2013/10/25 - [DMFA #1439] I've got the blue bug blues

Started by Techcubi, October 25, 2013, 01:06:40 AM

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I'm likely wrong but... I thought Cyra already was a tri-wing when she fought the dragon.  It was a road test of her new power and a way to secure new power.  Originally she intended to take the city as her own.  Once she won and the backlash from the truth of what that dragon was doing glassed the city it made the dragons take notice of the cubi.

Leading to.....
HEY!  They killed one of our big guys!  Wipe em out now they are dangerous!

Or conversely they didn't want what the dragon was doing at the city made known.  So they decided to discredit/kill all cubi as a cover-up.
Lurkus Wallflowerus


Quote from: YawnPB on November 04, 2013, 10:59:18 PM
I'm likely wrong but... I thought Cyra already was a tri-wing when she fought the dragon.  It was a road test of her new power and a way to secure new power.  Originally she intended to take the city as her own.  Once she won and the backlash from the truth of what that dragon was doing glassed the city it made the dragons take notice of the cubi.

Leading to.....
HEY!  They killed one of our big guys!  Wipe em out now they are dangerous!

Or conversely they didn't want what the dragon was doing at the city made known.  So they decided to discredit/kill all cubi as a cover-up.

No.. Cyra was originally wanted to make the city her own as a fairly powerful but otherwise ordinary Cubi, kinda like how Kria has her own city and is a Demon and not something Uber like Fae/Dragon/Tri-Wing-Cubi.   Nobody (except maybe the other Dragons) knew about the soul-trap under the city and something Bad happened during the battle and it went BOOM and glassed the city and Cyra caught a power-surge that ascended her to Cubi status.


Wait, Angels mysteriously diminished birthrates, Dragons involved..

Tri-Wing ascension mysteriously gets much harder after Cyra's 'incident'.

Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!

Emerauld Drathmir

Quote from: Jasae Bushae on October 25, 2013, 03:23:50 PMHowever....Pyroduck is hardly super mega ultra dangerous and there are even dragons who take simple security jobs and loan out money so their not all species shattering XD
Ducky was raised pacifist.  If he were raised by say, Taun, he'd most likely be a force to be reckoned with, not to say he is completely harmless(I still love when he sat on Abel to get him to calm down).  It was a relatively peaceful way to end the conflict, and if he applied his full weight, probably could crush someone.
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