What other places...

Started by topher chee, September 04, 2006, 05:30:20 PM

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topher chee

Any other places besides furcadia and secondlife that you guys are at, im really bored  D:

Aisha deCabre

There's always http://www.aardmud.org/...

That is if you like text-based MUDs...but it can be quite addictive.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

topher chee

what the hay, its worth a shot


Well...you can come poke around with me in Shadowbane (Wrath server) if you like. I believe Rowne is running around in there as well, but we are just trying to figure it all out.

The thread on Shadowbane is here:http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php?topic=944.0

Roureem Egas

I tend to hang out at Trickster Online almost everyday. The url is http://www.tricksteronline.com/. I might consider joining the mytrickster.net forums.


I can be found hiding on Pardus and a few other online games, if you know where to look. ;)


You can find me on Anarchy Online. I won't make it esy to find more... actually, if you just ask I'll tell you >>


Dont gget on runescape..It will hurt


I know others here (myself included) are playing this Urban Dead. Though you mite want to read their wiki before you start so that you don't get killed first thing (like I was :sweatdrop)

I think most of the people here that are playing it are surviors with a few zombie players.

topher chee

hm....thanks these all seem cool, any others?