What Song Are You Listening To?

Started by xHaZxMaTx, August 25, 2006, 01:35:42 AM

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Muse - Newborn

Holy CRAP. This is brilliant.


Quote from: BillBuckner on September 28, 2006, 09:11:09 PM
Muse - Newborn
Holy CRAP. This is brilliant.

Indeed Muse is.

REV 22:20 by Puscifer (from the Underworld soundtrack). The movie is good, but the soundtrack is great.


Radiohead / Hail to the Thief / Backdrifts. (Honeymoon is Over.)

Am I the only person who listens to Radiohead? :|

Also, does veryone understand why I list the music I listen to the way I do?  If not, let me explain:
Artist / Album / Track



Well that's good, though I don't really like that song.  In fact, I'm not even sure I have that album... :|  Whichever album it's on.  I have Amnesiac, The Bends, Hail to the Thief (Favorite), Kid A, Knives Out [US CD], and OK Computer.

Radiohead / Hail to the Thief / A Wolf at the Door (It Girl. Rag Doll.)


Creep was off Pablo Honey.
Given Radiohead's general dislike of the song, I'm surprised that anybody would use it to show that they listen to them...

Anyway, listening to
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - 04. Two-Headed Boy


I do like 'OK Computer', pretty much the entire thing.  Like many others I dropped them like a hot potato after 'Kid A'.  The earlier stuff didn't really catch my attention - the only track I liked on 'Pablo Honey' was 'You', there were a couple of decent bits on The Bends, but not enough to make me really check it out so far.

Bill, that radio station was a neat find.

'Lucky' by Radiohead

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


What's wrong with Kid A?  Idioteque is one of my favorite songs. :D
I havn't heard of Pablo Honey, was it not released in the US?

System of a Down / Hypnotize / Stealing Society


Bass Hunter - Boten Anna.

yeah it was second place here  :P


Radiohead - Wish i Was Bullet Proof


Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 29, 2006, 05:29:13 AM
What's wrong with Kid A?  Idioteque is one of my favorite songs. :D
I havn't heard of Pablo Honey, was it not released in the US?

There's nothing wrong with Kid A if you're looking back at it... but fans just didn't expect or want an almost purely electronic album.
And Pablo Honey was Radiohead's first album. At 13 years old, I wouldn't be surprised if you'd never heard of it (heck, I can never remember it... outside of Creep, it's just not all that notable).

Anyway, listening to
Neutral Milk Hotel - On Avery Island - 12. Pree-Sisters Swallowing a Donkey's Eye



lol talking about old school!!!!!! xD space oddity lol lol lol

Bob Dylan - It Aint me Babe


Quote from: Kasarn on September 29, 2006, 06:17:32 AM
Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 29, 2006, 05:29:13 AM
What's wrong with Kid A?  Idioteque is one of my favorite songs. :D
There's nothing wrong with Kid A if you're looking back at it... but fans just didn't expect or want an almost purely electronic album.

More to the point, 'OK Computer' struck a chord with people who liked progressive rock.  'Kid A' did not.  IMHO it was closer to lo-fi which I have never really been into.

Come to that, it was around that time that my brother was into lo-fi.  This is one of his recordings:  http://www.jpmorris.force9.co.uk/music/momafied.mp3
..but I digress.

I have heard some pretty good electronics - the soundtrack to "A Clockwork Orange" by Walter Carlos (now Wendy Carlos) or the legendary "White Noise - An Electric Storm" by White Noise, probably one of the finest examples of tape music.

In short, 'Kid A' was like 'Metal Machine Music' by Lou Reed - everyone bought it on the strength of the previous album, and was all like "what's this crap?" when they heard it.
Radiohead seemed to be able to survive it though - Reed had to claw his way back.

'Every Bloody Emperor' by VDGG

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Thom Yorke / The Eraser / And It Rained All Night


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E




The Morow.com radio station announcement.

"Zenezizz, Yezz, Zream Theathre, on Morow, ze prog radio"

Oh, and it's playing GTR's version of Roundabout.


Muse / Black Holes and Revelations / Map of the Problematique

As I type, the song changes...

Pixies / Wave of Mutilation: The Best of Pixies / Winterlong


Kansas - Carry On Wayward Son

Redneck Prog!  xD

Great song, though.


Rammstein / Reise Reise [Digipak] [UK] / Reise Reise

This song is sooo awesome!



Sufjan Stevens - Illinois - 16. They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back From the Dead!! Ahhhh!



Audioslave / Out of Exile / Dandelion


Dream Theater - Pull Me Under





Muse / Absolution / Apocolypse Please