30/11/12 [DMFA #1355-#1357] - Triple Update

Started by Tapewolf, November 30, 2012, 03:26:39 AM

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Well, the obvious explanation for Chazore would be that she's 'Cubi or a similar natural at shapeshifting.  But we'll see.

[Ugh, I forgot to change the date in the thread title]

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Bah, even with two pages of Dark Pegasus wearing one, this update still doesn't have nearly as much scarf power as this page. :mowtongue

Did Dark Pegasus intercept the message in that crystal ball as it was being sent from wherever Kria is to Trik'na island over the magic telecommunication network that Furrae seems to have?

I think such a network was hinted at in this page of Abel's Story, utilizing crystal balls to transmit audio, video, and textual data for telephony, telepresence, and SMS-like communications.  On this page, the moon base that Pyroduck and Mab visit is described as a "communication station" by one of its mythos staff.  Does that mean this telecommunication network even extends to Furrae's moons, or that the moon base acts like a telecommunication satellite orbiting Earth would, except it relays the data magically instead of electromagnetically?

Could Aliph have done something similar to tapping regular phones only instead he's tapped his sister's crystal ball?  Or is it more along the lines of spying, in which he's magically monitoring his sister as if he had planted hidden cameras everywhere around her?

Icon by Sunblink


Quote from: ChaosMageX on November 30, 2012, 03:51:53 AM
Could Aliph have done something similar to tapping regular phones only instead he's tapped his sister's crystal ball?  Or is it more along the lines of spying, in which he's magically monitoring his sister as if he had planted hidden cameras everywhere around her?

It may be that they simply CC'd him.  After all, he's her brother - she may want to keep him in the loop.

EDIT: It's interesting how Zinvth seems to be going great guns on trade agreements.  First 'Cubi, now undead.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Yay for triple updates!  :boogie

And my first thought on seeing the last image was pretty much "OUCH! did she just impale him with her horns?"  :mwaha

You got to watch those pointy ends Regina.
*If in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout*


Quote from: Timothy on November 30, 2012, 04:40:19 AM
Yay for triple updates!  :boogie

And my first thought on seeing the last image was pretty much "OUCH! did she just impale him with her horns?"  :mwaha

You got to watch those pointy ends Regina.

Peggy can take it; he's hardcore. 8)

I do love him asking Reggie about her emotions. Classic!


Quote from: Merlin on November 30, 2012, 05:21:10 AM
I do love him asking Reggie about her emotions. Classic!

Heh, well it looks like he stopped her getting her wing undeaded, so yeah the 'no-one understands' might not be too far from the mark :3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


stealth like that is nothin. in the past I-a six foot two and eighteen stone burly beast- have walked into automatic doors that dint see me, was hit  by a car while standing in front of it because they dint see me directly in front of them moving slowly, have been counted absent from class while sitting in the front row, and have been completely ignored by people four feet away while wearing blaze orange... which i guess is better then my brother who was constantly mistaken for doors and walls, sometimes he would come home with a poster on his back, or if he was unlucky someone tried to 'open' him a few times

perhaps she and i have that tiger like ability of an orange beast in a green backdrop that the mind, much like when encountered with Death, will refuse to believe its there

either that, or the old cartoon where an elephant wants to go to the city and a crow says 'you should paint yourself pink' as nobody would admit they had seen him.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


My guess for Chazore is reverse psychology -- everyone thinks that there's no way a person who stands out so visibly would be trying to do anything sneaky, stealthy, or underhanded, so she gets away with everything, and any witnesses and authorities are like, "Nah, it couldn't have been her?"

That said, Kria's assistant there looks cute in that last panel. :3

Also, the paintings in the hall confused me for a bit... I thought that they were windows and it was snowy outside, which was odd since the trees were green in #1352... X3

MT Hazard

Regina may be self-absorbed,petty and well, evil, but she's still a child by demon standards. I'd say there is time for her to change, but given her current guardian and having Kria as a role model..I wouldn't hold my breath.

It seems like the demons are a bit like vampire in the Blade series at some point the decided to stop being lone predators and start companies (eeevill companies).
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: Tapewolf on November 30, 2012, 05:23:42 AMHeh, well it looks like he stopped her getting her wing undeaded, so yeah the 'no-one understands' might not be too far from the mark :3

I wonder how much it costs to get her wing boned. Perhaps she doesn't have access to money now except through DP and he won't pay for it. How long (in-story) has it been since we last saw Regina? It seems to me that the flesh grew back pretty quickly since we saw its start last time.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen

MT Hazard

Well demons do have fast healing, DP was up and about only eight hours after his fight with Dan. He had serious injuries from this, plus the stress of being bought back from the dead. Regina only stopped the bleeding as far as I can tell, he healed the rest.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Just cause something stands out in color, doesn't mean you'll always notice it.

Rainbows have gone unnoticed by me and someone would say "Did you see that rainbow?" and I go "Huh!".

Also with how many traits all the Creatures seem to have, I wouldn't be surprised if her fur and skin could change color.

Rainbows certainly are pretty, though I wonder if she has a code name while on the job or if we'll be seeing boxes in future pages just randomly appearing out of nowhere?
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

Amber Williams

In case folks are wondering:  The boning process tends to put a magical residue on the limb so that A)It holds together despite not having anything connecting it  and B)keeps regeneration from happening in that particular part.  The effect usually lasts about a month before it requires re-application.

Demon regeneration is pretty darn quick, though in Regina's case it was a little slower due to the lingering aura of the magic.  Normally a demon could regrow that sucker in a day.  For Regina it took her about a week.  I should mention that this is a particularly demon-based powerset. While other races do have some form of regeneration, very few can actually regrow entire limbs like that (usually they need the other half of the limb present and for it to "heal" together.)  Granted it can be done by magic, but its a longer process and can be pretty energy-taxing.  Demons, and a few mythos are really one of the few that can lose an entire leg, then literally lose it, and have a whole new one grow back. 


It seems as if Kria is expressing the same concerns as everyone reading the comic.
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 29, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
I expect if flamethrowers exist, Matilda would be tempted to install one into her shower.


I must say I'm enjoying DP's and Regina's little side plot adventurers. DP in particular.

He's always seemed to be that one villain that has a plan and if it fails, he goes onto the next one like it was no big deal. (Or Maybe that's because I haven't seen anymore then two or three plans fail yet. Might have to wait until I see some others fail.)

You got to give DP credit, he's probably the most composed well mannered villain any comic has ever had.

Edit: Also got to give Amber credit for thinking up such fun characters to follow.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Oh, so Dark Pegasus is like Nickolai from COD Zombies, NO TOUCHY, I have issue.
MUDPUNISHER commander of the 77th ArmoredCav.Forum destroyer of wallshanderouterofgrenades,
ahahah turning the car into oncoming traffic... IS COUNTER PRODUCTIVE-Jim Carey
also...... Can I be Abels brother?... pleeeaaassseee


I'm pretty sure Kria's assistant is thinking the exact same words Amber put below comic #1355 in the last panel.


Quote from: Merlin on November 30, 2012, 05:21:10 AM

Peggy can take it; he's hardcore. 8)

I do love him asking Reggie about her emotions. Classic!

This quote, taken out of context, can mean something VERY different from what you intended.

And yea... you should NEVER ask a teenager about her emotions. Ever. Nothing good can ever come of this.

[Trying to fix the SNAFU with the date -TW]

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Mischa on November 30, 2012, 10:33:38 AM
Also, the paintings in the hall confused me for a bit... I thought that they were windows and it was snowy outside, which was odd since the trees were green in #1352... X3

For me, the "wtf?" moment was the first panel. It looked like Chazore had snow hanging about her horns, and I was looking in the second panel for it, trying to figure out what the heck it was Amber was trying to show us - pointy horns? - before eventually it clicked that that was the painting behind her... >.<

I've not had a lot of sleep lately. I'm sure that can't be related at all... ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 01, 2012, 06:11:28 AM
Quote from: Mischa on November 30, 2012, 10:33:38 AM
Also, the paintings in the hall confused me for a bit... I thought that they were windows and it was snowy outside, which was odd since the trees were green in #1352... X3

For me, the "wtf?" moment was the first panel. It looked like Chazore had snow hanging about her horns, and I was looking in the second panel for it, trying to figure out what the heck it was Amber was trying to show us - pointy horns? - before eventually it clicked that that was the painting behind her... >.<

I've not had a lot of sleep lately. I'm sure that can't be related at all... ;-]

Or maybe special snowflake is living up to her name of being surrounded by snowflakes

Amber Williams

It's your natural camo!  Snowflakes!  Polar bears aint' got nothing on you. :U


Quote from: Amber Williams on December 01, 2012, 08:23:44 AM
It's your natural camo!  Snowflakes!  Polar bears aint' got nothing on you. :U

I'm awaiting the inevitable burger stand sales person disguise

Amber Williams

Don't you have some more artists to give carpel tunnel to somewhere?  *shakes her stick* >:O


Quote from: Amber Williams on December 01, 2012, 09:09:12 AM
Don't you have some more artists to give carpel tunnel to somewhere?  *shakes her stick* >:O

No I'm quite happy with tormenting you at the moment


I'm waiting for that same question as Kria... HOW?!
It will be very interesting to how a rainbow sneaks in somewhere undetected.
War under the cover of texts:<br />http://timeheart.minitroopers.com


May be she can just be any color or pattern she wants? but defaults to rainbow just to tick off artists?


Actually, I'm thinking it's more that she so out in the open and well seen, she doesn't bother to hide. She just keeps her agenda hidden. Just a guess.
War under the cover of texts:<br />http://timeheart.minitroopers.com


Quote from: Timeheart on December 01, 2012, 11:19:59 AM
I'm waiting for that same question as Kria... HOW?!
It will be very interesting to how a rainbow sneaks in somewhere undetected.

I still say shapeshifter...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on December 01, 2012, 12:00:40 PM
Quote from: Timeheart on December 01, 2012, 11:19:59 AM
I'm waiting for that same question as Kria... HOW?!
It will be very interesting to how a rainbow sneaks in somewhere undetected.

I still say shapeshifter...

And I'm hoping for a cardboard box. :3

Of coarse shapeshifter might not be far off. I think everone remembers Kria use to use a pendant to hide her wings. So magical illusions and shapeshifting aren't things just cubi can do. It just comes natural to the cubi rather then fully being dependent on magic.

Be interesting to see Abel talking to a wall because he can sense someone there, but everyone else just sees a wall. :U
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Or maybe I'm like agent 47 and subdue people and steal their clothes and pretend to be them