10/10/2011 [DMFA #1253] - Let's get ready for Abel hockey!

Started by RandomMetaphysics, October 10, 2011, 03:19:30 AM

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Ok, this comic made me laugh out loud. Amber, I tip my hat off to you! That last panel made my day.


Oh dear, I laughed so hard it hurt. Ouch.

Also, Cubi ARE shapeshifters after all. I'm sure he can make himself into some amorphous tiny shape with a furry tail that can still run at a fairly high speed on pure terrified reflex... I'm overthinking this, aren't I?
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Indeed. Amber's been knocking them out of the park lately, but I think this one got knocked clean into another timezone--which is no doubt where Abel would rather be. :D


Cubi don't need physics just a wide enough opining to fit hammerspace. Still this made me laugh and I think for a long time I will still chuckle anytime I'll look at it
Yes I know I'm a horrid speller queen of typos but dang it, I'm trying to get better
MY warp aci crappy photoshop I wish I had my tablet working
My Yappty thanks Silver :)
(hmm my sig needs updating. eeeeeh I'll do it later 07/29/06)


Ack, leader-beater shell!  Quick, use the mushrooms!  (why yes, I did play a bit too much Mario Kart.  Why do you ask?)

Or... on second thought, he also reminds me of Sonic the Hedgehog. 

At any rate, Happy Canadian Thanksgiving.  I am very thankful for Amber and Nathan Fillion, as per this


Abel now has a face to face encounter with Deebs and M.A.C.E, I look forward towards his reaction. What's next, Lorenda and Jyrras try to deny seeing anything and Abel goes off believing he's gone off the deep end, or Lorenda and Jyrras tell the truth with Abel doing gods knows what later.  Anyway looks like Abel is living in interesting times :P


Deeps, OK. But will Jyrras explain M.A.C.E.? Or better: Does Lorenda knows about her?


There is no super-star to save me from this side-bursting blue shell comedy.


"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


IF  he was going to hide in the popcorn bowl why did he leave his tail out? did he forget he had a tail in his fear? i was laughed so hard i had to take a break then look at the comic again to see that Dweebs was surfing Abel's hide out as he retreated warp factor 1.  my fist thought was of the back to the future burning tire treads
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quote from: e_voyager on October 10, 2011, 10:45:54 AM
IF  he was going to hide in the popcorn bowl why did he leave his tail out? did he forget he had a tail in his fear?
It's a cat thing. Many a feline has attempted to hide only to leave their tail sticking out in plain view.


Forget the horror movie.  Just being in that house is going to lead Abel to centuries of therapy! 
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Wait... Jyrras LAUGHING? I think I just felt the universe moving a tiny inch to the right.

Quote from: Jairus on October 10, 2011, 03:36:08 AM
Also, Cubi ARE shapeshifters after all. I'm sure he can make himself into some amorphous tiny shape with a furry tail that can still run at a fairly high speed on pure terrified reflex... I'm overthinking this, aren't I?

No, you aren't, I thought the same. Also, shapeshifting has just become even MORE awesome. :D


I agree, Deebs! Abel does indeed have some pretty hair! :>

My thought process when I saw Abel zooming across the floor:

1st thought: MARIO!!!! :funkmario1

2nd thought: I wanna ride on the bowl, too!! :eager

And finally: I was reminded of this cat toy, that that my aunts have a bunch of around their house to entertain their cats.

Quote from: AmigaDragon on October 10, 2011, 10:11:18 AM
OMG! XD This gave me a laugh I needed. Thanks! :mowwink

Well an additional laugh, other than what the comic gave me, of course. :D

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


BWAAAHAHAHAHAHA!  "Comedy Gold" indeed!  Poor Abel is going to need even more therapy, on top of what he already needs!  :)

Quote from: Jairus on October 10, 2011, 03:36:08 AM
Oh dear, I laughed so hard it hurt. Ouch.

Also, Cubi ARE shapeshifters after all. I'm sure he can make himself into some amorphous tiny shape with a furry tail that can still run at a fairly high speed on pure terrified reflex... I'm overthinking this, aren't I?

Nah.  Attend.  (*ahem*)

"Because of their magical nature and shapeshifting abilities, 'Cubi must of necessity have a metabolic extension into the hyper-dimension.  This gives them the ability to shift their mass at will."

That is overthinking it.   :D
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Scrap Fish

...They can change their mass?
...Or was that your overthink talking?
I'm honestly too tired to find out. Anyway, reality can take a hike. I endorse this comic, and all popcorn-bowl slides therein.

Just spreading the confusion around. There's enough for everybody!

Talis Mahn

Me thinks Jyras forgot to mention someone to Lorenda.....  Let the explanations begin!
((Impersonating John Stewart of The Daily Show)) "Go oonnn!

Oh yes!  PURE WIN!!!!!!


The reason Abel was able to hide under the popcorn bowl is very simple: he really really needed to. It's the magic of narrative necessity. And the reason his tail sticks out is a) he's a cat, b) it's much funnier that way, and c) if not, you wouldn't understand what was actually happening in the scene.


Poor Abel, I wonder if this is karma hitting him upside his head for all those roommates  that he scared off (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_425.php).
Proud member of the "Let the artist know how much you love her work" club


Quote from: Wanderer on October 10, 2011, 10:53:36 AM
Quote from: e_voyager on October 10, 2011, 10:45:54 AM
IF  he was going to hide in the popcorn bowl why did he leave his tail out? did he forget he had a tail in his fear?
It's a cat thing. Many a feline has attempted to hide only to leave their tail sticking out in plain view.
Heh.  Cat stealth fails.  That reminds me of a cat I had when I was a kid.  That cat was bright Garfield-orange, and got it into his head to stalk some birds.  On the lawn.  Which was very, very green.

I'm watching this poor cat trying to sneak and sneak and sneak... birds glance over and see bright orange cat with "imma gonna getchu" expression, standing out like a neon sign against the dark green grass.  They all promptly take off.

The look on the cat's face was priceless.  He completely could not figure out what he had done wrong.

Of course that wasn't as funny as the time Dad spent all day giving the car a double coat of Turtle Wax (completely eliminating the rough, oxidized old paint and replacing it with slick, glassy shininess), then the cat tried to jump on the hood for a nap. 

MT Hazard

Good to see Debs and MACE again, hopefully they can be properly introduced to Abel this time.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


I wonder if it gets freaky trying and failing to read the mind of an A.I. and living piece of sentient ABC gum for a cubi?

If a cubi sense of sensing emotion goes completly blank on an individual, it must be almost like they aren't their, right?
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


they are bound and determined to break that boy's brain


Quote from: Scrap Fish on October 11, 2011, 12:33:58 AM
...They can change their mass?
...Or was that your overthink talking?

The overthink.  Definitely the overthink.  :)  Mostly I was channeling "Doc" Smith's descriptions of his Palainians.  Palain VII is so cold (they consider Pluto to be positively balmy!) that the native life-forms must have a "metabolic extension into the hyper-dimension" to survive.

Can 'Cubi change mass?  The tri-wings almost certainly can, but normal 'Cubi?  Probably not.  'Course, it's all magic anyway, so who knows?

Quote from: Scrap Fish on October 11, 2011, 12:33:58 AM
I'm honestly too tired to find out. Anyway, reality can take a hike. I endorse this comic, and all popcorn-bowl slides therein.

Agreed.  Loved the popcorn slide, and the bottle-brush tail.  :)
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Quote from: thegayhare on October 12, 2011, 10:13:12 PM
they are bound and determined to break that boy's brain

Maybe they are maybe they aren't. Dweebs and M.A.C.E. don't see anything unusual about there existence so they probably don't understand why Abel is reacting the way he is. but it is funny.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quote from: Lurkie on October 12, 2011, 10:48:41 PM
Can 'Cubi change mass?  The tri-wings almost certainly can, but normal 'Cubi?  Probably not.  'Course, it's all magic anyway, so who knows?

If a Were can turn into a little squirrel, I'm sure a 'Cubi could too.  The way I see it - and this is just a guess - they can probably reduce their mass (or at least their size), but increasing it is a lot more difficult.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Lurkie on October 12, 2011, 10:48:41 PM
The overthink.  Definitely the overthink.  :)  Mostly I was channeling "Doc" Smith's descriptions of his Palainians.  Palain VII is so cold (they consider Pluto to be positively balmy!) that the native life-forms must have a "metabolic extension into the hyper-dimension" to survive.

Using anything from Edward Elmer Smith's work as a serious scientific guide is doomed to failure. I enjoy his work, but it's very dated (hardly surprising, given when it was written), somewhat simplistic, and missing a few details - for example, the ultra-slowed-down playback scene, where one of the Boskonian bases is suicided? A rough estimate of the time scales shows they would have had to stand there watching for something like two and a half weeks, according to a story I read once.

Makes sense. Certainly the numbers seem to work out for that.

Anyway, as a result, I enjoy his work, but I don't let my disbelief suspend far enough to apply it to anything else. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


This might complicate things more. Though I don't know how Abel will really take it once Deeb's and Mace are explained to Abel.

Lorenda was going to tattle on Jyrras before they gave her a diabetic shot of sweet cuteness. I wonder how Abel react, seeing that one off his friend's dead bodies was resurrected and Deeb's and Mace live from a similar form of accident from the science side of things?
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: Tapewolf on October 13, 2011, 03:38:55 AM
Quote from: Lurkie on October 12, 2011, 10:48:41 PM
Can 'Cubi change mass?  The tri-wings almost certainly can, but normal 'Cubi?  Probably not.  'Course, it's all magic anyway, so who knows?

If a Were can turn into a little squirrel, I'm sure a 'Cubi could too.  The way I see it - and this is just a guess - they can probably reduce their mass (or at least their size), but increasing it is a lot more difficult.

Ah, I had forgotten about the Weres.  (*Checks the Demonology 101 page*)  Hm, yes, okay, they can change their mass.  Ooh, that gets messy.  Where does all the excess mass go?  Or come from when they change from squirrel to Being or Human form?  (And what happens if something goes wrong during the transfer?  That's a lot of energy being moved...)  Best to simply chalk it up to magic and not think about it too much.  :-)

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 13, 2011, 06:56:34 AM
Using anything from Edward Elmer Smith's work as a serious scientific guide is doomed to failure. I enjoy his work, but it's very dated (hardly surprising, given when it was written), somewhat simplistic, and missing a few details - for example, the ultra-slowed-down playback scene, where one of the Boskonian bases is suicided? A rough estimate of the time scales shows they would have had to stand there watching for something like two and a half weeks, according to a story I read once.

Makes sense. Certainly the numbers seem to work out for that.

Anyway, as a result, I enjoy his work, but I don't let my disbelief suspend far enough to apply it to anything else. ;-]

Hah!  No, I don't take his work seriously either.  :-)  (That whole "overthink" thing was meant in jest, after all.)  I do enjoy his work, but I have to admit that a lot of his underlying assumptions were... questionable, at best.  The Bergenholm, for instance.  You can't separate inertial mass from rest mass that way.  Even when he wrote those stories, that was a pretty iffy proposition.  To be fair, though, he did tend to watch his physics more than a lot of authors.  When an energy beam strikes a ray screen, for example, that energy is reflected, causing a lot of collateral damage.  Most authors don't seem to think about such things, more's the pity.  In a lot of stories, such energies would magically vanish, and never cause complications.
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Quote from: Lurkie on October 15, 2011, 04:07:40 PM
Ah, I had forgotten about the Weres.  (*Checks the Demonology 101 page*)  Hm, yes, okay, they can change their mass.  Ooh, that gets messy.  Where does all the excess mass go?  Or come from when they change from squirrel to Being or Human form?  (And what happens if something goes wrong during the transfer?  That's a lot of energy being moved...)  Best to simply chalk it up to magic and not think about it too much.  :-)

Don't forget about dragons, who are capable of major mass-changes without significant damage to the area. (Witness Pyroduck growing to mid-size in the basement of the inn.)

Multiple diimensions--including pocket dimensions--are established in the canon. So is teleportation to and from those dimensions. It's not that much of a stretch from demonstrated magical rules to postulate that shapeshifters capable of mass-shifting have access to a pocket dimension to dump and/or retrieve extra mass.

Of course, that leaves us the lovely image of a multiverse pocked with little pocket dimensions of random flesh. Or, perhaps worse, a universe-sized shared blob of organic goop.