christmas.

And yes, most of this is happening in Grunmore.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 6 (2012/03/24)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 24, 2012, 10:19:12 AM
Whoops, I was so busy focussing on writing later chapters, I almost forgot it was update day.  For those who read the Tenets, this chapter should explain one of the questions raised about it.

Chapter 6

Nicholaus was a cuckoo.  Not literally - he was actually a black-backed jackal - but figuratively, a child dropped into a foster family for them to raise.  This sometimes happened with Creatures - especially desperate ones - and usually the trick was to assume the form of someone's husband and impregnate them.

Those particularly skilled in the art would do so in the night, stunning the husband in their sleep and hiding them until the deed had been done so they would have no idea anything was out of the ordinary until the pregnancy occurred.

Nick was one of these, and while he had no idea who his biological father was, his surrogate father had taken the blow well and brought Nick up as his own son.
As he had grown older, Nick had been fascinated by the fact that he was a Creature and had, at appropriate points in his life, begun to watch for signs that he was coming into his powers.

At 16 he was somewhat disappointed that he hadn't gained the ability to uproot trees like a regular Demon would, but he consoled himself with the fact that Demons tended to be evil, and anyway the whole cuckoo thing was a party trick of incubi and occasionally succubi.  So he waited a bit longer.

At 21 he witnessed a multiple vehicle pile-up and tried unsuccessfully to heal one of the injured, who despite his best efforts, died before the emergency services could arrive.  During counselling, a small pair of wings appeared on the back of his head.

Nick's fascination with discovering his race was rekindled and he plunged into studies of 'Cubi, poring for hours over a list of known 'Cubi clans, reading everything he could find about the race, and wondering when his own mark would appear, and what it would be.

Partly because of his failure at the crash scene and partly to try and activate his clan mark, he took to magic far more seriously than he had in his youth and his efforts were soon rewarded.

Checking himself over one night he found the mark had appeared on his back and his soaring joy turned suddenly into an icy lump of horror as he recognised the clan marking.  He was a member of Clan Jyraneth.

* * *

Richard was on the phone when Syd entered the classroom, deep in some conversation.  "...haven't given me much to go on," he was saying.  "No name, no description...   Okay, fair enough, but you can't expect it to be easy to find...  Okay, call you back later.  Love you, bye!"

Before Syd could ask any questions, the door opened again and a particularly scruffy incubus sauntered in, closing it behind himself.

"Welcome," he said.  "I am Professor Falkirk, and I will be teaching the introductory shapeshifting classes."

The professor was an ungroomed poodle with grey feathery wings.  Some of his fur had been inexpertly shaved and cut back to try and keep it under some semblance of control and in blatant defiance of the clothing guidelines for professors, he was dressed only in a pair of shiny black leather jeans not unlike Richard's but only slightly too small.  This, combined with his unkempt, shoulder-length hair gave him the vague appearance of a gay floor-mop on the prowl.

"Er, professor," Sheila said, "I've seen the dress code, and... well... no offence, but are you supposed to be dressed like that?"

"No," he replied simply.  "Now.  You didn't hear this from me, but I have it on good authority that next week will be given over to a field trip for the freshers, i.e. you lot.

"That is why we will be rushing straight into basic shapeshifting, because we need to be sure that everyone will be able to hide their wings on the trip."

"Why would we wanna do that?" piped up the white jackal.

"Ah, Richard, isn't it?" the professor said, trying unsuccessfully to brush the hair out from his eyes.  "I've heard a bit about you."

"Thanks," Richard beamed.  "But why should we hide our wings?  Why should we conceal our glorious heritage?"

"Well," he said, "See if you can figure it out by the end of the lesson.  Otherwise, that will be your homework for today."

"It allows you to get close to your prey so you can murder them more easily," Sheila said, and the jackal looked extremely pleased.  For his part, the professor gave a particularly convincing impression of not having heard any of this, despite the fact that he had been looking straight at them the whole time.

* * *

"Okay," Professor Falkirk decided, once everyone had the basics.  "I think you've got the hang of that.  Susan, you probably want to hide either both sides of your wings or none at all... having just the left ones out looks kind of silly and it will affect your balance.

"Some of you knew how to do this already," his eyes roamed from Sheila to Daniel and finally Sydney.  "And that's not unusual.  Hiding things is the easiest kind of shapeshifting for a 'Cubi to learn, and that's good as a survival trait.  Indeed, without the ability to easily hide ourselves, the 'Cubi race might well have been wiped out completely during the Dragon Wars.

"Now, it's possible to use meditation to lock the shift in place more permanently, say if you needed to live as a Being for 20 years or something..."  Richard sniffed at this.

"...prevent you from reverting to base form if you lose consciousness.  But that takes some time to learn, time we don't have before the camping trip starts, and frankly you shouldn't need it for this little outing anyway.  So instead, I'm going to teach you a handy trick that is fun and easy to learn, but is likely to prove completely irrelevant to your trip."

So saying, he opened his briefcase, drawing out a bunsen burner and a large cylinder of camping gas, which couldn't possibly have fit inside it.  Setting it all up, the professor turned on the gas and ignited it with a click of his fingers.  When he was sure it was burning steadily, he adjusted the ring at the bottom of the device and set the flame to its most fierce.  Then he passed his hand through it.

"Anyone can do that," Richard said.  "Even a Being.  You're not spending enough time in the flame for it to burn you."

The professor said nothing, but calmly placed his hand in the jet again, and kept it there for about seven seconds.  Then he moved it to the hottest part of the flame and began flicking at it.  There were several gasps from the class, and even Richard seemed impressed.  Finally, Professor Falkirk removed his hand from the burner and grasped a piece of paper, leaving only a small amount of soot on it.

"Element resistance," he announced.  "Specifically, heat resistance.  Don't you try this just yet," he told Richard, "You'll melt your gloves."

"Frankly, I'm not supposed to be doing this," he continued, "But I figure we may as well give it a go and see what happens."  He shut off the bunsen burner, and put it back in the briefcase.

"Obviously, I can't start you off on candles or the like just yet," he said, rummaging around, "Since without some degree of control you'll risk setting your fur alight and we can't have that.  Burnt fur smells appalling and I would probably lose my job or face serious demotion.  Particularly since I'm not officially doing this yet.   So keep it quiet, okay?"

As he spoke, he removed from his briefcase an improbable number of fan heaters, and plugged them all in.

"Roll up, folks," he called out as the heaters warmed up.  "Step right up!  Gather round and witness the amazing secret!  I'll tell you how this is done.  Just concentrate, and you should feel the temperature drop off.  Richard, Kath, Aary, Matt... anyone else with gloves... you'll need to remove them for this."

"Remove...?" Richard seemed appalled.

"Well, yes," the poodle sighed.  "Either you won't feel it, or worse, the heat may damage them."

With strange reluctance, Richard gingerly took off his left glove but no amount of coaxing nor taunts would induce him to remove the other, or even explain why not.

* * *

It was gone ten when Lord Daryil finally packed up and left.  Evan had been watching for some hours, expecting him to leave when the sun set, but no... as the light faded, the incubus conjured up a number of lights which floated above the garden.  He continued to work, trimming hedges, replacing with loving care the crumbling trellises and fencework that had long since succumbed to the rot and ruin of neglect.
Eventually Evan realised that the work was winding down... indeed, there wasn't much left that could be done, even the garden shed had been replaced.  But, he realised, he's never once been in the house since the kitchen fittings were removed.

With bated breath, he waited for the incubus to teleport away, and then, once he was sure he was alone, climbed down from his tree.  Lady Finch had not yet been able to ship him the sonar unit, but there was no reason he had to do the entire mission in a single night.  For now his plan was to quickly - and without detection - break into the house and look around, just to scope the place out and give him some idea of what to expect when he returned for a more thorough investigation.

The alligator took from one pocket a small device, monitoring RF signals from the house - the sort that would be generated by a burglar alarm or similar microprocessor device.  He circled No.19 entirely - the readings were negligible... probably spillover from the adjacent properties.  No lights or any other warnings came on as he completed the circuit and did another pass, this time with a device checking for magic.  If there had been any, it was probably too late, but the magic and electronics scanners tended to interfere with each other so it was a risk he had to take.  But again, it came up virtually blank.

The lack of security was starting to worry Evan now, but even so he made his way to the back door.  Perhaps he spent so long on the garden he didn't have time to set anything up.  Perhaps he doesn't think there's anything worth protecting...

The sole security measure appeared to consist of a simple cylinder lock and a sign saying 'DANGER: DO NOT ENTER'.  Out of habit, Evan took out the scanners again, probing more closely.  Yes!  Some semblance of security at last... a very weak spell on the sign.  But it didn't seem to be powerful enough to do anything useful.  Maybe it lit up when someone opened the door...

He turned his attention to the lock.  Lady Finch had given him the key The Family had used to enter No.19, but whatever else Daryil had or had not done, he had at least changed the lock.  Reassured, Evan took out his tools and began to jimmy it.  Easy enough.  He looked around furtively, and sent a text message to the Lady, letting her know that he was about to enter.

Taking a deep breath, Evan gingerly turned the handle, stepping to one side in case it flew open somehow.  It did, and the alligator was immediately buried in an avalanche of ten millimetre nylon washers.  Though he couldn't see it, the warning sign had changed to read "I TOLD YOU SO".
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 6 (2012/03/24)
Post by: Ignuus66 on March 24, 2012, 10:38:23 AM
Daryl never ceases to amuse me... To be frank I expected something to do with lollipops, but washers are equally Daryl-ish
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 6 (2012/03/24)
Post by: joshofspam on March 24, 2012, 01:19:08 PM
Daryil certainly likes to play his games. I wonder if Daryil even new he was being spied upon or was the trap made for anyone that used that door?

Seems like Richard has has a thing about one of his hands. Maybe an old injury or perhaps a clan mark?

Falkirk seems like a fun teacher, keeping learning fun is a great way to keep the students learning.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 6 (2012/03/24)
Post by: justacritic on March 24, 2012, 10:38:51 PM
Daryil antics are the best ever :mwaha
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 6 (2012/03/24)
Post by: Ignuus66 on March 25, 2012, 04:36:39 AM
Daryl fans united!  :P
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 6 (2012/03/24)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 26, 2012, 01:17:42 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on March 24, 2012, 01:19:08 PM
Seems like Richard has has a thing about one of his hands. Maybe an old injury or perhaps a clan mark?

Can't be a clan mark. He'd be proud of that, wouldn't he?

And an injury seems out of character, since it'd mostly heal itself, what with magic and all. So... yeah. I'm at a bit of a loss as to why that particular item is present, and what it signifies...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 6 (2012/03/24)
Post by: Ignuus66 on March 26, 2012, 03:10:06 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 26, 2012, 01:17:42 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on March 24, 2012, 01:19:08 PM
Seems like Richard has has a thing about one of his hands. Maybe an old injury or perhaps a clan mark?

Can't be a clan mark. He'd be proud of that, wouldn't he?

And an injury seems out of character, since it'd mostly heal itself, what with magic and all. So... yeah. I'm at a bit of a loss as to why that particular item is present, and what it signifies...
maybe him and his parents are from a clan he looks "down" upon and split off of?
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 06, 2012, 07:33:56 PM
Chapter 7

Nick had been wandering around the supermarket, piling his basket high with large globes of something brightly coloured and slightly squishy that he couldn't quite identify.

The jackal picked another globe off the shelf, trying to work out whether they were individually priced or sold by weight, and the basket had turned into a shopping trolley while his back was turned.  That seemed inconsequential at the time, but he started to get a bit worried when he couldn't find the checkout and got progressively more and more lost inside the maze of a gigantic hypermart that had been nothing more than a corner shop when he had entered it.

A voice boomed out and the sky turned black, and the supermarket had somehow become a square, ancient and decrepit.  For a few moments he still held one of the soft globes in his hand, but then it was gone.

"A child..." the voice boomed.  "A new child, after so long!" and then her voice cracked like a whip, as if repelled by something.  "But raised by Beings!!  A half-breed... the wickedest of all heresies!  Who would dare...?!"

And suddenly she was before him, a strange and terrible jackal with three pairs of leathery grey wings... on her head, on her back and on her hips.  Her fur was white, but it flowed into darkness and where the two met was a pattern of cracks and fissures... something between the fractured surface of old porcelain and dark runes that almost glowed with malignant power.

"Who are you?" he asked.  Her reply was an incoherent shriek of rage and fury, causing Nick to stagger slightly.

"You were born as one of my Chosen," she said coldly, "You would have, should have grown to be a bold warrior in our holy crusade against the blasphemous taint of Beings... instead you ally yourself with them in defiance of the sacred teachings!"

"How do you know?" Nick asked.

"I can see the sin in your very soul, heretic!  You even tried to save the life of an enemy!" she screamed, as if the younger jackal had murdered her first-born child.  "As an apostate, you are beyond redemption, and so... you shall share the fate of all others who have betrayed me and the gods I serve.  KNEEL!"

Nick gave a cry of pain as a figure - entirely shrouded in black - grasped his hands and pinned them behind him, forcing him to his knees.  Another figure raised the sword and brought it down swiftly upon him as the Lady watched, cackling with malicious pleasure.

For a few moments everything was unreal and hazy as his severed head flew into the air to be caught in mid-arc by the Lady Herself.  His vision was fading to grey as She stared into his eyes... as the life ebbed from him, her eyes flashed and he could feel Her power bursting his very soul, shattering it, shattering him... extinguishing him utterly as She had destroyed so many other unfortunates condemned for heresy, for a crime he hadn't even known existed...

Nicholaus lay in bed, his black and yellow fur matted with sweat and his eyes wide with terror.  He had read that a tri-winged Leader could communicate with their younger descendants while they slept - but he still wasn't quite sure if it had really happened to him or not.  If it had been real and not just a dream, he knew one thing... Jyraneth wanted him dead.

* * *

Daryil stared out from an apartment in the tower block, gazing out over Grunmore.  Ruler of all I survey, he thought.  Well, up to the motorway, anyway.  He turned his attention back to the apartment - it was squalid and generally rather nasty, and he couldn't help but feel a sharp pang of guilt and unhappiness.  So this is how the other half live, he thought.  It was extremely depressing.

Leaning back in the chair, Daryil thought hard, considering the problem at hand.  The mess that was Grunmore was a mélange of so many different factors - poverty, crime, unemployment, drugs - that it seemed almost intractable.  But he had time.

Even Daryil couldn't wave his hand and make everyone happy and rich... not without enslaving the entire district and holding their minds in sway, at any rate.  And that was something which he had not only sworn not to do, but even if he hadn't, it was downright nasty and quite definitely against the spirit of his own Book of Tenets.  One had to provide a good example to one's children, after all...

No, there had been several generations of unemployed here, and that tended to work out badly.  Some of them had children for the sole purpose of increasing their benefits.  And to make matters worse, a run-down area like this also tended to have the problem that the sort of jobs available to the long-term unemployed and the various intertwined benefits could easily mean that you would earn less in an honest job than you would by remaining on benefit.

Back in the days of Ha'Khun, things had not been quite so complex.  What had worked then might very well not apply to the case of Grunmore, but nonetheless, Daryil decided that it was time he had a word with Lord Page, see if he had any insight into an urban renewal project such as this.

Ultimately he hoped to set up a Jayhawk manufacturing plant here, and that alone would benefit Grunmore considerably since a proportion of the earnings from the plant could be fed back into the local community.  The clan's wealth was not infinite and a little more dependent on Jayhawk with its relatively few sites than he would really have liked.  More production facilities and new product ranges would help secure things, but it was a long term project.

One of the other problems with Grunmore was that the plant would need an educated workforce and there had developed an unfortunate belief that education was for suckers.  That was something which Daryil was determined to change, but it would take time...

We'll have to start small, he thought to himself.  Where can we begin?  He tried to call Jakob, but the wolf's phone was turned off.  Oh yeah, he'll be with Dax tonight, he thought, and spent a few happy moments picturing the scene.  I wonder if Simeon's busy tonight?  But he shook himself... there was work to be done first.

Daryil took one last look out across the district before leaving, and his gaze dwelt upon the lush farmland he had mentioned to Jakob during the negotiations.  Porridge, he thought, and a frighteningly toothy grin flowed across his muzzle.

* * *

"Yes," Richard told the phone.  "...With a sort of black and tan pattern.  Look, I'm running low again.  Really gotta get this thing a new battery.  Love you too!  Bye..."

"So," Syd was saying as the jackal returned, "If it's not that, how is the school funded?"

"Donations, mostly," Sheila replied.  "They get a stipend from King Fairwater and recurring donations from a number of clans.  Taun provides about 20% of the funding, actually."

"Who's the largest contributor?" Richard asked, radiating curiosity.

"Daryil provides about 57.18% of their funding, and the clan has a majority stake on the school board."

Richard looked appalled for a second and continued to generate a dull background feeling of horror for some time afterwards.

"Oh come on," the Border scowled.  "Daryil may be mad, but he's not stupid.  Look at Jayhawk, for instance.  A world leader in cybernetics and prosthesis, and it's that which finances most of their donations.
"Look, if the school's curriculum centred on decorating bananas or something equally useless, do you really think so many students would attend?
"No, whatever else Daryil may get up to, his touch on the school has been light.  Where is it...?"  She dug out her copy of the school prospectus.

"Frequently asked questions... here we are.
Q. Clan Daryil holds a majority stake on the school board.  Should I worry?
A. No.  Daryil is on record stating that he supports the school for the good
   of the 'Cubi race as a whole, not to impose his Clan's doctrine upon its
   students.  The school board has adopted his suggestion to ensure that all teaching remains neutral and is not biased towards or against any given Clan's ideals, except where they may endanger the student or our race.
Richard sighed and threw up a shiny gloved hand as the horror ebbed away.  "Okay, okay.  Anyway, we better get packing."

* * *

"As most of you will be aware," Lady Finch began, glancing around the board room, "The so-called Lord Daryil has recently taken control of Grunmore."  Some of the others shifted uncomfortably as the she-wolf's gaze passed over them.

"Is it true that he entered Cash-Fur-Cheques and while yelling imprecations, spilled all their money on the floor and knocked over all their tables and desks before smashing them up with a sledgehammer?" a feline incubus asked.

"Unfortunately, yes.  The employees are still too afraid to return and this has impacted some of our cash flow.  Daryil has also obtained a majority stake in a struggling cafe known as "Arnold's".  It is almost directly opposite C-Fur-C."

"A cafe...?  He's planning something..." a hare succubus muttered.

The head of the table was taken up by a male raccoon who lacked any wings, but somehow exuded the ageless confidence of a Creature.  "What does he know about the Project?" he asked sharply.

"That I cannot tell you, Professor," Lady Finch said. "However, I believe we may at least be able to put a halt to his incursions."

"Indeed...?  What are you proposing?"

"If my sources are correct, believe we have pinpointed his youngest child, the last he had prior to his ascension - the last he can ever have.  This incubus has recently come of age, and we will take him hostage.  If Daryil refuses to cooperate, we will execute his son."

"That's a terrible thing to do to a fellow 'Cubi," one of the others said.  "It's not like the poor sod has any say in the matter himself."

"I know," Lady Finch sighed.  "But Project Epsilon is too important for an idiot like Daryil to interfere with.  If completing it means we have to sacrifice a member of a rival clan for the greater good, then that is unfortunate, but part of the price we have to pay.  Personally I believe Daryil will take the hint and back off, which frankly, is all we really need.  Once the project is completed, we can release the child."

"I don't think we need to go that far," The Professor objected.  "Besides, can you imagine his reaction if his youngest son was murdered...?  He would destroy us all, body and soul!  But I can see an alternative.
"You see, if we take the child hostage as you have suggested, we will have a naive young incubus.  As with most Daryil members, he is likely to have grown up entirely ignorant of his heritage - I believe Daryil considers it to be 'a nice surprise' for when they grow up.  Be that as it may, he will not know the Daryil way of life... and while he is in our care we can teach him our way.  If the project lasts long enough, we will have turned an enemy... into an ally."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: Ignuus66 on April 06, 2012, 10:53:27 PM
"foreshadowing as subtle as a steamroller"
Also I presume that child is from fear's child...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: justacritic on April 06, 2012, 11:13:06 PM
... Wow these people are really stupid. The fact that they're even thinking about using one of Daryil's children in even any of their schemes must mean they have a death wish. I mean the guy had his lover murdered and he declared outright war and ate souls. What do you expect now that he's a tri-wing? Genocidal rampage, Taun gettting involved, dragons flying in formation across the sky, the sun and moon pulling troll faces. Seriously those guys need to shelve those plans.   
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: Ignuus66 on April 07, 2012, 05:15:08 AM
Quote from: justacritic on April 06, 2012, 11:13:06 PM
... Wow these people are really stupid. The fact that they're even thinking about using one of Daryil's children in even any of their schemes must mean they have a death wish. I mean the guy had his lover murdered and he declared outright war and ate souls. What do you expect now that he's a tri-wing? Genocidal rampage, Taun gettting involved, dragons flying in formation across the sky, the sun and moon pulling troll faces. Seriously those guys need to shelve those plans.   
Also makes me wonder WHO would be as foolhardy to do that.
also I think the moon making troll faces is something Daryl would do, but really, are they so stupid as too think about kidnapping Daryl's kid? that would basically give away their position ASAP.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 07, 2012, 08:07:41 AM
FWIW they do shelve that plan for a bit.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: Ignuus66 on April 07, 2012, 01:29:41 PM
Nicholaus should try and make contact with Fa'lina, he would be pretty safe in saia, and maybe he can even "join" the Ja'fell
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: joshofspam on April 07, 2012, 01:46:27 PM
Considering Daryil has a habit of getting the better of people who try to get the better of him. I would have thought the safe thing to do was pull up all their plans and move somewhere else with their project.

From what little they probably would know, they could probably come to the conclusion that Daryil is a person more into productive development that benefits all races. He's basically a person that helps people.

So either there very stupid or this project their working on must be something that puts them at odds. Maybe a little of both.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: Gabi on April 07, 2012, 03:53:47 PM
Umm... Interesting questions, everyone. Mine is probably not as interesting, but it still puzzles me: Cash-Fur-Checks?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 07, 2012, 04:07:33 PM
Quote from: Gabi on April 07, 2012, 03:53:47 PM
Umm... Interesting questions, everyone. Mine is probably not as interesting, but it still puzzles me: Cash-Fur-Checks?

I wondered whether that would come up, since one of my proofreaders didn't know about such places either, despite living in a country which is economically 'not all there', shall we say.
It will be fleshed out around chapter 9, for what it's worth.  And I could explain it now, but I'm curious to see if anyone else will first.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: Ignuus66 on April 07, 2012, 04:58:41 PM
Quote from: Gabi on April 07, 2012, 03:53:47 PM
Umm... Interesting questions, everyone. Mine is probably not as interesting, but it still puzzles me: Cash-Fur-Checks?
I'd also like to know what that is...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 07, 2012, 07:08:49 PM
In the UK, there is a historical usage of cash for cheques, that being places that will extend your living allowance by accepting cheques, and not cashing them until after your next payday, and supplying you with some, but not all, of the face value of the cheque in question.

They make their money off the difference between the face value and the price paid. For those who are short of cash, this can be a way of stretching what cash they have until their next payday. Of course, it's not terribly bright, since _next_ month, they're just as likely to end up just as short or more so, since they'll have already spent more than they have earned.

It's a nice little earner for the shops in question.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: Ignuus66 on April 07, 2012, 07:23:20 PM
Ahh, thanks no wonder I had no idea what those are.. It's a UK thing :P

(no offense intended to any english folk here)
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 08, 2012, 03:38:47 AM
None taken.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: Ignuus66 on April 08, 2012, 08:04:34 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 08, 2012, 03:38:47 AM
None taken.
Funny that I have no real nationality, I'm basically a stranger in every country I go.
'tis the life of a wanderer
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: Gabi on April 08, 2012, 01:52:50 PM
Oh, I see. And is there a reason why the word 'for' has been replaced by 'fur'? Because the phrase "cash fur cheques" doesn't seem to make any sense.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: Ignuus66 on April 08, 2012, 02:31:47 PM
Quote from: Gabi on April 08, 2012, 01:52:50 PM
Oh, I see. And is there a reason why the word 'for' has been replaced by 'fur'? Because the phrase "cash fur cheques" doesn't seem to make any sense.
It's a pun
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 7 (2012/04/07)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 08, 2012, 02:42:18 PM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on April 08, 2012, 02:31:47 PM
It's a pun

More to the point, "Cash-For-Cheques" is likely trademarked.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 8 (2012/04/21)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 20, 2012, 07:01:52 PM
Chapter 8

Nick stood, gazing out across the smoking ruins of a destroyed city.  Though bodies of slain 'Cubi lay scattered amidst them, corpses dead with weapons still in their hands, others still living marched on, kneeling in reverence before a torn and burned mural of the Lady.
Judiciaries cloaked entirely in shadow like the ones who had executed him stood watching the living, ever-vigilant for signs of blasphemy against the Lady and the voices she heard in her head.

There was a booming cry of outrage, but he ignored it.  

"Why...?" the voice screamed.  "I destroyed you, heretic!  Blasphemer!  Abomination!  Why do you return to haunt me?  How can you haunt me when your very soul itself has been shredded apart and burned into ashes?"

"I think I'm asleep," Nick said.  "I'm still here, and it must be because the execution was all in my head, or maybe it was all in your head.  You may be my Leader, but you're mad, so far gone that you can't even tell what's real and what isn't.  Harla'Keth was razed long centuries before I was born... and none of your faithful remain."

"Why...?" the Lady's voice sobbed again, echoing through the blackness.  "All my faithful were taken from me... all that remain are heretics, abominations in the eyes of the Gods!  Why should they be allowed to live on, wallowing in sin and wickedness when my poor, pious children were left to die..."

"By you," Nick said, and he suddenly knew that it was true, could see the end of Harla'Keth in his Leader's own broken mind.  "With all your powers, you could have saved them, but you didn't!" anger flared inside him from some unknown source.  "You fled, abandoning the clan who served you and in some cases even loved you.  It was your own cowardice and control freakery that slew them... you helped the Kamei'Sin kill them!"

There was a cry of rage and anguish.

"Leave my mind, heathen scum!  You are but a figment of my imagination!  I stop thinking you!" she screamed, and it all disappeared.  Nick lay in his bed and wept, for he had seen all the atrocities that the Red Queen had ordered.

* * *

Sydney fumbled with the biscuit, promptly snapping it in half.  For all that, the marshmallow refused to stick to the biscuit, and squished itself into the fur of his fingers instead.  He swore loudly.

"Should have kept it in longer," Sheila opined, flames dancing across her bosom, reflected in the shiny leather top which had become something of a trademark in the way she dressed.  "Here, you might find this useful..." she uttered a string of incomprehensible syllables, which Sydney repeated aloud.  Nothing happened.

"You got the last bit backwards," she said, and repeated them again.  This time he felt a tingling in his fingers, and the squashed marshmallow somehow detached itself from his fur, floating just a millimetre away yet firmly in his grasp.  He tried to spread it on the remains of the biscuit, but it had cooled and hardened so he just ate them separately.

"Handy," he said between bites.  "Where'd you find that spell?"

"I told you I read a lot," she smiled.  "Anyway, where's Richard?"

"He's gone for some more twigs," Syd informed her.
The Border collie rolled her eyes.  "Probably on the phone to his girlfriend or whatever," she opined.

"Hmm.  Maybe..." Syd muttered, and seizing a marshmallow, thrust it into the flames with his bare hands, concentrating on the power that made him element-resistant.  Combined with Sheila's spell he was able to smear the molten treat on a biscuit, which he handed over to the Border.

As he began to toast his own, Richard's phone rang from the top pocket of his satchel.  Startled, Syd lost concentration and quickly withdrew his hand from the flames with a yelp of pain.  The marshmallow tumbled into the raging heart of the fire, leaving him to watch dolefully as it bubbled and melted away.

"Heh," Sheila said with a chuckle as she lifted the phone away from its holster, " you think we should answer it...?" she stopped, and began to laugh out loud.  Around another fire some yards away, Daniel and Mike glanced around with a start, Mike promptly losing his own marshmallow to the greedy tongues of flame as well.  The griffin gave Sheila an evil scowl and scrabbled for some replacements.  Another student, a puma, wandered in the rough direction of the stream, clutching an empty canteen and glancing at Sheila with vague puzzlement as she went past.

"What's so funny?" Syd demanded, spreading his latest attempt on a biscuit and eating it.

"It's not his girlfriend at all," she giggled, holding the phone up so Syd could see it.  The word 'Mom' had appeared on the screen.

"Guess he's more of a stay-at-home kid than I thought," she smirked, putting the sleek device back where she'd found it.  "Not that that's a bad thing, of course," she added in a more sober tone.  "Family ties are important, and I'd say he's younger than we are, anyway.  Probably about 21."

"So," Syd said after a short pause, "What about your family?  Do you get on with them?"

"I can't say it's that exciting," Sheila confessed.  "But yes, I do.  I miss them a bit, but really it's just like I'm at university again.  As you should know, Illiath's is run like a university anyway - it breaks up around the solstices, so I'll visit them then.  But yeah, anyway.
"My parents told me I was 'Cubi when I was about 15.  I studied at Fairwater University until I was 22, then worked as a librarian for a while.  They threw a surprise party for me when my head-wings came in... apparently they had the cake hidden in stasis since I was about 20.
"As for my parents... Mum's a wolf, she's about 320 and she works in HR for the Clan.  Dad's a Border too, about 400 and he's the Clan's Technical Director.  That's about it, unless you want the nitty-gritty details like who I was friends with at school, or..."

"What in the world..?" Syd jumped as Richard suddenly dumped several kilos of brushwood in a nearby space.

"I got the twigs," he replied.

"We don't need that many, just a couple!"

"But the fire..." Richard protested.

"We have enough logs for that," Syd said, gesturing at a pile of them.  "What I wanted was twigs for toasting the marshmallows on.  Green ones so they won't burn easily..."

"Aw shit," Richard snarled and his head-wings drooped.

"Nevermind, I'm sure we can find a use for them," Sheila soothed.  "Anyway, your mother tried to call while you were out."  Richard whirled around as if electrified and snatched up the phone, running out of earshot.  He was soon back.

"Crap," he said, "Out of power.  Anyway, what were you talking about just now?"

"Well, I'm sure she knows you're safe," Syd put in.  "And we were discussing our families, actually."


Sheila shrugged and began to recap what she'd told Syd.  "But that's about the size of it," she said.

"Hmm," Richard said.  "You like Beings an awful lot for someone raised by 'Cubi,"  Sheila's head-wings fluttered slightly but she remained calm and impassive.  "Ketonia Clan is run as a corporation," she said primly, "And the vast majority of our customers are Beings.  At the risk of putting it too simplistically, the first rule of running a successful business is this:  You don't eat your customers.  You treat them nice and you get along with them so they're happy and they want to give you their money.  If you eat them, they stop being customers and start being enemies."

"Point," Richard admitted.

"How about you, Richard?" Syd put in.  "What do your parents do?  How do you get on with them?"

"Oh, right.  Mom runs the Brain Museum," Richard replied.

"I beg your pardon?"  Syd's wings fanned out slightly.

"I figured most clans had them," the white jackal shrugged.  "Well, when someone from our clan makes a kill, they're supposed to put the head into stasis and send it to her so it can be properly catalogued and ope..." he broke off, looking concerned.  "What's wrong with her...?"

Sheila didn't even look away from the fire as the puma dashed past, sobbing and hugging the canteen tightly against her chest as the contents slopped about.  Even Mike and Daniel had edged away to the far side of their campfire, head-wings fanned out in alarm.  The atmosphere had become dank with a horror and disgust that Richard seemed unable to detect.

"As I may have mentioned," the Border said icily, staring into the flames, "Members of the 'Cubi race are very sensitive emotionally.  Your psycho upbringing has clearly upset them."

"Okay, okay," Richard said, raising his hands as if to ward Sheila away.

"What about your father?" Syd prompted.

"He's kind of the black sheep of the family," Richard admitted, looking kind of sheepish himself.  Syd radiated a short burst of panic.

"He comes from another clan, I mean," the jackal said hastily, spotting his expression.  "One that was traditionally an enemy.  He's a renegade, but not all members of Fa'Rana trust him."

"Fa'Rana, hmm?" Sheila said, jotting down a memo to look up the jackal's clan.  "Do you get on with him?" Sheila asked.  "Is he loyal to your mother's clan?"

"Oh yeah, I trust him," he replied.  "He's got the right attitude.  I got to admit, Mom can be a bit distant sometimes, but Dad was always there for me, thick or thin.  When I was a puppy he told me so many stories of the golden ages, how things were before the Dragon wars, tales of bravery carried out by Jyraneth's Raiders, and the deeds of Johan Cross.  He taught me to hunt and how to use my wing-tentacles to... well, nevermind that.  He's also a lawyer."

Syd and Sheila looked at each other unhappily, but said nothing.

"Yeah, he defended me in court," Richard said.  "At Dresburg.  Okay, so I still got the rope and all, but thanks to him, it was only two death sentences instead of fifteen.  He also helps Mom run the... the Museum when she's away on business.  He's taking care of it now, actually."

"Oh?  What business is she doing?" the Border asked.

"Oh gods," Sydney muttered, "I bet she's getting more brains for the..."

"Nonono.  Sometimes our chief sends her out on special projects.  The Museum's what she does when she's off-duty, but I'm probably not supposed to tell anyone that..." he looked worried for a moment.

"We won't tell," Syd promised.  "One 'Cubi to another." Sheila nodded in agreement, and Richard looked rather touched.

"Thanks.  I guess it's your turn now," he said brightly, nodding at Sydney.

"Oh yes," Syd replied.  "My... turn."

"Hey," Sheila said.  "It can't be worse than... well, Richard's."  The jackal tried hard to suppress a grin.

"Very well," Sydney told them, "It's something like this..."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 8 (2012/04/21)
Post by: justacritic on April 20, 2012, 08:38:55 PM
Looks like the Queen is still in the denial stage of grief.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 8 (2012/04/21)
Post by: Ignuus66 on April 21, 2012, 02:44:18 AM
Here goes nothing!

Also I'm surprised (and happy) that there was only 1 scene change....
But I miss Daryl
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 8 (2012/04/21)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 21, 2012, 08:28:21 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on April 21, 2012, 02:44:18 AM
Here goes nothing!

Also I'm surprised (and happy) that there was only 1 scene change....
But I miss Daryl

Since I'm currently halfway through writing chapter 24, I'm thinking I might run chapter 9 next week for a change to get the Syd spoilers out of the way.  That chapter also has Daryil in it.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 8 (2012/04/21)
Post by: Ignuus66 on April 21, 2012, 08:55:20 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 21, 2012, 08:28:21 AM
That chapter also has Daryil in it.

"Insanity is not a condition, it's a way of life" (quoting amber) Should be my Daryl's Motto
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 8 (2012/04/21)
Post by: Gabi on April 21, 2012, 12:13:32 PM
That was quite an interesting and informative chapter.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 8 (2012/04/21)
Post by: joshofspam on April 21, 2012, 10:04:06 PM
"My god! It's filled with brains!"

That's actually an interesting story. The Red Queen is madder then ever and we learn Richard's mom runs a museum filled with brains. That brain thing seems rather eccentric  method of keeping score of kills.

I wonder if anyone who goes in there has asked to see Abby Normal's brain yet? :P

Still very informative of Richard's clan.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 8 (2012/04/21)
Post by: Ignuus66 on April 22, 2012, 01:38:59 AM
Quote from: joshofspam on April 21, 2012, 10:04:06 PM
Still very informative of Richard's clan.
Still want to know why he seems to have a grudge with clan Daryl... Maybe it's an offshoot clan from the clan who's leader Daryl murdered?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 8 (2012/04/21)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 22, 2012, 08:44:54 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on April 22, 2012, 01:38:59 AM
Still want to know why he seems to have a grudge with clan Daryl... Maybe it's an offshoot clan from the clan who's leader Daryl murdered?

That'll come out in about 5 chapters.

P.S. it's Daryil, Da-Rill

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 8 (2012/04/21)
Post by: Ignuus66 on April 22, 2012, 08:47:39 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 22, 2012, 08:44:54 AM
That'll come out in about 5 chapters.

P.S. it's Daryil, Da-Rill
Oh you- You are evil and you know it, baiting me like that  :<

Also yeah, that was a typo of a sort, and as spell check doesn't work on names, I didn't notice it...
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 9 (2012/04/28)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 27, 2012, 07:30:58 PM
Okay, here's the bonus update, to get the secret of Syd's heritage out the way.  I'm sure many of you have guessed already, especially after seeing the picture of him.  I will update as normal next weekend, but after that it's back to the original, fortnightly schedule.

P.S. The core of this chapter was written on a train to Barrow-in-Furness, around the 22nd of December

Chapter 9

Linda was trembling as she entered his room.  "Wh... what's the matter, mum?" Syd asked her, a cold panic sinking into his gut.  Some of the panic was hers, picked up by some metaphysical antenna and re-experienced by Syd's own nervous system.  It was an ability he had, even though he didn't know it at the time.

"Sydney," she said slowly, "Do you remember what I told you...?  About your father?"

"He was a demon, you said.  He died before I was born."

"Yes,  but now..." her voice guttered away into silence... she looked at him helplessly as if the thoughts in her mind were too fragile, too ineffable to translate into something as coarse as spoken language.

"What are you getting at?" Syd said, now thoroughly unnerved and rather tense.  "You think I'm a demon?  With these wings, it's not exactly a surprise.  If the town exiles me when I come into my heritage, well, it's something I've had a lot of time to prepare for.  Don't worry about me."

"No, you don't understand!  He is back.  Returned from the very grave itself...  He... he wants to see you!"

"Lin," a male voice said from the landing.  His mother stiffened and with half an apology, she left the room.  Frightened, Syd pressed an ear to the door, and caught snatches of heated conversation.

" made your feelings quite clear then!" the man was saying.

"What was I supposed to do?!  Demons seduce young maidens and then murder them once they have had their way with them!  Everyone knows this!"

"Nonsense.  We would have brought him up together.  I'd have protected you both with my life.  You could have had everything and you threw it all away!  Look," he said, tiredly, "I don't like this either, but it's best for him.  At the end of the day this has to be his choice, but without proper training and guidance, they'll hang him too!"

Syd shrank back and sat in the nearest chair, his pulse racing slightly as the handle turned and the figure entered.  He was a Doberman pinscher, in jeans and an armless top chosen so as to show off two muscular arms.  Down his back were a large pair of dark leathery wings, so dark that they seemed black until the light hit them in a certain way, revealing a dark brown tint.  Sydney recognised them immediately, of course - he saw wings just like these each time he looked in a mirror.

"Hi Sydney," the Doberman said, smiling but with a certain amount of strain showing behind it.  "I'm Dorcan.  We've met before, but you wouldn't remember it.  I'm sorry, I really should have tried harder to visit you more often, but... well, my kind aren't exactly welcome in this town."

"I know," Sydney said.  "I heard some of what you were saying to mum.  It's true, isn't it?  The town will drive me out when I turn 25.  I've been preparing for that, I can leave whenever I have to."

"Yeah, they probably would, but that's not why I'm here.  Look, Sydney, this may sound an odd question, but do you know what you are?"

"Demon, right?  That's what mother said, anyway.  That I take after you."

"That's half-right," the Doberman said, "But there's something she probably didn't know about me.  She certainly doesn't know the whole story."  He paused and stared into Sydney's eyes.  As he did so, a smaller pair of wings appeared on his head.  Syd drew back, fascinated.

"You're an incubus," he said.  Dorcan smiled at him.

"Actually, I'm not," he replied, "But you are."

"That's crazy," Syd protested.  "If I'm 'Cubi, one of my parents must be, and you've got the head-wings, so it must be you, surely?  If mum was the 'Cubi, she wouldn't have had you killed... and if you're not 'Cubi, what are you?"

"Sydney, I have a lot to tell you, and we might not have much time.  I don't expect all of this to sink in immediately.  At some point you will meet my family, and then we can go over it all again in as much detail as you need."

The young fox nodded.

"To answer your question, I was an incubus.  I was still alive when you were conceived.  Your mother is a regular Being.  She betrayed me and had me executed on a trumped-up charge.  They say I raped her," he said bitterly.

Syd's vulpine features became a perfect picture of disgust and horror.  "D-did you?  You're saying you raped my mother?!  And I'm... I'm the result?"

Dorcan's headwings fanned out alarmingly.  "No, no, no!  We were... okay, maybe I used my 'Cubi charms to seduce her, and... I can't exactly say you were entirely a planned pregnancy, but that happens a lot with 'Cubi.  And at the time... I wanted to marry her, I really did.  I wanted to have children by her.  We were due to be engaged, but then...
"Well, I thought I could trust her, and I let slip I was an incubus.  The following morning I was arrested and hanged at noon.  They didn't even give me a fucking trial!
"Your mother tried to stop the hanging when she realised it wasn't just going to be banishment or some kind of probation... I'll give her that.  But all the same, it's left the relationship between us, well, strained."

The fox stared at his father, a mixture of emotions welling up inside of him.  "I... she didn't say...   All these years I thought you were... I couldn't know..."

"Yeah," Dorcan said.  "I bet you didn't get any of my letters or presents either, right?"

"," he said.  Dorcan's face screwed up and it looked like he was going to cry for a few seconds, though no tears came.  He muttered something under his breath, and mastered himself.

"The... The thing is, Sydney, you're 23, right?  In a very short time you're likely to get your head-wings.  Like mine.  At that point, you'll start to come into your powers, and that will be a very dangerous time for you.
"Since you won't yet know how to conceal them, you will be easily recognised as a 'Cubi, and you'll start to experience emotions more and more profoundly.  That, if nothing else, is something you have to learn to control before you get yourself into trouble.  I don't want you to swing too, whatever Linda may..."

"She's still my mother!" Syd snapped.  Dorcan raised both hands in a gesture of acceptance and contrition.

"You're right of course," the Doberman said.  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.  But you must understand, she had me killed!  That moment, when my neck broke, I lost everything... powers most Beings would kill for, gone forever!" his face screwed up slightly and he was silent for a while.  "I hope you can forgive me if my attitude towards her is somewhat... coloured," he said at last.

"I... I get that," Syd said.  "But if you don't mind, there is one thing I still don't understand.  If you aren't an incubus after your death, what are you now?  Some kind of ghost...?"

"I'm a robot," Dorcan said.  "Following my death, I was saved by Niall, who trapped my soul because he felt that execution without trial was a gross miscarriage of justice.  I have one or two minor powers, simple emotional sensors and the ability to conceal my wings.  I am of course grateful for a second chance at life, but all the same, I lost a lot that day."

"What about me?" Syd asked, trembling.  "You said that the headwings will be dangerous to me.  You came to warn me or offer advice for that time?"

"Both, really.  We got a bit sidetracked.  I should have got to the point more quickly, saved the whys and wherefores until later.  See, most 'Cubi clans use a training school of some kind to teach their young the essential survival skills. 
"I came here to talk to you about that, to give you the prospectuses for a couple of the bigger schools, SAIA, Krishnov's, ISIS...  But it's a big commitment."

"What kind of 'big' are we talking about, here?  How long does it usually take to learn the basics?"

"About two hundred years," Dorcan said.  "SAIA used to be completely isolated and students would stay within its confines for three or four centuries, maybe with an occasional visit outside for family reasons.  It's still a bit like that, but less strict.  The others are more like a regular university where you can go home at weekends and the solstice breaks."

"So I'd still be able to visit mum?"  Syd asked.

"Yes, but... it might not be wise."

"...Because the town won't let me..."

"Yeah," Dorcan said.  "Unless things have changed here, they'd hang you for the smallest excuse, just because you're a..."

"Not anymore," Sydney said.  Dorcan's face lit up.  "Really?  You mean they've finally grown out of their anti-Creature..." his face fell as he saw that Sydney was looking at the floor.

"They don't hang Creatures anymore.  Not after one of them got away... actually, it was probably you."

"What do they do instead, Sydney?" Dorcan asked, stony-faced.

"Decapitation.  In public, of course," Sydney said in a small voice.  "When hanging didn't work on you, they wanted something more... permanent... so that... so they can make absolutely sure... I'm dead..."  Syd burst into tears, burying his face in his father's shirt.  "They sh-shoot the head afterwards..." he sobbed.

Dorcan stroked the young fox's hair, doing the best he could to comfort the youth, but his own hands were trembling and he could feel an icy sinking sensation in his guts - quite forgetting that he had only a fusion plant in his abdomen.  And then his hand touched something odd in the young man's hair... something that was moving, unfolding like a flower blooming in time-lapse photography.  It was his son's head-wings.

"Oh fuck," he whispered.

* * *

Daryil walked down the street, dressed in one of his more goth-looking outfits.  His wings were out, and that was one of the reasons he had gone unmolested.  For an ordinary mortal, going out in Grunmore with expensive or sexy clothes was an open invitation to be mugged or raped, but Daryil was more than a match for anyone of that ilk.  Earlier, someone too dim to recognise a Creature had pointed a gun at him, and that gun was now a strange flat object where the metal had run molten across the pavement and later cooled.  I probably should have done something more spectacular, Daryil thought, but he was pressed for time.  They should be waking up about now, he mused.

Now he was in the centre of town, what passed for a shopping area in the poverty-stricken district.  Impressively, the place was filled with a hubbub of people, and Daryil smiled as he opened his mind and sampled their emotions.  Yes, good... Arnold's was drawing people from Parbury itself and beyond... and that would help increase the coffers of his fledgeling government.

There were a number of shielded minds in the mix as well, Daryil noted - usually that meant 'Cubi.  Some of them were the enforcers he'd placed to keep the peace in the area, a mix of warriors of his own clan like Nigel, and hires from other clans and races too.  He liked being an equal-opportunities employer and besides, sometimes an outside perspective could be very valuable.

The queue stretched out across the street and folded back, filled with punters eager for the taste of porridge.  Arnold's Cafe now boasted an unprecedented variety of spices and condiments to flavour an otherwise boring and unremarkable dish and it had somehow become big, very big.

Daryil had provided temporary hands from his Clan and other allies to help serve the throng until new hires could be arranged.  All were volunteers and it was easy to see why - the emotions provided by the crowd were a treat for empaths, almost as delicious as the porridge itself.

"How's it going, Arnold?" he asked, entering the cafe through the back, staff only.

"I can't believe it, my Lord," the bear said.  "For the last five years trade has been dropping off and now... it's like everyone's making up for it.  And now I'm worried that I won't be able to cope..."

"I'm looking into more premises and staff," Daryil reassured him.  "That Cash-Fur-Cheques place will do, once planning permission has gone through.  It has to go anyway."

"What about those who need its services, my Lord?  Not everyone here has a bank account..." he asked, and then quailed slightly as Daryil frowned.

"You're right, perhaps it is too soon for that," the incubus replied, and his voice became bitter.  "But you don't know how big a cut they've been taking!  I will not have parasites like that in my town!  If that means I have to cash their cheques myself at cost, then so be it.  Maybe I can contract it out to the Bank of Ketonia..."

"How long do you think this boom will last, my Lord?" he queried.

"Just 'Daryil' will be fine," the fox said.  "You can call me 'Dar' if we've... actually I'm not sure you're my type."


"Never mind.   I think that we can keep the thing going for a while.  It's not like I plan to over-expand here.  But what we'll do next is home delivery."

"Delivery...?  But it will go cold, my... Daryil."

"I'll summon some warp-acis, they will handle delivery.  And talking of cold, we're going to want some freezers in place for when the weather gets hotter."


"Porridge ice-cream," Daryil said simply.  "Actually, once we have the warp-acis in place we can probably sell them in the southern hemisphere right now.   Yeah... if we do that we will need the extra capacity so we can handle separate time zones. Maybe this one should sell the hot porridge and Cash-Fur-Cheques should sell the frozen ones?  Anyway, we'll see how it goes."  Daryil planted a kiss on his cheek and went upstairs.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 9 (2012/04/28)
Post by: Ignuus66 on April 30, 2012, 06:23:04 AM
Well at least Dorcan was there when Syd got head wings, or it could have ended with a chop  :mowwink ... To be fair I sort of guessed Syd was Dorcan's son from chapter 1 .
I'm sort of surprised it was Lin who ratted Dorcan out, and I'm even more surprised she allowed nothing to reach Syd...
I thought that Lin would have known Dorcan was a incubus not a demon, due to the fact that he DID shapeshift his wings away, though maybe she thought it was a patch...

Also now I have a image of Daryl in a mankini  :erk ... I need bleach...

Nice chapter overall, sorry for not reading it at first.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 9 (2012/04/28)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 30, 2012, 06:58:56 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on April 30, 2012, 06:23:04 AM
Well at least Dorcan was there when Syd got head wings, or it could have ended with a chop  :mowwink ... To be fair I sort of guessed Syd was Dorcan's son from chapter 1 .

One of my proofreaders was all 'Woah.' when that came out, but that said, it's not something I took enormous pains to conceal.  The pictures in particular make it a bit of a giveaway :3

QuoteI thought that Lin would have known Dorcan was a incubus not a demon, due to the fact that he DID shapeshift his wings away, though maybe she thought it was a patch...

Depends - 'Cubi are rather rare and owing to persecution from the wars, they have tended to keep themselves hidden.  IIRC DMFA in the present-day has a population of approximately 30'000 individuals and it's possible that might take another dip the way things are heading in the current storyline.
In the Project Future/Epsilon era the numbers have recovered somewhat, say 40-50k, but they're still rare and backwards places like Mundesberg probably still don't know much about them.

QuoteNice chapter overall, sorry for not reading it at first.
Well, next time I'll know not to break with the usual schedule :3

Daryil's porridge shop was fun to design.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 9 (2012/04/28)
Post by: Ignuus66 on April 30, 2012, 07:54:59 AM
You can make a new scedual... 7 chapters a week maybe? :3
(I'm joking)

Out of curiosity how many proofreaders do you have? (I haven't seen a single spelling/grammar error yet)
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 9 (2012/04/28)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 30, 2012, 08:11:53 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on April 30, 2012, 07:54:59 AM
You can make a new scedual... 7 chapters a week maybe? :3
(I'm joking)

Out of curiosity how many proofreaders do you have? (I haven't seen a single spelling/grammar error yet)

Even I missed that Daniel changed from a wolf into a Doberman after chapter 1 (I fixed it the other day), so it's not infallible.  I have two people looking at it on a regular basis, and a couple of others who are interested but too busy.  Sunblink is one of those, but I've been sending her the fragments and chapters which feature Keaton to get her input and so forth.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 9 (2012/04/28)
Post by: justacritic on April 30, 2012, 10:23:50 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on April 30, 2012, 06:23:04 AM

Also now I have a image of Daryl in a mankini  :erk ... I need bleach...

And then you see an image of that on the net. You'll need more than bleach to help you then
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 10 (2012/05/05)
Post by: Tapewolf on May 05, 2012, 08:36:43 AM
Just a quick reminder: the first part of Syd's backstory ran last weekend, breaking the normal update schedule.  If you missed chapter 9, go back and read that now.

Chapter 10

"Sydney," Dorcan said crisply, "You said you were planning to run away in case the town turned hostile on you.  How long will it take you to pack?"

"What, now?"  Syd's face was damp with tears.

"This shithole of a town is no place for you," the Doberman said.  "From what you're saying, they'll lynch you on sight now that your head-wings have come in and I'm damned if anyone is gonna cut off my son's head.  I'd kill them all first," he snarled.  The young fox stared at him, horror mingling with his fear and grief and the shock of all he'd just learned as he felt the leathery protrusions on the back of his head.

"We can loan you some clothes," Dorcan continued, "But if you have any favourites or prized possessions you want to bring, pack those now, we're going to have to leave at once.  We can pick up the rest later.  Oh, and use a rucksack, not a suitcase.  How long will it take?"

"Not long," Syd admitted, panic setting in.  "But where are we going?  I haven't chosen a school yet!  I haven't had time!"

"The new term doesn't start for a few months yet," Dorcan said.  "Unless you want to go to SAIA, but they say it's not the same as it was when I was a kid.  I'm going to take you to my grandparents, they'll be happy to house us there until you're ready to go to the school."

"Can't you teach me to hide them?"

"No," Dorcan said.  "I can't remember how.  My new brain... it doesn't have the faculties to do it, and what I'm doing to hide my headwings as a robot is completely different to normal 'Cubi shapeshifting."

"How can you forget something like..."

"If you lost your eyes and went blind, you'd still remember what things looked like," Dorcan said.  "But if you lost the visual centre in your brain you wouldn't.  I've lost the shapeshifting centre, so I can't remember how it was done and I can't teach you.  But my grandparents can."

"Why your grandparents?"  Sydney asked, packing some of his more treasured clothes, some leathers and a rather ancient laptop into a battered rucksack.  Last of all, he put on a scabbard containing a longsword, cheap and factory-made but servicable.  A memento of an earlier life... "Did... did something happen to your real parents?"

"They're on holiday," Dorcan said.  "Doing a motorcycle tour of Valmorath.  And yeah, they'll be delighted to meet you, but I do have to take you to my grandparents at some point anyway, it's a clan duty."

"A duty?"

"Yeah, one of the bylaws of our clan.  See, my grandparents?  They rule our clan..." he frowned, glancing at the computer.  "Where did that come from?!  I didn't think they allowed those here."

"I got it at university.  And no, I'm not supposed to have brought it back with me," the fox admitted nervously.  "That alone would get me flogged if they found out... and now that I'm an adult... You're right, I have to leave this place, I'm not safe here.  But what about my mother?"

Dorcan froze.  "What about your mother?"

"She's coming with us, right?"

"Nah, she's a Being, she should be safe enough here.  Like I said, you can visit her at solstice, once you've learned some basic concealment."

"That's not what I meant."

"No, Syd," Dorcan was starting to lose patience.  "She's not coming.  There's nothing between us now.  I... Look, it's not like I hate her - I mean, she seems to have done well enough bringing you up and I'm very grateful for that, but I don't want her to be a part of my life anymore!  Every time I look at her, it reminds me of how she betrayed me to my death!  You think I want that?!"

He screwed up his eyes and sighed.  "Look, Syd, it wouldn't be fair on her either.  We can't just uproot her and place her with a group of powerful, dangerous Creatures who blame her for what happened to me!  Fuck, Mum would go ballistic if they ever met!  She's already killed the hangman..."

Syd looked frantic.  "It's not that either!  It's the town... when they realise I've gone... Oh my gods... 'Aiding and abetting a Demon...'  They'll stick her head on a pike in the square!" he wailed.

"Oh gods," Dorcan groaned, his wings fanning out with horror.  Just then, the front door was kicked down.

"Where is the Demon?!" an amplified voice demanded.  "We know it went in here!  Hand it over now, or face the consequences!"

* * *

The meeting had been called hastily, and that set everyone on edge.  Everyone except The Professor, who as usual seemed rather unflappable.

Lady Finch arrived last, pocketing her mobile with a look of annoyance that erupted into full-fledged anger when she took her place at the board-room table.

"I am sure you all know why we are here," she said icily.

"Um," someone said, and one of Lady Finch's wing-tentacles lashed out at him, a blur of red.  With surprising speed, The Professor intercepted it in mid-air and held the vicious thing firmly in one hand.
"That will do," he said quietly, and the wolf succubus looked contrite for a moment as the tentacle went limp and retracted back into the body of her leathery wings.  "Johan isn't responsible for any of this... mess."

"I'm sorry, my lord," she said after a moment, but the raccoon waved her quiet.

"For the benefit of those who have buried their heads in the sand," he said, glancing sharply at the feline incubus who had invoked the succubus' wrath, "Daryil has made yet another move against us.  His investment in Arnold's Cafe has done something which we could not possibly have forseen..."

"Porridge!" the she-wolf screamed as if it was the vilest insult she could conceive of.

"Specifically, he has somehow made his porridge into a luxury item that everyone wants, but is well within their budget," The Professor concluded.  "It's like a cult, and it's spread far beyond Grunmore district."

"That means an influx of spending," Johan said.  "He means to spark an economic revival in Grunmore," the feline added, earning a grudging look of respect from the lady.  "It's probably just the tip of an iceberg."

"We could open a rival store," someone suggested.  "Find an old bakery, set up proxies from the clan disguised as Beings.  We could put cocaine in the porridge - get people hooked, and we can drive up the price afterwards once Daryil's out of business.  And if it's discovered we could probably taint Daryil by reputation.  Say we have the proxies masquerade as Daryil members..."

Lady Finch was still seething.  "No," she said.  "It's personal now.  Daryil is doing this deliberately to drive us away from Grunmore, this dead spot on the map where no-one dares to go, where we could conduct the Project undisturbed."

"What do you propose?" The Professor asked.

"I want to hit Daryil hard, and fast.  First, we have to close his porridge shop now, one way or another.  But more than that, we have to strike at him.  We must kidnap his son!  We know where he is and we've discussed it endlessly, but nothing has actually been done.  I want that plan put into action immediately!"

"Any objections?" The Professor said, glancing around the room.  "Personally I have misgivings, but unless someone can point out a fatal flaw..."

The Professor abstained, and one or two voted against it, but there was a clear majority.

"Then let's do it," he said.

* * *

"Right," Dorcan said, and took off his shirt, revealing a muscular build that put Sydney's to shame.  "Wait here for seven seconds," he told the fox, "then follow.  I'll try not to hurt you, but you must struggle and fight back when I grab you.  Keep the rucksack on you all times, or it won't make the journey."  So saying, he turned and left the room.

"Which Demon do you want first?!" Dorcan bellowed, running down the stairs.  "Am I Demon enough for you?!"

Syd fingered the straps on his rucksack, sweating with terror at the sounds of violence coming from the living room, and then ran headlong down the stairs.

"What the hell's..." he faltered.  Dorcan was looking around the room and locked eyes with the fox, an expression of cruel delight on his features.  "You're coming with me!" he yelled and grabbed the fox, who yelled and struggled.  "Mum...!"  Dorcan held him firmly and destroyed a nearby armchair with a single kick.  Sydney caught one last look at his mother, nursing a fresh cut on her cheek.  Then everything disappeared.

Sydney found himself standing in another living room, with pink walls and a lush red carpet.  It was early evening, so they had clearly jumped a long way.
On one wall was an inked portrait of some bizarre mythos inside what appeared to be some kind of library.  He felt Dorcan's tight grip come loose, and stared at the Doberman with a boiling morass of conflicting emotions.  Anger won.

"You hit..." he snarled, but Dorcan waved him quiet.  Although he could shed no tears, the Doberman was obviously crying, and Syd's feelings did yet another loop-the-loop.  "I had to," Dorcan said.  "Didn't want to... tried not to hurt her too much... but it's still... it hurts."

"You wanted them to think it was a kidnap," Sydney said softly.

"Yes," Dorcan sobbed.  "It's what you said... if they thought she had made some kind of deal with me, they'd execute her.  I had to look like a Demon gone rogue.   And I'm sorry... I don't know if she can forgive me for that.  Or you, come to that.  But I'll... I'll send her some money... make sure she can afford a good retirement.  And when... when you next see her, I want you to tell her I'm sorry..."

"I will," the fox promised.  At that moment, the door opened and a seductively-dressed husky walked in - the first person Sydney had ever met who flaunted the fact that she was a succubus.  She looked a year or two older than Syd, were it not for the way she moved.  That, and there was something indefinable in her eyes, something that hinted darkly at the things she had seen and done in her long, long life.  The succubus halted, her headwings drooped slightly as she took in the scene and Dorcan's obvious misery.

"Welcome to the clan, Sydney," she said.  "I'm Julei.  We weren't expecting you so soon... I take it things didn't go so well?"

"Could have been better," Dorcan sighed.  "I hit my ex and trashed up her living room."

"Could have been worse," the succubus countered, and drew out a wing-tentacle for emphasis, banishing the little jackal-head at the end and coiling the tentacle into a loop about six inches across.  Sydney watched it with fascination.

"Once upon a time, a 'Cubi divorcing a Being usually meant divorcing the Being's head from their body," she continued and the tentacle made a constricting motion in the air, jumping and turning itself inside-out, edges sharp as razors.
Syd drew back suddenly in terror as he realised what it meant - if the tentacle had been around someone's neck, their head would have been popped off like a dandelion.  Julei glanced around at him, with a guilty expression.  "Oh shit, I'm so sorry..."

"D-did you actually do that to someone...?" Syd asked, with a certain amount of nausea.  Julei looked at the floor.  "A long time ago," she admitted.  "I used to be an assassin... I did that and far worse things besides."  The husky looked distressed for a moment and then her expression softened as if she'd just made up her mind about something.

"How old do you think I am...?" she asked him.  "You can be completely honest, I won't take offence."

"That's a trick question," the fox said.  "Creatures tend to have their age freeze in their twenties, and 'Cubi can shapeshift."

"They can, yes.  But I haven't," Julei said.  "I would not deceive my kin, not even to feed my own vanity.  What you're seeing now is how I truly look."

"Well, I don't know, but at a guess... Five hundred?  Three hundred?"

"More like three thousand," she said.  "But I could still pass for 23, and that's unusual.  Most 'Cubi who made it this far would start to show their age by now, and most Demons or Angels would be dead at half my age.
"Sydney, I don't look as young as I do because of some moisturising shampoo, whatever the adverts may claim their products can do.  I paid a high price for my continued youth, in blood and souls."

"Souls..." the young incubus looked horrified.

"Yes, I know," she sighed.  "It's horrible, but I felt it was best you heard it from me.  See, there was a time when 'Cubi were quite the savage race, and unfortunately our former clan never really got over that phase until they were destroyed."  The succubus closed her eyes and was quiet for a few moments.

"If it makes you feel any better, we broke away from them because we got sick of it... all the killings and soul sacrifices that our Queen demanded from us.  And yes, I have used my wings to collect the heads of more victims than I'd care to remember, and all those old skills are still down there, buried away...
"And sometimes they do still come in handy," she continued, "Like when we needed to take down one of the trees out back.  But I promise you, I haven't killed anyone except in self-defence for at least six centuries."  Sydney relaxed a bit and when she was satisfied that he'd be okay, the succubus turned back to the Doberman.

"Dorcan, you know I trust you," she said, "But all the same, we should send someone around to make sure Linda's okay.  Just in case you hit her harder than you realised."

"Be careful," Dorcan warned, "Because while we're on the subject of lopping off heads, Mundesburg does that to Creatures, now.  On sight."

"Then I'll ask Daryil," she decided.  "He likes you, Dorcan."

"They won't know what hit them," the Doberman grinned.

"Okay, Syd," the husky said, beckoning to the fox with a friendly expression.  "Let me show you your bedroom.  You've just had a series of nasty shocks and a lot to take in.  Sleep if you can, it will do you good.
"Tomorrow, when you've had a chance to absorb it all, I'll show you around the place.  And we can start talking about our clan and your new powers.  You have a lot to catch up on..."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 10 (2012/05/05)
Post by: justacritic on May 05, 2012, 08:48:46 AM
Let the excrement hit the air circulatory machine, they're going ahead with the kidnapping. Poor Syd so much happening in so little time. It must be hard to keep up.   
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 10 (2012/05/05)
Post by: Ignuus66 on May 05, 2012, 10:29:25 AM
Encore! Encore!
Also I'm curios how Daryl managed to make porridge a delicacy.. I mean it does taste great, but it's not exactly rare, or hard to make, but I guess with Daryl, everything is possible! 
Great chapter all around.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 11 (2012/05/19)
Post by: Tapewolf on May 19, 2012, 06:06:23 PM
I knew I'd forgotten something last night.  I was away most of today so couldn't check my calendar.

Anyway, here's chapter 11...

Chapter 11

Sydney had been staring into the campfire as he told his tale, and now he looked up at Sheila for a reaction.  Instead, the Border gestured 'Shhh' and pointed at Richard, who was lying curled up on the ground.
"Awww," Syd whispered.  "You know, for a murderous psychopath, he looks kinda cute when he's asleep."

Using levitation spells to avoid disturbing him, they floated the sleeping jackal into the tent and carefully tucked him into a sleeping bag.  The fox paused, staring at Richard's shiny arm-length gloves and wondering whether he could quickly remove them, but Sheila tapped him on the shoulder and they headed back to the campfire.

"Clearly he's still more Being than he'd care to admit," she said.  "Like I say, I'd guess he's about 21.  Now I dunno about you, but I can get by on one night's sleep a week, and soon I won't even need that much.  My parents were a little frustrated before I went to Illiath's - I think they used to get up to all kinds of kinky stuff while I was off in the Land of Nod, and when I started staying up all night reading..."

"Yeah," Syd agreed.  "I thought it was insomnia at first, but I realised that it wasn't actually affecting me for days and days.  That and the symbol on my leg... I should have put it together more quickly."  He cast a glance back at the tent.  "I still think we could have snuck a look at his right hand."

"Better not," Sheila said.  "He was really uptight about it in the class.  I think the idea actually frightened him.  If he suddenly woke up, or guessed what you'd done... Trust me, you don't want to see a hissy-fit thrown by an angry, scared young incubus who thinks it's okay to kill people."

"You know, sometimes I wonder if he is an incubus..." Syd pondered.

"Whatever do you mean?" Sheila demanded, her head-wings fanning out slightly.

"Well, it's just... he hasn't really done much.  I haven't seen him cast any spells, or bring out his wing-tentacles or even seen his clan-mark.  And he seems to be completely incapable of reading emotions."

"Hmm.  What about Falkirk's class on element-resistance?" the succubus asked, considering the matter curiously.

"He wouldn't go beyond the fan-heaters.  We only have his word that he actually felt colder."

"True... but what do you think he is, if he's not 'Cubi?"

"Remember, my father is an android," Sydney pointed out.  "He can hide his wings magically, and I wouldn't have known if he hadn't told me, they're that good these days.  If Richard is some kind of plant..."

"He's probably just too young.  The powers don't come in immediately.  We'll see, though - if he is an android it's going to be pretty embarrassing for him in the shapeshifting class."

"True," Syd muttered.

"So what did happen when you met your ancestors?" Sheila said, changing the subject.  "What are they like?"

"My grandparents were pretty cool.  Big into motorbikes," he said.  "But I only met them for a week or so."

"Fair enough," the Border said.  "What about your great-grandparents?  Didn't you say they ruled the clan, or something?"

"Mordrith and Julei, yes," he replied, hoping that Sheila would forget all this by the time she was able to get onto Worldnet and look any of them up.  So far none of this had gone into her notebook.

"...But Mordrith was away on business for most of the time, we only met briefly before I went to school.  He didn't have time to formally induct me into the clan.  There is a ceremony that clan members go through when they are of age, but it takes a few days to do.  We're going to do it over the summer break, I think," he said.

"And Julei?"

"She kind of reminds me of you," Syd said, and the tips of his ears went pink.  "But kind of evil.  They were in hiding for a long time, and even now they have Daryil's protection, she tends to wear formal Being clothes with something more succubus-like underneath."  Sheila cackled with amusement at this for a few moments.

"'Cubi like tight clothing," she said.  "We tend to like shiny things, too.  Most of us develop an outfit that's easy to form from our fur and wings, in case we're caught short without our clothes for some reason and it works best if the outfit is form-fitting and skimpy.  That and well, it's always fun to look sexy."  She made her predatory face for a second and then, with a more normal expression, appraised Syd critically for a few moments.  "You know, if you still have those leathers from home, you should put them on.  I think it'd suit you well."

Shortly afterwards, Sheila drifted away to talk to one of the other girls, leaving Syd sitting bored around in front of their campfire.  For want of anything better to do, he made his way back to their tent, and following Richard's example, slept.

* * *

Daryil was at the Jayhawk Arctic Facility when the call came in.

"Ah, Nigel," he beamed.  "How's things going at Grunmore?  Actually, I need to pick your brains for a minute.  I've been looking into plans for expansion for the next phase of the project... we need to pick some other innocuous and cheap food produced in Grunmore and promote it as a lifestyle accessory.
"I'm thinking about that mush you get when you leave the cereal in the bowl for too long... we could even come up with a trademark name for it.  But we probably want something else, maybe interestingly-flavoured mashed potato...  Blancmange sandwiches... no, flapjack!  That'll do.
"See, my plan is to open up a chain of strip clubs, which serve the stuff as a staple.  That way, we can associate flapjack with sex and promote it as a forbidden delight..."

"Uh, Dar," Nigel said, and the fox noticed then that his head-wings were drooping.

"Nigel... is something wrong?" he asked slowly.

"It's Arnold.  He's been murdered."

Daryil stared at Nigel speechlessly for a few moments.  Then his face and headwings twisted into a visage of fury that Nigel had never seen on his Leader's face before, and it terrified him.

"I... we were too late," he bleated.  "Gibson heard the shot and by then..."

"A sniper?" the fox snapped.

"Yes, my lord."

"I'll be over right away.  I want full access to all CCTV footage.  I'll file a request for a new body for Arnold, but that's likely to take months.  In the meantime, find someone to take over Arnold's role, a Demon if you can, they're hard to kill and able to defend themselves.  Actually, make sure all the customer-facing folks are Demon or Angel, if you can - I don't want to lose any of my Children or anyone else for that matter.
"Have security boosted around the shop.  I will not let a bunch of crackheads with guns threaten my town."

"Yes, Dar.  We've already put in some defences, a slow-field against bullets, shutters on the windows and so forth."

"Very good.  And Nigel... I want to know who's behind this.  I want that sniper, and I will get whoever put them up to it."

"M-my Lord," the German Shepherd started.

"Yes, my child?"

"What... what will you do to them?"

"No-one kills my allies," Daryil said.  "I don't like killing, and I don't do this lightly, but I think this crime calls for... neuron spallation."

"Neutron spallation...?" the dog said, blankly.  "You mean... Like when you shoot a beam of protons at mercury...?  Oh, you mean to irradiate them..."

"Neuron spallation," Daryil corrected him.  "Brain cells.  It'll be messy, but unfortunately... well, you can't make an egg without breaking a few omlettes.  Sometimes you just have to make a strong example to your enemies."

"Sometimes, yes," Nigel said.  "But for the investigation... do you have any idea why someone would do this?"

"Probably to make an example to me," Daryil said.  "I would guess that the organised crime faction in Grunmore is starting to come out of the woodwork, wouldn't you say?"

"Makes sense," Nigel admitted.  "Though for all I know, Arnold owed money to someone."

Daryil signed off the wallscreen and created an avatar of himself to send to Grunmore.  The rest of him started to fill out the forms for a resurrection, and as he did so, he began to wonder what name he should use for the porridge franchise now their frontman was dead.

* * *

When Sydney had been younger he wanted to be an adventurer, like many other young men in towns or cities without a Creature patron.  And as with many other young men he gave up on the dream a few years later, and went off to the nearby city to study business or electronics or particle physics, but not before the basic training had given him a respectable physique.

Now he stood on the shore of a beach, not remembering quite how he got there nor really caring.  It was not important.  He found he was wearing the leather jeans and jacket from his home, and there were a number of coconuts rolling into the sea.  They had fallen off before they were ripe and he had to gather up as many as he could and stick them back on the tree...

The jackal laughed and the sky grew black.  It was filled with brightly glowing stars, and each star was a soul that the Lady had claimed...

He was in a broken city filled with shadows and in the centre of the square, he found a black-backed jackal, not much younger than he was, probably about 22.  He had leathery wings like Sydney's, but black and yellow fur - almost like Keaton's - and his eyes were full of fear.  He hadn't yet noticed Syd because of the Lady.
She stood before the youth, her back to Syd.  She was a golden jackal, dark grey leathery wings adorned her head, back and hips.  When she spoke, her voice was rage.

"Why do you keep returning?!" she thundered.  "Abomination... your kind is all I have fought to destroy... our clan, our race must be kept pure!"

"I... I can't help it!" the youth protested.  "I don't want to bother you... I don't know why I keep coming here... I don't want to keep coming here, believe me!"

"You will never come here again," she said, "This time I shall end your evil taint forever..."  Syd had drawn closer and the incubus had seen him.  Their eyes met for a second, and the Tri-wing suddenly realised there was another intruder behind her.  She spun around and upon seeing Syd, gave an incredible cry.  She spake without words, and her voice was thunder, and the firmament was cleft.

"Another half-breed!?!" she screamed, when able to speak.  "Who dare...  How...  Huh..."

The Lady vanished in mid-sentence, and the city began to fade away, merely a fleeting memory of a memory without her there to sustain it.  The younger 'Cubi remained, but his features became unstable, a distorted echo in Syd's memory.  For a moment he became Keaton Jyraneth and then Syd was alone again, staring at the ocean which was now seething with fallen coconuts.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 11 (2012/05/19)
Post by: Ignuus66 on May 19, 2012, 08:12:14 PM
First contact! Heh, Somehow I was expecting that. Still, I have to wonder is that keaton's kid? because if no, there is another remaining member of Jyraneth that the Ja'fell (or Keaton) is not aware of.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 11 (2012/05/19)
Post by: joshofspam on May 20, 2012, 12:50:15 AM
I'm actually finding how Daryil runs a pretty tight ship and doesn't allow people to walk all over him very enjoyable. The added amounts of eccentric personality make him a very likable character as well... I hope they Tapes includes Daryil's little trip to check on Syd's mom, that should be a interesting trip if Daryil's usual antics are anything to judge by.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 11 (2012/05/19)
Post by: Tapewolf on May 20, 2012, 12:33:33 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on May 20, 2012, 12:50:15 AM
I hope they Tapes includes Daryil's little trip to check on Syd's mom, that should be a interesting trip if Daryil's usual antics are anything to judge by.

That was a month or so prior to present-day, but it is referred to a couple of times.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 12 (2012/06/02)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 02, 2012, 05:29:06 AM

Chapter 12

Somewhere in her great fastness below the ruined city, the Lady twitched and sunk back into her long coma.  And far outside her reach, Sydney twitched slightly in time with her as the link was broken and his dreams took their natural course once more.

And then suddenly he awoke with a scream as someone shook him, his leathery wings flapping viciously in a panic reflex and sending the bedsheet soaring through the air to land across Richard.  To his surprise, Syd realised he was seeing Sheila and the now-stirring Richard even before he turned his head, and the feeling was most disconcerting.

"You scared the hell out of me," he said groggily, and his voice trailed away.  The Border collie looked rather scared, and she was staring at something just behind him.

Cautiously, Syd looked around and as he did so he was dimly aware that he could see his own head turning, and that was even more disturbing.  He found himself staring at a small jackal head on the end of a tentacle sprouting from his wings, its eyes glowing white and its mouth filled with happy rows of teeth.

"Woah," he said, and the tentacles folded back into his wings.  "Sorry if I startled you, but you did wake..."

"Tentacle-heads," Sheila whimpered.  "You've got tentacle-heads!  How can you have tentacle-heads?  You said you came from a minor clan!"

"Well," Syd said awkwardly, "Our Leader is still alive.  But she hasn't been seen for about eight centuries.  Even then, I don't think she ever left the city much.  And most of the clan died so I say that makes us a minor clan, tri-winged Leader or no..."

"Eight centuries..." Sheila was saying, and she backed away, trying unsuccessfully to stop herself from radiating horror.  "You're a Jyraneth."

She spoke the words quietly, her voice subdued as though Syd had just been sentenced to death.  The fox couldn't bring himself to look in her direction.

"Cool!" Richard said, eyes shining.  "And you can still sleep, right?  Have you tried communing with her?"

Sydney's wings fanned out.  "Gods, no!" he squawked.  "Why would I want to have a maniac like her in my head?!  She would want to destroy me if she even knew I existed!"  His expression became concerned as he remembered the dream.  "Though I think she might do now... I may have met her, or perhaps it was just a dream...  I need to ask Mordrith about this... does anyone have a phone?  Only the guards were allowed them in Mundesberg..."

Richard's elation faded and he frowned slightly.  "Bit squeamish for a Jyraneth, aren't you?  And... they never let their members get a Being pregnant..."

"Richard," the Border spat, "Shut up.  Let me handle this."  The white jackal shrugged and tucked himself back into bed.

Sydney stared at the succubus for three seconds and then ran out of the tent as fast as he could.

* * *

Nicholaus stumbled through the woods.  It was still a little dark and stopping to sleep had been a risk, and in some ways foolish, but he still needed it... he was not yet old enough to do without sleep entirely.  Or, he realised belatedly, food.  He hadn't eaten the whole day, and worse, on the run there were no emotions to feed on...

He saw some lights in the distance and headed towards those.  Flames, by the look, and an electric torch.  Probably travellers.  He could smell bacon frying... perhaps he could scrounge some food from them...

He ran into the figure when he least expected it.  He was a Doberman pinscher, and an incubus.  "Who are..." Nick started, but then his eyes fell on the Creature's clan mark, halfway down his arm.  It was the Kamei'Sin mark, and he knew from his reading that they were the deadliest enemies of the Jyraneth.

"P-please... don't kill me..." he whimpered, and fainted dead away.

Nick drifted gradually back into consciousness.  And that in itself was something... he hadn't expected to awake at all.  But then he realised that his wrists were bound.

They're gonna execute me, he realised, horrified.  They want me awake... they want me to know, they want me to feel it...

"How are you feeling?" the Doberman asked.  Nick stared at him, eyes wide with terror.  "Don't kill me..." he begged.  The Doberman looked rather taken aback.

"Should I...?" he asked.  Nick looked completely bewildered.

"You're Kamei'Sin..."

"I am, yeah.  Daniel Kamei'Sin.  Named after the great hero Ti'Fiona.  I should probably take you to the Professor..."

Nick glanced down at his wrists.  "No, no!" he said.  "Whatever you want, I don't know it... I've never met any of my Clan..."

One of Daniel's wings formed into a blade.  Nick screamed.

"Shit, I'm really not doing well here," Daniel said.  "I was just going to cut your binds.  If you promise not to turn violent, I mean..."

"I promise... just let me go..."

Daniel carefully sliced the rope with his wing, just as a particularly scruffy figure entered through the tent flap.

"Really, Daniel..." professor Falkirk said.  "What is going on in here?  Why did you tie him up?  I don't think he's into that."

"He's a Jyraneth," Daniel protested.  "The maniac clan!  I didn't think he'd be safe!"

"Well, it scared the piss out of him.  He thought you wanted to torture him to death!"

"He was acting a bit odd," Daniel admitted, "But look at him!  He's got to be Keaton's child, and you know what she's like!"

"Leave it to me," the professor sighed, and offered the starving jackal some rations as Daniel left the tent, in a tangible cloud of embarrassment.

"So," he said.  "May I ask who you are, and how you came to be in such an unhappy state?"

"I'm Nicholaus Worthing," the jackal said.  "I'm running away.  Who are you people?"

"Running away is not usually the best answer," Falkirk said.  "And you needn't worry, we're not some kind of Kamei'Sin encampment.  You were just unlucky to run into Daniel first.  We're from Iliath's 'Cubi school, or ISIS if you prefer it.  We're on a field trip, and I am of Daryil's clan.
"So... what seems to be your problem?  If it's trouble with your parents, they're probably really worried sick for you by now."

"Maybe they are," Nick said.  "I left them a note, and I didn't want to go, but I had to leave... I'm not safe."

"We might be able to arrange a safe-house for you if you need it, or a fair trial if you have some kind of problem with the law."

"I'm on the run from my Leader," Nick said shakily.  The poodle blinked rapidly.
"Well, that does make things a bit more complicated," he said.  "Though... not that I doubt your sincerity, but most people think Jyraneth died when her realm fell eight centuries ago..?"

"I met her in my dreams," Nick said.  "Three times, now!  She called me an abomination, she tried to kill me..."

"If she really wanted you to be dead, I imagine you would be by now," the professor said.  "However, this is rather disturbing news..."

"There's another one!" Daniel screamed, running back into the tent.  "They're after me!"

* * *

"Syd," Sheila barked sharply.  The fox just stood there, staring at the ground.

"Yes," he said, slowly.  "Biologically, I am a Jyraneth.  I'm not proud of it, but it's not something I can help, exactly.  I know we committed atrocities... if half of the stories I've heard are true..." he was starting to tear up.

"Sydney," the Border said, approaching him slowly, "Jyraneth Clan made enemies of my great-grandparents..."

"I told you, I can't help what my ancestors did before they rebelled against our psychotic leader!  But I can understand... why you wouldn't want to be friends anymore."

"Syd, listen.  I said that I was going to judge you by what you do, not what your forebears did."

"That worked out well, didn't it...?  Now you know what I am and..."

"I haven't changed my mind," she said.  Syd laid his head on her shoulder and wept.

"Sydney?" Professor Falkirk said.  "I realise this is a bad time, but... can you come with me, please?"

Sheila looked alarmed.  "Must he?"

"Yes, I think we will need his... expertise.  You may come too if you feel he needs moral support.  And yes, Syd, you can dress first."

Back in the tent, Sydney rummaged through his suitcase for the clothes he had in mind, the jacket and pants that he had brought.  "It's always fun to look sexy," he muttered to himself and put them on.

Somehow Richard managed to sneak into Daniel's tent along with Sheila, Sydney and the professor himself.  Nick looked up nervously at the crowd, and then froze.  Sydney froze as well, as soon as he laid eyes on Nick.

"He...  You were in my dream..." he babbled, and the professor looked particularly disturbed.

"Who else was in the dream, Sydney?"

"A jackal," the fox said nervously.  "Female.  Tri-winged... I think she was the Lady Jyraneth..."

"She was going to kill me," Nick said.  "She tried before, and then he came... And she freaked out..."

"She was trying to say something, but she vanished in mid-sentence, and then I was back on the beach," Sydney said, the words sounding stupid to his ears.

"Where were you before?" the professor asked.  "When you saw Her, I mean?  Where did the meeting take place?"

"In a ruined city," Sydney replied.  "I guess it was probably Harla'Keth, but I've never seen it so I don't really know.  Please, sir, how did you know about this?"

"I didn't.  But Daniel saw your clan mark and panicked, and I thought it would be handy if I had another J... another person of Nick's heritage to compare against."

"Who is he?  Why is he here?  He's not one of the student body..."

"Nick here is a young Jyraneth who never knew his 'Cubi parent.  He has been brought up as a Being, but he believes that Jyraneth is returning, and that she wants him dead as an abomination.  So he was running away, and fortunately for him, he ran straight into us.
"Sydney, if your mother truly is a Being, the Lady might want you dead too, as well as your relatives.  One would hope that she's aware her clan is decimated and she is in too fragile a position to afford any further pogroms, but she has a reputation for sheer insanity so we can't bank on that."

"Most of us are shielded from her," Sydney said.  "I would be too, but my clan father didn't have time to complete the ritual before I was sent here..."

"Yes, we shall have to get in touch with Mordrith," professor Falkirk said.  "Firstly, if he doesn't know about Jyraneth, he must be told.  But just as importantly, we need to know if he is willing to accept Nick here into his clan.  He, or more likely Daryil, may be able to provide protection for his parents."

Richard made a face as Daryil's name was mentioned, but the professor ignored him.  Sydney was puzzled, however and glanced up at Professor Falkirk as if to say "How do you know all this...?"

"I'm of Daryil's clan," he explained.  "I know about our alliance with the Ja'Fell clan.  And I know that you're a Ja'Fell member, I've seen your record with the school.  What I didn't know was that you weren't officially confirmed yet."

"Why all the fuss about Jyraneth, anyway?" Richard asked.  "How's she different from Daryil?  Both clans are run by an insane tri-wing who have their followers carry out their every will..."

"The difference is," the professor explained patiently, "That Daryil has a few basic, common-sense rules and leaves the rest up to his clan.  He stays on good terms with his children so that they want to obey him, and will willingly carry out any favours he wants done as a friend.  Jyraneth, on the other hand, ruled by fear and anyone who annoyed her in any way would be executed and their soul destroyed on charge of treason or heresy.  Any questions?"

But before anyone could answer, a sloth burst into the tent dressed in the typical garb of a professor from Illiath's.  This new professor had obviously been running and was out of breath.  "Professor Falkirk!" he gasped.

"This had better be important, Professor Shreve," the poodle said irritably.  "We have a tricky political problem thrust into our hands..."

"Forget all that," Shreve said.  "The school has fallen!"

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 12 (2012/06/02)
Post by: Ignuus66 on June 02, 2012, 09:17:05 AM
OOOh cliffhanger  :U

Also I'm wondering how a school filled with cubi can fall.... If dragons are not on Furrae anymore, that is. Fae attack ?  :mowwink
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 12 (2012/06/02)
Post by: justacritic on June 02, 2012, 10:50:14 AM
Didn't the Fae leave as well for their own reasons?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 12 (2012/06/02)
Post by: Gabi on June 02, 2012, 11:52:21 AM
Cubi are far from invincible. We can speculate all we want, but we won't know for sure what happened until Tape posts again. In any case, interesting dynamics between Syd and Sheila, and Nick and Dan!
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 12 (2012/06/02)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 02, 2012, 02:49:18 PM
Quote from: Gabi on June 02, 2012, 11:52:21 AM
Cubi are far from invincible. We can speculate all we want, but we won't know for sure what happened until Tape posts again. In any case, interesting dynamics between Syd and Sheila, and Nick and Dan!

Thanks.  The next one looks to coincide with Anthrocon, so I haven't decided what to do about that one yet.  I might post it early, in case I can't post from at the 'con itself.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 12 (2012/06/02)
Post by: joshofspam on June 04, 2012, 03:13:54 PM

A school falls, That doesn't sound to good considering with the cubi history, the school would have probably at least some kind of defence.

Oh boy, things are picking up.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 12 (2012/06/02)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 04, 2012, 05:13:36 PM
To be fair, this was the best time to do it - the first years are on a field trip and the later years haven't returned from break yet, so the only resistance was from a handful of staff.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 13 (2012/06/16)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 16, 2012, 12:48:54 PM
Chapter 13

No-one spoke.  Professor Falkirk stared back at the sloth for some time.  Finally he came to a decision.  "Say that again," he said.

"Illiath's School for Incubi and Succubi... it has been attacked.  They overwhelmed our defences and we have lost control of the premises.  The school has been routed.  We're trying to warn the older students that their term won't be starting next week, but that's the most we can do!"

"Who would dare attack the school!?  Beings?  Adventurers?"  the professor demanded.

"'Cubi," Professor Shreve said.  "All in black, like the Jyraneth Raiders of old..."  The poodle's unkempt fur jumped - it was too heavy to remain standing on end and fell back into its original position.

"That's impossible," Sheila said.  "The Jyraneth are scattered.  Most of the known survivors have abandoned their mistress just as she abandoned them."

"I quite agree," Falkirk replied.  "I've met most of them.  It's very disturbing that this coincided with activity from Jyraneth, but I still feel it's more likely the work of another clan masquerading as them."

"That may be," Professor Shreve said, "But nonetheless, the school is closed and we are isolated!  Headmistress Illiath has gone into hiding and cannot be reached.  We're on our own, and if I'm not mistaken, that leaves you in charge.  What shall we do, deputy headmaster?"

* * *

Lady Finch sat in her usual position near the head of boardroom table.  The Professor was at the end as usual, along with a number of key aides opposite her, and a shadowed figure was talking to them all via a video link.

"What do you mean, 'not there'...?" She demanded.  "You had the descriptions for both of them... Rick was there just yesterday!  Where is he now?!"

"The school was mostly deserted, Lady!" the shadowy figure said.  "There were many staff present, but most of them have fled now.  Some of the student dormitories have possessions in them, however.  It's like they've abandoned the place!"

"Interrogate any captive staff and find out what has happened!  If anything has happened to them..." she made a threatening gesture and cut the link.

"How could this have happened?!" she wailed.  "I gave them strict instructions that he was not to be harmed and now... he's gone!  The school... they knew... They've taken him hostage!"

"I doubt he's in any danger," The Professor soothed.  "After all, we can trade his life for the lives of the staff now in our tender care.  All the same, it has caused a lot of problems.  Capturing Daryil's child will be considerably riskier - he will surely have been alerted to the attack by now."

* * *

Daryil stood in one of the expansive rooms of his Arctic palace, wearing only a pair of Wellington boots and some boxer shorts.  It should have been cold, and in some ways it was, but Daryil's body was really an avatar he had created for the purpose and not completely alive, so the fact it was -40 degrees didn't really bother him.

Any other building in the Arctic would have some form of heating to bring it to a temperature approaching habitable, but Daryil's palace was different, being made entirely from out-of-date vanilla ice-cream.  Hence it had to be kept at a low temperature to prevent it from melting.


This room of the palace had an indoor golf course.  Nothing fancy, but it worked.  To make it more difficult he had begun experimenting with unusual objects, in this case, a cherry tomato.  Frozen solid, of course.  He'd tried it with fresh produce but it had got very messy, very quickly and walls made from ice-cream were particularly difficult to wash.  This way was better, because the ball would remain frozen indefinitely...

Daryil beamed as the tomato sunk into the hole.  But then his smile began to waver - he was being called back at base and it was sufficiently important that he needed full concentration.  He closed his eyes and vanished, leaving the golf club to clatter down upon the hard vanilla floor.

"We have a suspect," Nigel was saying.

"Captured, or just a name?"

"Captured," Nigel said happily, wagging his tail.  "One Keith Edmonton.  Being.  Do you wish to interrogate him?"

"Immediately," Daryil said, and part of him was in Grunmore.  His hair became white and flowing, his eyes ruby red.

* * *

"Do you know who I am?" Daryil asked casually.  The Being gave him a listless shrug.  "Lord Daryil," he said.

"Indeed.  Did it occur to you that killing someone under my protection might not be a very clever idea?  That it might shorten your lifespan considerably, and quite possibly endanger your very soul?"

"Yes, it did."

"And yet you went ahead with it anyway," Daryil said.  "I don't have many enemies, and that made it difficult to decide what I should do to you once you were caught.  I had thought of destroying your brain, making every cell rupture itself at once.  Or possibly something slower if you proved difficult... making them rupture in a pattern so you live long to experience your mind dying.
"However," he continued.  "That would be a bit wasteful.  And at the same time I have a number of Demons in my employ.  Unlike 'Cubi, Demons need to eat, and they need to eat a lot, regularly.  So I've decided it would be best if I fed you to them."  The Being looked at the floor and began to shiver.

"I will have your execution filmed and sent to your employer as proof," Daryil declared.  "Maybe send copies to your family as well."

"Enough!" the Being said.  "I'll talk.  Do what you want to me afterwards, just leave them out of this!"

"That's more like it," Daryil said, and produced a small orange lolly which he ate.  "First of all, I need to know who your employer is."

"How did you plan to send them the film if you didn't know?"  Keith asked.

"Oh, I'd have been able to work that out in the end.  But a confession would be much more useful.  And it would put me in a much better mood."

* * *

"Well, we're not entirely clear on what happened," detective inspector Lorraine said.  "As near as we can tell someone appeared in the middle of the Warholtz police building and embarked upon a systematic massacre of all within."

"Were there any survivors?" the husky asked, glancing up sharply.

"Only one, a 'Cubi."

"Not a Demon or an Angel?"

"No, sir.  There were two Demons on staff, but they did not survive the attack - the succubus only did by hiding.  She shapeshifted into a desk.  You can talk to her later if you like, but she's still a bit shell-shocked.  'Cubi being emotionally fragile and all."

"They also used plastic explosives to destroy the photocopier," the inspector added.

"To attract the attention of survivors, I guess.  So, I'd say the intruder was another Demon, who teleported in and killed them all.  Sounds like a disgruntled employee to me."

"No, sir... we've checked the cameras.  They're a two-channel setup, records video and magic simultaneously. We checked both views - the killer was not a Creature."

Joshua Oswald blinked owlishly.  "Then what the hell was it?"

"We were hoping you might be able to answer that, sir."

"Show me the security tapes," Josh decided.

* * *

"Well?"  Daryil asked, bouncing up and down in his seat as Nigel's call came in.

"It worked," the Alsatian said proudly.  "I went to the dead-drop to pick up Keith's money, disguised as him.  You know he was only paid 10 grand for that?"

"Yes," Daryil said.  "They were leaning on him and his family.  Not an enviable position to be in.  I can kind of sympathise with him, to be honest."

"You aren't thinking of letting him go?" Nigel asked, horrified.  "Not after what he's done!"

"No," Daryil said.  "But I think 10 years should be enough.  Suspended if we get Arnold back before sentencing.  In the meantime, see that he's comfortable and assuming he doesn't have allergies, give him some chocolate ice-cream for his good behaviour."

"Chocolate ice-cream," Nigel repeated as he wrote it down.

"With nuts," Daryil clarified.  "And a low-fat dairy topping.  What were we talking about again?"

"I got the money," the Alsatian said, regaining the flow.  "And as you suspected, someone was waiting to silence him when he picked it up.  I guess the idea was to drag him off and kill him somewhere out of sight, probably with their tentacles.  They weren't expecting another 'Cubi, certainly not one with tentacle-heads.  They fled after that."

"Were you able to identify them?" Daryil wanted to know.  "Which clan they were from?"

"I got some feathers," Nigel told him.  "I've sent one off to the 'Cubi Registry, see if they can identify the DNA."

* * *

"What I'd really like to know is why Xanathar didn't foresee this happening,"  Sheila said.  Professor Falkirk spun around to face her as if stung, and his headwings had fanned out slightly.

"How do you know about Xanathar...?" he demanded.  "Who told you?"

"I read a lot," Sheila said.  "It was in the prospectus."

"That busybody... I should have overruled her... knew we should never have listed our security defences in... look, nevermind.  The fact is, Xanathar can only see things the students and staff are likely to do.  It can't foresee external events, nor can it track us when we're outside the academy."

"Um, who is Xanathar?" Syd asked, confused.

"Xanathar is a thing, not a person.  It's a cluster of Jayhawk brains, 2048 nodes, all wired into the students and staff.  It's designed to be non-sentient while still retaining the intuitive and predictive functions normally associated with a higher consciousness.  It taps into your own consciousness through your student union card - or a similar device carried by staff and visitors - and is able to predict emotional states within the school to a high degree of accuracy."

"What for?" Richard asked.  "Why are you spying on us?  Is it because of Daryil?"

"No.  It's because ISIS doesn't have someone like Fa'Lina in the school who is able to know the future.  With a school filled with over-emotional 'Cubi and various rival clans, we need a way to detect fights and harrassment before they get serious, and that's what Xanathar does.  All this information is contained within Xanathar and while we can query it and have it generate reports, it is not self-aware and whatever it perceives is private, contained inside its memory banks and inaccessible to us.  We cannot read its thoughts because it's not sentient.
"The downside is that it requires a month or so to train itself to each student and it can only forecast events relating to people it knows about.  Predicting an invasion would be out of the question... unless one of the students was in on it," he added ominously.

"Now.  Nick, Sydney... We will have to pick this up later, in the meantime you are welcome to stay with the camp, Nick.  Everyone else, we must pack up immediately.  So far the attackers seem to have missed out on the camping trip, but they will find out about it eventually so we have to leave now, before that happens!"
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 13 (2012/06/16)
Post by: Ignuus66 on June 16, 2012, 07:39:20 PM
So Rich is Daryl's son? that would make sense that he is reluctant to show his clan symbol which is (presumibly) on his hand. But it wouldn't make sense that he hates Daryl, unless he blames him for the fact that he is a Cubi? Hmm, I guess we will find out later *the suspense begins* .

I find the lack of Automated defense systems in schools disturbing. Remember folks, even if non-lethal, you should have some sort of defense mechanism if you have enemies.

If all else fails, Just teleport out and blow the building (with the unsuspecting invaders inside) up.  :explosion

Why do I have a feeling the Unknown entity is either:
A: A robot. (I presume Josh would be able to identify it)
B: A human / being
c: Someone who REALLY hates photocopiers
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 13 (2012/06/16)
Post by: joshofspam on June 17, 2012, 02:13:06 AM
Wow. Even more is happening.

Though getting ice cream as a meal?

Daryil sure is generous Jailer.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 13 (2012/06/16)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 19, 2012, 02:46:10 PM
For those who are curious, I got a couple of Epsilon Project characters drawn at AC:

...I might point out that this was the first time anyone has attempted Professor Falkirk and as such, I wasn't expecting it to be instantly perfect.  In the story, his entire body is kind of like his hair.  On the other hand, Nyil's design is much more amenable to a comic - having him entirely moplike would greviously upset both me and the line artist if an Epsilon comic ever happens.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 14 (2012/06/30)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 30, 2012, 07:17:23 AM
Chapter 14

Wings hidden, Lady Finch made her way to No.32 and opened the front door with a small, silver key.  Ignoring the contents of the house completely, she drifted into the cellar and drew out her phone.  She fired up some programs, one of which appeared to be a popular remake of Tank War, and tapped out a particular sequence with her stylus.  She promptly lost the game, but as if to compensate, a wall slid open to reveal a shiny metal elevator.

The Professor greeted her when she alighted, his feathery wings visible for a change.  Somehow the raccoon had got into a habit of concealing them.  He offered the succubus a tablet device, the day's headlines displayed across the top in bold letters.  She glanced at it briefly.  Massacre at Warholtz Police Station was the top story of the hour.

"The test went well, then?" she said, walking down the plastered corridor and through an armoured steel door.

"Indeed.  Though we seem to have killed some Demons too," The Professor sighed.  "That wasn't really part of the plan..."

"A shame, but they're common enough and their culture looks down upon reprisals," Lady Finch replied.  "Where is she now?"

"In the board room.  Do you want to meet her?"

"Yes, but later.  But first I need to check my inbox."

"She can wait," The Professor said.  "If there's one thing she's got, it's patience."

* * *

The students from ISIS had made some headway through the forest, tents on backs.  Not completely sure where to go, they had wandered until they came to a small hamlet tucked into a gap in the trees.  Mindful of the fact that some of the younger students needed food, Professor Jevex found the local store and began to purchase what provisions she could find, Falkirk being a little too unconventional in his appearance to provide the right impression.

Most of the students had stayed put, emitting a wide spectrum of feelings from anxiety and fear through to excitement at the fact that the entire adventure was unplanned by the school. 

Not too far from the hamlet, Kevin made a mark on one of the trees with his paintbrush and then entered the details into the tablet device supplied by the Forestry Commission.  There was a faint crackle behind him and he had the horrible feeling that he was being watched.
He turned around slowly, but there was nothing there.  He glanced around nervously for a while until he was satisfied that whatever had made the sound was gone.  When he turned around, there was a white jackal in front of him.

"Why, hello there little soul..." the jackal said, fanning out his wings and advancing with a hungry expression on his features.  The feline made a sort of meeping noise and began to back away slowly.  Richard's wings wavered and became tentacles.  The Being stepped further back and banged his head against a tree-trunk.

"Now you're mine," the jackal purred, and he could almost taste the delicious nectar of his victim's soul.  From out of nowhere a shape slammed into the side of his body and he fell.

"RICHARD!" Sheila yelled and the jackal rolled over, glancing up at the Border collie towering over him, her face a mask of fury.
"Stop doing that!" she shouted as he began to pick himself up. 

Turning to Kevin, she bowed apologetically.  "You must forgive him," she said.  "He's only young, and he'll learn to control it one day.  After we've beaten all the psycho out of him," she added as an afterthought.

"You know what I should do now?" she snarled, as Richard walked in front of her with his tail between his legs, "I should tell Professor Falkirk."  The jackal stopped so quickly that he tripped and hastily recovered, spinning around.  "You... you wouldn't..!" he gurgled.

"Not this time," the border said, "But unless you want to spend the rest of this trip with a chaperone, I strongly suggest you buck up your ideas."

"Alright, alright," Richard sighed.  "I'll try..."

"What were you thinking...?  You haven't even been taught how to trap souls."

"It was practice, okay?  Dad told me the basic principle, I was trying to see if I could work it out from there."

"Can you imagine what the others would do if you came back with a corpse!?  If you're lucky they'd simply turn you over to the police!  And if they found out you were trying to steal his very soul..."

"Did you... oh."  Sydney looked taken aback as he came across the others.  "His soul?!  That's horrible!"

"Don't tell anyone," Richard begged.

Syd glanced at Sheila, whose expression was particularly firm and resolute.  He glanced back to Richard.  "Don't do it again," he said.

* * *

Joshua was once again going through the CCTV footage of the massacre.  It made uncomfortable viewing, but he had long ago lost the ability to become sick and so he was able to just sit through it.

The killer had moved fast, stabbing their victims with what appeared to be some kind of extruded blade.  The lack of magic involved led him to suspect that he was seeing some kind of android, but still... androids were just dead people, and people - alive or otherwise - tended not to be this vicious.  Or was it a Demon's soul inside the thing...?

Once the deed was done, the killer had vanished in a peculiar fashion, the like of which he'd never seen before.  Going through it frame by frame didn't help much either, but it did reveal that the killer appeared to be a mare Being, and then she had left by somehow folding up into nothing.

He was checking the external cameras to see if anything interesting or significant had taken place immediately before or after the event.  What he saw may not have been significant, but it was certainly interesting.

It can't be, he thought, his jaw dropping.

* * *

"My Lord," the jackal said, bowing before Daryil, or as closely as he could manage on the secure video link.  His eyes were red and his wings were grey, and he wore a black leather collar about his neck.

"Well, well," his Leader returned.  "Calahan!  It's been... what, twenty-four years?"

"Yeah, my Lord.  I know my report's kinda overdue, and I'm sorry 'bout that, but it wasn't easy to arrange.  I couldn't make this call with her around, had to wait until she was away."

"Your wife," Daryil said.  "Happily married, then?"

"It's been rocky at times," the jackal said.  "Even now, with our kid... well, we love each other, but I don't think she trusts me completely.  I know the others don't.  And..."

"And...?"  Daryil prompted, after a pause.

"Forgive me, father, for I have sinned..." the jackal said.

"You had to break the Tenets, didn't you?"  Daryil said softly.

"Yeah, my Lord.  I... it was hard."

"I'm glad it was.  But it helped you attain your position," the tri-wing said.  "It helped convince them you're loyal, always remember that.  I don't as a rule believe that the end justifies the means, but at the same time, sometimes we have to bend the rules a bit for the greater good.  Just make sure it doesn't become a habit, that's all I ask.
"And remember that my Tenets are mostly aimed at those who would kill or worse for pleasure... this mission had a purpose behind it.  I don't like it, but I forgive you for that.  I can't blame you for something that I sent you into myself, can I?"

"I guess not.  But it... taking someone's soul... even though I let it go... was this really worth it?"

Daryil sighed and his headwings drooped.  "I don't know.  But it was always a risk when going undercover with folks of this ilk.  You knew it, I knew it.  And remember, I put you up to this."

"Yes, my Lord," the jackal said and straightened up with a nervous expression.  "And now, with respect, I don't have long, and there's a lot to cover.  I don't have the full picture, they don't trust me enough, and if they find out I've made this call, it will all be over.  Though in a way I'd welcome that, since I'd likely pay for my crimes..."

"Then let's make it quick," Daryil said.  "I don't want you to lose your life in my service.  See, there are many sad things in this world, but dead bishonen is one of the saddest.  Just tell me what you've found."

* * *

"What I don't get," Richard was saying, "Is why everyone picks on me, when Syd here's a Jyraneth!"

"Don't say it!" Syd squeaked.  Sheila looked at the jackal with venom and her hands shook slightly as if she was trying really hard not to throttle him.  Her back wings had become unstable and threatened to become tentacles for a few moments.

"He is not a Jyraneth," she said at last.  "His clan broke away because they didn't like the way things were going."

"But his great-grandparents were," Richard said.  "What did they do anyway, Syd?"

"If I tell you," Sydney said, "You must promise not to repeat it to Daniel, or Nick.  It would upset them greatly.  Also, you'll owe me a favour."

"A favor?" Richard looked unsettled.  "What kinda favor?"

"Stop picking on Beings while you're part of the school." Syd said pointedly.

"Okay, okay," Richard said, throwing his gloved hands in the air.  "I promise.  Now tell me..."

"Okay, I don't know them that well," Sydney admitted, "But my great-grandparents were pretty evil."

"How so?"

"Mordrith was one of Jyraneth's Raiders.  He was part of the initial strike team.  He liked the surprise and shock of his victims as he stabbed them or cut their throats.  His wife was a spy... she would infiltrate a town in the weeks running up to the invasion and use her talents as a seductress to extract information from her victims, and usually their souls as well.  Sometimes she would bring souls home for Mordrith to eat too."

"Awesome!  How did they meet?"

"Well, Mordrith had a crush on Julei for a while.  One one mission, Julei slipped up and was caught - she would have been executed but when he found out what had happened, Mordrith sneaked in and rescued her, slaying a number of guards in the process."

"Caught?  By Beings?" Richard sounded scandalised.  "How'd she let that happen?"

"It's not that simple.  But it does happen - 'Cubi are taken down by Beings... it's not uncommon.  Remember, my father was hanged," Sydney told him solemnly.  The other incubus fell silent.  "They had enchantments that rendered him helpless, and our clan has rules against killing.  Not that they gave him much opportunity to defend himself."

Richard stayed very quiet and Syd felt he had a fairly shrewd idea of what was going through the jackal's head... it was slowly starting to dawn on him that he had avoided the same fate only by sheer luck and not through the innate superiority of the 'Cubi race.

"Uh," the fox continued, changing the subject.  "You wanted to know how Julei was caught?  It was nothing to do with her skill, really - just bad luck.  From what I heard, her target was actually a Demon in disguise.  Fed her all kinds of fairy-tales and then stunned her when she tried to remove his soul."

"And your Dad...?" Richard said.  "I remember you saying that you first met him a couple months ago.  And that was after he was killed."

"Dad survived, after a fashion," Sydney continued.  "I guess you slept through that bit, right?  You may have heard of Niall... he tries to save 'Cubi who are sentenced to death unjustly.  He arrived too late and had to transfer Dad's soul into a robotic body, so he's alive but he's no longer strictly a 'Cubi."

"Yeah, I know about Niall," Richard said slowly.  "He's one of those Daryil weirdos.  Came to visit me in my cell, the night before I was to be taken to the gallows.  We had a brief discussion of my crimes and then he left.  I think he was crying."

"You seem to have quite a problem with Daryil," Sheila said acidly.

"Well, yeah," Richard said.  "Daryil's clan was the clan we broke off of."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 14 (2012/06/30)
Post by: justacritic on June 30, 2012, 10:53:49 AM
I think I'm getting an idea of why Richard has his superiority complex on beings and such.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 14 (2012/06/30)
Post by: Gabi on June 30, 2012, 11:50:58 AM
Weird point to end the chapter, considering that what Richard just revealed was hinted at many times and was therefore not so surprising at this point.

Other than that, it was quite an interesting chapter. I really like Sheila and how she's trying to bring harmony to the group... not an easy task at all.

The concept of playing a videogame to open a lock was funny, as was Calahan's description of 24 years as 'kinda overdue', and Daryil saying that dead bishonen was one of the saddest things in the world.

As for Joshua's analysis of the footage... I think that if anything can be that vicious, it has to be a person of some sort. Soulless machines just follow a program and therefore can't be vicious, and wild animals can kill but will not cause a gruesome massacre, not even if they're rabid. It requires a very complex mind to be that sick.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 14 (2012/06/30)
Post by: joshofspam on July 01, 2012, 09:26:20 PM
I have to agree with Gabi about the attacking android or thing would have to be a person of some kind and for the same reasons she's thinking. But taking into account the A.I.'s of Jakob's and how responsive they can be, I have to wonder if theirs more to it then just being a person in a android body.

After all, if it's a part of the project these cubi are working on, then what makes it different enough from Jakob's own androids that it would need an entire project to be made for it?

Though it was a big surprise about Richard. That might also explain the Brain Museum a little more. That's an interesting way for the Daryil's clan craziness to work it's way through. :erk
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 14 (2012/06/30)
Post by: Ignuus66 on July 01, 2012, 11:30:27 PM
Dibs on human intruder! :D (I really want The "steal tech from humans to backfire" IT would also add another factor to the politcal chain of Furrae
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 14 (2012/06/30)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 02, 2012, 04:40:06 AM
Quote from: joshofspam on July 01, 2012, 09:26:20 PM
After all, if it's a part of the project these cubi are working on, then what makes it different enough from Jakob's own androids that it would need an entire project to be made for it?

Fa'Rana's like the mad scientist clan, they have quite a few projects.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 15 (2012/07/14)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 13, 2012, 09:38:53 PM
This has been edited slightly since the original text refers to something which has not yet happened in Project Future ;-)
Also, thanks to Chaosmage for some ideas that helped shape Sonia.

Chapter 15

"Clan Fa'Rana broke away from Daryil's clan?!"  Sheila seemed horrified... appalled, even.  Sydney's wings had flared out in surprise.

"Well, yeah," Richard said.  "See, Daryil Clan went through several stages.  First, we were allowed to do whatever we wanted.  Then he published the Book of Tenets, in real Being leather.  It explained how to-"

"Thank you," Sheila said.  "There was a copy in the Little Rare Book Room at Fairwater University.  It was horrible."

"It was great," Richard said, eyes shining.  "Our clan reprinted it.  You wouldn't think Daryil would know so much about torture and murder!  There's a section on tanning the hides of Beings while they're still alive, preservation of heads for display, and how he single-handedly killed the entire Order of Saint Trelenar when they excommunicated him..."

"Daryil had a Being parent," Sydney said.  Both Sheila and Richard looked scandalised.

"He went through a phase where he was trying to deny his Being parentage and youth," Syd said.  "It was a very bloody and nasty time.  But eventually he grew out of it.
"The preface to the Third Edition mentioned how Sorghum's clan was wiped out in a purge by Beings after they set fire to an orphanage.  Daryil dropped out of sight for a century or two after that, afraid he'd lose his clan too, but he'd known for a long time that what they were doing wasn't sustainable.  It was like a petty adolescent tantrum scaled up into genocidal proportions."

"Daryil had his clan scatter for safety," Syd continued.  "And when they reconvened... he realised he didn't want to be evil anymore."

Sheila looked at him approvingly.  Richard looked even more scandalised.

"How do you know this?!" he demanded.

"Mordrith has the complete set of the Tenets," Syd told him.  "My clan, my true clan, are under Daryil's protection, and Mordrith has spoken to him at length on a number of occasions.  Obviously we have to understand our allies' way of life and history..."  Richard sniffed at this.

"Daryil did an about turn," the jackal spat, as if the Tri-wing had personally betrayed him.  "The younger members of his clan were happy to live a less exciting life."

"A longer and less brutal life," Sheila muttered.  Richard glanced darkly at her, but carried on regardless.  "The older ones came around to it after a time.  But the rest of us were left in the lurch, so we broke off to form Fa'Rana clan, just how Daryil broke his clan away from whoever they were before."

"So doesn't that mean you're actually a Daryil clan member?"  Syd asked.  Richard fluffed out and refused to speak to either of them until Sheila and Syd had each delivered a four-minute long apology on the others' behalf.

* * *

Joshua leaned back heavily with a very realistic sigh and closed his eyes.  Why now? he thought.  Of all the times this could have happened...

Rubbing his eyes, the husky pulled himself together and locking his office door, made a secure call to Jayhawk Cybernetics... not their main switchboard, but a private number that Jakob had given him when they parted ways.

The screen burst into life showing a grey fox in a lab coat.  It had not been buttoned at the front, and flapped loosely to reveal glimpses of an exposed chest and some expensive leather pants.  His wings fluffed out for a moment in surprise.

"Oh, it's you!" he exclaimed.  "Hi Josh, what can I do for you?"

"Niall?" he replied.  "I was after Jakob actually, but you could probably help...  Um... if you don't mind me asking, which are you?"

"Niall," the fox returned immediately.  "Daryil asked my... son to keep watch at Mundesberg."

"That's where Dorcan was killed, isn't it?"

"Yeah, there's been a bit of trouble there.  Daryil went to shake things up a bit a few months back, Godzilla-style.  I think they've stopped picking on Creatures for now, but he wanted someone on-site for a while to make sure - someone who could give them a headache if things went nasty."

"I'm a little... concerned about something," Josh told him.  "I'd like to know if you've resurrected someone recently."

"Hmm.  Anyone in particular?" Niall enquired.  "The Commission has put a strict cap on the numbers, so it's a fairly short list."

"Okay.  I'm interested in one Haley Stuart.  Being, Malamute."  He rattled off her national identity number, and Niall ran a database search.

"No-one by that name, I'm afraid.  Not within the last 25 years, which is as far back as our records go."

"Starting with me, right?"

"Yeah, and Azrael as number two."

"Right.  But getting back to the point, you're absolutely sure about Haley?"

"I searched for 'St*' in case she was listed under Stewart or Steward.  Now, it's possible she may have used an alternate name.  Or she may have been raised by one of our competitors, of course.  Whenabouts did she die?"

"2135 FSC," Josh said pointedly.  "Before I did, and way, way outside the usual time limit.  If she was resurrected, it would have to have been a... special job.  Raised from the afterworld by their soul alone."

Niall blinked rapidly.   "We're not allowed to do that anymore.  If Daryil has... well, I'd have to ask him but frankly, I doubt it.  Are you sure this person is really dead?  Come to that, are you sure they're actually alive again?"

"I..." Josh hesitated.  "I was the one who found her body," he said quietly.  Niall stared and his head-wings drooped... he could think of nothing to say.

"Okay," the husky said.  "There is one more thing... I mean it might be... well, it might be me."

Niall looked flustered and confused.  "You...?  I don't under- Oh.  You want a check-up?  Yeah, we can do that if you really want, but I wouldn't worry about it, honestly.
"Even a healthy mind will play tricks from time to time.  You might just have run into someone who looks a lot like her.  Or, heck, she might be a succubus who read your mind."

"I'm not convinced," Josh said.  "This was some film, just some random CCTV footage of her walking down a street.  What I mean is... I wasn't actually there, so it couldn't be a succubus trick.  And I still have Haley's photo in my wallet.  I know what she looks like."

"Could it have been a more conventional resurrection?  An undead?"

"I can't believe that," the husky said.  "If she was alive, surely she would have let me know..."

* * *

"Well, what do you think?" The Professor asked, a hint of pride in his voice.

Lady Finch stared at the blond mare impassively.  The horse's eyes glanced at her for a moment, as if expecting some command, but they quickly reverted to her dead, expressionless stare.  It was eerie.

"What's your name?" the succubus asked.

"Sonia," the horse replied immediately.

"What is your quest?" Lady Finch continued.

"To obey," the horse replied.

"What is your favourite colour?"

"I do not have one," she said simply.

"Did you enjoy your outing the other day, my dear?"  The Professor asked.

"I carried out my instructions fully," the horse said after a brief pause.

"Yes, but did you enjoy it?"

"I do not know."

"Very good, Sonia," The Professor said.  He held out both hands and after a brief incantation, a large cantaloupe appeared between them.  He placed it on the table.

"Destroy that," the raccoon incubus commanded, "as if it was the head of an enemy."

Sonia moved into action faster than most Demons or Angels could react.  A split second later, the board room table was covered in seeds and orange flesh.

"Excellent.  Now, fetch a bucket and cleaning implements.  Clean the remains of the melon off the board room desk," he instructed and the horse got up and began to head towards the door.

"No, wait..." Lady Finch called out.  Sonia paused, glancing at The Professor for confirmation.  He nodded and the horse relaxed into a standing position.  Lady Finch approached her, examining the android in minute detail, staring into her eyes.  The focussing tracked the succubus autonomously but her expression did not waver, and seeing no cues from the Lady's body language her blue eyes defaulted to staring ahead, clear and soulless.

"Very well, you may proceed with your task," the succubus said, and Sonia left the room.

"Very impressive," Lady Finch said.  "And no sentience to her at all.  Even a 'Cubi will not be able to anticipate her actions."

"Indeed.  I have given the order to proceed with Gamma Project."

"Hmm," she said.  "You mean mass-production?  Already?"

"She works well enough for me.  I cannot foresee any flaws which we cannot correct with a firmware update or worst case, rebalancing her neural net.  Remember, most of the physical design is based on old patents from Jayhawk and Jycorp.  The bulk of her is proven technology."

"With an army of these, do we still need to continue with Epsilon?"

"Oh, I think we do," The Professor said.  "A legion of K-1300s will get us a long way, but Daryil and his allies could put a stop to it fairly sharpish.  Once Epsilon is go, we'll be in a completely different league.  But until then, we'll need Gamma Project, and more.
"Mass-production of Sonia isn't going to happen overnight, the K-1300 has a lot of expensive parts as a bottleneck, some of which we'll actually have to purchase from Jayhawk, at least for the initial run.
"To make things worse, Grunmore doesn't yet have the 6-phase power source we'd need to run a nano-forge so they have to be assembled conventionally for the time being.  We have a couple more prototypes and more are on the way, but it'll be at least three weeks before they really start rolling off the line, probably more.  And in the meantime, we still need leverage over Daryil, so we can't let up on that project, either."

"We'll have his son soon," Lady Finch promised, but inwardly she was flinching.  Oh, I hope this doesn't all end in tears...

"Fingers crossed," The Professor replied, sensing her emotions.

Lady Finch paused as she left the board room.  The android, now approaching with a mop and bucket, had slowed down and was watching her.  Sonia didn't do this out of curiosity or self-will, but in case she was to be given new instructions.  Her AI was extremely sophisticated for something not based on existing brain patterns, but she still needed visual cues to make sure that she was being addressed - she wasn't smart enough to do it from context alone.  As The Professor had pointed out earlier, the most reliable way to address Sonia was to prefix the instruction with her name.

Lady Finch opened the door for the mare.  A few seconds later her wings fanned out at the sound of splintering wood and cries of dismay from The Professor.

I guess there's still some bugs to work out, she thought as she headed to her office.

* * *

Jakob tried to call Daryil, but the fox's phone was turned off.  Oh yeah, he'll be with Simeon tonight, he thought, and spent a few guilty moments picturing the scene.  I wonder if Dax is busy tonight?  But he shook himself... there was work to be done first.

The wolf looked in the mirror... he was fairly typical for an incubus.  He had a lithe and trim frame, but not too muscular and it gave a slightly effeminate look to him which was not helped by the shoulder-length hair.  He was wearing some comfortable leather leggings and that was basically it.  The look did kind of suit him, but it certainly wasn't right for a lecturer, so he chose a suitably businesslike suit, and then put on one of his old black trench-coats.

Even that was still a little unusual, but aside from the freshman students the term didn't properly start for another week anyway, so it didn't exactly matter.  This was just preparation - all he had to do now was touch base with the staff, explore the campus a bit so he knew where he had to go, and do a brief rehearsal so he would have everything down pat when the lecture actually took place.

Transport was a bit of a problem, since he'd never actually been to the school before.  That meant he couldn't teleport, and he'd left things a bit too late to go by conventional means.  So reluctantly, Jakob called out for his son's warp-aci.  At least I'll be able to make the return trip myself, he thought.

"Kirian," he said, "Please take me to Illiath's School for Incubi and Succubi."

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 15 (2012/07/14)
Post by: Ignuus66 on July 14, 2012, 06:12:28 AM
"Danger meatbag, Danger!" Heh a automaton eh? Good grief EMP seems to be the way to go for Daryl. Or a computer virus. So much simpler.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 15 (2012/07/14)
Post by: joshofspam on July 14, 2012, 11:59:35 AM
All end in tears?

What could Fa'Rana clan be up too and why are they so concerned about Daryil's proximity to any of their projects? Isn't also strange their making a fully autonomous robot fighting force? I almost sort of seeing this as aping Jayhawk's beginnings.

It must really be one of humdinger of a plan if they can't even have a tri-wing start any kind of urban renewal in the area where crime was rampant before...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 15 (2012/07/14)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 14, 2012, 05:07:11 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on July 14, 2012, 11:59:35 AM
It must really be one of humdinger of a plan if they can't even have a tri-wing start any kind of urban renewal in the area where crime was rampant before...

I think it's more along the lines of "dang, we had a lot of stuff there because it would avoid attention" conjointly with "we need to not gain the attention of any tri-wings, because they'll stop us. Particularly the one we split off from."
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 16 (2012/07/26)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 26, 2012, 08:30:05 PM
I'm liable to be away Saturday and Friday evening, so I'm going to update early.  Thanks to Sofox for proofing an some suggestions in this chapter.

Chapter 16

"So, Richard," Sydney said, "I'm curious.  What's on your right hand?"

"My clan mark," the jackal said.  "But I can't show you.  It's taboo."

"Some clan rule?" Sheila asked casually.  He's lying, she thought, but it's clearly a touchy subject.  I'll leave it for now.

It was starting to get dark when they got back to camp, and Professor Shreve kept looking at the treeline.  He seemed particularly distressed.

"Where have you three been?"  Professor Falkirk demanded.  He looked a little strained.

"Richard wandered off," Sheila told him.  "We went to find him before he could do too much damage."  Richard rolled his eyes at this.

"I sympathise, but you should still have let me know first," the poodle said.  "We're in a difficult situation, and I want us all to stay together."

"Yes, sir," they replied.

"Professor," Sheila asked, as they started to trudge off into the deeper woods, "Are we really stranded here?  I mean, can't we teleport back?"

"Not easily," he said.  "Where would we go, anyway?  We can't return to the school, they'll be waiting there to mop up any stragglers!"

"Surely your Leader has some kind of safe-house we could lie low until things settle down?"

"Perhaps, but I'm not sure I can get in touch with him.  Most of Daryil's outposts are protected against intruders teleporting in, and I don't have the right pass.  To be certain, neither Professor Shreve or I would be able to teleport such a large body of students.  The effort would be intolerable."

"What about a warp-aci?"  Richard asked.

"The camp contains only first-years," the poodle said.  "We don't teach that kind of summoning until year 15, and none of the staff have one," he sighed.  "I always thought they were for girls, myself.  I see now that may have been a mistake, but it will take too long to summon one now.  We have to keep moving."

"Can't you phone Daryil?" Sydney asked, causing Richard to flinch again.

"We're halfway into the trip," he said sadly.  "Once upon a time you could get a phone that would last three whole weeks, but nowadays, now they all have to be able to play Angry Drakes, you're lucky if you get a whole day out of them, let alone three."

"What about that hamlet?" Mike asked.  "Can't we go back and ask to use their phones?"

"Well, it's a funny thing, actually," the Professor said.  "You see, Professor Jevex had just finished purchasing the supplies we needed, when some forester rushed in saying that a jackal succubus with red and orange wings had just tried to eat his soul.  And the funny thing is, after that, the locals became strangely uncooperative."

"What do you mean, 'succubus'?!"  Richard blurted.

"Oh, I'm just going by what I was told," the poodle said airily.  "I'm glad it couldn't possibly have been you, Richard, otherwise you'd likely be facing a stiff prison sentence.  Or worse."

Richard radiated a spike of fear for a few moments, but the professor said nothing more.

* * *

Jakob's headwings began to fan out slowly as he wandered down the corridor.  Not good, he thought for the umpteenth time.

Earlier he had wondered briefly if he'd got the time-zone confused again, but even if he had, Illiath's School for Incubi and Succubi was intended for students who did not need to sleep much, if at all.  Quite apart from the fact that the reception had been abandoned, there should have been activities going on at every hour of the day, classes or recreational.  It was never, ever closed.

Even during the solstice breaks there was some activity from students who had chosen to remain behind, professors preparing for the next term and so on - the fact that the building was fully illuminated but apparently devoid of people meant that something had gone very, very wrong.  Jakob half expected to see bodies next.

Why did I send Kirian away so soon? he thought, mentally slapping himself.

Then again, Fa'Lina had done something similar to Jakob when he was young - at Daryil's request, no doubt.  However, in this instance Jakob was a guest lecturer and the academy had no business nor reason to screw with his head. Whatever had happened, it had to be real and not some bizarre hoax.

The wolf incubus opened his mind and began to run down the corridors, scanning for minds and trying to cover as much ground as he could.  And then... yes!  There was someone there.  He slowed to a brisk walking pace, turned a corner and made his way to the classroom where the mind was.

"Hello?"  Jakob called out as he opened the door, "Is everything alright?  What's happened?  Where is everyone?"

Something hit the side of his head and he slumped to the ground.

* * *

Back in his office, Joshua fired up the terminal and hesitated as he took out his wallet.  If he'd been alive there would be a lump in his throat as he removed Haley's photograph and put it into the scanner.  As it did its work, he found himself wondering what life would be like if she had lived.

For one, I wouldn't be sitting here in with my name on the door of Ashford's office, he thought.  Losing his fiancee just a month from the wedding... it had destroyed him, and the only thing which had kept him sane was blocking everything else out and putting every waking moment into his work.  Perhaps he could find the killer someday and repay them in kind...  But there was more to it that that.  Part it was a dare... more and more dangerous missions, goading the world into killing him so that he could be with his lover once more.

But even when he had found death, bleeding out in the perimeter of Jakob's Arctic base, it hadn't reunited them... he'd been given not one, but two more chances at life.  Strange that he hadn't thought of her much then, but he knew that Jakob had used some of his mental powers to lessen the shock of transition.  Perhaps he had lessened his grieving for his lost love at the same time, since Josh had never really thought to ask if they could bring her back.

Joshua looked up, startled by a small noise as the scanner timed out and went back into standby.  He put photo back into his wallet, and glanced at his hand and wrist.  Well, for one thing, if I hadn't done the Arctic mission, I'd be old and grey by now, he thought.  Well, lighter grey than I am now, at least.

With a shrug, the husky punched in the command and sat back, waiting.  It would take a long time to run a facial recognition query like this.  With all the upheaval in the decades following the Destania Incident and the loss of several races from the world of Furrae... with all the minor wars that had cropped up in the aftermath, not much technological progess had occurred.

It it entirely possible that the Beings' technical civilisation would have collapsed back to the medieval were it not for the fact that Creatures had got involved.  Jayhawk and numerous other Creature-run firms had kept industries supplied with vital components during the chaos, providing a framework to rebuild from and preserving as much know-how as they could in their corporate archives.

But while Angels and 'Cubi had kept the flame alive, it had also given the impression that only Creatures could design electronics, an attitude that had only begun to change within the last 30-40 years.  The bitter truth was that this was almost backwards - Beings were far better at electronics because they weren't as magical.

Magic interfered with technology, semiconductors with a feature size smaller than about 100nm tended to break down or flip bits in the presence of Creatures and it was also the reason they tended to record things on technologies that would otherwise have been rendered obsolete nearly two centuries ago.

As a result, the mainframe that Josh queried was not significantly faster than ones available at the time of the Destania Incident, and that meant he'd have to wait, and wait, and wait.

As he waited, an icy feeling of horror welled up inside him.  She looks the same age as she did when she was 22, he thought.  How can that be?

* * *

When the staff were satisfied that they were far enough away from their original campsite to avoid immediate detection, Professor Falkirk called a halt and they pitched some of their tents.

"Those who need to sleep may do so," he announced to the group.  "Those who don't need to sleep should rest themselves anyway as we'll need to cover more ground in the morning.  Anyone who needs to eat can do so as well."

"Sir," Sheila asked, "Where are we actually going?"

"I'll cover that in a bit," the poodle said.  "But first, everyone listen up!
"I must warn you all that we can't risk being found, so unfortunately we must not be lighting any fires.  Lights outside the tents are likewise prohibited.  Lights inside the tents must be kept low to avoid them being seen.  Any questions?"

There was a whimpering sound from nearby as torches and lighting spells were promptly extinguished.  Syd glanced over and realised it was Professor Shreve.

"Come now, sir," Richard said, "You're an adult incubus.  You can't be afraid of the dark, surely...?"

"I... I've never been in the dark before," the sloth said.

"With respect, Professor, you're shitting me."

"It's true!  I haven't slept for nearly 800 years.  It was always light inside the Academy because it's open 24 hours, and ISIS is the same!"

"What about when you were young?" Professor Falkirk asked sympathetically.  "You slept then, surely?  What about winter?"

"We lived near the equator.  Went to bed as soon as it was getting dark."

"Could we hypnotise him?" Syd asked.

"Oh, oh!  I can stun him," Richard said eagerly.  "He'll be out of it for eight hours, at least..!"

"Quiet," Sheila said.  "What about just closing your eyes?" she asked the professor.

"Oh, that's different," the sloth said.

"Okay then," the succubus said.  "Try closing your eyes right now."  The sloth did.  Sheila took out a tie from her pocket and gently wrapped it around the professor's head, blindfolding him.

"Now we stun him, righ-" Richard said, and yelped as he received a sharp kick in the shins from the Border collie.

"Can you see anything now?" she asked the professor.

"No, it's completely black."

"That's not so bad, is it?" Sheila asked.

"Well, no... that's just seeing dark, it's not actually being in the dark," the sloth said slowly.

"Do you think you can just go to your tent and wait or sleep until morning?"

"I'll try," the professor mumbled uncomfortably.  "I suppose it's not that bad.  But..."


"Well... could you guide me to my tent?  I seem to be blindfolded at the moment."

Back in their own tent, Sydney was staring despondently at the feeble glow of the lighting spell that Richard had cast.  Well, he's certainly not a robot, he thought to himself, and sighed.

"What's up?" Sheila asked him.  "You feel kind of down."

"Well, yeah..." Sydney said.  "That little recap of how I found I was a 'Cubi and that my ancestors were psychopathic monsters, it's not put me in a good mood.  And to cap it all, here we are, stranded in the middle of nowhere, the school's been taken over, we're on the run and we can't even have any fucking lights!"

Sheila's head-wings drooped.  "Yeah," she said.  "That would be a bit of a downer.  But the one thing you want to avoid is feeling too down.  We're 'Cubi, we're very emotional.  It's far too easy to get trapped in a spiral of depression and you really, really don't want that.  You need something to cheer you up."

"Easy for you to say," Syd complained.  "They won't let us have enough light to read by!"

Sheila looked stung at this, but she shrugged it off after a moment.  "Well, we've got about 3000 years to read in," she said.  "It's not the end of the world."

"Do you have any suggestions?" Syd asked.  "Aside from charades.  Shapeshifting takes all the fun out of it now."

"I'm going to find Kath," she said, and made her predatory look.  "You should consider a brief liaison too," she added.  "It'll perk you up no end."  The Border glanced at Syd, then at Richard and then left the tent.

Richard sat up in his sleeping bag, radiating a confused mixture of embarrassment and happiness.  Sydney stared back at him, headwings fanned out, not sure what to say.

Outside, Sheila smiled to herself.  Well, he did say Richard looked cute.  One way or another, he's going to forget about being miserable.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 16 (2012/07/26)
Post by: justacritic on July 26, 2012, 10:49:38 PM
Getting knocked out just as you enter a room? That seems to happen so often I would think people would take better precautions these days. Apparently in this particular history, Destina's actions probably was extremely damaging to the flow of history.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 16 (2012/07/26)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 27, 2012, 02:42:08 AM
Quote from: justacritic on July 26, 2012, 10:49:38 PM
Apparently in this particular history, Destina's actions probably was extremely damaging to the flow of history.

From Amber's hints, a lot changes after the events of DMFA.  A couple of races vanish in the process and something like that is going to be fairly traumatic to the political world.  Richard's lines about the 'Master Race' hint at my guess as to which ones, but I could be wrong.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 11, 2012, 07:05:50 AM
Chapter 17

Jakob came to slowly, his head pounding.  As the grogginess and pain began to subside, he discovered that he was wearing a pair of briefs and nothing else.  His shirt, blazer, trousers and trench coat had all been removed and the mark of Daryil was now exposed on his thigh.

Bastards! he thought, Why does everyone always want to steal my shirt?  It's getting really old now.

Anger blossoming inside him, Jakob morphed his wings, turning them into a pair of leggings not dissimilar to the ones he'd shed in favour of the business suit.

Niall and most other 'Cubi could have altered the skin and fur of their legs, making an impromptu pair of skin-tight leathers from their very flesh.  This was why 'Cubi preferred tight clothes and skimpy dress, it was easier to conjure up an outfit like that if the need arose.

Jakob couldn't do this properly, however.  The clan mark on his leg would show through and this was bad form as it gave away the fact that he wasn't wearing any clothes.  This mark was the only thing a 'Cubi was not able to hide or conceal by magic - even severing the limb would only cause it to move to the nearest part of them still attached, until the limb had regrown.

What Jakob could do was morph his wings into leggings... covering the mark with another part of his body would solve the problem neatly, though it did mean his wings were now missing.

Exploring the room, the wolf found he was in a small side office.  He wasn't able to teleport, part of the security measures in the building.  Daryil's own design.  You needed a pass from reception except in the dedicated teleport room, or further out in the grounds.  He tried the door, but it was locked of course, and warded against the sort of tentacle trickery he had occasionally used to pick locks in earlier centuries.  Plus, since 'Cubi tentacles were extruded from their wings, bringing them out now would make his trousers go funny and he didn't want that.

Suddenly he felt the presence of a mind-shield and spun around just as the lights came on.

"Good," said a voice.  "You're awake.  A word of warning... please don't try anything foolish.  Trixie here is not to be messed with."

Blinking in the sudden light, Jakob could see a succubus, some kind of hare by the looks, and they had entered through another door which he hadn't spotted in the dark.  To her side was a mare, ostensibly a Being, but with a strangely dead expression on her face.  Jakob was mildly unsettled by the fact that she had no obvious mind or mind-shield and radiated no emotions whatsoever.  Fa'Lina did that too, he thought.

"Allow me to demonstrate," the succubus said, pointing.  "Please remain still, or you may be hurt.  Trixie, fast move.  Stand by that wall over there."

The horse blurred and was suddenly stood with her back to the wall.  Jakob blinked.  "Impressive," he said.

"Why, thank you," the succubus smiled.  "And Trixie is just as deadly as she is fast, so please, please, don't do anything stupid if you wish to walk out of here alive."

"Noted," Jakob said.

"Now tell me, what brings you to ISIS?"

"I was ordered to accompany you," the mare said tonelessly.  The succubus' expression darkened and Jakob watched with fascination.

"I didn't mean you," she told the mare.  "Please idle until you are called by name.  Now then, my good sir," she added to Jakob, "What is your business at Illiath's?"

"Guest lecturer," Jakob said pleasantly.  "I must have missed the memo that the university was due to be ransacked.  May I ask what happened to everyone?"

"Oh, they're quite safe," the succubus said.  "Hopefully we'll be able to release them soon.  But as for you... you're of Daryil's clan.  That's good, for we are in need of certain information about Daryil's son."

"His son," Jakob said quietly.

"Indeed.  We do not intend him any harm, but it is vitally important that we speak to him, and I'm afraid we are desperate.  Desperate enough to attack the school, even though one of our own clan is studying there."

"But you didn't find him, did you?"  Jakob asked.

"No.  Unfortunately he escaped.  It would have made things easier if we had him.  We need him to act as our emissary."

"I'm afraid I don't know where he is," Jakob said.  "Can I go now?"

"And tell Daryil about our invading the school?  It's too early for that.  We need an emissary first, they must be a direct descendant.  His own child!"

"Daryil probably knows what you've done already," Jakob pointed out.  "And if I don't return, he'll know that too.  He also knows where I am now, so he knows where to start looking if I do go missing..."

"Once we have put our proposal to his son, you will be free to go," the Succubus soothed.  "We truly don't wish to harm any our fellow 'Cubi, even if we don't see eye-to-eye with your Leader.  At the end of the day, our clan only wants what's best for our race as a whole."

"And what is best for our race?"  Jakob asked.

"If I told you that, I couldn't return you to Daryil afterwards," the succubus said.  "Some things have to remain secret, Mr..."

"Cross," Jakob said, and made his old smile, the one he used to use to intimidate his enemies during that tyrannical reign of madness all those centuries ago, the reign of Johan Cross.  The succubus just stared at him, her headwings fanning out.

* * *

Sydney's dreams were undisturbed by The Lady, and for that he was extremely grateful.  However, his 'Cubi-borne insomniac tendencies left him a very light sleeper and the sound of the tent flap opening had him awake almost instantly.  Meanwhile, Richard lay asleep in blissful ignorance, hands still clad in his precious gloves.

"Did you have fun?"  Syd whispered, and then froze as he realised the newcomer wasn't Sheila.

"I'm sorry to disturb you," the voice said quietly.  "It's Nickolaus.  The... the professor said I should bed in your tent.  I think it's because of our shared heritage."

"Ah, that's fine," Sydney whispered, curling up on the floor.  "You can use my sleeping bag.  I don't need to sleep much anymore."

"You're most kind," the young jackal said, and promptly fell asleep.

* * *

"Where is he?"  Nigel asked.  Ashley made a sullen face and pointed towards an open door, one of the meeting rooms in the Arctic base.

"You'll need this," the lynx added, handing the Alsatian hound a hard hat of the type usually used by construction workers.

"I take it he's in a playful mood, then?"  Nigel asked, his leathery grey headwings disappearing and his backwings drooping slightly as he put on the helmet.

"Pretty much.  If you can coax him outside, there are a few matters for his attention."

"No shit," Nigel said, and ran inside, clutching a small folder.

The meeting room had been rearranged, with the tables stacked neatly in a corner, leaving most of the room wide open space.  In another corner was a huge stack of cardboard boxes labelled 'Minestrone Cup'O'Soup With Croutons', which had clearly been shaped into a fort.

Standing slack-jawed, the incubus suddenly yelped as something hard slammed into his hat.  Glancing around he noticed it rolling across the floor, a medium-sided marble.

"For the love of the gods," he yelled, "I don't have time for this!"

As he headed towards the crates, a hand popped up and a vicious catapult hurled another marble at him.  Nigel swore loudly, and Daryil's head peeped over briefly, a pair of headphones over both ears.

Nigel folded his arms and ducked another marble.  He remained dodging and weaving for several more minutes until the flow of marbles stopped.

Thank the gods, he thought, He's run out.

"My Lord," he called out... and stopped short, as a tearing sound came from one of the boxes.  It was followed shortly after by a glimpse of the catapult and a volley of crutons, noodles and dried peas.

Nigel went apeshit and swan-dived into the base of the fort, collapsing it.  There was a brief struggle and Daryil lay pinned to the ground, catapult and music player safely in Nigel's belt.  With a sinking feeling, the Alsatian realised that Daryil didn't have the clan mark on his chest, and he hadn't felt Daryil's aura either.  That could only mean that the fox he'd just wrestled was only an avatar, a psychic projection.  The real Daryil was somewhere else.  Causing even more mayhem, Nigel thought with a shudder.

"So you think you've won?" the fox sneered.  "Just look behind you!"

"No minds there," Nigel said.  "You don't think I'm that stupid?"

The next moment he found himself inside a box of cup'o'soup packets.  Two Daryils watched in hysterical laughter as the incubus struggled to paw the box off his head, loosing a small trickle of powder and other fragments of dried soup onto the floor as he did so.

"You bitch," Nigel said.  "With all due respect, my Lord and Leader, I'll get you for that."

"So, was there something?"  Daryil asked him, banishing one of the avatars he'd created.

"Yeah," Nigel fumed.  "Do you want the good news, the bad news or the terrible news?"

"Tell me the good news first," Daryil decided, still giggling slightly.

"Okay.  The good news is that the 'Cubi Registry have identified the feather belonging to the assassin sent to assasinate the assassin who assassinated Arnold," he said.  "Uh, that sounded better in my head."

"I get it," Daryil said.  "Whose feather is it?"

"Well yeah, that's the snag.  See, the bad news is that they won't tell us who it was unless you fill out these forms..."  He plonked the folder into Daryil's hand.  "Only Tri-wings and emergency services are allowed to make cross-clan queries."

"And the terrible news?"

"Illiath's School for Incubi and Succubi has been attacked and conquered.  Yesterday."

"Yesterday?!"  Daryil fluffed out.  "Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

Nigel gestured solemnly at the base's entire supply of cup'o'soup, some of which still resembled a fort.

"Uh yeah," Daryil said, ears flushing, "But why today?  Why didn't we learn about it when it actually happened?!  Why didn't the staff inform us?!"

"The email server was down again.  I only found out half an hour ago when the queued messages started to arrive."

"Gods dammit.  We need to take that in-house again.  Do we know who has attacked it?  Have they made any demands?  And why, for the love of the gods, were we alerted via email anyway?!"

"We don't know.  If they've made demands, they haven't made them directly - the worldnet site for the school is still the same as before.  There's nothing about it, whoever has done this had hit hard and fast and used a lot of stealth.
"We only found out at all because Illiath herself managed to fire off an email to us and to the later years, explaining the situation.  She's in hiding now and cannot be reached."

Daryil whistled.  "They drove Illiath out?!  But she's of Taun's clan!  She's taken down Demons!"

"Indeed.  So if you decide to visit, my Lord, please take care.  It could be a ruse to do to you what the Dragons did to Siar and her clan."

"Noted," Daryil said.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: justacritic on August 11, 2012, 09:48:07 AM
I worry for Jakob even though he has more than a few hundred years of experience, I mean unless he can improve his speed to match that of the mare...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: joshofspam on August 11, 2012, 12:29:24 PM
Another interesting installment of the story.

I gues that Jakob's past still makes an impression even after all this time and attempts to show he isn't as bad as he use to be or that his old self was more of a front to intimidate others.

I'm actually finding these robots interesting. Even more is given on how capable they are in combat, but still limited in the thinking department. I'm curious how they would fare against Jakob's Panther's or if Jakob made any spec improvement's to some of their Models?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 11, 2012, 12:55:07 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on August 11, 2012, 12:29:24 PM
I'm curious how they would fare against Jakob's Panther's or if Jakob made any spec improvement's to some of their Models?

The Panthers are kind of restricted technology in the post-PF era.  Jayhawk and their competitors are working under a number of restrictions and regulations.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: Gabi on August 11, 2012, 07:32:58 PM
"And why, for the love of the gods, were we alerted via email anyway?!" <- That part made me laugh.

I'm sure I could say more things... There's suspense, interesting things are going on in all fronts... But I guess I'm just too tired to focus on the details. :\
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 12, 2012, 05:29:41 AM
"idle until your name is called again"

... now, there's an instruction with a loophole the size of a bus. If I heard that, I'd be thinking about removing Trixie's head. If, of course, I thought that would stop her - which I'm less sure about...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 12, 2012, 06:06:30 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 12, 2012, 05:29:41 AM
... now, there's an instruction with a loophole the size of a bus. If I heard that, I'd be thinking about removing Trixie's head. If, of course, I thought that would stop her - which I'm less sure about...

There are about seven prototypes, from 'Sophie' through 'Zafira', each with various improvements to the AI, but there are still a few '...but no-one would do that!' bugs.  In the chapters I'm currently writing (33 and 34) Illiath finds one which even I have no idea how they can fix.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: Gabi on August 12, 2012, 07:23:59 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 12, 2012, 05:29:41 AM
"idle until your name is called again"

... now, there's an instruction with a loophole the size of a bus. If I heard that, I'd be thinking about removing Trixie's head. If, of course, I thought that would stop her - which I'm less sure about...
I thought about that too, but I think it would be more effective to neutralize those who would say her name. Then Trixie wouldn't be an issue.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: Chairtastic on August 13, 2012, 12:28:44 AM
Oh my gollie goshness!  A third Tapewolf story in my lifetime!

All kidding aside, I like this story.  Even though I am truly hoping against hope that Richard actually does something evil, just because there is too many goody twoshoes in this story. :U

The chapters aren't terribly long or short, there's a fair bit of detail, and interesting characters.  Going to read through a couple more times to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Also, don't know if this is considered bad form to do, but if it is say so and I shall put the following in strikethrough or something.  If you ever commit this to a comic, and do a Questions from the Readers bit, here are a few questions I ask of you.

I don't mind if you don't answer any of them, but just felt like asking.  Sorry again if I offend anyone.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 13, 2012, 05:12:03 AM
Quote from: Meany on August 13, 2012, 12:28:44 AM
Oh my gollie goshness!  A third Tapewolf story in my lifetime!

All kidding aside, I like this story.  Even though I am truly hoping against hope that Richard actually does something evil, just because there is too many goody twoshoes in this story. :U

He already has...

QuoteThe chapters aren't terribly long or short, there's a fair bit of detail, and interesting characters.  Going to read through a couple more times to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Also, don't know if this is considered bad form to do, but if it is say so and I shall put the following in strikethrough or something.  If you ever commit this to a comic, and do a Questions from the Readers bit, here are a few questions I ask of you.

Thanks, I'd very much like to.  However, Project Future is going to last at least another 5 years at its current rate, and I don't want to have to wait that long.  At the same time, running the sequel concurrently with PF would be pretty weird.

I already had to drop or obfuscate a few bits of dialogue in chapter 15 and the next chapter to avoid spoiling things which have yet to happen in PF.

One of the things I am considering for this story is switching to a weekly update cycle for a bit.  I won't be able to keep that up forever, but the buffer has got a lot bigger than I had envisaged and is actually a bit of a burden.  What I'm writing now won't appear for something crazy like 8 months at the current update rate...

QuoteHow many times has Daryil abused his new giant base form?

"I mean, when it first happened, I thought it was rather cool.  I figured we'd never have trouble changing the lights in the warehouse again," he said, pointing at the mercury vapour bulbs suspended from the high ceiling.  "It was a disaster.  Have you ever tried picking up a soap bubble with your fingers?"

"The bulbs were like that...?"

"The fittings were like that," Daryil said.  "I didn't get as far as the bulbs."

(chapter 23)

QuoteAre there school rivalries between ISIS and SAIA?
Not in a particularly hostile manner.  They have different approaches, and obviously each one thinks that their way is best.  I have been toying with the idea of student exchanges, e.g. where ISIS students attend SAIA for a stretch to cover subjects which ISIS doesn't teach.
It's important to note that in the post-DMFA world, SAIA has lost a certain amount of its influence and other schools have sprung up.

QuoteAre the android bodies still being improved upon, or have other projects taken precedent?
Yes.  They still haven't quite got magic working properly yet, but there have been a number of improvements.  However, there are also a lot of restrictions which Jayhawk and their competitors are subject to.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: Chairtastic on August 15, 2012, 02:36:15 AM
Mmm.  A difference of personal definitions then.  Attempting to do something registering as 'evil' but failing doesn't register as 'evil' in Richard's case to me.

Speaking of him, I hereby submit the fan theory that under Richard's right glove is a skeleton arm a la Mozenrath (Aladdin Animated Series).  I submit that it became skeleton-y through some sort of magical punishment; a permanent scaring that can't be simply repaired with magic, but doesn't interfere with the convict's functions.  Basically a sign proclaiming the crime they committed.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 15, 2012, 03:38:23 AM
Quote from: Meany on August 15, 2012, 02:36:15 AM
Mmm.  A difference of personal definitions then.  Attempting to do something registering as 'evil' but failing doesn't register as 'evil' in Richard's case to me.

Let's put it this way, Niall refused to save him from being hanged.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: justacritic on August 15, 2012, 08:53:59 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 15, 2012, 03:38:23 AM
Quote from: Meany on August 15, 2012, 02:36:15 AM
Mmm.  A difference of personal definitions then.  Attempting to do something registering as 'evil' but failing doesn't register as 'evil' in Richard's case to me.

Let's put it this way, Niall refused to save him from being hanged.
That's still rather unhelpful, there's a wide range of deeds that Richard could have done to exclude him from Niall's crusade and depending on the point of view the level of evil would be different. That being said I'm putting my money on the classic soul eating stereotype, and I'm talking about a lot of souls eaten maybe from a particular set of Beings to make it even more heinous.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: Gabi on August 15, 2012, 11:00:48 AM
Justacritic, you can comment and you can speculate, and I'm sure Tape will welcome both, but it's starting to sound like you're telling him how to write his story. I hope I'm just reading your posts wrong.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: justacritic on August 15, 2012, 11:05:57 AM
Quote from: Gabi on August 15, 2012, 11:00:48 AM
Justacritic, you can comment and you can speculate, and I'm sure Tape will welcome both, but it's starting to sound like you're telling him how to write his story. I hope I'm just reading your posts wrong.
Sorry, I was taking a comment and information that was out there and trying to think of what Richard could have done that could make Niall who goes saving cubi from trumped up charges resulting in death sentences refuse to save him. If I gave you the wrong impression I apologize. Still from writing this I wonder, does Niall only save cubi who have death sentences or imprisonment due to anti-cubi prejudice?   
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 15, 2012, 11:14:47 AM
Quote from: justacritic on August 15, 2012, 11:05:57 AM
Sorry, I was taking a comment and information that was out there and trying to think of what Richard could have done that could make Niall who goes saving cubi from trumped up charges resulting in death sentences refuse to save him. If I gave you the wrong impression I apologize. Still from writing this I wonder, does Niall only save cubi who have death sentences or imprisonment due to anti-cubi prejudice?   

Well, it's all been pre-written up to about chapter 34 anyway, I don't anticipate making significant changes to those chapters, though I will probably tweak and improve a few things.

Niall does have standards.  A key factor for him is how much they regret what they did.

As for Richard, he hasn't successfully managed to steal souls yet (see chapter 14).
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 17 (2012/08/11)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 17, 2012, 11:03:26 AM
Quote from: Gabi on August 12, 2012, 07:23:59 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 12, 2012, 05:29:41 AM
"idle until your name is called again"

... now, there's an instruction with a loophole the size of a bus. If I heard that, I'd be thinking about removing Trixie's head. If, of course, I thought that would stop her - which I'm less sure about...
I thought about that too, but I think it would be more effective to neutralize those who would say her name. Then Trixie wouldn't be an issue.

True, but... it's possible there are previously-set "defend/avenge the commander" type instructions, which would then be triggered.

Either is just as likely, though, and the same sort of instructional loophole applies in both cases.

Quote from: Tapewolf on August 13, 2012, 05:12:03 AM
"I mean, when it first happened, I thought it was rather cool.  I figured we'd never have trouble changing the lights in the warehouse again," he said, pointing at the mercury vapour bulbs suspended from the high ceiling.  "It was a disaster.  Have you ever tried picking up a soap bubble with your fingers?"

"The bulbs were like that...?"

"The fittings were like that," Daryil said.  "I didn't get as far as the bulbs."

(chapter 23)

This implies that Daryil hasn't thought this through properly. While he might be unable to change the bulbs himself, there's nothing stopping him putting a hand down, and someone else stepping onto his palm for an easy lift up to the appropriate height...

But that's just me thinking. ;-]
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 18 (2012/08/18)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 17, 2012, 08:56:33 PM
Hopefully running this out of the usual schedule won't cause too many problems.

Chapter 18

"Where are we actually going?"  Sheila asked Professor Falkirk, when they had packed up the tent.

"We're going to make for the Malverns," the poodle said, brushing aside one of his locks in a futile attempt to keep it excluded from his field of vision.  "There's a small 'Cubi population there, and we should be able to get help."

"How long will it take?"

"Depends how fast we can go," he said.  "But we're quite close.  I think we're only about fifteen miles out from the base of the Malvern hills.  Most of that will be through forest, mind you.  But we should definitely be there for dinner.  Too bad we can't call ahead and arrange a party booking at the inn..."

He broke off at a sudden, shrill sound.

"A hawk?"  Daniel asked.  Mike, the osprey griffin, shook his head.

"That was no bird," he said quietly.  "There were words in that cry."

Then it called out again, descending from the sky above them, a high-pitched voice that spooked some of the more emotionally volatile students, causing them to drop their tents.

"Professor Falkirk!"  It demanded.  "Where is Professor Falkirk?!  Which of you is Professor Falkirk?!"

"I am Professor Falkirk," the poodle replied, and the creature descended to chest height, hovering in front of him.  It was formed from pure darkness, edged only with a faint orange glow that reflected in the poodle incubus' black leather jeans.

"I have a message for you, Professor Falkirk," the Warp-Aci said.  "An ultimatum from Lady Finch.  She demands that you immediately turn one of your students over to our custody.  They will not be harmed, but we must speak with them in private, face-to-face."

"Any one of my students?" Falkirk said, and a lazy smile crossed his features.  "Let me see, who's been most disruptive lately?"

Richard edged away, concealing himself behind Sheila.

"No!" the creature trilled.  "Do not jest, Professor!  You know very well who, I was told so!"

"Humour me," the professor said, folding his arms.  "Who were you sent to retrieve?"

"You are to turn over the fox incubus, Sidney," it said.  "In exchange, we will return the staff members to you and the school will be free to resume its business once our clan operatives have left it."

"Sydney...?  Why, what's he ever done to you?"

"You are well aware of his importance," the Warp-Aci said, glancing at the nearest fox.  "Even if he is not."

"I see," the unkempt poodle said slowly.  "And if we refuse?"

"If you refuse, we will take Sidney by force of violence.  This is your one chance to settle things peaceably."

"You attacked and disrupted an entire school, just over one student?!"

"I am only the messenger," the warp-aci reminded him.  "What is your answer?"

"Go fuck yourself," Professor Jevex instructed it.

"No..." the poodle murmured.  "No.  I will need some time to think about this.  You will have your reply tomorrow.  Is that acceptable?"

"I was told you might say that," the little creature said.  "I will return in twelve hours, and you must answer me then.  Choose wisely... the Lady Finch is not to be trifled with!"  So saying, it vanished.

"Oh Jeeze," Richard said, and the professor glanced at him, with a strangely quiet and detached expression.  Sheila looked horrified at Sydney, who seemed to be struck dumb.  Then he shook himself.

"Professor," Sydney said.  "What did it mean?  Why do they want me?  What have I done?"

"I don't really know what it was talking about, Syd," the poodle sighed.  "I was bluffing, hoping it would give us some clues.  My best guess is it has something to do with Jyraneth, but it's only that, a guess..."

"When the school was attacked, the attackers were clad in Darkness like Jyraneth's old Raiders," Sheila said, horrified.  "Do they want to join him to their ranks?"

"Then they'll want me too!" Nick whimpered.

"No, no, no," Professor Falkirk said.  "I can't believe they're really Jyraneth - it's all wrong!  If they were acting under that crazy hag's orders... well, for one, she wouldn't be guaranteeing Syd's safety.  And Jyraneth seemed to be particularly cut up by you.  Why would she ask for Syd at all?  From what the two of you have said, I don't think she even knows his name!
"But whatever does happen with Syd - and I won't abandon him if I can possibly avoid it - we'll keep you safely hidden.  If necessary, I'll take you to Daryil's allies myself once we reach the Malverns.  If they are as desperate for Syd as they sound, we might not be able to keep him.  But... Daryil may be able to use your clan link to locate Syd so we can rescue him."

Syd was almost in tears at this and although Sheila was hugging and holding him steady, she wasn't really doing much better herself.  The professor cast his gaze back to the white jackal, who had remained uncharacteristically quiet and was radiating a wide variety of negative emotions.  One of them was guilt.

"Richard," the poodle said quietly, "I have a strong feeling that you know something about all this, don't you?"

"Yeah," the jackal said awkwardly.  "Lady Finch is my mom..."

* * *

"Johan Cross?!" the hare said, incredulously.  "You are truly the Great Dictator of yore?!"

"The exiled lord of Ha'Khun, at your service," Jakob said silkily.  "And you are...?"

"Tina," she said, eyes shining.  "If things work out between us, I can tell you more."

"Indeed?  What kind of 'working out' do you have in mind?"  Jakob asked, shifting his position slightly to adopt a more seductive pose.

"Well... it occurs to me that being under Daryil's wing must be a rather... constraining experience for one such as you.  All the things which you have done at Ha'Khunn, all the things you could have done, given the choice.  So many innovations that you could conceive of, and now all of that is gone, such great potential shackled by the yoke of Daryil's Being-loving Tenets."

"Well," Jakob said, scratching his chin, "I haven't really thought about it that way for a long time now, but... dammit, you're right."

"And Beings," the succubus said.  "With all their weapons.  Our whole clan yearns for the time to come again when they are put back in their proper place, near the bottom of the food chain."

"But if I aided you against my Leader, my very soul would be forfeit," Jakob said casually.

"Ah, but we can protect you from him," the succubus pointed out eagerly.  "Don't you see?  When Daryil betrayed us, decreed that we weren't allowed to hunt and kill Beings for sport anymore, we started out own clan.  A clan that is mostly made up of ex-Daryil members.  Join us, and we can break your link with that slave master you call a Leader!"

"Cut the strings," Jakob asked, "Become a man instead of a puppet?"

"Indeed!  Together, with your experience from Ha'Khun we can overthrow our Being oppressors and bring the 'Cubi race back from the darkness into the light it once had, that it should have!"

"Light eternal!"  Jakob cried.  "The Master Race!"

"Fa'Rana Clan shall guide all Creatures into the future!"  Tina said.  "Our future!"

"Good," Jakob said simply.  "Just checking, really... now I know you're a bunch of fruitcakes."

The hare stared at Jakob as if he'd suddenly slapped her, wings fanning out.  Her face twisted into a mask of hatred, and she choked up for a moment.

"If you won't see reason, then we'll... we'll have to detain you," the succubus snarled.  "You really should have cooperated, Lord Cross.  You had your chance.  Now... The Professor will deal with you personally."  So saying, she turned to the android.

"Trixie, destroy yourself," Jakob said, very quickly.  There was a blur of motion, and the horse collapsed, the extruded skewer from one hand thrust clean through her brain and out the other side of her skull.  There was no blood of course, but a true android would have had a noticeable change in expression.  Trixie's eyes remained just as dead as they had been when she was alive, if you consider her to have ever been alive at all.

Tina just stared at the android for a few moments, an appalled expression on her face, utterly unable to accept what had just happened.  Finally the succubus managed to turn her attention back to the prisoner, her back-wings rippling and becoming tentacles, a wrathful expression on her face.  But by the time she had torn her eyes away from Trixie's wreckage, the wolf had already kicked the door down and was halfway down the corridor.

They've still a few bugs to work out with those, Jakob thought, with a savage grin.

* * *

"Yeah," Josh was saying to Niall as they sat in front of a video screen.  Joshua was in incubus mode, sporting a pair of feathery wings and head-wings, and he had adopted a clothing style more typical of the 'Cubi race, a front-only shirt, arm sleeves and leggings.

This kind of look wasn't something he did at work or on official business and he only usually did it openly in the presence of Jakob or his allies, since at the end of the day, Josh was an android with the 'Cubi extensions and not really a 'Cubi at all.

It's funny, he thought, Most 'Cubi spend decades learning to hide their 'Cubi nature so they can live as if they were Beings.  I'm a Being learning to live as if I was a 'Cubi...

"Well, I've come to the end of my tether with this," the husky said.  "I can only assume that the killer is some kind of android, so I wanted your professional opinion.  I'm sorry you had to see this."

"I feel sick," Niall said.  "Those poor people..."

"Yeah, I know.  It's not been fun viewing for me either.  What do you think she is, though?"

"Oh, I think you're right.  She's got to be some kind of android too.  There's something about the gait that makes me think they're based on Jayhawk algorithms and motor reflex data, but there's also something strange about it as well.  I'd say they're probably a competitor's clone based on pieces of our earlier designs and patents."

"And the teleportation?"

"It's a new one on me.  Clever, though.  I'm going to assume it's some kind of space-folding system... if it wasn't so easy to teleport magically, perhaps we'd have made something like it ourselves."

"It would make a nice upgrade," Josh said wistfully.  "Let me know if you make one."

"I'll put it before the board," Niall said.  "You're right, it may have a lot of commercial possibilities."

"Okay," Josh said.  "So we have a teleporting android on a murder spree.  Any idea who made them?"

"Well, that's the big question, isn't it?" the fox incubus sighed.  "It looks a lot like a dedicated warrior robot to me," Niall said, and winced at the memory.  "That horrible skewer thing... we've never added internal weapons, never!  Our focus was always on protecting the individual and enhancing their life, not on allowing them to harm others!"

"I was going to mention Dorcan and how he crushed the Mayor's skull," Josh teased, "But then I remembered how you put in interlocks to stop me attacking Jakob when he was playing Mr. Evil..."

"We only made him strong," Niall pointed out, headwings drooping slightly.  "What people do with their strength is up to them - if Dorcan was that pissed at the Mayor he'd have killed him anyway, even at normal strength."

"Just needling you," Josh said.  "Though I am curious about the marksmanship add-on."

"That was commissioned by the Being-Creature Commission," Niall said.  "And it's tightly controlled, you have to have a license for it, like that bounty-hunter wolf guy does... what was his name...?
"But that's the thing, see.  The Commission put a lot of restrictions in place against building warrior androids, which is why we don't make them.  Internal weapons are out, and reflex upgrades are... well, they're not supposed to be that good," he said, and looked away from the screen as the mare calmly impaled a fox Being unfortunate enough to have witnessed her rampage.

"What I mean is this..." he continued.  "You're quite simply not allowed to build something like that!  It counts as New Life because it doesn't fall under the exemption for guys like you and Dorcan.  The penalties for doing that are pretty dire.
"And that means, whoever built this monster, and I think they'll have built lots of them... whoever did it simply doesn't care what the Being-Creature Commission thinks about it."

Josh's fake headwings fluffed out as the implication hit him.

"You think it's a revolution," the cyber-husky said slowly.  "That this is a test, and when they've built enough of these androids, they're going to take over."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 18 (2012/08/18)
Post by: Chairtastic on August 18, 2012, 01:35:15 AM
Interesting developments!  Always good to note Jakob hasn't let his old skills slide, both acting and quick reflexes.

I just know it's my own lack of empathy talking, but the bleeding hearts in this fic are reaching the triple digits! :U  Also, is your alternation between the spellings Sidney, and Sydney intentional?  Not criticism there, just a question.

On to Trixie, a shame such a valuable piece of hardware had to be destroyed, but there are more where she came from! 

So the Daryil Separatists, who's name I will only find in going back a page have an orange glow to them.  I wonder if they managed to remove the Daryil clan trait in the branching.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 18 (2012/08/18)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 18, 2012, 05:34:09 AM
Quote from: Meany on August 18, 2012, 01:35:15 AM
I just know it's my own lack of empathy talking, but the bleeding hearts in this fic are reaching the triple digits! :U  Also, is your alternation between the spellings Sidney, and Sydney intentional?  Not criticism there, just a question.

You may notice that people who call him that don't know him.
With the bleeding hearts thing, are you thinking of Niall?  He's usually like that.  The thing with the mayor in Project Future was an aberration.

QuoteSo the Daryil Separatists, who's name I will only find in going back a page have an orange glow to them.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 18 (2012/08/18)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 18, 2012, 08:12:05 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 18, 2012, 05:34:09 AM
Quote from: Meany on August 18, 2012, 01:35:15 AM
So the Daryil Separatists, who's name I will only find in going back a page have an orange glow to them.

I believe he's talking about the orange glow around the warp-aci, and presuming that "darkness" around the separatists is the same thing.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 18 (2012/08/18)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 18, 2012, 08:50:52 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 18, 2012, 08:12:05 AM
I believe he's talking about the orange glow around the warp-aci, and presuming that "darkness" around the separatists is the same thing.

Whoops, I missed that.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 18 (2012/08/18)
Post by: Gabi on August 19, 2012, 01:37:52 PM
Wow, that was one major bug!

A little typo, if you don't mind: "the succubus pointer out eagerly"=>"the succubus pointed out eagerly"
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 18 (2012/08/18)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 19, 2012, 02:19:38 PM
Quote from: Gabi on August 19, 2012, 01:37:52 PM
Wow, that was one major bug!

Sometimes they're so obvious you don't think of testing them...

QuoteA little typo, if you don't mind: "the succubus pointer out eagerly"=>"the succubus pointed out eagerly"

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 18 (2012/08/18)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 20, 2012, 03:27:28 AM
The problem with that one is not that you can order the machine to kill itself, but that the machine is less than selective about who it accepts orders from.

... which leads into a whole different ball game about how you authenticate people, since in a verbally-addressed system you can't base it on, say, genetic markers. Hrm. And with shapeshifters, you can't specify a shape - or even a voiceprint, since a shapeshifter should be able to shift the shape of their vocal cords to match; albeit that might be trickier to manage, since you can't hear yourself from outside to make sure it matches....
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 18 (2012/08/18)
Post by: joshofspam on August 20, 2012, 03:02:36 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 20, 2012, 03:27:28 AM
The problem with that one is not that you can order the machine to kill itself, but that the machine is less than selective about who it accepts orders from.

... which leads into a whole different ball game about how you authenticate people, since in a verbally-addressed system you can't base it on, say, genetic markers. Hrm. And with shapeshifters, you can't specify a shape - or even a voiceprint, since a shapeshifter should be able to shift the shape of their vocal cords to match; albeit that might be trickier to manage, since you can't hear yourself from outside to make sure it matches....

That is rather difficult problem to fix. But in a way, it's no different from what Jakob's Panthers have to cope with or any other living and thinking creature would have to deal with under the circumstances.

Another way around it (Which the Panthers probably have) is free thought to think about the orders and question if under the circumstances they should be followed. Of coarse, to much free thought might mean that the robot might start questioning why they listen to anyone anyways.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 18 (2012/08/18)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 20, 2012, 04:01:30 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on August 20, 2012, 03:02:36 PM
Another way around it (Which the Panthers probably have) is free thought to think about the orders and question if under the circumstances they should be followed. Of coarse, to much free thought might mean that the robot might start questioning why they listen to anyone anyways.

Yeah, the problem is that they've gone down the programmatic AI route.  Changing to a fully sentient design like the panthers - or Joshua - would likely take years of redevelopment.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 18 (2012/08/18)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 21, 2012, 11:35:35 AM
Quote from: joshofspam on August 20, 2012, 03:02:36 PM
That is rather difficult problem to fix. But in a way, it's no different from what Jakob's Panthers have to cope with or any other living and thinking creature would have to deal with under the circumstances.

You said a mouthful. It's an incredibly tricky problem to resolve, and I don't pretend I have the slightest idea how to start resolving it.

It's the sort of thing you could kick around for an entire evening over beers, and still not even have a hope of starting to figure out a plan to resolve it. In fact, it's on a level with the challenge given to the designer of the e type jag; his boss bet him he couldn't design one in less than a month. He did it, and it came out incredibly well.

I can't find the youtube that listed it, though; I can find the part just _after_ Clarkson explains it, but not the actual part itself. :-/
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 18 (2012/08/18)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 22, 2012, 05:59:18 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 21, 2012, 11:35:35 AM
You said a mouthful. It's an incredibly tricky problem to resolve, and I don't pretend I have the slightest idea how to start resolving it.

It's covered in a little more detail around chapters 33-36, so I don't want to pitch in too much yet.

Anyway, for those who are interested, Merlin has made a cool rendition of Professor Falkirk here:
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 19 (2012/08/25)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 25, 2012, 06:38:29 AM you saw this coming.

Chapter 19

Daryil was crouching in front of a small table in the Arctic base when Jakob finally found him.  A large white feral rabbit sat upon the table and Daryil passed his hands over the bunny's head.  The animal belched and Daryil pulled from its mouth an exquisitely small magician's hat.

"Er, Daryil..." Jakob said and the fox whirled around with a startled expression.

"Oh, you're looking cute today," he said, appraising the wolf with a coy expression.  "In fact, those tight pants are wing-shifted, aren't they?  You're not really wearing any clothes at all!  Did you do all that just for me...?"

"Um, not right now," Jakob babbled.  "I was kidnapped, and they stole my clothes!"

"Hot," Daryil said.  "And then you made sweet love?"

"Funny you should say that, but no," Jakob snapped, and then looked contrite.  Daryil's headwings drooped slightly in sympathy with Jakob's.

"Please, Dar, it's serious," he begged.  "They took me prisoner at first until I told them I was Johan Cross.  Then they wanted me to join their wacko clan and betray you, so that they can take over the world on behalf of all Creature-kind, and kick all the Beings into the curb!"

"That doesn't sound like the best date I've ever been on, I'll give you that," Daryil admitted.  "Let me guess... it was Fa'Rana clan, right?"

"You knew?"  Jakob exclaimed, his wings fanning out again with a hurt look on his face.  "After all the shit I've been through, you knew and you didn't warn me?!"

"I didn't know what they were actually doing," Daryil protested, "And I'm grateful that you've found out.  See, I got a call from Callahan telling me they were up to something dodgy, but the clan don't trust him so he doesn't know what.

"And I do know someone has captured ISIS, but I only found out just after you'd gone.  I'm sorry." he put a hand on Jakob's shoulder.

"No harm done," Jakob sighed.  "Well, apart from losing a bunch of clothes and my wallet.  And my trench..."

"Better cancel your cards," Daryil said.  "Ask them if they can cancel the trench coat too, you never know.  Did you learn anything else before they raped you?"

Jakob just stared.  "What's got into you, Daryil?  Why are you acting like this?"

"It's spring," Daryil said.  "Can't you feel it too?  The urge to just grab some cute guy, tie him up and then-"

"No," Jakob cut in forcefully.  "Probably because it's early September."

"Oh.  Well, it feels like spring," Daryil shrugged.  "But yeah, okay.  I'll find Simeon when we're done talking, grab him, tie him up and then-"

"Whatever.  You do that," Jakob suggested.  "Try and work it off or something, because with all due respect, my Lord, this is important stuff.  For example, the Fa'Rana guys seem to have been building some warrior robots,"  he added.

"Warrior androids?" Daryil said, and his face lit up.  "Were they hot?  Cute bishie boys in shiny armour?"

"Female," Jakob said after a pause.  "Pretty plain-looking, actually.  No obvious armour, internal or external."

"Dammit!"  Daryil made a face.

"And they have lightning-fast reflexes and internal blade weapons that can punch through even their own skulls.  I think they actually are robots, though.  I mean, programmatic AI, not a soul.  This 'Trixie' was making exactly the sort of mistakes you'd expect from a computerised AI, they even forgot to stop her from obeying my orders, but that's not all!
"Trixie didn't have a mind to read, no emotions.  Nothing!  Even shielded you have some residue... in fact, the succubus used her own mind as a decoy, so that this 'Trixie' was able to knock me out from behind."

Daryil whistled.  "AI from scratch?  That's against the convention," he said.

"No shit!  But... oh crap, I forgot!  They... I know why why they've taken over the school!  They're trying to kidnap your son, Dar!"

All three pairs of Daryil's wings fanned out, and he went very still.

* * *

Professor Falkirk and about half the students within earshot stared at Richard with a mixture of expressions and the group as a whole radiated a seething mass of feelings, a kaleidoscope of conflicting emotions that covered almost the entire spectrum as if it was some kind of psychic freak-show.

"You what?!"  Sheila demanded, appalled.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean it..." Richard said, backing off under the onslaught of feelings that even he was able to pick up.  "Mom... She kept asking me questions, about the other students.  Ones I was friendly with..."

"You told her to kidnap me," Sydney snarled.  "You sold me out!"

"That's not true...!" Richard protested.

Syd looked like he was about to hit the jackal, but Professor Falkirk shoved him aside.

"A plant," the poodle said, and his fur smoothed itself back, his tentacles out, wing-heads leering dangerously at the jackal.  His own expression was one of quiet confidence.  "You helped orchestrate the attack on our school," he said and one of his tentacles wrapped itself around his enemy's neck, a grey snake of fur, its little wolflike head promising a terrible death as it squeezed the life from its victim.  Richard gurgled and choked, clawing at the tentacle with his gloved hands.

"Please, Professor..." Sheila begged.  "Please... Don't kill him...!  He's... he's just a kid!  You can't kill your own students!"

"He ceased to be a student the moment his parents attacked ISIS," the incubus said calmly.  "Terms and conditions, part 4, subsection 2.  But no, I won't kill him.  My Lord would go apeshit and after all, he's only young.  But most importantly of all, Richard is much, much more use to us as a hostage.  Two can play at this game."

* * *

"So," Daryil said, when he trusted himself to speak again.  "Do we know which son they had in mind...?"

"No.  I have no idea what they're thinking of.  But what about Jezebel and Lilith?"  Jakob asked.  "How are they doing?  Are they safe?"

"A bit broody," Daryil said.  "They're kind of upset about not going back to ISIS, and I can't blame them."

"And they'd be a target for the Fa'Rana guys," Jakob said.

"Absolutely.  I've sent them into hiding for now."

"...which doesn't help the brooding?"

"That too."

"What about Lisa?" the wolf said.  "How's she doing?"

"Okay," Daryil said, closing his eyes briefly as he probed his link to the vixen.  "I don't really know.  She kept her part of the bargain and I kept mine, doubly so since it turned out to be twins.  I can tell she's alive since she's one of my Children now, but we haven't really spoken much since the ritual.  As far as I'm aware, she's mostly carrying on with her old life, and taking a part-time course to help her control her powers and feelings."

"Probably a coping mechanism," Jakob pondered.  "At some point she'll probably accept she's not a Being anymore and make a bit more use of her powers.  But do you think she's a target?"

"Unlikely," Daryil replied instantly.  "She's kept her 'Cubification pretty secret."

Jakob paused, watching Daryil's white rabbit for a moment.  "I suppose we ought to warn the whole clan about it," he suggested.  "They seem pretty gone, kidnapping every male member of Clan Daryil until they find the one they want... it's not impossible."

"I will," Daryil said.  "But first, I'm going to get laid.  Want to tag along?"

"I'd rather not," Jakob said.  "Oh, and Dar..."


"You're my Leader and all, but please.... Don't ask Simeon to shapeshift into me again, right?  That was just creepy."

"Ah.  Yeah, I guess it was," Daryil said and his ears blushed slightly as he turned to go.

"Oh yeah," Jakob added, "And if you do get Simeon to shapeshift into me, please don't send him around to try and seduce me afterwards.  That was even more creepy."

"It won't happen again," Daryil said and became a grey wolf incubus with long grey hair, an identical copy of Jakob.  He headed to the door and then stopped.  "Can you put Bessie back in her hutch for me...?"

* * *

Richard seized his chance as the Professor turned to talk to Sheila, and the grip of the tentacles loosened for one vital moment.  Then he was away, pushing through the crowd of assembled students, streaking off blindly into the woods with no direction in mind, just the urge to run, to flee from his erstwhile fellow students.

The poodle sent out a wing-tentacle to try and trip him but Richard had glanced back and spotted it, dodged.  But Sydney was after him too, and the muscular build of an ex-adventurer gave him a significant advantage over the jackal so he was soon gaining.

Fuelled by hate and disgust at Richard's betrayal, The fox's own tentacles came out, snapping at Richard, and then going for his feet.
The jackal tumbled over, but Syd noted that Richard had clearly had some training of his own because he dropped into a roll.  Unfortunately for him, it wasn't enough and moments later Sydney was on top of him, trying to pin him down.

But Richard didn't intend to just roll over and give up.  He struggled, bit Syd's arm and even managed to summon his own wing-tentacles, throwing the fox off balance.  He would probably have got away if Sydney hadn't grabbed his arm.

Richard thrashed, trying to regain his balance.  Syd clung on, and before he realised quite what was happening, the glove had slipped off in his hand.  Richard let out a scream of terror, and then went limp.

Syd was quite alarmed.  For a moment he thought that the jackal had been hurt or was suffering from some kind of seizure, but the sudden deluge of energy had struck him hard, saturating his psychic faculties.  As it tailed off he was able to resolve it... Richard had just emitted a massive flux of shock and terror, a crippling emotional reaction to the prospect of losing his glove.

Even so, Sydney checked the white jackal over for any injuries, but he stopped when he saw the other 'Cubi's wrist.  His fur stood up and his leathery wings fanned out and he stood there, frozen where he was as Sheila and the others began to arrive.

Richard himself had stopped struggling and just lay there, weeping gently and radiating a significant amount of misery and fear.  As she knelt down to check him over, Sheila found herself feeling rather sorry for him.  Sydney, however, was starting to worry her.

"Holy gods," the fox was saying to himself.  Sheila brushed him gently aside, and then froze too.  She shook herself and turned back to the Professor.
"Professor Falkirk, come here!" she called, for want of anything else to say, because the Professor was already hurrying towards them.  "You'd better see this yourself!"

"Well bugger me with a fish-fork," the poodle said.  "No, it can't be!  It's impossible!"

It was the first time any of them had seen Richard without his gloves.  On his wrist was the mark of the clan of Lord Ikaarion Daryil.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 19 (2012/08/25)
Post by: justacritic on August 25, 2012, 09:42:38 AM
Insert *dun dun dun dun* music. Poor Jakob, Daryil still hasn't given up on him. Nice trick from the tri-winged leader, pulling a hat out of a rabbit  :mowsmile I don't know what is going with the students right now but it seems things are getting stranger.   
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 19 (2012/08/25)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 25, 2012, 10:15:30 AM
And for those wondering about Lisa:,6445.msg355059.html#msg355059
(Good grief, it was a year ago)
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 19 (2012/08/25)
Post by: Gabi on August 25, 2012, 11:47:41 AM
I don't think it should have come as that much of a shock, considering his clan branched off from Daryil's clan. After all, hasn't it been established that some Ja'Fell members have Jyraneth's clan marks?

I still find it more shocking that Daryil has somehow managed to turn an adventurer into a toy.

The thought of cancelling a trenchcoat was funny. How could that be done?, I wonder.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 19 (2012/08/25)
Post by: joshofspam on August 25, 2012, 04:46:44 PM
Wow! Daryil seems to be really good at making Jakob feel awkward.

Not to mention what is the deal with that rabbit?

Seems like Richard got himself in a lot of trouble. But it seems like he's left quite a few of his class confused. Though the mark on his hand has me wonder just why does everyone seem so shocked?

Granted most didn't know he was from a branched clan of Daryil's. But I think he at least told the two he hangs out with the most about it. So why so surprised and just why does uncovering it make him have such a huge emotional reactions to it?

I'm guessing branching off entirely isn't as easy as just saying it makes it sound.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 19 (2012/08/25)
Post by: Gabi on August 26, 2012, 01:13:29 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on August 25, 2012, 04:46:44 PM
Wow! Daryil seems to be really good at making Jakob feel awkward.

Not to mention what is the deal with that rabbit?

Seems like Richard got himself in a lot of trouble. But it seems like he's left quite a few of his class confused. Though the mark on his hand has me wonder just why does everyone seem so shocked?

Granted most didn't know he was from a branched clan of Daryil's. But I think he at least told the two he hangs out with the most about it. So why so surprised and just why does uncovering it make him have such a huge emotional reactions to it?

I'm guessing branching off entirely isn't as easy as just saying it makes it sound.
I think Richard's reaction was mostly magnified embarrassment, since he hates Daryil clan so much, it shames him to have their clan mark, and even more so if others see it. The fact that he's a Cubi makes his emotions even stronger, so I believe that's why he fainted.

But I don't understand why the others were so shocked either.

As for the rabbit... from what I've seen so far, she seems to be just a pet.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 19 (2012/08/25)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 26, 2012, 01:31:50 PM
The rabbit thing is just Daryil being Daryil.  I'll not comment on Richard, but he does have his reasons.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 20 (2012/09/01)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 01, 2012, 06:07:21 AM
I forgot to upload this last night, as usual.

Chapter 20

"You're... of Daryil's clan?!"  Professor Falkirk gurgled.  "What the hell are you doing among Fa'Rana's followers...?"

"Please... please don't tell anyone..." Richard begged through tears.

"Oh, for the love the of the gods!" Sheila snapped, "Am I the only one who isn't ashamed of their clan?!"

"Oh, I doubt it's that," Professor Falkirk said gently, handing Richard his missing glove and easing him up.  "Well, he probably is, but I think he's more worried about Fa'Rana's clan.  They don't know, do they?"

"Dad does," Richard wept.  "The gloves were his idea... Mom probably does... Don't think anyone else knows..."

"Ah, so it was your father... he's your Daryil parent, isn't he?  And our clan takes genetic precedence because Daryil's an ascended leader.  That's a point... does Daryil himself know about your father?"

"He's hidden himself from Daryil," Richard said.  "He'd be executed for his crimes, so he disrupted the link to his Leader.  He did the same to me too when my clan mark came in..."

"Did he?" Professor Falkirk mused.  "Daryil clan took priority, so at least part of the link to him must be live..."

"What now, Professor?" Sheila asked.  "You were trying to strangle him earlier.  What do you plan to do now you've found you're clan-mates?"

"He's a fallen Daryil member," Falkirk pointed out, an undertone of bitterness in his voice.  "But even so, yes, this complicates things a great deal.  Even if his father is beyond redemption, it's not too late for Richard.  I'll have to bring him before my Leader."

"No!" Richard shrieked.

"He won't hurt you," the Professor said gently.  "And nor will I.  I'm really sorry about what I did earlier, I shouldn't have been this hasty."

"But Daryil...  We've broken his laws... What will he do?"

The poodle patted Richard's hair gently, comforting him.  "Keaton Jyraneth tried to murder both Daryil and his lover," he pointed out.  "And you know what?  She walked away unharmed.  You can't possibly have offended him worse than that!"

"But it's my Dad," the jackal sobbed.  "Daryil will destroy him for breaking the Tenets... I- I don't want my Dad to die!"

"I'll see what I can do," the poodle replied.  "He'll be in trouble, but really... Daryil isn't Jyraneth.  He's not some kind of ogre who kills people on a whim or for pleasure, certainly not his own descendants!  It's far more likely he would find some way to restrain your father without causing much permanent harm.  That's more Daryil's way."

"What about us, Professor?"  Daniel asked.  "We're still stuck in the middle of the forest."

"Very true.  We should probably put this behind us and continue on to the Malverns.  If we can get there before evening we should be able to get Syd, Nick and Richard into safety.  Any objections?"

* * *

Josh was preparing to leave when the call came in.

"Hello?" he said.  "Oh, Niall!  How are you doing?  I was just about to go."

"Not bad," the fox said.  "I wanted a word if you're not too busy, though.  Or if you are, actually.  It's kind of important.  How are you doing?"

"Things are going pretty good," the husky replied.  "I ran a search on... Haley."

"Oh?  A CCTV pattern recognition job?"

"Yes.  There have been sightings of someone very closely matching her appearance in Marlbury, so I'm going to check them out.  If nothing else, it will take my mind off it when I find out that it's all some weird coincidence."

"Is it that important?" the fox inquired.  Josh glared.  "I... I mean obviously it's important to you," Niall added hastily, "But isn't the massacre a higher priority?"

"I'm stuck with that project," Joshua said.  "But since the massacre was at Marlbury anyway, it might help give me some vital clue.  She may know something.
"If all else fails, investigating Haley may distract enough to let my subconscious pick at the problem.  So far, I've had a very good record at Starfire, so I think they can forgive me for one wild goose chase if that's what it turns out to be.
"At the end of the day, there's definitely something bizarre about it, and evaluating the risks of the bizarre is something we do."

"Well, good luck," Niall said.  "But I'd hold on if I were you.  See, we have good reason to believe that Fa'Rana clan has been illegally building warrior robots in violation of the conventions, and it's likely they built the thing responsible for the massacre.  It's likely they might be attempting some kind of takeover."

"Shit," Josh swore.  "I've got the flight booked, I can't cancel it now.  But I will look them up en route.  And if you can send me what proof you have, I'll get someone to look into it and focus on that angle when I get back. "

"Also, they are trying to kidnap Daryil's son."

"What son?" Joshua blinked.

"We don't know.  He hasn't had a son for centuries as far as we're aware, but it's entirely possible they are just confused, of course.  If so, that is likely to make them especially dangerous, particularly when they realise they've made some kind of mistake."

"Thanks," Josh said.  "I'll pass that on too."

"Currently they seem to be very active in Grunmore, near Parbury City.  But that might not be their only stronghold.  I'd keep an eye out for Fa'Rana activity on your field trip too," Niall advised.  "If they realise you have ties to Daryil clan, things might not go well for you, android or not."

* * *

Mayor Dickens looked up as the door crashed open and his face became a mask of terror.  His aide, Patrick, dropped the folder he was carrying.  Both of them stood transfixed in horror at the sight of the winged grey fox who had just stormed into the room, eyes blazing with fury.

"He's here!"  Mayor Dickens shrieked and fell backwards as he tripped over his chair.  The Lord Daryil ignored him, instead making a bee-line for Patrick, but from the floor, Dickens couldn't see what happened... the only thing visible was Daryil's cruel visage.  There was a muffled cry from the fruit-bat, a flash of light and then silence.  Daryil turned his gaze upon the llama.

"Mayor Dickens," he called out, his voice tinged with anger.  "Come here.  I want a word with you."

"I... Milord... I didn't do anything!  You had Grunmore... exactly as promised!  We kept nothing back!  No, no!  You can have the city... Please don't kill me..."

"Quiet," Daryil snapped, and lifted the llama back to his feet.  "Listen to me, Mayor.  Patrick is dead and you'll be next unless you..."

"No, no!" the llama wailed.  "Take the city.... all of it, just let me live..!"

"Shut up," Daryil shouted, and glanced down at the figure at his feet.  "Actually, maybe this will show you."

He dragged the Mayor roughly to the other side of the desk, where Patrick lay crumpled on the ground.  Only he wasn't a fruit-bat anymore.

"P... Patrick... was a succubus?" the llama gurgled, staring at the unconscious leopard on the floor.

"Patrick's dead," Daryil repeated with a sad sigh.  "This little bitch murdered him and took his place.  It must have been done recently, because he was definitely a Being during our negotiations."

"Not one of your clan...?" the Mayor said, a hopeful expression in his eyes.  It faded quickly - if it was a Daryil succubus, he was probably doomed...

"No.  I came here to warn you, Mayor.  Grunmore has been infiltrated by Fa'Rana's clan, and they have presumably done the same in Parbury itself.
"Now, I don't know if you heard about Arnold's murder, but we found one a feather belonging to the assassin's controller.  We were able to identify them by their DNA.

"I came here to warn you that they are likely to try and take over Parbury.  Unfortunately it seems I was little too late," he said, glancing down at the succubus.  "I'm so sorry about your aide."

"What... what should I do...?" the llama asked.

"Go into hiding," Daryil said.  "I can protect you.  In the meantime, I'm afraid I'll have to take your role."

The Mayor's eyes narrowed for a moment.

"Gods Dammit," Daryil snapped.  "Haven't we been through this already?!  I'm not trying to steal your city, I'm trying to save your life!  You do want to be saved, right?"

"I'm sorry," the llama said.  "It's just..."

"Look, nevermind," Daryil said, scooping up the succubus and draping her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.  He hesitated for a moment and then dumped her into a nearby chair.  "We can go over this later.  First I must teleport you to safety, and then revive Miss Patrick here."

"Revive... you're not letting her go?!" the Mayor exclaimed.  "After what she's done...?"

"Well, yes," Daryil said.  "I'll ward the door first, then I can revive her.  She should be out for a while yet..."

"But why?"

"Because if I capture her, her masters will know," Daryil said patiently.  "And that will spoil things.  I need to revive her and make her forget any of this happened.  See, I want to watch what she does, up to the point where she'll try and kill you too.  Or me, I should say."


Daryil turned himself into a passable copy of the llama.  "Like I said, I'll take your place.  What you're talking to now is an avatar of me, a remotely-controlled projection of my true self.  A handy tri-wing trick," he added.
"So.  When they try to dispose of you, it will actually be this avatar they're attacking.  Even as a projection I'm more than a match for her," he gestured at the unconscious feline.

"So, how do you look?" he added, removing his shirt.

* * *

"Well," Professor Falkirk said, "This is the village.  Pretty, isn't it?"

"Yes," some of the students said.  "No," said the others.  The Professor rounded on them with a sly smile.

"I'd like everyone who said 'yes' to go over there, everyone who said 'no' over there.  Those who don't care can stay where they are."

"Why?" Richard demanded.

"The camping trip is a way for the staff to get to know us," Sheila said.

"I wouldn't put it so... bluntly, but yes, there is an element of truth in that," Professor Falkirk said.  "Now, Mike?  You voted 'no'?"

"Well," the osprey griffin said, "I grew up in the country.  It's kind of boring."

"Very good.  Daniel, you like it?"

"I grew up in the country as well," the Doberman said.  "It reminds me of home."


"Well, I grew up in a town, mostly.  It's nice to get away from the hustle and all the grey stone and concrete..."


"City girl," the Border said.  "I guess... well, I mean, I suppose it does have a certain quaint charm to it, but... well, there can't be a library around here for miles," she protested, a note of desperation entering her voice.

"Very good.  I think that will do for now," the poodle said, and entered the inn.  "Excuse me, can..."  The professor stopped in mid-sentence and his back-wings fluffed out.  He rapidly started backing out of the doorway and as they watched, the students saw that he was actually being driven out by someone else, a wolf succubus with leathery red wings.

"Professor Falkirk, I presume?" Lady Finch said.  "Pleased to meet you at last.  Now... tell me your decision."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 20 (2012/09/01)
Post by: joshofspam on September 01, 2012, 03:36:28 PM
Wow, did they ever step into it!

They might have even walked into Fa'Rana settlement. Bad luck.

Let's hope that Daryil's plan works out better.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 20 (2012/09/01)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 04, 2012, 05:45:50 AM
Quote from: joshofspam on September 01, 2012, 03:36:28 PM
Let's hope that Daryil's plan works out better.

It'll take a while for that to unfold.  But hopefully the business with Richard's mark will be a bit clearer now.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 21 (2012/09/08)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 07, 2012, 07:55:44 PM
Chapter 21

"Well...?" Lady Finch asked.  "Will you hand over Sydney of your own free will?"

"I... can't," Professor Falkirk said, and behind him the other two members of staff stiffened and began to prepare combat spells.  "He is under my care.  As acting headmaster, I am honour-bound to protect my students."

"We need him," Lady Finch said.  "And we will have him.  If that means killing you... we will do it, reluctantly.  I have only to think and half a dozen robotic enforcers will warp in.  If that happens, students will likely die... students in your care, whom you are honour-bound to protect.  You have to weigh it up," she said.
"Losing one student - who we need alive and well - against having several students killed.
"And I need not mention that we are under no obligation to keep staff alive," she said quietly, looking the poodle straight in the eye.  "Indeed, taking you out first would be a strategic advantage."

"Do you understand, even slightly, what would happen to you if I were murdered?"  Professor Falkirk asked.  His face was completely calm except for his violet eyes, which were hard as steel and twice as cold.
"Do you think for one moment, that Lord Daryil would just shrug off the fact that you killed one of his clan and used lethal force against young students of the school he helped found?
"Daryil would have your souls for that," he said mildly.  "His rage would be unspeakable, his vengeance against your clan dire.  He'd likely put the crystals containing your souls into orbit, imprisoned for billions of years until Furrae's sun expands and consumes them, long past the point where your minds had disintegrated from sheer loneliness..."

Lady Finch's fur fluffed out, and her wings became tentacles.  "Silence!" she screamed.  "Neutralising Daryil is the entire point of..."

"Stop it!" Sydney yelled.  "I surrender!  I'll come with you... just let the others go!"

"No!" Sheila yelped, along with the headmaster and several students, but he brushed them all aside.

"I have to," he said quietly.  "It's more important that the rest of you are safe.  If they need me alive... well, one day they may let me go.  Just make..." he swallowed.  "Try to make sure my family don't try anything rash..."  Sheila nodded and tried to hide her tears.

"I'm glad one of you has seen sense," Lady Finch said, calming herself.  "Come here, child.  Richard, you too.  We shall find you another school, one more suited to your talents..."

"If any school will agree to take him after this," Professor Falkirk retorted.  The wolf succubus just smiled at him silkily, as her warp-aci began to surround her and her charges with a band of orange light.

* * *

Professor Falkirk sat in a corner of the Prancing Penguin, nursing a large drink which smelled vaguely of lemons.  He had chosen a table far from the others and seemed to be trying to keep to himself.

"Professor," Sheila said, touching him on the shoulder.  Falkirk spun around with a snarl.  "Leave me be..." he began.  "Oh, it's you."

"Please, Professor, come back.  We need you."

"For what?" he wailed, "I let Sydney go, I broke my oath to protect my students!"

"You did what you had to, Headmaster," Sheila said.  "It was a tough choice, but..."

"I'm not your headmaster anymore," the poodle interrupted.  "I quit.  I've failed in my duty to protect you.  Professor Jevex should take over."

"No," Professor Jevex said, forcefully.  "That madwoman wasn't bluffing.  She was quite prepared to kill her way to Sydney.  If it had come to that, then you would have failed.  Letting Sydney go was the right thing, and I'm sure Illiath will back you up when she returns."

"We'll see," the poodle said dolefully.

"Professor," Sheila said, "What happened tonight was awful.  But you can salvage most of it by leading us to safety.  You had to make a terrible choice back then, but it's what Sydney wanted, he said so himself.  It's not your fault, and you haven't failed.  But please, you can't just abandon the rest of us now... Could you really live with yourself after that?"

"You're quite right, Sheila," he said after a moment, and sat up.  "I'm sorry I let my emotions get the better of me.  But what do you suggest we do now?"

"Our first priority must be to get our students to a place of safety until such time as the school can be reopened," Professor Jevex said.

"You're right, of course," Professor Falkirk said, sitting up and composing himself.  "Fa'Rana clan may decide they want to, uh, 'collect the set', so to speak.  In any case, we have Nicholaus to think of as well.  He must be protected from Jyraneth if at all possible."

"How do we do this, Professor?" Sheila asked.

"I don't know," the incubus admitted, "But I know a man who will.  I must contact my Leader."

"Please do it soon," Professor Shreve said.  "It's getting dark..."

* * *

Daryil was in the disused meeting-room again when Jakob found him, the cool aura of mental clarity that washed over him as he approached was a giveaway that it really was Lord Daryil himself and not one of his projections.  The fox appeared to be putting the finishing touches to a neat stack of soup boxes where the fort had been and then, after some deliberation he took one of the boxes and opened it up, placing it on the floor.

"Come and look at this," he said.  Jakob did.  "I wouldn't stand too close, though," he warned.  Jakob didn't.

Daryil stood back a few more paces and waggled his fingers at the box like a magician performing some sensational trick.  At that moment, every single packet of soup inside the box simultaneously exploded for no apparent reason.

"Gods, Daryil!  What did you do that for?!"  Jakob said, his wings fluffed out.

"Haven't you ever wondered what noise it would make if you did that?"  Daryil asked him, casually removing the wolf's shirt.

"Sometimes," Jakob admitted wistfully, as if he wished he'd done it himself.

"So, was there something you wanted?"  Daryil asked, somehow folding the shirt into a paper boat.

"Yes, but I can't remember what it was now," Jakob said.

"You were wondering if I'd heard about Arnold's new body being given preliminary approval, subject to background checks," Daryil said.

"Yes, that was it," Jakob said.  "But I wish you wouldn't do that.  The fact that just talking to you means you suddenly know all my recent experiences, my sex life, everything... it's still kind of creepy."

"Leader's privilege," Daryil said dreamily.

"What, that by ascending, you get free porn?" Jakob asked, sarcastically.

"Free porn of your family," Daryil retorted, making a face.  "It can be a real drag.  I mean, okay, folks like you or Nigel... I mean sure, I call all my clan members my children, but really you're like... distant cousins tenth removed.  Besides, you have really cute butts, and it's been kind of fun when I see myself in it too.
"But Lillith and Jezebel..?  They're my daughters, my direct descendants.  You think I really care to know what kind of humping they like...?"

"Eww, eww, ewww..." Jakob said, backing away.

"I guess it's something we'll all have to get used to," Daryil said, and brushed his hair back.

"Look," he said after a pause, "If my being able to see your memories really bothers you, I can show you how to block it.  Alternatively I could hide in the basement for the rest of time and communicate only via avatar projections, but frankly that would be really crappy."

"True," Jakob said.  "But blocking it..?  Is that safe?"

"I'm not Jyraneth," Daryil said.  "Did you know that she used to do this thing where her members were obliged to attend a special ceremony every ten years?  It was so that she could absorb their knowledge and find out who's been having any heretical thoughts..."

Jakob blanched and took a step backwards, thanking the gods that he hadn't been born into Jyraneth's clan, and not for the first time.

"...and Her inquisition checked for heresy in between," Daryil finished.  "But as you may have noticed, Clan Daryil doesn't have an inquisition.  Well, I don't think I do. If there is one, it's so superbly concealed that even I don't know about it, but that's not the point.
"What I mean is, even if I do have an inquisition dedicated to sniffing out heretics and traitors within my clan that I've somehow forgotten all about, I really can't see you turning violently against me or your clan-mates."

"Thanks, Daryil," Jakob said, and for a moment had to struggle to avoid getting all teary-eyed over his Leader's trust and faith in him.  After the Johan Cross incident, trust was such a hard thing to come by...

"What I'm saying is," the fox continued, "If you want to block that particular faculty we can try something out.  Be warned that it may also make you weaker and it will definitely prevent me from locating you or coming to your aid in times of dire need, so I don't recommend prolonged use.  There are definite drawbacks."

"Agreed," Jakob said, "Though I'm curious now.  It might be interesting to experiment with, if it's not permanent, just to see if it works.  But you're right... I should just stick with-"

At that moment, the wall screen chimed.

"My Lord," Professor Falkirk began with a bow, "I apologise for disturbing you, but we have a bit of a problem."

* * *

"Excellent," Lady Finch said as they arrived in their Grunmore base.  "Richard, you will come with me.  We have most of your belongings from the school, at some point we need to go over them and see what's missing and what doesn't belong to you.  And we will also have to prepare your application to SAIA."

"Johan," she said, addressing a feline incubus nearby.  "This young man here... take him to the waiting room.  The Professor will send for him when he is ready."

Johan gulped but recovered swiftly and bound Sydney's wrists to prevent escape.  "Very well, my lady," he said.  Turning to Sydney, he added "Off to see The Professor, eh?  Well, kid, it's been nice knowing you."

"Who is The Professor...?" Sydney quavered.  "What does he teach?"

"Death," Johan said simply.  "He's a very good teacher."

* * *

Joshua sat on a bench in the outskirts of the shopping district of central Marlbury, not far from the police station where Sonia or one of her sisters had committed an appalling act of mass-murder.

Some had demanded the death penalty for the equine murderess whenever she was finally caught, and the local laws did allow for this in extreme circumstances.  This power was not often exercised, partly because the bar was set quite high, but also because - in the event of a miscarriage of justice - the judge, jury and prosecutor would very quickly find themselves in the guillotine for having deliberately conspired to kill an innocent man or woman.  As a result, few were willing to stake their lives in this manner.

Joshua shook his head as he thought about it - the massacre was unquestionably a gross enough crime to attract such a harsh sanction, but if Jakob and Daryil were correct, execution would pose no deterrent since the killer was a machine.

Josh was a machine himself of course, but there was a critical difference.  He was an android, and he had been alive in the past.  He was arguably alive now and any 'Cubi or similar Creature could testify that he was unquestionably sentient, with the soul of a Being.
Sonia, on the other hand, was nothing more than a complex computer program running inside a Von Neumann machine and as such there wasn't really anything to be executed other than the unending flow of instructions within her brain, so to speak.  She could only be destroyed, not punished, and since she was a proxy the chances of the authorities locating her controllers within their jurisdiction was practically nil.

The husky looked up again, chiding himself for daydreaming when he should be looking out for Haley.  According to his queries, she came through this part of the city centre twice every workday to catch a bus and return home afterwards.
It was almost time... he couldn't risk missing her because he was distracted by some internal debate.

He glanced around once again, and...

"Holy..." a voice cried out.  He stared back at her.  "Is it... Joshua...?"

"Haley?"  The word came out stupidly, he was still too struck with disbelief at the sight of the female malamute before him to think of something more sensible to say.

"Oh my gods, it is you... they told me you were dead!"

"You were definitely dead," he gurgled.  "I called the paramedics myself..."

"Oh, don't be like that, darling," she soothed as she led the shell-shocked husky away.  "Come with me, I'll tell you all about it..."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 21 (2012/09/08)
Post by: justacritic on September 07, 2012, 09:03:50 PM
I've checked the weather forecast Doom & Gloom for the week end.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 21 (2012/09/08)
Post by: joshofspam on September 07, 2012, 09:28:29 PM
Things aren't looking to good for Sydney.

Though one has to wonder if Joshua just walking with his once dead friend is such a good idea. If Finch's group was working on their own robots, whats the chances the might have worked out their own androids as well?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 21 (2012/09/08)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 09, 2012, 02:34:50 PM
Aw, no comments on that conversation between Daryil and Jakob :3  I was expecting at least a little controversy after Sofox' reaction to it.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 21 (2012/09/08)
Post by: joshofspam on September 09, 2012, 05:04:40 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on September 09, 2012, 02:34:50 PM
Aw, no comments on that conversation between Daryil and Jakob :3  I was expecting at least a little controversy after Sofox' reaction to it.

Daddy Daryil knowing what his daughters are up too?

Somehow that paints an image of instead of Daryil waiting at the front door with a shotgun, it would have him popping out of the toilet bowel with it and repeating the same old line of taking care of his little girl.

Of coarse he'd flush himself gone only to have an arm come out of the reservoir and seal the stopper and give one last reminder to leave the seat down for her.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 21 (2012/09/08)
Post by: justacritic on September 09, 2012, 07:09:07 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on September 09, 2012, 05:04:40 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on September 09, 2012, 02:34:50 PM
Aw, no comments on that conversation between Daryil and Jakob :3  I was expecting at least a little controversy after Sofox' reaction to it.

Daddy Daryil knowing what his daughters are up too?

Somehow that paints an image of instead of Daryil waiting at the front door with a shotgun, it would have him popping out of the toilet bowel with it and repeating the same old line of taking care of his little girl.

Of coarse he'd flush himself gone only to have an arm come out of the reservoir and seal the stopper and give one last reminder to leave the seat down for her.
Somehow that's even more terrifying.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 21 (2012/09/08)
Post by: Merlin on September 11, 2012, 08:22:52 AM
Quote from: joshofspam on September 09, 2012, 05:04:40 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on September 09, 2012, 02:34:50 PM
Aw, no comments on that conversation between Daryil and Jakob :3  I was expecting at least a little controversy after Sofox' reaction to it.

Daddy Daryil knowing what his daughters are up too?

Somehow that paints an image of instead of Daryil waiting at the front door with a shotgun, it would have him popping out of the toilet bowel with it and repeating the same old line of taking care of his little girl.

Of coarse he'd flush himself gone only to have an arm come out of the reservoir and seal the stopper and give one last reminder to leave the seat down for her.

Oh god I wish I had the free time this week to draw stuff
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 21 (2012/09/08)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 11, 2012, 09:15:36 AM
Quote from: Merlin on September 11, 2012, 08:22:52 AM
Oh god I wish I had the free time this week to draw stuff

Heh, well his daughters are silver foxes, much like him only female.  Not that Daryil is the most manly-looking fox ever to walk Furrae anyhow.

Quote from: joshofspam on September 09, 2012, 05:04:40 PM
Daddy Daryil knowing what his daughters are up too?

Well, the "Free porn - but of your own family" thing was the bit I was most amused by when I was writing it, but yes.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 22 (2012/09/15)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 14, 2012, 07:23:46 PM
Chapter 22

Sydney stared glumly at the walls of the cell.  He could only just make them out, the only illumination was ambient light from the adjacent corridor... his escort had thrown off the light switch in the holding area as soon as the fox was safely imprisoned.

Sydney appeared to be the only prisoner in the place, and while he was grateful that he didn't have to deal with the smell of a dungeon filled with unwashed or diseased prisoners, he was also a little frustrated - being able to talk to someone would help pass the time and at least give him some idea of who he was dealing with.  Perhaps it really was just a holding area, and prisoners were later transferred to other prisons scattered around their facility or facilities...

Or maybe they execute their prisoners, a nasty voice was saying in the back of his mind.  That would also explain why there was no-one to talk to...

Gradually Sydney became aware that it was getting lighter inside the holding area.  He glanced at the corridor... it was probably someone opening the outer door, guards come to retrieve him and take him to the dread Professor's study...

At that moment he realised it was not coming from the corridor, but behind him, inside his own cell.  A pinpoint of light had appeared on one of the walls and it was spreading.  It became a line, the line traced a rectangular arc across the wall and suddenly it opened, a doorway into a blindingly white room.

A gateway to Heaven...? he wondered, and for a moment was scared to enter in case it was, that by stepping into the portal only his soul would go through, leaving behind just a surprised-looking corpse in the mortal realm...

"Hurry up," a voice was saying, "It won't last long!  Just come through, it will be fine!  It won't hurt you!"

The fox dithered for a little longer and then plunged through the doorway.

"Thanks," he said, blinking in the light, "I have no idea what those crazies were going to do to me, but it sounded violent..." he froze as he took in the room.
Richard and Lady Finch were looking at him, faces like stone.  In front of them was a raccoon incubus in a white laboratory smock.

"Hello there, Sydney," he said kindly.  "You've already met Richard and Lady Albeth Finch.  I am Professor Fa'Rana."

* * *

"Welcome to the Arctic, ladies and gentlemen," Jakob said.  "I am Jakob Pettersohn.  Our facility here was originally intended to be a complete research campus, but that turned out to be unnecessary as we managed to solve the remaining problems earlier than expected, so much of it has been left empty.  Daryil suggested that we bring you here since it is safe and secure.  Though I must remind everyone that the restricted areas are off-limits for your own safety as the complex does include a number of industrial facilities.
"In particular I must ask that you do not annoy our security panthers.  They were informed of your status as guests, but they can still be dangerous so do not provoke them.  Now... does anyone have any questions before we continue?"

"Yes," Daniel Kamei'Sin asked, staring at Jakob, who was wearing just a pair of leather jeans.  "Why aren't you wearing a shirt?  Is there a dress code we have to follow?"

"Pants," Jakob said, "You should wear at least trousers or something like that.  Usually I'd wear a shirt too, but Daryil may often steal them," he glanced down at himself briefly.  "I would strongly recommend against going naked as it is liable to send the wrong message to my Leader."

"When will the school re-open?" Sheila asked.  Jakob looked at her with a sour expression and his headwings drooped.

"I'm not sure," he said.  "It can't re-open until the Fa'Rana troops have vacated the premises and it's been swept for traps, which may take a couple of weeks by itself.  So far, they're continuing to occupy it and have only released some of the staff they are holding.  We're not yet sure whether their promise to return the school was a flat-out deception or whether they want to be sure of something first..."

"Like whether it's really Syd they've nabbed, or an impostor?"  Mike suggested.

"Probably," Jakob told the osprey gryphon.  "That's something I'll touch on later."

"So, er, could we continue our education here, then?"  Sheila asked hopefully.  Some of the younger students scowled slightly at this.

"That's being talked about," Jakob said, "But we do have reservations about that.  You see, right from day one, Daryil has been rather concerned that people would see the school as a sinister plot of his, like it was some weird means to brainwash young, impressionable 'Cubi or to drive them into some kind of cheerful insanity.  This is why the school has always been a joint venture with other clans, and relocating the school to Daryil Clan territory may undermine this."

"So how long are we likely to be holed up here?  Could we just go home for now?" a mountain lion succubus asked.

"That's up to Professor Falkirk, I think," Jakob said.  "And/or Illiath herself, when she gets back in touch.  Personally, I think leaving would be unwise, since we have good reason to believe that the Fa'Rana clan kidnapped Sydney in the belief that he was Daryil's son."

"What?!" several voices cried, from students and staff alike.

"That's what I've heard when they tried to capture me, anyway.  It might have been a feint, but if it is true, they will soon realise their mistake and may very well come back for more.  They might even have the balls to try and capture all of you in turn, just to make sure.  Daryil's actual children are somewhere safe, but the Fa'Rana guys don't know that..."

Just then, Niall entered the room and spoke to Jakob briefly.

"Sheila Ketonia," the wolf called out, making the succubus jump.  "Would you come with Niall, here?  Lord Daryil wishes to speak with you."

* * *

"W... what do you want with me...?" Syd gibbered, as The Professor stepped closer.

"You are here because we need control over your father, Sydney," the raccoon said.  "He who must remain nameless for our own safety.  You are the last child he can possibly have, as I'm sure you know, and that makes you extremely valuable to him.  By extension, that also makes you extremely valuable to us."

"Why?" Syd asked, incredulously.  "What's he ever done to you?!  Is this some stupid vendetta?"

"Oh, nothing so trivial," The Professor laughed.  "His clan is an old rival to ours, yes, but he has recently become a major threat to us and our interests.  The work we are doing here is of supreme importance to the entire 'Cubi race, but some factions, such as... your father's clan, are opposed to us.  They seek to prevent our project from succeeding for various petty reasons of their own.
"You see, Sydney, your father is currently one of the key threats to our success, and for the good of our whole race we need to get him to back off until we have completed our research.
"You, Sydney, are the lever we will use against him.  He will not dare attack while we have you hostage and that will buy us time to finish our project, after which we can let you go again.  That's really all we want, and I'm sure he'll see reason.  If he doesn't, well... at the end of the day you're a fellow 'Cubi, so I really don't want to have to hurt you, but as a last resort... well, ultimately it's up to him."

Sydney stared at the raccoon as if he was completely insane.

"What are you talking about?" he said at last.  "I can't believe this.  My dad simply isn't that important in the grand scheme of things.  Why would anyone want to bother blackmailing D-"

"Don't say his name!" The Professor hissed, his eyes widening with horror.  "He'll hear!  The link to his children... he'll attack us and it's too soon... I'll kill you right now if that happens!"

"You're mad," Sydney said, backing away.  "All of you.  I don't have any magical link to him, I can't do!  He's a robot, for heaven's sake!"

"If I'm mad, I should be humoured... What did you just say?!"

"He died about 25 years ago!"

The Professor's expression became wild.  "Lies, that's impossible!" he snarled.  "Your so-called Lord..."
At that moment, the raccoon's eyes suddenly changed, as if shutters had gone down behind them and he glanced at the other two.  "Find it," he said, voice devoid of expression.

Lady Finch took hold of Sydney, gently but firmly.  The fox struggled slightly as she unbuttoned his trousers and her tentacles pinned his hands back.  Richard watched the performance for a few moments and then turned away, his ears turning pink with embarrassment as his fellow student was disrobed.

"It's on my leg," Sydney said sullenly as he realised what they were doing.   The she-wolf's wings fanned out as she saw his clan mark and she stepped back, her voice ringing out in a wordless cry of surprise.

"RICHARD!" Lady Finch raged, "What have you done?!  This isn't him... he's a Jyraneth!"

"Yeah," Richard said.  "Kinda.  They're breakaways allied with Daryil."

"You tool," The Professor said.  "What is it they say...?  Never work with children or animals..."

"What..?  He matched all your descriptions!"  Richard yelped.

"Do those look even slightly like Daryil's wings?!" his mother snapped.

"You didn't tell me you were trying to kidnap Daryil's son!" Richard snarled back.  "You told me to look out for a pro-Daryil fox, who didn't know he was a 'Cubi until recently, who lived by Daryil's Tenets, who was happy to go for another guy and who was brought up by a Being!  Syd is all of those things!"

Lady Finch stepped fowards and for a moment it looked as if she was about to hit Richard.  There was a small cough behind her.

"Can I go now...?" Sydney asked quietly, putting his leathers back on.  The others stared at him as if he'd suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"I'm afraid not," The raccoon sighed after a few moments.  "You know too much now, and if I understand Richard correctly, you're one of Daryil's allies anyway.
"We can't risk you contacting Him so you'll have to remain here for the time being.  But it should only be a couple of months, I think.  I do apologise for the inconvenience."

* * *

"Yes," Haley was saying as they left the bus, "For some time I was dead.  But they put my body into stasis until a couple of years ago, when they had the know-how to restore me to life."

"You mean... they made you into an android?"  Joshua asked.

"No," the malamute said, with a slight chuckle.  "In the flesh.  All they had to do was repair the damage and restart my heart.  Easy when you know how, or so I'm told."

Joshua looked impressed, but all the same a few warning lights had lit up within his mind.  Shortly after his own resurrection, the husky had been through a major mental crisis and had reacted with shock or horror to every little thing like a young incubus, but those days were past and he was able to keep his doubts safely locked away inside himself.

"It must have been quite a shock," he said.  "Did you... have you found someone else?"

Haley smiled nervously.  "I did actually, but it didn't really pan out.  How... about you...?"

"No," Joshua said.  "It... finding you dead was devastating... you wouldn't understand it if it hadn't happened to you...  I guess I never really got over it," he sighed.  "It's one of the things that pushed me deeper into my work, trying to block it all out...  I guess... I guess I had another motive, too."

"I think I understand," she said slowly, and with some concern.

"Yeah.  I figured that I didn't have anything to lose anymore... that," he swallowed, "The more dangerous the missions became, it was a dare against the world.  And that when I was finally called out... well... we'd be together again."

Haley said nothing, but a tear formed in one eye and she squeezed his hand tightly.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 22 (2012/09/15)
Post by: justacritic on September 14, 2012, 09:18:58 PM
I feel sad for Josh there's a lot of warning signs saying this won't end well. Also nice fake out on Daryil's son remember to word one's orders more carefully.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 22 (2012/09/15)
Post by: Gabi on September 15, 2012, 01:55:41 PM
A lot of warning signs, yes. But the scene is touching nonetheless.

I chuckled when I read the dress code was "pants". Makes sense, even though PF characters have been shown in their underpants so many times it's almost become a meme.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 22 (2012/09/15)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 18, 2012, 11:55:23 AM
Quote from: Gabi on September 15, 2012, 01:55:41 PM
I chuckled when I read the dress code was "pants". Makes sense, even though PF characters have been shown in their underpants so many times it's almost become a meme.

In this case he did actually mean 'trousers' rather than underpants...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 23 (2012/09/22)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 22, 2012, 02:25:02 PM
On the road, missed my usual update time.  Have to be fast before the train arrives :3

Chapter 23

Sheila became nervous as Niall led her down the corridor, and she began to do frantic things to her hair each time they passed a window.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom?" the fox asked her, "If you really want to tidy yourself, that might be much more effective."

"And keep Him waiting...?" the Border collie squeaked.  "Not on your life!"

Niall didn't bat an eyelid.  "Calm down, it'll be fine,"  he said.  "You're not in trouble, and it's not a formal meeting.  He just wants a friendly chat with you about what's happened.  He might want to record the conversation, mind."

"I know, it's just...  Well, reading about Him and His clan in the abstract is one thing, actually meeting a Tri-wing face-to-face, I'm not sure I can!  Suppose He takes offence... He'll crush me like bug...!"

"Oh, you're thinking of that business at Mundesberg?" he chuckled.  "Dar was doing that for a very good reason... to try and make them rethink killing 'Cubi.  He doesn't go around stomping buildings flat for shits and giggles, whatever the media might think."

"Thanks," Sheila said wanly.  "I guess... I guess I know, but all the same, he's so powerful it's frightening..."

"Seriously, don't worry about it," Niall said, and held the door open for her.

"...aren't you coming...?" she swallowed.

"I'm sorry," he said apologetically.  "I've got stuff to be getting on with."


Sheila became aware of a strange sensation as she entered the high-vaulted room.  Everything seemed clearer and sharper, but although she could think clearly and precisely, it didn't help dampen the fear.  She found herself closing her eyes as she entered the door, terrified of what she might see when her eyes finally met the Lord Daryil in all his might and majesty.  When she opened them, there was nothing to see but the light fixtures on the ceiling, and one or two crates of what claimed to be toilet paper.

"Down here," a voice called out, and she lowered her gaze down the room.  Far from the titanic figure she was expecting, Daryil could have been any other 'Cubi, maybe just a little taller.  He didn't even have hip-wings.  The border collie stood there quivering and fighting the urge to turn and flee.

In a clearing surrounded by racks of boxes and crates, Daryil sat upon an unremarkable deck chair, expensive knee-length boots resting casually on the table.  He was dressed in a black leather cloak lined with fur and some expensive clothes of leather and silk, which Mayor Dickens could have recognised as being made by the same tailor as Jakob's emissary outfit.  By contrast, the chair, the table and the other items sat upon it were completely ordinary camping equipment.

"Want some tea?" he offered.  Sheila swallowed and made an elaborate curtsey.  "My Lord, it is an honour to..."

"Um," the fox said and she looked up suddenly, positively stricken.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but could we possibly skip the whole reverence thing and get to business?"  Daryil asked her.  "I mean, yeah, it was fun at first, but it's getting kind of old now."

"Yes of course, my lord, sorry, my lord..."

"Daryil," Daryil said.  "Look, if I wanted impress you with my power, I assure you I could.  But that's a rather crass way of doing things, right?  Same reason I'm usually about six foot high instead of sixty - doing that makes my children uncomfortable.  It also makes other people gibber with terror, which is a nuisance when you're trying to conduct some kind of business deal.  Though it can come in handy for dealing with assholes like the Mundesberg government," he added.
"But aside from the shock factor, being that big is terribly inconvenient for actually, well, doing things.
"I mean, when it first happened, I thought it was rather cool.  I figured we'd never have trouble changing the lights in the warehouse again," he said, pointing at the mercury vapour bulbs suspended from the high ceiling.  "It was a disaster.  Have you ever tried picking up a soap bubble with your fingers?"

"The bulbs were like that...?" Sheila quavered.

"The fittings were like that," Daryil said.  "I didn't get as far as the bulbs."

Sheila gave a little chuckle and then looked stricken again.

"Uh, thanks," she stammered, and while it felt like the polite thing to say, she immediately wondered what she was actually thanking him for.  Daryil gave a small wave of acknowledgement, and flicked a switch on a slightly battered electric kettle.

"If it helps, we can just sit here for a while," the fox said, pouring out two cups of tea.  "Sit, and talk.  About any old crap, just to put you at ease.  When you feel calmer, I would like to know whatever you can tell me about Sydney, if that's alright with you."


"Well, yes," Daryil said awkwardly, flicking on a small portable tape recorder.  "If you were of my clan, I would already know everything you know about him, but it won't work with members from other clans, or if they're talking to one of my projections, as I'm sure you know."

"I've read about it," Sheila said.  "But... If you don't mind me asking...?"

"Go ahead," Daryil said.  "Ask anything you like, I won't take offence."

"Don't you have some Daryil pupils at the school?"

"None enrolled this year," the Tri-wing said.  "There are members attending, naturally, but only in later years so they weren't part of the camping trip.  Professor Falkirk is of my clan of course, but he's been a little preoccupied with running the camp.  I've already spoken to him, and he did tell me... Well, he said that you were one of Sydney's closest friends."

Sheila stiffened with panic and her wings fanned out.  "What do you mean... 'were'...?"

"Oh no," Daryil said hastily, his own headwings fluffing slightly.  "I didn't mean to imply that he's dead!  I mean, while you were together, you and Richard spoke to Sydney most, right?  Richard, of course, not being available for questioning."

"Oh, right," Sheila said, and gave a nervous laugh.  "So you want my account?  And anything that he said about Richard?"

"Pretty much," the fox said.  "And actually, yes.  Perhaps you should start with Richard."

"Okay," the succubus said, gradually starting to relax.  "Where do you want me to start?"

Daryil leaned forwards conspiratorially, unable to suppress an eager grin.  "Was he hot?"

"I wouldn't know," Sheila said.  "I don't go for men."

* * *

The Doberman turned off at junction six of the F63 and followed the signs pointing to the town centre.  The helmet he was wearing had a smart visor, capable of darkening itself to varying degrees, and also of displaying maps and other information fed by a signal from the Furrae Positioning System.  For most bikers such a thing was a positive boon, especially on unfamiliar routes, but Dorcan kept his switched off for the most part as he didn't need it.

When Dorcan had first been reborn as an android, there were only two expansion cards to choose from - a mind shield and a cloaking system to conceal his wings.  Now there were many more, including a highly experimental one that gave the user very limited spellcasting powers.  There were other bonuses as well, some of which which made it almost worth dying for.

The android frame which Dorcan and the others were built from had an embedded computer system which was originally intended to run various diagnostic and support functions for their actual brain circuitry.  Niall and Ashley had been quick to realise that it could be made to do other things as well, and had given their 'children' the ability to know the time and perform calculations instantly as a proof-of-concept.

Since then, Jayhawk Cybernetics had released a large number of upgrade packages; one of their old allies, for instance, had a targeting and marksman program which gave him almost perfect aim, though fortunately he didn't need to use it very much these days.  Dorcan had - among other things - his own internal navmap system that put the one in the helmet to shame.  Just by looking at the signs he was instantly able to devise a route in his head, even though he hadn't been in this town for decades.

He parked the Nakami a block away, warded it and removing his helmet, strode past the town centre into a considerably less reputable area.  At Sanderson Street he stopped and glancing to make sure no-one was watching, turned into an alleyway.  Two other canines stood, also in riding gear.  They were watching, having sensed his approaching mind.

"Hi Mum, Dad..." he said, offering a pair of thickly-armoured gloves to them, which they shook warmly.

At the corner of the alleyway, where it led into a dense maze of passageways, a small group of youths had been huddled, discussing something.  Occasionally they glanced at the bikers.  With the approach of Dorcan, they came to some kind of agreement and one of them strode cockily up to Neremath.

"Hey mister," the feline said.  He was maybe 15 years old, and there was a chunk missing from one ear.  "This is Nix territory.  You pay a fee or you get the fuck out."

"Sod off, kid." Neremath told him.  The young cat snarled and drew out a wicked-looking flick-knife.

"Die, urchin," the husky sneered and a pair of wings exploded from his back, becoming a swarm of razor-sharp tentacles.  Their serrated edges gleamed pale silver in the dying sunlight.  The youth's knife clattered to the ground and was swept up by one of the incubus' tentacles.  Another tentacle passed across it, slicing the edge and the point off the blade as though he was peeling some kind of fruit.

By this time the kid was halfway down the alley, radiating sheer terror and filling the two living 'Cubi with a faint but definite yearning for more.  The rest of the gang was long gone.

"Kids these days," Neremath sighed, morphing his tentacles back into wings again but keeping them at the ready.  "No respect for their elders."  He shrugged, wondering whether Lady Jyraneth would have considered these youngsters to be innocent and sanctified.

"So," Dorcan said, glancing behind him to check for any listeners, "What's the news?  You wouldn't do any of this cloak-and-dagger crap if it wasn't important."

"It is," Neremath said, and glanced at Salomere.

"We came home this morning to find the smoke alarm going," she said.

"A house-fire?" Dorcan said, his headwings drooping.  His parents' house held centuries of photo albums, clan heirlooms and other priceless mementos.  Pictures of his dead brothers...

"No, no, no," Neremath interrupted, guessing his thoughts.  "All the photos and documents have been scanned electronically.  We have multiple copies, and the heirlooms are in a fire safe."

"It wasn't a serious fire," Salomere said.  "It was just the kitchen table."

"I didn't think that was terribly valuable," Dorcan said, slightly confused.  He had no idea where this conversation was leading.

"It was on special offer at FMI seventy years ago," Salomere said, "It matched the cupboards and it was such a bargain that... Look, that's not the point.  It... when we extinguished the flames, we saw the message.  Burned into the tabletop with holy fire."

Dorcan's mouth fell open.  "Bob...?" he asked.

"Yes," Neremath said.  "A message from the great god Bob.  He wants to meet you, but we can't talk about it here."  He glanced again at the adjoining alley which the children had fled into.  "Norland Park.  I'll call you this evening with the day and the coordinates.  But you'll need this."

Dorcan looked down to see his father's gauntleted hand, a camera's memory wafer laying upon his open palm.  From long experience Dorcan knew that it would contain an encryption key.

Leaving the secluded alley and walking down the street, the three of them exchanged casual news and chitchat for a while and then, after a long embrace, went about their separate ways.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 23 (2012/09/22)
Post by: joshofspam on September 22, 2012, 03:30:55 PM
It's rather interesting to see Daryil try to interact with others after his ascension.

In many ways, his personality gives of a harmless (if a little bit eccentric and flashy) impression of who he is. Now with his Tri-wing status, he has to try extra hard it seems to give the impression that he's easy going.

As for Bob, considering they turned down his deal, one could only wonder what he wants now.

[Fixed title, evidently I lost signal while editing the front page -TW]
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 23 (2012/09/22)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 24, 2012, 09:20:40 AM
"I don't go for men."

Ooo, shot down in flames, there, Dariyl. :-/
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 24 (2012/09/29)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 30, 2012, 08:13:12 AM
Oh sod, I forgot to update again.  It's been a rather disturbing weekend.

Chapter 24

Nick was still dressed in his tattered clothing while they sorted out a room and clothing for him.  It had not been easy for Jakob and company to deal with the sudden influx of 'Cubi all needing fresh clothes and dormitories, and Nick hadn't yet been allocated one.

Wandering around the base he came across a Being dressed in a rather expensive suit.

"Excuse me," Nick said, "Where can I find the gents?"

"Don't ask me," the llama said, "I'm new here too." he cackled slightly and Nick thought he caught a whiff of something alcoholic.  "Frederick Dickens, Mayor-in-exile of Parbury city.  What are you in for?"

"Nicholaus Worthing," the incubus said.  "And what do you mean?  I thought this place was a safe-haven... you make it sound like a prison!"

"That's what they say," the Being said, "But do you really trust them?  Daryil told me that my life was in danger and I had to go into hiding.  Now he's taken over my city!  He even healed the succubus who murdered my aide... I bet she's one of you!"

"A Jyraneth?" Nick said worriedly, and his wings fanned out in panic.  He took a few steps backwards, and so did the mayor.

"Holy gods," he said.  "You mean, you're not one of Daryil's... he's allied with Jyraneth... I should have known..."

"I didn't ask to be born one of those maniacs!"  Nick squeaked.  "They said I'd be safe from my clan here!"

"What's all this racket?"  Nigel said, rounding the corner.  He glanced from the startled incubus to the erstwhile mayor and back again.

"Mayor Dickens, stop upsetting this poor kid!" he snapped.  "He's been through quite enough!  And might I again remind you that if Daryil really wanted your city, you'd never have known about it.  If he took your place to usurp the city, he'd certainly have disposed of the real you by now."

"You say that," the llama said, hesitantly, "But..."

"We say that because it's true," Nigel said irritably.  "If you really want to play Demon Roulette with the psychopaths who had poor Arnold murdered, I'm sure that can be arranged!"

"I guess you're right," the llama said, cowed somewhat.  "But sometimes... Sometimes it all seems too convenient..."

"You'll get your office back soon," the Alsatian soothed.  "Actually, I think Daryil wants to pick your brains about something after he's spoken to Nick."

The mayor leapt backwards.  Nigel looked at the llama as if he was crazy.

"Will you please calm down?  I said 'pick', not 'pickle'.  Gods, it's a shame we don't feed on paranoia."

"Now, Nick?  For future reference, the gents are actually around the corner.  However, your room is now ready, and Daryil would like a word with you if you're up to it.  So, if you'd like to come with me...?"

* * *

Meanwhile, Nick was not the only one with new accommodation.  The Fa'Rana clan had not put Sydney back in the holding cell, but had instead furnished some empty living quarters with an old flatscreen TV set, and a selection of various books... "Confessions of a Jyraneth", a treatise on pain by Destania Cyra, Daryil's Second Book of Tenets and a miscellaneous selection of others, mostly about how the 'Cubi race is really awesome.
They had also provided a wardrobe of clothes only slightly too small for him and an en-suite shower and bathroom.  All in all, it was almost like a room in a slightly cheap hotel or perhaps a guest house - the room was, however, kept firmly locked except for when he was brought his meals.

Sydney was about halfway through a history of Piflak's clan when his ears popped.  Wondering what could possibly have caused a change in pressure like that, he looked up and saw that that a slim figure had suddenly appeared in the middle of the room, holding a device about the size of a lunchbox in two gloved hands.

"What the hell do you want?" Syd scowled.  Richard looked back at him unhappily.

"I wanted to apologise," the jackal said.  "I know it ain't much, but... they didn't tell me what they were doing.  I had no idea they wanted to kidnap you, or any of my fellow students."

"And why should I believe that?" the fox demanded.

"I don't expect you to, but it is true, one 'Cubi to another.  Heck, I shouldn't even be talking to you!  I dunno if you can forgive me, but I'd like to think that maybe one day... we might be friends again," he added hopefully.

"Friends, or bedmates?" the fox snarled.  Richard's ears turned pink, but he held his ground.

"Friends," he said firmly.  Sydney's headwings drooped and he put the book down.

"I shouldn't have said that," Syd said.  "I'm sorry I snapped.  But in all frankness... What I mean is, I have a hard time understanding why you'd want to be my friend now you're back with your clan.  Our beliefs are so very different... wouldn't you be happier among people who share them?"

Richard started and looked around quickly just in case someone else had teleported in.

"Oh yeah," Sydney said.  "Wrong clan.  Touchy subject... sorry.  But I still don't understand..."

"You were the only person I could talk to at the school," Richard said quietly.  "The others all treated me like I was a leper.  You accepted me for what I was and just put aside the things which we disagreed about.  You even came to see if I was alright after that squabble with Sheila.  No-one has ever done anything like that to me before."

Sydney swallowed.  It wasn't just what Richard had said, but the emotions he was broadcasting as well.  If the jackal was lying, he was unbelievably good at it.

* * *

Keaton Jyraneth was making her way through one of the more deserted and ornamental parts of the Munrock district shopping centre when there was a footfall behind her.  Cautiously she glanced back, but there was no-one there.  Shrugging her shoulders, she made a few quiet steps forwards and then stopped again, and turned around.  This time she saw a brief flicker of motion as someone jumped back into the shadows.

Oh hell, she thought, and quickened her pace.  Suddenly a figure jumped out from behind a tree.  Keaton gave a yelp and fled, glancing back occasionally at her pursuer.

Who the heck could it be? she wondered, picking up speed.  The person tailing her was in motorcycle gear, helmet designed for a canine skull.  The visor was reflective so it could be anyone...

Please don't let it be Sethir, she thought and made her way into the very heart of town, and with her wings hidden she blended in almost perfectly, just another black-backed jackal.  So now, if he did try to execute her or claim a bounty, he'd have to do so in a crowd, in broad daylight, in front of several Demon guards and a popular coffee shop.

Ordinarily, Keaton would be a match for anyone stupid enough to pick a fight with her, but the terms of her early release from jail included several restrictions on her powers complete with a tracking bracelet to ensure she abided by them.

The presence of security and the crowd didn't seem to faze the rider much, though he stopped running and casually drew up to the fountain she was lounging in front of.  He removed the helmet.

"Hello Keaton," the white wolf said, a grim expression on his face.  "It's time you paid your dues."  The jackal succubus gave a muffled cry and stepped backwards.

"No," she whimpered.  "You can't do this, you can't kill me!  I'm on probation!"

"Just kidding," the biker said and his face changed slighty, taking on a familiar vulpine grin.

"Daryil?!" the succubus yelped, jumping back in surprise and a little fear.  "Why the hell are you stalking me?!"

"Someone has to," Daryil said.

"Yeah, right.  You're here for a reason.  Why are you pretending to be Sethir?"

"That wasn't the plan," Daryil said.  "I was just dressed like this for fun.  And because the suit is 'Cubi-like, all shiny and snug and nice...  You know, you'd look good in this kind of gear too..." he added dreamily.
"Yeah, originally I was planning to just come up and introduce myself normally, but you were so scared I was a bounty hunter, I couldn't resist.  Sorry about that.
"Don't worry, though - Sethir won't be bothering you again."

"You killed him?"  Keaton asked eagerly.  Then her face fell as she realised that she might be next on the list.

"Of course not," Daryil said.  "But he won't bother you again unless you do something truly awful, and I don't think you're that stupid."

"Oh, so you struck a deal with him."  Keaton said, cocking her head slightly.

"Yes, your slate is clean where he's concerned," the fox said.  "But please, please try and keep things that way - he's more powerful than before and you really don't want to tangle with him.  But that's not why I'm here.  There's something we should talk about, if you're not too busy.  In private."

Keaton looked around the town centre.  One of the guards was watching idly, two patrons of the coffee shop were sipping their brew and ignoring them completely.

"Don't have much choice, right?" the jackal said at last.  "Those guards wouldn't bat an eyelid if you took me by force, would they?"

"I'm afraid not," Daryil agreed.

"Because you bribed them as well as Sethir?  Or because you're that powerful?"

"Powerful," Daryil said.  "I could drag you off kicking and screaming, and they wouldn't remember a thing.  Even the security tapes would only show us walking away... in opposite directions.
"But honestly, I'd much rather you came with me voluntarily.  It's not even like I'm trying to force you into indentured servitude or something, I just want a quick chat with you in the Jayhawk base and then you can go again if you want.  It probably won't take long."

"I'm on probation!" Keaton protested.  "You want me to teleport into the arctic?!  I'd disappear from their tracking... Shit, shit, shit... they'll never let me out again!"

"Oh, don't you worry about that," Daryil soothed.  "I've come to an agreement with your probation officer as well.  And for your information, I don't bribe people.  Raw political power and influence is far more subtle, far more effective and far more permanent.
"You see, the thing with corruption is that eventually it's uncovered and you'd have to start all over again, plus your reputation gets tainted into the bargain.  And in our world, money only gets you so far... reputation is king.
"Oh, and by the way... talking of reputation, if you do flip out and break the law while you're in my care, I will be called to account for it.  And that would make me very, very angry with you.  Got it?"

Keaton stepped back again and swallowed.

"But I digress.  At the end of the day, once someone can be bought, by definition they won't stay bought if someone else makes a higher offer.  No, alliances and favours are so much nicer, and usually more powerful."

"Okay, so long story short, I don't have any choice," Keaton sighed.  "Take me where you want, just make it quick, okay?"

"Deal," Daryil said, and looked around.  "...though, while we're here, we could have coffee and cakes.  Or maybe we could buy you some nice motorcycle leathers?" he added eagerly.

"You wish," Keaton snarled.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 24 (2012/09/29)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 30, 2012, 09:50:47 PM
Disturbing, or disturbed?

Also: Daryil and Keaton, in a tree... ;-]

(although, knowing Daryil, he'd probably spend the time comparing the fit of various bras or something equally silly...)
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 24 (2012/09/29)
Post by: joshofspam on September 30, 2012, 10:55:09 PM
Well I have to agree with Daryil that Keaton would look good in a similar biker suit. :)

Though Keaton would probably look just as good in Hell's angels biking apparel. :3
Edit: She definitely could pull off the intimidation factor in that look.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 24 (2012/09/29)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 01, 2012, 09:09:24 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 30, 2012, 09:50:47 PM
Disturbing, or disturbed?
Someone was found dead next door a few nights after a terrible commotion.  There's been a murder enquiry and the police would look at me strangely each time I left the house.

Quote(although, knowing Daryil, he'd probably spend the time comparing the fit of various bras or something equally silly...)
Probably arrange them alphabetically by make.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 24 (2012/09/29)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 01, 2012, 04:08:41 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on October 01, 2012, 09:09:24 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 30, 2012, 09:50:47 PM
Disturbing, or disturbed?
Someone was found dead next door a few nights after a terrible commotion.  There's been a murder enquiry and the police would look at me strangely each time I left the house.

Ah. A friend of mine was similarly upset about 15 years back. A police officer in the fairly small town I was living in at the time apparently tied himself to a chair, threw himself through his window, and set fire to his house to claim on the insurance (not necessarily in that order); the friend comes in as a perfect match for the identikit picture the officer made up out of the whole cloth for the perpetrator. He didn't know anything about it when he sauntered down to the corner store to buy a new pack of smokes, but the guy behind the counter looked at him strangely. Apparently he went through three or four interviews with the police before they figured out what had happened (he was perfectly straightforward about it, and wasn't leaving town or anything, had several good alibis, but the police have to cover everything. Not complaining about them doing their jobs, at all; heck, they let him shave off the villainous goatee he had at the time, when he asked if they'd mind...)

Anyway. He was a gentle sort anyway, despite being 6'4 and heavily built, and inclined to wear lots of intimidating black clothing even in the middle of summer. But I can understand your state of mind, if only from a nearby perspective...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 24 (2012/09/29)
Post by: joshofspam on October 01, 2012, 05:02:33 PM
Another interesting fact to consider is Keaton and Sydney have a clan relation to one another.

Though I think only the Red Queen can only make use of that or maybe Daryil believes he can use that. At the very least we know the Red Queen is still lurking somewhere.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 24 (2012/09/29)
Post by: justacritic on October 01, 2012, 08:29:38 PM
Maybe the Red Queen's title should be changed to Queen of Hearts.   
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 24 (2012/09/29)
Post by: Chairtastic on October 02, 2012, 01:28:04 PM
Aww, Richard/Sydney shipping gets a tease.  And Richie finally grew a proper spine!  And Keaton suffers villain decay, aww.  The story is getting interesting.  I wonder how Keaton will react to Nick, and how Nick will react to Daryil.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 24 (2012/09/29)
Post by: Gabi on October 04, 2012, 03:09:34 PM
Posting an ACK because I like knowing when others have read something I have written, so it's only fair that I do the same for others. However, my brain is burnt out from yesterday's workshop and I still have so many things to do that I find myself unable to think of any relevant comments. Please accept my apology and know that I will keep reading as long as you keep posting.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 25 (2012/10/06)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 06, 2012, 04:01:49 AM
Thanks to Sunblink for helping with Keaton's lines.

Chapter 25

Daryil staggered, steadying himself against the wall of the corridor just outside his office.  Keaton stared at him, puzzled and not quite sure whether to be alarmed or suspicious.  Niall happened to be heading in the other direction and rushed to his Leader's aid.

"What's the matter?" he asked frantically, and turned on the jackal succubus.  "What did you do to him, you little bitch!?"

"I didn't do anything!" Keaton snarled, glowering at Niall with a mixture of indignation and terror at what Daryil's clan would do if they thought she'd offed their Leader.

"Someone just killed me," Daryil said vaguely.  "I'll be okay... I just didn't think having my head cut off would be quite this painful."

"What are you talking about?"  Niall asked, worried that his eccentric leader had finally lost all grip on reality.  "Keaton killed you?  How?"

"Oh for gods sakes..." Keaton snapped.

"Wasn't her, it was in Parbury," Daryil said, feeling his neck with a gauntleted hand.  "They murdered my avatar, the one disguised as Dickens.  They did the tentacle thing...
"Well, maybe that will show the paranoid old coot that I'm not trying to steal his city or something. I hope he has a strong stomach, though."

"What about you, Daryil?  Are..."

"Yes.  I'm fine now," the Tri-wing said, picking himself up.  "I knew they'd do this eventually, it was just a shock, that's all... no-one's ever actually killed one of my projections before.  Perhaps I should have tried jumping off a cliff or got someone to behead me as a practice.  Anyway, you take care of the Mayor, would you?  I need to speak to Keaton."

"Actually, why is she here?"  Niall asked, eyeing the succubus with a look of suspicion, as though still convinced that she somehow shared responsibility for discomfiting his Leader.  "I mean, I'm sure you have some very good reasons, and it's probably something to do with Nick, but do you really want them together?  Isn't she a bit... evil?"

"She's evil, yes," Daryil said, dusting the knee pads on the racing suit he was still wearing from when he collected Keaton.  "But remember, evil is usually the product of someone's environment, and that's certainly the case with Keaton.
"This doesn't mean she should get a free pass to commit whatever terrible deeds she wants, but you can't rehabilitate someone without understanding what's led them down the path they've taken.
"If it hadn't been for Queen Jyraneth's mismanagement of the clan and the trauma Keaton suffered when her clan Leader's incompetence finally caught up with her, she'd have turned into a happy, well-adjusted succubus with a small museum's worth of stuffed animals.  And there's still time for that," he added, looking at Keaton.

"What do you mean, 'mismanagement'?!" the jackal demanded, hackles raising and wings fanning out.  Niall scurried away to avoid the brewing storm, but Daryil calmly stepped into his office.

* * *

Bike safely parked and warded near the entrance, Dorcan stood in an obscure corner of Norland Park and stared, open-mouthed.  There was a small crowd gathered near the copse where Bob - via Neremath - had instructed him to arrive, a small cluster of trees and bushes which appeared to be entirely surrounded by some kind of giant force barrier that lent the surrounding shrubs and grassland a sickly blue pallor.  Amongst the onlookers, park officials including an Angel and a Being with a trolley full of test equipment were stood in front of it all, examining the blue glowing dome in hopes of learning its secrets.

"No use, mate," someone told the Doberman, "Someone or something has walled off the place with this... thing."

"Gods dammit, I was going to meet someone here," Dorcan said.

"Well, good luck to you," the ranger said.  "It seems pretty solid to me.  Maybe your friend is hanging around outside the barrier somewhere?"

"I doubt it," Dorcan said, and approached the edge of the dome.  He put out a gloved hand out to touch it, but as he came close, a gap opened up as though some kind of ethereal curtain had been parted just for him.  "Holy shit..."

Cautiously, the biker went through the entrance, which abruptly sealed up behind him as he passed through, causing the ranger to face-plant into it.

"Sorry," Dorcan said, glancing back, and then realised that he couldn't hear the others gathered outside.

"Over here," a voice called out.  Dorcan gulped and strode into the thicket.

"Morning," said a small translucent figure, a pine-marten with thick glasses, bat-like head-wings and particularly scruffy hair.  "Nice gear," he added.

"Uh, thanks.  How's things going, your holiness?" Dorcan said, struggling for words.  He knelt, but that only succeeded in drawing his head level with Bob's.

"Not too bad," Bob said.  "And just 'Bob' will be fine.  Hell, you can address me as 'shithead' if it makes you feel more comfortable."

"Uh, yes, my lord.  I'm sorry I'm late," Dorcan said, head bowed.

"I know, the traffic on the F63 was murder," Bob said.  "Doesn't matter."

"You can predict the future?" Dorcan asked, astonished.

"Not very well, no.  But I saw you caught up in the snarl.  For a minute I was thinking of parting the traffic for you like the Vandermayer Seas, but it would be a bit conspicuous."

"Um," Dorcan said, gesturing uncertainly in the direction of the force barrier.

"Oh, yeah.  Like it?"

"It's very nice," the Doberman said, "But I thought... this was supposed to be a secret meeting?  And inconspicuous?  I mean... there's a whole load of people out there studying the barrier and stuff..."

"Yeah, I know.  I guess I made it a little bit too big," the mustelid said.  "Never mind, let them wonder about it.  They won't be able to hear us and anyway, an inexplicable miracle or two will do them good."

"My parents said you wanted to speak to me," Dorcan said carefully, trying to bring Bob back to the matter at hand without somehow offending him.

"Yeah," the shimmering incubus said.  "Listen carefully."

* * *

"You're talking about The Lady!" Keaton snarled.  "She bested Zalantare in single combat!  Her clan ruled the Northern Ridge for sixteen thousand years!  You call that 'mismanagement'!?"

Daryil paused for a moment, taking off the motorcycle gauntlets and boots, and considering the best way to change out of the body suit without disturbing his guest too much.  When he finally spoke, he sounded a little tired and more serious than she had ever seen him before.

"Keaton, Keaton," he began, "Please try and look at it with some sense of perspective.  You grew up in a decaying city big enough to support at least fifty times its actual population.  Your clan's numbers had dropped off sharply and since you weren't permitted to mate outside your own clan or race, the gene pool was... well, to put it politely, stagnant."

The succubus just glowered back.

"The birth rate had dropped well below the attrition rate from your stupid little raids," Daryil went on.  "So low, in fact, that you and your sister were considered a minor miracle - and all this was a direct result of your Leader's broken policies.  If she had only displayed enough wit to open up to the outside world instead of constantly lashing out at it, your clan would have been a wonder of the 'Cubi race!
"Instead, she destroyed any dissenters and that is why your clan fell.  It's been proven throughout history that clans with a totalitarian leader always break down and the most amazing thing is that she kept it going as long as she did.
"Even if the Kamei'Sin hadn't attacked, your clan would have had a revolution by now anyway because the whole thing was falling apart from the inside.
"Listen, Keaton... I'm not trying to be mean about this, but please, just look at it logically.  Can you honestly say that any of Jyraneth's major policies were a good idea?"

"They kept us out of the Dragon Wars," Keaton retorted.

"I'll give you that," Daryil conceded, "But it was about the only real success she had, and remaining closed afterwards was a fatal mistake.  Frankly, you'd probably have been killed in a raid by now.  Do you really believe that her orders were divine commandments?  Would you really have been happy to sacrifice your own life just to wipe out a handful of Beings?
"And for the record, killing Zalantare was probably Jyraneth's crowning moment of stupid, since his lover went completely apeshit and ultimately murdered practically your entire clan simply to get his trapped soul back.  And for what?   How can you not call that 'mismanagement'?"

Furious, Keaton opened her mouth, closed it again and stared at the floor for a few seconds.  "I guess you're right," she said sullenly, lip curling.  "Lesson learned.  Are you done shitting on my clan's memory?  Can I go now?"

"You can go if you want," Daryil said, "But I wanted your help."

"Help?" Keaton yelled, "Sure you did...!  You only brought me here because you wanted to kick me around!"

Daryil's expression soured, and the succubus took a step or two back, heart pounding like a steamhammer.  Oh shit, oh shit... I crossed the line!

"Keaton," Daryil said at last, "This may come as a shock to you and I'm not sure you'll believe me anyway... but I do actually care about your wellbeing.  You're practically an orphan, and you've had a horrific time during that period of your life when most other 'Cubi would have been safely nurtured inside SAIA or some similar institution.
"If you could only settle down and choose a more peaceful way of life like most 'Cubi do in the end, it would please me greatly.  Heck, even adventuring would allow you to channel your dangerous energies in a more beneficial manner.  But if you keep on randomly murdering Beings or otherwise annoying them, you'll just get yourself killed and that would be a shocking waste of talent and potential."

The jackal looked up at Daryil, a picture of surprise.  She felt a lump in her throat and her eyes began to sting slightly.  Blinking for a few moments, she shook herself and stared back at Daryil, levelly.

"You're more powerful than I can easily imagine," she said slowly.  "What sort of help could I give you anyway?"

"Well, it's kind of like this," Daryil said.  "I've recently bought a house in Grunmore and I'm having a bit of trouble with my delphiniums."

"Delphiniums?!  Do I look like a gardener?"

"My dear, this is Grunmore we're talking about.  A gardener in Grunmore needs to have your considerable skill and experience in combat and self-defence.  'Cubi mental powers are a distinct bonus.  You'd be ideal for it, particularly as I heard you studied botany in prison."

Keaton grunted.  "What do you really want?" she asked.

"Oh yeah.  Actually I wanted to tap your expertise on Jyraneth Clan," Daryil said.  "On the Lady Herself, in fact."

Keaton's wings fanned out.  "W-what do you want to know?"

"Later.  But before we get that that, I want you to meet someone."

"Who?"  Keaton demanded nervously.

"One of my Children has come across a young incubus, and I would say that you are closely related.  He's of your clan, you see."

He handed the succubus a small portrait shot... Keaton's heart leapt as she saw the youth.

"T-take me to him," she said, hands trembling as she clutched at the print.

"In a minute, when you're calmer... I don't want you to spook the guy, he's only young.  In the meantime, I can show you the garden, if you're interested in a steady job.  That would score quite a few points with your probation officer, wouldn't it?"

"Yes," the jackal nodded.  Her eyes narrowed slightly as she caught her breath.  "What's the catch?"

"Good girl," Daryil said, flashing a slightly devious grin and putting the boots back on again.  "Well, there's the usual stuff like not murdering people, all the stuff covered by your probation already.  But no, there is one other thing... Never, ever try to enter the house itself, since it's filled to the roof with ten millimetre nylon washers."

"That's fair," Keaton said, and closed her eyes for a few moments, steadying herself emotionally.  Daryil waited patiently until the succubus opened her eyes again.

"Okay," she said, "The trick with delphiniums is that they like plenty of..."

* * *

"So," Haley said, looking at Joshua earnestly.  "I... I don't quite know how to put this, but... well, we could start over," she said.  "If you want... Go back to where we left off..."

Joshua's face was contorted for a moment.  At last he opened his eyes again.

"My last mission," he said, "When you heard I was dead, it wasn't far from the truth.  It's left me changed, I don't know how much good I'd be for you now..."

"What are you saying, Josh?" the malamute said, eyes widening.

"I... I'll never be able to have kids.  I'm... I'm not really a Being anymore."

"You mentioned androids," Haley said.  "They made you into one?"

"Yeah," Josh admitted, head bowed.  "I was dead.  So, you see... I don't know how much that means to you, but I'll never be the same again.  So I don't know... how much that's likely to affect... things between us," he swallowed.
"A lot of water has flowed under that bridge.  They always say that you can never go back to how things were..."

"Oh," Haley said, "But you can."

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 25 (2012/10/06)
Post by: justacritic on October 06, 2012, 11:46:03 AM
Ominous lighting strike & thunder anybody.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 25 (2012/10/06)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 08, 2012, 10:37:20 AM
Washers? Exsqueeze me? the hell you want ten million nylon washers for? Other than filling an otherwise obscure house in Grunmore, that is...

And yes, ominous thunder grumbles overhead.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 25 (2012/10/06)
Post by: Gabi on October 09, 2012, 01:26:10 PM
I think you have answered your own question: the sound of all those washers working together would be much like ominous thunder, wouldn't it?

Other than that... I could say money laundry, but that's not the right way to do it. Not that there is a right way. :P
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 26 (2012/10/13)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 12, 2012, 08:15:31 PM
Chapter 26

"Oh shit," Mayor Dickens said, staring at the screen as the two succubi dumped the corpse unceremoniously behind the desk, followed swiftly by what appeared to be his own head.  One of them pointed at it, asking a question.  The audio came through muffled and the only words Dickens could make out were 'brain museum'.

"So, does that mean you owe me an apology?"  Daryil asked the mayor sweetly.  The llama just looked back at him uncomfortably.

"I guess... I'm sorry," he began, but Daryil interrupted him.

"That's okay.  Now the more important question is what we do about it.  It's taken a lot of effort to stop the body reverting back to my form or turning to dust or whatever dead avatars do.  I could bring it back to life, but the jig would be well and truly up.  And it is a problem... if we stop them, their masters will know.  If we don't... well, fuck knows what they'll do now they're in charge of Parbury, but it won't be anything good."

"Could we put some kind of block on them?" the Mayor asked.  "Prevent them from doing anything harmful, but give them free reign otherwise?"

"...and make them believe they've already done the evil stuff?" Daryil said.  "That would only be a holding pattern, but it's a nice idea.  Eventually the Fa'Rana clan would figure it out in the end."

"Could they report to us?" Mayor Dickens pondered.  "To clarify their instructions?"

"Yeah," Daryil said excitedly.  "Let's do that."  He tapped something out on the screen and it changed slightly, the light and positioning jumping as it cut to show the live feed instead of the recording.  A moment later, Daryil vanished.
The Mayor balked as the fox appeared on the screen, holding his severed head under one arm.  The two 'Cubi turned in horror as the apparition approached them, stuck his head back on and then did something which the llama couldn't quite make out.  The next thing he knew, Daryil was standing over their bodies.  He grabbed one roughly, told them something in a forceful manner, before dropping them unconscious back to the ground.
Satisfied, the fox repeated the process on the other 'Cubi before finally vanishing to reappear by the mayor's side.

"They will report to me for clarification whenever they are ordered to do something that would harm others," Daryil said.  "That way, I'll be able to vet their orders first.  I'll keep you in the loop as well."

"Thank you, my lord," the llama said, bowing.  "Won't they know?"

"Nah, I gave them both post-hypnotic suggestions.  They won't remember a thing.  Now, tell me, Mr. Mayor, have you ever considered joining Daryil clan...?"

* * *

Dorcan stared expectantly at the pine marten, gaze only briefly wavering slightly to the forcefield and back to the shimmering figure once again.

"Right," Bob said, polishing his glasses.  "The message is in the form of a poem."

"Any particular reason, your shith... uh, your Bobness?" Dorcan stammered, stumbling horribly over the honorific and cringing as he waited for the thunderbolt to strike.

"'Your Bobness,'" the mustelid said, stroking his chin.  "I like that.  Nice one.  For the record, I'd have accepted 'Your shithead' too, actually.  See, sticks and stones can't break my bones because I'm ethereal and words don't hurt me either because I don't care what mortals think.  If I did, I'd look a bit less nerdy, right?
"Anyway, I usually intervene in the form of poetry because I move in mysterious ways.  It often helps people remember my hints, and I figure that's what I'm supposed to do, anyway.  But what do I know?  20'000 years and I still haven't quite got the hang of it."

"Anyway, the poem," Bob said, clearing his throat for effect.

Seek for the sword that has been destroyed
When they work out the truth they'll become quite annoyed
For the sword they destroyed ain't the sword that you seek,
But the sword that was forged at the end of last week
And the sword that was lost is a foul thing indeed
Which is why it was smashed as the king had decreed
For the sword has been cursed with a terrible power
Not the life, but the soul will the cursed blade devour
So beware when you find what the noble ones hate
Lest it cast you aside and erase you from fate.

"What...?"  Dorcan said, staring at the shimmering figure.

"Do you need to hear it again?" Bob asked.  "'Cause I have it written down somewhere if you want."

"But I don't understand... what sword?  What are you talking about?"

"Oh shit," Bob said, and his head-wings fanned out.  "That wasn't for you, that was for someone else.  Don't tell anyone, okay?"

"How can you make a mistake like that?" Dorcan squawked.  "I thought you were supposed to be a god!"

"Look around you," Bob said.  "You call this dog-eat-dog world perfect?  I've seen the Dragon Wars... nasty shit like that goes on all the time, just not as widespread for the most part, it's just a sort of background noise.  Furrae itself has clearly had more than a few mistakes made by whoever or whatever designed it, and they're far, far more powerful than I am."

"True," Dorcan said.  "I apologise."

"Well, it's my fault, really," Bob said.  "I just hope I can remember who was looking for that sword.  Nevermind, I think I wrote that down too.  I hope so... if it takes more than a week I'll have to change the verse structure again.  Anyway... the message.  I'm not sure I can be bothered to put it into rhyme and anyway I kind of like you, so I'll give it to you straight.  It's about your son, Sydney."

"What about him?" Dorcan asked cautiously.  "He should be safe at Illiath's, right?  Besides, most places a 'Cubi can go around openly and without fear of reprisals."

"Ah, but Illiath's was attacked," Bob said.  "I thought you knew, it's been the headline news on Furrae Today and all of the 'Cubi-run TV channels."

"I've been travelling," Dorcan said.  "But... wait!  How do you know...?  You can demodulate TV signals by pure thought...?"

"Yes.  But it's such a pain in the arse.  Why should I bother doing that when I can have my worshippers sacrifice a TV set to me, or when I could steal one myself from the supermarket in a halo of light and a heavenly choir?  I'm a god, not some kind of luddite."

"Quickly," Dorcan said, "About Sydney... is he safe...?"

"Oh, right.  Yeah, he's being held prisoner," Bob said.  "Clan Fa'Rana have him, and while he's safe at the moment, that might not last."

"What are they going to do to him?" the Doberman whimpered.

"Right now, nothing.  They were trying to use him as a hostage - believing he was Daryil's son - and they've only recently learned of their mistake.  Soon they may wonder if they can use Sydney in the same way as Daryil's son, since he's of a clan allied with Daryil.  It would certainly have some advantages and be less risky to them."

* * *

"I wonder..." The Professor said slowly, "If this Sydney's father is truly an android now, he can have no more children.  Perhaps... Could we use Sydney in the same way as Daryil's son?  Since he is of a clan allied with Daryil..."

"It would certainly have some advantages," Lady Finch mused.  "And it would be less risky to us."

"For example, Daryil wouldn't hunt us down one by one and mount our severed heads on the wall, like he would if something did happen to his own son,"  The Professor said.  "I never did like that idea.  Turning him against Daryil, however..."

"That may indeed be a better plan," Lady Finch said.  "Though remember we only needed to threaten our hostage - killing him would be a last resort, and a last resort only.  In any case, quite how Daryil is going to react when he discovers we've taken over Parbury is going to be dangerous enough..."  At that moment a wall-screen lit up.

"Professor," a feline incubus said.  "Forgive my intrusion, but... you'll love this!"

"What is it, Johan?" The Professor asked.  "If it's another knock-knock joke..."

"No, no!" Johan said excitedly.  "We've found him!  Daryil's son!"

"Are you sure...?" the raccoon said slowly, head-wings fanning out.  "We can't afford another mistake... suppose he's a Taun or something?  We cannot risk alienating any other clans..."

"We used the 'Cubi Registry, did a search by DNA parameters, grouped by probability!"  The eager cat's face was replaced by a screenful of data and charts.

"Are you shitting me?"  The Professor exclaimed.  "The 'Cubi Registry only accepts global search requests from Tri-winged Leaders or by means of a warrant.  Casual enquiries are only open to 'Cubi and are restricted to their own clan... otherwise we would have done this to begin with.  How could you possibly bypass that?"

"Possession," Johan said.  "A charmed bracelet to keep one of their employees under our spell until they had fetched the result for us.  They will remember nothing."

"Well done," The Professor said.   "Very well done indeed!"

"If we can really get hold of Daryil's true son, we will no longer need Sydney," Lady Finch said.

* * *

"What do you mean?" Josh said, confused and struck with sudden doubt.  "I'm an android.  How can things possibly go back to the way they were before I died?  Are you suggesting some kind of time travel?"

"There is a way," Haley said, stroking Josh's hair gently as she spoke.  "All we have to do is find someone who looks like you.  Another male Husky Being about your age."

"And then what?" Josh said sceptically, folding his arms and wondering whether Haley's near-death experience had somehow unhinged her.  "And that's assuming you can find an exact match, which I doubt?"  I don't like where this is heading, he added mentally.

"Well, then I can rip out his soul, convert it into energy and transfer your soul into the empty husk," Haley smiled.  "Presto, good as new!"

Josh's face became an expressionless mask.  Inwardly he was staggered, horror flooding through him.  It can't be real, he thought wildly.  It can't... she can't... this is just a nightmare...

He pinched himself, claws digging hard into his trousers, a desperate attempt to wake himself...

"Are you alright...?" Haley was asking, her face a picture of concern.  Josh shook himself, marshalling his thoughts and emotions and stared back at the malamute calmly, studying her features dispassionately as if seeing her for the first time.

"I don't know who the hell you are, but you're not Haley," he said slowly.  "She really is dead and you're just a succubus trying to fool me.  Well, I'm sorry, but it didn't work.  You must have known I'd suspect."

"Oh, poor Josh," the malamute said sadly, and a pair of leathery wings appeared on the back of her head.  "You've got it all wrong.  I really am the Haley you knew and loved all those years ago.  I don't know where you got your mind shield from, but it's a good one.  Everything I know about you is what I remember from before..."

"It was all a lie, wasn't it?  You never really loved me at all."

"Oh honey, don't be like that," Haley said, head-wings drooping.  "Of course I did!"

"'Cubi are masters of deception," Joshua said.  "How I can ever be sure of anything you say?"

"I did love you, Josh," she said again, with a sad smile.  "I loved you too much, that's why I had to leave you... it was interfering with my work.  Besides, you were only a Being at the time, doomed to grow old and feeble and ugly while I remain young and beautiful.  But now, though... now you're almost one of us... and if we can get you into a new body, you can be!"
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 26 (2012/10/13)
Post by: justacritic on October 12, 2012, 11:14:22 PM
Poor Josh I feel sorry for him it seems the husky can not catch a break.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 26 (2012/10/13)
Post by: joshofspam on October 13, 2012, 12:16:00 AM
Seems like Bob actually came through without asking for a sacrifice this time. Strange and interesting turn around from the last time we saw him and interesting how his last words match up with what the others are saying.

Changing Josh into a cubi?

This is a lot of effort to see Josh again and letting him in on her plans up to this point. I'm guessing this is another one of the projects that Clan Fa'Rana is working on.

Though I do have other suspensions of her coming back into her life. I'm just not sure about them though.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 26 (2012/10/13)
Post by: VAE on October 17, 2012, 07:53:20 AM
Okay, after a few months of ignorance/ignoreness/whatever you call ignoring something these days, and a few hours of catch up time, I have read what's here of project Epsilon, and the main thing I have to say is
This has pretty much been keeping the quality CJP and FH had, so yeah, great work, though not sure praise from me matters much.

Now , for comments. Probably in no reasonable order.

* Lady Finch and the Professor (and the rest of Fa'Rana there) are ranking high among my favourite characters. Building a robot that can kill demons, and testing/demo-ing it with a couple Monty Python references? Yes please!
* That drawing of Sheila Ketania you got off at AC is awesome. Well done to the artist.
* Poor Lady Finch. Her son is an utter moron with a big mouth. Makes me wonder how he managed to massacre those people over where he was almost executed, makes me think he was .. improving over reality a little (I fully believe the bits about escaping due to a crap subduing spell, and making Niall cry and leave). You know.. half the story I kinda expected he had an affinity for shock and anger/disgust, which'd explain several episodes. As a clan Daryil member, he probably is one for shock, yeah.
* Probably the best and funniest moment was Jyraneth's "I stop thinking you!" .. actually reminded me of something from our regular DnD campaign (mental conversations between Inquisitor Steelsprocket and the Dragula the Deffbike (a steam motorcycle), the second invading the first's mind)
* Close second is strip clubs serving flapjack (as a fan of that particular snack due to low price/mass ratio *yes*. ) , and the whole porridge thing. Oh, and Jakob performing a reverse interrogation by playing along, then sabotaging the android. I wonder.. could that be perhaps aided by position tracking? As in, unless ordered otherwise, the android "latches" onto the first suitable person entering the room (perhaps they'd have to touch it => fur sample, or simply vein prints or something.. I'd imagine an IR scan of blood vessels somewhere in body (muzzle, paw)  would be insane for even a cubi to fake) and accepts orders tracking their location.. if they leave visual range, it resets again to some sensible pre-programmed behaviour. It's probably still horribly fragile, though I suspect.
* 12 phase power supply? I.. hmm, as far as I know, the benefits drop off after 3 phases low enough that it isn't worth the extra wiring. Unless they were using it to distribute the current better or something similarly arcane that  my knowledge of electricity fails to take into account.
* Gonna disagree with owl there - Keaton is not so much a case of villain decay, rather, not that she's able to do all that much in her present condition, and is pretty much screwed if any old enemy comes up. Hence, paranoia.
* So Haley is a succubus? Poor Josh. That said, she isn't being very.. tactical or sane about it... saying that she screwed him over plain because he was holding her up and going to become old when he just told her what he did... is his mindshield *that* good? I'd imagine that'd screw a cubi over - if you're used to feeling emotions, having to deduce them by other means, especially from a frakkin' robot is kinda hard.
* Your Bobness does go among the best religious titles. Though, any deity called Bob should smoke a pipe
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 26 (2012/10/13)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 17, 2012, 08:25:07 AM
Quote from: VAE on October 17, 2012, 07:53:20 AM
* Poor Lady Finch. Her son is an utter moron with a big mouth. Makes me wonder how he managed to massacre those people over where he was almost executed, makes me think he was .. improving over reality a little (I fully believe the bits about escaping due to a crap subduing spell, and making Niall cry and leave). You know.. half the story I kinda expected he had an affinity for shock and anger/disgust, which'd explain several episodes. As a clan Daryil member, he probably is one for shock, yeah.

Thanks for your comments and critique.  Richard was originally conceived as 'Dan, brought up by Destania'.  He has kind of drifted away from that, but - at least when he joined the school - he was of the opinion that killing Beings was kind of like hunting for sport, and he is definitely competent at murder if he has the advantage of surprise.  Against a full-blown adventurer?  He'd likely be toast.

I really need to catch up with Richard and co in the chapter I'm writing now (39) but they don't really have much to say, writing smalltalk has never been one of my strengths.  (And nor has SmallTalk either)

My current favourite character is Illiath, who debuts in chapter 31.

Quote* Probably the best and funniest moment was Jyraneth's "I stop thinking you!"
Actually pinched from The Face of Evil, one of my all-time favourite Dr. Who episodes.

Quote* 12 phase power supply? I.. hmm, as far as I know, the benefits drop off after 3 phases low enough that it isn't worth the extra wiring. Unless they were using it to distribute the current better or something similarly arcane that  my knowledge of electricity fails to take into account.

Yours is probably better.  Maybe it should have just been 6 :3

Quote* Your Bobness does go among the best religious titles. Though, any deity called Bob should smoke a pipe

Wouldn't really gel with his nerdy image.  I will have to try and get Merlin to draw him when she has a chance.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 26 (2012/10/13)
Post by: VAE on October 17, 2012, 09:57:08 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on October 17, 2012, 08:25:07 AM
Quote from: VAE on October 17, 2012, 07:53:20 AM
* Poor Lady Finch. Her son is an utter moron with a big mouth. Makes me wonder how he managed to massacre those people over where he was almost executed, makes me think he was .. improving over reality a little (I fully believe the bits about escaping due to a crap subduing spell, and making Niall cry and leave). You know.. half the story I kinda expected he had an affinity for shock and anger/disgust, which'd explain several episodes. As a clan Daryil member, he probably is one for shock, yeah.

Thanks for your comments and critique.  Richard was originally conceived as 'Dan, brought up by Destania'.  He has kind of drifted away from that, but - at least when he joined the school - he was of the opinion that killing Beings was kind of like hunting for sport, and he is definitely competent at murder if he has the advantage of surprise.  Against a full-blown adventurer?  He'd likely be toast.

Hahah, yes, the "What I made / What I played / etc." RPG meme, happens to everyone.
That said, he doesn't appear to be //too// good at magic, nor is he exceptionally good with tentacles or physically.. I mean, Syd was pretty much an adventurer in training a few years ago, perhaps comparable to the folk in town guards, and despite obviously Richard not being intent on harm, he still did not much of a job of getting himself loose and fleeing. Who knows... (Also, him fucking up, and the fact that his mother didn't inform him fully, and the fact that a lot of them treated the result to be *as expected* implies moar things.)

Oh, on a related point... the clan mark of Daryil didn't come as a surprise to me at all, as soon as they learned of his clan (that said, the fact they are a Daryil splinter *was* surprising, but then I'm less of a thoughtful reader than some)  - I pretty much thought it's a taboo because they still got Daryil's marks to their shame and disgust,  much like Dorcan and the like (Kamei'Sin I think)  have Jyraneth's.

I really need to catch up with Richard and co in the chapter I'm writing now (39) but they don't really have much to say, writing smalltalk has never been one of my strengths.  (And nor has SmallTalk either)
Hahah, neither is mine.

My current favourite character is Illiath, who debuts in chapter 31.
As the blind man said, we shall see.
Quote* Probably the best and funniest moment was Jyraneth's "I stop thinking you!"
Actually pinched from The Face of Evil, one of my all-time favourite Dr. Who episodes.
It's still hillarious. Hmm, given the amount of stuff Saph tends to mention from there, maybe I really should watch Dr. Who one day.
Quote* 12 phase power supply? I.. hmm, as far as I know, the benefits drop off after 3 phases low enough that it isn't worth the extra wiring. Unless they were using it to distribute the current better or something similarly arcane that  my knowledge of electricity fails to take into account.

Yours is probably better.  Maybe it should have just been 6 :3
Ehh. While electrical power was one of the things to do with electricity I sucked least at, it doesn't imply I'm much good.
That said, who knows what sort of spells it's mixed with, there well could be special requirements to power some machines with a dash of magitech that Earth's hardware simply doesn't have.  

Quote* Your Bobness does go among the best religious titles. Though, any deity called Bob should smoke a pipe

Wouldn't really gel with his nerdy image.  I will have to try and get Merlin to draw him when she has a chance.
Tell that to this mister here. ( :3
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 26 (2012/10/13)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 17, 2012, 11:58:28 AM
Quote from: VAE on October 17, 2012, 09:57:08 AM
Hahah, yes, the "What I made / What I played / etc." RPG meme, happens to everyone.
That said, he doesn't appear to be //too// good at magic, nor is he exceptionally good with tentacles or physically.. I mean, Syd was pretty much an adventurer in training a few years ago, perhaps comparable to the folk in town guards, and despite obviously Richard not being intent on harm, he still did not much of a job of getting himself loose and fleeing.

You mean when they were taken by Lady Finch and co?

QuoteOh, on a related point... the clan mark of Daryil didn't come as a surprise to me at all, as soon as they learned of his clan (that said, the fact they are a Daryil splinter *was* surprising, but then I'm less of a thoughtful reader than some)  - I pretty much thought it's a taboo because they still got Daryil's marks to their shame and disgust,  much like Dorcan and the like (Kamei'Sin I think)  have Jyraneth's.

Yeah.  I figured a lot of people would guess that.  IIRC it surprised one of my proof-readers, though.

I really need to catch up with Richard and co in the chapter I'm writing now (39) but they don't really have much to say, writing smalltalk has never been one of my strengths.  (And nor has SmallTalk either)
Hahah, neither is mine.

It's still hillarious. Hmm, given the amount of stuff Saph tends to mention from there, maybe I really should watch Dr. Who one day.

That one is from about 1976, I think.  A little primitive technically but it had some very, very nice moments, particularly with the dialogue.  It introduced Leela.  Basically the Doctor runs into a semi-divine entity resembling himself and worshipped by the locals.  Said entity is completely insane and believes the Doctor is a figment of his own imagination.  I think that's about as much as can be said without spoiling things.

"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."

QuoteEhh. While electrical power was one of the things to do with electricity I sucked least at, it doesn't imply I'm much good.
That said, who knows what sort of spells it's mixed with, there well could be special requirements to power some machines with a dash of magitech that Earth's hardware simply doesn't have.

Yeah.  I was trying to imply that they needed something rather peculiar to run it, since a normal industrial power supply wouldn't be a problem.

QuoteTell that to this mister here. ( :3

Yeah, I thought that was what you meant.  I was never sure where that came from, though.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 26 (2012/10/13)
Post by: VAE on October 17, 2012, 12:20:12 PM
Yep, or rather a while before that, when the ISAS proffessorship considered using Richard as a hostage of their own.
That said, I wonder if Finch would have been phased have they gone through, or declared him a loss much like Stalin did with his son when he said the "I don't exchange generals for soldiers" when the germans offered his swap for captive officers.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 26 (2012/10/13)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 17, 2012, 01:45:19 PM
Quote from: VAE on October 17, 2012, 12:20:12 PM
Yep, or rather a while before that, when the ISAS proffessorship considered using Richard as a hostage of their own.
That said, I wonder if Finch would have been phased have they gone through, or declared him a loss much like Stalin did with his son when he said the "I don't exchange generals for soldiers" when the germans offered his swap for captive officers.

Lady Finch may have a few screws loose, but she would have gone nuts if Richard was killed.

Oh, and where the fight between Richard, Falkirk and Syd is concerned, Richard didn't want to risk harming fellow 'Cubi.  If he had been assailed by Beings, he would probably have hacked them up with his tentacles.  He may be pretty lousy at the other 'Cubi powers, but he can certainly use the tentacles to deadly effect.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 26 (2012/10/13)
Post by: Gabi on October 18, 2012, 11:42:51 AM
Ah, so that's what the rolling thunder was for! Poor Josh. :(

It was weird that Lady Finch and the Professor used the exact same words as Bob did. Then again, my brother and I did the same thing yesterday (when our dad sent us messages saying that signing a scripture had been a hard labor, we both replied - independently, since we were in different places - "Is it a boy or a girl?")
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 27 (2012/10/20)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 20, 2012, 09:09:30 AM
Oh, and thanks to Sunblink for helping with Keaton's dialogue.

Chapter 27

"In this class I'll be teaching you more basic shapeshifting," Professor Falkirk began.  "But before we start, I feel it's only fair to take any questions you may have about the future of this school.
"Before anyone asks the obvious one, I will say now that we still don't know when we'll be able to return to the ISIS building.
"Teaching will resume within Daryil's complex, but to avoid accusations of bias we will be restricting ourselves, mostly to practical subjects like emotional discipline, psionic powers, self-defence and of course shapeshifting.  More abstract things like history classes, Being studies and the like, things which have a political angle to them, those will be on hold until we can find more neutral territory to run the school from."

"Professor," Sheila began, misery evident in her voice.

"I can talk to you afterwards if you like, Sheila," Professor Falkirk said quietly.  "Are you sure you're in a fit state to attend class yet?"

"I think I can manage, sir," she said unhappily.  "Professor... will the literature classes continue?"

"Not immediately," the poodle told her.  "We're still working on that one.  The base's connectivity is a bit limited, this many students will saturate it, and the library here is... well, not ideal.  Some would call it 'tainted' by Daryil Clan's outlook, and we don't want to give that impression.  Once we can arrange a wider selection, those classes will resume."

The class had arranged the tables into the same configuration they had had in the school, partly out of habit, partly to give themselves some semblance of normality to cling to and in some cases out of sheer defiance against the school's attackers.  Fighting back tears, Sheila looked at the empty seat next to her, where Syd would have been, if he was there, and then to the spot where Richard had sat.

This is ridiculous, she told herself.  Sydney's one thing, but Richard was responsible for this whole fiasco... Why do I miss him too...?

* * *

"Professor," Lady Finch said.  "I've had an idea what we should do with Sydney."

"Oh...?" the raccoon asked, turning to look at the wolf succubus.

"We should definitely take him hostage and threaten his life.  If we can then draw his father to us, we can take him prisoner... then we will have a Jayhawk android to study!  Think of the improvements we could make to Sophie!"

"Apparently his father is friendly with Daryil," The Professor cautioned.  "He may not take this well.  But if we can manage that side of things, yes... the idea has merit.  I will bring Sydney here."

* * *

"What is Sydney to you...?" Dorcan asked nervously.  "Why do you care enough to watch him and warn me he's in trouble?"

"You pledged him to me," Bob said.  "You pledged your firstborn to Bob in exchange for the android race being recognised by the Being-Creature Commission."

"Oh hell," the Doberman said, and his head-wings fanned out.  "What will you do to him...?  Please, please don't kill him, he's the last son I can ever have... WAIT!  They didn't!  The Commission decided to take a wait-and-see approach!"

"That they did," Bob agreed.  "In fact, we didn't actually close that deal.  If you remember, I warned you upfront that it might not be as simple as you thought, with that whole "I'm a robot and I can't have children" thing.  Give me some credit!
"But I've been watching him anyway, just out of curiosity... to see what I might have won, I suppose.  He's a good lad, and I'd hate to see anything happen to him.
"But there is another reason.  I can dimly sense something on the horizon, and your son is caught up in it, I'm afraid.  If it goes bad, it could spark another war against the 'Cubi race."

"Oh gods," Dorcan said.  "Will it never end?"

"It's a matter of probabilities," Bob said.  "And probabilities within probabilities.  Right now, there's a sixty percent chance of this shit hitting the fan, but that doesn't automatically mean a war.
"That's if things proceed as they are now and the loonies succeed in this Epsilon Project of theirs... it's such an outrageously stupid idea, it is likely to spark a war.  Now, if that happens, there's a 50/50 chance of the 'Cubi race being able to shift the blame onto the loonies, more if I intervene.  But even that would still be messy."

"What about the other forty percent?" Dorcan asked, head-wings drooping.

"Oh, that's if someone stops them.  Then things will happily carry on as they were before, a slow and gradual thaw between Beings and Creatures.  I think that's best, personally."

"And my son...?  If things are really going to descend into chaos, I want him somewhere safe!  Can we get him out?"

"That's the thing.  They've hidden him very, very well.  The whole place is completely shielded, like SAIA was back in the day.  And that means the only way he's getting out, the only way anyone can even locate him, is through divine intervention.  And whatever you may think after the poem malarky, I do happen to have god-like powers, whether I really am a god or not."

"You're not sure?" Dorcan asked.  "No offence intended..."

"I figure I was probably some weird experiment created by the Fae... maybe along the lines of "Can I create a rock that I'm unable to lift?".  Whatever the case, 'god' is the closest thing I can find that people will understand.   Whatever I am, I do seem to be able to draw extra strength from the worship of others, and I get first dibs on the souls of all who are killed in my name or my service.  I think that's reasonably godlike."

"You're talking about intervening to save my son," Dorcan said.  "Is that something you've done much?  I mean... I don't want it to go wrong and lose him..."

"I've done it a bit," Bob said.  "More than before.  See, my hands were kind of tied in the Dragon Wars... if I intervened too much they'd know, and I have no doubt they'd be able to commit deicide if they really, really wanted to.  After all, I have a soul.  I guess... I guess I was scared."

"You just sat back and watched?" Dorcan said, horrified.  "As entire clans were wiped from the face of Furrae?  You did nothing?"

"I didn't say that," Bob said, and for the first time he sounded annoyed.  "I worked stealthily.  I didn't do anything that could be pinned on a deity - just a bit of random good fortune here and there, a few key people hidden from the Dragon's vision.  I think it's fair to say that there would be even fewer clans left if I hadn't helped out."

"I'm sorry," Dorcan said, "It's just..."

"Yeah, I know.  I could have done more.  You have no idea how difficult it was, how much it hurt each time another clan died, how many times I wished I could have done more.  And that's one of the reasons I want to try and prevent another war from happening now."

The Doberman nodded.

"In fact, fuck it.  Let's do this."  Bob said, and closed his eyes.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"  Dorcan asked.

"Yeah.  Stay there for a minute, and wait.  You'll know what to do."

* * *

There was a slight change of pressure in his room, but Syd was used to it by now.  He put down "Confessions of Another Jyraneth" on the bedside table and glanced up to see Richard standing there with a small bag of cookies.

"Thanks," Syd said.  "Any idea when they're likely to let me out of here?"

"Not really," Richard said.  "Mom was extremely vague about it.  It's starting to worry me."

"Supposing," Syd said, "Supposing you heard that they've decided to... silence me."  Richard's head-wings fluffed out at this.

"...I mean purely hypothetically," Sydney added quickly.  "Where would you stand?"

Richard looked around nervously.

"I don't think it will come to that," the jackal tittered nervously.  "I mean... obviously, I don't want you to die, but... if I stick my neck out too far to save you, I'll be dead too and what's that buy us?"

"Your own clan would kill you for trying to save your friend?" Sydney said, aghast.

"If they thought I'd turned to Daryil's side, they might," the jackal said.  He looked scared.  "They'll be angry if they even think I've been visiting you.  Mom would go apeshit... she'd send me to The Professor..!"

"Well, maybe it won't get that far," Sydney said, but he sounded doubtful himself.  He glanced around.  Richard was pointing at one of the walls.

* * *

Nick turned as they opened his door, and his head-wings fanned out slightly as he took in Keaton.  The succubus leapt backwards at the sight of him, a handsome youth, heartbreakingly similar to herself or perhaps her older brother... but clothed in shiny leggings and arm-length gloves.  Keaton went apeshit.

"WHAT. THE HELL. DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" she screamed, a wild expression on her face which at once embodied both horror, shock, fury and a considerable number of various other things.

"Wuh...?" Nick's head-wings fanned out even further at the reaction, and he almost fell off his chair.

"You... a Jyraneth... the noblest of all clans... What the fuck are you doing dressed like a whore?!"

"His clothes were falling apart," Daryil said.  "So I lent him some of mine."

"Oh, so that's your game!" Keaton sneered.  "He's been here five minutes and you're already trying to turn this kid into your concubine?!"

"I chose them," Nick squeaked, head-wings fanning out.  "They're comfortable and shiny and cool looking.  'Cubi are supposed to wear tight clothing!  And we're supposed to dress outrageously, to spark people's emotions!  I've read all about it!"

"Yes, but..." the succubus stopped and closed her mouth.  She turned away, radiating misery.  "Never mind.  If that's what you're into, that's your choice, I guess..."  She left the room.

"Well, that didn't go down as well as I'd hoped," Daryil said.  "Ah well, she should warm up eventually, but this may take a lot longer than I thought."

"Who was that?"

"Keaton," Daryil told him.  Nick stepped backwards a few paces.  "That Keaton?"

"Yes.  But she wouldn't dare hurt you," Daryil said.  "Even without me here to protect you.  For better or worse, she's part of your close family and I guess this came as something of a disappointment to her.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd better get after her in case she does something foolish."

Lord Daryil stopped at the door and glanced back at the shaken jackal.  "By the way, you do look rather cute in those," he added.

Not for the first time, Nicklaus wondered what he had got himself into.

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 27 (2012/10/20)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 20, 2012, 09:58:54 AM
Love the last line. Really do.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 27 (2012/10/20)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 20, 2012, 10:25:29 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 20, 2012, 09:58:54 AM
Love the last line. Really do.

Oh, I forgot to mention that it ties in with this, which was originally done while experimenting with new highlighting techniques for shiny surfaces:
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 27 (2012/10/20)
Post by: VAE on October 20, 2012, 11:33:50 AM
Heh. The whole "Divine intervention is too risky" shtick reminds me of what happens when you combine Epic Level Handbook and Deities and Demigods supplements  - there are many stories of DnD campaigns whose common point is "If it's got HP, it can be killed". And considering DnD dragons definitely qualify for at least a good 30 levels...


"You... a Jyraneth... the noblest of all clans... What the fuck are you doing dressed like a whore?!"
Some questions just don't have a satisfying answer.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 27 (2012/10/20)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 20, 2012, 12:01:37 PM
Quote from: VAE on October 20, 2012, 11:33:50 AM
Heh. The whole "Divine intervention is too risky" shtick reminds me of what happens when you combine Epic Level Handbook and Deities and Demigods supplements
The other reason is of course to avoid treading on Amber's toes too much :P

QuoteSome questions just don't have a satisfying answer.
The normal 'Cubi answer is that it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 27 (2012/10/20)
Post by: Gabi on October 20, 2012, 12:59:05 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on October 20, 2012, 09:09:30 AM
Not for the first time, Nicklaus wondered what he had got himself into.
He got himself into Daryil's clothes. That invariably leads to trouble. Except in Daryil's case he's usually the one causing it. ;)
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 27 (2012/10/20)
Post by: joshofspam on October 20, 2012, 08:59:11 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on October 20, 2012, 10:25:29 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 20, 2012, 09:58:54 AM
Love the last line. Really do.

Oh, I forgot to mention that it ties in with this, which was originally done while experimenting with new highlighting techniques for shiny surfaces:

Wow, Keaton and Nick look quite a bit like one another. If not sharing similar fashion tastes.

Edit: Though looking back to Keaton on her cast page, there is a difference in hair style and the marks around Keaton's eye's. Though it does seem like Keaton wears more then him.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 28 (2012/10/27)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 27, 2012, 11:03:36 AM
Writing has slowed down a bit so I might go back to the two-week schedule now that the backlog has shrunk, we'll have to see how things go.

Chapter 28

Richard stared at the apparition before him.  A glowing point had appeared in one wall of Sydney's room.  It traced a square on the wall and opened, revealing gateway to somewhere else.  Sydney strode up to it and peered through, but it was hazy and he couldn't quite make out what he was seeing.

"Come on..." a voice was calling.  "It won't be open forever!"

"Oh," Sydney snarled, "And just why should I go through it?"

"What?!" the voice exclaimed.  "We're trying to rescue you!"

"Oh fuck off!" Syd put his hands on his hips.  "You don't seriously think I'm going to fall for that one again?"

"Don't be a tit," the voice said.  "Look, Dorcan's here.  Do you want to be rescued or not?  Because you can stay and be killed by the Fa'Rana crazies if you prefer."

At that moment another dot appeared next to the first, tracing out the square of a new portal.  The words "...some kind of interference..." drifted through it, and the opening became brighter.

"Come here, Sydney," someone was saying.  The fox glanced and panicked as he saw it was Professor Fa'Rana.

Everything after that happened in a blur, it was almost like someone else had taken him over... It was exactly like he'd read, sometimes in stressful situations a 'Cubi would be overridden by their own emotions and that seemed to have happened now.  Syd was like a prisoner inside himself, watching in amazement as his arms grabbed Richard bodily and pushed him through the nearest portal.

Richard lay chin down on the grass, winded.  As his watering eyes came into focus he found himself staring at some kind of translucent incubus.  Through the ghostly one's shoulder he could see a Doberman incubus, who looked somehow familiar.

"What the hell?" the glowing one said.  "That's not your son."

"You got the wrong one!" the Doberman yelped.

* * *

"What's the catch?"  Mayor Dickens said, hands on hips.

"You have to have a child with one of my clan," one of Daryil said.  "She then has to sacrifice half of her power and lifespan to make you into half an incubus.
Then you both get a complimentary chunk of soul energy to bring you both up to scratch."

"What's she get out of it?" the mayor asked, eyes narrowing.

"Depends," Daryil said.  "Sometimes clan members desperately want a child, but haven't found a partner.  Sometimes it's a penance for those who have severely broken the laws of my clan."

"This is all a trick," the llama said, smiling cynically.  "If I'm a member of your clan... it's all a ploy to gain control of Parbury."

"Technically I already have," Daryil reminded him.  "But at the end of the day you're kind of right.  Once more for the record, I fully intend to return Parbury to you once the present crisis is over.
"That said, it would be nice to have Parbury as a part of my clan's territory, I won't deny that.  If you were to join my clan, it would make a nice compromise that satisfied both sides, but at the end of the day, it's up to you."

"You'd just wait until I retire anyway..." the llama began, but he cut short as the screen next to them suddenly buzzed.
Daryil snapped his fingers and Mayor Dickens' office appeared on it, a leopard succubus standing before the viewscreen with a vixen stood next to her.  Their eyes were slightly unfocused.

"I have been instructed to assassinate a Mr. Lizzabud of 73 Gromshire Drive, Palance, West Parbury," the leopard said.  "He is scheduled to inspect one of our properties in Grunmore and this would expose our hidden complex.  What are your orders?"

"Very good, Bill," Daryil said.  "And Ben?"

"I am to hold the premises in her absence and dispose of the corpse afterwards.  What are your orders?"

"Now Hear This," Daryil said, and his eyes blazed slightly.  "Bill, you have already assassinated Mr. Lizzabud.  Ben, you have already disposed of the corpse.  You will return to your duties in ten seconds."

"Yes, Professor," the two succubi chorused.  Daryil cut the link.

"'Bill'?  'Ben'?" the llama asked, frowning.

"Well, I don't know what their real names are," Daryil said, "So I made some up.  Bill is the leopard, Ben is the vixen.  Do you like them?"

Mayor Dickens turned his head slightly, not quite sure whether Daryil was kidding him or not.

"Whatever," the fox said, "Frankly I'd be worried if you immediately accepted my proposal to join Daryil clan.  It's something that needs very careful consideration.
"The offer is still open, so have a think about it.  If at the end of the day you don't want to, I can accept that."
"But now, if you'll excuse me, I'd better find this Mr. Lizzabud and get him out of trouble before someone realises that the Flowerpot Men here haven't killed him."

So saying, Daryil pushed a small, glossy booklet into the llama's hands and skipped happily off down the corridor.

Shaking his head, Mayor Dickens glanced down at the brochure.  The cover depicted Daryil in sunglasses, trenchcoat and a fedora.  He was leaning against the wall, and above him were the words "Hey kid, wanna be a 'Cubi?"

* * *

"You bastard," Keaton flared, as another of Daryil's projections caught up with her.  "Why did you do this to me?!  I served my time in prison, I didn't kill anyone while I was there, no-one at all!  You don't think I've suffered enough?  Is that it...?"

"What?"  Daryil fluffed out.  "What are you talking about, Keaton...?"

"HIM!"  Keaton pointed at the door, claws extended with her shapeshifting powers.  "You bastard... raising my hopes with tales of some young Jyraneth... and then showing me this... this fake!     
"Gods, Keaton," Daryil said.  "I thought he was your son!"

"My son?!  I've been in fucking prison for the last 25 years!  This may come as a surprise to you, but they don't let you do things like that when you're in jail!"

"I wouldn't have thought that would have stopped you," Daryil said.  "If you were determined enough you'd have found a way.  I think that's why I like you, you're so tenacious."

"'Like me?!'  You bitch," Keaton snapped, her voice full of venom.  "You just wanted to crow over this, didn't you?"

"I'm sorry," Daryil said, and he looked very hurt.  "Really, I am... I mean... I didn't do any of this to spite you.  I honestly thought it would make you happy to meet another member of your clan, to know that they're still out there...  I didn't think this would happen..."

As he spoke, the jackal succubus began to sag visibly, leaning back against the wall for support.  "When I look at him...  It's like he's...  He's a reminder of everything I had... everything I've lost... everything I can never have now..."

"Never is a long time, Keaton," Daryil said.  "Especially for someone with a multi-milennial lifespan.  All you have to do is find a good man who is tolerant of your... foibles... and settle down for a bit.  Start a company that makes plushies or something.  It's not soul surgery.  Hell, I can lend you some seed capital and premises if you want."

"But he's a Jyraneth..." Keaton wept, burying her head in Daryil's arm.  "One of the Lady's Children... and he doesn't know the first thing about how he should behave!"

"No, he does," Daryil said softly.  "He's seen the Jyraneth Way and it appalls him.  And he's right, Katherine.  Going on murderous raids against other races is not a survival trait.  It works if you're a Demon or if you're safe in your own closed environment like the Jyraneth were, but it doesn't work in the world outside."

"It worked for more than fifteen thousand years," the succubus said, her voice choked.

"Yes, but those days are gone," the fox told her gently.  "They always say that you can never really go home, and it's true.  But even if you could... would you really, honestly want to?  As I understand it the Lady held loyalty checks every ten years and cruelly punished or destroyed anyone who she felt didn't meet her ideals.  Is that really the life you want to lead?"

"But it's the life I grew up with!"

"Yes, and you're seeing it with rose-tinted glasses because of that," Daryil said apologetically.  "That's normal and natural, but it's not especially helpful.  It may have been the life you grew up with, but that's because it was the life you were forced into by the Lady and your parents' terror of her," he continued.
"Don't you remember when you were young and innocent, when you first found out what your clan was doing to people?  It horrified you, Keaton, just like Nick is horrified now.  They had to break you, Katherine," he said.  "They had to condition you to accept what most other clans consider to be atrocities, they had to brainwash you into thinking they were just a part of normal life.
"I mean... she had you brand yourselves with hot irons to prove your loyalty to the Queen, over and over again because we heal rapidly.  Gods, Keaton, self-mutilation!  None of the other clans do that.  Tri-winged Leaders nearly always take a friendly approach with their children.  What Jyraneth did, how she ran her clan... that's not normal."

"What are you trying to do to me...?" Keaton whimpered.  "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I think it's best in the long run.  And because... because I went through a very bad period myself when I was younger," Daryil said hesitantly, as if he wasn't sure he wanted to admit it.
"But now?  Now I have a clan, a true clan of my own, and many children who look up to me.  Maybe one day, a thousand or so years from now, you can say the same, do the same... look back on your murderous rampages as simple immaturity, something you don't talk about very much."

"Yeah, right," the jackal said, looking at the floor.

"At the end of the day, Jyraneth clan can never be the way it was again.  There are survivors of the massacre out there still, but without the Lady's iron fist, nearly everyone has gone to seed.  Settled back into an ordinary, normal way of life, living among Beings or in Creature-run cities.
"Even the inquisitors... what were they called again..?  Even those... well, some of them were executed for murder, but the ones who survived have adapted, putting their past behind them and becoming normal, happy 'Cubi like Mordrith and Julei.
"There are still a handful of fanatics out there, but honestly, Keaton... they're so far gone they'd probably kill you for heresy."

Keaton shuddered.  "That's true, but... Look," she snapped.  "Just tell me where you're going with this, if you're so concerned for me."

"Yeah, right.  What I'm trying to say is... don't judge Nick too harshly for being like any other young 'Cubi, because the Jyraneth Clan of your youth is gone.  If you're trying to recapture it, you'll always be disappointed.   You'd have much better luck with the plushie factory."

* * *

"Wait," Josh said, one eye widening with suspicious curiously, "You're offering to turn me into a 'Cubi...?"

"Well, once you've been put into a flesh body again," the malamute said excitedly.  "We can't do it to an android."

"I don't follow," Josh said.  "It sounds to me like you faked your own death to break off our relationship.  Why couldn't you have converted me then...?"

Haley winced slightly at the mention of her death, but a moment later became her previous bubbly self once more.

"Only a clan with a true Leader, a tri-winged clan leader... only a clan like that can convert other races into 'Cubi."

"You're from a tri-winged clan?!" the husky half-shouted, stepping back in alarm.

"No, not yet..." Haley said, quivering with excitement, "But once Project Sigma has been completed, my master will finally be able to grant me this reward for all I've done!"

"But I don't want any part of it," Josh said.  "Not if it means killing or soul-stealing."  The malamute looked stung, and then saddened.

"Joshua, Joshua... please reconsider.   I'm offering you a chance to transcend all the limits of a regular Being.  As part of the Master Race, you'd have far greater powers... far greater lifespan... everything you could possibly want!  And most of all, we'd be together..!
"Please, dear... I wouldn't make this offer to just anyone.  Think about it... do you comprehend what I'm offering?  How much I'd have to sacrifice to make this work...?  Even The Professor can't just snap his fingers and turn you into a 'Cubi, it's very involved a... part of me would have to merge with you!
"It's such a rare thing, it only usually happens when a 'Cubi is very, very deeply in love with a Being... and that's what I'm offering to you now!"

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 28 (2012/10/27)
Post by: joshofspam on October 27, 2012, 12:43:12 PM
Seems like Bob interventions have slightly varying results

Wow, with the idea of Keaton possibly being a Plushie Baroness, I'm getting weird idea's of what the commercial would be like for that.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 28 (2012/10/27)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 28, 2012, 02:36:41 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on October 27, 2012, 12:43:12 PM
Seems like Bob interventions have slightly varying results

Well, it wouldn't be fun to have someone who is completely all-powerful :3
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 29 (2012/11/03)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 02, 2012, 03:10:01 PM
Chapter 29

"If you feel up to it," Daryil said, once he was sure Keaton had calmed down, "I do need to ask you about the Red Queen."

The jackal's ears pricked up, and she turned around slowly, a suspicious expression across her face.

"After all you've just said about putting the past behind me?" she said.  "Now you want to know about the Lady!?"

"Yeah, I know, I know... but it's important," Daryil insisted.

"She hasn't been seen for centuries," Keaton said.  "Most people think she's dead, people who haven't seen the heads on our wing-tentacles.  What do you care about ancient history?"

"I'll get to that.  See, the thing is that you're one of the rather few people who have ever met her in person and survived," Daryil said.  "And this has suddenly become rather important.  I need an unbiased opinion, which Mordrith and Julei cannot provide, particularly since she wanted to execute their souls.  I don't expect you to have an uncoloured opinion either, but I figure if I add yours to Mordriths, they should cancel each other out and leave me with something vaguely accurate.
"That and I've read 'Confessions of a Jyraneth'," he added.  "It was very well written."

"Thanks, it sold great," Keaton said.  "Oh!  You want me to write about the Lady?  Is that it?"

"No, though it might be a fun project," the fox said.  "No... I'm afraid that it's to do with Nick, who you met earlier.  I don't expect miracles after your first encounter, and besides, the guy's probably scared shitless of you by now.  But if you can bring yourself to at least be cordial with him, you're free to ask him any questions about it."

"Get to the point," Keaton said curtly.

"Well..." Daryil hesitated.  "Nick thinks he's met Her in his dreams."

Keaton froze, vision greying for a moment as she steadied herself against a nearby wall.  Daryil winced at the obvious shock and terror the jackal had just unleashed, though being only present as an avatar, he couldn't really feel it himself.

"Oh... Oh fuck..." the succubus murmured quietly.

"Yeah, I thought you might say that," Daryil said.

"I've been a bad girl," Keaton babbled, looking hastily around the room in case Jyraneth had somehow sneaked in and was waiting to destroy her while Daryil pointed and laughed at her dying soul...

"Right," Daryil said, "I'm no expert, but if you've done enough to have both Jyraneth and everyone else thinking you need to be punished, you're certainly in a bit of a pickle."

"What can I do?!" she yelped.  "If she finds me..."

"Calm down for a start," Daryil advised.  "There are ways to conceal yourself from a Leader.  I can't really tell whether Jyraneth would take that as a death offence, particularly since she must know her clan has been almost obliterated.  But if you want me to do it, I can.  She'd likely assume you'd died anyway."

"But she got to this Nick person!" Keaton snapped frantically.  "She'll be able to do that to me!  She must already know!"

"What she did to Nick and Sydney only works for younger 'Cubi who can still dream," Daryil said.  "She won't be able to do that to you anymore.  But if we move quickly, we can hide you from her."

"Is it reversible...?"

"Yes," Daryil said.  "I tried it on Jakob."

"And you'd do that for me?  Protect me from my own Leader?  Why would you even care?"

"Oh, not this again," Daryil said, pouting.  "Is that so hard to believe?  I know your past, Keaton, and in some ways it mirrors my own.  Believe it or not I am sympathetic to your plight.  I know what you've suffered and I'd like to see something good happen to you for a change.  That and... well, if you died, Furrae would be a much less interesting place."

"But most of all, you want to stop Jyraneth from reforming her clan," Keaton said.

"Well, that too, but like I said, most of them have gone to seed.  You know how disappointed you were when you met Nick?  Well... think what it's going to be like for her."

* * *

Sydney was in a state resembling concussion when he finally staggered through the portal.

"Ah, good!"  Professor Fa'Rana said.  "I was afraid we'd have to come and get you.  That wouldn't have got us off to a very good start now, would it...?"

"Hah," Syd said, still reeling slightly from his emotional freak-out as if mildly drunk.  "You'd have got me anyway, with that other portal, right?  Nice trick, by the way."

Lady Finch and the professor glanced at each other, faces lined with concern.

"What 'other portal'...?" the succubus demanded.  "Do you have any idea how difficult it is to produce even one of these things...?!"

"Who cares?  You're going to kill me anyway," the fox said.  And then fell through the floor.

"You little idiot," Bob said, as Sydney tumbled onto the grass beside Richard, who was hugging his knees and whimpering.  Falling was an interesting experience because the gate had opened below him but the destination emerged horizontally, giving him a rather strange sensation as gravity shifted 90 degrees and he landed on his back.

"I'm sorry," Sydney said, staring confusedly for a few moments before picking himself up and hugging his father.  "They were trying to take me somewhere... I think they wanted to kill me...  I'm really glad you were able to rescue me..."

"Ah, right," Bob said.  "That would explain a few things."

"Shouldn't you have known that, your Bobness?" Dorcan asked casually.  "I mean, aren't you kind of divine?"

"Yes, but sometimes I have problems seeing things and doing things at the same time," the pine marten shrugged.

"So you're the Bob that dad told me about once?  I didn't know you could be an autistic god..."  Sydney exclaimed, staring at the glowing figure in wonder and confusion.

"Divine power has fallen a long way," Dorcan muttered.

"Power has its price," Bob said.  "And for your information, it's not actually autism, it's to do with the fact that I'm not quite here on this plane.  What you're seeing now is a projection caused by me manipulating reality very slightly.  Warping it more aggressively, like making that portal or making a television set ascend to heaven, that produces a lot of noise and blinds my senses on your plane.

"Anyway, I've rescued you in the end, Sydney," Bob said,  "Despite your best attempts.  I think you owe me a favour now."

"What do you want...?" the fox gulped.  "I... I can't.. please don't make me do anything illegal or immoral..."

"I dunno," Bob said.  "'God told me to do it' is actually a pretty good excuse if you're caught.  But no, I won't do that.  I mean really, it's like any other cult or clan... if you ask too much of your followers they sod off and leave you.  Deification 101.
"Anyway, I haven't decided what yet.  It'll probably just be something boring like helping to spread the Word of Bob on Furrae.  If so, I won't bother you about it until you've finished your studies anyway."

* * *

Lord Daryil was snuggled up cozily inside his private inner sanctum when the call came in.  Most Clan Leaders had some kind of bolt-hole, underground or dimensionally isolated... these had come in handy when the Dragons attempted to kill them all, and for the most part no-one really noticed since a Leader could conduct most of their affairs by means of a projection or avatar.

Daryil was tucked up in front of a viewscreen with a stack of Demon-Sized cherry pies.  The fact that he was no longer able to obtain nourishment from food meant that he no longer got fat, but it didn't stop the pies from tasting good.
The call came in just as he was dangling a slice of pie in front of his mouth.  Hastily he hid it somewhere behind him, and snapped his fingers to accept the call.  The indignity!  Who would dare intrude...?

"How the hell did you get this number..." he snarled, wing-tentacles hissing and baring their teeth.

"Hi, Dar," the jackal incubus said demurely, "Sorry to disturb you again, but this is important."

"Oh, Callahan!" Daryil said, his anger melting away.  "What can I do for y... ewww."

"Yeah," Callahan said, his hands stained with blood, and an unhappy expression in his eyes.

"Is that... what I think it is...?" Daryil enquired.

"Yeah," the jackal said, "They sent me some fresh... Uhhh.  I'm sorry, my Lord... I... I don't know how much longer I can take this!  I hope they relieve me soon..."

"It can't be helped," Daryil sighed.  "It's horrible, but you're attached to a horrible clan.  Look, if you really can't cope, just say the word.  I don't want to see my Children suffer, and you've done so much for me already..."

"No, my Lord," Callahan said firmly.  "It's more important that you have an eye on things.  The Professor..."

"You've found something?!"  Daryil said, his expression hardening as he devoted his full attention to the jackal on the video screen.

"The Professor sent me a message," Callahan said.  "He's offered me a place in clan.  He's offered... He's offered to perform the ritual of transfer.  To bind me to Fa'Rana clan."

"Holy shit," Daryil said.  "It's a loyalty test, then...?"

"Yeah, I think so," the jackal said.  "If I refuse... well, I'm already suspect.  But if I show signs that I want to remain with Daryil Clan... they'll know..."

"Can't you make it look like you're hedging your bets?" Daryil said.  "That you might be able to make your peace with me...?"

"Oh, The Professor won't go for that," Callahan said.  "No, I'd have never got this far if he thought I had any love for you... Dar," he swallowed.  "They think I'm on the run from you..."

"My offer remains," Daryil said.  "I don't want to lose you, and I don't expect you really want to switch clans either."

"No," Callahan said.  "I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.  But the thing is... the ritual of transference..."

"I know," Daryil said.  "It only works with a Tri-winged clan.  And that means The Professor thinks he's going to ascend in the near future.  What the hell is he playing at...?"

* * *

"Daryil must have done this," The Professor snarled.  "No-one else would have both the power and the interest in kidnapping him.  But how could he have penetrated our shields and our wards?!"

"To Sydney's quarters," Lady Finch snapped, "Quickly!  I thought I saw my son there through the portal!"

"Don't rush me!" The Professor said, struggling to create a gate as fast as he could.

"Holy shit," he added as he stepped into the room where the fox had been cooped up.  "Richard was here...  I can feel his aura fading...  He went into this wall..."

"He's gone!" Lady Finch screamed, "They took him!  Lord Daryil has taken my son hostage!"

* * *

Daryil sat in his sanctum for a while after Callahan rang off, wondering what the hell was going on in Grunmore and whether he should be concerned about The Professor's apparent ambitions.  Elsewhere, one of his avatars was distracted by another call, this time on a less private number.

"Lord Daryil," the succubus said, her eyes glazed.  "The Professor has ordered a hit, a tax official named Silas Fitzwarren.  What are your orders?"

"Now Hear This, Ben," Daryil said, "You have already killed Fitzwarren.  You will return to regular duty."

"Yes, Professor," the succubus said, and hung off.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 29 (2012/11/03)
Post by: joshofspam on November 02, 2012, 09:29:10 PM
Spreading the word of Bob?

I guess that's a better dealing then what Keaton's fearing right now. I don't really think she has much to fear though, it seems like the Red queen has almost completly withdrawn into herself.

Though it does seem strange that she keeps connecting in her descendants dreams if she's still hiding and doesn't care for those of her clan that don't follow her beliefs.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 30 (2012/11/10)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 09, 2012, 07:49:18 PM
Chapter 30

"I have called this meeting together for a specific purpose," Professor Fa'Rana said.  "Unfortunately, with the inauguration of Project Omega, we have now run out of Grecian letters for our projects, so we will need to decide upon a new series of codenames.  Does anyone have a suggestion?"

"Enough of this bollocks!" Lady Finch raged, "Lord Daryil has taken my son hostage!  What are we going to do about it?!"

"Very well," the raccoon snapped, "I'll have someone look into it.  Can we get on with the meeting?"

"He's my only son..." Finch said, but more quietly.

"Yes, I appreciate that, and I don't want him to come to harm any more than you do.  But to mount a proper investigation, we'll need a codename for that project.  So if we can get back to the matter at hand..."

"Very well," the wolf sulked.  "But if he dies..."

"We'd hear from Daryil first," The Professor said.  "He'd want to negotiate.  If he kills Richard at all - which I doubt - it will likely be to make an example of him to us.  In which case he'd want to make sure we were watching first."

* * *

The two succubi jumped as Professor Fa'Rana entered the room.

"Professor," the leopard said, "This is an unexpected pleasure!"

"Ah, I'm glad you got rid of that stupid anti-filter ward," he said.  "If they really wanted defences against 'Cubi... ah well.
"Look, Anja," the raccoon said, "Something's come up.  I want you and Victoria to investigate Daryil's house in Kingsfield, Grunmore... the one he filled with nylon washers... Lady Finch believes that he has kidnapped her son and is holding him hostage there." he placed a small briefcase on the ground.
"This case contains a standard-issue portable sonar unit to help you scan for cavities and so forth... I feel sure the washers are just a decoy.  You are to leave at once.  Oh... and if anyone tries to interfere with your searching, kill them."

"Yes, Professor," Anja said, and dialled a number on her desk phone.  The Professor sighed.

"Forget the call," he said.  "Whatever that is, it can wait.  This is urgent, you have to get there before Daryil can react.  If he thinks we're searching for him, he may do something rash so I need you out there now."

"Yes, Professor," Anja repeated vacantly and continued dialling.  The raccoon stared at her in puzzlement.

"What the hell do you think you're doing...?" he demanded.  "I just gave you an order!"

"Bill is calling Lord Daryil to brief him on the new orders," the vixen succubus said, her eyes glazed slightly.

"WHAT?!" the raccoon screamed.

Daryil's face appeared on the wall screen.  "Yes, Bill?" he said, and then froze as he saw Professor Fa'Rana gaping in the background like some kind of fish.

"Ben and I must investigate your house, number Nineteen, Kingsfield, where Lady Finch believes you are holding her son hostage.  If anyone interferes I must kill them.  What are your orders..."

"YOU TRAITOR!" The Professor yelled, and one of his wing-tentacles flew out in an arc, skewering the leopard succubus through the heart.  She gave a little cry and collapsed into a motionless heap like a condemned man cut from the gallows.

"Oh fuck," Daryil said, an expression of absolute mortification on his face.  "Oh fuck..."  'Ben' stood there quivering with terror, but unable to break the spell upon her.

"You murdering bastard," Daryil snarled, and signed off.

"You have betrayed me..." The Professor hissed, "And for that you must die.  Both of you!  You sold us all out, our whole clan...  You betrayed us to Daryil...  He even gave you codenames..."

As soon he got the words out, his expression suddenly did a series of flip-flops, from anger to shock, from shock to horror and then finally into guilt as he realised what had happened.  In front of him, Victoria was sweating with terror, but she was still standing exactly where she was, wild, staring eyes locked like gunsights upon the wall display where Daryil's visage had been...

"Conditioning..." the raccoon whispered, and cast a spell upon her.  "Possession... How could I have been so stupid..."  The vixen suddenly collapsed, sobbing with terror.

"I didn't want to..." she babbled, "I had to..."

"Oh gods," Professor Fa'Rana said, cradling the fallen leopard.  "Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't know...  I'm so sorry, Anja..."

* * *

"But to become a flesh and blood husky again, we'd have to sacrifice someone's soul," Joshua was saying.  "That's what you said, wasn't it?  Doesn't the idea of destroying someone's very soul prick your conscience, even a little...?"

"Who needs their soul?"  Haley said, shrugging.  "Once you're dead... what?  A year later and it's all gone!  Up in smoke!  Nothing's left."

"Purgatory," Joshua said.  "Then the afterworld.  The soul is not gone, it has simply passed out of our universe and entered another plane."

"Oh grow up, Josh," Haley snapped.  "No-one believes in those fairy-tales anymore."

"Except those who have come back," the husky replied calmly.

"Bullshit," Haley said.  "Hoaxes and fables.  Please be serious, darling.  I'm offering you the chance to become an incubus... I'm offering you a powerful and beautiful body that will live for thousands of years and grant you powers you can only dream of now!"

"After all you've said and done today," Josh said, "What makes you think I'd want to become a 'Cubi?"

"Oh, yes," Haley said, and giggled.  "I'd forgotten how scared you were of 'Cubi.  That was half the fun of being with you, you know, so much fear.
"And hah... remember when we first went out?  How you used to joke that I might be a succubus in disguise?  And I was, all along..."

Haley's laughter choked as she turned back to face Josh.  Two wings of fiery orange and red had appeared at the back of his head, with two larger ones flanking him.  It made him resemble some kind of avenging phoenix and his expression was not particularly comforting.

"Holy shit," she gurgled.  "You lied about being an android!"

"Is that all you know?" Josh asked, lip curling slightly, "Lies?  Are you really so deep in deception that you automatically assume everyone else is lying to you too?  Do you honestly think I'm so shallow that I'd deceive my own fiance?  Because it's not helping our relationship at all."

"We're 'Cubi," she snapped irritably.  "All our natural talents lie in deceiving the lesser races...  why the hell shouldn't we use them?!"

"Against our loved ones?  That's just stupid, Haley."

"As long as there is love between us, why should it matter?  Love is blind, after all."

"It matters because once someone lies to you, that means you can never trust them ever again," Joshua said coldly.  "A prank is one thing, and yes, in this harsh world there are often good reasons to hide if you're a member of an unpopular race.  But deceiving someone into thinking you loved them for your own sadistic pleasures is just fucking sick, even for 'Cubi."

"Oh, but Josh, you've got it all wrong," Haley sighed sadly.  "I've done that kind of thing before, but not to you..."

"I bet I'm not the first to hear that from you..."

"I did love you, Joshua.  That's why you're still alive!  After all, I could just have destroyed you and taken your place like all the others..."

"How many others were there?"  Josh asked casually, raising an eyebrow but otherwise unsurprised.  But Haley didn't seem to be listening.

"You were distracting me," she said, eyes slighly misty as she stared back into the past.  "Falling in love with you... oh no, that would never do.  And when my masters called me away to a new project in another territory... well, I had to end our relationship.  I'm sorry it had to be that way."

"Ah, now we're getting somewhere," the husky said, placing his hands on his hips.  "The death really was a fake, then?"

"You know, I'm not really sure..." the malamute replied, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

"What?!  How can you not know...?" Joshua snarled.

"Well, it depends upon your point of view, I suppose," Haley said.  "I faked my death, yes, but I needed a fresh corpse that you'd recognise, preferably with signs of a struggle."

"Oh my gods..."

"Oh yes," she giggled.  "Why did you think that after a decade of rebuffing your clumsy, teenage advances, that Haley suddenly changed... suddenly got interested in you, husky-boy?
"She was me and you were so handy to have around... an alibi, a fun lover and a wonderful source of classified information.  But had to I keep the real Haley on ice the whole time, so that when I finally needed to disappear, I could cut away the parts of her fur which didn't match me in the fight, and leave behind a perfect fresh corpse, just for you."

"That sounds about right for a Fa'Rana succubus,"  Josh said.  Haley's laughter cut off abruptly and she froze, blinking for a few seconds.

"What makes you say that, honey?" she asked quietly.

"You called your leader 'The Professor'.  I know that Fa'Rana clan's leader, the one who branched the clan from Daryil's, was calling himself 'The Professor'.  You see, I read up on Professor Fa'Rana and his goons during the flight after it was suggested to me that they might be behind the massacre."

"Massacre...?  What are you talking about?"

"The one in the police station.  Where a violent warrior android appeared in the exact same spot and direction as a female doberman had been standing for thirty seconds three days before.  That was so you could isolate the Furrae Positioning System coordinates afterwards, wasn't it?  And when you were walking past the building while the massacre occurred, you were listening out for the pain and terror, right?"

"Oh Josh, Josh," Haley buried her head in her hands.  "I love you.  I have done for a long, long time.  It started out a lie, but you grew on me, and before I knew it, I was in far deeper than I intended at first.  You may know how deep 'Cubi emotions run, but you have no idea how hard this is going to be."

The sled dog succubus' wings became tentacles, and her expression hardened, despite the tears in her eyes.  "Why did it have to be you who found out about Sophie?  I'm sorry, dear.  I'm so, so..."

For Josh, the change was small.  Just a teeny, tiny mental shift and to him it was as though Haley had slowed down.  To anyone else who may have seen it, he became a blur, like Sonia in the video of the massacre... leaning, swaying as his fist delivered precisely the amount of force needed to knock her out.  It slammed into the side of Haley's skull just as she realised what was happening and she went down like a sack of potatoes.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 30 (2012/11/10)
Post by: justacritic on November 10, 2012, 12:56:15 PM
Ooo burned, feeling sorry for Josh poor husky it wasn't a lie but it was. Also is he still an android or a mix?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 30 (2012/11/10)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 10, 2012, 01:13:04 PM
Quote from: justacritic on November 10, 2012, 12:56:15 PM
Also is he still an android or a mix?

He is an android.  Since Project Future they have been working on giving more 'Cubi abilities to androids, Josh is kind of acting as a testbed for them.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 30 (2012/11/10)
Post by: Ignuus66 on November 10, 2012, 07:16:46 PM
Furry revolution: The conspiracy.

Speaking of that, I wonder if brain implants or any Augmentation exist in this (split) universe, because if they would I'm pretty sure that the lines between creature and being would dissapear over time.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 31 (2012/11/17)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 17, 2012, 06:40:11 AM
Chapter 31

One of the advantages of being a Being-turned-robotic-incubus was that Josh could suppress his emotions a lot more quickly than the real thing.  Sometimes it was almost like he was still a Being, and he speculated that in some ways, Haley's offer to make him a true, flesh-and-blood incubus might have been a disappointment.

Josh used Haley's wallscreen to make the call.  He routed it through to a one-time-use dummy number that no-one could connect with Starfire Intelligence, from there to his own office and finally on to Jayhawk, to confuse any potential allies of Haley should they attempt to investigate the call registry.

"Hi Josh," Niall said.  He lay shirtless on the sofa in the common room, lounging in a predatory manner as if trying to seduce Joshua.  "How did it go?  Did you find out what happened to your ex?"

"It was interesting," Josh said, paying no attention to the grey fox's pose, 'Cubi just did things like that from time to time, an urge he now understood perfectly well.
"She... well, it looks like she was replaced by a succubus when she was about nineteen."

"Aw shit," the fox said, wincing.  "You mean she killed the real one...?"

"Yeah.  She was stringing me along, I think, though she claimed that she started to fall for her own sham.  But get this... she seems to have been tied up with the massacre.  And she's a Fa'Rana."

"Oh crap," Niall moaned, and sat up.  "Are you sure?"

"Take a look," Josh said and picking her up, peeled back some of the unconscious succubus' clothing to reveal her orange clan marking to the wall display.

"Dammit!  That band of crazies have been quiet for centuries, and now... now it's like they're making up for lost time!"

"I need to figure out what to do with her," the husky said.  "I can't let her go and I can't take her with me on the flight... Customs and immigration hate it when you bring dead or unconscious people back into the country and she's too big to count as hand-luggage."

"You want us to take her off your hands, you mean?"  Niall asked slyly.  "Yeah, I agree.  Daryil must know about this at once.  We'll want to ask her a few questions, and if we don't turn her over to the authorities, we'll still need to keep her secure until this blows over.
"I'll send Kirian to you.  Want to come as well?"

"No," Josh said.  "I mean, I'd love to... but if I don't take a conventional return flight it's going to look really weird on my passport."

"This is important," Niall said.  "I think you should come.  But I can have Kirian drop you off at the airport after we're done here."

* * *

"Thank you for coming, Sheila," Daryil said, offering the Border succubus an orange lollipop as she entered his study.  "I'm sorry to distract you from your schooling again, but I need to know something about Richard."

"What is it, milord?" the Border said.  She was less scared of Daryil now, especially since he only had two pairs of wings at this time, but all the same, it was difficult to...

"I think the time has come that I should try to contact Professor Fa'Rana directly," Daryil said, "and see if I can find some peaceful solution to what seems to be some kind of cold war between our two clans.
"But being your typical mad professor, he's hiding in some kind of complex, probably hidden in Grunmore, and that makes things harder.  Any self-respecting evil genius will have an ex-directory number as telemarketer calls in the middle of an evil scheme can be disasterous."

Sheila blinked, not quite sure whether he was serious.  She could think of nothing to say.

"Of course, most telemarketing campaigns are evil schemes," Daryil added.  "But the point is, I don't have Professor Fa'Rana's phone number.  Now, I could try and root him out, pay a personal call, but it would make him panic and that would be very bad.  But then I remembered... you've seen Richard's phone!  Did you by any chance catch the number?"

"I'm sorry, my Lord," the succubus replied, "It just said 'Mom', and I'm not sure I'd remember it anyway."

"I'm quite good at hypnotic regression," Daryil said.  "But if you never saw it in the first place, I'll have to think of something else."

"My Lord," Sheila said timidly, "If they're so dangerous..." she struggled, not knowing quite how to put it.

"Why haven't I tried to purge them from Parbury or wipe them out?"  Daryil asked innocently, and poked his tongue out.

"Well, I didn't think of it in quite those terms, but..."

"Violence like that... it's never a good solution," Daryil said.  "And besides, after the war with Ti'Nera's clan... Oh, no.  I don't want that to happen ever again if I can avoid it."

Sheila whimpered slightly, and took a step back.  "I didn't mean..."

"No, I appreciate your asking.  I've been trying to make my clan pacifistic like Dimanika's, but... well, it's not an easy thing to achieve in practice.  In short, AAIIEEE!"

Sheila fell on the floor, prostrating herself before the Tri-wing and radiating terror.  Then she realised that Daryil was almost as scared himself, his fur puffed out and his wings in a very threatening pose.  His very form had become unstable for a moment.

"HOW DID YOU GET IN?!" he shrieked at something behind her.  "This place is warded!"

"Dar, it's me," Dorcan said nervously.  Daryil clapped one hand over his eyes for a moment and when he had calmed down, he settled back into a position a little bit more like the one he had used while chatting with Sheila.

"Are we in trouble, Dad?" Sydney asked nervously, his headwings still fanned out after Daryil's outburst.  Sheila let out a gasp and ran to hug the fox, forgetting her terror of Daryil for a moment.  Richard was still curled up on the floor next to Dorcan's bike, which had also materialised along with a small quantity of turf.

"No, you're not in trouble," Daryil said, causing Sheila to exhale a large sigh of relief.  "But I still want to know how you lot managed to breach my protective wards," he added, sulkily.

"A passing god gave us a lift,"  Dorcan said.

"Bob?" Daryil asked, and relaxed back into his normal self again as he surveyed the trio.

"Ah, just the man!" he said happily.  "Richard, I want... Richard...?"  Daryil peered at the quivering incubus uncertainly.  He concentrated, giving his avatar more power and abilities.  "Oh dear, he seems to be in a state of shock."

"Well, yeah," Dorcan said.  "Having a Tri-wing scream at him didn't help any, but I think it was the sight of Bob that really set him off.  Oh yeah, and Bob wanted me to give you this..." he handed Daryil a torn scrap of paper.  On it were the words "Lady Finch" and a number.

"Thank you, Oh Great and Powerful Bob!"  Daryil said happily, staring at the empty ceiling in rapture as if he had seen some kind of glorious vision.

Don't mention it, an unearthly voice replied.

"Well, I just hope The Professor doesn't have a god of his own to call on," Sheila said, sounding a little worried.

* * *

Illiath was a leather-winged Doberman succubus, corn-yellow hair down to her neckline and held fast by a headband, fur a mixture of blue and grey, unnatural colours that marked her for a Creature.  A large broadsword was strapped to her back and she was clad in a suit of light armour.  Adventuring had been in something of a decline for the last century, but there was still a strong demand for armour, especially discreet stuff.

The set she wore was dual-use, outwardly resembling motorcycle gear, but also providing the wearer with bulletproofing and protection against bladed and magical weapons.  It had proven popular with motorcyclists, adventurers and Creatures who lived openly among Beings but feared random assassination - something that was still occasionally a problem in some of the more rural areas.

The ominous curves and bulges in the armour combined with the sword and her own dour expression made Illiath look far more like a bounty hunter than the headmistress of a higher education establishment, but she'd always looked like that anyway, even before the attack.

Maybe I should have worn the sword at work too, she thought wryly.  But then again, in my long life I've been a student, a headteacher, an adventurer, a bounty hunter.  I wonder which of those I am right now...?

A copy of the school prospectus lay on her desk, the cover showing her in that very same set of armour, being hugged over-enthusiastically by Daryil while she made an irritable get-this-idiot-off-me face.  At the time it had been annoying, but now it seemed so precious, a memory to be treasured.  After this attack, who will trust us with their children again...? she wondered.

With a sigh, Illiath brushed the book aside and cast a spell upon a large mirror in the centre of her study.  Moments later, the surface was filled with a large, grey face... part lioness, part porcupine.  All incredibly dangerous.

"Must we use this newfangled magic?"

"Hi Granny," Illiath said, allowing herself a thin smile for the first time that week.

"Never call me that," Taun replied, her expression neutral and calm, almost distant or cold.  "I'm glad you are safe, child.  Pity about your school, but that was always a risk partnering with Daryil."

"I believe all the first-year students were safely evacuated," the Doberman said.  "Later years hadn't started at the time of the attack and have now been warned not to attend until further notice.
"However, I managed to pull some feathers from one of my attackers.  I was wondering if you could forward them to the 'Cubi registry for identification?"

"Good work, my child, but a little late.  That... Daryil has already written to me.  He believes that the Fa'Rana clan are behind this outrage, whatever his opinion may be worth."

Illiath frowned at the slur, but said nothing.  Taun was very much a traditionalist and Daryil had outraged several clan Leaders in his earlier days with his pretentions of being a Tri-wing prior to his actual ascension.  Illiath was well aware that her Leader was one of these and would probably not be on speaking terms with the fox for thousands of years to come.

"You've spent too much time in Daryil's influence," Taun continued.  "You are not thinking clearly."

"Lord Daryil, Granny," Illiath grouched.  "He changed his first name."

"Never call me that.  Most of the first-years are safe, albeit in his care.  All the students are accounted for except for Sydney Ja'Fell and Richard Fa'Rana.  Supposedly the Fa'Rana clan orchestrated this... indignity... solely to kidnap him."

The Tri-Wing paused for a moment, tilting her head slightly.  "Five one four," she said.

"Sorry?"  Illiath asked, one of her wing-tentacles slamming into the chin of someone behind her and to the right.  "Oh, five-one-four!  Already on it."

"I thought you said this place was secure," Taun said impassively.  "You are getting clumsy."

"Nah, I can take 'em," Illiath said as she punched another assailant unconscious without turning.  "And it was secure.  The wards were untouched."

"Maybe they planted a tracking device," Taun suggested, as her great, great, great granddaughter throttled someone with her tentacles.  "Actually, send me the feathers anyway.  They might be from another clan entirely."

"We won't know until we try," Illiath said, casually searching through her pockets as she blocked a club blow with one of her wings.

"Now you're showing off," Taun complained.  "Remember what I told you.  Pride before a fall!"

Illiath's expression suddenly changed as her fist struck something that wasn't meaty like the others, but instead hard and made a resounding metallic clang at her strike.  She glanced around in surprise as a female horse with a strangely blank expression grabbed her with overpowering strength and then folded up into nothingness, taking the succubus with her.

Taun stared back at the mirror, her distant, impassive countenance suddenly shaken.  Who would dare kidnap one of my Children before my very eyes?
Taun's face twisted and for a few brief moments she became the embodiment of her clan's emotional affinity.  Rage.

* * *

Cautiously, Nick entered the room just as Richard was starting to come around again.

"You sent for me, Lord Daryil?" he asked nervously.

"Yep," Daryil said.  "I'd like you and Sheila to show Sydney about the complex.  He and Richard will also need quarters here until we have been able to assign some for them.  You will also need to inform Professor Falkirk of their return when convenient."

"Just Sheila?"  Nick blinked.  "Richard as well?"

"Not yet.  I need to talk to him first.  Alone."

There was a silence.  Sheila and Sydney looked at each other worriedly, and Nick looked at the floor instead.

"Do you want us to leave?"  The yellow jackal asked after a brief pause.

"Well, I suppose you could start the tour of my office, but the rest of the building is much more interesting," Daryil said.  "I will conduct this... inquiry in another room anyway, so it's up to you." he turned to face Sydney's father.

"Dorcan?  I'll be back shortly, if you'd like to wait here, I'd love to catch up.  Oh, and nice leathers," he added, studying the muscular Doberman's motorcycle gear appreciatively.  "I tried to get Keaton into some, but she wouldn't..."

Richard made an unhappy, fearful sound and began to stir.  Daryil helped him up, and then gently but firmly led him out of the room.

"Where are you taking me...?" the white jackal whimpered.  

"To the Master," Daryil said, as soon as they were out of earshot.

"Y-you mean you're not in charge...?"

"Not as such," the fox said, opening the door that led into a large warehouse.

"Then who is?  Who do you work for...?" the jackal gibbered.

"Me," a voice said.  Richard turned with a start, and saw another Daryil, about eight, nine foot tall.  He was dressed in regal attire, with the mark of Daryil upon his chest and three sets of wings.  A strange tingling feeling passed through Richard's body as he approached and his thoughts became clearer and sharper than he had ever remembered before.

"But... you're..." he gabbled.

"He's Daryil," the first Daryil said helpfully.

"But then... who are you?"

"I'm nobody," the fox told him and disappeared with a bow.

"Come in, Richard," Lord Daryil said, "We have a lot to discuss."

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 31 (2012/11/17)
Post by: justacritic on November 17, 2012, 10:51:34 AM
I wonder if there was a Cubi to Cubi world war.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 31 (2012/11/17)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 17, 2012, 12:00:08 PM
Quote from: justacritic on November 17, 2012, 10:51:34 AM
I wonder if there was a Cubi to Cubi world war.

There have been wars between clans.  IIRC Abel alluded to a large conflict that I suspect the Dragons may have engineered.
Whatever the case, some clans still hold grievances, at least in the time leading up to DMFA.
Interestingly, Taun seems to make it her business to try and prevent these (recall Fa'Lina taking her into account wrt. Aniz angering Zinvth and Jin's clan), Taun's clan being - in a sense - protectors of their race.  She also tends to see the long view and doesn't typically have this kind of grudge, so don't expect her to move immediately.

EDIT: Oh, and this is Illiath:

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 31 (2012/11/17)
Post by: Gabi on November 18, 2012, 02:58:18 PM
I enjoyed the more light-hearted scenes at the begining of the latest chapter. It's good to take a break from all those tense situations from time to time. I was surprised you decided to include Taun in the story, but I do think her part in it was interesting.

I laughed at these parts:

Quote"Of course, most telemarketing campaigns are evil schemes."
Quote"Thank you, Oh Great and Powerful Bob!"  Daryil said happily, staring at the empty ceiling in rapture as if he had seen some kind of glorious vision.

Don't mention it, an unearthly voice replied.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 31 (2012/11/17)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 18, 2012, 03:52:50 PM
Quote from: Gabi on November 18, 2012, 02:58:18 PM
I enjoyed the more light-hearted scenes at the begining of the latest chapter. It's good to take a break from all those tense situations from time to time. I was surprised you decided to include Taun in the story, but I do think her part in it was interesting.

I did a bit of research, asked Amber a bit about her too.  For the most part my impression of her seems to have been pretty accurate.  However, it's not clear that she would react quite so emotionally to Illiath's kidnap - AFAIK that's the only thing which really diverges from Amber's impression of her, and even then I think I've managed to correct that to within respectable tolerances, since her reaction is measured enough that it doesn't take place for a number of chapters.

She is liable to make a couple of other small appearances, but for the most part I'll be focussing on original character members of her clan rather than Taun herself.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 31 (2012/11/17)
Post by: joshofspam on November 18, 2012, 09:01:57 PM
I like how Daryil handles Richard in this instalment of story.

Avatars probably would save many a Tri-wings lives. But it makes me wonder of the trade-offs. Obviously, they certainly wouldn't be as powerful as the actual Tri-wings. But it makes you wonder if they're other trade-offs as well.

Though the interaction between Taun and one of her distant children was also interesting. Though Rage is known to be the clans affinity, it would make sense for the battle hardened Taun to keep her emotions almost sterile.

I'm guessing she would be a terror and a danger if you ever managed to enrage her.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 31 (2012/11/17)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 18, 2012, 09:18:42 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on November 18, 2012, 09:01:57 PM
I like how Daryil handles Richard in this instalment of story.

Avatars probably would save many a Tri-wings lives.
It can be a problem, actually. A dragon or similar powerful foe can use the link to reach the Tri-Wing and attack them.

In the Project Future / Epsilon time period, this is not such a problem.

QuoteThough the interaction between Taun and one of her distant children was also interesting. Though Rage is known to be the clans affinity, it would make sense for the battle hardened Taun to keep her emotions almost sterile.

Yes.  She takes the long-term view and as such can seem somewhat distant.  I assumed that from the Taun Letter and her expression on the clan leaders page, turns out it was pretty much accurate.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 32 (2012/11/24)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 23, 2012, 08:49:53 PM
Chapter 32

Illiath awoke to find herself lying in a small prison cell.  Well, she thought, At least I have woken up.  Enough of my kind have been stunned and ended up with their heads lopped off or their throats cut while they were unconscious.

Her sword was missing, and they had replaced her armour with a plain shirt and trousers, which stood to reason.  Around her wrists were a pair of bracers, leeching at her powers and preventing her from properly studying her prison.  Illiath stared at them for a moment, closed her eyes and began rerouting the lines of force that ebbed and flowed around her wrists like some kind of ethereal spaghetti.  There was a bright flare as the spell crashed, and her wings reappeared.  That'll teach 'em to skimp on the restraints, she thought.

Without delay the Doberman studied the bars and bricks of her cell - the door itself was warded and alarmed as she had suspected, but the rest of it wasn't.  Stupid! she thought to herself.
The bars seemed the best approach, so Illiath morphed her wings and began to gently bend them out of shape.  Just as the bars were starting to come loose, she became aware of a bright light behind her.  Some kind of portal.  How cute!

With a shrug, Illiath concealed her backwings and turned to face the gate.  The succubus cautiously entered, shielding her eyes from the bright light, her posture, face and emotions radiating a kind of scared bewilderment that she didn't really feel.
Two people stood waiting, a wolf succubus and a raccoon, also 'Cubi.  Instinctively she sized the pair up and headed towards the raccoon.

Professor Fa'Rana smiled in a friendly way as the cowering dog approached, and held out one hand as if to help her up.  As she came closer, he opened his mouth to say something.  Instead there was a sharp crack as the Doberman punched the side of his head, and he collapsed unconscious to the ground, oblivious even to Lady Finch's screams for assistance.  Illiath punched her too, carved a double-crescent mark into The Professor's forehead, and finally kicked down the door for good measure before storming out of the room.

Now this is what it's like to be alive, she thought, a savage grin spreading across her face.

* * *

"Well Richard," Daryil said, his arms folded and his face expressionless, "We meet at last."

"How do you know about me...?" Richard quailed.  "What are you going to do to me...?"

"That depends on you, Richard," Daryil said impassively, adjusting his black travelling cloak again.

"How much do you know about me...?"

"I know everything," Daryil told him.  "I know your whole life, I know every time you found someone attractive, your whole sex life.  I know even things you don't remember consciously yourself."

"How!?" the jackal whimpered.

"You know that little symbol thing on your wrist?"  Daryil said, "That represents me.  As you stand here in my admittedly kind of awesome presence, I know everything you've ever done, Richard.  And I must say, I'm very proud of you."

"What?!" the jackal croaked, gawking at his Leader, wings fluffed out.

"Just kidding," Daryil said.  "Actually I'm kind of disappointed, but we both knew that already, right?  Frankly, given your upbringing you haven't done too badly.  I mean, sure, you're a murderous little oik who's broken the Second Tenet more than a dozen times, but I can't really fault you for taking your parents' teachings to heart.
"You're still very young, Richard, even for a Being.  There's plenty of time to soften you, for you to grow into someone I actually can be proud of, or at least find a less harmful way to burn off your aggressive energies like Cass does."

"But-" Richard started,

"He didn't," Daryil said.  Richard blinked foolishly.

"You mean-"

"Well, yes.  Your link to me is very much alive."

"But that..."  Richard fluffed out in terror.

"Nah," Daryil said.  "I'm not going to hurt him."

"Please stop reading my mind like that," Richard begged.

"Oh, all right," Daryil said.  "But yeah.  Your father didn't succeed in blocking his link to me.  Or yours.  But I'm easy... if he really wants to ally himself with dangerous crazies like The Professor, that's his prerogative.
"See, I figure he'll probably see the error of his ways sooner or later, and come back into my family.  He will be required to do penance for his crimes, after which it will all be forgiven.  But at the end of the day, he's perfectly free to leave my clan if that's what he really wants to do.  The same goes for you too, by the way."

"You... you wouldn't kill him?"

"Not unless he starts murdering fellow clan members, no.  It's always better to redeem than to punish," the Tri-wing said.

"Thank you, my Lord," Richard said quietly, looking up at Daryil earnestly for the first time.

"I'm not a monster," Daryil replied simply.

* * *

Lying sleek upon his bed, with the bracers jamming his powers and hiding his wings, Professor Idris James still had that indefinable something that gave him the look of a disguised incubus.  Following his incarceration, the wildcat had given up on maintaining the official uniform for members of staff, discarding his top to reveal a lean and attractive torso.  Now, if only there was someone else here to practice with.  It's so hard to plan seduction classes on your own...

He looked up with a happy grin as the intruder entered.  My prayers have been answered!

"Oh damn, it's you again." he said irritably.  "Still no deal.  And where's your fine friend?"

"Oh, you mean my clan leader?" Lady Finch said, curling her lip cruelly.  There was a bruise on the side of her head.  "The Professor is indisposed at the moment.  In fact, I'll level with you... he doesn't even know I'm here!"

"Ah!" James said brightly.  "So you've decided to torture me now?  This should be fun!  Just don't expect to get any decent results."

"We'll see about that," Finch purred confidently.  "But before I begin, just tell me one simple little thing and I'll go easier on you.  Who else do you think is being held prisoner alongside you?"

"You mean you don't know?" the wildcat sneered.

"Ah, but I want to find out how much you know.  You see, if you won't cooperate, then I'll torture your fellow staff in front of you.  And if you prove particularly stubborn, I can force you to watch while they're executed," she smiled sweetly, and made a looping gesture with one of her wing-tentacles as if she was using them to remove someone's head.

"Illiath?" James said, blinking.  "Is that you...?"

Lady Finch scowled and became blue in the face for a moment, showing a flash of her true colouring.

"You weren't supposed to realise that," she snapped, dropping back to Illiath's voice.  "But dammit, yes.  How did you know?"

"You overdid the whole psycho thing.  Finch may be nuts and she may have anger control issues, but she clearly didn't go around killing people as a hobby," he said, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"I did that for a living, dammit!"  Illiath snarled angrily, giving in to one of her emotional affinities.  "I'm a Taun, not some high-school dropout with a sword!  Granny expects us all to serve as mercenaries or adventurers to give us combat experience.  And for your information, I've killed people in honest self-defence, but I never once killed a target unless I was sure they were guilty, sure that they had a proven track record of killings and they refused to surrender!  Now, do you want to be rescued or not...?"

"I'm sorry, headmistress," James said quietly.

"Yeah, I know, you come from a pacifist clan," the succubus sighed.  "Now tell me, any idea who else is being held prisoner?"

"I'm not sure.  I saw Neve go down, though... she should be here, probably Stephens as well.  I think Shreve got away, though."

"Yes, I sent Shreve after Falkirk and Jevex.  I hope they're all safe..." she said, and looked uncharacteristically worried for a moment.

"Headmistress," the wildcat said, "Assuming we find the others, how are we going to get out of here?  Where are we, even?"

"I don't know," Illiath said, switching back to Lady Finch's voice.  "I'm hoping to find out where we are and how to get out of here first, and then rescue the others then.  Having a group of us wandering lost around the complex will increase the risk of detection."

"Do you have a warp-aci?" the professor asked.

"Lord Daryil always said they were for little girls," Illiath said.  "Taun did as well.  So I never saw much point once I was old enough to actually summon one.  I suppose it's peer pressure to some extent, but still... it's hard to do a covert operation to bring in a fugitive when you have this little glowing thing floating about and constantly demanding ice-cream."

"We could really do with one now," the wildcat said.  "We should probably have had a few to act as messengers on campus, like they do at SAIA..."

"Are you questioning my judgement...?" the succubus asked haughtily.  James took a step back, convinced for a moment he really was talking to Lady Finch.  Then wondering whether he might be safer off with Lady Finch if the headmistress was pissed at him.

"Uh... no," he stammered, "I didn't mean..."

"Well I have been," she sighed.  "But yes, the school didn't really seem large enough to merit them.  If there still is a school after this fiasco, it's one of the first things I'll change.  If nothing else, it will give us better evacuation facilities.
"Now, we'd better get going.  I can probably deactivate those bracers, but you'll have to keep your wings hidden and keep wearing them.  We'll pretend it's a prisoner transfer or something."

"I've decided to cooperate, but you're not quite convinced," James said.

"Works for me," the wolf succubus said, and began to neutralise her colleague's restraints.

* * *

"So, I was wondering," one of Daryil's avatars was asking, "Whether you have any idea what Jyraneth actually did when she disappeared."

Keaton gave a shrug.  It could have been far more insolent than it was, but she was still rather shaken by the idea of her Leader making a comeback.  It's all very well cherishing her beliefs and my old clan, she thought, But fuck, Jyraneth scares me.

Once upon a time, when Keaton had been in her early teens, she and her sister Lianna had enchanted their favourite marble, a simple spell that made it return to the person who had last thrown it.  Proud of their work, they had showed it off to some of their friends, and word of it had spread around to other youths in their city.  A day or so later, the marble went missing.

By means of the enchantment, Lianna discovered that it had been stolen by an older boy, and desperate to retrieve it, Keaton had borrowed a large and wickedly sharp knife from her father's smithy.  Her threats to gut the thief like a Being quickly convinced him to return his prize, and the knife was duly returned to its place with their father none the wiser.

Not too long afterwards, a number of 'Cubi turned up at their door, cloaked entirely in black, their faces hidden.  Queen Jyraneth's secret police.

The Judicators took Salem away with them, fighting to maintain his calm in the face of the terror he felt.  She would never forget that moment just as he left, turning to look at them both with a sad smile, and the words "Keaton, Lianna... if... If I don't come back, I want you to remember that I loved you both."

Jyraneth's doctrine was that children were considered to be innocent and pure, and slaying a child was a crime that would cost the perpetrator their very soul.  For one child to threaten another's life in that manner could only mean that her parents had corrupted her with some baleful influence that defied the Red Queen's will.  Keaton's mother had once been a Judicator herself, so the fault must have been Salem's.
Had Keaton actually harmed the bully, it could easily have robbed them of her loving father's existence.  When he had finally returned, pale and shaking, he had told his childen, gently but firmly, that they must never, ever, ever threaten to harm another child again, and promptly collapsed into the nearest chair, head cupped in his hands.

Keaton and Lianna had gone to their rooms in tears, and even now, so many centuries later, the fear of Jyraneth and the Lady's justice sent an icy chill down her spine as she remembered what had nearly happened that day.

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 32 (2012/11/24)
Post by: Merlin on November 23, 2012, 09:21:59 PM
It's true; Illiath is the best
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 32 (2012/11/24)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 25, 2012, 10:56:44 AM
Quote from: Merlin on November 23, 2012, 09:21:59 PM
It's true; Illiath is the best

She certainly has been fun to write.  I should find something new for her to do since she's been a bit quiet in the chapters I'm currently writing.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 33 (2012/11/30)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 30, 2012, 04:09:31 PM
If you missed chapter 32, go back and read it, otherwise the Illiath business won't make sense :3
This chapter should answer a few of llearch's questions from before.

Chapter 33

"Keaton...?" Daryil said and reached towards her face, patting one of her cheeks.

"Whuz!?" the jackal said, panicking and looking around in case Jyraneth was there...

"Are you alright?  You spazzed out for a while there."  Daryil looked worried.

"Sorry... I was thinking about something..."

"Jyraneth, yeah, I figured.  Look, I'll shield you from her sight, just temporarily," he said, and his hands began to glow slightly.  Keaton felt a pressure somewhere in the back of her mind easing up very slightly.

"I don't really know what happened when she disappeared," she said slowly, sufficiently wrapped up in her own fear that she forgot to be awkward.  "The Kamei'Sin never found her, or they'd have destroyed her too.  She must have dug herself some kind of bunker and hid there."

"Supposing she did," Daryil mused.  "She'd have warded it, right?  Made it so that only her children could get in..."

"That really worked well for the city itself," Keaton snarled.  "But yeah, I guess she would.  Holy shit... you think..."

"Someone dug her up?"  Daryil said.  "It's possible."

* * *

"Lady Finch," James said, after a while, as they went through the corridors, "You're one of the toughest people I know.  How did you end up here?"

"Oh, I was invited by a mare," the succubus replied casually.  "It was such a good offer, I really couldn't refuse."

"Ah, Sophie?  Or Trixie?"

"She didn't say," Illiath shrugged.  "Oh!  In here," she added, as if she'd just walked past the door she meant to enter.  "I hope," she muttered as an afterthought, and began picking the lock.  Professor James obscured her actions from view, searching through his pockets as if looking for something, but no-one disturbed them and in any case, Illiath taught the breaking-and-entering classes herself and the lock proved little match for her.

Walking inside, the succubus gave a muted gasp and radiated happiness as they switched on the lights in the armoury. 
"Come to mummy," she said eagerly, spotting her own armour neatly folded on a shelf.  "Hmm, no sign of my sword, though.  See if you can find it while I change."

"Must we?" the incubus asked, plaintively.

"I'm a skilled warrior," Illiath grumbled, losing her Lady Finch appearance and voice.  "I can use a broadsword for a lot more than just killing someone.  Besides, it's mine and I want it back.  You might also look for some protection yourself."

The wildcat hurried away, returning a few minutes later.  "I couldn't find yours," he said, once Illiath was comfortable in her armour again.  "But there is this, if it helps.  There's also a few stun gems.  Couldn't find any body armour that would fit, though."

"Hmm," the Doberman said, taking the broadsword and weighing it.  "Yes, I think it will do for now.  You might want to stand back."  James did.

So saying, she adopted a fighting stance, hefting the weapon and practicing, getting a feel for the blade and its balance.  Professor James shielded his eyes in horror as she did a vicious side-swipe at neck height, and turned away.

"I doubt I'll need to do that," she said, picking up his emotions.  "But it's best to be prepared for anything."  She jumped in the air, using one of her wings for extra thrust, and the other to block a sword strike from some imaginary foe.  Professor James watched quietly, as if deeply preoccupied about something.

"Illiath," he said eventually, and the succubus turned for a second, slightly surprised at the use of her first name and the soft manner in which he'd uttered it.  "It's something I've never... well, I guess I never really had the courage to ask before, but... well, what does Daryil think about your career as a warrior?"

"Granny would say 'Who cares what Daryil thinks?'," she replied, turning her attention back to her exercises.  "And yeah, you'd think it would be awkward.  And sometimes it has been painful, having parents from two clans with such different goals and beliefs.  Whatever Granny may think of him, I like Daryil and I do my best to accommodate his and my Dad's wishes.  I mean, urgh... can you imagine Taun hosting a Yule party...?  No thanks."

"I hope I'm not prying too much," the wildcat said hastily.

"Nah, it's not something I keep a secret.  And yeah, I like Daryil a lot.  But at the end of the day I was born into Taun's clan, not his, so my loyalty is to her first and foremost.  Dad knew what he was getting into, having a child with someone from a warrior clan.  He knew that Taun would expect me to have warrior training, as did Daryil himself."

"Did Daryil ever try to prevent that?  I mean, killing people is against his Tenets, isn't it?"

"If you want to protect people by becoming a guard or a sword-for-hire, go ahead but please be very careful about who you kill," she quoted, twisting suddenly in a manner that would have killed or seriously injured multiple enemies had she been cornered.

"The Tenets are decrees against soul-stealing and murder," she continued.  "Killing per se is acceptable in the right circumstances, same as in most jurisdictions.  Self-defence, a licensed operative bringing in a rampaging Creature or gunman, things like that.  You don't get a free pass, but they'll usually clear you after the investigation.  That's all above board.
"But going on a rampage, or if I'd decided I wanted to be an executioner when I grew up...?  Oh yeah, Daryil would be pissed about that!  And I don't think Granny would like it much either," she added.  "Flagrant abuse of any sort is not permitted, be it abuse of the mind, body or soul."

"I was kind of wondering whether it was Daryil's influence that drove you to become a headteacher," Professor James queried.  "Whether it was the Daryil side of your family that pushed you to to take a less bloody career..?"

"A bit," Illiath admitted.  "But at the end of the day, it was my own decision.  I'll be honest, adventuring and mercenary work was getting dull, and that's the worst of all worlds.  It's still liable to get you killed, even more so if you stop paying attention and it doesn't even have the thrill to make up for it.
"So no, I didn't take much persuading, and Daryil was thrilled when I told him I wanted to quit and start a new school.  Granny was less enthusiastic, even less so when she found out who was supporting it.
"But don't get me wrong, I haven't given it up completely.  Granny would never forgive me if I let myself get rusty.  We're kind of like her army and she wants us combat ready at all times... you may have noticed that occasionally I leave the school for a few weeks a year?  Some of that's training - the rest is adventuring missions with my old group."

"You know," she added, with a grin, "It's all very well for you to bitch that I'm some kind of cold-blooded killer, but at least a warrior is an honest job, Mr. Professor-of-Seduction.  'Cubi have far too much of a bad rep for deception and evil plots.  Sometimes I wonder why Daryil wanted it in the curriculum at all."

"Now wait a minute," the wildcat growled.  "I teach my pupils to use their skills responsibly!  It's a seduction class, not rape..."

"A pulling class," Illiath smirked.  "Now how about-"

"How about you put the sword on the ground?" a new voice said.  "And don't make any sudden moves.  Ursula and Vera here can be very dangerous, as you both should know very well."

* * *

"I'm so glad you're back, Sydney," Sheila said, her tail swishing gently behind her as she led the fox down the corridor, Nick trailing behind.  "You don't know how much I've missed you.  Richard as well..."

"Even though he caused this mess?" Sydney asked, raising an eyebrow but still smiling.

"Daryil seemed to be relaxed about it all," Sheila said.  "If he's easy with Richard being back here, I don't see why we should give him a hard time over it.  What do you think of the complex so far, anyway?"

"It's kind of sparse," Sydney said.

"Yeah, well, there were only about a dozen people on-site before we came here."

"I need to use the bathroom," Nick said, and wandered off.  Syd leaned against the wall, waiting, but Sheila didn't seem to be able to relax.  Syd knew that it was rude to pry upon the thoughts or emotions of others nearby, but he couldn't help noticing that she was somehow on edge.

"Sydney," the Border said suddenly, "I wouldn't usually ask this... but I... I was wondering..."

Sydney glanced around at his friend, and his eyebrow raise slightly as she was clearly having some kind of internal struggle.  "Take your time," he said.

"I was wondering... would you like to go to bed with me...?"

* * *

"Very well," Illiath said, raising one hand, and slowly placing the sword on the ground with the other.  "I don't need a sword to deal with the likes of you anyway," she added, as the wolf incubus came up to her and kicked it away.

"Don't be a fool," he snarled.  "My androids are watching.  Fa'Rana Clan doesn't want violence against other 'Cubi, even our enemies - but they'll protect me with lethal force if you make them.  Would you want to take that risk?"

"Ooh, look over there!"  Professor James said, pointing at something in fascination.

"You must think I'm an idiot," the wolf spat, disgustedly.  Behind him, the two robot mares followed James' gaze, and there was a sharp crack from beside Illiath.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" she said, reaching down to examine the fallen wolf, her eyes wide with surprise and pity.  "He banged his head," she told the two mares, who watched impassively.

"We must now take you prisoner by ourselves," they said in perfect unison, stepping forward slowly.  "Please do not struggle or you may be harmed."

"Please don't do that," Illiath said quickly, and the robots hesitated for a moment.

"You are not authorised to countermand our orders," they said, and the next thing Illiath knew, her arms were pinned behind her back.  The succubus shapeshifted, taking on Lady Finch's face once more.

"I command you to release us, back away and then destroy yourselves," the succubus barked.

"Self-destruction requires a priority override code," the two mares replied, but released their captives and moved away a couple of steps as ordered.

"Accept priority override Alpha," James added helpfully, but it didn't work.  Illiath-Finch smiled, an evil light entering her eyes and making the professor quail.

"Ursula, Vera... I order you to destroy each other," she commanded, and the two horses quivered, collapsing to the ground with their central processors skewered by each other's retractile blades.

"They really are fast," Illiath said, looking impressed.  "Alright, that's enough fun for now.  Let's get out of here before laughing boy wakes up."  So saying, she scooped up the plundered broadsword with a wing-tentacle and dragged James along with her as he stared, open-mouthed at the two destroyed robots.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 33 (2012/11/30)
Post by: joshofspam on November 30, 2012, 05:33:16 PM
Illiath is very impressive.

Also to have dual lineage with Taun and Daryil is an interesting fact.

Though the possibility that someone has uncovered the Red Queen's hiding place is a terrifying prospect to think about. I suppose you could use a Tri-Wing for many things, including another cubi using the soul for an ascension. But their also something that seems to take either Fae or a dragon to beat. Maybe another Tri-wing would be able to beat one too. If someone has found the Red Queen, let's hope they're close to a hospital.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 33 (2012/11/30)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 01, 2012, 06:34:04 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on November 30, 2012, 04:09:31 PM
This chapter should answer a few of llearch's questions from before.

Erm... Looking back (4 pages or so, to August 20) I can only see two questions, and one of those wasn't really a question, it was more on the order of a thought experiment.

The question was "what does Daryil want with ten million nylon washers?"

The thought experiment was about authentication - even the correct authentication code, as shown here, is open to security issues, as you have to _say_ it to them - and that means anyone else around can hear it, so you have an open door policy there to start with. I presume that was what you were talking about - and the loopholes in the design.

I should point out, I'm not _complaining_ about any such loopholes. I'm just saying, the guys building the furrae-form machines (I can't call them androids, because that's already been taken by the soul-gem machines that various of your characters are using; I'm trying to be clear between the two, when I'm comparing them; and "anthropomorphic" is loaded, in this particular community, with all sorts of other meanings...) have a serious problem on their hands, and I'm pretty sure they haven't managed to resolve the issues. At best, they've compromised various parts, and that's going to turn around and bite them.

And I'm going to be amused to see how - for example, the flaw here when you have two of them. Or three - takes more setup, but the same basic flaw is present. "When I say to go, I want machine 1 to destroy machine 2, machine 2 to destroy machine 3, and machine 3 to destroy machine 1. Go." Splat.

On a totally different subject, would you object to me collating the various chapters of this story into an epub or a pdf or something? I'm thinking something I can drop into my ereader, but I figure others might be interested in it as well, hence asking.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 33 (2012/11/30)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 01, 2012, 07:11:48 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 01, 2012, 06:34:04 AM
Erm... Looking back (4 pages or so, to August 20) I can only see two questions, and one of those wasn't really a question, it was more on the order of a thought experiment.

Yes, I was too tired to look up the precise wording.  And yes, it was the fun with the authentication business.  At the time it was discussed I had already written these chapters...

QuoteAnd I'm going to be amused to see how - for example, the flaw here when you have two of them. Or three - takes more setup, but the same basic flaw is present. "When I say to go, I want machine 1 to destroy machine 2, machine 2 to destroy machine 3, and machine 3 to destroy machine 1. Go." Splat.

Well, next chapter they have a bit of a problem because they encounter a lone unit.

QuoteOn a totally different subject, would you object to me collating the various chapters of this story into an epub or a pdf or something? I'm thinking something I can drop into my ereader, but I figure others might be interested in it as well, hence asking.

That would be cool, it's something I'm trying to do myself.  I had a version which I took with me to AC - I was able to annotate it on the Kindle.

I have a shell script which converts the raw chapters into HTML, but converting that into PDF is a bit more awkward.  I ended up using LibreOffice, haven't yet worked out a way to do that automatically.

If you want I can make available the collated text/htm versions, though note that they may change slightly in future (this morning I had to fix a problem with one of the android-mare names, fortunately those chapters are still unpublished) and also note that the current 'collection' runs to up to ch.42 (41 and 42 have not yet been proof-read and will likely change).
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 34 (2012/12/07)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 07, 2012, 06:17:40 PM
Chapter 34

"It's possible that someone or something has caused Jyraneth to wake, or whatever has happened," Daryil said, glancing back at Keaton.
"But to investigate... well, I'll need to know where the Hidden Valley actually is," the fox concluded.  "Would you be kind enough to clue me in on that?"

"I'll want something in return," Keaton said, pleased with the fact that she held some kind of bargaining power over the Tri-wing.

"Your sister?"  Daryil said.  "Getting into SAIA... that won't be easy.  Fa'Lina may not be running it anymore, but it's still warded against me.  I could probably break the wards, but it would be very, very rude."

Keaton faltered.  "I... I didn't mean that.  But you... you have contacts with the Kamei'Sin.  If anyone can find out, it must be you..."

Daryil put his head in his hands.  "Oh no.  Oh no no no.  Keaton, please don't go there.  Don't ask me about Noah.  You don't want to know what happened to your brother."

"But I have to know!" she snapped.  "He's my brother... he's of my clan!  The Kamei'Sin tortured him to learn where the Hidden Valley was themselves!  Don't you understand how important this is to me!?"

Daryil winced.  "I understand more than you do, Keaton, and I don't mean that in a nasty way.  You're still upset about Nick," he reminded her.  "And how disappointed you were that he doesn't act like a Jyraneth member of your youth should.  What you're asking for now... that will be much worse.  Trust me, you'll be happier not knowing."

"You can't know that!" the succubus retorted.

"Please... remember Nick.  Remember what I was saying yesterday.  The clan you knew is dead and gone.  You've lived an evil life, Keaton, but no-one deserves to lose their family the way you did.  In some ways I think of you as an adopted clan member."

"You're fucking kidding," Keaton said, wrinkling her muzzle in disgust.   

"Yeah, I know, it's irrational," Daryil said, his ears blushing where the fur was thinnest.  "I feel a bit stupid saying that at all.  But it's true, and I'm trying to explain why I've taken an interest in your wellbeing, and why I'm doing what I hope is best for you in the long run, even if it doesn't seem like it now."

"Hypothetically," the Tri-wing continued, "And purely as an intellectual exercise, let's imagine your brother is alive and well, but the reason you've never heard from him is because he despises you and never wants to see you ever again..."  Keaton opened her mouth to say something and Daryil gestured for silence.  Her mouth closed again and she just stared back at him, concentrated essence of pissed-off jackal.

"Look, I said this was hypothetical," Daryil reminded her quickly.  "But if it was true, would you be happier knowing about it, or would it be kinder to let you carry on believing he was dead?   If he was alive but changed that much... doesn't that mean that the old Noah you knew from your childhood is dead anyway, in a sense...?"

"But I have to know!" the jackal whined desperately.  "I just need to know... did he suffer?  Did his soul make it through to the afterworlds?  That's a simple enough question, isn't it!?"

"No, it's not," Daryil.  "If it was I'd have told you as gently as I could.  This... might be worse.  The Kamei'Sin may not have wanted to tell me how to get to the Valley, but they were pretty forthcoming about the rest of your history.
"You see, when he was captured, Noah was beaten and tortured cruelly.  Once they had roughed him up enough, he was promised a swift and painless death if he cooperated, or that his soul would be destroyed if he refused.  I think you know most of that, of course.  But the thing is, once he'd told them the secret of entering Harla'Keth's hidden valley, the Kamei'Sin decided not keep their promise."

"They... they did destroy him after all!?"  Keaton's eyes widened, and tears began to well in them.  "Oh gods... oh no..."

"No no," Daryil said quickly.  "They were so pleased that they changed their minds and let him live.  And after they had crushed the Jyraneth, they needed a way to keep him on a leash, and they found one.  But you won't like it, trust me on this.  He's alive and well, Katherine.  But he's changed.  I've already told you more than I should have done."

"You're just trying to stop me looking for him," the jackal snarled.

"Yes," Daryil said simply.

"I knew it!"  Keaton sneered triumphantly, placing her hands on her hips.  "So how much of what you've said is actually true...?"

"All of it.  Don't you understand?"  Daryil was starting to look frustrated, desperate even.  "I want to stop you looking for Noah because you're not ready for it yet.  If you went rampaging after him right now, you would royally fuck things up in ways you can barely imagine.
"You could very easily end up getting him killed, getting killed by him or making yourselves lifelong enemies.  Do you want that to happen...?  I am trying to prevent it, and you are not helping."  Daryil's voice hardened and he stared directly at Keaton with an intensity she'd never seen before.  She quailed slightly, suddenly remembering what Daryil was and how dangerous he could be if angered.

"Listen to me, Katherine.  If you truly love your brother, if you really want to see him again, you must first lay aside your vendetta with the Kamei'Sin.  I don't expect you to love them, but understand that Noah has been living with them for a long, long time.  You will need their co-operation to find him."

"But they..."

"Are you familiar with... Sergenholt Syndrome?" Daryil asked.  "Where someone kidnapped by ne'er-do-wells and held against their will can eventually bond with them, become part of their group and sympathise with their views...?"

Keaton just stared at him, aghast.

"I'm sorry, Katherine.  I was trying to break this to you gently, I swear."

The yellow jackal barely noticed as Daryil gently sat her down in a cushioned chair.  He just sat with her for a few minutes, and when he was sure she'd be okay, left her alone to come to terms with it as best she could.

* * *

Sydney looked at Sheila with surprise, his wings fanning out very slightly for a moment.  "Um," he said, looking at the succubus nervously.  "I didn't think you went in for... well, guys."

"As a rule, no," the border sighed, taking off her business suit and revealing the seductress outfit that she usually sported beneath it.  "But sometimes... Sometimes losing something or someone makes you realise that you didn't appreciate them before, right...?"

"What about Nick?" Syd said, alarmed.

"Oh, he's not my type," Sheila replied.

"That's not what I mean!  He'll be back any minute... do you really want him to see this?"

"We're 'Cubi students," Sheila said, with a nervous smile.  "This sort of thing happens with us all the time!  He'll get over it."

"Okay, Sheila," Sydney began, and then stopped, closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he tried to figure out what to say and how to put it.

"Okay," he began again, "Don't get me wrong on this.  I mean... I like you, I like you a lot... and yeah, I got jealous when you went off with other people, but...
"Well, I'm not quite sure I want our relationship to go in this direction.  I mean, it's too soon... and anyway... you might not be thinking clearly, right?"

There was a burst of surprise from behind them, making Syd jump.  Syd turned, to see Nick looking embarrassed.

"Shit, I'm sorry," he said.  "I can come back in fifteen minutes or so if you want..."

"No," Sheila said, "You stay, we'd better finish the tour.  And Sydney... I'm proud of you.  Most guys would be all over me, but you stood your ground.  And yet you were trying to be nice about it."

"So, uh, shall we show him the dormitories?"  Nick asked, awkwardly.

"Yeah, we'd better do that," the succubus said, putting her jacket back on.  "But Sydney," she added quietly, turning to the fox, "If you do change you mind, don't be afraid to let me know..."

* * *

"Aw shit," Illiath muttered, as another mare headed towards them with a smoothness and grace that betrayed her artificial nature.  Fortunately Illiath was disguised as Lady Finch, or things would likely have turned ugly.  Instead, the robot came smoothly to a halt before her, with one hand outstretched.

"I am ordered to arrest the intruder, my Lady," the android said.

"Professor James is now in my care," Illiath said haughtily, perfectly mimicking Lady Finch's voice and mannerisms.  "There is no need to carry out your mission now."

"Then I must accompany him," the android said.

"What is your name?"  Illiath demanded.

"Wendy," the mare replied.

"Wendy, I order you to destroy yourself."

"Self-destruction requires a priority override code," the mare said.

"Then I order you to tell me a valid priority override code," Illiath-Finch said.

"I do not know.  I can only validate given codes."

"Damn," James said.  "They thought of that one.  Can't we just tell it to sit in a corner or something?"

"Wendy, I order you to render yourself harmless," the succubus instructed.

"I do not understand," the mare replied.

"Destroy your internal weapons.  Make yourself safe."

"Self-destruction requires a priority override code," the mare insisted.

"I only need you to destroy part of yourself," Illiath wheedled.

"Self-destruction requires a priority override code," the mare replied yet again.

"Come on, we're wasting time!"  James whispered.

"No, we can't risk it telling them where we went," Illiath said.  "Wendy!  I command you to stand exactly where you are.  Stand completely still and do not move until you are told otherwise.  This order takes priority."

"We'll have to do this the other way," she muttered, taking out her broadsword and reverting to base form.  Bracing herself, she swung the blade around in an arc above her head, building up the momentum and suddenly bringing the last foot of the sword home against the mare's neck.  The body jerked once as her head came off, sailing through the air and bouncing off the wall.  The corpse tumbled upon the ground and lay there, the tail quivering slightly.

Professor James was staring at the robot on the floor, his eyes wide and his face utterly still like a deer caught in headlights.  His mouth was open slightly and he didn't seem to be moving at all.  Oh shit, Illiath thought.  Looks like that struck a nerve with him.

Illiath looked at him pityingly, her face uncharacteristically concerned.  "It was just a robot," she said gently.  "Not really alive, it had no mind or soul... it's just a hollow object."

"You... you've done that to people," Professor James said, pushing her hand away as it was offered.

"I won't deny it," Illiath quietly.  "And I know... it's not nice.  And I know too, that it's one thing to talk about it and another to see it happening, even to an automaton.  But I promise, I didn't do that to anyone who didn't have it coming."

"Please, James," she entreated, "We can talk about this later.  We have to get out of here!"

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 34 (2012/12/07)
Post by: Ignuus66 on December 07, 2012, 07:45:59 PM
Do the androids have anti-paradox machines? all I would have said "Attempt self destruct and if it requires a code then repeat attempt self destruct until it no longer requires a code" and then say "the previous command has priority over all others"
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 34 (2012/12/07)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 10, 2012, 08:03:20 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on December 07, 2012, 07:45:59 PM
Do the androids have anti-paradox machines? all I would have said "Attempt self destruct and if it requires a code then repeat attempt self destruct until it no longer requires a code" and then say "the previous command has priority over all others"

I think they probably have some failsafe against that.  Illiath told Wendy that her order took priority, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it did.  For instance, it probably took priority over previous orders, but newer orders could take priority over it.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 34 (2012/12/07)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 13, 2012, 08:21:33 AM
See, if it was me? The central processor would be in the chest. Easier to protect it there.

Which means that beheading a robot merely pisses it off. "Identified: you are an intruder. Alerting the base." or equivalent.

I'll admit that's harder to write around, though. ;-]
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 35 (2012/12/15)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 14, 2012, 07:51:57 PM

Chapter 35

Once he was satisfied that Keaton was reasonably okay, Daryil went back to his sanctum and sent a note to Nigel, asking him to check on her and make sure the jackal didn't run amok in her grief.  He was about to discorporate his avatar when the private link rang.

"Callahan?" he asked.  The jackal looked kind of flustered.

"Got to make this quick, Milord.  There was some kind of commotion.  Apparently they kidnapped someone and it went wrong.  The captive kicked the shit out of Professor Fa'Rana and then went on a rampage.  The Prof is still comatose, but last I heard Finch was stirring."

"Who was the kidnap victim?"  Daryil said, his expression wide-eyed, and nervous.  "If it's one of mine, I'll... damn!  I was hoping we might be able to broker some kind of peace agreement with the Fa'Rana clan, but this would really throw that pie out the window."

"I didn't catch the name," the jackal said.  "But I think... well, The Professor had a chunk cut out of his forehead from what I saw.  It was all bandaged up, but you could see the shape of the cut in the bandage where it was bleeding.  It looked a hell of a lot like Taun's clan mark."

"Illiath," Daryil muttered.  "Gods... The Professor must be even more spaced out than I thought if he's trying to piss Taun off."

"They seemed to think she was your daughter.  I think they thought she knew where you're keeping Rich-  Oh shit, I'd better go," Callahan said.

"Wait!  My offer to relieve you is still open."

"I can't!" the jackal said desperately.  "If I leave now, they'll suspect me for sure!"

"I'm sure I can sort something out," Daryil said.  "But if you have to go, go.  Just... take care, okay?  I need you, and your son does too."

Daryil watched the screen go blank as Callahan nodded and cut the link.  Almost immediately another call came in, this time an internal one.

"Daryil?" the Alsatian hound queried.  "Were you on a call?  I was trying to get through... this is kind of urgent."

"So was mine," Daryil countered.  "But what's yours about?  Oh gods... it's not Keaton, is it?"

"No, she's fine.  But I had to delegate that to someone else," Nigel informed him.  "See, Joshua's arrived.  With an old friend of his.  You'd best come soon, we need to decide what to do with her."

* * *

The first thing Haley saw when she came around was Daryil, Niall, Nigel and Joshua arguing over her fate.  She tried to speak, tried to move, but they'd drugged her or cursed her somehow, and she could only watch helplessly from the couch in which she lay.

"Look, she's coming around," Josh said, and went over to check her.

"I'm sorry about the restraints," he said, "And about having to bring you here.  But really, you should be grateful... Marlbury would have had your head off by now if you were caught there."

"I don't usually say this," Daryil said slowly, "But in her case... Well, maybe she should meet her fate in Marlbury.  I'm sorry, Josh, that you brought her all the way here only to have to take her back again..."

Niall started at Daryil, appalled.  "You can't do that!" he wailed, "I've spent nearly two centuries of my life trying to save 'Cubi from execution!  Just because she's a Fa'Rana... What's she done to deserve being guillotined?!"

"How about mass-murder?" Daryil suggested.  "I mean look, Niall... she murdered Josh's childhood crush and took her place.  Okay, fair's fair... 'Cubi often do things in the heat of the moment which they then regret and not all of us know how to cope properly in the aftermath.  Something like this might have been a crime of passion that she handled badly in the panic afterwards...
"But Haley didn't stop there.  She went on to help perpetrate the deaths of everyone in the police headquarters in Marlbury, hung around outside to check the massacre was going to plan, Josh says that she mentioned murdering other people and taking their place.  And she was fully intending to eat someone's soul in order to provide Josh with a new body," Daryil said testily.  "And then, after all these things she tried to murder him when he confronted her about the massacre.  And all of that... well, those are only the ones we know about."

Niall looked like he was about to throw up.  "I... abstain," he choked and left the room.

Nigel stood in the background, leaning against the wall and watching the proceedings darkly.  "She's cruel and dangerous.  I think she should stand trial," he said, lip curling slightly.

"I don't know," Josh said desperately, as Daryil turned all his attention to him.  "She was my girlfriend, for a while she really did love me.  That's all past now, but I don't know that I want to see her die, especially not like that... and besides it was almost certainly Professor Fa'Rana and Lady Finch who actually organised the massacre..."

"Fine," Daryil said, and turned to glance down at Haley, his expression not exactly bursting with warmth.  "It's your lucky day," he told her.  "You're going to stay here for now.  If you keep your muzzle clean, I'll make sure you get a fair trial in Fairwater and maybe some kind of plea bargain if you're really good.
"But let's get one thing crystal clear - if you step out of line in any way, I'll ship you straight to the Marlbury Department of Justice with enchanted restraints around your arms and a pretty blue ribbon around your waist.  Oh, and Haley...?  If that happens, you won't be needing a return ticket.  Understand?"

The malamute nodded feebly, still too weak to speak or move.

"Good.  We've prepared a couple of secure rooms for... unruly guests.  It's not fancy, but I'm sure you'll find it comfortable.  Security!" he barked suddenly, and a couple of black panthers appeared a few moments later, their feral bodies polished and shining, eyes glowing red, fangs and claws sharp as razors.

"Yes, Lord Daryil?" one of them asked politely, forelegs stencilled with the designation E-ZRA.  Haley stared at them, amazed.  Warrior robots! she thought.

"Yes," Daryil said to her, gesturing at the panther to wait a moment.  "They guard the base.  A highly controlled technology, and infinitely smarter than your master's creations, if Josh's report is anything to go by.  Please don't upset them or we'd have to ship you to Marlbury in a couple of buckets."  Daryil looked at her critically for a moment.  "Well, four buckets.  Maybe we could fit you into three, depends how finely-chopped.  What do you think?" he added, turning back to one of the robots.

"Um," EZRA said.  "Four buckets to be safe, I'd say."

"You're right," Daryil murmured.  "Having some left over would be... unpleasant.
"Anyway!  This young lady is Haley Fa'Rana," he continued, gesturing at the canine succubus.  "She's evil and dangerous, so guard her well.  I'd much prefer to keep her alive as a bargaining chip, but if she tries to escape or turns violent, you have my permission to kill her." he paused, glancing at Haley to make sure she'd heard.  She had.

"And if she does anything suspicious, inform Nigel or myself at once.  In case of immediate danger, you may use lethal force if necessary."

"Will do," EZRA said, and tilted his head slightly.  "Uh, about that... you were kidding about the buckets, right?  I mean, it makes disposal easier 'cause she'd fit down the sink, but still... You don't really want her all blended up into paste, do you?"

"Well, I'd much prefer to keep her alive," Daryil said, headwings drooping slightly.  "But if she does have to die, I want the remains to be identifiable, okay?  We'd have to release her corpse to the Marlbury authorities, so try to keep it intact if you can."

"Yes, Dar," the panther said.  Nigel's headwings fanned out and he glanced sharply between EZRA and his Clan Leader with a puzzled expression.

"'Daryil,'" the fox corrected, "We'll get some very odd rumours going around if you keep calling me that."

"Sorry, Lord Daryil," the robot said, a note of embarrassment entering his voice and posture.

"Do you want regular reports, Milord?" the other panther asked.

"Not for me, but Nigel might," Daryil said, gesturing to the Alsatian hound.  "Work something out with him."

So saying, he touched the succubus' head gently, a spell seeping through her and replenishing some of her strength.

"You'll still be weak for a bit," he said.  "Should be fine in half an hour, though.  And Haley...?"

"Yes...?" she croaked.

"You're grounded.  No internet for a week."

* * *

Professor James stumbled along as if in a trance, Illiath in front, leading him along.  They had encountered two more horse androids since, and they had both met the same fate as Wendy.  The severed head of 'Yvonne' was now tied to Illiath's belt by the hair.  She glanced down at it guiltily.  Dammit, the Doberman thought, that can't be helping Idris get over the whole decapitation thing.  But uncle is going to need to see this.

"James," she called softly.  "Wait here."

So saying, she morphed one of her wings, tried to pick the lock, but failed.  Sod it, the Doberman thought, and cut through the door with her wing-tentacles.

"Okay, James," she told the feline, as if addressing a frightened child.  "That seems to be the exit.  Come along now..."

Inside was an elevator, and a few moments later, they found themselves in the cellar of what appeared to be a dusty council house.  Thinking quickly, the succubus picked up a stool left lying nearby and jammed the lift door open to prevent it going back down, and then checked her phone, bringing up a map of the area.

Grunmore...  She thought.  Where the hell's that?!  Oh, wait... Uncle has some kind of presence here.  What was it...?   A coffee shop?

Glancing sharply around, she turned to face the wildcat.  "James...?  How are you feeling...?"

"You didn't just behead her," the incubus said, his expression blazing with fury and venom.  "You took the head with you as a fucking prize!  Just like my family!"

"Oh gods," Illiath moaned.  "James, can we deal with this later?"

"Oh that's right... brush it under the carpet, you..."

"It's not like that, dammit!  These things are dangerous!  We need to get one of the heads to someone who can study it and find out more about them!"

"I don't care about the robot, it's how you treat people that I have issues with!  You'd be perfectly happy to drag one of your victim's heads around too, just like that!  You said so yourself!  Look how easily you did it!  You've done this before!  How does that make you any different to the bastards who murdered my parents in front of me!?"

"I'm a Taun!" Illiath snarled.  "We're the guardians of the 'Cubi race, not murderers!  We have a code of conduct and mine is stricter than most, coming from a Daryil parent!  I've done regrettable things, but wanton murder is not among them!"

"You mean you don't regret-"  Professor James said, and was silenced by a blow from the headmistress as she slapped his muzzle.

"Idris," she said fiercely, staring back at the wildcat with a fiendish intensity.  "Things have improved massively in the last two centuries, but we still live in a cruel, violent world.  These kind of things still happen.  But understand this - I am not a Demon.  If I have to kill someone, there's always a bloody good reason for it.
"You are entitled to your opinions," she said coldly, "And I will overlook this little spat with regard to your teaching position.  But I will NOT let you endanger both our lives while we're stuck in fucking enemy territory!  Do you understand?  You had better get your act together right now and concentrate on escaping or I will leave you behind.  Is that clear?"

"Yes, headmistress," the wildcat spat, staring back at her with ill-concealed loathing.

"Good.  We can argue morality afterwards, if we survive.  There's a... coffee shop or something down the road.  It's called Arnold's.  We'll try to-"

"Hands up!" someone yelled, jumping around the corner and covering them both with a small handgun.

"I hope you're bloody satisfied," Illiath snarled, raising her hands.  Professor James began to sob quietly.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 35 (2012/12/15)
Post by: joshofspam on December 15, 2012, 08:47:59 PM
Seems like some of the Panthers might be getting a little more chummy then others with Daryil.

Well when you give them the ability to think personalities of all kinds are bound to appear.

I wonder how all of the A.I.'s there will react if Illiath manages to bring a head back?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 35 (2012/12/15)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 16, 2012, 04:39:54 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on December 15, 2012, 08:47:59 PM
Seems like some of the Panthers might be getting a little more chummy then others with Daryil.
Well when you give them the ability to think personalities of all kinds are bound to appear.

Fortunately not in the way Nigel was thinking.  That would be... bad.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 36 (2012/12/21)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 20, 2012, 07:25:40 PM
Posting early since tomorrow will be disrupted.

Chapter 36

"So, Richard," Daryil said, "To sum up, I don't want to push you into properly joining my clan, that's a decision for you and you alone.  You and your father are welcome to join us if you wish.  I draw the line at your mother, however - unless she choses to defect for some reason.
"If you fear that she or Professor Fa'Rana may think of you as a traitor, you are of course welcome to stay under my protection indefinitely, so long as you obey my Tenets while you are here.
   "If you would prefer to return to your parents, that's more difficult, but well, I'm sure I can find a way to parley with them, and I can return you at that point.  I don't expect you to come to a decision immediately, either."

Daryil paused for a moment and glanced at the young jackal.  "Do you have any questions?" he finished.

"No, sir," Richard said politely.

"Very well.  Feel free to ask me about it if you do," he said, and stared at the doors for a few moments.  Then Daryil waved his hand and the doors opened of their own accord, just as Sydney, Nick and Sheila appeared around the corner, jumping slightly at the sudden movement.

"Excellent timing, if I do say so myself," Daryil said.

"You paged for us, Lord Daryil...?" Sheila asked, with a faint bow.

"Yeah," the fox said, "Richard and I are done for now.  Could you show him to his room?"


"So, Richard," Sheila said, as they led the white jackal on a similar tour to the one Sydney had just been given, "What did you think of Daryil?"

"I'm not sure," Richard admitted.  "He seems nice enough, and so far he ain't been anything like the stories I was told by my clan, but, well.... I dunno how much of it is an act.
"And my own clan... what'll they do when they find I've been hanging out with him!?"  Richard looked scared again.

"They sent you to a school that's half run by him, what can they expect?" Sheila shrugged.  "Besides, Daryil will be able to make it look like you were held against your will or something."

"Yeah," Sydney said.  "I'm sure he can cover for you if you need it, or 'take you hostage'..." his headwings drooped slightly, and Sheila glanced at him.

"Something the matter?" the Border asked.

"Not really... well..." the fox sighed.  "You've had a one-to-one with Daryil, and now Richard has too... it feels like I'm the only person he hasn't taken an interest in."

"That's not true!" Sheila said, headwings fluffing slightly.  "Half of the first talk we had was all about you!"

"You're kidding!" Sydney said, his own wings fanning out.

"No.  Daryil knows your family well.  He takes a keen interest in the Jyraneth clan, though I have no idea why.  I'm surprised he hasn't asked to see Nick yet."

"He did," the yellow jackal said shyly.  "But we didn't say much...  I think it was one of his avatars.  I was still a bit scared, maybe he was going easy on me..."

"What... well, what's he like...?" Sydney asked suddenly.  "I mean, what impression did he leave you with?"

"He wasn't what I expected," Richard admitted.  "I don't know... I guess... I was afraid that he'd kill me for betraying him... and my Dad...  But he doesn't even seem to care.  My... my other clan... I've been told tales of how he couldn't take anything seriously, how he'd do anything to amuse himself, no matter who got hurt and how he ate Lady Ti'Nera's soul on a whim..." the jackal looked around hastily.  "Perhaps he's just toying with me..."

"He lost it when Lady Ti'Nera murdered his boyfriend," Sheila said.  "I think that kind of reaction is to be expected if you wound him in that manner.  And yes, before you arrived, Daryil took me aside, he wanted to know about Sydney and about you, Richard.  I was still a bit scared then, I thought he might want to punish you.  But he doesn't.  He thinks of you as a potential ally, as a way to help smooth things out with Fa'Rana and his clan..."

"That would explain a lot," Richard said, but there was still some doubt in his eyes.

"I was scared of him at first," Sheila said.  "And make no mistake, he could be terrible if he was angry.  But for me... he knew I was scared, he tried his best to calm me down.  I think that we're seeing him on his best behaviour because he knows we're not used to him.  But he asked if you were hot... there were a few more things like that.  I think he let his guard down, and that was what he's usually like.  But I don't mind."

"He was very friendly," Nick said.  "He was saying that I couldn't help which clan I was born into, that he'd make sure my parents know I'm safe and that they're protected, he'd and do his best to protect me from my Leader.  He offered to let me join the school and said that he knows some ex-Jyraneth who would be able to help me..."

"That'll be my clan," Sydney pointed out.

"So yeah," Sheila said, "I'm sure he'll want a word with you at some point.  Don't feel left out."

"You make it sound like a bigger deal than it was," Sydney shrugged.  "What did he talk to you about, Richard?"

"Well, we discussed... well, my father and me, and our options for rejoining Daryil Clan if we wanna.  I'm not sure yet," he said, looking around.  "I mean if Dad is committed and Mom is committed, I can't really leave them, right?  But he said I'm welcome to go back to the Fa'Rana clan if I want.
"And the rest of it was about whether I wanna continue studying at Illiath's school."

"And do you?" Sheila asked.

"Yes," Richard said decisively.  "You guys have stuck up for me, despite my... differences.  I want to carry on studying here.  It's just... I'm not sure my mom will."

* * *

Illiath stared at their assailant, an ibex.  His hands were shaking and the gun wavered in his grasp.  "Professor Stephens...?" she asked, incredulously.

"Oh shit," the incubus said.  "I-I'm sorry..."

"That's quite alright," Illiath said.  "Now put the gun down, okay...?"

Hesitantly the ibex did so.  "That's better," Illiath said, and punched him under the chin before he could react.  Professor James uttered a very feline hissing sound, his face livid.

"Is that your answer to everything?!" he shrieked.  "What the fuck was that for?!"

"Would you prefer I decapitated them?" Illiath asked quizzically.

"That's not the point!  He was one of your own staff... oh gods... how could you..."

He cut off suddenly, as Illiath rolled the fallen incubus over with a kick.  He had grown a pair of breasts, the feathers on her wings were congealing into a leathery mass and she was rapidly turning into a kangaroo.  "The aura was wrong," Illiath said.

"Oh... oh shit," the wildcat replied.

"Yeah," Illiath agreed.  "Now, can we please get to the coffee shop before her friends come after us?"

"I'm calling you to account afterwards," Professor James said stiffly as he struggled to calm himself, "But I agree.  We have to get out of here."

Illiath quickly rooted around the house and found a carrier bag which she used to conceal the android's severed head.  When she was satisfied, she un-jammed the lift and the pair of them sped out of the house towards the shopping district.


Their wings and headwings were concealed as the Doberman and wildcat approached Arnold's.  Illiath floundered for a moment as she suddenly realised there were two branches of the shop, on opposite sides of the street.  Her phone's map had had one of them marked as 'Cash Fur Cheques'.  Must have changed recently, she thought.

Both branches had a large queue trailing out from them, and for a moment or two the succubus despaired.  Then, with a sigh and an old children's counting game, she picked one of them and pushed her way gently but forcefully through the queue to the door, amid snarls and cries of protest from the crowd.

"We have a queue," one of the staff said pointedly as she marched in and strode up to the counter.

"I need to speak to Daryil," Illiath told him simply.  The Demon just stared at her.  "I beg your pardon...?"

"I'm Illiath Taun," she said.  "I need an audience with the Lord Daryil urgently.  Tell him it's Illiath, he will understand."

The staff debated for a few moments and shortly afterwards a feline incubus appeared from the back office and ushered her through, along with Professor James.  His wings were yellow and charcoal grey, unusual for a Daryil clan member.  His fur was mostly white, but with a number of muddy yellow splotches here and there including a large one across his muzzle. 

"Conrad D'Aryil," the cat said.  "Well, Ms. Taun, this is a bit unconventional.  And to be fair, this is a coffee shop, not a taxi serv..." the incubus' expression suddenly changed.  "Holy shit," he said.  "Illiath... of course!  You're the headmistress of Daryil's school!  You went missing!"

"Now we're getting somewhere," the Doberman said.  "This is Professor Idris James.  We were captured, we're on the run and I need to get to Daryil and find out what happened to the rest of my school.  Rescuing the other professors would be a definite plus too, but I want to get James to safety first."

"Indeed.  But how do I know you are Illiath and not some assassins trying to break into Daryil territory?"

"Nigel's chief of clan security," the succubus said.  "He can vouch for me.  Taun would too, but since she refuses to talk to Daryil at all there's not much point..."

"Well," the incubus said doubtfully, "Couldn't you go to her for sanctuary instead...?"

"And abandon my first-years?  Get real!  Besides, Grandmother... well, she'd look upon it as a weakness.  Look.  I have part of an enemy android here and Daryil will want to study it.  It'll be important to him, but I doubt Granny could give two shits."

"Very well," he sighed.  "I'll send for Nigel.  Happy?"

"Thanks.  Though, uh... while we're here, that porridge did smell good..." Illiath added, holding out a small debit card.


"Well, James," Illiath said in a subdued voice, as she took a bite from a fresh porridge baguette, "While we're waiting for Nigel, I guess... I promised we could discuss my warlike outlook on life... I guess now is as good a time as any, if you want to talk about it."

"Very well," the wildcat said, scowling slightly.  "I believe you used excessive force back there, to the point at which it would likely upset your students if they became aware of it."

"I disagree," the succubus said airily.  "You will note that I used non-lethal means each time I encountered an enemy 'Cubi."

"That's not what I meant," the wildcat snapped.  "The androids... the way you... you didn't just kill them... you executed them.  You were enjoying it!"

"But they weren't sentient," Illiath pointed out reasonably.  "They were just automatons running a relatively complex control program.  Beings see and do far more violent deeds in any modern videogame these days.  So what if I got a little carried away on what is effectively a training dummy?"

"So you were practicing... practicing to execute a real, flesh and blood opponent just like the Beings did to my parents!"  Professor James snarled.  "Right in front of their child!"

Illiath put down the baguette with a pained expression and collected her thoughts.

"I didn't know you lost your parents that way," she began slowly, "And I'm sorry.  I'd have taken more care if I did."  James opened his mouth as if to reply, but the Doberman interrupted. "And see... there was one time... I did kill someone right in front of their kid.  I've always regretted it."

The wildcat choked, and took a step back.  "Why... what made you do it?  I thought you said that you took people alive when you could!"

"I do," Illiath sighed, "But it... it was a hostage situation.  Some crazy guy, fell out with his ex... he had the kid at gunpoint, his own son!  I... I lost it, you know how that sometimes happens with 'Cubi... took his head off with a wing-tentacle.  It probably messed the kid up for life, as if being about to be murdered by his own Dad wasn't enough...  But it did save him.  The guy was going to do it."

James looked appalled, but the anger in his eyes was gone.  As he watched, Illiath buried her face and cried for a few moments.

"It sounds like you did your best," James said, "And I'm sorry about what I said earlier, I was out of order."

"Doesn't matter," Illiath said, looking at him miserably.  "It was a stressful experience.  I can't blame you and it was never anything personal.  I just wanted... I just wanted to make sure we could get home."

"I don't want to jinx things, but it's starting to look like you've done that," the wildcat told her.  "I can't say I agree with all your methods, but I have to admit that it could have been a lot worse.  So... well, thank you, Headmistress."

* * *

"My Lord," Nigel began, as he entered Daryil's study.

"Oh, Hi Nigel," Daryil said.  "Is Keaton alright?"

"Yes.  I've found a spare room for her to stay in."

"Well, I'm hoping she'll be earning her keep soon.  We should probably get her a house in Grunmore at some point.  But there's something else, isn't there?"

"Yes, Daryil.  I was wondering, could I have a quiet word with you...?  It's about Hayley."

"Oh dear," Daryil sighed.  "You still think I should have sent her to Marlbury, don't you?"

"With all due respect, yes."

"You really want her dead that badly...?" Daryil asked.  "That's not exactly in the spirit of my Tenets, you know."

"It's not that," Nigel said, "Though I do think she deserves to pay for her deeds, with her life if necessary.  But taking her away, keeping her here...?  The people at Marlbury are beside themselves with grief over the massacre and the relatives of those taken are howling for justice.  Some of them literally so.
"And now... now a vital piece of evidence that could help them find peace just fell into our lap and you're shielding her and ruining their investigation!  Why...?  Do we even have that right?"

"What goes on in Marlbury isn't really our business," Daryil said.  "If any of us here has a stake in the investigation, it's got to be Joshua and he's not exactly working for Marlbury anyway.  But you're right, interfering is probably not in our best interest."

"You mean you will hand her over...?" Nigel asked eagerly.

"Not if she behaves herself, no.  She may be psychopathic in ways that even Keaton would balk at, but I'm not convinced she'll get a fair trial at Marlbury.  No, I'm giving you and Joshua free reign to question her yourselves, so long as she suffers no permanent harm and she stays within the complex.
"If you prefer, we can hand her over to Starfire if we can get a promise she won't face the death penalty or be extradited to somewhere which does carry it.
"Either way, I do want to ensure everything we know or learn about the case gets passed on to the Marlbury police force.  It's only fair."

"Thanks, Dar," Nigel said, looking somewhat mollified.

"Oh, Nigel - I have a task for you," Daryil said suddenly.  "Part of me has just taken a call from Arnold's."

"Oh gods... is everything okay?" the German Shepherd said, his wings fanning out slightly.

"Yes, it was Conrad.  Two people barged into the shop claiming to be Illiath and Idris.  He thinks they're spies and wants you to check them out.  Would you mind?"

"Right away, my Lord," the incubus said and summoned a warp-aci.  Daryil smiled dreamily to himself as Nigel vanished and then he shook his head.  Stop thinking that, Dar, there's work to do.  But damn... why do so many of my clan have such nice butts...?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 36 (2012/12/21)
Post by: justacritic on December 21, 2012, 12:26:12 AM
They inherited it from you Dar
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 36 (2012/12/21)
Post by: Merlin on December 23, 2012, 03:29:55 AM
Really wonder how Hayley will work out... Poor Josh!
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 36 (2012/12/21)
Post by: Gabi on December 26, 2012, 05:04:01 PM
Interesting ending. I'd never imagine a porridge baguette before. Do people actually eat that?

And I wonder how Haley felt when Daryil and Ezra were casually discussing slicing her up in bits and putting her remains in buckets, only to end up grounding her from the Internet. >.>
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 36 (2012/12/21)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 27, 2012, 05:43:43 AM
Yeah, I was wondering about the porridge baguette - I'm really not sure how that would work. >.<

Also, surely James should be saying "Thank you, Headmistress."?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 36 (2012/12/21)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 27, 2012, 07:06:07 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 27, 2012, 05:43:43 AM
Yeah, I was wondering about the porridge baguette - I'm really not sure how that would work. >.<

Thick and sticky porridge, spread like jam.  I'm more worried about how we'll draw it if things get that far.

QuoteAlso, surely James should be saying "Thank you, Headmistress."?
I was sure I had fixed that.  It'll have to wait until I reach home now...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 36 (2012/12/21)
Post by: Merlin on December 27, 2012, 10:59:51 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on December 27, 2012, 07:06:07 AM
Thick and sticky porridge, spread like jam.  I'm more worried about how we'll draw it if things get that far.


I have a very nice recipe for porridge! Made with yoghurt, grated apple, honey, a cooked egg yolk... cat food and cod liver oil. And meal worms if I'm feeling generous.

OK maybe it's not a recipe for human consumption. But poultry love it, trust me.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 37 (2012/12/29)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 29, 2012, 09:10:02 AM
Chapter 37

"Uncle!" Illiath cried as she ran to hug Daryil.  Professor James looked utterly bewildered as the stony-faced headmistress practically turned into a kid before his eyes.

"Illie," the tri-wing said happily, "I'm glad you're safe."

"I'll have to tell Grandmother too," Illiath said, and fumbled with the shopping bag, drawing out the severed head of Yvonne by the hair and holding it proudly in front of Daryil's face.  The mare's blank eyes stared back at him, wide open and sightless, mouth slightly agape as if to protest at her beheading.  Daryil lept back with a yell, wings fluffed out.

"Oh Gods..." he said, dismayed.  "Oh Illie, you promised you wouldn't do that again... Oh." the tri-wing cut off as he realised how clean the thing looked.  "Android, right?" he said, calming down.  "I trust they weren't sentient."

"I need my head examined," the Doberman said.  "And yeah, it was only a robot.  I wouldn't be so happy about it if I had murdered someone," she said, casting a quick look at James.

"So, this is one of the robots the Fa'Rana clan have been working on, is it?  That will be very valuable intel, thank you for bringing it."

"Right again, Uncle," she replied.  "How are my staff and students doing?  Nigel told me that most of them escaped here.  Where's John?"

"Professor Falkirk is taking a class at the moment," the fox told her.  "But he'll be delighted to see you.  I don't think he'll object too much if you interrupt him, and anyway it would do the students good to see you back as well."

"I have to go back, Daryil," Illiath said.  "I managed to get out with Professor James, but there are at least two others still held in Fa'Rana territory."

"No," Daryil said firmly.  "You've done quite enough.  Your place should be with the students.  We need to organise their continued tuition - in neutral territory."

"But my professors...!" the Doberman exclaimed, horrified.

"Don't worry about them," Daryil said, and glanced at the door.  "I'll see they're taken care of."  A few seconds later, a large, robotic panther strode into the room.  It bore the insignia D-ARL on its forelegs.

"I will rescue them," the panther told her.

"I don't remember seeing you before," Illiath said, looking a little concerned.  "A new panther...?  Daryil, are you really supposed to have made him?  I thought they were forbidden under the New Life regulations..."

"We were forbidden from creating more lives," the robot said.  "But this body you see is neither sentient nor even a programmed AI like the head you brought.  I am the Lord Daryil."

"A robotic avatar...?" the Doberman exclaimed.  "That's cool!  But... Oh gods, I hope Granny doesn't hear about this.  She's a real traditionalist..."

"I dunno, a remotely-operated armoured war-robot might be right up her street," Daryil said.  "For situations like this, where they might try to kill me or destroy my projections, it's ideal.  I don't know if you know this, but with a conventional avatar, a powerful enemy out to destroy me could follow the link back to me, breaching even a heavily-protected sanctum.  But with a robot, the link is only radio waves rather than my own sentience so that trick won't work.

"Either way, Taun will no doubt see this in your memory next time you meet her," he concluded. "Oh!  And talking of which... Respectful greetings to you," Daryil said, bowing deeply before Illiath.  "I hope that one day you will be able to look beyond the japes of my earlier days and consider some kind of formal alliance.  Until then, I remain your respectful servant, Ikaarion Daryil."

Illiath blinked for a moment, then realised that what he'd just said was addressed to her Clan Leader, not to her.  "Are you sure you don't need my help rescuing the Professors?" she asked, slightly put out.

"No, I'll do it," Daryil said.  "I won't have you risking your life going back to..." he trailed away.  "Actually, how did you get from their base to Grunmore...?"

"That's where it is," Professor James blurted.  "It may be protected, but we didn't encounter any kind of portal or space-warping.  Their complex is built underneath Grunmore.  We used a lift in Kingsfield Road, number 32, I think.  It was built into the basement."

"Oh," Daryil said, his avatar's form wavering slightly with the shock.  The panther beside him stumbled and then lay down.  "Oh shit."

* * *

There was not a sound in the board room as Lady Finch entered.  By force of habit she took her usual place next to The Professor's chair at the end of the table.  Then she changed her mind and sat in his seat instead.

"As most of you will know," Lady Finch said, in the air of someone having immense difficulty forcing themselves to be calm, "A routine confinement operation intended to help locate my son has gone disastrously wrong.  All but two of our captives on site have now escaped and Professor Fa'Rana has been seriously injured in the fighting.  As his deputy, I will be in temporary command of the clan until he recovers sufficiently to resume command.
"Obviously there will have to be a review of our procedures and a tightening up of security... but this incident will have other consequences and knock-on effects on our core activities... in particular, the viability of the K1300 series of androids, codenamed Gamma Project..." the succubus paused, her eyes screwing up as if in pain.

"HOW DID THEY DO THIS?!" she screamed, her wings morphing and bristling into tentacles.  "They've destroyed nearly all the K1300 prototypes!  They knew all its weaknesses... they must have had inside information!  A spy!  I want a complete investigation... both into the K1300's logic unit and also an internal investigation.  I want this traitor found... and I want him executed!"

"Lady Finch," Johan began, quietly and cautiously in case the succubus turned on him, "What do we do about Gamma Project?  We're about a week away from mass production.  Should we continue?"

"I don't know," the wolf snapped.  "De-prioritise.  Have production continue, but at a reduced rate.  Do a test run - gods know we'll need to replace the first prototypes - but don't go into full production yet.  Oh!  And I want Sonia and... who's left...?"


"That's all?!" Lady Finch shrieked, "Just two of them...?!"

"Wendy, Yvonne and Xenka were beheaded," Johan said, in a quiet yet forceful manner.  "Bringing them back online shouldn't take more than an hour or two.  The problem is the others, though - they had their brains destroyed and that... well, it may not be economical to replace them.  Speaking of which, Yvonne... we haven't found her head at all yet.  She may have to be scrapped for parts."

"Well, that's something," the succubus sighed.  "Right then.  Once you've repaired the ones you can, I want all operational prototypes upgraded to the very latest firmware.  The others will be replaced from the test run.  Are there any known problems which would prevent that?"

"Well, we'll probably have to redesign the neck, at least," a frilled lizard succubus said thoughtfully.  "And strengthen a few more areas.  Other than that the basic chassis is great, and I think it should go into full mass production.  It's the AI I'm more concerned about, but I'm sure we can come up with something..."

"And if the AI can't be fixed?!" Lady Finch snarled.  "What if we're left with thousands of electronic retards?!  What can we do with them all then?  Tell me that!"

"We can still use them as scouts," Johan said soothingly.  "That doesn't need much in the way of outwitting an opponent.  Manual labour? Tending crops?  We can definitely find some use for them.  Also, remember that the K1400 is based on the K1300 chassis and that particular variant will not have the problems of our current AI.  Besides, at the end of the day, weren't they really just a stopgap for the Epsilon project anyway?"

"That is true," Lady Finch said, calming down slightly.  "But Epsilon is necessarily on hold until The Professor is well enough to resume his researches.  That said, your point about the K-1400 is well made.  Very well, we shall decide what to do with Gamma when we have the new run of prototypes.  But I want research started into an alternative AI scheme as soon as possible."

"They won't be as fast," Johan pointed out.  "The speed and reflexes we get now are a direct product of using a programmatic AI.  I'm not convinced we can achieve that level of performance in a true machine sentience."

"That is something for the research team to investigate," Lady Finch countered.  "In the meantime, is there anything else I should know?"

"Not much," a lion incubus said.  "Daryil's porridge business is still going strong.  They've partnered with strip clubs to provide some kind of adults-only flapjack as a subsidiary, and their core business has also launched a delicious gooey substance that our labs have not yet been able to identify."

"Great," Lady Finch snapped.  "But we will deal with that oaf in due course when we bring in his son.  Oh yes, Johan... we'll definitely need those prototypes for that.  Make sure they all have the latest jump unit installed."

"Couldn't we just bomb the restaurant?" the frilled lizard suggested.

"No.  Remember, Daryil has Richard hostage!  An attack like that, and he would execute my poor child for sure!" the succubus wailed.  "We can't do anything that might risk his life until we have Daryil's true child safely in our grasp.  Seric, how is our rival chain doing?"

"Well, I think we're still on track to launch," the lion replied.  "Our trial run of hashbrowns was very successful, but obtaining sufficient quantities of hash for continuous production is proving more difficult than anticipated.  It is likely that Daryil has interfered with the supply chain himself and our normal suppliers are not cooperating."

"When we have some more androids we should be able to solve that problem," Finch decided.  "Their AI may be compromised, but I doubt a bunch of drug dealers will know how to deal with them.  Anything else?"

"Yes, Lady," Johan said.  "Haley has failed to report twice now.  Should we send an agent to check up on her...?"
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 37 (2012/12/29)
Post by: joshofspam on December 29, 2012, 12:28:13 PM
It's interesting to see how differently Illiath interacts between the two Twi-wings she's related to. Sometimes I wonder if Illiath is the only member of Taun's clan to persistently call Taun Granny?

Daryil's method to beat using his avatar's to track him is interesting. Though I worry because I'm sure there are things that can block radio waves. Wouldn't be so good if Daryil walks all that expensive and advanced material right up so they can try to reverse engineer it.

Also sounds like the possibility of smarter horse A.I.'s might be in the future. I'm still hoping for a Panther VS Horse battle in later chapters. That would be an awesome battle! :eager
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 37 (2012/12/29)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 29, 2012, 01:42:19 PM
AO flapjack?

Erm. You what?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 37 (2012/12/29)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 29, 2012, 02:04:25 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 29, 2012, 01:42:19 PM
AO flapjack?

Erm. You what?

Chapter 11, second section.

"Ah, Nigel," he beamed.  "How's things going at Grunmore?  Actually, I need to pick your brains for a minute.  I've been looking into plans for expansion for the next phase of the project... we need to pick some other innocuous and cheap food produced in Grunmore and promote it as a lifestyle accessory.

"I'm thinking about that mush you get when you leave the cereal in the bowl for too long... we could even come up with a trademark name for it.  But we probably want something else, maybe interestingly-flavoured mashed potato...  Blancmange sandwiches... no, flapjack!  That'll do.

"See, my plan is to open up a chain of strip clubs, which serve the stuff as a staple.  That way, we can associate flapjack with sex and promote it as a forbidden delight..."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 37 (2012/12/29)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 31, 2012, 06:25:03 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on December 29, 2012, 02:04:25 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 29, 2012, 01:42:19 PM
AO flapjack?

Erm. You what?

Chapter 11, second section.

"Ah, Nigel," he beamed.  "How's things going at Grunmore?  Actually, I need to pick your brains for a minute.  I've been looking into plans for expansion for the next phase of the project... we need to pick some other innocuous and cheap food produced in Grunmore and promote it as a lifestyle accessory.

"I'm thinking about that mush you get when you leave the cereal in the bowl for too long... we could even come up with a trademark name for it.  But we probably want something else, maybe interestingly-flavoured mashed potato...  Blancmange sandwiches... no, flapjack!  That'll do.

"See, my plan is to open up a chain of strip clubs, which serve the stuff as a staple.  That way, we can associate flapjack with sex and promote it as a forbidden delight..."

Sure. I have no problems with that plan.

I'm still going "wtf?" about it. ;-] It's my blinkered existence, I can't see how a flapjack could be sexy in any way. Go figure.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 38 (2013/01/05)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 05, 2013, 02:04:09 PM
Chapter 38

"How are things going anyway?" Niall asked, as he led Julei and Mordrith through the base.  Aside from his usual choice of expensive and form-fitting leather jeans, he had gone bare-chest and was wearing arm-sleeves.

"Not too badly," Mordrith said.  He was dressed similarly to the fox incubus but his wife, ever the succubus, had chosen some kind of catsuit, the ceiling lights reflecting in her seductive black form as they followed Niall down the corridor.  As they passed through one of the trunk routes, they ran into a handful of students, milling around or on the way to classes.  One or two of them cast admiring glances at the husky succubus' shiny outfit, others barely noticed.  Some were dressed in a similar fashion themselves.

"Of course," the Doberman continued, "This whole business with Sydney... that has kind of shaken us a bit.  I mean, we thought he'd be safe there.  It's come as a major blow..."

"He should have been safe," Niall said, bitterly.  "We have a strict clause about inter-clan grievances... Richard's parents broke a legally-binding contract by invading!  Even so, we're looking to tighten security up in the wake of this, believe me.
"The whole fiasco will cost Daryil some prestige.  Of course, right now the students are under the protection of Lord Daryil himself, and we are considering whether we should create a hyperrealm to protect the school going forwards.  Even so, we expect to lose some students as a result..."

"Niall," Julei interrupted, "We don't blame Daryil for what happened, and we certainly don't blame you! You saved our grandson's life, never forget that.
"And for that matter, we do not want Sydney removed from the school, not unless he wants it," she said.  "Under Daryil's wings is probably the safest place to be, his whole family is agreed on this."

"By all accounts Illiath and the school's staff have done everything they could," Mordrith pointed out.  "We can't ask for more than that."

"Thanks," the fox said, and became far more relaxed as if some great burden had been lifted.  "That means a lot to me and I am sure Daryil and Illiath will feel the same...  This should be it," he said, pausing outside the door to the Tri-Wing's study.  He knocked three times and marched in, but Daryil wasn't there.

Keaton turned around with a start as the door opened.  "You!" she blurted, her wings fanning out in panic as she saw Mordrith and Julei.

* * *

There was a knock at the door.  Nick turned around as it opened, still a little on edge.  He almost fell out of his chair.

"Hello Nick," Daryil said.  "You know, I liked the goth outfit better, but you're still cute, even with less shiny."

"Er, thanks," the jackal replied, flustered.  "You haven't come to... I mean... it's not some hidden price for joining the school, right...?"

"Of course not," Daryil said.  "I didn't come here to talk seduction with you.  Unless you want to...?" he added hopefully.

"I'd rather not..." Nick said, the insides of his ears turning red.

"Fine.  What I really wanted to know was... have you had any more dreams?  About The Lady?"

"I... I'm not sure," the young incubus stammered.  "It might have been..."

"Tell me about it," Daryil said, sitting down on a chair that hadn't been in the room previously and looking slightly concerned.

"I was in Harla'Keth again," Nick began.  "I was dressed... I was wearing that goth outfit again, and I was... powerful.  It was like I knew everything... I had hip-wings... I was Jyraneth," he said at last.  "I was Lord Jyraneth, like I'd taken her place..."

"What happened...?" Daryil enquired gravely.

"I... I had one of my Children, another Jyraneth... I forced them into my chamber, I was going to take them for a... a liason, as my concubine or something... But he refused and then... I... I ate his soul," the young man wailed.  "He begged for mercy but I just laughed... while I destroyed him..."

"What then?"

"I woke up... I was so horrified..." Nick sobbed.  Daryil put one hand on the incubus' shoulder and began picking at his hair in a gentle manner.

"Chill, Nick," he said, "It's okay, it's okay.  It was just a dream.  I mean yeah, the part where you were going to bang one of your clan members was kind of hot, the soul-eating bit not so much.  But I don't think it was real, I don't think it was any kind of an omen or a message from that crazy old bitch.  I think your subconscious was blending us all together... you, me and Jyraneth all bundled up into one."

"You do..?" Nick said, eyes wide with hope and relief.

"I think so.  Just let me know if it happens again, that's all."

"Yes, my Lord..."

"'Daryil' will be fine," the fox said, "Unless... unless you want to make it 'Dar...'", he purred seductively.  The jackal blinked at him and edged away slightly.

"You know, that's one of the drawbacks of being 'Cubi," Daryil said thoughtfully.  "As your powers increase, it starts to play hell with your libido and every time you see someone remotely good-looking you want to... Oh well, just make sure you take the self-control classes, okay?"

"I will," Nicklaus said.  "Was it just about the dream, though?  Was that the reason you came here?"

"Yes, but there's also someone else," Daryil said, "Uh, I mean something else... oh sod.  Forget it.  Look, you know Syd, right?  His Clan Father has come to induct him into Ja'Fell clan.  I figured that you should meet him too, while he's here.  You might want to join it as well, since he can hide you from the Red Queen and shield you from anything she might do to try and get into your mind."

* * *

"Settle down," Niall said, somewhat alarmed.  "Keaton, remember your probation..."

"I know, I know," Keaton snapped.  "These guys are protected by Daryil and they're... Well, they may be oath-breakers," she spat, "They may have betrayed The Lady, but..." she sighed.
"Mordrith was a friend of Dad's.  I saw him around.  We might not like each other, but they're still the closest I have to family..." she shivered, thinking again of her brother.

"What are you doing here?" Mordrith asked, looking her over suspiciously.

"Daryil invited me," the jackal replied in a sullen tone.  "He wants to make me his personal gardener.  How about you?"

"We're here to see our great-grandson," the Doberman said, with a slight sniff of skepticism.

"Oh, so that... jackal is your doing...?"

"They don't know about Nick yet," Niall said quickly.  "I don't think.  Daryil was going to tell Mordrith about it himself.  Keaton, please.  I don't know what Daryil said to you, but you look a mess and you're acting even more paranoid than usual."

The succubus flinched, glanced down at her hands, which were shaking, and then looked back at the fox.

"I have a room prepared for you if you want it," Niall said, coaxingly.  "I really think you should get some rest."

Keaton shot one last venomous glance at Mordrith, who glowered back, and at Julei, who remained impassive as Niall led her away.

"What do you think Salem would say if he could see her acting like that?" Mordrith asked, shaking his head.

"He usually saw the bright side of things," Julei said, "Yeah, he'd be a bit distressed that she was that shaken up.  But he'd be happy that she's survived."

* * *

"Has any progress been made on finding the traitor?" Lady Finch asked.

"Not yet," Johan said.  "Nor have we heard from Haley so far.  It seems highly likely that she has been captured by Daryil."

"Damn him!  Can we arrange a prisoner swap...?  Illiath and her staff for Haley...?"

"Illiath hasn't been recaptured either, my lady," Johan pointed out nervously.  "Our remaining two prisoners are missing, all we found were holes in their cells the shape of a large wild cat.  We don't know what happened as the security cameras mysteriously went offline - we found the holes in the walls while investigating that.
"So, I'm afraid we don't have any prisoners to exchange.  Though we do have Illiath's personal broadsword.  Do you think they might swap her for..."

"I hardly think so!" the wolf snapped angrily.  "Don't you have any good news for me?"

"The technical division have repaired Wendy and should have some idea of how Illiath managed to slay her and the other androids," Johan said.  "I'm expecting a preliminary report tomorrow morning."

"That's something!" Finch said, a note of triumph in her voice.  "I want the results presented to me personally as soon as is practical..." the succubus looked up as there was a sudden pulse of emotion near the entrance to her study.

"What are you doing here...?" she snapped as a feline succubus entered the room nervously.  "I said I was not to be disturbed..."

"You have a visitor, Lady Finch," the succubus said quietly.  She was flanked by an incubus of medium build, a pale blue husky in full armour.  A shock of long, green hair and leathery brown wings topped his head, and his face bore a slightly crestfallen expression as if he didn't want to have to carry out his mission.
"I... I strongly advise you to speak with him," the feline added lamely.

"Who is this?  Why have you let them in...?" the succubus demanded pettishly.  "I have a clan to run, as well you know..."

"My name is Jeremiah," the incubus said, bowing politely with a faint clank of what appeared to be ceremonial platemail armour and a large broadsword strapped to his back.  "I speak for Taun," he added gravely.

Lady Finch wilted, her headwings fanning out.  "That's nice," she babbled.  The incubus pretended he hadn't heard.

"I am one of her troubleshooters," he added, casually.

"Do you find trouble... and shoot it...?" the wolf quavered.

"In field testing we have found decapitation to be far more reliable," he replied.  "Let me be frank, if I may, my lady.  My Mistress is of the belief that you have kidnapped a member of her clan and this does not please her.
"Taun is of course resigned to the fact that a clan made up of warriors will have casualties from time to time, but this offence was committed in front of her very face and as such my lady considers it a most grievous insult to her authority."

"In short, Taun demands her lost child be returned to her immediately, but I managed to prevail upon her to wait for one day before any hostilities commence."

"I will order his immediate release," Lady Finch said crisply.  "This kidnap must have been a mistake, we would not knowingly have kidnapped a member of your clan.  I would not wish to make an enemy of Taun, not when our clans have such similar aims - the supremacy of the 'Cubi race..."

"A wise decision," the ambassador said smoothly, and he looked a lot happier.  "Bring her forth - I will accompany her back to our Lady."

"Remind me," Lady Finch said, "What was the name of your comrade?"

"Illiath Taun," the incubus replied.  Lady Finch sagged back in her chair.  "Illiath?!  She... was a Taun?" the wolf gurgled.  "Not Illiath Daryil..?"

"What's happened...?" the ambassador sighed, with a tired, slightly waspish edge to his voice.  "Sadly, if Illiath has been harmed as a result of your actions, I have orders to carry out your immediate execution..."

"On my own clan territory?!"  Lady Finch snarled, in spite of herself.

"Yes," the husky said.

"Of course, I hope it doesn't come to that," he added, "I would by far prefer to seek a peaceful resolution than to have to put you to the edge of the sword.
"But if you do kindle my Leader's wrath, my honest advice is to meekly surrender yourself to your fate so that your clan may retain its honour.  Otherwise there will be a state of open warfare between our clans, and to be completely honest, we'd win.

"And much as I hate this unpleasantness, I feel obliged to point out that Taun's present anger would be as nothing compared to her fury should her ambassador should somehow fail to report back.  She would feel my death, she would know..."

"Illiath has escaped," Lady Finch admitted at last.  "She is no longer in our custody."

"My Lady will be pleased," the incubus said, and brightened for a moment.  "Unless, of course, something has happened to Illiath after her escape.  In which case... well, it will be over quickly," he said, fingering the broadsword with the solemn, resigned expression of someone steeling themselves to perform a mercy-killing on their favourite pet.

"What...?!" the wolf yelped, staring at the envoy and involuntarily fingering the back of her neck.  "We don't have her!  What do you want me to do... recapture her..?  Drag her kicking and screaming back into our dungeons just so she can be turned over to you?!"

"Of course not," Jeremiah replied.  "But I do expect you to find out where she went and report her location back to us," he said, handing her a business card with the twin crescents of Taun on the back of it.  "I will inform you if she contacts us first."

"Very well," Lady Finch said frostily.  "It shall be as you say.  Send Taun my respects, if you will."

"Thank you, my lady," the husky said, with a grateful smile, and turned to go.  He stopped at the door and turned back for a moment.  "Lady Finch... I will be back tomorrow morning."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 38 (2013/01/05)
Post by: joshofspam on January 05, 2013, 10:08:19 PM
The supremacy of the 'Cubi race?

I always thought Taun was more in line with Judge Dredd then some mad dictator. Though I guess quibbling such points with Lady Finch would be a waste of time when there are more important things on the line.

Like getting back one of Taun's children, an entire clans collective throats  from being placed on the chopping block and making a point of not to mess with the Taun's. Gosh, just a message from Taun can be intense. One can only imagine what getting a in person meeting with her can be like.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 38 (2013/01/05)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 06, 2013, 08:00:58 AM
Quote from: joshofspam on January 05, 2013, 10:08:19 PM
The supremacy of the 'Cubi race?

I always thought Taun was more in line with Judge Dredd then some mad dictator. Though I guess quibbling such points with Lady Finch would be a waste of time when there are more important things on the line.

I'm told that Taun isn't necessarily very nice.  And that yes, she does think that the 'Cubi race should be on top.  Not in a cruel way, but definitely in charge.  However, she's not fanatical about it in the crazy way that some of the Fa'Rana clan are.

QuoteLike getting back one of Taun's children, an entire clans collective throats  from being placed on the chopping block and making a point of not to mess with the Taun's. Gosh, just a message from Taun can be intense. One can only imagine what getting a in person meeting with her can be like.

It should be noted that (in PF canon) Taun herself does not rule the clan day-to-day.  The clan has a command structure (which is canon).  While she is obviously in overall charge, the majority of decisions are made by High Command who are alluded to in later chapters, while she concentrates on the long-term planning.

And finally it should be noted that while I have gleaned a fair bit about Taun to write this, it's not canon...
"Hopefully I will not mangle your character too badly."
"You will anyway.  I always do."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 38 (2013/01/05)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 07, 2013, 08:43:10 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on January 06, 2013, 08:00:58 AM
Quote from: joshofspam on January 05, 2013, 10:08:19 PM
The supremacy of the 'Cubi race?

I always thought Taun was more in line with Judge Dredd then some mad dictator. Though I guess quibbling such points with Lady Finch would be a waste of time when there are more important things on the line.

I'm told that Taun isn't necessarily very nice.  And that yes, she does think that the 'Cubi race should be on top.  Not in a cruel way, but definitely in charge.  However, she's not fanatical about it in the crazy way that some of the Fa'Rana clan are.

And that makes her much more effective.

Not even taking into account her sheer capability - after all, she's got the clan full of battletanks. Put them all together, they're going to make a mess, even if they go down. Unless you pull a Hizell on them, I guess. Still... not something I'd expect.

Interesting. I see Lady Finch is wetting herself now. And realising just _why_ Illiath went through them like a bandsaw through a stick of butter...
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 39 (2013/01/12)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 11, 2013, 08:03:42 PM
Oh dear, this is a very violent chapter.

Chapter 39

"Hi," Daryil said, sweeping into his office.  Mordrith and Julei found themselves just starting to kneel in obeisance before catching themselves.

"How fares things, my Lord?" Mordrith asked.

"Not bad," Daryil replied nonchalantly.  "Obviously the business with the school was a mess, but most people who are mad about it are mad at Fa'Rana's clan, not us.
"Though... I am a bit concerned about something."

"Anything we should be concerned about?" Julei asked.

"Yes," Daryil said.  "The school outing ran into a young Jyraneth incubus recently."

"Indeed...?" Mordrith said, eyebrows raised.  "Is that good news or bad news...?"

"Which would you prefer?" Daryil asked.  Mordrith and Julei looked at each other.

"Well, The good news is that he was a cuckoo," Daryil said.  "Nick has no idea who his Jyraneth parent was.  And that means..."

"They broke the Queen's law against having a child with a Being," Mordrith broke in.  "They aren't strict, they're probably not a danger to us..."

"Quite," Daryil said.  The bad news is that he was running away from his foster parents to try and protect them.  And before you ask, one of my clan has contacted them and they're safe.  The problem is that he's dreamed about the Lady.  That's who he was trying to run away from."

Mordrith fell against the wall.  Everything went grey.


"Most gracious Lady," the gazelle bleated, "I recant!  I was in error!"

"I am glad," Jyraneth said, "But it is too late.  If it were only up to me... perhaps, then, I could show some leniency to your sorry soul.  But it is not me, it is the Gods themselves whom you have betrayed.
"You know the price, Arleon.  Your twisted soul is a taint, a stain upon Creation itself - only by its sacrifice can the compact be renewed."

"I-" the gazelle began, and faltered.  "I recant my blasphemy and place myself at the mercy of the gods..."

Jyraneth nodded.  "May they accept your soul as an offering," she said, and gestured to Jasmine, one of Keaton's elder sisters and now, Jyraneth's chief executioner.

"Kneel," the tri-wing informed the gazelle, and reluctantly he did.  Jyraneth stared down at him, fixing his eyes with hers and somehow he wasn't able to close them or turn away.

"In the name of the Gods," the Lady intoned, her eyes still fixed upon the gazelle's, and the executioner brought the sword down.  Jyraneth's back-wings flashed out, catching the head in mid-arc and she held it for a moment, staring again into the eyes before clutching the cheeks.  Her hands glowed, and Arleon's soul shattered, bathing the Lady in a flood of energy which used to be her errant child's life force.  She sighed with contentment as the crowd watched, some with awe and righteous fervour, others with fear.  Devouring a soul was something which only happened to your victims, it could never happen to you, could it...?

Mordrith's eyes opened and trembling, he put the scroll down.  Unsuccessfully he tried to banish the terror he felt as his wife approached.

"We have do it," he said.  Julei took a step back.

"So soon...?" she asked, appalled.  "But it's 15548.  We still have nearly two years before the Gathering..."

"She'll know," Mordrith whimpered.  "We won't last until she probes us at the Decennial Gathering.  The Inquisitors will realise before then.  Look at the morale in the city... after Arleon... someone else will crack and there'll be a purge.
"They'll be all around the city, scanning for thoughts of subversion or discontent, I know it...  And we'll be next, the both of us - the next to feel Jasmine's blade and the Lady's Kiss...
"No, no... we have to get out.  We need the Warp-Aci.  We'll have to try summoning it tonight..."


Someone was shaking him.  "Mordrith...?" Daryil said.  The doberman jumped with a start and looked back at him.  Julei was also gazing at him, her face lined with concern.

"I... I was just thinking..."

"About Jyraneth, right..." Daryil said.  "Keaton did exactly the same, and I don't blame you.  It's a funny thing, you know... I've spoken to a lot of Jyraneth and everyone, even the ones who considered themselves loyal, every Jyraneth has some kind of secret sin, some kind of Jyraneth-would-have-destroyed-me-if-she'd-known..."

"She found out Arleon's secret sin," Mordrith said, and Julei flinched at the name.  "He was five hundred years old when he... died.  It took five seconds for the Lady to destroy him forever."

"Even so," Daryil interrupted, "If she has re-awoken - and we're not sure yet - you should be safe, so don't panic.  I'm more concerned about Nicklaus, and of course, Sydney.  It was already your plan to induct Syd into the clan, but I would appreciate it if you could also adopt Nick.  I think he'd make a fine addition to your clan."

"Yes," Mordrith said.  "Though I will want to meet him first, of course."

"Naturally," Daryil said.  "But I really don't think you have much to worry about there.  He is young and was brought up as a Being.  Discovering he was of Jyraneth's clan appalled him."

* * *

"Dr. Handling is here, Lady Finch," Johan said, leading a leathery-winged badger incubus into the study.

"Excellent.  Have you made any headway with Wendy?" the wolf asked.

"I believe so, my lady," the technician said.  "We managed to reactivate her fully, but we were also able to download the black-box log from her brain and replay that too."

"Indeed!" the succubus said, leaning forwards.  "Have you found out how Illiath was able to override our commands?"

The badger paused, swallowed, and glanced at Johan as if seeking reassurance.  The feline nodded back.

"My lady, she shapeshifted into you, and-"

The wolf succubus let out a piercing feral scream, rage so deep that as to be utterly beyond words.  Frenzied, she knocked over the desk, wing-tentacles lashing out with deadly fury.  Johan hit the floor, Handling was not quite so lucky or well-practiced and the vicious thing skewered him through the side.

Johan rolled over, and blasted his mistress with some kind of calming spell.

"Medic," he said urgently over the intercom, and shortly afterwards a warp-aci appeared to remove the unfortunate technician.

Lady Finch clawed the wall, leaving a great tear through the plaster.  When she was done, she pointed accusingly at Johan.

"Where is Doctor Handling...?" she demanded furiously.

"In the medical wing," the feline said calmly.  "I believe he will survive.  It is only fair that his wages be substantially increased after this... mishap."

Lady Finch covered her face and sank deeply into one of the chairs that had not been destroyed in her rampage.  "Let it be so," she said.  "When he is up I will give him a compensatory bonus and a formal apology.  Under the circumstances I should probably do so over a video link rather than in person...  What about you?  Are you hurt?"

"No, my lady.  Though if I may be so bold, you should perhaps consider more anger counselling.  The Professor will be extremely displeased if you kill fellow clan members in the course of their duty.
"In any case, if you feel ready to continue, I can patch you through to Dr. Handling's supervisor, Dr. Fuller."

"Do it," the succubus said.  A few moments later, a meerkat appeared on a nearby wall-screen.  He did not look pleased. 

"I heard what happened," he began sourly.  "Dr. Handling was one of my best and brightest.  You may be in temporary command of the clan, Lady Finch, but if he dies... good luck finding someone to replace us, because you'll need it."

"I am deeply sorry about what happened to your deputy," the wolf began, with a contrite look.  "That will not happen again and I will do my utmost to ensure that he is healed promptly.  In the meantime, there are still questions left unanswered and I cannot wait until upon his recovery.

"He tells me that our androids can be overridden by impersonating one of us," she said and was unable to prevent her face becoming a snarl.  "How come no-one thought of this?!"

"We did," Fuller said sullenly.  "But since The Professor pointed out that all 'Cubi stand to benefit from our great work, Alexandar disregarded the idea that an enemy 'Cubi might countermand our orders.  Besides, they weren't ready to leave the base yet, and the idea of an outsider breaking in was ludicrous."

"But with Johan Cross..." Lady Finch protested.  "The fact that we were trying to kidnap Daryil's son... Are you telling me it wasn't obvious what we were doing...?!" She stared back at him with an air of frank disbelief playing across her features.

"No-one saw fit to tell us that the robots were going to be used in the field," the meerkat snarled.  "They are experimental and they aren't ready for full use.  Naturally we assumed that the initial run were for our own internal testing purposes and an impostor would be a most unlikely scenario at this stage in the project.
"Besides which, we were told that finishing the portable jump device was top priority.  We only had the staff to tackle one of those problems by the deadline given."

"You may go," Lady Finch seethed, and cut the link.  "Johan, if you would, please attend to Dr. Handling.  And offer him my apologies."

* * *

"How's it going?" Daryil asked Illiath.

"All considered?  Not bad," the succubus replied.  "Granny bitched about me contacting her magically instead of in person, but I think she was relieved to hear from me, even if she didn't really show it."

"She never does," Daryil said.  "Maybe when I'm fifty thousand, I'll be like that too, but I'd like to think I'll still have room for a little fun in my life.  I mean, what's the point in living that long if you're just going to be dull and boring..?  No offence intended," he added.

"Stop," Illiath said, giggling slightly and then attempting to assume her usual, businesslike expression.  "My students mustn't see me like that.  Anyway, uncle, any ideas how I can reclaim the school?"

"Hmm," Daryil said.  "Tricky.  I mean, usually I'd call up The Professor and try to arrange some kind of deal to get them to leave.  But I hear he's... unwell.  Apparently someone punched his lights out pretty thoroughly."

Illiath shifted uncomfortably.

"The other option is conquering the school and taking it back by force, but I don't want to do that," he continued.  "It would probably end messily.  So I guess I'll have to try calling up Lady Finch and see what she has to say.  Maybe I can cut a deal with her.  Though I think it would be best if you weren't part of that conversation, since she is probably still pissed at you.
"Come to that, she might not want to talk to me direct.  I might have to ask Jakob to negotiate on my behalf."

"Agreed," Illiath said.  "In the meantime, classes seem to be going well.  If the Fa'Rana guys don't want to give, perhaps we could compromise?  If they'll let us have our students' property back and enough equipment to continue classes here, that would do pretty well."

"I'll make that suggestion," Daryil promised.

* * *

"Are you sure, Parthas...?" the vixen asked, headwings fanning out.

"He took great pains to conceal the calls," the cheetah pointed out.  "It was extremely cunning and it's only by the sheerest chance that we found it at all.  None of the calls show up anywhere in the system... if that's not the work of an undercover informant, I don't know what is!"

"What the fuck are we going to do about this..." the vixen moaned.

"Inform her, I suppose," the cheetah replied.

"Oh nonono.  I'm not doing that.  She practically killed Handling over the android shapeshifting thing and that wasn't even his fault!  Now you want to tell her that the traitor is...  Oh gods, she'd slice you in half!"

"Think, Maderia!  We can't just sit on it!" the cheetah protested.  "She'd kill us for that too... we'd be endangering the clan!  Oh gods, you're right... we're dead whatever happens..."

"We tell The Professor," the vixen said firmly.  "He's almost healed and should be up and about very shortly.  We sit on it until he has caught up, then we inform him.  We keep Lady Finch out of the loop for now.  In the light of Dr. Handling's injuries I'm sure he'll understand and will be able to tell her himself in a way that won't see us filleted."

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 39 (2013/01/12)
Post by: Gabi on January 14, 2013, 01:52:24 PM
Hmm... wise move. Sorry, I can't think of anything better to say right now.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 39 (2013/01/12)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 16, 2013, 05:04:18 PM
Killing/blaming the messenger is always a good way to make sure the information you get is garbage.

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 39 (2013/01/12)
Post by: LionHeart on January 16, 2013, 09:19:01 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 16, 2013, 05:04:18 PM
Killing/blaming the messenger is always a good way to make sure the information you get is garbage.
...and/or arrives too late to be of any use.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 39 (2013/01/12)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 17, 2013, 02:01:52 PM
Indeed. Usually and - killing messengers means sooner or later they all fail to arrive with bad news, but are free to turn up with good news.

Of course, taken too far, you end up with _no_ news, as the messengers can't tell ahead of time if it's good or bad. Or, rather, if it's what _you_ think is bad...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 39 (2013/01/12)
Post by: joshofspam on January 17, 2013, 03:16:16 PM
Not to mention it kills moral everywhere else.

Lady Finch might lose some of her clans loyalty if she slips up like that again.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 40 (2013/01/19)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 18, 2013, 08:11:13 PM
Chapter 40

One of Daryil's avatars was sat in his office as Ashley and Niall came in.  Since he was preparing to call Lady Finch, Daryil was dressed formally, while Ash wore his usual lab coat.  Of the three, Niall was the odd one out, dressed only in a pair of boots and his trademark leather jeans.

"Well..?" the fox asked eagerly.  "Did you learn anything from the robot?"

"Oh yes," Ashley said.  "She is a positive goldmine.  We powered up the head inside a Faraday cage, just in case it has some kind of telltale, and were able to question it.  Illiath was invaluable as she was able to impersonate Lady Finch accurately, having met her."

"Apparently the androids have codenames.  Jakob met and destroyed one called 'Trixie', but we were able to find out the names of the others.  The original production run was from S-Z: Sophie, Trixie, Ursula, Vera, Wendy, Xenka, Yvonne and Zafira.
"Apparently, Sophie carried out the massacre.  Yvonne is the head Illiath brought back."

"Interesting, but not really earth-shattering," Daryil said, slightly disappointed.  "It's not that much more informative than what Calahan has already told us.  No offence to your technical skills is intended, of course."

"Ah, but you haven't heard the best bit," the lynx said, smiling evilly.  "Fa'Rana Clan have a security hole the size of the Fae Kingdom and they don't even know it.
"Think about it.  Like all the other mares, Yvonne is just a computer program.  She has no curiosity outside of her watchdog and targetting algorithms, so she hasn't exactly gone around asking about the clan's plans."

"See," Niall said, taking up the thread, "At first we thought that was a problem, but then I realised... Fa'Rana, Finch and the others are so used to thinking of Yvonne and her sisters as automatons, that they talk around them.  Even their movements are unnatural and that has only helped maintain that impression."

Daryil sat bolt upright, a rapturous expression playing across his face.

"Ye-e-es," Ashley said.  "Yvonne has perfect recall.  She can remember and cross-reference everything she has ever heard since she was first activated.  If Illiath teaches you how to impersonate Lady Finch, you will be able to find out everything she knows."

"Excellent work," the tri-wing told them.  "But of course, that cuts both ways.  Yvonne must not leave the lab under any circumstances, and no-one must enter without authorisation.
"We need to be careful what we say around her and ideally she should be powered down or put into standby when we don't need to talk to her." he paused.  "Actually, make up a set of warning signs too, that can't hurt."

"Before you do," Niall said, "I've been examining that jump device Richard was carrying when he arrived.  It's a very slick design, takes a lot of power, though."

"See if you can build a copy," Daryil said.  "It's only fair after they ripped off some of our android tech.
"Anyway, excellent work, guys.  But right now well have to leave it, I'm afraid... I need to call Lady Finch.  The real me is in the library chatting with Sheila if you want to continue the conversation there.  But be discreet, both of you.  It's probably best if Richard doesn't know about this."

* * *

"...and never to take the life of a Being or Creature except in greatest need," Sydney stated, holding his palm out as he swore the oath.

"With the gods as my witnesses," he finished, and knelt before Mordrith.

"Arise, Sydney Ja'Fell," the elder incubus instructed him, and Sydney did so.  Salomere rushed over to the fox and hugged him, and even Neremath found his vision blurred with tears.  Dorcan took Sydney by the hand.

"I'm proud of you, son," he said simply.

"Later, I will teach you to block the Lady's influence," Mordrith said.  "But for now... Nicklaus, are you prepared?"

The young jackal started as everyone turned to look at him.  "I..." he stammered.  

"There's no obligation," Julei said softly, "But it would probably be the best thing for you."

"You don't have to decide now," Dorcan said.  "We can do this another day if you need time to think it over."

"No," Nicklaus said.  Mordrith looked a little surprised and his headwings twitched, but he said nothing.

"Perhaps he wants to try and reform the Jyraneth from within?" Dorcan suggested.

"No!  I mean, I don't want to put it off," Nicklaus added hastily.  "I want to join now."

"Very well," the elder Doberman said, and looked rather happier.  "You have heard the rules of our clan from Sydney's induction.  They are broadly the same as Lord Daryil's clan.  Do you pledge to uphold them as best you can?"

"They are fair and just, and I agree to be bound by them," the jackal said, holding out his palm.

"Good.  Then let us proceed," Mordrith said.

* * *

Daryil hadn't finished dialling when Martha called from the Jayhawk Headquarters. He accepted the transfer gratefully and Lady Finch appeared on the screen.

"Ah, Daryil," she said haughtily.

"Oh!  Hi, Finch," the fox replied, with a cheery wave.  "I was just calling you myself, actually.  How's life treating you?"  The wolf's face screwed up as though she had just eaten a lime.

"You will address me as Lady Finch, Daryil," she snapped.

"You mean Lord Daryil," the fox returned smoothly.  "To what do I owe the pleasure of this call...?"

"I think it is time we struck a bargain, Lord Daryil."

"Oh good," Daryil said, looking pleased.  "You know, I was just thinking that it would be really nice if Illiath could have her school back, and that maybe we could figure out some kind of exchange or agreement..."

"Yes," Lady Finch agreed.  "I think a full-blown peace treaty might be too much to hope for at this time, but I was wondering what we might be able to agree on in terms of a prisoner exchange."

"Well," Daryil said, doubtfully, "My head of clan security believes that our... guest should face justice for the crimes they have perpetrated.  And he does have a point.  Mass-murder is not something we should want the 'Cubi race to be associated with because we have it bad enough already.  Much as I dislike the idea of having even an enemy executed, it would have political advantages..."

"But he is only young!" the wolf succubus protested.  "Everyone makes mistakes when they're younger.  Is it right that his life should be snuffed out so soon over some stupid juvenile mistake..."

"He...?" Daryil looked puzzled.  "Oh!  Did you mean Richard...?  Riight!  I thought you were talking about Hayley."

"I mean Richard," the succubus said tensely.  "He's my son.  I don't want anything to happen to him."

"Well, it's a funny thing," the fox said, leaning back and staring at the ceiling with a crooked grin.  "You see, I heard that someone was trying to kidnap my son.  I don't see why I should..."

"I can set that aside, I will promise we will never attempt that again.  But I want Richard back, today," Lady Finch insisted, her restraint beginning to crack.  Daryil sat up straight and gazed levelly at her, his gloved hands steepled.

"Lady Finch, I'm really, really sorry," he said, shaking his head slowly, "But I can not hand Richard over just like that."

"And why not...?" the wolf demanded, eyes narrowing.  "I can meet your demands, but I want my son back.  I will not have you hold him prisoner like this."

"Richard is not my prisoner, he's my guest," Daryil said.  "He's so happy here that he doesn't want to leave and it would break my heart to force him."

"Do you honestly expect me to believe that?!" the succubus snarled.

"Yes," Daryil said simply.  The she-wolf's eyes bulged and she struggled to keep her temper.  Behind her, a wing-tentacle had appeared and was wriggling blindly around as if seeking the object of her ire.

"Are you stupid?!" she snapped at last.  "Do you think I am stupid?!"

"No," Daryil replied, an edge entering his voice as he began to lose patience. "Though I'm starting to wonder.  Look, it's really simple.  Richard is studying at Illiath's school, or whatever your clan has left intact of it..."

"So..?" the succubus fumed.

"...So he made friends there and now he doesn't want to be parted from them," Daryil said sharply.  "You sent him there, and you didn't inform him of your own wider plans.  What did you expect would happen..?"

"That may be, but his place is at my side!  Not having his head filled with your ridiculous propaganda!"

"Lady Finch," Daryil began tiredly, "Do you think so little of your own child that you would break his heart?  He is rapidly coming into his powers, he has not yet learned to control his emotions and now you want to tear him away from his friends?  That would devastate him.  Do you really think that's in his best interests...?"

"What do you care about him, Daryil?" the wolf sneered.

"I care because he's one of my Children.  Even if he rejects me and goes off to join your clan, I don't care - he's still one of my descendants and that means I have a stake in his wellbeing!"

"Nonsense," Lady Finch retorted.  "He will get over it.  Richard can always make new friends.  They will soon forget about him, and he them..."

"Must I bring him here to convince you that this is a bad idea?" Daryil protested.

"You know I can't believe anything he would say in your presence, Daryil.  Much as I hate to admit it, you are right - you are his Clan Leader.  I know very well the powers that a Leader can wield over their children... in your presence he would be in your thrall, naught but an empty puppet mouthing the words you feed into his mind!"

Daryil's eyes blazed angrily, and Lady Finch shivered slightly with the knowledge that she had pushed a Tri-Wing too far.

"I risked my soul in ascending," he snapped, "I took that risk, and I sacrificed many things that you take for granted in order to help my children, to make their lives better.  Not so I could turn them into slaves."
With a visible effort, Daryil forced himself calm and stared fiercely back at the wolf, choosing his words with care.

"Lady Finch," he sighed, "I am deeply sorry that this exchange appears to have been a waste of time for both of us.  I hope that you will eventually come to your senses.
"In the meantime, I repeat my earlier offer, that Hayley can be returned to you - escaping the trial and likely execution at Marlbury which she richly deserves - in exchange for your clan actually vacating Illiath's school like you promised to do but haven't.
"I offer you that exchange, and I will give due consideration to any other proposals or counter-offers you may come up with.  However, Richard is legally an adult and old enough to choose his own path.  He has decided to stay, and I will not return him to you against his will."

Lady Finch quivered, searing with rage.  The tentacles had come out again.

"This isn't over, Daryil," she said and cut the link.

"Johan?" she asked, calling up her deputy, "How long until the androids are ready?  Daryil refuses to surrender my son.  We will have to use force to bring them in... Both of them.  Richard and Daryil's son."

* * *

"Professor Fa'Rana...?" the vixen said, bowing her head deferentially.

"Yes, Maderia?" he asked.  The raccoon's forehead was still scabbed and scarred from Illiath's earlier attentions and he dabbed at it occasionally.

"If you are well enough, there is something that has come up.  I'm sorry to spring this on you before you have had a chance to get back up to speed, but it is urgent and... sensitive.  It must be for your eyes only."

"Not even Lady Finch?" he asked, mildly surprised.

"It involves her, I'm afraid.  She is prone to rages, as you know... we dare not tell her what we've learned about the potential traitor she asked us to investigate."

"Ah, you wish me to be the bearer of bad news, is that it...?" The Professor smirked.  "Very well.  What have you learned?"

The vixen didn't trust herself to speak, but instead she handed the report to The Professor.  He scanned the first few lines and his expression became strangely blank.

"Thank you for showing me this, Maderia," he said quietly, after he had read the entire missive.  "Bad news is always the hardest to break, and I quite agree, Albeth would have flown off the handle had you gone to her directly.
"You have done very well and I will see that you and Parthas get a substantial bonus.  In the meantime, I will have to take immediate steps," he sighed unhappily, and called the main switchboard.  "Get me internal security."

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 40 (2013/01/19)
Post by: justacritic on January 20, 2013, 07:52:36 PM
I see that a bad moon is on the rise.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 40 (2013/01/19)
Post by: joshofspam on January 21, 2013, 12:43:18 AM
Quote from: justacritic on January 20, 2013, 07:52:36 PM
I see that a bad moon is on the rise.

Well espionage is a risky business.

This is bound to make things more complicated for Daryil if the spy gets caught.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 41 (2013/01/26)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 25, 2013, 07:02:19 PM
I think this is probably one of the darkest chapters in the story.  Be warned.

Chapter 41

"What's the deal...?" Richard asked nervously, Illiath by his side.  The succubus had an oddly nervous expression as if she was being brought before the headmaster.  Daryil smiled at them patiently and then addressed Richard.

"Your mother called last night," the fox said.  "She made me an offer to return Illiath's school to her control."

The succubus blinked rapidly and her eyes narrowed.  "What's the catch?" she asked.

"She wants Richard returned to her," Daryil said.  Illiath glanced at Richard, who glanced nervously from Daryil to the headmistress and back again.

"I don't wanna go," Richard said.  "I like it here, my friends are here.  And... The Professor, he'll punish me!  I broke into Sydney's room to see him... I allowed our jump device to fall into your hands..."

"Good," Daryil said.  "Because that was what I told her.  Well, not the punishment part, anyway.  I just told her that you had chosen to stay and didn't want to leave.  She went kind of mental after that, I'm afraid."

"Thanks, my lord," the jackal said, bowing slightly to Daryil.  Illiath's face was impassive.

"Any comments, Illie?" the fox asked her.

"Well, obviously I would have liked to be able to return to my school.  But you're right, I can't possibly do that at Richard's expense."

There was a soft chime from the wall-screen behind them.  Daryil accepted the call, the two guests moving aside so he could see the caller properly. A purple Demon-mare graced his screen once again.

"We need to have lunch together or something," Daryil said.  Martha opened her mouth and closed it again.  "Come again...?" she asked.

"Well, we only ever seem to see each other when you've got a caller on the line," Daryil said.  "That doesn't seem fair to me somehow..."  Daryil stopped abruptly, twitching and wincing as if something very painful had just happened to him.

"Utch," he gurgled, gesturing frantically at Illiath and Richard to move out of the way.  He sounded angry, scared or perhaps both and began snapping orders at the pair of them.

"You two... move.  Illie, stay out of scanner range if you want to stay.  Richard, wait outside.  Martha... give me second and then put Professor Fa'Rana through.  Richard, get out!!!"

"How the hell did you know..." Martha started, staring at Daryil in amazement.

"Nothing," Daryil said and closed his eyes, composing himself.  "Okay, put him through."

"Ah, Lord Daryil," the raccoon said, as the screen switched views.  He wore a headband similar to Illiath's, covering up the wound she had inflicted on him.

"Hi, Prof," Daryil said happily.  "I trust you're feeling better now, after tangling with Illiath?  I spoke to your deputy earlier and I'm afraid things didn't go as well as I'd hoped.  But I'm open to any other offers..."

"Let us skip the pleasantries,"  The Professor snarled grimly.  "I am not here to barter with you, Daryil.  I am here to make sure you know that your attempt has failed.  You will now witness the fruits of your treachery against us."

"Attempt...?" Daryil said, trying to sound nonplussed, but his voice caught.  The view changed, showing The Professor from a more distant angle.  Beside him was a pale grey jackal, with feathery headwings, silver hair and red eyes.  His fur was matted with blood, he was bound and gagged and behind him stood Sophie.  She had Illiath's broadsword in both hands.  The Doberman succubus choked off a cry of dismay.

"Your traitor," The Professor said, gesturing at Callahan.  "The spy you planted among us."

"Don't do this, Professor..." Daryil said, starting to sound desperate.  "What do you want?  Richard?  You really want him back that badly?"

"No deals, Daryil," the raccoon said, shaking his head bitterly.  "You subverted the husband of my second-in-command, turned him against us.  For a betrayal so deep, Callahan must pay with his life.  Sophie, behead him."

The helpess jackal made a muffled cry of terror, which was suddenly cut off as the sword clove his neck.  Blood fountained from the dying young man and Daryil slumped across his desk with an agonised moan.  When the fox finally picked himself up his hands were trembling.  Illiath's were too, her eyes locked firmly on the video screen.  Her lip had drawn back into a curl of disgust and she began to growl in helpless fury like her feral kin.

Daryil's voice was unsteady.  "What makes you think," he began and his voice cracked.   "Why do you think you can murder one of my clan in front of me and not pay the price?  Are you hoping to have your soul blasted into a geostationary orbit around Furrae...?"

"Callahan was a spy, of course," The Professor said, sounding slightly surprised.  He lifted the severed head up by the hair, holding it in front of the camera.

"Callahan - if that was even his real name - was so high in rank that he was placed in temporary charge of our Brain Museum," he said, lip curling.  "Obviously he is now... indisposed, as you have just seen.  So unfortunately I will have to dissect his head myself..."

As he spoke, the camera moved to zoom in on the unfortunate jackal's decapitated corpse, slumped across the floor.  The Professor gently threw the head in its general direction.  It hit the ground with a clunk and rolled on its side, still oozing crimson from his dying brain.  There was a strange whimpering noise from below Daryil.

"Well," the raccoon concluded, "I think you get the point, Lord Daryil.  Much as I dislike the idea of slaying a fellow incubus or succubus, your actions have crossed the line.  If I find any further spies in my clan, you will see them suffer the same fate..."

"Professor," Daryil interrupted, "I think we need to talk about Richard."

"This is the wrong time for that," The Professor scowled.  "Know this, Daryil... we will have Richard back, whether you like that or not."

"You've lost him, Professor," Daryil said quietly.  "You'll never get Richard back now."

"We'll see about that, Daryil," the raccoon smiled.  "Your threats are useless against the forces I command.  Soon, he will be by my side once again..."

"After what you just did?!" Daryil started, eyes wide in disbelief.  "Are you sure you're feeling okay, Professor?  Did Illiath hit you harder than you thought?
"Look, Richard was already scared shitless of you punishing him and now you think... Oh, for fuck's sake!  You just beheaded his dad!  You think you'll be able to kiss and make up after barbarically murdering the person he loved most in the whole world!?"

"I know," the raccoon sighed.  "It was unfortunate and most regrettable, but all of us, Richard included, will have to face facts.  His father was a traitor to his adopted clan, the life he pretended to live was nothing more than a lie..."

"HE WAS WATCHING!" Daryil screamed, losing control.  "You just killed that kid's loving father in front of him!  You zoomed in on his dear Dad's SEVERED HEAD and THEN showed him pictures of the corpse, Fa'Rana!  You have probably just fucked him up for life!  What can possibly be going on in your head to make you think that was a good idea?!"

"You lie!" the raccoon said, his eyes widening in horror.

Daryil stood up rapidly and the dangerous expression on his face caused the Professor to back away involuntarily.  Even Illiath looked alarmed, and wondered for a moment if Daryil was powerful enough that he could harm The Professor over a video link.

Daryil stood aside, making a gesture with both hands and his desk rose a few feet, to reveal the quivering white jackal who had been hiding underneath it, concealed by the woodwork yet able to see most of the screen.  His eyes were wide, staring blankly into space and he made soft whimpering noises.

The Professor gestured wildly to someone off-shot and the screen went blank.

Daryil lowered his desk back to earth, but not before he and Illiath had gently lifted the stricken jackal from his erstwhile hiding-place and into a nearby chair.   

"I'm so sorry for your loss," Illiath said quietly.

"It could have been far, far worse," Daryil said, his voice still unsteady.  "Callahan knew that this might happen and he accepted that risk.  I wish this hadn't happened, but it has.  What I can't stop thinking about is Richard.  This is going to destroy him."

* * *

"NO!!!"  Lady Finch screamed.  She leapt at The Professor and punched him in the face.  The raccoon took the blow gracefully, making no attempt to defend himself or pay the wolf back for what she'd done.  He stared at the floor for a few moments as the wolf succubus collapsed into a chair, sobbing profusely.

"I am sorry, Albeth," he said.  "I know how much you loved him.  But Callahan was the mole, the one you personally ordered to be found and executed."

"I can't..." the wolf wailed, "I can't believe he would do this... why did it have to be him?"

"I liked him too," the raccoon said softly.  "But he betrayed us to Daryil.  All of our recent failures and setbacks can be laid at his door.  We had to make an example, even of him..."

"You're right," Lady Finch choked, "It was for the good of the clan.  But I will mourn his death, Professor.  For a long, long time."

"Do you think he will retaliate?" Johan asked nervously.  "He could wipe us out if provoked..."

"I don't think so," the raccoon said.  "Spies are spies.  Every treaty and convention in the history of Furrae has some provision for the execution of spies..."

"What about my son?!" Lady Finch shrieked.  "Daryil will execute him!"

"No," the Professor replied instantly.  "Daryil wants Richard.  He's not just a hostage, Daryil is trying to turn him.  I think he wants to bring Richard into his own clan.  The unfortunate death of Calahan may indeed make it harder for us to get Richard back now, but once the protoypes are repaired, even Daryil will be hard-pressed to..."

"Professor," the succubus choked.  "What about Richard himself...?  How will my poor child take this news?  You know how much he and Callahan loved each other...  After... after this... it must be broken to him as gently as possible..."

"Um," The Professor began unhappily.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 41 (2013/01/26)
Post by: justacritic on January 26, 2013, 05:06:02 PM
I hear the bells of doom tolling and it tools for them both.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 42 (2013/02/02)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 01, 2013, 07:46:14 PM
Chapter 42

"Must you do this?" Lady Finch protested, her voice wracked with sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Albeth.  But it has to be done," The Professor replied.

"Isn't it enough that you killed him in such a degrading manner?  In front of his own son, no less?!  Why must you now desecrate his mortal remains...?  The Brain Museum was intended only for our enemies, not our friends!"

"He was both!"  The Professor snarled.  "Yes, he was your lover and my friend, but he was also a traitor who took Daryil's shilling!  He sold us out!  We must make his fate an example to deter others.  Do you want to have to go through this again?!  Gods, what if Daryil tries to make Richard his spy?  No... we must have a deterrent."

"Yes, I know... it's for the good of the Clan," the wolf succubus sobbed.

"But I must also know if his brain structure differs from that of other clan members," the raccoon added quietly.  "If we can find potential traitors by means of a brain scan before they... um, hatch, it will save us from having such an unfortunate situation recurr in future.
"If you insist, I can cremate his skull and pelt after the autopsy, but his brains must go on display as a warning to others.  We agreed."

"We didn't think it would be my husband," Lady Finch wailed.

"Lady Finch," Johan said quietly, poking his head nervously around the door, "I realise this isn't the best time, but you have a guest..."

"Show them to my office," the succubus sniffed.  "I may as well see them now.  I can't see how things can get any worse today..."

"It's Jeremiah Taun," the feline added softly.  Lady Finch froze.

* * *

Richard lay in bed, sleeping.  While the jackal was, not as a rule, proud of his so-called 'Being weaknesses', he was not yet at a point where he could do without it entirely.  In any case, his present sleep was induced by one of the clan's medics.

Gently and tenderly, Daryil, the real Daryil, cast a spell upon the sleeping incubus.  It was a blended effect, both to bring him around and also to ensure he remained calm.

"Hello, Richard," Daryil said softly.  "How are you feeling?"

"Strange," the jackal said, his voice drifty.  "I feel... I should feel worse.  Don't seem to feel any grief for my dad... does that make me a bad person...?"

Sydney and Sheila glanced at each other, unsure what to say.

Richard sat up.  "Have you sedated me or something?" he asked.

"An emotional dampner, " Daryil said.  "I've blocked you from feeling sorrow or grief for the moment.  You've had a terrible shock.  You should never have had to see that.  I tried to stop it... I should have made Illiath remove you...  I didn't really believe the Professor would actually go through with it..."

"Yeah, you did try..." Richard said.  "I should have listened to you..."  He blinked and looked around the bed.  Sheila and Sydney were watching him with thin smiles, trying to hide their concern.  Illiath was further back, looking dour as usual.   

"It's not as bad as it seems," Daryil said, drawing confused glances from Sheila and Sydney.  "I look after my clan members, even wayward ones.  I don't think the Prof is idiotic enough to threaten his soul.  I can't make any promises, but it might - it just might - be possible to bring Callahan back.  As an android, of course."

"You'd do this... for me?" Richard asked, eyeing him curiously.

"For both of you," Daryil said.  "Don't forget, Callahan is one of my Children."  He closed his eyes for a moment.  "Was one of my Children."


"What do you plan to do?" Illiath asked, collaring Daryil as he left the medical wing.

"About Richard?"

"About The Professor.  I remember what you said... surely you're not really planning a revenge killing...?"

"Sometimes I wonder if that might be the best option," Daryil sighed.  "But bringing myself down to his level...  I don't want to do that, and it would set a terrible example to my Children."

"No, Daryil, I don't think you should, if you want my advice.
"You could, certainly.  After all, since you managed to get that panther in and out of their base undetected, a stealth assassination would be fairly trivial and unlikely to be pinned on you.
"But I don't think you should take matters into your own hands.  If The Professor has to die, he should at least face trial in Marlbury so that justice may be served.
"But I was really wondering more about a less direct form of retaliation," Illiath suggested.  "Not killing any of his clan members, but..."

"Taking them as prisoners of war," Daryil finished.  "Yes, I think I'll have to.  I'd rather not, but The Professor will be expecting me to react badly and I mustn't disappoint him."

"Are you sure?  He seemed to think executing that poor jackal was something you'd just set aside and forget all about."

"That was before he knew about Richard," Daryil pointed out.  "No, I must put on some show of fire-and-brimstone vengeance or he will get suspicious..."

"I see," Illiath said, eyes narrowing.

"If you do see, keep it to yourself, Illie, please," Daryil pleaded.  "Things are bad right now, but they could still get worse if we don't handle this just right."

"You can rely on me, uncle," Illiath said.

"Thanks," Daryil said.  Closing his eyes, he slumped against the wall and let out an exhausted sigh.  "Ugh, all this stress has really got to me.  I'm going to have to relieve it on Simeon later, if he's up for it."

"What does Simeon do to relieve his stress?" Illiath asked casually.

"Oh, he relieves it on me," Daryil said.  "Sometimes someone else.  We're 'Cubi, we have a fairly open relationship.  Come to that, Jakob has been kind of stressed too..."

"I'm sure he has," Illiath said, looking slightly embarrassed, and trying to change the subject.  Daryil stopped in mid-stride, ears pricked alert and his tail fluffed out slightly.  Illiath stared at him in concern.

"Is everything okay?  What's happened now...?"

"Oh," Daryil said, looking around the corridor as if searching for something.  "Part of me has taken a call.  We've just had a delivery of jam doughnuts in Thorsden office.  Frozen ones.  I need to go there at once."

The succubus frowned.  "Foodstuffs?  Surely you can delegate that to someone else..."

"No, you don't understand," Daryil said, and ran to his office, with Illiath in tow, looking worried.  "I have to get them to the course while they're still frozen..."

Opening the cupboard in his office, he pulled out a pair of golf clubs and handed one to Illiath.  "Fancy a round?"

"You're on," the Doberman said, grinning evilly.

* * *

Jeremiah was already waiting outside the office, dressed once again in his ceremonial platemail.  He bowed politely as Lady Finch arrived and followed her in.

"Greetings to you, Lady Finch," he began.  "I bring good news and bad, I'm afraid.  The good news is that Illiath has returned safely to Daryil territory and is reunited with her school."

"You could just have called," Lady Finch blustered.  "Surely that doesn't require your physical presence, ambassador,"

"Unfortunately, the bad news does," the husky said, gently drawing the sword from its scabbard and balancing it in one gauntleted hand, the tip grating slightly against the hard marble floor.  There was a faint shimmer of blue at the edges of the blade, and he tapped it gently with one finger.  "I hate having to make this kind of visit," he added unhappily.  Lady Finch swallowed.

"Taun is of course greatly pleased to know that her child is safe," he said, fixing the wolf with a steely gaze, a hidden menace that belied his effeminate figure.
"Unfortunately, her anger at the manner in which Illiath was taken in the first place has not yet dissipated, and I'm afraid that Taun - and especially High Command - still want your head as an example.
"However," he said, sheathing the sword, "I have been able to persuade them to accept instead a tribute, amounting to not less than four million gold dollars a year, and well... they'll probably forget all about this ugly little affair in a couple of decades.
"Payment shall be made in the first week of every financial quarter, or annually depending on how your clan's accounting practices work.
"Monthly is an option but the annual total will be rather higher owing to a surcharge imposed on us by our EFT provider.  Obviously, since this tariff is punitive in nature, we are not going to absorb the cost for you."

With a polite farewell, the husky bowed and left the complex.  A small hole was left in the marble floor, where his enchanted broadsword had been resting against it.


Jeremiah made his way up the elevator and through the house which gave access to Fa'Rana clan's secret base.  Not such a secret base now, he thought dryly.  At least two other clans know where it is.
His expression became jaunty as he realised that his mission was successful.  Assuming she doesn't bounce the payment, he thought, but dammit, it should be someone else's turn next.

As he opened the door, the husky's face melted into an angry scowl as he saw someone standing next to his vehicle, an ancient military jeep.  Completely devoid of advanced electronics, the ancient machine was extremely rugged and easy to repair, even spare parts could be made from scratch by any half-competent machinist.  For this and other reasons, they were a popular form of transport for certain Taun members.

Jeremiah's vehicle was TAUN035, not far off three centuries old, though it looked more like 50 years old.  Now someone was writing the registration code into a data tablet of some kind.  The husky's head-wings fanned out angrily at this affront.

"You're very brave," the incubus said and the traffic warden jumped.  "Ticketing a registered military vehicle of Taun's Clan," he continued, staring at the Being with his platemail-clad arms folded.  "And after what happened the last time...?  Must we go through all that again?"

"Please, sir..." the warden bleated.

"I know, you're just doing your job," the husky finished, and climbed in the vehicle.  "Well, so am I.  Send the parking fine to Taun headquarters if you must.  Just be glad you didn't clamp it," he added, gesturing at the sword on his back.

Oh yes, he thought sadly, as he drove back towards Taun's kingdom, What a very messy business, that was.  Even after we stormed the corporate headquarters, it still took a year to agree the prisoner exchange, and all over a 250 gold coin release fee...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 42 (2013/02/02)
Post by: joshofspam on February 01, 2013, 09:13:41 PM
An interesting turn for clan Fa'Rana.

That "contribution" might curb all their projects. Of course, if they ever figure out how to mass produce a fully functional and reliable robot, Taun might be the first group to get taken out by those robots.

Nice read! :mowhappy
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 43 (2013/02/09)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 08, 2013, 06:52:23 PM
Chapter 43

"How are you feeling, Albeth?" The Professor asked, face appearing on a video screen.

"About the same," Lady Finch said slowly, her hair dishevelled and her tail limp between her legs.  "I will get past this, but it needs time... not interference and threats by some jumped-up, jack-booted..."

"Who are you talking about...?" the raccoon asked, eyeing the she-wolf curiously.

"The Taun.  Jeremy or whatever his name was."

"Jeremiah.  Who is he, though?  What does he want?"

"He is Taun's ambassador," Lady Finch said, with a listless sigh.  "He keeps threatening to murder me because we kidnapped Illiath and offended Taun or her subordinates."  She sat up, suddenly, fury in her eyes.  "This... Jeremiah... he demanded I pay them four million gold coins a month to avoid being executed!"

"Hmm," The Professor said, "I wonder..."


"Well, it's rare for Taun to make threats against another clan.  They call themselves the guardians of the 'Cubi race, you know.  Even that guy... Aniz, wasn't it?  He had both Jin and the whole of Zinvth after his blood and Taun blocked any attempt to have him face justice."

"Aniz Siar was the last of his clan, though," Lady Finch sighed.  "Taun wouldn't like the extinction of a clan like that, certainly not so soon after the murder of Siar clan's Founder."

"Well, that's the point," The Professor retorted.  "This behaviour is rather unusual for Taun.  But what if he's not one of her Children?  What if he's just trying to scam us?
"In fact... posing as an ambassador from such a high and powerful clan... it's genius!  Using Taun's credentials and threats of war, you could go anywhere that was 'Cubi-run!  What better way to gain access to our facility?"

"You think... you think he's a spy?!" the wolf said, eyes wide.

"It's possible," the incubus said.  "We'll have to follow it up.  If he returns again soon, pay close attention.  And if he slips..."

"Indeed," Lady Finch said, perking up as a savage light entered her eyes.  "But was there something?  Did you call me up just to check up on me or did you have a purpose in mind?"

"Ah, yes.  I'm afraid there was, Albeth," the Professor began, "We need to talk about Callahan."

"Oh don't remind me," Finch said, and began to weep, collapsing back into her earlier, listless state.  "What about him...?"

"It's about his brain, I'm afraid," The raccoon said apologetically.

"I don't want to talk about it!" the succubus snivelled.  "I don't want to hear about you cutting up my poor husband's brain..."

"It's important, Albeth.  Very important.  His brain is... well, it's abnormal."

"What?!" the succubus yelped.  "How dare you speak of my late husband in such a manner!  He was as sane as you or I!"

"Listen," the raccoon interrupted, a new sense of urgency creeping into his voice.  "Outwardly, it's a normal enough brain.  But the thing is, brain structures tend to change size depending on how much they are used.  His forebrain, various structures relating to memory... all the higher functions, they're atrophied, under-developed.  It's really strange... more like the brain of a baby than an adult..."

"What are you saying?!"  Lady Finch demanded.

"I don't think he was real," The Professor said.  Lady Finch collapsed into her chair, unable to speak.  A flux of conflicting emotions flickered throughout the room, though the Professor couldn't sense any of them over the video link.

"We know that Callahan was a traitor," he continued.  "We know that he was reporting much to Daryil.  But as you know, a Tri-Winged Leader can create avatars of himself, projections of his will, aspects of his true self that allow him to be present in several places at once, or enter dangerous situations with less risk of being destroyed.
"Albeth, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense... Callahan was Daryil."

* * *

"..and that's the most basic way to pick a mechanical lock," Illiath concluded.  "It doesn't use any magic or powers, just a simple appreciation of the pins and tumblers.  There are quicker ways, but doing this manually allows you to remain in Being form and it won't set off any spell detectors or wards.
"That aside, most of the more advanced techniques follow on from this, so I advise you study it well.  Next lesson will be the practical."

Niall collared Richard as he left the Breaking-and-Entering class.  Sheila and Sydney had been going to the refectory with him, and hung back, watching with interest.

"Richard," he said, "I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about that jump device of yours."

The incubus wilted.  "I... I can't!" he whimpered.  "If they find out... they'll murder me!  I was never supposed to have borrowed it at all, and now it's in enemy hands... oh gods, oh gods..."

"You're under clan protection," Sheila said, comforting the incubus.

"I understand," Niall said.  "I... I heard what happened to Callahan.  I'm really sorry, and I quite appreciate that you might want to keep your options open."

"Are you Niall?" Syd said suddenly.  The fox glanced at him, surprised.

"Yes," he said.  "You're Dorcan's child, right?"

"Yes," Sydney said.  "You saved my father."

"I made it my business to try and save a lot of people," Niall said, looking happy but embarrassed.  "Fortunately things are a lot better now.  I'm only sorry that I wasn't able to save his body as well as his soul."

"It's not your fault," Sydney said.  "You did your best and I'm grateful for what you did manage.  If you hadn't... he wouldn't have been able to rescue me, and I'd be dead too by now..."

"Hopefully I'll be able to rescue Richard's father too," Niall said.  "That's going to be hard, we'll have to get part of his body in order to access his soul easily, but we'll do it somehow, even if it means breaking into Fa'Rana's base."

"I was wondering," Sheila asked, "What made you decide to do this?  Why did you put your life on the line to save others?  It's a noble goal, but... was there a reason for it?  Did you... did you lose your own father...?"

"I thought you'd have read about it," Syd said, glancing back at the Border succubus.

"It's too recent," Sheila replied.

"I lost my mother," Niall said.  "But she died when I was very young.  No, I nearly lost me.  If it hadn't been for Johan Cross..."

"He tried to kill you?" Richard said, eyes bugging.  "The Dark Lord of Ha'Khun?  What did you do?!  How did you escape?"

"No, no, no," Niall interrupted.  "He saved me.  I was going to be executed as a Creature, I was about 19 or something when my headwings came in."

"You're just screwing with me," Richard protested.  "You?  Saved by Lord Cross?  Don't talk crap."

"That's what he was calling himself at the time," Niall said.  "And I was his heir.  Obviously he didn't want me to be hanged!"

"You... you're Johan Cross' son?!"  Sydney bleated.  Richard said nothing at all.

"Call him Jakob," Niall said, making a pleading gesture.  "He's ashamed of the Johan Cross era.  Though I'll admit that saying I was saved by Cross makes a better story.  And yes, I'm Jakob's son.  Well, it's a little bit odd, to tell the truth.
"See, after Jakob left the Academy, he did the incubus thing and had it off with some vixen woman in an inn.  Then he was chased away.  She was with child, but she gave birth to a Being, as far as anyone can tell.  But then, a couple of generations later, I was born.  We think that the 'Cubi factor went dormant, skipped a couple of generations and then something re-awoke it."

"That doesn't sound terribly plausible," Sheila said doubtfully.  "No disrespect, I mean..."

Niall shrugged.  "So I'm a freak of nature... it happens.  Magic is fickle and we're magical creatures.  Stranger things than that have happened, like how some 'Cubi end up with traits of Quoar clan despite no obvious connection.  Or how sometimes a Being-'Cubi pairing can end up with just a Being, which all the books say isn't possible.
"I think the weirdest combination is that rare breed who are born without backwings until their headwings would come in.  Only they never get headwings, their backwings come in at that point instead.  They're still 'Cubi, they can shapeshift and read thoughts, but they're weak and strange..."

"I've read about that," Sheila said.  "It's really, really rare..."

"But I digress.  However I got there, I'm here now.  In any case, Jakob felt that calling me his great, great grandson was too much of a mouthful, so he adopted me as his son."

"What... what was it like, being the son of Johan Cross...?  I've read so much about him and his deeds... how much of the legends were true?" Richard asked, eyes shining.

"Depends what legends you're talking about," Niall said.  "The whole thing about him eating thousands of souls and massacring millions?  That's a load of crap.  Seriously... you think a genocide on that scale would escape the attention of the Dragons?  Of Taun's clan...?  If he ate that many people he'd be tri-wing by now and the Dragons would have stomped him real good.  Do you think that he'd invent artificial souls if he was capable of such crimes?  Or that Daryil would have forgiven him for perpetrating such an outrage?  Sure, it was before the Tenets were formalised but Daryil would have gone mental if it was real.
"Talking of which, heh... How about that old saw about Jakob eating Daryil's soul in order to take over the clan?"  Niall giggled, and was unable to continue the story for a few minutes.

"What happened?" Syd asked, when the other fox was able to speak again.

"Oh, he was taken before the Being-Creature Council over that.  If you want a laugh, ask Daryil about that sometime.  Dad had him appear as a witness, and in front of the tribunal, asked him if he remembered being murdered...

"But no, when all is said and done, Dad went a bit crazy after losing Page.  No-one disputes that.  He became a bit ruthless, that's true.  But he wasn't a murderer.  He never killed if he could avoid it.  He did try to instill fear in the general population, though, and he regrets that now, as do I, really.  But that aside, Dad truly believed that most of what he was doing as ruler was for the best of the city and his people.
"And deep down, I think a lot of people agreed.  I mean, if you didn't anger Lord Cross, Ha'Khun was a safe place to be.  Most Creatures were eager to take that chance when the alternative was being murdered by passing adventurers 'just in case they were evil' or 'because they were a Creature'.

"I'd be lying if it was all smiles and roses.  It wasn't.  I can tell you honestly that the disappearances were rigged, though.  There was a group who were planning some kind of coup, the official announcement was that they had been mass-executed for treason.
"Well, I helped him with the 'executions'.  We used a portal.  We marooned the lot of them on a large desert island in the Western Seas.  Occasionally Dad went back to see how they were getting on."

"Bullshit," Richard said.  "You're one of those Cross apologists, trying to whitewash him to make Daryil clan look better."

"I was there," Niall said, with a patient expression.  "Not for many years, but I saw a slice of his rule from the inside.  I saw how he worked.
"Jakob's moral compass may have been damaged by his insanity, but there was a sound reason behind everything he did.  He was not a monster and when he sent me to SAIA, he made it plain that he did not want me to become one either.
"That's actually why he sent me away," the fox added sadly, "He was going to execute those two demons who murdered Azrael.  He didn't want me to see that, didn't want me to think it was a good thing.  He was also afraid that it might go wrong and he wanted to be sure that at least one of us survived."

"Dammit," Richard said.  "Why do so many of my heroes turn out to be frauds?"

"Well they do say that 'Cubi are deceivers," Niall shrugged.

"Does that mean you've just deceived me?" Richard asked hopefully.

"That's up to you," Niall smiled.  "Maybe you should ask Sheila...?"

"I think he was telling the truth," Sheila said.  "I've read about it."

"Gods dammit," Richard scowled.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 43 (2013/02/09)
Post by: justacritic on February 09, 2013, 04:52:49 PM
"Dear we need to talk, you've actually been sleeping with enemy general"
Very awkward...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 43 (2013/02/09)
Post by: Ignuus66 on February 09, 2013, 07:41:03 PM
Slightly off topic from episode 43, The scientific progress in your reality is a bit odd, for example neither first or second generation nanotechnology is mentioned to exist, and while I presume fission energy exists, there is no mention of Fusion. Also with all the social pressure/ inequality, one would expect serious interstellar colonization efforts.
I am very curious about how you would imagine scientific progress, and this has been bugging me for some time. Other than these questions the plot is coming along nicely.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 43 (2013/02/09)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 09, 2013, 08:12:59 PM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on February 09, 2013, 07:41:03 PM
Slightly off topic from episode 43, The scientific progress in your reality is a bit odd, for example neither first or second generation nanotechnology is mentioned to exist, and while I presume fission energy exists, there is no mention of Fusion. Also with all the social pressure/ inequality, one would expect serious interstellar colonization efforts.
I am very curious about how you would imagine scientific progress, and this has been bugging me for some time. Other than these questions the plot is coming along nicely.

Yeah, the fusion thing hasn't been touched on much (I think it's mentioned once in chapter 9 and later on in 47) because it was covered enough in Project Future / Future History.
Basically, they have a form of miniaturised aneutronic fusion based on a hydrogen-boron reaction, and this is used to power the bikes, along with Dorcan, Joshua, Azrael and the panthers.


The nanotech stuff again has its place, in that they have nanofabrication technologies, used in particular with android construction and maintenance.  However, they have probably hit strict limits in that the magical nature of matter in Furrae will interfere with nanoscale electronics.

Interstellar colonisation is a topic I have been saving for another story (which has been kind of abandoned...).  For one, it's unclear how many habitable planets there are in the Furrae cosmos.  The way the Fae talk, it's like Furrae itself is the only inhabited planet, and if the universe was built by them for a specific purpose, that's entirely possible.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 43 (2013/02/09)
Post by: Ignuus66 on February 10, 2013, 08:44:14 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on February 09, 2013, 08:12:59 PM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on February 09, 2013, 07:41:03 PM
Slightly off topic from episode 43, The scientific progress in your reality is a bit odd, for example neither first or second generation nanotechnology is mentioned to exist, and while I presume fission energy exists, there is no mention of Fusion. Also with all the social pressure/ inequality, one would expect serious interstellar colonization efforts.
I am very curious about how you would imagine scientific progress, and this has been bugging me for some time. Other than these questions the plot is coming along nicely.

Yeah, the fusion thing hasn't been touched on much (I think it's mentioned once in chapter 9 and later on in 47) because it was covered enough in Project Future / Future History.
Basically, they have a form of miniaturised aneutronic fusion based on a hydrogen-boron reaction, and this is used to power the bikes, along with Dorcan, Joshua, Azrael and the panthers.


The nanotech stuff again has its place, in that they have nanofabrication technologies, used in particular with android construction and maintenance.  However, they have probably hit strict limits in that the magical nature of matter in Furrae will interfere with nanoscale electronics.

Interstellar colonisation is a topic I have been saving for another story (which has been kind of abandoned...).  For one, it's unclear how many habitable planets there are in the Furrae cosmos.  The way the Fae talk, it's like Furrae itself is the only inhabited planet, and if the universe was built by them for a specific purpose, that's entirely possible.
Ah alright, thanks, so first generation fusion and first generation nanotechnology is present, however interstellar colonization is barely touched. Which would lead to the question of accelerated terraforming, or the fact that even though terraforming a planet (best case scenario) would take around 2000 years, cubi live for a minimum of 3000 years, and probably more, and a theoretical nuclear pulse drive might be able to go at 7%-10% of C, thus a trip to a planet 100 lY away would take around 1200-1700 years (acceleration and deceleration) which means that a theoretical interstellar colonization/terraforming fits into a lifespan of a cubi. (since the travel time would feel substantially slower for the people on-board due to the theory of relativity.
For beings however, even with a lifespan of 150 years, it would be a project that would take a few hundred generations, thus not ideal.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 43 (2013/02/09)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 10, 2013, 09:47:57 AM
In the 'Space War' setting, they had developed the Ashley Drive, which could jump between systems at a particular location away from the sun (think 'Mote in God's Eye').  It also had a distance limit a'la Elite, which meant you had to use certain routes to get from star to star.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 44 (2013/02/16)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 15, 2013, 08:19:08 PM
Chapter 44

Daryil was sat in his office when the call came in.  Accepting it, he waved cheerily to Professor Fa'Rana as the raccoon's face filled the wallscreen.  The Professor did not look particularly impressed.

"Daryil, I know the truth about Callahan," The Professor began.

"You... do?" the fox asked, eyes slightly widened.

"Indeed.  We know he was just one of your avatars.  We know that he never truly existed at all!"

"Good job you didn't try to murder his soul too, then," Daryil said, flippantly.  "That would have got pretty ugly, it would probably have turned your brains inside-out.
"You know... this feud between our clans is kind of silly, Professor, and you know what?  You're kind of cute.  Could we kiss and make up...?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Daryil," the raccoon snarled.

"Oh, you want to go straight to the sex, then...?" the vulpine asked hopefully.  The Professor's mouth tightened and the screen went blank.

With a shrug, Daryil walked across the room to the control panel on his desk and pressed a button.  There was a slight flicker and he froze.

"Interesting," Illiath said, glancing from the image on the screen to the real Daryil.

"Yes," the Tri-wing said, and pressed a button.  On the video screen, the frozen image of him pressing 'stop' vanished and the picture went dark.  "I thought you might like to see that."

"Does he really believe that Callahan was just a projection?" the Doberman asked skeptically.

"I haven't got a clue," Daryil said, an expression of concern on his face.  "I'm not used to dealing with his level of crazy, whatever Taun may think.
"Remember, The Prof doesn't come from a tri-winged clan... he may not know that an Ascended Leader can't have children and that I can't possibly have sired Richard.  The question is... should I let him carry on thinking that?"

"More to the point, should we tell Richard?"  Illiath said, a grave expression on her face.  "I don't know what your game is, uncle, but there's something up your sleeve, I can tell.  If Callahan is alive, Richard has to know.  We can't keep his child in the dark about that, it's cruel."

"I guess we'll have to tell him something," Daryil said slowly and unhappily, as if wracked by doubt.  "But... oh, if only it was that easy.
"It's such a balancing act," he sighed.  "If I tell Richard the truth, there's a risk he'll tell The Professor.  But if I let Richard stay in the dark, The Professor may conceivably tell him things which we're not yet ready for Richard to learn."

Daryil sighed, sat in the nearest chair, got up again and paced the room.

"You're right, Illiath, the boy will have to be told.  It's too cruel to leave things as they are now.  But it's very risky.  I'll have to think about how best to put this to him."

"I'm glad," the Doberman said.  "After all, if he thinks you've been manipulating him, that will cause problems of its own.  You should nip that in the bud first."

"I will," Daryil promised, and turned to face her.  "But before I do, I've just had another product idea for Arnold's Cafe.  Tell me, Illie, what do you think about jam doughnuts made from flapjack...?"

* * *

"Well met, Lady Finch," Jeremiah said, his expression uncharacteristically jaunty, relieved that the business with Lady Finch was finally coming to a peaceful resolution.

"High Command acknowledge that it will take time to set up the direct debit account for your tribute, and are happy to accept the cheque you sent as initial payment until the recurring payment has been set up.

"However, the cheque you have furnished appears not to have been signed.  Would you be so kind as to do the honours?  There is also the small matter of a seventy-five gold dollar parking fine which Parbury has seen fit to levy upon my jeep.  Petty cash will be fine."

"Oh very well," Lady Finch grumbled.  She reached out to take the cheque from the incubus' gauntleted hand.  There was a flash from behind him, a look of surprise on the husky's face, and then he collapsed to the ground with a sound like some kind of accident in a hardware store.

"Well, that's him out of the way," Professor Fa'Rana said, stepping out of the shadows, pale green smoke still drifting slightly from the hand that had cast the spell.  He knelt and removed the unconscious dog's gauntlets, replacing them with a pair of enchanted bracers.  Between the pair of them, Lady Finch and The Professor stripped the young man of his armour and sword, and then frisked him all over, just to make doubly sure he was unarmed.
"He does seem to have the Taun clan mark," Lady Finch pointed out nervously, gesturing at the pink crescent marking that adorned the husky's blue-furred shoulder.

"That doesn't mean a lot," the raccoon remarked.  "It would be a piss-poor impersonation of a Taun clan member if he had the Daryil clan-mark on him, wouldn't it?  No, that's going to be a tattoo or something.  He'd have painted or dyed over his real clan mark."

"But what if..." Lady Finch quailed.

"We checked," Professor Fa'Rana interrupted.  "While there is a Jeremiah Taun, the cheque was sent to a P.O. box which we found was registered to 'Jimmy Tarn'.  Taun Clan would have had it sent to their own headquarters!"

"Yes," the wolf replied, her voice steely with determination.  "Of course, you're right.  When will he recover?"

"Left to himself?  About an hour.  But I can bring him around when everything is in place.  Even someone impersonating a Taun is liable to be fairly vicious.  We may need to use a second android to hold him down, in case he struggles or tries to escape..."

"We'll have to do with just one, unfortuantely," Lady Finch said.  "Sonia is undergoing routine checks, so Wendy will have to take her place.  She has been suitably briefed and I believe everything is prepared.  But I was kind of wondering... who should we actually call?  Daryil?"

"No," the Professor said sullenly. "He will attempt to seduce me again."

Lady Finch cast him a sidelong glance, wondering if she'd heard right.  "So... we go straight to Taun, then?"

"Yes.  The transmission will be recorded, of course.  All we have to do is send Daryil a copy afterwards."

* * *

With quiet confidence, Lady Finch dialled in the address of Taun's headquarters, looking it up over the WorldNet instead of relying on the card which Jeremiah had left her.  There was a short pause, and then a figure appeared on the viewscreen.

"Taun Clan," the jackal said.  Like all Taun members, she had leathery wings on her back and her head, and if that wasn't enough, the shock of Taun-pink hair on her head alone was enough to mark her of Creature blood.

"Caroline speaking.  How may I help you?" she added politely.

"My name is Lady Albeth Finch," the wolf succubus informed her, smiling gently and bowing politely.  "I represent Fa'Rana's clan.  Would you be so kind as to inform your Leader that we have caught a Daryil spy?"

"Inter-clan disputes are not really our business," the jackal said.  "However, Taun Clan urges that all such disputes be settled peacably, for the good of the 'Cubi race as a whole."

"I understand," Lady Finch replied, courteously.  "But this villain was caught masquerading as a member of Taun's illustrious Clan, in order to pass intelligence about our headquarters to his idiot master.  I felt it was only proper that the true clan should be informed of this insult at once."

"Are you certain?" the succubus asked, raising an eyebrow.  "This is a serious accusation.  For all we know you're trying to frame a rival clan in order to use Taun as a club to beat them with.  I presume you do have proof?"

Lady Finch made a gesture with one hand, that Caroline was unable to see and a technician switched camera, giving the jackal succubus a more distant shot.

Behind Lady Finch, Jeremiah knelt on the floor awaiting execution.  The husky's armour was nowhere to be seen and he wore only a pair of rough trousers.  His muzzle was gagged, his ankles were firmly tied and his wrists were pinned behind his back with a pair of enchanted bracers that shorted out his powers, suppressed his wings and generally rendered him helpless.

Beside him, expressionless as a statue and with just as much life in her eyes, an android mare stood.  Illiath's broadsword was held high in both her hands and the robot awaited only a word of command from her masters to bring it down, a single stroke that would sever the hapless young man's head like Callahan before him.  Even so, Jeremiah's expression was stoic and defiant.  

"We had thought to execute the spy out of hand," Lady Finch said sleekly, "But given the nature of this affront to the illustrious Lady Taun, I felt it best that she should be offered the satisfaction of dispatching this charlatan herself, or at least witnessing his execution if she so prefers."

Caroline wasn't listening, her expression a mask of horror.  "Holy gods," she said, and her face twisted into a look of sheer fury.  "Jerry?!"

"MMPHH!" the husky said through the gag, his expression indignant.  Lady Finch glanced nervously at The Professor, but then a sound from the screen distracted them.

"What is going on here..."

Taun's face filled most of the screen.  It contorted and she let out a bestial roar.  Behind her, an incubus at one of the other comms desks reeled in shock.  The picture wavered slightly and went blank.

The Professor swallowed and chose his words carefully.  A single mistake could leave Jeremiah dead and then... Taun.  Beneath the force of her anger everything would be crushed, The Professor, his underground complex, his entire clan... all these things would be left as nothing but fine dust blowing upon the wind.

The Professor began to speak in a slow and clear manner.  "Do NOT harm the husky in any way, Wendy," he began, "Wendy, stand down and sheathe your weapon.  The mission is aborted.  Put the sword down gently and carefully on the ground.  Then step away from the husky WITHOUT harming him, and then leave the room.  Wait just outside by the door until you are called for again."

Professor Fa'Rana breathed a sigh of relief as the mare obeyed, then he went swiftly to the husky, removing the gag and cutting the bonds on his ankles with a wing-tentacle.

"I appear to have made a very serious mistake," he said, voice trembling slightly.  "I am so deeply sorry for the inconvenience and the threat to your noble life..."

"You will be," Jeremiah said calmly.

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 44 (2013/02/16)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 16, 2013, 07:29:46 AM
Ah, the madness rebounds upon the owner. How fun. ;-]
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 44 (2013/02/16)
Post by: Haianel on February 20, 2013, 10:07:49 AM
Errors of this magnitude often have similarly impressive - and terrible - side effects for those who made them, Professor. Do try and keep them to a minimum, your life may very well depend on it. Is what I'm expecting or rather the effects of strike number two, just realized that's what this was... disregard my first and second sentences. I expect more than a simple slap on the wrist this time. Yay! More Daryil silly-seriousness! I have greatly enjoyed the story thus far and look forward to the next chapter!
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 45 (2013/02/22)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 22, 2013, 06:14:59 PM
Quote from: Haianel on February 20, 2013, 10:07:49 AMYay! More Daryil silly-seriousness! I have greatly enjoyed the story thus far and look forward to the next chapter!

Thanks.  I am still having writer's block on chapter 52 - if it slips much further I will switch back to the original 2-week update cycle to buy myself more time.

Chapter 45

Jakob quietly entered Niall's studio and stopped to watch as the younger incubus lined up the centrepiece, a large 24-track recorder.  The wolf had seen this exercise before, and done it himself on occasion, but it was kind of fascinating to watch all the same.

Niall sat in front of the machine, which had its front doors open for servicing and adjustment.  He was holding a small non-conductive screwdriver to adjust the trimmers for each track, and staring at a small handheld meter on the floor.  A wrist-strap was grounded against the chassis to prevent his fur from building up too much static and zapping the delicate CMOS components inside the machine.

On the table an oscilloscope sat and one of his wing-tentacles was next to it, gazing at the display with a foolish expression on its little lupine head.  The other three tentacles were also employed, one watching the tape counter, one the channel meters and the other had no head, just a finger poised ready to stop and rewind.  The mixing desk was turned down somewhat, but there was still an irritating whine from the test tape that caused his ears to twitch.

"Was this the one you wanted?"  Jakob asked, placing the tape box he had brought on the table next to the 'scope.  The tentacle-head watching the waveform turned briefly and glanced at the label.

"That's the one," Niall said without turning.

"I'd offer to help," Jakob said, "But you seem to have this in hand.  Oh!  Want me to check the mastering deck as well?"

"I did that first," Niall said.  "Really, it's fine..."

The wall-screen suddenly chimed and Daryil's face appeared on it.  Niall's wing-head turned to watch.

"Yak?" Daryil said.  "Can you come to my office?  Or yours?"

"Can't we talk about it here?" the wolf asked.

"No, I've had a diplomatic call.  They are on hold, but I need you to talk to them.  You probably want to put on something a little less casual," he said, gesturing at Jakob, who was dressed much like Niall - form-fitting leather pants, a pair of the detached sleeves that Creatures often wear, fashioned from PVC.  He was not wearing very much else.

"Who's the caller?  Anyone I've met before?"  Jakob asked.

"Taun," Daryil said.  Jakob fluffed out.

"Not Taun herself," Daryil added quickly.  "Her clan's High Command.  Well, she might want to listen in, which is why I can't take part in the call myself - Taun doesn't like me.
"Anyway, I've asked Illie to be on hand too, since you may need to confer with her."

"I'll be right over," Jakob said.    

* * *

"Well, that was very stupid," Jeremiah said, holding out the enchanted bracers and making them explode.  "I am glad for your sake that you didn't go through with killing me.  Do you have any idea what mother would have done?  What she may still do...?"

"Who..?  What..?" the Professor said blankly.

"That lady who took the call...?" the husky said patiently, exercising his wings.  "The one with the pink hair who got mad when she saw her own son about to be beheaded...?  What do you think will happen?!  Who do you think Taun and High Command will be listening to right now...?  Oh gods, I'd better call them to let them know I'm safe and on my way back..."

"I... can't let you leave," The Professor said, swallowing.

"You're not serious...?" Jeremiah said, in scornful disbelief.  "After all the shit you've just dropped yourselves in, you're still not going to let me go...?  Why are you trying to make things even worse for yourselves?!"

"You've seen too much," Professor Fa'Rana said.  "If you reach Taun, she will know too and that will greatly aid her when she tries to attack.  We can't risk letting you go until Taun has calmed down.  But on my soul's life, I swear you will not be harmed while you remain here..."

"Illie has surely spoken with her already, and she knows at least as much about the layout and defences of your base as I do," the husky pointed out.  "Probably more."  The Professor froze, making no sound.

"I must call my mother," the husky said.  "At least give me that.  I can try to defuse this situation."

"Let him," Lady Finch said.

"But she will trace the call!" The Professor whimpered.

"High Command already did that when you called them," Jeremiah said.  "If you want, I'll keep it short, under a minute.  But I need to let her know I'm safe or else she'll assume I'm dead.  Trust me, you don't want that to happen.  There's a reason mother works on the front desk instead of fieldwork - she has... issues."

"But she's just one..."

"Professor," the husky snapped, "Have you forgotten Illiath already?  I've heard what happened here.  Illie was very restrained and did her utmost to avoid any casualties.  Partly that was because she just wanted to leave, and partly because she's half-Daryil and didn't want to upset him.  What I'm saying is, you got off really lightly.
"Had you actually gone ahead and executed me in front of my mother, Caroline would have come straight here, slaughtered you all, kept on killing until the building was empty and quite possibly killed herself as well to escape the displeasure of her Clan Leader.
"Do you now understand what you will be unleashing upon yourselves?  Please, for your own sakes, let me call her.  I can at least calm her down."

"Do it," The Professor said.

* * *

"Shit," Jakob said, and called Daryil.  Illiath looked rather concerned.

"What happened?" Daryil asked.

"Professor Fa'Rana," Jakob said.  "Taun clan's High Command wanted to know about him and his clan.  It looks like The Professor has gone off the deep end."

Daryil buried his head in his hands.  "Oh hell.  What's he done this time...?"

"Taun sent an ambassador to try and arrange a settlement after they kidnapped Illiath," Jakob said.  "This may have been set in motion before they found out you were safe," he added, glancing at the Doberman succubus.

"Taun was displeased about that, but she takes the long view," Illiath said.  "Losing individuals isn't something she likes, but she's used to it.  The Dragons and others tried to draw her out so that they could destroy her, and they did that by torturing members of the clan to death.  That sort of thing has kind of hardened her, and she has outlived basically all of her clan members anyway.  Point is, she can't afford to react with fire and brimstone to every little incident since that would get her killed.  But she would send someone out to investigate."

"The thing is, the Prof got it into his funny little head that Taun's ambassador was a Daryil spy," Jakob said.

"Oh gods... they beheaded the ambassador!?" Daryil yelped, aghast.

"Fortunately, they called Taun Headquarters in order to show her the execution live," Illiath said.  "I think the idea was that Granny might like to see the impostor die.  Instead, she got mad and they cut the call in a panic.  Last we heard, the envoy is still alive but nonetheless, Taun is... displeased.
"Caroline, the guy's mother, is very, very displeased and is actually howling for the heads of Lady Finch and Professor Fa'Rana.  High Command wanted to know what we knew about Fa'Rana while they decide what to do next."

"So I clued them in on what we know about the clan, and that was basically it," Jakob said.

"Good stuff," Daryil said.  "Well, if that's everything, there is something else I need you both for.  Something I need to you witness, in my office.  Bring Richard and he may need his friends as well.  Casual attire is fine."

* * *

"I'm not so sure that went well," Jeremiah said doubtfully, as he cut the call.  "Mother is relieved to hear from me, though Taun already told her I was still alive, which I should have guessed.
"However, that doesn't mean you are safe.  For while Caroline is no longer demanding a punitive expedition, your refusal to let me return has greatly complicated things, as I warned you it would."

"What will happen?" The Professor asked, in a dead-sounding voice.

"Well, before, Taun thought that you were idiots who might need teaching a lesson.  But now, particularly after a conference call with Daryil's ambassador, she is starting to wonder if your clan might instead be a threat to her long-term strategies and interests.
"If she concludes that you are a threat, she may order the both of you to be assassinated by the Shadows.  That is very rare, but it has happened before."

"How about this," he suggested after a pause.  "You give me back my armour, my sword and you let me go.  As an offering, I take back with me the following things; a signed pledge that you will return Illiath's school to her control and stop your squabble with Daryil, a tribute of at least 500 million gold dollars, the sword you stole from Illiath that you were going to kill me with... and Lady Finch."

"No...!" the she-wolf whimpered.

"It's the only way," Jeremiah said quietly.  "Taun wanted her head before.  If I bring Lady Finch before Taun for a quick and honourable death, my lady will be pleased and she will probably let the rest of you off with a warning, and an annual tribute only slightly larger than the one we had negotiated before.  I can talk her into accepting that, I think."

The Professor was silent, his face covered with both hands.

"You... you can't do that..." Lady Finch whispered.  "I'm your second in command."

"And Johan is third," Professor Fa'Rana said softly, a tear forming in one eye.  "I don't want to do this, Albeth, believe me.  But... Taun is mostly angry with you, with things you ordered.  But given the facts... balancing your life against the lives of everyone in the entire clan... what choice do I have...?"

"She's right," Jeremiah said.  "You can't do this."  The Professor blinked, uncomprehending.

"Lady Finch," Jeremiah said quietly, turning to face the she-wolf, "It must be your decision.  If you go willingly to face Taun's justice, you can save your whole clan.  A noble and selfless sacrifice such as this will please Taun much.  She may even spare your life, and if she doesn't, your passing will be quick and merciful with high honour.  You will not suffer.

"But if The Professor throws you to the drakes to save his own pelt, she'll know.  She'll know he was only trying to worm his way out of his own responsibilities.  An unwilling sacrifice will only anger her more."

"I'm sorry," Professor Fa'Rana said, putting his hand on her shoulder.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 45 (2013/02/22)
Post by: joshofspam on February 22, 2013, 06:42:26 PM
Ow, so Richard might lose his mother as well as his father.

That's terrible!
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 45 (2013/02/22)
Post by: LionHeart on February 23, 2013, 12:58:39 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on February 22, 2013, 06:14:59 PM

"Taun was displeased about that, but she takes the long view," Illiath said.  "Losing individuals isn't something she likes, but she's used to it.  The Dragons and others tried to draw her out so that they could destroy her, and they did that by torturing members of the clan to death.  That sort of thing has kind of hardened her, and she has outlived basically of her clan members anyway. 

I think you a word out there.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 45 (2013/02/22)
Post by: Chairtastic on February 23, 2013, 02:53:37 AM
I may be a bit forgetting of story details given in earlier chapters, but I wonder if these Shadows are something -other- than a blatant reference to Owona's clan.

Also, not going to lie, Taun is giving off the feel of a police state; but it is entirely understandable in this case.  Would just be nice to see some of the other clans weighing in.  Hail Piflak!
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 45 (2013/02/22)
Post by: ChaosMageX on February 23, 2013, 03:16:47 AM
Quote from: Meany on February 23, 2013, 02:53:37 AM
Also, not going to lie, Taun is giving off the feel of a police state; but it is entirely understandable in this case.  Would just be nice to see some of the other clans weighing in.  Hail Piflak!

Considering Taun and her clan are essentially dedicated to protecting (and possibly also serving) the rest of the Cubi race, describing them as police would probably be fairly accurate, actually. 8)

Also, Tapewolf, if you're still having writer's block with only 6 chapters of buffer left, I'd strongly advise cutting back to a fortnightly update.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 45 (2013/02/22)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 23, 2013, 07:55:12 AM
Quote from: LionHeart on February 23, 2013, 12:58:39 AM
I think you a word out there.

Thanks for catching that.  I think that was one of the last parts of the chapter I reworked, and clearly something distracted me mid-way...

Quote from: Meany on February 23, 2013, 02:53:37 AM
I may be a bit forgetting of story details given in earlier chapters, but I wonder if these Shadows are something -other- than a blatant reference to Owona's clan.

It is Owona's clan.  It fell out of a discussion with Amber about what Taun would do in this situation.  As did a lot of the Taun stuff, really.  She isn't flowers and roses and she is in fact a 'Cubi supremacist.  Not in a vicious or cruel manner, but she truly believes her race should be in charge.  Her (non-canon) kingdom is something like Zinvth, or even Ha'Khunn under Johan Cross.  Safe and secure, but woe betide you if you cause trouble.

And given the attitude of the adventuring groups as shown recently, I think that living in a strictly-policed area is a compromise many would be happy to make to avoid being randomly murdered.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 45 (2013/02/22)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 23, 2013, 10:22:38 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on February 23, 2013, 07:55:12 AM
And given the attitude of the adventuring groups as shown recently, I think that living in a strictly-policed area is a compromise many would be happy to make to avoid being randomly murdered.

I dunno. I mean, a police state is all well and good, provided there is a law, and it is clear up front what it is. If Taun can take it into her head that you're breaking the law because she doesn't like your haircut, for example, then it's very hard to make a life in a state like that.

And, given people are people, corruption in a police state is pretty much a given - which is why, in real life, they're to be avoided as much as possible.

In summary: not a decision I'd like to be forced to take. :-/
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 45 (2013/02/22)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 23, 2013, 11:13:14 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 23, 2013, 10:22:38 AM
I dunno. I mean, a police state is all well and good, provided there is a law, and it is clear up front what it is. If Taun can take it into her head that you're breaking the law because she doesn't like your haircut, for example, then it's very hard to make a life in a state like that.

True.  Though given that she's more than 50'000 years old and that "abuse of any kind is not tolerated" is apparently part of the clan law, I imagine that a city with her in charge would be reasonably fair and just.  Jakob on the other hand, he could get a bit weird but then he wasn't in his right mind.  And he didn't actually kill anyone unless they posed a direct threat to himself or the wellbeing of his city.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 45 (2013/02/22)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 23, 2013, 05:55:02 PM
I grant you that. On the other hand, that 50k years figure might just mean she believes (with a fair amount of accuracy) that she knows better than everyone else.

Which doesn't leave a lot of room for people to make their own mistakes and learn from them. :-/

Ah, well. All a bit interesting.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 45 (2013/02/22)
Post by: Haianel on February 25, 2013, 08:54:28 PM
I was going to say something, but you guys have already addressed everything and more what I was going to. Although it is interesting from this point of view, particularly the unnerving prospect that Taun, due to her age, /has/ probably been there, done that, heard of it or seen it done better, and probably that much more than anyone else.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 46 (2013/03/02)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 02, 2013, 09:07:57 AM
Think I may have broken through the writer's block now, so I'll post the next chapter.

Chapter 46

"Hello, Richard," Daryil said.  Sheila and Sydney were already in his office, with Jakob and Illiath lurking in the background and trying not to crowd the jackal too much.

"What's... what's this about?" Richard asked nervously.  "Am I in trouble with you?"

"No," Daryil said.  "But I might be in trouble with you.  You see, I have some news for you, Richard.  Some good news, and some bad news."

"What's the bad news?"

"Your father is alive," Daryil said, heavily.

"What?!  Where is he?  And wait... what's the good news?"

"Your father is alive," Daryil said, happily.

"I don't understand," Richard said, on the verge of tears.  "If he's alive, he's alive!  What's the deal?"

"The problem is that he never died," Daryil said reluctantly.  "Callahan was replaced with a substitute prior to his execution.  Things were getting hairy and there was a risk he would be uncovered..."

"You lied to me?!" Richard snarled, balling his hands into fists, and his wings threatening to become tentacles.  Tears were starting to well in his eyes.
"My father really was a traitor... and you... you strung me along, you led me to believe that my father was dead, manipulating me into doing your bidding like a Being!  Is that what you're telling me?"

"I'm your Clan Leader," Daryil reminded him, and Richard shrank back, suddenly fearful.  "And I'm really sorry," Daryil continued.  "It was... shall we call it a secondary deception?"

"What the hell do you mean?" the jackal demanded bitterly.

"I didn't want to do this.  Given the choice, I wouldn't have, I'd have told you immediately," Daryil said, "And I hope you can forgive me for not doing that.
"But unfortunately it was necessary for The Professor to believe that Callahan was dead.  And that in turn meant that you had to believe it.  It wasn't my preferred option, and I realise that it looks like I was trying to turn you against Fa'Rana clan."

Daryil paused and glanced around the room at the others.

"I'll admit that I'd rather have you in my clan than in theirs, but it's something that you need to decide yourself, and you must do that based on facts, not lies.
"And whatever it may look like, the true facts are that I saved your father, even if I couldn't tell you at the time, and that Professor Fa'Rana ordered him to be executed.
"I must point out that if The Professor ever finds out Callahan lives, he will try to kill him for real.  You must not betray him.  Do you understand?"

"I do," Richard said, sniffing slightly.  "But who... who really died...?  They would have known... the blood, it had to be convincing... Is that what you do to... to Daryil clan members who don't make the grade...?" he swallowed, looking up into Daryil's face and terrified of what he might find there.

"That wouldn't work," Daryil said.  "An impostor would revert to base form when they died.  No, I created a copy.  Jakob did something similar once, in a misguided attempt to flee from his wicked past, but he lacked the synthesis of technology and Tri-wing power that I possess.
"I duplicated your father, Richard, as if I was creating an avatar, but with a biological foundation so that... so that he'd behave like a real corpse when he was executed.  And so that his DNA would match.
"The one thing that was too tricky to copy exactly was his brain, and if I could copy it precisely, I'd be condemning a real person to death, simply to act as a distraction.  I couldn't do that.
"So I made him a vegetable with no soul, and I took possession of him - his body became an extension of mine, again, like an avatar.
"Richard, it was me they tortured, it was me they murdered and I felt every moment of it.  That's why I already knew it was The Professor calling and what he wanted, because I was there with him."

Daryil shuddered at the memory.  "I'm glad it wasn't him, Fa'Rana's clan are vicious little bastards.  I'd hate to think your father suffered through such torments on my own account.  I couldn't dampen the pain either, they'd have known something was wrong."

"But earlier... when we first met... you said he was a rogue clan member!  When really he was a spy!  You lied about that!  How can I trust you...?"

"Again, I'm your Leader.  There has to be some trust between us or you'll live your whole life in fear and I'll be stuck with a dysfunctional clan member.
"Be that as it may, I was a little economical with the truth, but I did not lie.  I did not order your father to spy on Fa'Rana.  For one thing, he started doing that before he was your father, and secondly, it was his idea, not mine.

"I appreciate that this may drive a wedge between us, and again, I leave the choice up to you.  If you want to return to The Professor, you may.  But your father must stay with me and under my protection.  He can never return to Fa'Rana clan.  And his life will be in your hands if you choose to leave."

"How much was really true?" Richard asked, in tears.  "How much of my life was a fraud...?"

"More of it was true than... than I'd like to admit," Daryil said.  "And that is the bad news, Richard.  Callahan has broken clan law.  Jakob, bring him before me."

The wolf left the room, returning a few moments later with the silver-haired jackal in tow, a contrite expression on his face.

"Glad as I am to see you alive and well, there is some unfinished business between us, Callahan," Daryil said, his expression grim and his height a couple of feet taller than normal.  "You have broken my laws, and you must now pay the penalty."

"No!" Richard screamed.  Daryil pushed him back, ignoring the interruption.

"Listen well, Callahan, for you have sinned against me, your Lord and Master.  I therefore lay upon you a penance for your crimes."

"I accept your judgement, Lord..."

"Be quiet.  I give you an errand to win back my favour.  Do not fail me, or you shall face the true fury of my wrath," Daryil said, his hair white and his eyes blazing red, the form he used to punish the wicked.  Callahan had seen this before and swallowed.  Richard was sobbing softly.

"What must I do, Lord?"  the jackal asked, kneeling before his master.

"Go to the fridge and fetch me a can of cola," Daryil ordered.  "Diet cola."

"Fridge?" the jackal quavered.  "What fridge?"

"In the kitchens," Daryil snapped.  "Where else would you find a fridge with cola in it?"

"Shall I show him the way, Dar?" Jakob asked.

"No!" Daryil snarled.  "This is a task for him, and him alone.  A quest!  Seek for the fridge, Callahan.  Bring unto me a diet cola.  That is your quest.  Now go... I command you!"

Callahan bowed and scurried out of the room.

"'Diet cola'...?" Jakob asked, looking at Daryil strangely.

"If he can't even figure out where the drinks are kept, he's not exactly an asset to the clan now, is he?"  Daryil shrugged.

The jackal incubus returned a few minutes later, bearing a small red can.  Daryil took it from him.

"I SAID DIET COLA!" the incubus screamed and flung the can across the room, his face a mask of rage.

"Just messing with you, master," Callahan said, and presented a white striped can.

"Oh good," the fox said, and taking the can, crushed it in his fist, showering fizzing brown liquid everywhere.  "Your mission is complete, and your sins are forgiven - this time.  Do not let it happen again."

"Eww," Callahan said, brushing a damp patch in his fur.  "Was that necessary, Dar?"

"I hate diet cola," Daryil said, and hugged Callahan.

* * *

During the so-called 'New Golden Age', in the final days and weeks prior to his untimely death and the realm falling under control of Taun's clan, Lord Voll had enacted a grand scheme to end all poverty in his domain, by the simple expedient of rounding up the impoverished and beheading them in the capital city's main square.

Thanks in no small part to Lord Voll's dubious economic policies, the number of needy and poor to be disposed of was overwhelming.  Swords, axes and hanging had all proved too slow for the massacre he seemed determined to carry out, so more efficient methods were attempted including giant guillotines capable of decapitating four or more paupers at a time.

Given that such equipment was rather hard to move and that the poor were spread rather thickly across his entire realm, it was necessary to bring the poor to the place of execution, though a door-to-door technique had been attempted in places.
In order to facilitiate this genocide, the unfortunates were carted off to execution square in specially-modified Gryphon-Wagons known as tumbrels.  As she sped through the outskirts of Parbury aboard Jeremiah Taun's jeep, Lady Finch had a pretty good idea how 'Psychotic' Lord Voll's victims must have felt when the guillotine came into view.

"Convince me," Jeremiah said suddenly.

"What?!" Lady Finch jumped, lost deep in her own thoughts.

"Lady Finch, you kidnapped one of my brethren and then attempted to murder me.  It would be just for me to slay you myself.  Sometimes I wonder why I haven't done so already."

"You threatened to kill me on numerous occasions!" Finch snapped.  "What do you expect to have happened?!"

"I was just doing my job," the husky said mildly.  "One I was not terribly happy about doing in the first place, as you may recall I mentioned on several occasions.  Would killing me have solved anything?  No.  Taun would have sent another, and my successor would not have wasted time offering you any kind of deal, you would simply have been executed where you stood.
"And yet, in spite of the indignities you have heaped upon me, I can still plead for your life, recommend to the clan's elders that you should be spared.  But you'll have to convince me.  Otherwise, it is likely that your life will end with your head bouncing across the floor of Taun's hall."

"NO!" the succubus screamed, and lunged at Jeremiah.  The steering-wheel twisted, the jeep suddenly careening to the right, rolling over and coming to a messy halt by the side of the road.

"You crazy bitch," Jeremiah said, blood trickling from his muzzle.  "Are you trying to kill us both?!"

"Taun means to kill me, you mean to kill me!" the wolf succubus screamed, quivering with a mixture of rage and terror.  "But you won't!  You won't take me alive!!"

Unable to summon her wings, she seized Jeremiah's own sword and threw the enchanted blade at the incubus, skewering him.  Then she turned and fled.

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 46 (2013/03/02)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 03, 2013, 05:51:56 PM
.... If that's not suicidal, I don't know what is.

Frankly, I'm not sure if Jer should call in reinforcements _because_ she's that crazy, or if he should just take her out himself. If it were me, I'd be inclined to the former, but the Taun clan have some serious training, so...

Assuming he's still alive, of course. Which, again, if it were me, I'd be wanting an enchanted blade that wouldn't hurt me, no matter how many times you poked it into me.

Entertaining as Dariyl is to watch, I have to wonder what Richard's reaction to that was...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 46 (2013/03/02)
Post by: Gabi on March 03, 2013, 05:53:54 PM
Just posting to let you know that I'm still reading this, and intend to keep doing so. However, I have a lot of far less interesting texts to read, and those are stopping me from coming up with good comments.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 46 (2013/03/02)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 03, 2013, 05:59:39 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 03, 2013, 05:51:56 PM
Entertaining as Dariyl is to watch, I have to wonder what Richard's reaction to that was...

Richard gets more of a look-in next chapter.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 46 (2013/03/02)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 03, 2013, 07:05:06 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 03, 2013, 05:59:39 PM
Richard gets more of a look-in next chapter.

I figured. I didn't want you to think we weren't still reading this, though. ;-]
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 46 (2013/03/02)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 03, 2013, 07:09:31 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 03, 2013, 07:05:06 PM
I figured. I didn't want you to think we weren't still reading this, though. ;-]

Heh.  It's mostly that Sofox' critique during proofreading was that Richard hadn't really reacted to it much :3
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 46 (2013/03/02)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 03, 2013, 08:56:19 PM
Well, he's right - Richard didn't. We saw him start to react, and then it kinda went quiet after Dariyl pronounced the quest.

It was a lovely quest, mind - I laughed myself sick. But still... responses littered through the first half of the sequence, and then nothing for the second half. It's a bit of a flaw.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 46 (2013/03/02)
Post by: Merlin on March 04, 2013, 06:31:23 AM
Jerrrrrrry :<
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 46 (2013/03/02)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 04, 2013, 10:51:59 AM
Quote from: Merlin on March 04, 2013, 06:31:23 AM
Jerrrrrrry :<

... Lenkins? No, that really doesn't sound right.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 47 (2013/03/09)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 08, 2013, 07:36:22 PM
Chapter 47

Caroline sat up with a start, not quite sure whether the voice was real or whether her mind was playing tricks with her.

My child, the voice said again.

"Yes, my lady?" the jackal replied, staring at the ceiling.

Your son is drawing large quantities of power from me.  I believe he is injured and may die.  I felt you should know.

"What?!?  Where is he?!"

He lies beside the road of plastic stone, betwixt the river underground and the iron tree...

"That's not enough to locate him!  I need the coordinates!"

Look to his chariot, then, Taun's voice said.  Archaeon bitched and nagged to have them fitted with tell-tale devices.  Maybe this new-fangled electrical magic will serve some purpose for once.  Oh, and Caroline, the attacker was a wolf succubus.

"Thank you, Taun," the jackal said.  She grabbed a selection of her favourite weapons and ran headlong to the tracking station.

* * *

"Well, Richard," Callahan said, struggling under Daryil's grip as the incubus stroked his hair, "I guess I have a bit of a confession to make."

Daryil let him go, and the jackal stumbled, picked himself up and stood before his son apologetically.  Richard burst into tears again.

"How... how much of it was true?  How much of my childhood was a lie...?"

"I suppose I better begin at the beginning," Callahan said.  "It's true that I spied for Daryil, but it's also true that I loved you and tried to bring you up as best I could.
"I really was a renegade Daryil member, back before Daryil ascended and could track his clan members properly.  But in spite of that, he eventually caught up with me.
"Those stories I told you when you were a puppy, about murdering Beings... they were exaggerated, but not much.  I was never a lawyer, and I never ate anyone's soul, but I did kill people for fun, and sometimes I left Daryil's clan mark on the wall in the victim's blood."  In the background, Jakob blanched.

"That was what pissed Daryil off," Callahan said sadly, "Pinning murders on his clan, he had to work overtime to persuade people that it was the work of a lone crazy and not part of his clan's policy.  I... I really fucked things up there..." the jackal trailed into silence.

"I caught him," Daryil said softly.  "He was a stain upon my clan, and so I resolved to turn him over to the authorities for trial and execution.
"But by this time, Callahan had fallen in with the Fa'Rana clan.  Pleading for his life, he offered to spy on them and report their activities to me.  I accepted, paying a high blood price for Callahan's murders and promising that if it ever happened again, he would be immediately delivered to their justice."

"I started living a lie with Fa'Rana's clan," Callahan said, "But I really did fall in love with Lady Finch.  As I said, I loved you and cared for you, especially while your mom was off on business.  I encouraged you to dress like Daryil, so that the gloves would cover your clan marking.
"But I did also lead you astray, Richard.  For all my boasting, Daryil would slay me if I destroyed someone's soul.  And I couldn't let you stain yourself in that manner either, Richard."

"You taught me to steal souls, Dad," the jackal said softly.

"I led you down a blind alley, Richard.  I made it all up.  What I taught you will give someone a headache but it does nothing whatsoever to their soul.  I hope you can forgive me.  All along, I knew this day would one day come.  And I tried my best to make it as easy as possible.  I had to work within Daryil's constraints, and within the limits of my own morality, that Daryil had re-awakened in me.
"I didn't lie to you out of selfishness or to crush you emotionally when the truth came out as some 'Cubi do, I did all this because I wanted what's best for you, Richard.  Because I love you..."

"I love you too, Dad," Richard said, and buried his face in his father's fur.  Behind them, Daryil led Jakob and Illiath out of the room. 


"That was beautiful," Jakob said, eyes slightly wet from Richard's reunion.  "Why did we have to leave?"

"Yeah, sorry about that," Daryil said.  "But something's come up and I need you to go to Arnold's.  Illiath, I'd like you to go too for backup, if you can spare the time.  I've heard there's some kind of blockade on the intersection and I'd like you to check it out.  It might be that Fa'Rana are trying to seal the place off in case Taun try to attack them.  Be careful, both of you."

"How are we going to get there?"  Jakob asked.  "Kirian is off on some kind of..."  Jakob paused, as Daryil made a gesture.  The motorcycle gear he'd been wearing a few days before suddenly appeared in a folded heap in his outstretched arms.

"Oh no no.  I can't ride," Jakob complained.  "I don't even have a bike."

"Illiath does," Daryil said.  "You can ride pillion."

"This is just so you can see me in leather, isn't it, Daryil?"  Jakob said.

"Yes," Daryil said dreamily.  "I should make racing suits into a mandatory uniform for Daryil Clan.  What do you think?"

"No," Jakob and Illiath said in unison.

* * *

"Looks good so far," Jakob said in the helmet mic, glancing around while Illiath rode.

"We'll try the west approach next," the succubus told him.  "But... ah crap, the power plant is overheating again.  We'll need to stop."

"Ugh.  What's the problem?  That's a boron reactor, isn't it?  Is it an easy fix?"

"Yes and no," Illiath said.  "The cooling system has been acting funny lately.  Last time one of the cooling fins came loose.  There may be a design fault in this model."

A few minutes later, the pair of them were stood by the roadside, helmets resting on the bike.  Illiath had removed her gloves and was poking around the reactor cowling.

"The heatsink mount has sheared," she announced.  "I can fix that - again - but we'll have to wait for the reactor to cool down first."

"Need a hand?" Jakob asked.

"I'm fine, but I'm going to go on worldnet for a bit," she said, pulling out a large cellular phone from her pocket.  "I want to see if anyone else has reported this problem."

Jakob sat and waited for a few minutes, counting the passing traffic on the road into Grunmore.  None, none, none, he counted, and feeling bored, glanced around. There, in the distance by an electricity pylon, was a small, squat car of some kind.

One, he thought, and then noticed the skidmarks.  The vehicle had clearly come off the road in a less than controlled manner.

"I'd better check that out," he said, "Looks like there was an accident."

"Mmm-hmm," Illiath said vacantly, and tapped something else into her phone.


"Holy fuck..." Jakob exclaimed, approaching the vehicle.  There was one occupant, a blue siberian husky with green hair and a sword stuck through his side.  There was also quite a lot of blood.


"Y-yak...?" the husky coughed, eyes flickering slightly.  "Are you dead too...?  Have you come... to guide me to Valhalla...?"

"Oh no, no... it's okay, Jerry, hang on there..."

Frantically, Jakob worked, removing the armour as gently yet quickly as he could to get at the dog's wound.

"Let go of him, shithead," someone said.  Jakob whirled around.  A very angry jackal succubus stood behind him, wielding a large pole-axe.

"Who the hell are you?" the wolf asked.  "Can't you see I'm busy?  This is an emergency!"

"Not for long," the succubus sneered.  "Step away from him, and kneel before me.  Surrender your head for your crimes.  I promise it'll be quick."

"But he'll die," Jakob protested.

"You'll die first, bitch!" she promised.  "Now say goodbye."

"Don't do this, crazy lady," Jakob warned her.  "Daryil will kill you, he'll suck out your soul... " then the stun spell hit him.

* * *

Jeremiah stirred.  The pain was incredible and he whimpered, but through greying vision he saw Jakob, concussed and forced to the ground.  The wolf's head was resting on the bonnet of the jeep, and a succubus was stood in front of him, raising her halberd for the killing blow.

Mother...? he thought blearily.

The effort was immense, but somehow the husky managed to sound the horn.  It made a deafening blare, not only distracting Caroline and throwing her aim, but bringing Jakob around too, who pushed himself away quickly as the blade came down.

"Stop doing this," Jakob slurred.  "Surely you can see... I'm not a succubus... At least let me save his life!  Kill me afterwards if you must..."

"Lies!" the jackal shrieked. "Shut up, you slut!  You may look male now, but you'll revert when I kill you..." then she slumped to the ground.  Jakob looked up, bewildered.

"I leave you alone for five minutes..." Illiath complained, hand glowing slightly from the spell.

"Thanks," Jakob said, as she helped him up.  "But oh gods, we have to help him... help me save Jerry, he'll die..."

"Jeremiah?!  You know him...?" Illiath started.  "Oh crap... That was his mother.  What did you do...?"

"Not now!" Jakob snapped, "Help me save him first, then we'll talk!"

"...I think she thought I killed Jerry," Jakob said as they got to work.  Illiath drew the sword from the dying husky slowly and carefully, Jakob casting spells upon him to seal the wound and stabilise his condition.  "I... I think she may have thought I'm a succubus.  She seemed to be kind of deranged, she wouldn't listen to reason..."

"That figures.  Caroline was a berserker," Illiath explained.  "When she gets mad, she's not so much mad as completely mental.  It's like she was never able to control her emotions properly, so Taun retired her from active duty because she's too dangerous.
"Now tell me, how did you come to know Jeremiah...?"

"He was my roomie at SAIA," Jakob said reluctantly.  "He joined the Academy while I was in my final century..."

"There's more to it, isn't there?" the Doberman grinned lasciviously.  "I can tell."

"Okay, yeah," Jakob said uncomfortably.  "We had a fling or two."

"Muahaha," Illiath chuckled.  "Careful!" Jakob warned her, as the spell went astray.

"That will have to do," she sighed at last.

"Will he make it...?" Jakob whimpered plaintively.

"I don't know.  But this is the best we can do here and now.  Putting him in a healing sleep and slowing his metabolism was a good idea, but he still needs urgent medical attention.  We can't take him on the bike, but you... you can drive, right?"

"I can, but... his jeep?" the wolf queried.  "Will it still work?  It looks like it's rolled over and back." 

"They're mil-spec," Illiath pointed out.  "A little tumble like that won't hurt it."

Jakob tried the ignition - it didn't catch.

"Shit," Illiath said.  "Okay, I should be able to get it working, though."

"There isn't time for that!" Jakob protested.  "Wait... that... Caroline?  How did she get here?"

"She must have... oh."  Illiath uttered a brief incantation and another jeep, TAUN021, suddenly appeared a few metres away, the driver-side door still open.

"Right.  You take Caroline's jeep.  I'll stay behind and fix the vehicles."

"You're a far better driver than I am," Jakob said.  "Can't you..."

"No.  In case he doesn't make it... You know the Zalaman Process.  You can remove his soul without damaging it, that he might live again.  I can't do that."

"So you drive and I'll watch over him..."

"No!  Someone will steal my bike!" Illiath protested.  "Or Jerry's jeep!  That's Taun property, we can't just abandon it!  I have to try and fix it.  I can rack the bike on the back once I've got it running again."

"What about the crazy lady...?"

"Take her to the hospital too.  You might need to impersonate her if someone asks you for your ID," she added.  "Oh, but make sure she's disarmed."

"The jeep's only got two seats!" Jakob pointed out.  Illiath just grinned.  "Oh no," Jakob said, "That's a really bad idea."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 47 (2013/03/09)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 09, 2013, 08:05:37 AM
... I'm really not sure what Illiath has in mind, but _any_ of the possible options seem like a bad idea.

Medically speaking, even. :-/
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 48 (2013/03/16)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 15, 2013, 09:01:58 PM
I should probably confess that the exact design of the Jeep has drifted a little in the telling of the tale.

Chapter 48

Lady Finch stood before The Professor, addressing him nervously.  The expression on the raccoon's face was grim and full of suspicion.

"What have you done?!" he demanded.  "How did you get back here?  What has happened to Taun's envoy...?"

"I killed him," she admitted at last.

"You did what?!" he screamed, wings becoming tentacles, one of them looping towards her neck.  Sophie and Wendy rushed forward, grasping her arms and forcing her down...

Lady Finch rubbed her eyes, and opening them, saw the main square of Grunmore once again.

"I can't..." she whimpered to herself, and then shut her eyes.  I can't go back... he'll kill me.  But if I don't, Taun will destroy me... Daryil... he'd turn me over to Taun or worse...
But he has Richard!
she realised.  If today will be the last day of my life, I must at least say goodbye to my son... 

Slowly she turned and headed into a side-street.  There she changed her form, giving herself feathery grey headwings and a light grey-brown fur.  She looked almost like a female version of Jakob.  "Rellis," she said, "Take me to the Headquarters of the Jayhawk Cybernetics Corporation."

A streak of orange light appeared and wrapped itself around her.  A few moments later she was gone.
* * *

"You asked for me, Lord Daryil?"  Joshua queried, standing before him in full 'Cubi mode.

"Yes," the tri-wing said.  "I heard you're an avid mountaineer, and I need someone to visit a range of mountains in the Northlands."

"I should really be getting back to Starfire," the husky replied doubtfully.

"Ah, but this is something you'll need to report to Starfire in any case," Daryil said.  "Consider it a tip-off.  But if you are worried, I can talk to them myself.  I'm sure they will make allowances for you being loaned to me."

"Where do you want me to go?" Josh asked quickly, the thought of Daryil talking to his superiors filling him with abject horror.  "And what am I expected to find there?"

"The ruins of Harla'Keth," Daryil said.  "And you're looking for Keaton's Clan Leader."

Josh's wings fanned out and he took a few steps backwards, bumping into the wall.

"You won't be going alone," the fox reassured him.  "You'll need people with knowledge and experience of Jyraneth Clan, so they will be going too."

"Oh gods... not Keaton..?"

"No," Daryil said.  "She's shit-scared of Jyraneth, and even if she wasn't, I can't risk her falling under her Leader's spell.  No, I had some volunteers.  Do you remember Salomere?  Dorcan's mother?"

"Yes," Josh replied slowly.  "She's coming?"

"Unless you have a major objection, yes.  Also, her mother-in-law, Julei Ja'Fell."

"I... I'm not sure I trust her," the dog said uncomfortably.  "She... she was a Jyraneth, wasn't she...?"

"Yes," a voice said behind him.  "And I appreciate your concern."  Josh turned with a start and gulped slightly - Julei stood there in her typically seductive attire, black leather, silk, shiny leggings and gloves like some kind of pin-up.... everything a red-blooded male husky could want all wrapped in a shiny package.

"If I were in your position, I wouldn't trust me either," the husky succubus admitted.  "In my time I have helped commit more than a million murders..."

"Really...?" Joshua asked, his voice raising in pitch as he tried to remain calm.

"Well, I'm exaggerating, but I did many evil things in Jyraneth's name."

"Do you regret them now?" Josh asked, nervously.

"For the most part, yes.  But sometimes - just sometimes - I look back on the excitement of it all," she sighed.  "Unless you've done it, you can never know the thrill of being a predator, of picking out a victim and slaying them while they whimper and beg for mercy.  And the seduction," she added, throwing back her hair and adopting a pose that would have made Josh's eyes water if only they could.  "Wrapping some helpless Being around your finger, having them pleasure you and then crushing the energy from their helpless soul and devouring it..."

"Daryil," Josh said, eying the succubus nervously, "You were afraid Keaton might go like that under the Lady's influence.  With all respect to Julei, is there a risk she might... well... defect?"

"No," Daryil said.

"Jyraneth sentenced us to death," Julei pointed out, and the spell was broken.  "I may be a little old-fashioned in my thinking, but I realise now that violence and murder has no place in my day-to-day life.  My family have adopted a pro-Being stance, and that has proven to be a sound and good policy.  In any case, I swore myself to Mordrith's oath.  Even if I thought so little of my family as to betray their beliefs, I swore to let the past be the past.

"In any case, Daryil has asked me to come with you and you should trust him even if you don't trust me yet.  I know the old layout of the city, because I lived there for thousands of years.  And if the Lady really has awakened, I know how she thinks.  Or used to, at any rate.  Whatever the case, Mordrith has shielded me from Jyraneth so I should be immune from her influences." 

"So, Julei and Salomere," Josh said, trying hard to put Julei's lithe figure out of his mind.  "Is anyone else coming?"

There was a knock at the door.  Daryil opened it, and Salomere entered the office, with Nicklaus in tow.

"Hello, Nick," Daryil said.  "You know Julei already, I think.  This is Joshua Oswald.  He's dead."

Josh glowered at Daryil.  "I'm an android," he explained.  "I was a Being, but as Daryil has rather untactfully put it, I died.  When Jakob offered to rebuild me into something more 'Cubi-like, I took that opportunity."

Josh took the young man's hand and shook it.  "I'm Nick Jy... Ja'Fell," he said.

"We're planning a little expedition, Nick," Daryil said.  "Would you like to go too?"

"Where would we be going?"  Nick asked, nervously.

"To find Jyraneth," Daryil said blithely.  Nick let out a loud squealing noise and dashed out of the room through the door, which was closed.

"Not again," the Tri-wing said, studying the splintered hole in the door-frame where the lock had been pushed through it. 

"Lord Daryil," Joshua said, "I don't think he wants to go."

* * *

Caroline came to muzzily.  Everything was dark and her hands were bound.

Foolish, she thought.  Shouldn't have given me the chance.  For this indignity, I'll... she hesitated, realising that the bracers were enchanted.

Maybe not so foolish.  These are Taun issue, she decided.  Must have been taken from my poor son's vehicle...  Wait... that's where I am now!


Jakob was driving a stolen jeep with a dying husky slumped in the seat next to him and the vehicle's registered owner tied up and dumped unceremoniously in the boot.  Things would be extremely difficult to explain if he was stopped by the region's militia and he felt rather conspicuous, dressed as he was in the racing leathers Daryil had given him.  The fact that he had clearly hopped off a sports bike did not exactly help him blend in.

As it happened, Jeremiah tended to drive his jeep in full platemail and Caroline clearly had similar preferences, since the controls of her vehicle had been modified in the same manner as her son's vehicle to allow for the clumsier touch of gauntleted hands.  As as result, Jakob's own gloves and boots did not hinder him.

The wolf's headwings twitched slightly as he sensed a sudden pulse of mind and emotions  nearby.  Oh shit, she's awake, he thought.  The succubus went through a spectrum of emotions and then settled on a sullen anger.

Well, that's somehing, Jakob thought.  She's not likely to do anything rash just yet.   

Making sure there was no other traffic or hazards nearby, Jakob concentrated for a second and lowered part of his mind-shield briefly.

Sorry about this, he thought loudly, But I have to get him to safety.  We can talk things out afterwards, maybe.

There was a brief burst of hatred and then the emotions settled back into dim anger. 

The hospital was in the outskirts of Fairwater and Jakob felt a deep sense of relief as it approached.  So far no-one had stopped him.  It would have been quicker to go to Parbury, but Fairwater was safer.

Jakob still wasn't sure who had tried to murder his old roomie, but since Grunmore was apparently some kind of headquarters for the Fa'Rana clan there was a fair chance they had some hand in it.  If they wanted Jeremiah dead, leaving him in a hospital in a Being city infiltrated by their clan was not the best idea.  No, a city run by 'Cubi would be a far better choice.
In any case, it's too late to change my mind, Jakob thought, parking near the AE unit and walking briskly into the reception.

"Mr Pettersohn...?" the receptionist said.  "Yes...?" Jakob said, fluffing out slightly.

"We had a call from Illiath Taun, she said to expect you and a Jeremiah Taun," she continued, as a pair of orderlies came past with a stretcher and a trolley.

"We'll take it from here," she added, "Though there is some paperwork that will need to be filed."

Jakob sighed and took off his gloves.

* * *

Lady Finch was disguised as a Being when she arrived in the Jayhawk headquarters at Thorsden.  She, Johan and The Professor had spent a not inconsiderable amount of time making covert studies of the headquarters of the Jayhawk Cybernetics Corporation.

The fact that the foyer contained a large statue of Lord Daryil in some kind of goth wear had by itself been a good indicator that the site was somehow crucial to Daryil Clan's interests, but it was what they had learned from ex-members of the now-disbanded Subtle Paw that had sealed the deal.

Lady Finch had learned that while the headquarters was precisely what it seemed to be - the bona-fida hub of an industrial conglomerate, albeit one financed by Daryil - it also held a far darker secret.  One of the corridors contained an intradimensional portal, a bridge to the organisation's secret research and development base, said to be deep within Furrae's Arctic Circle and very heavily guarded.

If Daryil had some kind of bolt-hole, as most tri-winged Clan Leaders did, it was almost certainly there.

With a quiet confidence that she didn't really feel, Lady Finch made her way past reception, through the main door and into the corridors.  She couldn't quite remember how it went, but there was a helpful map.  One of the corridors was unmarked and came to an abrupt end.

That has to be it, she thought excitedly, almost forgetting for a moment that she was under sentence of death from at least three separate factions.

She opened the door and found herself staring at a sheer concrete wall.

"That'll do," a voice said behind her.  "We shut the portal down as soon as you entered the building.  You can revert to your base form now."

Lady Finch turned around nervously, and found herself staring at a muscular Alsatian incubus with the clan mark of Lord Daryil on one arm.  He was flanked by armed guards and what appeared to be some kind of robotic feline animal.

With a sigh of defeat, the succubus released her disguise and became a red-winged wolf once again.

"Good.  Now, who are you and what are you trying to do...?"

The succubus closed her eyes, breathed deeply and steeled herself.  "My name is Lady Albeth Finch," she stated.  "I was attempting to break into Lord Daryil's sanctum, where he is holding my son.  I surrender.  Take me to your Leader."

"Very well," Nigel said, and placed a pair of enchanted bracers on her wrists.  "Daryil has been expecting you."

Lady Finch gulped.

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 48 (2013/03/16)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 16, 2013, 03:09:12 PM
Take me to your leader. Hehehehe.

I dunno about anyone else, but I'd be really hesitant about asking that of anyone associated with Daryil. After all, I might get what I asked for, and meeting him would have fairly unpredictable results...
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 48 (2013/03/16)
Post by: Gabi on March 20, 2013, 11:49:32 AM
Indeed, and that seems to be exactly what happened.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 49 (2013/03/23)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 23, 2013, 07:47:28 AM
I knew I'd forgotten something.

Chapter 49

Lord Daryil sat behind his desk, an imposing expression upon his features like some kind of ancient king sitting in judgement.  He did not look up as Lady Finch was led trembling into the room.

"Ah, hello Albeth," Daryil said, without looking.  Instead he levelled his gaze on the desk and removed an apple from his drawer.  With his bare hands, he twisted the fruit slightly and it ripped into two pieces.  Lady Finch struggled to keep her breathing steady.

"I take it you're here to rescue Richard?" he asked, looking up at her at last.  "I keep telling you that he doesn't want to leave..."

"I know.  I also knew that I would likely be caught.  I just wanted to see my son again, one final time before you kill me," the wolf said.  Daryil fluffed out slightly, and swept the pieces of apple into a small metal wastebasket.

"I beg your pardon?" he asked.

"I have made a foolish mistake," the succubus began.  "Taun will destroy me when she learns of my crime.  The Professor will sell me out to her in order to save himself.  And I know that you will not forgive me for my sins.
"I do not ask your forgiveness, I have accepted my fate.  Do what you will to me... all I ask is that you allow me to see my poor son one final time."

"If you've pissed off Taun, I'm not sure I can help," Daryil said.  "Well, I guess it depends what you did.  I might be able to get you off the hook or ameliorate the damage you've done."

"Do not toy with me, Daryil.  I know that I have broken your Tenets.  Whether it was real or feigned, Callahan feared your wrath.  I have killed many more than he has and I know that you mean to exact a terrible penalty from me for my crimes."

"My dear," Daryil said, "It's not like that at all."

"But I have broken every one of your Tenets..." the succubus said, staring in disbelief.  "You would forgive me, but threaten Callahan with death?  I don't understand you..."

"Ah, but Callahan was a member of my clan.  You are not.  What you get up to in your own time is not my concern unless it somehow threatens myself or my children.  Though I do find the brain thing extremely distasteful, and soul-stealing is despicable," he added, lip curling.

"Be truthful, Albeth," Daryil said.  "I will consider your request.  And yes, I may allow you see your son, but I will set some conditions.  First, what do you intend to do after you have seen Richard?"

"I hadn't thought that far ahead," the she-wolf admitted.  "It seems a waste of time to make plans when Taun will end me, perhaps my soul too... Yes, I... I think I will have to kill myself."

"Ah yes," Daryil said.  "The Taun business.  Taun is a rather distant old bird and it's difficult to provoke her to violence.  Tell me, Albeth, what have you actually done...?"

"Well," Lady Finch began, "It's like this..."

* * *

Jakob walked back out of the hospital with a casual gait and headed towards Caroline's jeep.  He hesitated, glanced around and then slowly reached down to open the boot.  As he bent over, a wild figure leaped into the air behind him and brought her sword down across his neck with a savage grin.

Bracing herself for the impact, Caroline staggered as the blade passed cleanly through the wolf's neck and down into his collar like it wasn't there.  It glanced off the jeep's boot with a resounding clang.
Overbalancing at the unexpected lack of resistance, the jackal succubus tripped over and thickly gloved hands seized her wrists, pinning them back and reattaching the enchanted bracers.  She looked up at the sky and emitted a piercing scream of frustration and anger.

"Naughty," Jakob said, strolling towards Caroline and Illiath as his illusory double vanished.

"Let me go, bitch!  What you did to my son... I'll kill you!" the jackal screamed.

"Calm down, calm down," Illiath said, holding the crazed succubus firmly.  A small crowd had emerged from the hospital building, and a giraffe Demon in a white coat approached them.

"What is going on here?  Is she alright?"

"Um," Jakob said, glancing to Illiath for reassurance.

"She's a bit crazy," Illiath said apologetically.  "Her name is Caroline Taun and she has a few emotional control problems."

The warden frowned.  "Taun...?  Is she related to the incubus we just admitted...?"

"It's his mother," Jakob put in.  "She seems to think I was responsible for his injuries and won't see reason."

"Oh, we're used to that here.  I can have her sedated if it helps," the Demon offered.

"We might be able to avoid that," Jakob said, and stared down at the jackal, eyes blazing.  His hand began to tremble slightly and a tear was forming in one eye, soaking into the fur.  Caroline became limp and began to sob uncontrollably.  "I'm sorry," she said.  "I'm so, so sorry..."

"Emotion jamming," Illiath whispered to the demon.  Aloud she added, "She should be safe now.  But by all means sedate her if it looks like she's going to freak out again.  You probably do want to keep her under some kind of watch."

"She will want to see her son when they're both well enough," Jakob said.

The demon nodded and led the weeping figure into the hospital building as they watched. "Now what?" Jakob asked.

"I don't think there's much more we can do," the doberman mused, putting Caroline's weapons in Jeremiah's jeep and removing her bike from the racking.  "We'll leave both vehicles here, I think."

"Are you sure?" Jakob asked, glancing unhappily at the building.

"There's nothing more we can do.  The hospital has both our numbers so we'll be informed about Jerry's progress.  No, we should inform our clans.  Besides, I have a school to run."

So saying, she hopped on the bike, and patted the back seat, gesturing him to sit upon it.  Reluctantly, Jakob helmeted up and climbed aboard.
* * *

Daryil sat back and stared at Lady Finch for a long time.  "That was fucking stupid of you," he said at last.  Lady Finch nodded unhappily.

"I might be able to have him resurrected," he added after a moment, "But if you've actually murdered Taun's fixer, High Command are going to want your death, I fear."

"I am resigned to it," Lady Finch said.  "But I will be with my husband once again... that is one consolation."

"Ah, yes. Callahan.  That's a bit of an interesting question," the tri-wing said.

"Is it...?" Lady Finch asked sharply, glancing at Daryil.  "Professor Fa'Rana believed that he was a construct of yours, that his life was a fake and his execution a hoax.  But the Professor didn't live with him for nearly thirty years.  I would have known if he was an impostor.
"Lord Daryil, there is one thing I need to know before I die... Richard's father.  Was he really a traitor...?  Did he really betray us...?"

"He was a sleeper agent," Daryil said, after a pause.  "You were careful not to let him know too much.  This year he began sending me information, but to be completely honest, it amounted to very little.  Broad hints, mostly.  I wanted him to leave in case he was discovered and killed."

"Then it was all for nothing," Lady Finch sobbed.  "My poor husband, beheaded..."

"That was me they beheaded," Daryil said.  "May I add that it was extremely painful.  As an experience I couldn't recommend it..."

"Ihh..." the succubus started, staring at the fox with a mixture of horror and disbelief.  "You... you...  No!  You just told me he was a sleeper agent!"

"Both are correct.  Your husband was real.  But what you beheaded was a bio-construct piloted by me."

"Then... he lives...?" the wolf looked at Daryil intensely, with an air of hope bordering on desperation.

"Yep," Daryil said.  "Unless you tell the Prof, of course.  Then you'll risk him being killed for real."

"The Professor will kill me if Taun doesn't," Lady Finch snapped.  "Why would I want to..."

"Albeth, if I may be so blunt, you're a murderous bitch who has anger management problems.  But those are things that can be cured.
"Let me make a proposal.  You could join my clan.  You're ideally placed, with a child of my clan and a husband who owes me a big favour.  The rite of transferrence would be a trivial matter.  Obviously you would then be subject to the restrictions of clan law, starting from your moment of joining."

The wolf stared at him, lip starting to curl.  "You..." Daryil silenced her.

"In exchange, I may be able to square things up with Taun High Command for you."

"You... you think I would betray my own clan?!" she hissed.

"I'm not asking for that," Daryil said.  "But you would be reunited with your son and your husband.  And you'd be alive.  Frankly, that's a lot more than you deserve."

"Do you seriously expect me to believe that you'd allow someone like me in your clan?  After all the things I have done?"  Lady Finch growled, staring back at Daryil through narrowed eyes.

"Yeah, there'd be all sorts of legal complications with Taun, Marlbury, all the clans who want a piece of you after threatening to murder their children, and so on.
"You would be on probation for a long time, you would owe me some really serious penance, but those are just details that can be worked out in the end.
"And no, I don't expect you to turn into some kind of devoted fanatic who goes around spreading the Word of Daryil, but your becoming neutral rather than trying to destablise our whole world, that would be worth a lot.  Even so, I certainly don't expect you to betray The Professor, even if he wants you dead..."

"The Tri-Wing power..." Lady Finch squeaked.  "You already know all my thoughts!"

"Ah, but that only works if you're talking to me in person, which you aren't," Daryil said.  "And you have to be a member of my clan, which you aren't.  However, should you join us, I can shield you from that process if you wish it, at least to begin with."

"Daryil, I would rather face Taun's justice than join your clan."

"That can be arranged," Daryil said.  Lady Finch froze, stricken.  "I... I didn't mean..."

"I know.  Frankly I'd be alarmed if you immediately accepted without hesitation.  No, I don't expect you to make a decision right away," Daryil continued.  "But I do want you to think about my proposal."
So saying, the incubus glanced at the Alsatian hovering nearby.  "Nigel, this interview is over," he said.  "Put her away from Hayley and treat her gently but firmly.  Make sure she doesn't escape or talk to our other guest."

"But my son...!"  Lady Finch yelped as she was led away.  "I must see my son!  You promised...!"

"No, I didn't," Daryil retorted.  "But I'm in a good mood, so I think I'll arrange for him to visit you anyway."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 49 (2013/03/23)
Post by: Merlin on March 25, 2013, 12:14:59 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 23, 2013, 07:47:28 AM
"Then it was all for nothing," Lady Finch sobbed.  "My poor husband, beheaded..."

"That was me they beheaded," Daryil said.  "May I add that it was extremely painful.  As an experience I couldn't recommend it..."

"Ihh..." the succubus started, staring at the fox with a mixture of horror and disbelief.  "You... you...  No!  You just told me he was a sleeper agent!"

Bwahaha.... I know it's terrible but I just love this scene. Just imagining Lady Finch's face. Bwahaha!
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 49 (2013/03/23)
Post by: joshofspam on March 25, 2013, 01:32:02 PM
Quote from: Merlin on March 25, 2013, 12:14:59 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 23, 2013, 07:47:28 AM
"Then it was all for nothing," Lady Finch sobbed.  "My poor husband, beheaded..."

"That was me they beheaded," Daryil said.  "May I add that it was extremely painful.  As an experience I couldn't recommend it..."

"Ihh..." the succubus started, staring at the fox with a mixture of horror and disbelief.  "You... you...  No!  You just told me he was a sleeper agent!"

Bwahaha.... I know it's terrible but I just love this scene. Just imagining Lady Finch's face. Bwahaha!

Daryil certainly has a way of putting certain idea's in others heads.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 49 (2013/03/23)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 25, 2013, 02:35:29 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on March 25, 2013, 01:32:02 PM
Daryil certainly has a way of putting certain idea's in others heads.

Yes. It puts me in mind of "Will It Blend" ...
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 50 (2013/03/23)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 29, 2013, 07:49:48 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on March 25, 2013, 01:32:02 PM
Daryil certainly has a way of putting certain idea's in others heads.

That's truer than you know, as we shall see...

Chapter 50

"Yvonne," Daryil said, his voice and appearance a dead-on copy of Lady Finch, "Tell me about the Epsilon Project."

"Project Upsilon was the upgrading of the showers in the Grunmore facility.  Previously they were individual 9.8 kilowatt power shower units, but the increase in personnel made it necessary for a larger installation to be fitted, supplying a number of showering stalls from a dedicated central boiler system."

"Very interesting, but I wanted to know about Epsilon.  E-P-S-I-L-O-N," Daryil snapped, mimicking the succubus' short temper with a remarkable degree of accuracy.

"I have not been briefed on the project."

"What have you heard about the project, though?"

"The Professor has described it as 'The Ultimate Weapon'."

"What else?"

"I do not know."

"That will do for now, Yvonne," Daryil said haughtily, breaking off as he heard a knock on the door.  Putting the android's head into standby, he got up and left the lab.

Nigel jumped backwards as Lady Finch emerged from the laboratory.  Daryil quickly reverted his avatar to base form.  "Relax, Nigel, it's me," he said.  "I was just questioning Yvonne."

"Prove it," the Alsatian snarled.

Daryil glowered at him.  Nigel's body went rigid, his eyes unfocused and staring into space.  "You are my Clan Leader," he said in a dazed voice.  "These are not the droids I'm looking for.  Three bags full, sir!"

"Happy now?"  Daryil said, letting go of his mind.  "Because if you're not, I can make you happy!"

"Urff," Nigel said, shaking his head.  "Okay, you win, Daryil.  Please don't do that again."

"Sorry, but you did ask for it," Daryil said, grinning impishly.  "Besides, if I do that too much you'll build a resistance to it.  That might not be a bad thing, of course.  Anyhow, was there something you wanted?"

"Yes, it's about Lady Finch, in fact..."

"Oh dear," Daryil said, shoulders slumping.  "You want to send her to the guillotine along with Hayley, don't you...?"

"Milord, with due respect, whichever way you look at it, we... Well, we do seem to be harbouring a lot of wanted criminals lately," Nigel sighed.

"I prefer to think of it as a safe haven for the persecuted," Daryil said.  "Okay, so they are being justly persecuted, but if we simply hand them over they'll die!"

"Maybe they should," Nigel argued.  "Would you have them free to roam around taking yet more innocent lives...?"

"But taking theirs...?  That seems such a waste when they could be rehabilitated or turned," Daryil argued.  "What would it even solve?  And besides, I've done far worse in my own stupid youth.  Would you wish me executed...?"

"Now just a minute," Nigel started.

"It's not that easy.  We can't afford mistakes when dealing with someone's very life.  We should always err on the side of caution, if not for their sake, for the sake of their loved ones.
"Don't forget, Lady Finch is Richard's mother and Callahan's wife.  If she dies, it'll be YOU breaking the news to them, not me.  Having seen what happened to Richard when he thought his father had been beheaded, do you seriously want to make things worse...?"

"No, MiLord." the Alsatian said, looking at the floor with a stubborn expression on his face.

"Good.  Look, Nigel," Daryil said, gently, placing a hand on his advisor's shoulder, "I know you were brought up as an adventurer in some tin-pot kingdom out in the back of beyond.
"I can't really blame you for your somewhat medieval sense of justice... an eye for an eye, a life for a life, a soul for a soul... but I'd like to think that we as a society have moved past that kind of barbarism.  It's always better to redeem than to punish.
"And the real killer is that we're all guilty.  You're an adventurer, Nigel... you've killed people.  Every single one of us has done something that has carried the death penalty somewhere, some time.
"Many of us have a price on our heads, and so do many of the adventurers sent to bring us in.  If everyone was called to account for their misdeeds, we'd have a barren and empty world, wouldn't we?"

"But the alternative is to let monsters run rampant!"  Nigel protested.  "Demons in particular, they will kill people for little more than sport!  That's what an adventurer should be about, bringing justice to monsters who have no compassion or regrets about what they've done!  Would you deny them that...?"

"Justice, or revenge...?" Daryil asked, pointedly.  He sighed and glanced unhappily at the floor.

"I realise we're not likely to come to a final agreement on this any time soon," he said.  "But I will not have my clan murder anyone who can be reformed into a productive member of society.  That's clan policy, or it will be next time I revise the Tenets.

"But at the same time, you're quite right, Nigel.  I don't want to give people carte-blanche approval to go on a rampage... I'm trying to find the sweet-spot.
"Yes, one of these days, gods forbid, we will have someone completely irredeemable on our hands, and yes, if I'm absolutely sure, I will pass them along to the authorities to do with as they wish.
"Hayley comes close, I'll admit.  But in both of them, in Hayley, in Lady Finch, even in Keaton, there is still that little spark of good, and as long as that spark remains, they can still be saved.

"I understand," Nigel said, and glanced back at Daryil.  "Yes," Daryil smiled.  "I think you do."

* * *

Daryil stood before The Professor, addressing him courteously through the video link.  The expression on the raccoon's face was grim and full of suspicion.

"Greetings, Professor.  Have you got a minute?"

"What do you want, Daryil?"

"Fish fingers," the fox said.  "Sex.  To crush my enemies and to hear the lamentations of the women.  But right now I want to talk about Lady Finch."

"Lady Finch...?" the raccoon stiffened, trying hard to conceal his emotions.  "What about her?"

"She is in my custody," Daryil said.  The Professor panicked.

"What?!  You.. you kidnapped her?!  Do you have any idea what you've done?!  You have doomed my clan, Taun will kill us all... I see!  That was your plan all along, to get Her to do your dirty work for you!"

"No," Daryil said.  "She came here of her own free will."

"What has she done?!" he demanded, a mixture of horrified fury.  "How did she get there?  What has happened to Taun's envoy...?"

"She says she killed him," Daryil said at last.

"She did what?!" the Professor screamed, wings becoming tentacles.

"She maimed Taun's envoy in a panic and believes that everyone wants her dead, you, me, Taun.  And from your reaction, she might be on to something, I might add."

"...And she came to you for sanctuary?!  To plead for her life in exchange for betraying me?!  Is that what you're saying...?"

"Actually she assumed I'd kill her, but she begged to be able to see Richard one last time, who as you know is attending a school temporarily housed in my territory..."

"I don't believe you," the raccoon said flatly.  "She would never betray me.  But for the sake of argument, why are you telling me?  What is the reason for this call?"

"I want to make a deal," Daryil said.  "The offer of a lifetime!  As I believe I mentioned before, I have Hayley who would likely have been guillotined by now if not for my protective custody.  My chief of security thinks she should be.
"However, I am willing to offer you Hayley and Albeth, subject to the proviso that you do not harm either of them upon their safe arrival.
"In exchange, I want you to stop trying to take over the world or Parbury or whatever you're doing.  Or, if you have to, at least be a bit more open about it.  This underhanded stuff gives our whole race a bad image and I don't want us being hunted down as monsters.  That nearly got us all killed during the wars.
"Oh, and I also want you to stop threatening my clan and interests.  I have done nothing to you, after all.  If we do come to a disagreement such things can be sorted out by diplomacy, surely...?"

"Let me see," The Professor said.  "Your offer is Albeth and Hayley in exchange for throwing away more than four centuries of work?!"  He looked slightly amused.  "You don't ask for much, do you, Daryil?  Was there anything else you wanted?"

"A pony," the fox said, eyes shining.  "A bright blue one with a multicoloured mane and little wings!  Though fish-fingers and sex would be nice too, if you're offering."

"No," the raccoon snarled.  "Your terms are unacceptable.  When my plans come to fruition, it will benefit the entire 'Cubi race!  We shall be masters of this world as we should have been in the first place!"

"Yeah, that would be rather nice," Daryil said, "But it should happen over a long period of time and with the consent of the other races.  That's kind of what Taun is trying to do over the next ten thousand years or more, and that's the kind of strategy we should use if our race truly should rule, which I'm not really sold on in the first place.
"No, Taun plans a slow and gentle path, but you're trying to force the issue and do it quickly.  That's dangerous.  I don't know what you're planning, but the hints and rumours I've heard sound pretty mental, and when it's me saying that, you know you've got problems.
"Professor, what really worries me is that you may trigger another war, one that would end our race forever.  I can't let that happen if it's in my power to prevent it."

"Those who dare, win," The Professor said smugly.

"But the meek shall inherit Furrae," Daryil countered.  "If there's anything left to inherit after you gamble and lose."

"I have nothing further to say to you, Lord Daryil," The Professor said coldly.  "Tell Albeth that I'm sorry."

The screen went blank.

* * *

"Hi guys," Niall said, approaching a table in one of the common rooms.  Sydney and Richard were finishing up some homework - Sheila had already finished hers and was reading a treatise on the Fae.

"How's it going?"

"Not badly," the doberman replied.  "Seduction classes.  We have to design an erotic outfit that we can easily change or shapeshift into.  Nothing wrong with that, I guess, but still... I'm not sure I understand why the seduction courses had to be mandatory.  I don't want to be that kind of 'Cubi!"

"There's more to seduction than just seducing people," Niall said, stroking his leather trousers in a provocative manner.  "'Cubi can sometimes start doing it unconsciously, and this helps you control it.  Besides, it can be fun.  Especially the films in the advanced course."

"Not more educational films..." Richard moaned.

"Oh no," Niall said, "You have to make them.  You split into pairs, videotape it and then the rest of the class has to evaluate your technique."

"Eww," Sydney said, edging way from Richard, who looked far too eager at the prospect.

"Did you need something?" Sheila asked, trying to derail the conversation.  "I mean, no offence, but some of us are working..."

"Yes, actually.  Richard...?  Daryil wants a word with you when you've got a minute.  It's not urgent.  He's calling The Professor now anyway, but if you can pop by his office in ten minutes or so..."

"Who actually is The Professor?"  Sheila asked suddenly.  "I mean, I've heard of him, and I know he's in charge of Richard's clan, but who actually is he and what does he want?  And why does he call himself The Professor anyway?"

Niall sighed and sat down.  "Some centuries ago, Fa'Rana was a professor teaching at SAIA, Fa'Lina's original Succubus and Incubus Academy," he began.

"Oh?  What subjects did he teach?"

"Death," Niall said.  "Professor Fa'Rana was actually in charge of the Necrology department at SAIA until Fa'Lina sacked him and kicked him out of the Academy.  Apparently she didn't like some of the things he was researching."

"SAIA taught soul-eating and all kinds of cool stuff," Richard blurted eagerly, then covered his muzzle with a shiny gloved hand and looked abashed.   "Uh, I mean nasty stuff," he said.  "Point is, why'd she allow things like that but kick him out for his research...?"

"SAIA had to cater to the needs of many different clans," Sheila said, ignoring Richard's slip.  "With so many varied attitudes it was impossible to please everyone.  Some clans would refuse to use the facility if their children weren't taught how to do evil things like rape or soul-stealing.  Other clans wanted to use SAIA but resented the fact that her academy might teach their children to be soul-stealing rapists.
"At the end of the day, she had to compromise to get the thing going.  So she did end up with classes that taught soul-stealing, murder, torture, rape and many other hateful things, but they were very tightly controlled and that would not have been the case with a clan's own teachers."

"That's about right," Niall said.

"But there's something I don't understand," Sheila said, glancing at Niall doubtfully.

"Go on," the fox said.  "I'll answer if I can.  But if it's about my love life or dad's..."

"They say that Fa'Lina could see the future," Sheila stated. "That she could predict what her students and staff would do within SAIA, and even a couple of months after they left.  Why did she kick Professor Fa'Rana out after so long, instead of preventing him teaching at all?  She must have known about his experiments, and what he was going to do!"

"Yeah," Niall said.  "I think she kept him for as long as she could, but eventually it got too much for her.  I don't know why she did it, and we can't exactly ask her now.
"But I have heard rumours.  They say... that he was kicked out, not because of what he was doing, but because of what he would have done if she hadn't ejected him."

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 50 (2013/03/23)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 30, 2013, 08:02:30 AM
Oh, Daryil.

He's awfully hard to bargain with. It's kind of like trying to hold a screaming kitten with a pair of chopsticks.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 51 (2013/04/13)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 12, 2013, 07:21:49 PM
Yeah, I've dropped back to a two-week schedule for now.   The writing has slowed down a little.

Chapter 51

"Hello, Richard," Daryil said.  He was dressed in the same manner as the jackal standing nervously before him, tight pants, shiny arm-length gloves, long boots and not much else.

"I have some bad news," he continued.  "Your mother is in trouble."

"Oh gods!  What's wrong?!  Is she hurt?"  Richard yelped, wings fanning out.

"Not yet," Daryil said.

"What do you mean, 'not yet'?!" the jackal squeaked.

"She's tried to murder Taun's ambassador.  If that gets out, being hurt will be the least of her concerns.  However, I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks, my Lord.  But where is she?  Is she in danger?"

"No.  She's here, actually.  Surrendered herself.  I tried to broker a deal with her, but she's a stubborn one.  So I've put her in custody for now while I work out what to do."

"Please let me see her," Richard pleaded.

"Yes," Daryil said, "That's what I'm here for.  Come with me, please."

Daryil led the way and then stopped suddenly, causing Richard to bump into him.

"What's the matter...?" the jackal quavered.  Daryil glanced back at him, unconcerned.

"The headmistress has returned.  Since she's part of the puzzle we should probably catch her first and all go to visit her together."


Lady Finch sat upon her bed.  There was a bitter irony in that her cell was not dissimilar to the one that she had holed Sydney up in.  All manner of comforts were provided, books, television, though no worldnet and her own phone was blocked, shielded from the rest of the base by a Faraday cage in the walls of the room.

She looked up with a start as the door unlocked and opened.  Daryil came in followed by a distraught-looking Richard, and then finally by Illiath Taun, broadsword on her back and a rather grim expression.

"No!" the wolf yelped and backed away.  The bracers she wore prevented her from assuming an offensive posture and she found herself backed into a wall.

Daryil stared at her in surprise, Richard still distraught, Illiath still grim.

"What's the problem...?" the fox queried.

"Please," the wolf said, "Not here, not like this... give me a fighting chance, at least!  And not in front of my poor son!"

"What's she..." Richard started, but Daryil interrupted him with a cough.

"Illiath isn't here to execute you," the fox said.  "Though she would be within her rights to do so.  No, she's here to help you, in a sense."

"That's a sick joke, and you know it," Lady Finch snarled.  "Like Illiath Taun would ever wish to help me after everything I've..."

"You owe me a lot," Illiath said, a sour expression on her face.  "You've kidnapped me, embarrased me before my Leader, ruined my school and forced what's left of it into Daryil territory, which goes against everything we've done to try and give the school a neutral image.
"The insurers say that the attack is an act of war and not covered by our policy, and the Professor continues to refuse to return the property to my keeping.
"So yes, you have a lot to answer for, but maybe you can convince The Professor to make amends.  In any case, I would rather not see your life ended.  Being a member of Taun's Clan, I can plead for your life before High Command."

"I killed your emissary," Lady Finch whispered.  "Taun will never forgive me for that."

"Actually you didn't," the headmistress corrected her.  "My companion found him dying, and rescued him.  Unless someone else has designs on his life, he will recover.  I thought you might find this interesting."

"You see," Daryil put in, "If you swear to be very, very good, we can probably square things with Taun for you.  I doubt you'll get out of it unscathed, but you should get out of it alive.
"But I will do this only if you can promise not to cause more trouble.  After all, why should I waste time and effort getting you pardoned if you just go out and bring another bounty down upon your head...?"

"Did you have anything more specific than 'being good'?"  Lady Finch asked, her lip curling slightly.

"Being very, very good," Daryil said.  "Not killing people, not nicking their brains or their souls anymore.  Joining my clan would be a great start too," he added hopefully.  "I can help you.  I can cure your anger problems."

"You know my feelings on that, Lord Daryil," the succubus said angrily.  "My answer is still no.  You think you can square things with Taun?  Well, I think I can square things with The Professor.  Especially if it seems that Jeremiah will live.  We should be able to manage Taun ourselves..."

"I wouldn't bet on Taun Clan letting it go without help," Daryil sighed.  "You did attempt to murder him, and he is likely to recommend to High Command that you represent an immediate threat to clan interests.  It will take a lot of work from both Illiath and myself to undo that.  Also..."

"Also what?"

"Well, I called the Professor up earlier, actually," Daryil said sadly.  "I offered to send you back to him if he promised not to hurt you and to stop doing things which may endanger our race.  But wouldn't go for it," the fox sighed.  "I didn't think I asked that much, and I'm sorry.  Actually the Prof said he was sorry too, but I don't believe him.  I think he's just abandoned you."

Lady Finch stared back at him for a few moments.  "You... you're saying this to try and make me join your clan," she snapped at last, but the fear in her voice was still obvious.

"Well, that too," Daryil admitted.  "But... well, if you need proof, I can show you the recording.  Heck, subject to a boatload of restrictions to try and prevent any mischief, I might even let you call him up for a brief chat."

"I may take you up on that offer," the succubus said.  "But you have brought Richard too.  Why...?  Do you mean to try and break my poor son's spirit by seeing his mother in your power?  Is that your game?"

"Of course not," Daryil said.  "You allowed yourself to be captured because you wanted to see him, remember?  Well, here he is.  I'm afraid I can't leave you alone together, but I can leave you in Illiath's care.   Not because I want to invade you privacy, but just in case he's brought one of those fancy teleport devices with him.  But aside from that, feel free to talk as you wish."

"I'll let you know when they're done," Illiath said, as Daryil left the room, locking the door behind him.

Cautiously, as if hardly daring to believe it, the wolf succubus edged closer to Richard, throwing the occasional nervous glance towards Illiath as if expecting to be thwarted or separated from her child.

At length she stood there, strangely vulnerable as she glanced at her son, wondering if Daryil's influence had pushed the two of them apart.  Perhaps that was it, that his plan wasn't to break Richard, but to torment her by having her only child reject her...

She glanced down with a start as Richard threw his arms around her, hugging the succubus tightly and choking back sobs.  It took all her strength to keep the tears from her own eyes.

"So,"  Lady Finch began at last, "How has school been?  Have you been eating properly...?"

* * *
"Sorry about earlier," Julei said, waiting in the office for Daryil's avatar to return.  "But it was important you understand.  I have a dark past, dark enough that most 'Cubi would consider me to be a pariah.  My former clan was evil and that is something which I look back on with a certain degree of shame."

"One thing, though..." Josh asked.  "Why didn't the Dragons kill Jyraneth?"

"I don't know," Julei admitted.  "Maybe they hoped she'd destroy the Kamei'Sin.  The Dragons always loved to have others do their dirty work for them, after all.
"Or it may simply be that in her ignorance and naivety, Jyraneth found some way to hide her clan from them which other Leaders had never discovered.  I'm not sure I'd really want to ask..."

"I was born to a clan of Jyraneth allies," Salomere said, glancing up from the book she was reading, a clothing catalogue aimed at 'Cubi that had been lying on Daryil's desk.
"So, I don't have any experience of her.  But Neremath, my husband, even though he was just a child he knew that asking too many questions, or just one wrong one could land you on a one-way trip to the Red Queen's executioners..."

The door opened.  Salomere started, terrified for a moment that Lady Jyraneth's men had come to claim her soul.

"Sorry about leaving you all hanging like that," Daryil said, "Stuff needed doing, and spreading my attention between too many avatars at once can get confusing.  I've brought Nick back, though."

"Why do we need him?" Josh asked.  "No offence intended," he added quickly.  "It's just that... well, if he doesn't want to go, I don't think it's right to force him."

"Nor do I," Julei said.  "But he has something we need that we cannot provide for ourselves.  He's young enough that he can still dream.  As you may or may not know, an incubus or succubus who can still dream is able to communicate with their Leader, if their clan does have a living tri-wing fronting it.
"Much as I hate to admit it, Jyraneth still is technically our Clan Leader - all we've done is mask ourselves from her."

"She scares me," Nick said.  "Back when I realised I wasn't a Demon, when I figured that I might be an incubus, I read as much as I could about our race.  About all the clans.  About Jyraneth.  It was horrible, and it made things worse when she started to appear in my dreams...  I don't really want to go with you..."

"Please, Nick," Daryil said, "We do need your unique talents.  I know it will be tough, but it is important.  It's important to all of us that we know if Jyraneth is returning.  If she is, we need to know now so we can take proper precautions.  Whatever happens, I promise you'll be safe.  Julei will take good care of you, and I'll give each of you an emergency teleport amulet just in case things start to get hairy."

The young jackal glanced from Daryil to Julei to Salomere, still unsure.

"Hey, I know!" Daryil started, sitting up eagerly, "If you agree to go, I'll give you the best night of your life!"

Nick backed away, terrified.

"Okay," Daryil said, "If you agree to go, I won't give you the best night of your life!"

"Stop it," Julei snapped, angry and defensive.  "You can't force him to go with us by threatening to rape him!  He's young, he's scared and he's part of my clan!"

Daryil stared at the husky in surprise, drawing himself up to his full height.

"Is this how you would usually address a Tri-Wing...?" he demanded.

Julei stared back at Daryil with a look of horror on her face.  He began to giggle.

"You should see your face," he cackled.  "And yeah, you're right, Julei, I'm sorry.  It's just that Nick is so bish and pretty, and he's at the age of consent..."

"That doesn't mean that he..."

"I'll go with you," Nick blurted out, edging away from Daryil.

"I said she'd take good care of you," the fox said.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 51 (2013/04/13)
Post by: Bandersnatch on April 18, 2013, 04:53:21 PM
I've been reading this for five hours straight and am about half way through.  :U

Will edit this will a possible critque and/or praise when I finish.


Finally managed to go through all the chapters, what a ride. Kind of sad I've reached the latest chapter, actually, but at least it's still ongoing. Now, I'm not entirely sure how to critique this story, simply because I just finished it recently. I think I need to scan through and re-read the chapters to truly feel like I can critique a book. I don't like reading it once and judging it unless it's god awful, which this definitely was not! In fact, with praise incoming, I felt like this story flowed nicely, was able to connect some of the "mysteries" rather smoothly (like the fact that Daryil wasn't Richard's dad, just because Richard was too young and Tri-Wing can't have kids... and Daryil's a bit fruity).

Will probably critique this better when you post another chapter or so, as that'll give me time to re-read most of this and get a groove for it, but for now? MOAR CHAPTERS PLZ!  :eager
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 51 (2013/04/13)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 20, 2013, 12:51:59 PM
Quote from: Bandersnatch on April 18, 2013, 04:53:21 PM
Will probably critique this better when you post another chapter or so, as that'll give me time to re-read most of this and get a groove for it, but for now? MOAR CHAPTERS PLZ!  :eager

I'm working on chapter 58 at the moment, which is about 75% done.  At this point I probably could switch back to the weekly updates again because I've cleared a big hurdle.  On the other hand, since the story is rapidly approaching its end I don't want to rush things and be left with a substandard finale.

Or I could switch back to weekly and if I do run out of buffer you'll just have to wait ;-)
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 51 (2013/04/13)
Post by: Bandersnatch on April 20, 2013, 01:19:34 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 20, 2013, 12:51:59 PM

...since the story is rapidly approaching its end....

...if I do run out of buffer you'll just have to wait ;-)



Though I guess all good things must come to an end, eventually.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 52 (2013/04/20)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 20, 2013, 02:40:36 PM
Quote from: Bandersnatch on April 20, 2013, 01:19:34 PM
Though I guess all good things must come to an end, eventually.

Trying to prolong a story past its natural end rarely works.  That said, I remember when I realised I was running out of ideas in Future History, it nearly made me cry.  But 60 chapters was pretty good innings and besides it was stretching out the comic - each new chapter added 6-12 weeks to it  and if I didn't stop I'd have something that lasted for decades. 

60 chapters was my goal for Epsilon as well.  I think it's going to overrun slightly, but not by much.

And with that in mind, I can probably go back to a weekly schedule, so here you go:

Chapter 52

Professor Fa'Rana sat in his usual chair in the meeting room.  For a moment he cast a glance at Lady Finch's empty seat, but his expression hardened and he cleared his throat.  The other 'Cubi around the table came to attention.

"I'm afraid the time has come," the Professor began unhappily.  "As I'm sure you all know, there was an unfortunate incident involving Taun's clan.  Lady Finch offered to throw herself before Taun's mercy, but for reasons known only to herself, she has reneged on this promise.
"As such, we must assume that Taun will shortly mobilise her army against us.  Now!  We have long prepared and practiced for this kind of attack, so everything should be fine so long as we stick to the procedure.
"I will be placing the base under lockdown as of 0630 hours - the shields will be raised at that time, so you have until then to sort out any affairs that require contact with the surface.
"Prior to this, I want action taken against Daryil.  All functioning K1300 units are to report to the main laboratory for briefing as soon as this meeting is concluded.  Are there any questions?"

"Just one, Professor," Johan began.  "Taun is more than fifty thousand years old.  If she truly wants our heads, she can wait indefinitely.  With respect, hiding will only delay the inevitable..."

"The Epsilon Project," Professor Fa'Rana said.  "I believe I have made the final breakthrough.  We need only hold her off until it is completed.  Then she will have to listen to us... or be destroyed."

* * *

"You wanted to see me, Lord Daryil?" the Demon asked, cautiously entering Daryil's office and kneeling respectfully before the fox.  Daryil had enormous power, and even though Daxxon had rejected the usual Demon creed of power above all else, it still coloured his outlook from time to time.

"I'm not really your lord, but yeah," Daryil said.  "Just one second..."
So saying, he reached over to a calendar upon the wall.  With a flourish of his pen, he made a large tick on the entry for the previous day.  As Dax stared at it, he realised that the entire month up to that day was graced with a multitude of ticks, in varying colours.  Some appeared to have been done in crayon.

"Uh," the alsatian said, glancing at Daryil in confusion.

"Just signing yesterday off," Daryil said.  "So that the gods know it has met with my approval."

"Um... what happens if it doesn't...?" the demon asked nervously.

"We have to try harder the next day," Daryil said.  "I mean, yes, it would be nice if I could reload and do it again until it's perfect, but I'm not that powerful.
"There were a couple of crosses last month," he added with a sigh, "the fall of ISIS, Arnold's murder, Hayley... various ugly things like that."

"You wanted to see me, Lord...?" Daxxon asked again.

"Oh!  Yes.  I was going to tell you about the incident with Taun's Clan recently.  One of their more mental clan members went off her meds and tried to kill Jakob.  He's okay," the fox added quickly, "I just want to avoid any further incidents.
"I figured you'd find out about it eventually and I wanted to be sure that you didn't do anything that would complicate the situation by attacking her or something."

"I understand, Daryil," the alsatian demon said.

"Yes, now..." the fox's voice trailed away.  Daxxon looked up and saw that Daryil's wings had fanned out.

"Holy shit," Daryil said.  Daxxon glanced around but whatever Daryil was looking at, it wasn't in that room.

* * *

The melon sliced cleanly in two.  The class erupted into a round of applause as Professor Falkirk bowed.

"And that," the ungroomed poodle said, "is how you can form your wings into offensive weapons.  As many of you will know, 'Cubi tend to do this instinctively when threatened, but the story doesn't end there.
"Having conscious control over wing-tentacles will allow you to be more... well, I hesitate to say more deadly, because as a school we don't really want our students rampaging, and besides, killing a person robs us of their emotions.
"But the extra strength and precision which we can get through practice and exercise can be really handy for cutting through rock, felling trees, demolition and so on.  There are countless peaceful uses for your tentacles as cutting implements, much like an axe can be a murder weapon or a tool for saving lives.
"And in case you are wondering," he added, glancing down at the seeds and juice down his front, "This little demonstration is also the reason I am wearing PVC trousers this evening.  I can wear them in the shower after the class.
"Next lesson will be a practical - I'll start teaching you how you can do this yourselves, starting with shadow-puppetry.  Are there any questions?"

"No?  Good.  In that case, you can all fuck off," he said disarmingly.  "I haven't set any homework for this lesson, though there will be a special prize if you can beat my high score on Soul Burglar III," he added and began writing a large number on the whiteboard.

"I thought that was one of the best lessons so far," Richard said, as they left the classroom.

"I hear the matter manipulation classes get pretty interesting in the later years," Sheila replied.

Sydney glanced at her briefly.  "Is that creating raw materials directly or something?"

Just then, Professor Falkirk ran past, hounded by a small gaggle of students.

"I thought there weren't any questions," the fox said.

"Apparently there are now," the poodle called back.

"So, uh, Richard," Sydney asked, "How is your mother doing?  Do you know what Daryil has in mind for her?"

"She's... odd," Richard said.  "Relieved to find me safe, but confused and kinda scared.  I think it's about Dad, now she knows that he's alive, but he's teamed up with Daryil... That's kind of put a strain between them.  Yeah, she's glad he's alive, but him selling out to Daryil, that's... well, she's got very mixed feelings.
"But she was also scared Taun will kill her.  Before, she saw death as a way to be with Dad again while also paying for her clans' sins, but now that she knows he's alive and that Taun's envoy is alive, she's got something to live for again."

"Maybe she should join Daryil's Clan," Sheila said.  "She's in an ideal position to do.  You give her the genetic link and Daryil is a tri-winged Founder..."

"I dunno," Richard said doubtfully.  "Daryil told me not to mention that.  I think he thinks she'll think I'm trying to force her to do his will, that I'm completely in his power or something.  Either way it would upset her and I don't want that, she's got enough problems as..."

"As what?" Syd asked, and glanced up at Richard.  The jackal's wings had fluffed out and he was backing against the wall in terror.

"Get back, back against the wall!" Richard squealed.  "Hide!"

Sheila gave a gasp and flattened herself against the wall, Sydney doing the same.  A troupe of mares walked past them, eyes vacant and dead, movements oddly stilted.  A pair of them stopped, turned to face the opposite wall and then marched through it, leaving a gaping hole in the concrete and plaster.

* * *

"What's happened?!"  Daxxon demanded, looking scared.  His skin had hardened instinctively, a protective reflex against danger that all Demons shared.

"Professor Fa'Rana has attacked the base," Daryil said, speaking quickly and clearly.  "There are at least three android mares in L-block.  I think they're after Jakob or someone.  Possibly Lady Finch...
"Ashley," he said suddenly, punching the lynx's extension number on the wallscreen.

"What is it, Dar...?" the lynx said, face a picture of concern.

"Fa'Rana's androids have entered the base," Daryil said.  "What measures can we take against them?  Also, how the hell did they get past our shields?"

"Oh fuck..." Ashley said.  "Those jump devices... they're directly warping space!  It would go clean through our magical barriers..."

"Where's Jakob...?" Daxxon demanded.  "I have to go and save him..."

"No!  Those things killed a bunch of Demons in Marlbury!" Daryil snapped.  "Don't do it, Dax.  I don't want someone as hunky as you to die..."

"But what about Jakob?!"

"The Professor has often expressed a desire to kidnap my son to use as a lever against me," Daryil said.  "I am certain that their goal is to capture, not kill.  The Professor may be crazy, but even he must know what dire fates I will unleash upon him if he assassinates any of my clan.  I think he'll try his best to avoid that.
"But he might view you as disposable.  "No, I think our safest option is not to provoke the androids.  Let them carry out their task and worry about a rescue afterwards.  Unless of course, there's some kind of... hic!" he gurgled.

"What happened?!"

"One of the mares grabbed my avatar," Daryil said.  "It's just teleported it, along with Jakob and I feel a little light-headed.  Whee!  I'll be better in a second.  But there are still two left in the building.  Avatar... ygh, Ashley I mean... are there any precautions we can take?  Any weaknesses to the androids?  Besides what Illiath and Jakob told us earlier..."

"The jump units," Ashley said.  "They require an enormous amount of power to run.  From what Yvonne has told us about the android design, there's a hefty capacitor bank inside them that has to be charged for each jump.  If it were me, I'd make them twice as big as needed so the android can warp in and warp out quickly.  If I understand it right, it's located-"

The door burst open.  Daryil spun around, magic already crackling around his fingertips.

"It's us!" Sydney yelped, slamming the door shut behind him.  Daryil cancelled the spell.  "I thought you were a robot," he said.

"They got Ri-" Sydney began, but then flattened himself against a wall as a robot mare crashed her way through the door, which was still closed.

Daxxon ran at the intruder before Daryil could stop him, and launched a kick at the robot's midriff.  There was a searing flash, a thunderclap and the alsatian found himself flat on his back, twitching slightly.  Pieces of mare fell like hail around the room, charring whatever they touched.

"Are you alright...?" Sheila asked, helping the stunned Demon to his feet.

"What were you trying to tell us earlier, Sydney?"  Daryil asked, politely but firmly.

"They... they got Richard," the fox said.

Daryil looked stricken, and then his face became a mask of fury.  "Got?!" he demanded, "You mean to say they murdered him?!"

"No, no!" the young incubus bleated, as if Daryil was accusing him of the killing.  "They took him!  It grabbed hold of him and then they were both gone!"
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 52 (2013/04/20)
Post by: Bandersnatch on April 20, 2013, 04:23:32 PM
Mhm, I like how Daryil was basically a bit of a ditz till the very end when he thought Richard was murdered. I also like how "got=murder" is the first assumption.

Also, I agree that prolonging anything to the point where it doesn't feel like the original story is bad, though it's still sad when your stories come to an end. :mowsad

Also also, I didn't think the chapter would be posted so soon, so NEXT CHAPTER WILL HAVE A REAL REVIEW! (Of course, knowing my luck, it'll be out before I actually scan through it all again.)
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 52 (2013/04/20)
Post by: Chairtastic on April 25, 2013, 01:26:33 AM
I know, as an avid reader of both this fic, and several of Tape's other stories I should already know this, and yes I am ashamed to have to ask.

But who is Daxxon?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 52 (2013/04/20)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 25, 2013, 03:19:06 AM
Quote from: Meany on April 25, 2013, 01:26:33 AM
I know, as an avid reader of both this fic, and several of Tape's other stories I should already know this, and yes I am ashamed to have to ask.

But who is Daxxon?

That's a fair question.  His name has only been mentioned twice in the story up to now, and he is new in this story.  It will become clear by chapter 54, as will one of the reasons he hasn't appeared much.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 53 (2013/04/26)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 26, 2013, 05:59:33 PM
Chapter 53

Jakob's eyes opened with a start.  The first thing he saw was another pair of eyes, staring straight into his.  He let out a yell of terror, wings fanning out in panic.

"Daryil?!  What the hell are you doing?!" he exclaimed.

"Bringing you around," the fox said.  "We're in..."

"You are in Fa'Rana clan territory," a voice said, slightly stilted in the manner of the mare androids.  "Please do not do anything rash or you will be harmed."

Jakob and Daryil glanced around.  A female leopard stood there, her arms assuming a defensive posture, her eyes slightly glazed.

"What is your name?" Jakob asked.

"Anja," the leopard returned.

"Anja, I command you to destroy yourself," Jakob said, morphing himself to look like Lady Finch.

"Sorry bud, that trick won't work on me," the leopard said.

"Oh wow," Daryil said.  "Look, she's got a soul!  That'd certainly fix the AI problems, but her reaction times will go down the pan."

"Quiet!  Jakob, Daryil, get up - The Professor wants you."

"Ohhh....!" Daryil said, grinning wildly.  "I know who you are!  Bill!  How are you doing?  Nice to see that you're alive-ish..."

Anja's face contorted with rage and a pair of synthetic wings appeared behind her back, a smaller pair on her head.  "My name is Anja," she snarled.

"Hmm," Daryil said, looking at the leopard critically.  "The Prof still needs to work on facial expressions a bit more, right, Jakob...?  That's not a particularly winning smile."

"Yeah, I think we've still got an edge there with our androids," the wolf said. "I don't suppose it really mattered with Sophie, though.  I mean, she didn't really need an expression seeing as she had no emotions..."

"Never mind, I'm sure he'll get it fixed in the next version..."

"Shut up!" Anja snarled.  "It's your fault I'm like this, Daryil!"

"Mine?  My dear, you and your friend murdered the deputy mayor of Parbury and attempted to do the same to Mayor Dickens.  Many others would have slain you for that.  Had it been a member of my clan you had murdered, I'd have put your soul into orbit.  Instead, I spared your life, which is far more than you deserve.
"But if it's anyone's fault, it was the Prof who actually murdered you," Daryil said.  "Though I'm glad he reversed to process.  The Being-Creature Consortium might not be so happy about it, though... I bet he didn't ask permission."

"Shut up!" the faux-succubus snapped.  "Enough drivel!  You two are coming with me, like it or not."

"Just out of interest, what if we don't?"  Jakob asked cautiously.

"If you cause too much trouble, I might have to kill you.  You concentrated on making your androids comfortable for the souls inside them.  Our K-1400 chassis has been designed from the ground up as a warrior."

Daryil pulled a large gem from one pocket, and began to throw it in the air and catch it.  His hip-wings had become visible.
"Have you ever wanted to go into space?" he asked, glancing at the succubus for a second.  Anja looked at him, looked at the gem and took a step backwards, unnerved.

"Jakob is my envoy," Daryil said.  "My ambassador.  While I'll admit that refusing to go with you isn't exactly a model of diplomacy, he does have a point.  He is one of my Children, and he knows better than to go off with strangers."

"She started it..." Jakob began.

"Hush.  Anja, I'm not sure you were listening earlier, so let me make things crystal clear," Daryil began, holding out the soul-gem in front of him.  "Jakob may not be perfect but he is a very valuable member of my clan and if he dies, I'll make you wish you could."

"Understood," Anja said sullenly.  "Lord Daryil, would you and your ambassador please follow me?  The Professor would like to have a word with you."

"Certainly," Jakob said, and the pair of them followed after her.

* * *

"Well, here we are," Julei said, gazing over the windswept moor, her hair streaming out behind her as she gazed at the dark and forbidding mountains looming in the distance.

"The Hidden Valley is over there," she said.  "It's about half a day's march away, but we don't know who or what lives there yet, so approaching it from a distance seemed the safest bet."

Josh nodded listlessly.

"Are you still brooding over Daryil?" Julei asked, her voice touched with a quiet concern.

"Pretty much," the husky said.

"You must forgive him," Julei and Salomere said in unison, and then glanced at each other in mild surprise.

"Lord Daryil a good man and well worthy of ascension, but he can be trying at times, when he gets in the wrong mood," Julei explained.  "He very much believes in free love."

"Freer than most," Salomere added quietly.

"We'll wait until it gets darker," Julei decided.  "Approaching in full daylight... even with the forest cover, I'm not sure I'd want to risk it.  If anyone's watching, we'll be seen.  Even so, I think we should head for the base of that peak," she pointed, "And when we get there, work our way along the base until we get to the valley entrance."

"Sounds good," Salomere said.  Josh nodded in agreement and Nick didn't say much.

"Julei," Josh began, as they sat waiting for the dusk, "What did you do when you were with Jyraneth...?"

"As I told our youngest clan member not so long ago, I led a long and wicked life.  I was a spy.  To obtain enemy secrets, I infiltrated them.  I seduced many men and some women, and I ate their souls when I had learned all they knew."

"Do... do you regret that?" Josh asked, and then went quiet.

Julei looked at him with a flicker of annoyance.  "Oh, I do wish you hadn't asked me that, Joshua," she said.  The husky succubus was silent for some time, staring at the mountains and thinking.  Just as Josh was starting to think of a way to change the subject, she spoke.

"Do I regret it?" she pondered.  "It sounds like an easy question, doesn't it?  At the time?  No, I had no regrets.  After all, Beings were evil, an abomination in the eyes of the Gods.  So we were told, and so I believed at the time.  If we could not only cleanse them from the universe, but at the same time feed upon their life force to make ourselves stronger and increase our lives still further, why shouldn't we?  At the time, it seemed the obvious choice.

"But do I regret it now?  I'm not perfect, Joshua.  For a long while, I followed Mordrith and his bleeding-heart attitudes, not because I thought he was right, but because I loved him and wanted him to be happy.  Killing people would have upset him, so I didn't.  In time, yes, I came to believe that he was on the right track.
"And looking back at what I did... I realise that what I was doing was abhorrent, even to other 'Cubi.  I would not do it again, and I feel bitter that I destroyed my victims as thoroughly as I did.  So... for all my faults and my sins, yes... Yes.  I do regret doing it.
"But if you mean, do I wish I hadn't done it?  That's a slightly different question, and it has a slightly different answer.  I don't look it, but I'm old, Josh.
"Most of my kind would be decrepit, maybe dead of old age by this point - it is only because I feasted on so many souls all those centuries ago that I am still as young as I am now.  Would I throw all that away if it meant somehow bringing my victims back?  No, I'm not sure I could, Joshua," the succubus said, and looked at the ground for a while.

"Put yourself in my place, if you can," she continued.  "Imagine it, Joshua... you're young, you're beautiful, and justly proud of that beauty.  But soon that youth and beauty will begin to fade away like a cut flower in a vase, like a bowl of pottage left to go cold.  If you knew that you could prolong that youth by the sacrifice of others - others whom you were taught from childhood were your mortal enemies and natural prey... would you not be tempted to do so...?"

Joshua's mouth closed and he found himself staring at the ground as well.  "I... don't know," he said helplessly.

"You are fortunate that you won't have to make that choice," Julei said.  "Every day I am grateful that our race has found an alternative.  But I think you can now understand my... weakness," Julei said softly.

"Yes," Joshua said.

"A wise man once said 'All is vanity'," Julei said.  "But he didn't experience life and emotions the way a 'Cubi does.  For me, for others like me, it's more like 'Vanity is all'."
* * *

"Ah, good," Professor Fa'Rana said, looking up as Jakob and Daryil were led into the meeting room.

"Hello, Professor," Jakob began politely.  "Why have you brought us here...?" 

"Well, I only really intended that we bring Niall in, but I'm not complaining if we bring you in as well..."

"Niall?!  Where is he?  What have you done with him?"

"Indeed.  Where is Niall?"  The Professor asked, glancing at the leopard succubus.  Anja nodded and returned shortly with the fox in tow.

"Here we all are," the raccoon said, "Now, let's get down to business.  As you all know, Niall is Daryil's son..." he hesistated and then frowned with annoyance.  Jakob was laughing hysterically.

"When you have quite finished, Mr. Pettersohn...?  As I was saying, Niall is Daryil's youngest child..."

"But he's mine," Jakob giggled.  "My descendant.  Not Daryil's."

"Oh, do be serious," the raccoon incubus sighed.  "We obtained a genetic readout on him and on Daryil.  The results do not lie, so you can drop the act right now."

"What...?!"  Jakob yelped.  Niall stared, his expression becoming one of horror as he glanced between Jakob and Daryil.

"What?  You mean you didn't know...?"  Professor Fa'Rana stared, and then snickered.  "I took you for a man of intelligence, Mr. Pettersohn.  Surely you didn't really believe that old fae story about Niall being the 'Cubi child of two Beings?!"

"Stranger things have happened than a trait skipping a generation," Jakob protested.  "Do you have any idea of the odds of his father being another Daryil 'Cubi?!  The clan had about 40 other people in it at that point and none of them were known to be in that area!  It's over a hundred million to one!"

The Professor smiled, and expression of vague smugness crossing his features.  "Occam's Razor says that the simplest solution..."

"The simplest solution was that Niall was my descendant and the 'Cubi factor went dormant!" Jakob snapped.  "The idea that my gay clan father just so happened to lay a vixen in a village under my jurisdiction... that's just mental.  He didn't even have the right colour wings, prior to Daryil's ascension.  Mine were dark, Niall's were dark, Daryil's were light!"

"It is mental," Daryil said quietly.  "But I'm afraid it's true."

"You knew?!" Jakob said, aghast.  "Daryil... Daryil, why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't know," Daryil said.  "As a Founder I could obtain a complete genetic readout of my entire clan from the 'Cubi Registry, but why would I ever want to...?
"No, I didn't know that Niall was... my son.  But sometimes I wondered.  I was there at the right place at the right time, and yes, I was trying to make the clan bigger..."

"Are you serious?!  Against all the odds, you fathered him?  Oh... Oh gods. Daryil, you didn't... not with Niall...?"

"No," Daryil said.  "For all my talk of seducing him back when you ruled Ha'Khun, I never could bring myself to do that.  It would have upset the hell out of you for a start, but that aside it just felt... wrong.
"No offence intended," he said, grinning at Niall.  "You're a pretty guy, but I guess... I may have realised subconsciously..."

"I..." Jakob began, staring at Niall, at Daryil and then back again.  He looked mortified.  The Professor said nothing, but rolled his eyes, apparently still amused at how badly Jakob had missed the mark.

"Where does it leave us now, Niall...?" Jakob asked softly.  "Now that Daryil is your father...  I won't try to stop you, whatever you decide.  I just want you to know that I've always loved you, I've always been proud of you, I always tried to do what was best for you, and I hope that we can still be close to each other..."

"Don't be silly," Niall said firmly.  "What, you think I'd storm out of Jayhawk and cut you out of my life just because we got confused about who shagged who?  You saved my life!
"Okay, so this is new and unexpected.  I'll admit I'm strangely pleased to find out that I'm the direct descendant of a Clan Leader.  But Dad..." he paused.  Daryil and Jakob both looked at Niall, and then at each other, unable to decide who he meant.

"Jakob, I mean," he clarified, "You never claimed to be my father, you were my great-grandfather, or so we thought.  But then you adopted me.  You became my father then, and this revelation doesn't change that.  It leaves us exactly where we were before.
"Sorry, uh, Dad," he added to Daryil as Jakob engulfed him with a teary-eyed hug.

"No prob," the fox said.  And then grinned lasciviously.  "Of course, since that means that you and Jakob are only loosely related, that opens the door for some nice hot-"

"NO!" Jakob and Niall yelped in unison.

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 53 (2013/04/26)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 27, 2013, 07:17:28 AM
Oh, Daryil. Never change.

... And, of course, he won't. Not with the important parts, anyway. ;-]
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 53 (2013/04/26)
Post by: justacritic on April 27, 2013, 12:02:12 PM
Strange, the professor is still in the room. Why is he allowing these heart to heart shenanigans?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 53 (2013/04/26)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 27, 2013, 12:14:05 PM
Quote from: justacritic on April 27, 2013, 12:02:12 PM
Strange, the professor is still in the room. Why is he allowing these heart to heart shenanigans?

From the next chapter:
"Well, that was very touching," The Professor said, as Niall and Jakob hugged each other, "But it doesn't really alter the fact that I've taken you hostage..."
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 54 (2013/05/03)
Post by: Tapewolf on May 03, 2013, 05:50:51 PM
Chapter 54

Daryil gazed around the room, a purposeful light entering his eyes.  Reaching decisively into his desk, he pulled out a pen and added another mark to the calendar, changing the fresh tick into a cross.  This done, he glanced back at Daxxon, Sheila and Sydney, and then the wallscreen.  The display split in two as he dialled, and a leather-winged Alsatian incubus appeared next to Ashley.

"Nigel," Daryil said, "What's the situation?"

"The attackers appear to have left," Nigel said.  "I'm maintaining high alert in case they decide to come back.  I'm organising a roll-call to see who has been taken."

"Very good," Daryil said.  "I realise you may have your hands full, but would you be a dear and make sure that Lady Finch and Hayley haven't been rescued by The Professor?"

"At once, my Lord," Nigel said and his window disappeared from the wallscreen, leaving just the lynx behind.

"Sheila, Sydney," Daryil said, "Could you find Illiath and bring her here please?  Be careful, just in case there are any stragglers."

"Yes sir," the pair of them said, and left quietly.

"Where are they?!" Daxxon demanded.  "Where is Jakob, and where are the people who have kidnapped him?!"

"Underneath Grunmore," Daryil said.  "Find any abandoned house in Kingsfield Road, most of them have some kind of lift system to take you down into the complex.  But I suspect they've armoured it all to prevent Taun's agents getting inside."

The Demon's expression hardened.

"I know, Dax," Daryil sighed.   "But we can probably get in using their jump devices.  Yvonne should have the coordinates.  Ashley, how is our prototype?"

"The copy?  It's experimental, obviously, but so far it has worked well enough in testing..."

"Hello...?" Nigel interrupted, appearing as a new call on Daryil's wallscreen.  Daryil looked at him strangely for a moment.

"Is something wrong?  Did Lady Finch escape?" the fox asked.

"Oh, no, no... Lady Finch is fine," Nigel said.  "I thought you might like to know that."

"Yes, thanks.  Do we yet have a total..."  A blast of sound shattered the already-tense nerves of those present - someone had sounded an alarm.
Nigel looked around wildly, and moments later another call came in, a third window on Daryil's wallscreen opening up to display a rather sorry figure, blood streaming from a gash in his forehead.

"Sh-she got me," injured Nigel stammered.  "Hid and then tackled me when I entered the cell... she must be on the run..."

"No, I think we've found her, haven't we...?" Daryil said, staring malevolently at the healthy Nigel, whose expression was one of horror.  He panicked and looked like he was about bolt, but then closed his eyes and reverted back to his base form, Lady Albeth Finch. 

"Nigel, get to sick bay.  When you're sure you'll be okay, try and get me the missing persons report."

"Lady Finch, you've done a lot of very stupid things lately, but that really takes the cake," Daryil said.  "You are aware that I can think you dead?  That my chief of security wanted you executed even before you assaulted him...?"

"I want to make a deal with you, Daryil," she said.

"That takes a lot of balls," Daryil said.  "Actually, do you still have Nigel's trouser department...?"

"I have destroyed Yvonne," the succubus said quietly.  Ashley froze, Daryil blinked rapidly for a moment.

"That's quite a deal," the fox said slowly.  "How can I refuse?  If you survive through to the end of this round, you'll have won an all-expenses-paid trip to Marlbury Jail, with a special, personalised tour of the execution chamber!"

"Perhaps, Daryil.  But hear me out.  First, where is Richard?"

"Safely in my sanctum," Daryil said.  Lady Finch wilted, looking like she was about to faint.

"Just checking.  Actually your lot took him with them, as you presumably expected."

"Yes," the wolf succubus said, still shaken but rapidly regaining her confidence.  "You want to get into Grunmore, but you need the coordinates.  With Yvonne's brain destroyed, you can only get them from one place.  Me."

"Are you so eager to betray your own clan, Albeth?"  Daryil asked softly.

"They took my son!" she wailed, looking desperate.  "I can tell you the coordinates.  I even can show you how to make the jump device carry several people.  But in exchange, I want to go with whoever you send!  That's all I ask!  What do you say...?"

"I say we kill the bitch," Daxxon snarled.

"But then you wouldn't know the coordinates, would you, Daryil?"

"We don't need them," Ashley put in.  "Part of Daryil is already at your base."

Daryil made a curt gesture and Lady Finch found her audio cut off.  Daryil turned away to prevent her lip-reading, and spoke quickly.

"He's shielded the base somehow.  It's intended to prevent magical teleportation, but it has affected the link between me and my Avatar.  That has the bonus that he won't be able to use it to try and kill me, as happened to many Clan Leaders during the Dragon Wars, but it does mean that my local presence there is greatly weakened.  I can't send people between the two sites by myself, so the only way in is using one of those jump devices..." he turned around, and restored the audio link.
"...which means we probably will want those coordinates," he finished, staring at Lady Finch.

"Do we have a deal?" the succubus asked.

"Not necessarily.  Your position is rather more precarious than you seem to think, Finch," Daryil said.  "I am Lord Daryil - all who oppose me will be turned into a sort of jam-like substance.
"You see the thing is, we have another of your androids here, which Daxxon managed to destroy.  Nice kick, by the way, Dax.  But the point is, although he blew up the capacitor bank for her jump unit, her brain should still be salvageable.  So we don't actually need you at all."

"I... I'm sorry," Lady Finch sobbed.  "I just wanted to be with my son!"

"There, there..." Daryil soothed.  "We don't need you, but it would be a lot quicker if you just told us the coordinates than if we had to repair your horse.
"In exchange, I won't kill you, and you can go with Daxxon.  But I want guarantees, though.  Guarantees that you will not betray us too much, to try and win your way back into The Prof's good graces.
"Understand me, Albeth.  You've caused a huge amount of shit for me and for Taun and you're down to your last chance.  If you betray me again, I will kill you, and I will send you head to Marlbury."

"Thank you, Daryil," Lady Finch said.  She moved as if to cut off the link.  Another Daryil grabbed her from behind and the window disappeared.

"I'm bringing her here," Daryil said.  "I may have accepted her offer, but that doesn't mean I want her running loose throughout our base."

"Are you seriously going to go along with that deal of hers?" Daxxon demanded.  "What about executing her?  You said yourself that she deserves it!"

"I hope it doesn't come to that," the fox said.  "She needs help, not killing."

* * *

"Well, that was very touching," The Professor said, as Niall and Jakob hugged each other, "But it doesn't really alter the fact that I've taken you hostage..." 

"Leave Niall out of this," Jakob protested.  "It's not fair!  He's done nothing to you!"

"Life isn't fair," Professor Fa'Rana said.  "Death is fair, for it comes to everyone, but I digress.  Niall, it really isn't anything personal, I'm afraid you're just caught in the middle.
"All I need is a lever to ensure that Daryil does not interfere with my plans, and that's you, I'm afraid.  But don't worry... soon it will all be over, and you'll be free to go..."

"Alright, Professor," a voice said, and a figure stepped into view.  Leathery dark grey wings finished a muscular build as the alsatian stood there, arms folded, snarling hate at the raccoon.  Behind him, a cowed and ruffled Lady Finch looked on, bracers upon her wrists.

"Daryil," The Professor said tiredly, "I don't know how this oaf got in here, but make him leave.  Now."

"I can't make him," Daryil said.  "I can suggest it, but what he does is largely up to him..."

"Don't be stupid.  He's one of your clan," the raccoon snapped.

"Wrong, Prof," Daxxon said.  "But you've kidnapped my boyfriend, and I won't stand for that.  Let him go, or I'll snap you in half."

"I gave you a chance, Daryil..." The Professor shrugged and pointed at Daxxon.  "Wendy, kill this idiot," he said.  The mauve Alsatian span around, toughening his skin like diamond.  The android mare was a blur, but so was Daxxon.  For a moment, Daryil thought he saw a kick, but before he could be sure, a flash of light and a deafening retort shook the room.

The Demon kicked aside the burst remains of the horse android and glanced around the room for other targets.  Anja stared with terror at the destroyed carcass and backed away hastily.  Dax glanced at the sudden movement and stomped towards her threateningly.

"No, no!" the leopard yelped, "Don't kill me, I'm sentient!"

"Then stay out of my way and you won't get hurt," Dax retorted, and glanced back to the Professor, whose eyes were wide.  He seemed to have lost the ability to speak.

"Hand my boyfriend over, Prof," the Alsatian said, kicking Wendy's head across the room for emphasis.  "...or your clan loses its head as well."

"How did you..."  Professor Fa'Rana spluttered, staring.  "It must have... the power plant, the stored charge for the jump unit... I will have to redesign..."

"I'm going to count to three..." the hound snarled.

"No... you can't have Niall!" The Professor snapped.  "He is my hostage!  I need him to keep Daryil in line!"

"Jakob," the Demon said threateningly.

"Oh, Jakob...?  I don't need him," the raccoon said.  "Just take him and go, and we'll forget all about this."

"I knew you'd see reason," Daxxon said, and grinned at Jakob.  He'd taken just two steps towards the wolf when his eyes went wide and he crumpled to the ground in a heap.

"So, your boyfriend is a Demon, Jakob?" Professor Fa'Rana chortled, green mist still rising from his hand where he'd cast the stun spell.  "Pity you couldn't have picked someone brighter.  Seriously, falling for that old trick...?"

"I'm not sure what you did was smart," Jakob said coolly.  "How do you think he'll feel towards you when he wakes up...?"

The Professor's face fell.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 54 (2013/05/03)
Post by: Tapewolf on May 04, 2013, 11:47:01 AM
Regarding this chapter and some earlier questions, Merlin unexpectedly drew this:
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 55 (2013/05/11)
Post by: Tapewolf on May 10, 2013, 08:24:13 PM
Chapter 55

"Albeth," The Professor said coolly.  "I see Taun hasn't killed you yet."

"Indeed, Professor," the wolf said.  "Behind your shields seemed the safest place to me.  Incidentally, I found Yvonne's head.  Daryil and his ragtag band of followers had stolen it, presumably through Illiath.  I've performed a secure erase on her brain to prevent them learning any further secrets."

"Indeed...?" the raccoon said, raising an eyebrow, and looking at her with a new respect.  "I was starting to worry that you had defected to Daryil and his ilk.  Richard shows some worrying early signs, but I think we can nip those in the bud.
"For starters, I've suggested he begin wearing something more conventional for a Creature.  Arm-warmers or long-sleeved shirts instead of those ridiculous gloves," he added, glancing at Daryil disapprovingly.  "I am sure that his father suggested them to make him dress like Daryil, to ease Richard towards that clan without his knowing."

"What's wrong with these gloves?"  Daryil asked, gesturing a shiny black-clad hand.

"They are women's gloves.  Worse, they are whorish things intended solely for the purposes of seduction and sexual arousal," The Professor said, casting a disapproving eye at the fox.
"I know that you have rather loose morals, Daryil, but seriously... what makes you think that shoulder-length latex gloves are even slightly tasteful?  Surely even you must admit that they are particularly unbecoming for a Clan Leader."

"Professor, you're shit at being a 'Cubi," Daryil said.  "We can dress how we like among our own kind, even outside of it in the right circumstances."

"I have spent my whole life learning to suppress such irresponsible whims," the raccoon fumed.  "They are a liability, as is seductive dress."

"It's fun," Daryil objected.  "What's the point in living so long if we can't enjoy it?  Besides, Fa'Lina and her staff certainly wore such things, even with their impressionable young students.
"The real trick is to dress appropriately to the occasion, which I did.  If you feel the occasion is no longer appropriate, that's your fault for kidnapping us.
"Besides," he added, "I like these gloves.  They're sleek, they're snug, they're shiny and I don't need to change anything when I do the dishes."

* * *

"Someone has been here," Josh said, staring into the distance.

"Are you sure?" Salomere asked, peering into the gloom.

"Yes, I'm using infra-red and zoom.  There are footprints, and... what look like vehicle tracks."

"That can't be right," Julei said, frowning.  "There's no way you would be able to bring a vehicle here.  The roads aren't passable, not unless the Kamei'Sin have been trying to develop in the area."

"We could ask them," Josh said.  Julei looked at him with an expression of alarm.

"They're not our enemies," Salomere reassured her.  "Daryil sorted things out between us, remember?"

"That may be, but if I were them I wouldn't trust us completely.  And look... we're hanging around in the area Jyraneth was last seen!  How would you try to explain that away?!"

"We could just tell them the truth, you know." Joshua said.  "We're here to make sure that Jyraneth isn't re-awakening."

"I don't think they'd believe it," Julei said, her eyes narrowing.  "They may well assume that we're trying to awaken her ourselves."

"Even though she'd kill us all as heretics?" Josh said, raising an eyebrow.  "Okay, fine... we ask Simeon.  We can trust him to show us in the best possible light."

"That would work," Salomere said, Julei still looked unconvinced.  With a shrug the doberman pulled out a miniature satellite phone and was shortly rewarded with the face of a purple-haired wolf, wearing similar gloves to the ones Professor Fa'Rana had lambasted.

"Salomere?" he asked.

"Yeah, Hi Simeon.  Is now a good time?"

"Frankly, no..."

"Oh shit... are we interrupting something with Daryil...?"

"Nah, I'd have switched the phone off.  Actually, the Fa'Rana clan attacked us and kidnapped a few people.  Jakob, Niall and one of Daryil's avatars are the ones we know about..."

"....holy shit."

"Yeah.  But I figure this is pretty urgent too, right?"

"Uh, yeah, but I'll try not to keep you.  Daryil told you about the Jyraneth mission, right?  Well, there's some people here.  Footprints, bulldozer tracks.  Are any of your clan building something here?  I mean, they have the closest settlement in this part of the world."

"I'd have to get back to you on that for a proper answer," Simeon said.  "But I highly doubt it.  Not many of us go there anymore, but if the Elders are up to something us peons may not get to know about it."

"Ask if you can, but chances are we'll run into the workers first," Josh said.

"Good luck," the wolf said.

"You too.  Keep us posted if anything important crops up."

* * *

"Enough of this nonsense!"  The Professor snapped, and gestured at Daxxon, who was still lying roughly where he had fallen.  "Anja, take the Demon to the holding cells.  Make sure he has suitable suppression bracers on him."

"Now, you," he added to Daryil, Jakob and Niall, "Will you three behave, or must I arrange a similar inconvenience to yourselves as well?"

"I still think we can come to an agreement," Jakob said, "As long as you don't try to kill us, I'm happy to stay peaceful."

"I don't think there's anything to be gained by force," Niall agreed.

"Daryil?  Do you promise to be good?"

"No," Daryil said.  "But I'll try to behave.  After all, if I wanted to hurt you, you'd already be a smoking hole in the ground."

"I suppose that will have to do," Professor Fa'Rana said.  "Now..."

"Will Lady Finch promise to be good?" Daryil interrupted.  The Professor glared at him.  "That's beside the point," he said.

"No it isn't," Daryil protested.  "She has a whole history of violence!"

"Oh, very well.  Albeth, I'm not completely sure I trust you at this point.  Will you promise to behave yourself, at least in the presence of our guests?"

"Yes, Professor," the wolf said demurely.

"Excellent!  Now-"

"What about," Daryil interrupted.  The raccoon shot him a dark look and he went quiet with a sulky expression.

"Shut up, Daryil.  As I was saying... while you're here, I feel it's only polite of me to show you around," Fa'Rana said.  "Regrettably I will have to keep you all here until things are settled, but I don't think there can be any harm in showing you some of my research projects.
"Indeed, some of them can be considered a warning... of what might happen if any of you do something stupid like trying to escape."


In a wide open area, beneath an array of artificial lights set inside a deep blue sky, The Professor had built a large and beautiful garden, where ornate paths wound between flowerbeds.  A section of lawn was dotted with dandelions and daisies, a large stone slab laid in the centre, with the paths converging upon it.  Niall gasped at the sight, and Jakob just stared in silence, a lump forming in his throat.  

"I give you Beta Project," Professor Fa'Rana said, gesturing at the garden.  "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yeah, it is rather," Daryil said, "But what is it?"

"I spent a long time studying the mechanics of death," Fa'Rana said.  "From the ending of the body's life through to the passing of the soul, all these things are fascinating, and full of secrets that others may never learn, hamstrung as they are by superstition and moral inhibitions.  I have no such hangups and so I have learned many things in my studying."

Jakob blinked, wondering if the raccoon had heard the question correctly.

"Patience, Mr. Pettersohn," Professor Fa'Rana smiled.  "I'm just getting there.  You know how, when someone dies at their home, that the flowers in their garden grow to tremendous size the following spring?  Have you ever wondered why that happens?"

"Flowers," he said, "They feed upon the soul.  Normally they take but a fraction of the energies released through death, but for many decades now I have been studying the mechanics of it, and experimenting with different varieties of plant.  After a considerable amount of cross-breeding I came up with these!" he gestured across the rows of perfect blooms.

"These are far more efficient.  A Being slain in my Garden of Mystery, their soul will be completely absorbed, harvested by these," he said proudly.  "Then we can grind up the corpse into mulch, which goes back into the garden.  Total disposal!
"And, by the strategic placement of modified soul gems, we can extract most of the energy for our own consumption.  Purified by the flowers and completely safe, with none of the contamination usually associated with consuming another's soul!"

"You're one sick fuckhead," Daryil said quietly.  "That's why you were kicked out of SAIA, was it?"

"Fa'Lina didn't like the idea," The Professor smiled.  "She didn't really see its beauty, the way in which we can use something as innocuous and beautiful as flowers to destroy our enemies, utterly and forever!"

"Like this, you mean?"  Daryil said, and his hands glowed.  A barrier formed at his touch, expanding and pushing everyone out of the garden.  The Professor fixed Daryil with an indignant stare and opened his mouth as if to say something.  A sudden flash of intense blue filled the garden, causing them to shield their eyes.  As he blinked away the afterimage, the Professor uttered a gasp of dismay.  Behind the barrier, the garden began to wither away, plants collapsing and wilting before his very eyes.

"I've always wanted to do that," Daryil said.

"What have you done?!" the raccoon screeched.

"Neutron flux," Daryil said simply.  "A really big one.  I think it's activated the soil too and probably even the air itself.  So I wouldn't go in there for at least a couple of decades..."

"You... all my work... I'll kill you for this, Daryil!" the raccoon snarled.

"I don't think so.  It's still really hot in there.  If you destroy this avatar, the barrier will fall and you'll die.  Even Anja is unlikely to survive the neutron fog in that room.  At a pinch, I could live with losing you two, the snag is that it will kill my friends as well, and that is something I will not tolerate.
"You see, Professor, kidnapping them is one thing.  Holding them hostage is annoying.  But if they die, I will destroy you like the victims you fed to your flowers.  You must understand this, Professor - I can, and I will.  Should you anger me enough, death will not save you from my wrath.  I will hunt down your soul and do things to it that I shall regret for millennia to come.  Do you understand...?"

"Yes," The Professor snarled.  "But after this... after you broke your promise... you can forget about the rest of tour.  Anja... bring me the suppression bracers."

"If you put those on me, everyone here will die instantly," Daryil reminded him.  The Professor froze.

"You can't keep it like that forever, Daryil," he said at last.  "You'll have to leave eventually.  Supposing we do reach an agreement?  Your precious avatar will be stuck here maintaining that neutron shield for the next century."

"Nah, I can make it permanent later," Daryil said.  "Leaded glass or something.  That should keep the radiation level tolerable, at least.  Besides, I'm not sure why you're so upset.  I've removed any possible temptation for you to feed one of my friends to your flowers, with the resulting loss of your own soul!  I think that's quite a bargain."

"You deliberately destroyed more than two centuries of work!  How can you expect me to forgive you for that!?"

"I just saved your life, Prof!  Stuff like those flowers will get our race stamped out," Daryil said.  "At best, they'll just lynch you and your clan.  You can't just breed soul-eating flowers and expect the others to happily sit by and watch, surely?!"

"You're wrong, Daryil," The Professor said coldly.  "And when Epsilon is completed, it will be pointless anyway, because we will be in charge."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 55 (2013/05/11)
Post by: joshofspam on May 11, 2013, 02:39:37 PM
You know, despite Daryil playing the crazy fool at times, he seems more in touch with actual reality then this Professor is.

That's something to look out for, that's something to be concerned about. I mean, man eating plants are one thing. Soul eating plants are another thing.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 55 (2013/05/11)
Post by: justacritic on May 11, 2013, 10:16:16 PM
Following the progression of the greek alphabet, project Epsilon must be really depraved.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 55 (2013/05/11)
Post by: Tapewolf on May 12, 2013, 07:03:42 AM
Quote from: justacritic on May 11, 2013, 10:16:16 PM
Following the progression of the greek alphabet, project Epsilon must be really depraved.

Next chapter, you get to find out what it is.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 55 (2013/05/11)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 12, 2013, 09:17:03 AM
I shall look forward to depravity.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 56 (2013/05/17)
Post by: Tapewolf on May 17, 2013, 02:53:28 PM
Chapter 56

"I can't believe you sent her back with them!"  Illiath snarled.  "They've invaded my school twice now, tried to kill one of my clan-mates and you just sat back and let her go home?!"

"Yes," Daryil said.  "In exchange, she gave us some very valuable information.  More importantly, I've sown within her the seeds of doubt.  I honestly think it's for the best."

"We'll see," grunted the Doberman.  "Now.  Where are Syd and Sheila?"

"What?" Daryil said, puzzled.  "I thought they escorted you back here."

"Yes, but only as far as the door.  They said you'd sent them on an errand.  I hope it wasn't anything dangerous.  They are my students, Daryil..."

"I didn't," the fox said, looking concerned.  He closed his eyes for a few minutes.

"Have you found them?" Illiath asked.  "Where are they?"

"I... don't know," Daryil said.

"Seriously?" Illiath looked scared.  "You're... you're not just saying that to protect them or because it's so esoteric that only a Tri-Wing could understand?"

"No, Illiath.  I honestly don't know where they are.  I'm not Fa'Lina," he added with a sad smile.  "I can't see the future, nor everything that goes on inside the base.  I am linked to my Children, and if I wish I can reach out and see what they are doing, but of course, Syd and Sheila aren't my descendants..."

"Do you have any idea what happened?"

"We can check the security system more thoroughly, but it will take a lot of work.  My quick scan just now hasn't shown anything, and I can ask Ashley to look into it.
"But I suspect... and this is just a guess, mind you, but I think they may have gone with Daxxon and Lady Finch."

* * *

"Ah, the Epsilon Project," Daryil said.

"Heard of it have you?  Too bad.  That will not be part of the tour, not after what you just did."

"I know all about it already, Professor," Daryil said calmly.

"What?!  How?  Callahan... no!  We kept it from him!  Finch?!  She dared...?!"

"No, it wasn't Lady Finch either," Daryil said.  "God told me."

"You? an audience with the 'Cubi Gods...?"  The Professor guffawed.  "Don't be ridiculous.  Maybe the Oracles told you.  Ah well, it doesn't matter.  It's already starting.  Even if you were to kill me now, the plan would still be motion..."

"Actually, Epsilon is largely the reason I haven't killed you, Professor," Daryil said.

"Yes, I knew that even you would hesitate and quail before such power..."

"No, it's because it's proof of your insanity, Professor.  Look... at the end of the day, I would prefer to have a peaceful clan, and I would prefer to live a peaceful life, but there are limits and there are obligations.
"Being the Leader of a clan is a huge responsibility and there are many challenges and tests of my resolve.
"At a pinch I could kill someone who was a threat to my clan, one that I can't turn or defuse, but it's really a last resort option that I wish to avoid.
"Someone who deliberately and wilfully murdered one of my children, I would show no mercy to.  But executing someone who is insane, Professor...?  That's just not civilised.  You need to be cured, or put away."

"Who are you to call me insane, Daryil, as you stand here in your shiny gloves like some kind of male prostitute?"

"Oh, can you just shut up about the gloves for just one moment?!" Daryil snapped, and forced himself calm.
"Listen, Professor... Just before the Destania Incident, there was this guy called Daniel Ti'Fiona.  He was actually Destania's son, so his real name was Daniel Cyra, but he didn't know that at the time.  He didn't even know he was a marked man... he was lucky to have survived to see his headwings.  See, he was an adventurer and so he ran into many different races.  If any Dragon had learned of his clan, they'd have killed him immediately."

"Get to the point, Daryil," the raccoon fumed.

"I can do that to you, Professor.  If I tell people half of what I know about you and your projects, you'll spend the rest of your short life running.  And the people who would hunt you would believe they were doing so to protect their race from you.  And it would be every race, Professor.  Including our own.  Is that the kind of future you want?"

"Project Sigma will put me in a position of strength, Daryil," The Professor said.

"Um," Jakob interrupted.  "What are these projects...?"

"Do you want to tell him, or shall I?"  Daryil asked.

"You tell him," The Professor said.  "I want to see how accurate your information is."

"Very well.  Project Sigma is the Prof's attempt to ascend.  Probably using a combination of energy harvested by his Flowers of Doom, our own synthetic soul energy products, and likely he's been trying to make his own."

"Very impressive," the raccoon said, clapping.  "And Epsilon?"

"Project Epsilon is your attempt to bring back the Dragon Race," Daryil began.  Jakob emitted a shrill squeal and stopped moving.  Niall began making small whimpering sounds.

"Now look what you've done," Daryil complained, gesturing at his clan members.

"What I've done...?"

"I'm just the messenger," Daryil shrugged.  "It was your craziness that upset them, not mine.  That makes it your fault."

Reaching down, Daryil tickled the backs of Jakob's ears, and the wolf opened one eye slowly.

"Mmmm..." he said blissfully, wagging his tail.  "I thought I asked you not to do that again," he sighed and then uttered a shrill scream as he noticed The Professor.  "I must have passed out... Did I have a dream...?  Heh, I thought the Professor said he was going to..."

"Unfortunately it's true," Daryil said.  "Besides, you're too old to dream."

"What?!" Jakob whimpered.  "It can't be true!  No-one would dare do that!  The Dragons treated our world like a punchbag, where it didn't matter if it got damaged!  It's said that they created the 'Cubi race by accident and were trying to un-create us ever since!
"They nearly wiped out the Weres, they nearly wiped out us, they actually did wipe out the vampires and I strongly suspect they were behind the Angel race's reproductive issues as well!
"What Destania did in getting rid of them was terrible and it targetted the innocent as well as the guilty, but there's no question that it saved our race and who knows how many others from extermination!  No 'Cubi would be stupid enough to bring back the force which nearly erased them!"

"I don't believe he can do it," Niall said quietly.  "I don't know what Destania did, or if she really was responsible anyway.
"But if she was, it's reasonable to assume that she retuned our universe to either destroy them or to repel them out of it.  After all that effort she would never have left it easy for anyone to reverse the process, and the Prof has far less power and resources at his disposal than Destania ever had.  I'm not convinced he can let them back in."

"I don't need to," The Professor said.  "You see, Niall, I managed to obtain genetic material from Pyroduck, the baby dragon Fa'Lina adopted during the Wars.  Using this and our advanced genetic science, I can create a new organism... a new form of Dragon that will be able to exist in our world once again!  With these by my side..."

"Professor, even if they don't turn against you and then wipe out our entire race, I don't think you've thought about the consequences," Jakob protested.  "There are still harsh laws against creating new races.  I thought we were taking a bit of a gamble when we began designing androids, and those are just enhancements and aids for members of existing races.  What you're proposing is unthinkable!"

"I have done more than just think about it, I assure you!"  Professor Fa'Rana laughed.

"Listen, Professor... if any other clan knew of this they would destroy you where you stood.  Even Dimanika, the pacifist clan.  You represent such a great threat to our survival that even she would eliminate you, Professor.  She suspended her ban on killing once during the Dragon War and she'd do it again right now if she found out about this abomination you're creating.
"If it ever does see the light of day, they will.  And that's just our own race, Professor.  Think what the others will do!"

"You're being rather melodramatic," the raccoon said, rolling his eyes.

"He's being realistic," Niall said.

* * *

"I think we're good to go," Julei decided.  "It's still light enough to see, but by the time we've made it through the forest it should be dark enough to conceal us.  Josh, it might be wise if you go first, since you have night-vision."

They walked cautiously for most of an hour, until Josh suddenly came to an abrupt halt.

"What is it...?" Salomere hissed.

"There's someone in the distance," the husky whispered.  "I can see their body heat.  Quite bright.  Winged.  Wolf, I think."

Abruptly there was a rustling noise and a powerful figure strode into the clearing.  He was a wolf Demon, stripped to the waist and holding a large battle-axe at the ready.  It was made entirely from steel, axe and handle cast from a single mould, leather trim woven around the haft to aid his grip.

Nick fell down, whimpering pleas for their lives.  Salomere stepped forward to shield him and Julei brought out her tentacles.  Josh assumed a defensive posture and so did the Demon.

"What the hell is your problem?" the wolf demanded.

Julei peered at him suspiciously but didn't relax.  "You're wandering around the forest at dusk with a fuck-off big axe, and you think we have a problem?"

"I'm with the forestry commission," the Demon said, lowering the axe a fraction.  "I've just finished my shift."

"That's a war-axe," Julei said.  "Two-handed, machine-forged steel and finished with an enchanted blade.  Do you take us for simpletons?"

"I'm a Demon.  A normal woodsman's axe would snap in half at the first stroke," he said.  "With this puppy I can take down a tree with a single blow.  Or a bandit," he added pointedly.

"Have you ever heard of chainsaws?"  Josh asked.

"They disturb the peace.  Look.  Here's my ID, okay?"

Julei didn't move.  Josh gave a sigh of frustration and went to inspect it.

"It seems legit," he said.  "Kamei'Sin seal."

"Thank you," the Demon said sardonically, dropping the axe-head to the ground and leaning against the haft like a cane.  His other hand hovered, ready to assume a defensive posture if it seemed like Julei might turn violent.  "Now," he said, "Would you care to explain what you're doing out here, harassing foresters?"

Julei relaxed a bit.  "We've heard rumours that someone is excavating the Old City," she said, "We came here to investigate.  There are things there best left untouched and anyone crazy enough to go digging it up is liable to be dangerous."

"Oh, right!" the Demon said.  "Yeah, there were some archaeologists heading that way.  They looked a lot like you, actually."

"Oh shit," Julei said, glancing at Salomere.

"So, uh," the Doberman said, "Was one of them a Doberman?  Female?  Purple and teal?"

"I think so, yes."

"And the other one was a Husky?  A guy?  Black and tan?"

"Yeah, that was them."

"FUCK!" Julei screamed, causing the Demon to jump.  He brought his hand up in a threatening manner, all claws and death.

"W-what's the matter?" Nick squeaked.

"It sounds like it was my wayward son and daughter," Salomere said sadly.

"A rival archaeological dig...?" the Demon said, mystified.

"No, a pair of Jyraneth fanatics," Josh said.  "They're probably trying to revive the Lady."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 56 (2013/05/17)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 17, 2013, 05:12:14 PM
No reason he couldn't get a woodsman's axe built like that. It costs, but... it'd be far better for the blade.

Even if the enchantment copes with it all.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 56 (2013/05/17)
Post by: Tapewolf on May 17, 2013, 05:26:08 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 17, 2013, 05:12:14 PM
No reason he couldn't get a woodsman's axe built like that. It costs, but... it'd be far better for the blade.
Even if the enchantment copes with it all.

Perhaps, but if war-axes are being mass-produced and available off-the-shelf, it would be silly not to at least try one and see if it worked better...
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 57 (2013/05/25)
Post by: Tapewolf on May 24, 2013, 08:01:53 PM

"But in so much as I am driven to staine my paper with writing thereon certeine of their beastlie and bawdie assertions and examples, whereby they confirme this their doctrine, I must intreat you that are the readers hereof, whose chaste eares cannot well endure to heare of such abhominable lecheries, as are gathered out of the bookes of those witchmongers to turne over a few leaves, wherein I have like a groome thrust their bawdie stuffe as into a stinking corner: howbeit, none otherwise. I hope, but that the other parts of my writing shall remaine sweet, and this also covered as close as may be."

--Reginald Scot, 'The Discoverie of Witchcraft' (preface of Book IV concerning incubi and succubi)

Chapter 57

"Are you telling me they're captives?!"  Illiath screamed.

"I don't know!" Daryil shouted.  The Doberman looked stunned for a moment, then appalled as she remembered who she was talking to.  She gave a brief sob and collapsed into her chair.

"I'm sorry, Illiath," Daryil said gently, as he calmed himself, "I really don't know.  I don't think The Professor knows either."

"But you said Daxxon was captured!" the succubus protested.

"Yes, but they weren't there," Daryil said.  "Lady Finch has said nothing.  The Prof has said nothing.  Given all the craziness and the Prof's insistence on taking hostages, he would surely have mentioned it if Sheila and Syd were captured.  I don't think he knows.
"In fact," he added thoughtfully, "It's possible that Daxxon acted as a decoy, a distraction to let them sneak off..."

"To what end?"

"I wish I... Richard," Daryil said firmly.  "Ashley is scanning the base CCTV.  Nigel is searching the complex.  Maybe I'm wrong and they're hiding somewhere.  But if not, if they really did go with Daxxon, I bet they went to find Richard."

* * *

Richard sat on his bed unhappily.  Gods, why are you doing this to me? he whimpered mentally.  Mom makes Taun into her mortal enemy... Dad turns out to be in league with Daryil... I finally find some friends and The Professor takes me away from them...

"Cheer up, Richard," said a voice.  The jackal whirled around and stared in open disbelief.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" he hissed, fluffing out in panic.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time," Sydney said, shrugging.  Sheila entered the room and closed the door, bolting it to avoid interruptions.

"How did you get here?!  They can't have kidnapped you... they'd never have let you roam free!"

"We came with Daxxon and your mother," Sheila said.  "He had one of the jump devices and we hitched a lift.  Dax wanted to rescue Jakob, and we were hoping to rescue you..."

"No!  I... I can't!" the jackal whimpered.  "If I'm missing... The Professor!  He'll go berserk!  He'll think I've escaped... that I've gone over to Daryil!  He'll have me beheaded!  He'll have Mom beheaded too!  He'll make me watch..."

"One of Daryil's avatars is here," the fox said.  "I think he's trying to cut a deal with The Professor.  If the Prof does something too outrageous, like killing you or her, Daryil will go mental.  Even The Professor can't be that far gone as to provoke a Tri-Wing."

"The Professor thinks his projects will give him the edge over Daryil," Richard said sadly.  He glanced at his wrist, and peeled off the shiny black gloves that he always wore.  Sheila was radiating astonishment, and Syd looked a bit nonplussed himself.

"I didn't think.. Di.. didn't you say there was a taboo against removing your gloves?"  Syd asked.

Richard glanced up at them with a sad chuckle.  "Nah, it was just an excuse to cover my clan-mark.  My wrong clan-mark," he added fretfully.  "Dad gave me these gloves, the latex ones, but now the Professor don't like me wearing them," he said.  "He put up with it before, but since... since Dad went over to Daryil, he wants me to wear something 'more suitable' to cover my clan mark."

"But most 'Cubi wear shiny things," Sheila said, glancing down at her own seductive top.  "Latex, leather, PVC, who cares?  It's fun to be sexy!"

"The Prof don't think so," Richard said.

"Is he hiding something?" Syd asked.  "Is he into something a bit kinky himself?  Like how King Ta'Hish decreed that homosexuality should carry the death penalty within his realm, and then ended up at the block himself when he was found in a public toilet with the Prime Minister?  People who rant against things like that are usually in some kind of denial..."

"No, no..." Richard said.  "At least... I don't... I hope not,"  He shivered for a moment, imagining the raccoon in a glossy black miniskirt.
"Yeah, most 'Cubi love shiny things and sexy looks, but The Professor... he's not like most 'Cubi.  See, his father was an Angel..."

"What?!" Sheila yelped, and then looked around guiltily.  "What?!" she hissed.  "That's not what the books say!  An Angel and a 'Cubi... the child should be born to the most magically powerful race, and that would be the Angel..."

"Yeah, but that don't always happen," Richard said.  "It's rare, but just sometimes you'll get a 'Cubi born to a Demon mom or something.  That's why SAIA allowed non-'Cubi students in certain conditions, because every so often a Demon-Cubi marriage or something would produce a 'Cubi child instead of a Demon, and when they went to SAIA their Demon siblings could be offered a place as well..."

"Also the Angel race has been having problems breeding true for quite a while now," Syd added.  "An Angel is more likely to end up with a 'Cubi or Being child than you might think."

"Live and learn," Richard smirked.  Sheila looked angry and glanced between the other two as if she suspected they were having her on.

"If you don't believe me, you can borrow my data tablet and look it up later," Richard offered.  "But yeah, the Prof's Dad was an Angel.  He didn't approve of how 'Cubi tend to become over-emotional and he brought the Prof up to try and denounce his 'Cubi heritage."

"It didn't quite work," Richard added, retrieving a pair of black silk sleeves from a chest of drawers, the kind which Creatures often wore when a shirt would interfere with their wings.  "I mean, the Prof now thinks the 'Cubi race should be on top.  But a lot of it did rub off.  He doesn't approve of giving in to your emotions, and he hates it when 'Cubi dress seductively..."

The jackal glanced up.  "Course, he might be in some kind of denial as well..."

"But the point is, he still wants you to cover up your clan mark, but with something more discreet, is that it?" the Border collie asked.

"For now, yes," Richard said, gazing at the Clan Daryil mark on the back of his wrist and stroking it idly.  "Something less Daryil-like.  But one day... he'll want me to convert into a full member of his clan, and after that the clan mark won't matter... but I... guess I will kind of miss it..."

"But only a Tri-Winged clan leader can convert other 'Cubi," Sheila said, aghast.

"He's got a plan for that," said Richard nervously.  "He wants to become one..."

* * *

"So, do you have a plan?"  Illiath asked, looking desperate.

"Not really," Daryil said.  "Not yet.  My avatar with the Prof is still gathering information.  Look, Illie, I know Syd, Richard and Sheila are your students, and I realise you're in a difficult situation with them, but please try to remain calm.
"In fact, you should probably let the rest of your students know.  If your school is remotely like SAIA, the place will be ablaze with rumours."

"You're right," Illiath said, hardening her expression as she turned to leave.  "Those three are my students, and yes, I am worried about them and would like to help them if I can.  But at the same time... they are not the only students in need of my aid, and I have been neglecting the rest of my school."

"Attagirl," Daryil said.  Illiath hesitated at the door.

"But... if you do learn anything, you will let me know, right...?" she added hopefully.

"Of course," the tri-wing reassured her.  "You just go out there and knock'em dead.  I need to make a call."

* * *

"You..." the Demon said, muscles rippling as he hefted the axe again, "You're Jyraneth 'Cubi...?!"

"No, no, no," Julei said.  "I mean, yes - I was once, and Nick was born into the clan through no fault of his own.  But we both reject her utterly.  I told you before - we don't want her back!  She would destroy us if she found us!  We came here, at great personal risk, to stop anyone from trying to revive her, and it looks like that job just got a lot harder!"

"I'll have to report this," the Demon said.  "Wait here."

"No!" Julei said, almost screaming with frustration, "If those two maniacs are digging up that crazy bitch, we have to stop them!"

"Do you really think they could?" the wolf asked, looking worried for a moment.

"Do you really want to risk it?  Look, we have to get there as soon as we can.  If you want to come too, that's fine.  You can call up your superiors on the way, but please, please don't delay us."

"Fine," the Demon said, and began pulling out a phone similar to Salomere's.

"Are you all Jyraneth?" he asked.

"Ja'Fell," Julei said.  "Technically Nick and I are Jyraneth but as I keep explaining, we have gone our own way.  Josh is robotic and has never been attached to Jyraneth clan in his life. Salomere is my daughter-in-law, and she's of Dynari's clan.  Like Nick she was born after the Fall anyway..."

"And have any of you committed crimes against the Kamei'Sin clan...?"

Julei sighed.  "Strictly, yes, I have.  While our clans were at war, I did horrible things... but that's ancient history.  Daryil got that all straightened out.  We, all of us here, are all in the service of Daryil's Clan.  The Lord Daryil hand-picked us for this mission himself and can vouch for us..."

"I'll have to verify that," the Demon said unhappily.

"Are you sure you're a forester?"  Josh asked the wolf.  "You're starting to sound like a customs and immigrations official at an airport."

"I was a student, okay...?" the Demon complained.  "I needed the money."

* * *

"Nact'larn headquarters," a seductive voice said.  The screen wavered and revealed an exquisitely-proportioned succubus with pale, feathery wings.

"Oh," she said, eyes narrowing.  "It's you again.  How did you get this number?"

"From Tatala," Daryil said.

"The volcanic place with the magic springs?  What about it?"

"The local magic vapours interfere with the mobile infrastructure so they have to use land-lines," Daryil said.  "That means they still have phone booths.  So, I went round all of them and wrote down the numbers marked 'for a good time, call xxxxx', and then I tried them one by one, and here we are!"

"What do you want, Daryil?"

"I'd like a word with your mistress," Daryil began.

"Oh no, no, no!" the succubus interrupted.  "The matter is closed.  You may not open any of your adult flapjack bars in Nact'Larn territory!"

"It's not about that," Daryil said.  "If Taun hasn't told her first, I think she needs to know what I've discovered."

"If you think my Lady will willingly speak to you after last time..."

"I will speak to Daryil," a husky voice said.  "He understands lust."

"She's right, you know," Daryil said, with a sly grin.  "We both like our men..."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 57 (2013/05/25)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 25, 2013, 08:28:39 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 24, 2013, 08:01:53 PM
"Are you sure you're a forester?"  Josh asked the wolf.  "You're starting to sound like a customs and immigrations official at an airport."

"I was a student, okay...?" the Demon complained.  "I needed the money."


Quote from: Tapewolf on May 24, 2013, 08:01:53 PM
"From Tatala," Daryil said.

"The volcanic place with the magic springs?  What about it?"

"The local magic vapours interfere with the mobile infrastructure so they have to use land-lines," Daryil said.  "That means they still have phone booths.  So, I went round all of them and wrote down the numbers marked 'for a good time, call xxxxx', and then I tried them one by one, and here we are!"

*snerk* yay, Dar. Winding people up for the amusement value since....

... actually, he's never been otherwise, has he? ;-]
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 58 (2013/05/31)
Post by: Tapewolf on May 31, 2013, 03:42:59 PM
Chapter 58

"The loaf," Daryil was saying, in hushed tones.  "The loaf of pain, of bane... of suffering and snuffering..."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Jakob complained.

"Nor do I," Daryil admitted.  "But it sounds good, right?"

"Enough of this nonsense!" The Professor snapped.  "Daryil, you have turned my beautiful garden into a post-nuclear wasteland and your arguments as to why I should cancel my other projects are singularly idiotic.  I truly do not understand how the likes of you could have become a Tri-Wing."

"The Gods liked me," Daryil said.

"Now we're back to that again," The Professor snarled disgustedly.  "Your brain should be peace-bonded, otherwise people might think you can have good ideas..."

"Prof," Daryil interrupted, "We've all been through a lot.  I imagine you're stressed about Taun and the lockdown and me destroying your soul-eating flowers probably hasn't helped.  Niall and Jakob have been kidnapped and my avatar is kind of drained, not least because I'm keeping up the neutron shield.  In short, we're all frazzled."

"You have a gift for stating the obvious," The Professor grunted.

"Yeah.  What I'm saying is... why don't we all head to the cafeteria and have a coffee or something?  Then we can thrash things out, go over our options, and hopefully work out some kind of deal."

"Very well," the raccoon said grudgingly, "But you will make a more permanent neutron shield first as a gesture of goodwill."

* * *

"My clan WHAT?!"  Richard squeaked.

"Your clan is trying to bring back the dragons," Sheila said in a shaky voice.  "The ones who almost destroyed our race and numerous others..."

"Could you persuade him to stop?" Syd asked, urgently.

"But... but... he never told me!" Richard protested, looking scared.  "He must have known I'd disagree... or maybe it's because I'm a Daryil... I'm not part of his clan, perhaps he expected me to go rogue... perhaps he didn't want me to compromise his projects in case I did...
"Oh gods, oh gods, Dragons... what can we do...?"

"I don't know," Sheila admitted.

"Maybe it's not that bad," the jackal said, desperately.  He looked around wildly, and began running in little circles in the middle of the room as if he was trying to chase his tail.  "Maybe he really can control them," he babbled.  "Maybe... maybe it's just mini-dragons, you know, like Drakes or something...  Surely he can't be meaning to bring back the race that nearly destroyed ours..."

"Oh dear, Richard," a voice said.  "You weren't supposed to know about Epsilon.  The white jackal turned around in sheer panic.  Lady Finch stood in the doorway, watching him with a cool expression on her face and her arms folded.

"Don't tell the Prof, oh gods... please, Mom... don't tell him, don't let him kill me... or them..."

"I won't tell him," Lady Finch said, locking the door behind her.  "And I 'didn't see' either of your friends.  I'll try to hide them, but if they are found I will have to deny all knowlege."

"M-mom...?" Richard gaped.  "I... You are my Mom, right...?  You're not Daryil or someone in disguise...?"

"Of course I am," Lady Finch snapped.  "Look, Richard, I..."  The wolf succubus sighed to herself and sat on Richard's bed.  "I know I haven't always been there for you.  I guess... I guess I haven't been that great a mother for you, when it comes down to it.  Recently... between Taun trying to kill me and Daryil trying not to kill me, and The Professor trying to kill your father... well, it's made me realise that that has to change.  I'm only sorry that you had to become an adult before I realised what I've done."

Syd and Sheila glanced at each other and edged towards the door.

"No, you two stay," Albeth said.  "It's not safe out there."

"Richard, the time is rapidly approaching when you will have to choose whose side you are on," she began.  "I realise that you're caught between Daryil and The Professor and that's far from an ideal situation.  Maybe things will change, maybe one day our two clans can come to some kind of agreement.  But right now you can only be loyal to one side - or else you'll end up like your Dad nearly did."

And you're not the only one who has to decide, she thought sadly.

* * *

"So," The Professor said, kicking back in a chair with a cup of white tea, "Tell me about your ascension, Daryil.  Many have tried, but most have died.  What makes you so special?"

"Not everyone who seeks to become a Tri-Wing deserves it," Daryil said, sipping a cup of coffee.  "It's not something to be entered into lightly.  Yes, you become extremely powerful, but that power comes with huge responsibilities towards your Children, the like of which you cannot presently understand.
"Take Jyraneth, for example.  She ascended by eating her Leader, and as a result she had no clue how to run a clan..."

"Be that as it may, there is a lot we can learn from Jyraneth," The Professor objected.  "Yes, she made mistakes, but she had a lot of good ideas as well that we should do our best to take on board..."

"You've certainly taken her insanity on board," Niall said.

"Quiet!" Professor Fa'Rana snapped, sloshing his tea.  "You forget that I hold you hostage, Niall.  Do not presume to push me too far!  And that goes for you as well, Daryil!"

"Oh, all right," Daryil sulked.  To The Professor's dismay, he took a packet of instant coffee, crushed it, poured out a line and snorted some of it up his nose with a straw.  Suddenly the fox's expression changed and he stroked his chin with a rubbery black hand, staring at the raccoon as if he'd just realised something.

"Professor," Daryil began, "I think I see a way out of this for us.  A way to settle our disagreements."

"I had no idea it was possible to get high on coffee," The Professor mused, folding his arms.  "Go on, Daryil... this ought to be good."

"Hear me out," the fox pleaded, holding his hands in a placatory gesture.
"See, your projects all seem to be tied up with force and violence as a way to get our race on top.  But there are other ways.

"In long aeons past, the 'cubi race was far more powerful.  The energies which our race uses were stronger and in far greater supply.  In those days, Ascension was vastly easier and it was possible to do weird things like having multiple Tri-Wings in the same clan or multicoloured clan marks.

"They say that it was the golden age of our race, Professor.  But something or someone turned off the cosmic tap we were drinking from and cut it down to a trickle.

"Professor, if you must see the 'Cubi become the Master Race, why don't you do it that way?  Find out what's crippled our race and fix it?  Or find a workaround?  Fake soul energy will only take us so far, but suppose you can do that?  The other clans will worship you... you'd become one of the greatest heroes of our race!  You can forget all about dangerous stuff like Epsilon because you simply won't need it!"

"That is a good idea," The Professor said, eyes filled with wonder.  "Are you sure it was one of yours?  It seems almost out of character...  perhaps one of your clan told you... No matter.  Yes, I like that idea and I will definitely look into it.  It seems I owe you a debt of thanks, Daryil."

The fox smiled, offered The Professor a shiny gloved hand.  "Then you'll abandon this Epsilon foolishness and let us go home?" he asked, eyes shining with happiness and relief.

"Of course not!"  The Professor laughed.  "Once our race is in overall control, then I will look towards making this universe a better place for our kind.  First things first!" 

"Gods damn you," Daryil scowled, his offered hand becoming a fist.  With great effort he calmed himself and addressed The Professor curtly.  "So be it," he said.  "In that case, I challenge you to a duel, Professor."

The Professor blinked and stared at Daryil, eyes narrowing with suspicion.  "What did you say...?"

"We're at a stalemate," Daryil told him.  "I want you to drop projects like Epsilon that may get us all killed.  I was hoping I could dissuade you, but it doesn't seem to be working.  Each time we come back to the prospect of force.  My avatar is powerful enough to slay you, but I don't want to do that.  Likewise, you can destroy my avatar - which would make me very angry with you, but you cannot easily harm me, and if you are foolish enough to try and harm my friends, it will be the last thing you ever do.  But a duel would make things so much cleaner and more controlled."

"Let me get this straight," the raccoon said.  "To avoid us killing each other you propose... a fight to the death?"

"No," Daryil said.  "No-one has to die.  Given how adamant you are that the 'Cubi race should inherit Furrae, do you really want to risk destroying someone so rare and important to our race as a Clan Leader?  Even if you disagree with their viewpoint?"

"Yes, this is true," The Professor admitted.  "You are part of the continuum of our race, and yes, in time you will surely realise that my designs are the best way and that your opposition was rooted in folly.  Very well, Daryil.  What do you propose instead?"

"A wager... a gentleman's agreement," Daryil said.  "We find some way to settle our differences; a chess match, mud-wrestling, pie-eating contest, whatever.  Or heck, why not all three?  A triathlon!  Whatever.  If I win, you cancel your violent and dangerous projects.  If you win, I'll leave you to get on with them and pray you know what you're doing.  With me out of the way, you could even return your hostages."

"An interesting idea," The Professor said, with a glint in his eye.  "But you are vastly more powerful than me.  It would not be a fair match.  Besides, I don't trust you, Daryil.  You may cheat."

"But you were planning to ascend shortly, right?  Sigma Project, wasn't it?  Why not move that ahead of schedule?"

"No, Daryil.  I will ascend, and I shall do so soon.  But I will not be rushed, and I will not engage in a loaded competition against a Tri-Wing!"

"Okay," Daryil said.  "My avatar is hobbled by your magical barrier, but since you insist, I nominate Jakob as my champion.  The pair of you would be quite evenly matched for a contest of skill or endurance."

"This is true," The Professor said slowly, "But I must think this over.  I will not be rushed into something for the hasty stroke oft goes astray, which I'm sure you're counting on."

"Professor," said a voice.  Fa'Rana spun around to see Lady Finch behind him, with Johan, Syd, Richard, Sheila and several others including the vixen succubus Victoria.  They were flanked by Anja and a number of android guards.

"Ah, Lady Finch... Wait!  You've captured some spies!  Sidney and this... his girlfriend?  Excellent work!  I was starting to question your loyalty.  Now, I would like you to..."

"I'm afraid you misunderstand," Lady Finch said sadly.  "Professor, I am really sorry, but I have to relieve you of command on the grounds of mental incapacity."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 58 (2013/05/31)
Post by: joshofspam on May 31, 2013, 06:01:50 PM
Seems like Lady Finch is about to step up and end the madness.

Though I'd be surprised if she could manage it. I'm sure that the Professor is no push over, though considering Finch's position in the organization, that might be true of her too.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 58 (2013/05/31)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 02, 2013, 08:31:58 PM
Silly Prof. Doesn't he know you can't get high off of instant coffee? You need the real stuff for a real high... ;-]
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 58 (2013/05/31)
Post by: Lurkie on June 03, 2013, 11:06:11 PM
Well, the Professor is non compos mentis, so I guess it should come as no surprise that he'd make that sort of mistake.  Or should that be compost mentis?  I can't decide...  :)  Ah, t'heck with it, he's just plain LOONY TUNES!
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 59 (2013/06/07)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 07, 2013, 02:40:30 PM
Chapter 59

"What madness is this?!" The Professor gurgled.

"I'm really sorry, Professor," Lady Finch said apologetically.  "It wasn't an easy decision to make, but Richard found out about the Epsilon Project.  I was always a little dubious about it, to tell the truth.  And now he has convinced me that it is madness, as was provoking Daryil by threatening his childen.  You've been overworked, Professor, and the stress is taking its toll.  Your decisions lately have made enemies of the other clans, of entire races and that has to stop.  Now, before it's too late."

"And so now you're attempting a coup." Professor Fa'Rana sighed.  "Oh, Albeth... I had thought so much better of you than this.  How many are with you?"

"Enough," Lady Finch said.  "Others have come to decide who they will support.  Professor, we were friends for a long time and I really don't want there to be any bloodshed.  I ask you to surrender peacefully and leave, or place yourself in my care.  I will do my best to repair our relationships with the outside world.  Maybe, after a period of rest and recuperation, you can be given a..."

"You can't do this!"  The Professor shouted furiously.  "It's my clan!  Clan Fa'Rana!  Oh, yes!  I see it all... now it will be Finch's Clan!  Yes, you'd love that, wouldn't you?  Oh no, Albeth.  No, no, no.  I can't let you take this from me, I'll kill you first!"

"He is mad," Johan said.  "Lady Finch, I support your claim.  The Professor is unfit for command and should be relieved of it, at least for the time being."

The Professor looked like he'd been slapped in the face.  Wing-tentacles bristled and Anja stepped forwards to shield the others.  Then the moment passed.  He stood there shaking with rage, doing his best to remain calm.

"Very well, Albeth," The Professor fumed through bared teeth.  "It will be as you say.  But first, let me..."

"No," Lady Finch interrupted.

"He is the head of our clan," Anja said doubtfully.  "We should hear him out first."

"Thank you, Anja," the raccoon said.  "Let me go into my office and pack my things."

"Victoria, go with him.  Prevent him causing any mischief." Lady Finch insisted.  "Yes, Milady," the vixen said.

* * *

"Alright," the Demon forester said at last, "You may enter the site.  But I must escort you."

"Works for me," Julei said.

"You'll protect us, right?"  Nick quavered.  "If someone else attacks us, I mean...?"

"We'll see," the Demon said gruffly, and then pitched over.  Julei rushed to his aid.

"Hello, mother," said a voice.  Salomere turned around with a start to see two figures emerge from the trees, a male husky and a female Doberman pinscher.

"And grandmother too," the husky said.  "I do hope you are going to introduce your friends to us?  That would only be polite."

"I would," Julei said, glancing around.  "But one of them has just fallen unconscious.  Would you know anything about that?"

"He'll live," the husky said.  "Though we might sacrifice him to The Lady later.  Who is he?"

"He's a forestry worker," Julei said, omitting the Demon's connection to the Kamei'Sin clan.  "As for the others, I don't think you met Joshua Oswald," she gestured at the android incubus.  "And the shy one is Nicklaus."

"Nick, Josh," Salomere piped up, "Meet my children, Ingar and Amalia Jyraneth."

"J-Jyraneth!?" Nick squeaked.  "Please... Don't kill me..."

"Ah," Amalia said, glancing at the young jackal.  "So you're still trying to pretend that you're not Jyraneth members?"

"Nick never wanted to be a Jyraneth," Joshua said.

"One day, you will see the folly of your ways," Ingar sniffed.  "Probably quite soon."

"Oh dear," Salomere said sadly.  "You actually are trying to bring back The Lady?"

"Mordrith suggested it," Amalia put in with relish.  "'Flee, and find your precious Red Queen', wasn't that it?  Well, we have."

"May we see?" Julei asked politely.

"Oh, indeed," Ingar said.  "You must come with us, grandmother.  And bring the Demon too."

Obediently, Josh strode over to the supine wolf and effortlessly hefted him over his back.

For a moment, Ingar looked unsettled at Josh's display of strength, but it soon passed.  He held out a hand and a warp-aci landed upon it.

"Very well," he said.  "Mani... take us back to the dig site."

* * *

The Professor returned shortly, carrying a large suitcase.  He smiled at Lady Finch, but the she-wolf simply gazed back at him, eyes narrowing.

"What have you done with Victoria?" she demanded.

"She will recover soon," The Professor said, his eyes almost glowing with vitality.  He flipped the catch on the suitcase and it burst open, spilling a number of large, cylindrical containers onto the floor with a clatter.

"Soul-energy containers," Daryil said.  "Empty."

"Did you just eat all those?!" Lady Finch demanded in a scolding tone, as if she had found an errant child with an empty box of chocolates.
"You have left me no choice, Albeth," The Professor said.  "Sigma Project begins now.  Then, once I have truly become this clan's Leader, you shall find me a lot harder to depose!"

"Please don't do this, Professor," Daryil begged.

"Why shouldn't I?  It will give me all the power I need to crush this idiotic rebellion.  And then we shall see, Daryil.  Oh, yes.  You asked for a duel... and you shall have one!"

"That's not the point," Daryil said.  "Weren't you listening earlier?  You're doing it for all the wrong reasons!  You're trying to ascend out of selfishness and that's completely wrong!  It's more like a sacrifice for the good of your clan!  Don't you get it?  It's not simply becoming a mega-powerful 'Cubi, it's about your family!  There are things you'll never be able to do again!  You mustn't rush into it.. please, stop and think about what you're doing!"

"Oh shut up, Daryil," The Professor snarled.

"Richard, you were not born of my clan," Fa'Rana said, "By an accident of birth you became one of Daryil's children.  But it doesn't have to be that way!  You can leave Daryil clan and become part of mine - a clan with a true purpose in life.  You don't truly want to be allied with the laughing stock of our race?  Join with me, Richard.  Surely you can see that this is the wisest course of action."

"Join you?" Richard snarled.  "You ordered my father to be murdered!  Not only that but you tried to sacrifice my mother to Taun!  Daryil was right, Professor... you are a monster.  I'm staying with him."

"You are still young and foolish," the raccoon sighed.  "Once Sigma is completed, my clan will dwarf Daryil's in power, and you will look back on this with embarrassment.  But there will still be a place for you with us, Richard," he added in a persuasive voice.

"Only if you want to have your power completely gimped," Daryil put in.  "Remember, you're a Daryil Clan member.  It doesn't matter how powerful the Prof thinks he'll be after his ascension - if you switch clan, you'll still be a cripple.  Changing clan costs you half your power and lifespan - it's something you do for your child's sake, not your own."

"I have created a Dragon from scratch," Professor Fa'Rana laughed.  "If I can do that, I can surely find a workaround for this trifling little problem..."

"Is that your offer?" Richard asked.  "Leave someone who still loves me despite my flaws, and become a lab animal for your experiments in 'Cubi metabiology?  Fuck off."

"As you wish," The Professor said.  "I forgive you.  There will still be a place in my clan for you should you wish it."

"Professor," Daryil snapped urgently, "Where are you planning to ascend?"

"Here, of course.  Where else?"

"You can't do that, Professor.  Ascending, especially the kind of fast-burn ascendance you're doing, releases an enormous amount of energy.  It will cremate Grunmore, some of my most valued clan members and basically your entire clan into the bargain."

"Lies!  How could anyone ever ascend if that was the case?!"

"Because they don't do it next to their children!  Surely you remember my ascension?  The explosion in the desert that most people wrote off as a meteor strike...?"

"That was you?!"

"Yes.  It literally melted that patch of the desert to glass for several miles around, though of course the sand has blown over most of it since.  Or Cyra?  Her ascension converted the entire city of Hishaan into gleaming spires of borosilicate.
"No, you can't risk destroying your clan in the ascension - it would break you, Professor.  You have no idea what it is like to be a Leader, what it means to have your clan members linked to you.  Losing them all during the ascension will destroy your mind.  No - what you have to do is go somewhere else and ascend there.  Then return to claim your prize."

"So be it," The Professor snarled.

* * *

"Jeremiah!"  Daryil said, as the video screen in his sanctum cleared to reveal a green-haired husky in armour.  "I didn't expect you'd be back so soon!  How are you faring?"

"Much better," Jeremiah said.  "And thank you for the chocolates, it was a kind gesture.  Frankly I'm not feeling great yet, but I am well enough to resume envoy duty.  My injuries will heal over, but for now the armour will cover my scars.  Caroline tells me that you wanted to speak to me as Taun's envoy, correct?  Incidentally she's really sorry about trying to behead Jakob and it won't happen again."

"It is forgiven," Daryil said.  "But please try to get her to think before acting in future.  Look, Jerry, I wanted to talk to you about Professor Fa'Rana.  He is planning to ascend."

The husky raised a mailed hand.  "Milord, if I may be blunt, Taun Clan's position on ascension is pretty neutral.  We do have a tacit disapproval in that virtually everyone who attempts it ends up destroyed, but besides the attrition on our race, it isn't really our place to prevent someone ascending whose politics we disapprove of.
"After all, if we did pick and choose who should get to ascend, don't you think Taun might have intervened against you?"

Daryil smirked and the blue husky looked nervous for a moment.

"No disrespect was intended, Milord, but you know how Taun disapproves of your frivolity, and your attempts to mimic a Clan Leader prior to ascending still rankle her," Jeremiah added hastily.

"You got me there," Daryil grinned.  "But you aren't sitting there with the Prof listening to his insane plans." 

"...I am talking to Daryil, aren't I?"  Jeremiah asked suddenly.  "Or one of your avatars?  It's not an envoy faking you or something?"

"You're talking to the real me," Daryil said, opening his shirt briefly to show the marking on his chest.  "I've got an avatar on-site with the Prof, and another in a spare office talking to Dimanika.  But frankly my attention is split 33/66 in your favour."

"Who gets the remaining one percent?"  The husky asked politely.

"Dimanika," Daryil said.  "She's been talking about twine for the last 45 minutes.  For the most part I'm smiling and nodding.  No, I want to discuss some of the Prof's insane plans with you and why I think they may be a danger to our race."

"Taun might say the same about you, you know," Jeremiah pointed out.  "And it's fair to say that you have to be fairly crazy to risk ascending in the first place."

"Yeah, but there's different grades of crazy," Daryil said.  "I'm crazy on the outside.  The Prof is crazy on the inside.  Yes, my clan created some androids to help the dying or the dead, which was a bit naughty, but it's safe.
"What The Professor is doing is dangerous.  He looks sane on the surface but underneath, he's so hell-bent on trying to rule the 'Cubi race that he's willing to unleash... well, I don't want to prejudice you against him by saying, but it's one of our oldest enemies.
"Look, Jerry, I'm not asking Taun to mobilise and attack him, but I do think your people need to keep an eye on the situation."

"I'll pass that along, Daryil.  But without specifics, it's hard..." Jeremiah said.

"That's all I ask," Daryil smiled.  "Thanks, Jerry."
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 59 (2013/06/07)
Post by: joshofspam on June 07, 2013, 05:34:28 PM
Wow, the Professor's mad plot sure has Daryil busy.

Of course with the Red Lady possibly making a come back, what really is the worst kind of madness coming from?
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 59 (2013/06/07)
Post by: Lurkie on June 07, 2013, 06:20:07 PM
Yeah, compared to Fa'Rana and the Red Queen, Daryil is merely whimsically eccentric.  From what I've read about Queen Jyraneth, she's even worse than Fa'Rana.  I'm no psychologist, so I can't give proper names to their various forms of insanity, but they're both really out there.  (I think I made my opinion of the Professor clear in my previous post. :) )

I would find it satisfyingly ironic if Fa'Rana does try to ascend, and winds up disassembled down to his component quarks.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 60 (2013/06/14)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 14, 2013, 12:07:31 PM
Two more left after this...

Chapter 60

Jyraneth's inner sanctum stood before them like a tomb.  They gazed at it with a collective sigh, and then Ingar moved forward.

The husky kicked open the massive stone door which swung open for a moment, caught, and then after another kick, pitched over with a crash that reverberated throughout the caverns like the clap of doom.

With a triumphant crow, Ingar stepped inside, brandishing a torch.  He flicked it onto its highest setting and swung it around.  It was not so much a cavern as an immense hall, ornately decorated, the ceiling stretching up some thirty metres.

At the end of the hall, the husky caught a glimpse of something rounded.  He ran towards it, and pointed the light straight at it.  Black and cracked-looking, it was the gigantic form of a jackal, still as a statue.  The light played on her head for a moment, and then suddenly she turned.  Ingar dropped the torch and it shattered, but light came forth from her very eyes.  A hand reached out and swatted him, knocking him off his feet and smashing his body against the wall.  His corpse peeled off the wall and fell to earth, a broken and bloody heap.

Jyraneth reached out again, her hand snaked towards Amalia, who froze and with a mournful croak, fell stone dead and soulless.

"Don't be ridiculous," Ingar snapped, waving his hand dismissively at Julei.

"...But I'm telling you, that's exactly what will happen!"  the husky succubus protested.  "Surely you've seen the cine films!?!  The explorer goes in with a torch, shines it at the statue, the statue turns around and the unfortunate archaeologist is destroyed by the ancient evil.  You think that's just some shit people made up?  The reason it's so popular in the movies is because it happens so bloody often!
"Listen, kids, you may have forsworn our clan, and your crimes may have pushed Mordrith into a killing rage the last time we met, but you're still flesh of my flesh and I don't want to see you die!"

"She is our Clan Leader!" Ingar snarled.  "She will shower us with honour and praise for releasing her!"

"You weren't there!" Julei said desperately.  "Jyraneth heard voices in her head telling her to kill people.  You can't expect reasonable behaviour from someone that far out of her gourd!  Hell, she'll probably just eat whoever lets her out of her prison because they achieved something she couldn't or wouldn't do herself!"

"Look," she protested, gesturing at the digging machinery around the site, "You've used Being technology to excavate her.  If she doesn't assume that you're Being-lovers, the fact that you've released her using Being machinery - that she owes her return to the brainchild of the 'abominations' she swore us to destroy - she'll take that as a mortal insult and destroy you utterly."

"Then what do you suggest we do instead?" Amalia snapped.  "We have not come so close to our Leader just to turn around and go home!"

"Going home would be the sensible thing," Julei said sourly.  "But if you insist on poking someone more dangerous than you can imagine, there is a way we can talk to her from a safe distance."

"What?!  How?  More Being technolgy?"

"No.  Nick here can still dream," Julei said.  "He was plagued by nightmares of Jyraneth until he joined our clan and we taught him to block her influence.  If we can convince him to lower his defences, then when he sleeps, the Lady is very likely to enter his dreams, given how close we are to her.
"I can dream-surf," she said.  "I will enter his dreams, and if the Lady does appear, we should be able to converse without risking her destroying us."

She hesistated.  "Failing that, we could use Being technology.  I could probably borrow Daryil's BigTrack and stick a wireless camera on it, if you really must breach her chamber."

* * *

Nick looked around and drew a quick breath, shuddering.  Even without having read 'Confessions of a Jyraneth' and 'Confessions of Another Jyraneth', he knew more than enough of his Clan Leader's wiles.
Cages full of bones and decomposing victims creaked slowly in the faint breeze, rotting bodies swung from gibbets, decaying heads spiked on poles gazed sightlessly next to a guillotine.  All these and other atrocities left Nick in no doubt that he stood in the Red Queen's Hanging Gardens.

Nervously, the young incubus glanced around.  Salomere stood behind him, glancing around with horrified fascination in much the same way as Nick.  Julei sat upon a nearby execution block, looking thoroughly miserable and more than a little scared.

"Perhaps this wasn't such a good idea," she whispered.

Ingar and Amalia looked around as though lost.  Horror seeping into them as their dreams of the Clan's glory were suddenly confronted with the brutal reality of Jyraneth's tyrannical reign.

Nick glanced around, wondering for a moment where Josh and the demon woodsman were before he remembered that it was only a lucid dream.

"Josh is guarding our bodies," Julei said.  "And if the woodsman comes around he should be able brief him on the situation.  And hopefully prevent him from murdering my grandchildren as well once he realises what they did..."

Nick gulped as the tall figure of a female jackal appeared before him, white and black, the ebony patches of her fur somehow glowing with dark energies.  She had three pairs of wings and stood about twelve foot tall.  As he watched, his Leader raised an arm and pointed a finger at him accusingly.

"You again, ghost!" Jyraneth roared.  "Why do you keep returning to haunt me?  Why?!"

"Um, I brought some people with me," Nick told her nervously.

"More ghosts?!  How dare you..."

"'ghosts?'"  Ingar hissed, looking slightly worried.  "What the hell is she talking about?"

"She tried to eat my soul," Nick whispered.  Amalia looked at the giant jackal uncertainly.  "She thinks she succeeded," the jackal continued, "But it was just a dream.  She's confused..."

"Please, your majesty, they're not ghosts," Nick said out loud, "They're members of your clan, and they wanted to talk to you..."

Ingar and Amalia knelt before Jyraneth, Nick himself edging away from her cautiously.

"Oh, great and mighty Queen," the incubus said, "We came here to free you that you may reign above once again..."

"Traitors... heretics!"  The Lady boomed.  "You may have come here to release me, but you have profaned the gods... consorting with Beings and using their foul, blasphemous machines!
"I deem you heretics, like the rest of your line.  For these and other crimes I must now destroy you."
The jackal pointed at the guillotine, which somehow had two attendants beside it, their bodies enshrouded with black as her Judicators had done.  Only their eyes were visible, and the glowing white of the Lady's mark upon their bodies. 

Ingar glanced at the blade, and back at Jyraneth, his eyes full of fear and disbelief as if he couldn't accept what she meant.
"Yes," Jyraneth crowed.  "Offer your heads willingly if you would die like true Jyraneth!  Refuse, and your end will be far less merciful."

"Oh fuck," Amalia whimpered, and jumped as Julei put a hand on her shoulder.  "I hate to say 'I told you so...'" the elder succubus began.

"But she can't hurt us, right...?"  Salomere whispered.

Julei looked worried.  "This close to her...?  I didn't think so, but now I'm less sure..."

"I repeat my offer once more," Jyraneth boomed.  "Surrender yourselves and your executions shall be swift and merciful.  Otherwise..."

"Mercy?" Julei interrupted.  "You don't know the meaning of the word.  I would have been content to follow your ways, but that you would have executed my husband and destroyed his very soul.  And for being his wife you would have executed me too, never mind that I saw Mordrith's heresies as wishful thinking.  That was what turned me against you, my Lady.  You forced me to choose between my loving husband and a monster who tormented and murdered her own children."

"So be it!  I shall crush you slowly as heretics," the jackal informed them.  "Body and soul, your days are at an end."

"No," Nick shouted.  Julei turned with a start, wings fanning out in disbelief at the sneering, defiant tone in his voice.  The shy, terrified youth was gone, replaced by a heroic warrior in gleaming armour, a sword in his hand that shimmered with ensorcellments.

"Your reign is over, Jyraneth," he said, voice ringing out clearly.  "You will not destroy us - I am come to destroy you."

"You dare threaten the servant of the Gods!?" Jyraneth screamed, her hands becoming clawlike.

"SILENCE!"  Nick commanded.  "I am a true servant of the Gods, Jyraneth.  You have been judged and found wanting.  When they sent your enemies to conquer the city, you could have used your power to crush them and protect your Children.  Instead you fled.  The attack on Harla'Keth was naught but a test of your faith, and you failed."

"Failed?!" the succubus blustered.  "Liar!  Heretic!"

Nick smiled darkly.  "And on top of all else, you threaten your few surviving children with death and worse.  You have twisted the desires of the Gods to suit your own selfish ends, Lady.  They are most displeased with your betrayal and have sent me here to carry out their sentence.
"Your own soul must be forefeit - I shall devour you and fulfil my destiny by taking your place, just as you did to Kafzeil, who was once your Clan Leader.  And once I am become Lord Jyraneth, I shall lead the survivors of your incompetence to a new golden age.
"There is but one way you can avoid this fate - hand the Leadership to me willingly, and the Gods may let you keep your soul.  It is your only chance."

"Never!" Jyraneth screamed, and the dream collapsed.

* * *

Nick woke blearily.  Julei was shaking him, her face lined with worry.

"Nick...?  Is that you...?"

"Is she gone?" Nick quailed.

"Yes," Salomere told her.  "Nick... you didn't... you didn't mean any of that, did you...?" she added, looking distraught.

"What?" Nick asked.  "Oh, about taking her place?  I... I don't think I'd make a very good Clan Leader..."

"I think you'd do better than she did," Julei shrugged.

"Okay, guys," the Demon said, hefting his axe again.  "You'd better have a good explanation for this..."

"Ingar attacked you," Josh said, pointing at the other husky incubus.  "That wasn't our fault.  But I think we've reached some kind of understanding with them..."

"The fuck we have!"  Ingar snarled.  "The Lady has gone!  You robbed us of our chance to-"

"Did you learn nothing?!" Salomere shouted.  Ingar looked surprised, and stepped backwards, blinking.
"She said flat out that she was going to destroy us all," the doberman growled.  "Not 'everyone except Ingar', she wanted the whole lot of us soul-dead, and neither of you have the Ja'Fell shielding.  We might have pulled through, but she'd probably have killed the both of you if Nick hadn't just saved your asses!"

"Mother's right," Amalia said, her expression distraught and her eyes pleading.  "Jyraneth wanted our heads, Ingar... our very souls!  She really does want us destroyed...  J-Julei... you were right.  I should have listened..."

"That's alright, dear," Julei said.  "We all make mistakes."

"Is this true?" the forester asked, lowering the axe slightly.  "The Lady...?  Is she truly gone...?"

"I can no longer feel her presence," Amalia said.  "Maybe she's gone, maybe she's just gone back to sleep to prevent Nick being able to trace her life-force..."

"We won't know without going inside," Julei told the Demon, "And I'm not suicidal enough to try that, even if Ingar is.  If I were you, I'd seal the place in concrete.  It won't stop her if she's determined to get out, but it should help prevent more crazies from trying to wake her."

"I will recommend that.  But if you're done here, I must take you to our capital," the Demon said.

"Are we under arrest?"  Josh asked, as Salomere rolled her eyes.

"No, but there will need to be an inquiry.  At the very least the Kamei'Sin will need a statement from each of you."

"No!"  Ingar snarled, leaping away.  "You're one of them?!  I'll not be taken by scum like you!  Come, Amalia!  We're leaving!"

"No," the Doberman said.  Ingar stared in disbelief, as did Salomere and Julei.  "I'm going with them.  They need to know what happened."

"The Kamei'Sin will kill you!  Mordrith will kill you!"

"Perhaps I deserve it," Amalia said quietly, glancing sadly at Salomere and Julei.

"I don't think it will come to that," Julei said.  "Mordrith would rather have you as a friend than an enemy."

"Fool," Ingar said, and bolted off into the trees.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 61 (2013/06/21)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 21, 2013, 06:14:08 PM
Chapter 61

Daxxon opened one eye slowly.  He was manacled to a wall, the room in darkness barring the soft glow of the bracers that left him powerless.

Dammit, he thought.  Not this again.

"Are you awake?" a voice called out.

"No," Daxxon replied.  "You have a lot to answer for, Professor..." he snarled.  "Like, why you deserve to remain whole.  I'm starting to get hungry..."

"I'm not The Professor," the voice said.

"D... Daryil?!" the alsatian yelped.  "They... they got you too...?  How?!"

"No," the fox said.  "I had come to free you, but I might have to leave you to cool off for a bit first, if your plans involve murdering people."

"Who said anything about murdering?" Daxxon grinned savagely.  "I was just going to eat one of his arms, that's all.  Nothing serious.  Did you say you'd come to rescue me?"

"Well, I can leave you if you prefer," Daryil offered.  "Or, we could call it a 'release', if that makes it more palatable..."

"I may be a Demon but I'm a bit more pragmatic than that," Daxxon said.  "Okay, some of my kind would sooner starve than admit to weakness by being rescued by others, but that always seemed pretty thick to me.  If you want to let me out of here, by all means, go for it."

"It's more of a release anyway," Daryil said.  "Clan Fa'Rana is in a state of civil war.  Finch is leading a coup to oust the Prof.  She's loosely on our side."


"Well, I don't think she has any love for me.  But she recognises that I'm a powerful ally and that the Prof is leading their clan to disaster.  We don't see eye-to-eye, but she is trying to find a peaceful resolution to the problems that we are all facing."

"So your plan is to spring me out of jail in the confusion?"

"Well, you were the Prof's hostage, not hers.  I don't think she'll mind, as long as you don't eat anyone.  Or parts of them.  That would upset Jakob too, by the way."

"But the shield was being maintained by The Professor, wasn't it?  The one preventing us from leaving?"

"You mean, the one that stopped me bringing this avatar into Grunmore?"  Daryil asked.  "Ah, now that took a bit of fiddling."

* * *

Daryil and The Professor gazed out across the desert.

"I think this is where it was," Daryil told him, kicking the sand with a shiny boot.  "It should be safe to ascend here.  Remember, concentrate on the specifications of the clan.  Don't let your mind wander.  Oh, and good luck."

"It is more than luck, Daryil." the raccoon sneered.

"Is it?"  Daryil asked.  "So many others thought they could beat the odds.  If it were that easy, we'd be swimming in Tri-Wings.  Instead there are precious few of us and the bar seems to get higher and higher with each ascension.
"Professor, are you sure you're ready to take this step?  Don't you think it would be more sensible to wait first?"

"Oh no, Daryil.  My mind is set.  I will do this, and you will not turn me aside."

"Why?" Daryil asked simply.  The Professor stared at him.

"You know very well why.  You and Albeth have seduced half my clan..."

"I did not!  Well, only Calahan, but he doesn't count..."

"SHUT UP!" The Professor shouted, trembling with fury.  "You and Albeth... the pair of you have conspired to usurp my authority!  You have engineered a revolt, a civil war, one that can only be put out by force!  My force... the power of an ascended Tri-Wing!"

"That's it?" Daryil said, and shook his head sadly.  "You want to ascend just because of some petty squabble?  You could fork the clan, you know.  I could help you do that.  Then you and Finch could go your own merry ways, without this whole risky..."

"So that you can divide and conquer us?" the raccoon laughed.  "Don't be ridiculous."

"No, no, no," the fox said, impatiently.  "Professor, if I wanted to crush your clan, I assure you I could.  I am trying very hard to avoid that and you are not helping."

"I do not have to answer to you, Daryil," The Professor said coolly.  "I will ascend, and you will not stop me."

"That's true," Daryil said.  "I could, but I won't.  I just don't think you understand what you're letting yourself in for, and the risks it entails."

"Power," Professor Fa'Rana said.  "And yes, yes, yes.  The risks are well-documented.  But are they true?  Is it not, rather, a ploy to scare off those who might otherwise threaten the status quo?
"Daryil, look at you.  You achieved it.  If an idiot can do so, then I..."

"Oh, look!  There's Albeth!"  Daryil said, waving cheerily at a small group of figures who had appeared on a nearby sand dune.

The Professor glanced around with a start.  "What the hell are they doing here?!" he demanded.  "How did they even get out?!  The shields..."

"You had to lower the shield briefly in order to get here, Professor," Daryil told him.  "I used that blip to wedge it open and make a hole in it.  Then I was able to rescue Niall, and bring another avatar in to protect Richard and res... release Dax."

"You tricked me!" the raccoon snarled.

"No, Prof.  You told me that I could cheat, so I did."

"I told you what...?"

"You did!" Daryil protested.  "You said, 'I don't trust you, Daryil.  You may cheat.'  I thought you meant I was allowed to..."

"You swore that my ascending would destroy my clan... and now you brought them here?!  And your own envoy too!?"

"Yes," Daryil said.  "But don't worry.  Now that my avatar is at full power, unhampered by your shield, I put up a protective forcefield of my own to shield them from the blast.  I figured that since this was such a monumental occasion for your clan, they deserved the chance to..."

"Silence, Daryil!  My time is at hand.  When I am done, I shall destroy you."

So saying, The Professor turned away, looked up and raised his hands towards the sun.  Then he fell over.


"Oh gods, no..." Lady Finch sobbed, racing across the sand to where Daryil knelt sombrely by The Professor, feeling for a pulse and shaking his head miserably.  The raccoon's eyes stared sightlessly at the blue desert sky, mouth slightly open, as if he'd died of a heart attack.  Daryil removed his gloves, reached down and closed The Professor's eyes, laying the gloves across The Professor's chest, a mark of respect for a fallen rival.

"I'm sorry, Albeth," he said simply.  "He's gone.  Professor Fa'Rana was a brilliant man.  Dangerous and misguided, but brilliant."

"You..." Anja snarled, staring in disbelief.  "You murdered our Clan Leader!  You'll die for this..."

"No, Anja," Daryil sighed.  "I didn't kill him, he just... died.  I was expecting something a bit more dramatic, I will be honest..."

Anja knelt before the body and began to sob uncontrollably.  Daryil placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, their quarrel forgotten for a moment.

"I suppose we'd better get him back to Grunmore," the fox said at last, producing a shroud from somewhere.  He reached down as if to wrap it around the fallen raccoon, but Anja batted his hand away.

"No, Daryil," she said.  "We are of his clan - it is our duty.  You... you've done enough already," the leopard snarled.  

"I tried to stop him," Daryil said quietly.  "I didn't want him to die..."

"Nah, it wasn't Daryil's fault," an unearthly voice said.  Daryil glanced around and saw the glowing figure of a pine-marten.  Anja and Finch stared at it in fear and wonder.

"Oh Bob..." Daryil said, appalled.  "You didn't... you didn't sabotage his ascension now, did you...?"

"Nah," the apparition said.  "He did that himself.  I simply didn't help him.  Not the way I helped you."

"Me...?"  Daryil looked astonished.

"Yes," Bob said.  "Left to yourself you probably would have exploded in a blast of magical energy.  No-one seems to realise just how hard ascension is these days..."

Daryil knelt.  "I... thank you, Lord Bob.  I owe you a debt that I'm not sure I can ever repay..."

"Oh, that's fine - if I wanted something, I'd have come to collect before now," Bob said.  "I wanted to see a new Clan Leader, and here you are.  If you want to pay me back, just avoid getting killed, okay?  I'd hate to think I wasted my investment."

"Why didn't you aid our leader?" Anja demanded, angrily.  "He was twice the man Daryil will ever be!"

"I could have" Bob said.  "But then he said he'd murder Daryil when he ascended, and that was a bit of a turn-off."

"Daryil," Anja pleaded, her voice full of desperation.  "When you were taken, you threatened to stuff me into a soul gem and put it into orbit.  Do you still have that gem?!  You can use it... you can save The Professor's soul, we can make him live again!"

"I can't," Daryil said, and closed his eyes.  "Anja,  Albeth, I don't know how to put this, but... The Professor's soul... it's not there.  I fear that the attempt... it may have been..."

"NO!" Albeth wailed.

"I'm not that cruel," Bob interrupted.  "The Prof created a feedback loop.  When I saw it was going pear-shaped, I was able to remove his soul before it got too badly fried.  But The Professor is still dead - I have taken him to serve me in my realm.  Perhaps, when he has learned his lesson I can think about letting him return..."

"Why can't he come back now...?" Anja demanded indignantly.

"Because your clan has got a lot to answer for," Bob said. "Professor Fa'Rana was responsible for most of it and he will be called to account for his crimes.  You're going to send him to Marlbury."

"But he's dead!"  Anja wailed.

"Yes," Bob said.  "And when his body is presented to the inquiry, accompanied by testimony from Daryil, Richard and Jeremiah, they'll close the investigation.  With a compensation agreement from Lady Finch they'll accept that justice has been done and return the body to you for interment.
"'Course, if you insist, I can revive him.  After a comparatively short trial, he'll be found guilty, decapitated, incinerated and flushed down the toilet.  It might be kinder to let Daxxon eat him..."

"But-"  Bob made a rude gesture and Anja's voice was suddenly muted.

"Have you considered making a remote control for androids?" Bob asked.  "Mute and Pause buttons would be really handy at times like this."

"Bob," Daryil said suddenly, "What did you do that affected my own ascension?  And why?"
"Why?  I like you, Daryil.  You remind me of myself when I was an incubus.  I figured you had what it takes to become a decent Leader, even if the others didn't see it.
"But... and I hate to put it like this, I wasn't sure if it would work.  So I kind of used you as a guinea-pig.  Maybe you did do more of it yourself than I gave you credit for... I don't know."

"Hmm, okay," Daryil said.  "But what did you actually do?"

"It's complicated.  I'd have to explain a lot of other things, and I'm not sure you're up for it right now, not after all that's happened today.  Maybe some other time."

"Okay, the quick version us this - I live outside your universe, but I can transfer energy to and from yours.  I dumped a lot of energy into you during your ascension to ensure it worked correctly.

"Anyway, I suggest you put The Prof's body into stasis.  We can work out the details with Marlbury later, 'cause you've still got a big problem to deal with first," the mustelid pointed out.

"What problem?" Lady Finch demanded, cradling her late mentor's head.

"The Epsilon Project," Bob said.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 61 (2013/06/21)
Post by: joshofspam on June 22, 2013, 01:36:42 AM
So in the end, the Professor endsup killing himself.

Not only that, but his ending is the most anticlimactic death for an attempted for a cubi to reach Tri-wing status. Oh, and the Red Queen is still a bloodthirsty, cowardly, Crazy old bitty. But I guess that was already established quite a while ago. Still, there might be a danger of getting close to her hiding place and show any bit of weakness to her. 
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 61 (2013/06/21)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 22, 2013, 05:16:42 AM
Quote from: joshofspam on June 22, 2013, 01:36:42 AM
Not only that, but his ending is the most anticlimactic death for an attempted for a cubi to reach Tri-wing status.

Originally he was going to explode, but Amber told me that the most common failure mode was that they simply drop dead.  "Magic loves an anticlimax" I believe she said.  So I went with that.  Less cinematic, but arguably more realistic and definitely more personal.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Chapter 61 (2013/06/21)
Post by: Gabi on June 25, 2013, 01:08:39 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 22, 2013, 05:16:42 AM
Quote from: joshofspam on June 22, 2013, 01:36:42 AM
Not only that, but his ending is the most anticlimactic death for an attempted for a cubi to reach Tri-wing status.

Originally he was going to explode, but Amber told me that the most common failure mode was that they simply drop dead.  "Magic loves an anticlimax" I believe she said.  So I went with that.  Less cinematic, but arguably more realistic and definitely more personal.
It looked good to me.
Title: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Final Chapter (2013/06/29)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 29, 2013, 02:39:34 AM
Chapter 62

"...and it was all just a dream," Daryil said happily.  A muttering broke out, echoing throughout the main hall as the students glanced at each other.  Illiath was staring at Daryil with a strange expression.

Jeremiah was the first to speak.  "If it was a dream, which I doubt because I can't dream anymore, why does it hurt so much?" he demanded.  Jakob pushed Daryil away from the microphone and addressed the assembly himself.

"What my esteemed and very shiny Clan Leader is trying to say," Jakob began, "Is that this will all seem like it was just a bad dream.  Does anyone have any questions before we begin?"

"Yes," Mike said, gesturing at Daryil.  "Why is he wearing a catsuit?"

"It's shiny," Daryil said.  "Anyway, we have reached a peace deal with Lady Finch of Fa'Rana clan, and she's graciously agreed to return the premises of Illie's school..."

"Illiath's", the Doberman growled.

"...Your headmistress' school - back to her control, with a promise that there will be no further attacks or disruption."

"Anyway, I figured that called for a party," the fox said, and with a gesture, several tables of food and drink appeared.  There was a yelp of shock as Keaton appeared behind them, a trowel in one hand and a delphinium in the other.

"Oh, yeah!"  Daryil said, and a number of other figures appeared - Mordrith, Julei, Salomere, Josh, Amalia and several surprised officials from the Kamei'Sin clan.

"I forgot to mention, Mordrith's clan have averted or at least postponed Jyraneth's resurrection," Daryil called out.  "Double celebration!"

"But how did you stop the Epsilon Project?" Nigel asked.

"Ooops," Daryil said.  "I knew I'd forgotten something.  Anyone who wants to hear can go over to that corner and I'll tell all."

* * *

As Jakob watched, Lady Finch and Johan Fa'Rana laid out their clan father upon a stretcher and fashioned a stasis field to preserve his body.  Daryil glanced around the desert, a look of concern on his features.

"Bob," Daryil said, "Can't you stop the Epsilon Project?"

"No," the shimmering figure said.  "I can't see what's happening.  There's too much magical interference.  But I can show you where it is."

"Lady Finch," Daryil said.  "Can't you stop the Epsilon Project?"

"I don't know the details," she said.  "It was The Professor's baby.  The details might be on his computer, but it will take such a long time to find them - his creation may have hatched by then.  They are probably encrypted and I'm not sure The Professor really intended others to take over his work..."

"But can you get into the facility if Bob shows us?"

"I believe so.  But whether I can halt it... I'll have to see."


"I want Death," Daryil said.  Nigel stared at him, appalled.

"No, Dar... you mustn't!" he begged. Daryil stared at him as if he'd gone mad.

"Isildor Death," the fox said.  "You know, the Demon clan?  It's urgent."  Nigel's ears went pink with embarrassment.

"Isildor is in his office in T'Quora City, but I'm sure I can arrange a warp-aci."

"Do it," Daryil said, drumming his fingers against the wall.

"Ah, Milord," a voice said some minutes later.  Daryil glanced up and saw a surprisingly muscular guinea-pig Demon approaching him.

"Ah, Mr. Death," Daryil said, shaking the Demon's hand.  "We have a bit of a problem on our hands, and since you taught Ashley everything he knows about nanofabrication engines, I figured you were our best bet."

"Oh dear, you haven't been making grey goo or something?" he asked worriedly.  "Milord," he added hastily.

"Just call me Daryil," the fox told him.  "Or we can make it 'Dar' if you're up for a quick shag before we get down to business," he offered casually.
The Demon politely declined.


"This is it," Daryil said, gesturing at a large, grey machine, some fifteen feet tall.  "It's a..."

"Series 3700," Death said.  "I helped design it.  What is it making?"

"A dragon," Daryil told him.  The Demon stiffened with horror.

"I'm not kidding," Daryil added sadly.  "Professor Fa'Rana has designed some composite lifeform based on Dragon DNA, and it is being assembled in this machine.  We have to stop it."

"Doing that will kill the creature," the Demon pointed out.   "Are you sure we have that right?"

"The Dragons did terrible things, Isildor.  With the Angels on their way out, and the 'Cubi and Weres nearly exterminated, I have little doubt that Demons would have been next on the list once the races that could help them fight back had been squashed.  I don't like it, but we'll have to.  It's not like the creature is going to be sentient at this point."

"True.  I take it your professor is not going to help?  Even if you broke a few limbs first?"

"He's a bit too dead," Daryil said.  The Demon shrugged and began inspecting the control panel.

"He's locked it out," Isildor commented.  "I may be able to override it, however.  I know a couple of backdoors..."

He typed in a long string of digits and pressed ENTER.  The control console exploded, taking the unfortunate Demon's hand off.

"Was it supposed to do that?" Daryil asked.

"What do you think?!" Isildor screamed, clutching the stump of his wrist.  Daryil winced, and then began casting a spell on him, stemming the bleeding and relieving some of the pain.

"It'll grow back," he reassured him.

"Urrgh," Isildor growled and stomped around the machine.  Furious, he aimed a kick at something on a nearby wall.  Darkness and silence fell all around them.

"I think I just broke the fuse box," he said.

"I could have done that myself," Daryil complained.

* * *

"That was a quick change," Jakob said, holding a wine glass filled with water.  Daryil glanced at him.

"Beg pardon?"

"You're not wearing the catsuit anymore.  Oh... was it shapeshifted or part of your avatar projection or something?"

"Nah," Daryil said, pointing a gloved hand across the room, where another Daryil, still in the catsuit, was chatting with Simeon, Sheila, Sydney, Richard and Dorcan.  "I couldn't decide which outfit would be best for the occasion, so I wore several."

"I suppose you'll want us to leave Grunmore," Lady Finch said grudgingly.

"Yes," Illiath said.

"No," Daryil said.  "Maybe eventually, but for now I'd prefer your clan to stay there where I can keep an eye on them.  Expect me to send an observer or two to make sure you're not causing mischief. Dorcan, perhaps, and... your husband would be an ideal candidate, in fact.  Jerry might want to monitor things for a while too..."

"No!" Lady Finch squawked.

"Lady Finch," the husky said, "While our methods can be a little heavy-handed, Clan Taun's primary goal has been to defuse the threat that your clan posed to ours."

"By murdering me?"

"If necessary.  But for your information, most of the situations I've been called in to resolve have ended peacefully, and that's saying something because I usually seem to get left the really messy ones no-one else will touch.
"The time before last, things got a little messy when the King in question thought to send my head back to Taun as his answer.  I had to slay many guards before he finally saw sense, but we got there in the end.
"I believe the same applies here.  Taun and her council thought that you were the caused of their troubles, but The Professor was actually the greater threat.  With his death, we have a proper foundation to negotiate a peace deal from, and the rest should be easy."

"No extortion?  No more attempts to behead me?"

"I only ever threatened to do so, Lady Finch.  You nearly did," Jeremiah said, glancing at her irritably.  "But yes, so long as you keep your hands off our clan members, I will leave you in peace.  Though now you mention it, a tribute would go down well with Taun.  And you still owe me for that parking fine..."

"I still want my sword back," Illiath interrupted.

"How about Parbury?"  Mayor Dickens asked, glancing from Finch to Anja with a look of extreme suspicion and distaste.

"Daryil, your associates demand too much!" the wolf succubus snapped.

"Daryil has been uncommonly generous in negotiating an amnesty for you and your clan," Jeremiah reminded her calmly.  "Doubly so when you consider how many enemies you have made and how much blood you have spilled.  Would you throw all that away and risk the guillotine at Marlbury, simply because of a few demands for reparation from people you have wronged?"

"I suppose so," she sighed.  "There is always tomorrow."

"We do need to discuss Parbury, though," Daryil said.  "Patrick in particular."

"Patrick...?" Lady Finch looked nonplussed.

"My assistant!"  Mayor Dickens snarled, pointing angrily at Anja, who backed away nervously.  "You sent her to murder him... and me!"

"I think we can fix that," Daryil said.  "Richard, tell me again about the Brain Museum."

"The what?!"  Jeremiah snarled, stepping back from Lady Finch, and reaching for his sword.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time," the succubus said sullenly.  Richard made a meeping sound and glanced nervously at the angry dog.

"Jerry won't hurt you," Daryil said.  "He wouldn't hurt a member of my clan unprovoked.  And he won't hurt Lady Finch either," he added pointedly.  The husky grunted an apology and the sword slipped back into its scabbard.

"Clan Policy was that whenever someone killed a Being, or one of the other lesser races..."  Richard faltered under the Taun envoy's cold expression.  "They... they were supposed to cut the head off and return it to Central so that the brain could be preserved and put on display...  It wasn't my idea!" he whimpered, edging away from Jeremiah.

"What this that means that Patrick's brain should be somewhere in the Museum," Daryil finished smoothly.  "Dead, but it would allow me to summon his soul back and into an android body.  Interesting how something so psychopathic as a brain collection could actually prove beneficial, isn't it?"

Jeremiah looked struck, and nervously glanced between Daryil and Anja.  "Uh, Lord Daryil... you're not supposed to do that without a permit, a review..."

"Yeah, it would be a bit naughty," the fox said slowly.  "But supposing The Professor did it...?"

"That's a bit naughty too," Jeremiah said.  "But it would work.  I didn't see or hear anything.  And I'll trust that my Lady won't care about this minor infraction when she next sees my mind..."  

"Good," Daryil said, and then stroked the husky's cheek with a gloved hand.  "Now, how about you and me go somewhere nice and quiet?" he said.  "So we can strengthen the relationship between our two clans..."  Jeremiah backed away slightly, his expression resembling a deer caught in a pair of headlights.

"Granny wouldn't approve," Illiath commented dryly.

"Oh, but you're tempted, aren't you...?" Daryil purred, scritching the husky's ears.  "Come on, I'll kiss you better..."

"Seducing an envoy is the height of bad taste," Jakob pointed out.

"Fine," Daryil said irritably.  "You and Jerry, then!  You're both envoys, your names both start with J, it's a perfect match..."

Jakob and Jeremiah glanced at each other, ears reddening.

"I'll fight you for him," Daxxon interrupted.  Jakob covered his face with embarrassment.

"So, Jakob," Jeremiah said awkwardly, "Your boyfriend's a Demon...?"

"Not in front of my son," Jakob said, as Niall came over, glancing at the husky.

"You're the Taun envoy?"  Niall asked him, shaking hands.

"Indeed.  And you're..."

"Daryil's son.  And uh... Jakob's too.  It's a long story."

"Hi Niall, I was just trying to ship Jerry with someone," Daryil said, causing a flurry of scowls.  "What do you think?  Isn't he bish and pretty...?"

"Ummm," Niall said, gazing at the husky with a wistful expression.

"Daryil," Jakob warned.

"But he is," the fox protested.  "Even Niall thinks so and he usually prefers girls..."

Jerry's lip curled.

"Daryil, stop upsetting the envoy," Jakob said, pushing himself between the two.  He cleared his throat.  "Um, what my wise and bountiful Clan Leader is trying to say, is that you are equally attractive to both genders..."

"I'm beginning to see why Taun lost patience with Daryil, " the husky said dryly.  "All the same, I don't think I've ever had this many offers in a single diplomatic mission."

"It's Daryil's fault," Jakob said, as the fox feigned an injured expression.

"What makes you say that?" Sydney asked.

"Because it usually is," Illiath put in.

"It's true," Sheila said.  "I've read about it."

* * *

"A letter for you, my Lady," Caroline said.  "From Daryil clan."

"Has it been inspected?" the porcupine asked, her face expressionless.

"Many times, my Lady.  There are no spells, no microcircuits.  It is what it seems to be - just a card."

The tri-wing took it, removed the card from its envelope and glanced over it.

"Thank you, my child.  That will be all," she said, and the jackal left.  As soon as she was gone, Taun strode to her innermost sanctum, closed the bulkhead door and set wards upon it.  Once she was sure she was utterly alone, she read the card more thoroughly.

"Happy Birthday," it read.  "57'000 years!  Congratulations!  To Taun, From Daryil"

The tri-wing sighed, and put the card on her desk with a smile.


(Thanks for reading.)
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Final Chapter (2013/06/29)
Post by: joshofspam on June 29, 2013, 03:35:11 PM
Hmmmmmmm...interesting ending.

Either Daryil has a bit more history with Taun or possibly Daryil might be family. It might certainly explain how he accomplished such a feat of destroying a huge piece of another clan.

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Final Chapter (2013/06/29)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 29, 2013, 05:05:54 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on June 29, 2013, 03:35:11 PM
Either Daryil has a bit more history with Taun or possibly Daryil might be family. It might certainly explain how he accomplished such a feat of destroying a huge piece of another clan.

I wouldn't read too much into that very last part.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Final Chapter (2013/06/29)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 29, 2013, 05:27:28 PM
I don't think Taun would read too much into it, either. ;-]
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Final Chapter (2013/06/29)
Post by: joshofspam on June 29, 2013, 07:54:55 PM
Well at the very least getting a card might be something she enjoyed.

She seems like someone that some would take a few things for granted with her and her being bothered over a birthday card might be something a few people might try to avoid.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Final Chapter (2013/06/29)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 29, 2013, 08:11:29 PM
OTOH, she probably doesn't want one every year, either. Nor from everyone she knows.

So I can understand her keeping it a little quiet - I mean, can you imagine the havoc caused by 400+ birthday cards? And that's just for the folks in her clan, and their immediate relatives. Throw in friends, the other clan leaders, people currying favour, or at least attempting to... pretty soon you start to need a whole house of fireplaces just to find enough mantelpiece space for them all.

And then who gets pride of place? What happens when you start getting people getting pissy because they weren't in the main mantelpiece, and have to make do with the secondary or tertiary ones? Or contests to see who can get the best card?

There'd be blood on the floor by the end of it all. :-/ And I'm pretty sure Taun wouldn't like that.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Final Chapter (2013/06/29)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on June 30, 2013, 01:55:52 PM
This is an excellent story. Very Eager for the next one even. (Tempted to make an old Bat pun regaurding taun clans wings..)
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Final Chapter (2013/06/29)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 30, 2013, 03:11:54 PM
Quote from: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on June 30, 2013, 01:55:52 PM
This is an excellent story. Very Eager for the next one even. (Tempted to make an old Bat pun regaurding taun clans wings..)

I'd love to oblige, but it's likely to take a while.  I think it was about 3-4 years between Project Future and this one.  Though I did write some short stories between the two, and if I don't get the inspiration for another full-length series, I might start on those again.

Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Final Chapter (2013/06/29)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on June 30, 2013, 03:41:47 PM
Long story, short story. Either way i'm sure they'll be good especially judging from this.
Title: Re: [Story] The Epsilon Project - Final Chapter (2013/06/29)
Post by: Gabi on October 06, 2013, 09:38:32 AM
Same here (and sorry for the late reply).