[Fanfic] A Big Difference - a CN:H fanfic - New part: 8/7/11

Started by LionkingCMSL, July 11, 2011, 11:03:34 AM

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Everything has been reposted further down.

When it's a tie at a grade crossing, YOU lose.

A PSA from the railroading lion and Operation Lifesaver.


Sorry if I seem like I'm picking on you here, but by the rules of CMF and the CN:H forum, this fanfiction might be better off in the "Tower of Art".  Given that the authors of CN:H try to avoid this stuff for legal reasons.  If there's no objections, I'll move it there.


Quote from: Mao Laoren on July 11, 2011, 12:41:53 PM
Sorry if I seem like I'm picking on you here, but by the rules of CMF and the CN:H forum, this fanfiction might be better off in the "Tower of Art".  Given that the authors of CN:H try to avoid this stuff for legal reasons.  If there's no objections, I'll move it there.
No objection. I didn't know where to put it and the reason I put the warning in the title.

When it's a tie at a grade crossing, YOU lose.

A PSA from the railroading lion and Operation Lifesaver.



When it's a tie at a grade crossing, YOU lose.

A PSA from the railroading lion and Operation Lifesaver.


Gone bye-bye

When it's a tie at a grade crossing, YOU lose.

A PSA from the railroading lion and Operation Lifesaver.

llearch n'n'daCorna

And this would be why we don't give users the ability to delete their posts.

Perhaps we should remove the ability to edit as well? Hrm.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 25, 2011, 12:19:18 PM
And this would be why we don't give users the ability to delete their posts.

Perhaps we should remove the ability to edit as well? Hrm.

Do not allow my possible misguided actions determine what others can or cannot do.

Was I correct in deleting the contents of the posts? I don't know, but it seemed the best course of action at the time.

By stopping people from editing you are then keeping them from clarifying their thoughts when the mind is thinking faster than the hands can type.

When it's a tie at a grade crossing, YOU lose.

A PSA from the railroading lion and Operation Lifesaver.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: LionkingCMSL on July 25, 2011, 12:23:53 PM
By stopping people from editing you are then keeping them from clarifying their thoughts when the mind is thinking faster than the hands can type.

This is a forum, not a live chat. You're welcome to sit and think for as much as, oh, two or three seconds before you post, if you really wish to slow things down.

I mean, all seven hundred people reading this are here all the time, and constantly refreshing the server to see if you've posted anything. Right?

(For those of you who missed it, that was sarcasm. The post you post now will be present for the foreseeable future, and will be seen for the very first time by people currently present at anything up to three weeks away or more, since many folks aren't here every day, or indeed every week. Take your time. We're not going anywhere. Pause. Take a breath. Re-read your post to see if you any words out. At least, other than deliberately. And then consider if you need to re-edit it, just that little bit more, before you post.)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hmm, i dunno how easy it'd be to make it work here, but what about a compromise, like i have seen in a few places?
The posts are editable for a limited time, one hour or less, which allows to fix formatting mistakes or whatever else , but prevents this sort of content removal we seen here?
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Gonna suck for people like me, because actually right this moment, I'm making an edit to an RP post I made almost 24 hours ago, not for formatting or spelling, but a minor continuity/detail edit to make it more consistent in response to a subsequent post. :/ In the past I've also made posts building upon things that were sparse with details, filling stuff in as I went, and left the disclaimer for the GM of "hey, I went ahead and posted this stuff, I hope it's okay, but if it's not, let me know, and I'll fix it". Depending on the speed of a GM response, if it -is- needed, this can take up to a few days. >_>

Really, punishing everyone for the actions of one chucklehead...but eh. Whatever happens, happens. Forums belong to the mods, we just hang out here. *sigh*

(heck, I'm completely lost as to what even happened here in the first place, and I'm probably not the only one. With that in mind; who cares? :B )


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 25, 2011, 09:39:27 PM
(heck, I'm completely lost as to what even happened here in the first place, and I'm probably not the only one. With that in mind; who cares? :B )

I will explain what happened, for those that may be lost.

I started posting, in sections, a fan fic I was writing for Code Name: Hunter.
However, it seemed, to me, that no one was interested in it and I decided, for better or worse, to delete it and save bandwidth ans storage space on the servers.

That is the true story. No drama, or other untoward happenings. The decision to delete the content was soley based on my perceptions and not the result of any outside influences.

I still have the fan fic and can put it back at the proper break points, if it so desired.

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna

This is a forum, not a live chat. You're welcome to sit and think for as much as, oh, two or three seconds before you post, if you really wish to slow things down.

I mean, all seven hundred people reading this are here all the time, and constantly refreshing the server to see if you've posted anything. Right?

(For those of you who missed it, that was sarcasm. The post you post now will be present for the foreseeable future, and will be seen for the very first time by people currently present at anything up to three weeks away or more, since many folks aren't here every day, or indeed every week. Take your time. We're not going anywhere. Pause. Take a breath. Re-read your post to see if you any words out. At least, other than deliberately. And then consider if you need to re-edit it, just that little bit more, before you post.)

I understand it is not live chat and I do not expect people to be hitting the refresh button all the time.

However there are times that when you proofread a post your mind still adds the words or letters you left out. I constantly go back a day or two later and re-read my post and edit them to fix typos or edit sentence structure to make my thoughts more clear.

I do want to make one point very clear: Although I may be new to this fora, I am, by no means, new to the concept of forums. I have been part of different fora and news groups since 2000. I don't mean to brag or come off as a know it all, but to explain this is not new to me.

When it's a tie at a grade crossing, YOU lose.

A PSA from the railroading lion and Operation Lifesaver.


Quote from: LionkingCMSL on July 25, 2011, 10:13:29 PM
However, it seemed, to me, that no one was interested in it...
You'd be surprised how many people -do- read things around here, but don't say anything because they feel they have nothing to say...

Quote from: LionkingCMSL on July 25, 2011, 10:13:29 PM
and I decided, for better or worse, to delete it and save bandwidth ans storage space on the servers.
...I'm no server expert, but I'm preeeeeeety sure a few kilobytes worth of ASCII text isn't going to impact server space in any way, which, I will say as my most conservative random estimate, is at least upwards of several hundred gigabytes of data, if not a few terabytes. We're talking ants in an acre field, here. By definition, servers are made to be uber-high storage capactiy, because that's about the only thing they -do-. xD


I'm not sure if this is my place to say, but I think it's silly to delete something unless you really don't want it seen anymore. If you want feedback, after all, it's better to keep it up, maybe even keep adding on, because who knows? Maybe someone will take the time to write up their opinions on the story. Myself, I've always been rather busy, but given time I would certainly read it.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 25, 2011, 10:28:08 PM
Quote from: LionkingCMSL on July 25, 2011, 10:13:29 PM
However, it seemed, to me, that no one was interested in it...
You'd be surprised how many people -do- read things around here, but don't say anything because they feel they have nothing to say...

I, for example, was reading it.

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 25, 2011, 10:28:08 PM
Quote from: LionkingCMSL on July 25, 2011, 10:13:29 PM
and I decided, for better or worse, to delete it and save bandwidth ans storage space on the servers.
...I'm no server expert, but I'm preeeeeeety sure a few kilobytes worth of ASCII text isn't going to impact server space in any way, which, I will say as my most conservative random estimate, is at least upwards of several hundred gigabytes of data, if not a few terabytes. We're talking ants in an acre field, here. By definition, servers are made to be uber-high storage capactiy, because that's about the only thing they -do-. xD

Several hundred gigabytes. Admittedly, it's ASCII text in a row in a table in a MySQL database, which gets dumped and backed up daily, so it's not exactly small... but we're still talking the entire forum is under four hundred megabytes in size. Including all the images on the website, the entire database, etc etc. So we're not exactly huge.

Bandwidth is rather larger, but still - we're looking at maybe 10G/month, and the server has.. uh.. last I checked, something like 20T of b/w, as I recall. I don't think we're in any risk there. *grin* We're big, for what we are, but we're not _that_ big. Not by a long shot.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: LionkingCMSL on July 25, 2011, 10:13:29 PM
*too long; didn't quote*

I get the impression that it's more the fact that it was a fanfiction as well as written prose, than anything you might've done.

most folks who frequent this part of the forums who don't really do much on their own creative side are more about the "oooh, shiny" aspect of creative forms, and tend to shrink away at more than two paragraphs of text.  :P

That said, it might be best in future to let it lie should nobody pay attention to it, and really, around here? it only gets enormous attention if it's one of two things: Absolutely Freaking Brilliant, or made of the Purest Fail.   :U

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Or alternatively by telling people that there's nothing to see. That's just a huge advertisement to make people want to figure out just what is going on that we're not supposed to see. Because we tend to assume it was something interesting and wish to see it anyway. So basically you're attempting to divert attention garnered you more attention than just letting it be would have.

On a side note, I also tend to read these things, though not comment on them unless I have something special to say. I'm not sure why I didn't see this when it was originally posted, but on the other hand... the phrase 'nothing to see here' drew me like a magnet.

PS: Oh, and please don't take away our modify button.... it is oh so very useful :/


After a discussion with an interested party, and some reflection, I will re-post the fan fic.

However, I will post what is written, so far, as one post. I will post it once the lap top, that has it, gets done rendering an animation, and it may be Saturday at the earliest.

Thank you for comments and insight.

When it's a tie at a grade crossing, YOU lose.

A PSA from the railroading lion and Operation Lifesaver.


As promised, here is the re-posting of my CN:H fan fic, in its entirety, of everything I have written so far.

A Big Difference
A Code Name: Hunter story
By Donald E. Miller, Jr.

   Captain LionkingCMSL, informally known as LK, and Commander Altaica Powell were doing some shore leave in London. One morning Altaica went to LK's room and asked, "What do you want to do?"
   LK looked at his friend and said, "I don't know. Take in the sights. I haven't been in London before. I do want to Trafalgar Square though. What about you?"
   "I definitely want to go to Harrods!"
   "What is it with females and shopping? I would bet that even wild quad lionesses would go shopping, if they could!"
   Altaica laughed and said, "You are probably right, but I don't know what it is. Genetics, maybe. It's part of the X chromosome."
   LK just gave a wry smile and said, "Okay, let's get going, but don't spend all your credits in one place."
   Altaica nodded and headed out the door with LK right behind her.

   They left the hotel and walked a few blocks. At one point they turned a corner and weren't in London any more. Actually, they were still in London, but not the London they knew on Homestead. Everything looked the same, but it was different, though neither one of them could put a claw tip on it. One thing they noticed was that the larger anthros were missing. The largest they could see were wolves. The air seemed different somehow, not quite the same scents were prevalent.

   Altaica, being the head of Weapons/Defense/Security, tensed up at this change. Neither of them brought any weapons with them, save for their natural weapons: claws and teeth. She very quickly stabbed at her wristlet and was not unsurprised to find she could not reach the Lion's Den or Outpost One. "LK," she said in a serious tone, "I can't raise either the LD or Outpost One."
   LK grunted his understanding as he was taking stock of the situation. After a few moments he said, "Let's keep walking. Hopefully, we will find someone who will help us."
   Altaica nodded her understanding, but thought it would be unlikely that someone would help them. They were getting incredulous stares from passersby and some   people even crossed the street to avoid them. She was used to people being nervous around them, for they were large carnivores. Large not only in species, but also in height.

   Meanwhile Ruby and Max had just left their flat and were headed to the RCSI's offices. Ruby said, "What do you think of the news reports about giants being about?"
   "Heh, anyone over 1.7 meters would be a giant to you."
   "Not fair. You're almost as short as I am."
   "True, but to answer your question, I think the media is blowing these sightings out of proportion. Though CB seemed urgent that he saw us."
   "That's what I'm talking about, Max. Even CB believes it."

   Max was about to answer when the tallest people he ever saw turned a corner. Not only were they tall, but they were of a species that one didn't see if you discounted the Fey: lion and tiger.
   LK was about to ask Altaica if she had any idea where they were when they turned another corner and stopped short. In front of them were a hound and a mouse. Both seemed to have their mouths agape. LK decided to quell any fear. "Hello, my name is Captain LionkingCMSL, of the Lion's Den. My friend here is Commander Altaica Powell. We will not hurt you. We seem to be a bit lost. Can you tell us where we are?"
   Ruby responded first, "Captain, Commander, you are in the Leystone section of London. I'm Gypsy."
   Altaica responded with, "There is no Leystone section of London on Homestead!"
   "Ahh, Commander Powell," Max replied, "I do not know where Homestead is, but this Earth. My name is Hunter."
   Ruby broke in with, "Are you Fey?"
   Max gave her a sharp look and said, "They are not of the Fey. They said they were from Homestead and they do not have the look of anyone from the Fey realms. Not only that, they have American accents."
   LK looked at the two and said, "Hunter, Gypsy, we are not of the Fey, and I'm not even sure what that is."
   "LK," Altaica replied, "Fey are the formal names of fairies and the like. From what I recall they are called Fey when they are of the most powerful type and are not to be trifled with. Of course that is myth on Homestead."
   LK looked at Altaica and said, "While it may be myth at home, it seems to be fact here." He then turned back to Max and Ruby and said, "Hunter, Gypsy, is there anyone, who you can think of, who could help us? People on your world seem not to have seen anything like us."
   Max looked around and saw a crowd had started to gather. He then thought a bit and said, "Follow us, Captain and Commander. We were headed to somewhere that might be able to help you."
   Ruby looked at Max and said, "You're not seriously thinking of bringing them to RCSI."
   "Why not. It's the best place I can think of."
   Ruby nodded in agreement and said, "Captain, Commander, this way."
   LK said, "Okay. It would be better if you just called us LK and Altaica. We're not big on the rank structure."
   "As you wish, LK," Max replied as he started walking towards the offices. As they walked Max had a sudden thought. "Excuse me for asking, but LK, Altaica, how tall are you?"
   LK laughed and said, "I bet you're worried about us fitting into your buildings." Max nodded and LK continued, "No worries. We get that question a lot, especially me. As for heights, Altaica shouldn't be a problem as she stands seven foot six inches at her ears, or about 2.3 meters. I stand eight foot five at ears, which does not count my mane bulk. That works out to around 2.6 meters."
   Max frowned and said, "You will have a bit of a squeeze then."
   LK gave a wan smile and said, "Don't worry. I have a trick that can lower my height quite a bit. Now, any elevators may be a problem, with our weights. Combined we weigh about 825 pounds, about 375 kilos or 51 and half stone."
   Altaica gave LK a glower and said, "Don't you dare give my weight out!"
   LK looked at her and said, "You think I'm that clueless? I do know that you don't mention, or ask, two things about women: age and weight. I won't even mention my weight, so your secret is safe."
   Ruby gave a chuckle. "LK, you are quite correct. But a question: How did you convert so readily to our systems of measurement?"
   This time Altaica gave the chuckle. "Gypsy, we work in space and the normal system in use is the metric system. However we have to be able to readily convert to any native units on Homestead, and using stones for weight, though archaic, is still used. Being from the U.S. we still use the Imperial system for convenience."
   Max sighed and said, "Understandable. Well, here we are." as they stopped in front of what looked like a travel agency.
   Altaica looked at the sign and said, "A travel agency? Well, in normal circumstances they could help, but I don't think they will be able to help us."
   Ruby said, "Commander Powell, there is more here than meets the eye."

   They walked inside, with LK ducking his head. Max and Ruby called out greetings to Carmen. Max then told LK, "You better use that trick now if you want to be comfortable."
   LK commented, "I sure hope no one will be afraid of me. Quad, now." At that point he morphed to his quad form and dropped to all fours.
   Max and Ruby were taken aback by the change. Max recovered first and said, "That is quite a magic trick, LK."
   LK shook his massive head and said, "Not magic. Neuro-biological. Neither Altaica or I can do magic."
   Carmen recovered from her shock and said, "Hunter, Gypsy, CB is waiting for you. I have let him know you have guests and he is interested in meeting them."

   They walked through the cover office and Max directed them to an elevator. When the doors opened LK gave a look inside and said, "While I'm not questioning the safety of your equipment, I think a freight elevator would be better."
   Ruby queried, "Why the freight lift?"
   "Two reasons. One is our combined weight. Though your passenger elevators could possibly hold us I rather be on the safe side. The second reason is a bit more prosaic. I'd fit better, in this form, in a freight elevator than a standard passenger elevator."
   Max said, "You are probably right. The regular lift would make for a tight squeeze. This way." He then led them further towards the rear of the building, which was larger than it appeared on the outside. After riding down three floors they got off and walked down a hallway.
   Max stopped in front of a desk and said, "Ms. Pennyworth, we're here to see CB."
   She looked up and said, "He's expecting you. Where is the other person? I only see the tigress."
   LK spoke up and said, "I'm right here." He then raised his head so she could see him easily.
   "Oh. Oh! I wasn't expecting a quad lion. Carmen said it was two people not a woman and her pet."
   Altaica gave a chuckle and said, "Carmen was correct. While I would like to claim LK as my pet, I don't think he would approve."
   LK rejoined with, "You are correct. Anyway, if anyfur is your pet it is Albert."
   Pennyworth looked from the tigress to the lion and back again. She wasn't really sure of what she was seeing or hearing. "You might as well go in."

   Max opened the door and stepped in. He was slightly annoyed to see Lady Gadel there as well. "Commander Boothroyd, Lady Gadel, I present Captain LionkingCMSL of the Lion's Den and Commander Altaica Powell."
   Boothroyd stood up and looked around. He then spoke to Altaica, "Greetings, but where is your shipmate?"
   LK, somewhat annoyed, said, "Commander, I am right here." Both CB and Gadel did a double take. LK sighed and continued, "Being there seems to be enough headroom for me, I'll make it easier. Anthro, now." With that he morphed back to his anthro form and stood up. "Commander Boothroyd, I am Captain LionkingCMSL, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. It is also a pleasure to meet you, Lady Gadel."
   Gadel was standing there with her mouth open. "How did you do that? You have no magic! I can sense it." She then recovered and continued, "I am sorry, Captain. It is a pleasure to meet you."
   CB then said, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Captain. Like Lady Gadel I am curious on how you did that."
   LK, with a weariness that came from having to explain his morphing abilities, explained how he was able to shift from quad to anthro and back, at will. He then changed the subject and looked Gadel in the eye. "So, you can sense magic." When Gadel nodded he continued, "Just be glad there are no Sarangar with us. I would have to believe they would burn out your senses."
   "They are powerful mages?"
   Altaica said, with a grin, "Powerful isn't the word I'd use. More like god-like. I've seen them work and I still can't believe what they can accomplish."
   Gadel thought she would show some of her power and formed a fireball in her hand. "Can they do this?"
   Altaica, forgetting her manners for a bit, said, "Sister, that is nothing to them. They can use the cores of stars as engines. They can repair entire starships by laying their hands on them."
   Gadel, forgot her being annoyed at being called "sister" was amazed at such power. Not even the masters at the Astoria Academy had such power. "We are these mages?"
   "Back home," is all LK said.
   CB broke in with, "Yes, that brings us to the problem at hand. What are you doing here?"
   LK looked at the badger and said, "Your guess is as good as mine, Commander. One moment we were strolling down the street in London, on Homestead, and the next moment we are here."
   Max broke in with, "Wait a minute. You said starships. You travel in space?"
   Altaica reminded him with, "Yes, I did. Remember, I said we work in space. Where we come from travelling in outer space is as common as taking an ocean liner, but not quite as safe."
   "Yes, you said you worked in space, but I thought more like working on a space station, rather than interstellar travel."
   LK kneeled down to look the mouse in the eye and said, "Hunter, you have to realize most people on Homestead have never been in space. A lot of those that do get into space only make it as far as Outpost One, our largest space station, or the moon. Only very few have travelled between the planets, let alone the stars."
   Ruby then spoke up and said, "But Commander Powell said it was like travelling on an ocean liner."
   CB broke in, "That would seem to be inconsistent with what you said, Captain."
   Altaica folded her arms and said, "Gypsy is correct, that is what I said. However, it does not change the facts as LK has mentioned them. I said it was like an ocean liner, but not as safe. Even with the advances we have made, space travel is a very demanding and unforgiving way to travel. The closest I can think of to compare it to would be travelling by submarine. You are in a totally inhospitable environment and one small mistake could kill you. Not to mention that there are people out there who would like to see you dead. While it may be common, for those that do it, relatively few do do it."
   Gadel was looking from one person to another trying to make sense of what she was hearing. "Wait! Starships? Submarines? I don't understand!"
   LK looked at the hound and said, "Lady Gadel, you do know what stars are, correct?"
   "Yes! I'm not stupid!"
   "I never said that, nor did I mean to imply that. Starships are designed to get from one star to another. Submarines are boats that are designed to go under the water for extended periods of time and resurface."
   Now Gadel's mind was totally in a whirl. While she had been at RCSI for some time none of this was even mentioned, or hinted at. While it was clear that the two felines were not from here, the RCSI people had no problem understanding what they had said. There was more to things outside of Astoria than she was led to believe.
   Now it was Altaica's turn to be a bit confused. "Are you telling me, Lady Gadel, you never heard of submarines?" Her voice had a hint of incredulousness in it.
   Gadel turned to the tigress and said, "That is correct, Commander Powell. I'm not from Britain, I'm from Astoria."
   LK got a sly smile and quipped, "Lady Gadel, even people from New York City know of submarines. I will admit you don't sound like you're from Queens."
   The poor hound got a helpless look on her muzzle and simply said, "Huh?"
   Altaica took pity on her and said, "Don't pay attention to LK. He's only pulling your leg. There is a neighborhood in New York City that is called Astoria, but you are certainly not from there. Where is your Astoria?"
   Gadel could not answer as she was trying to figure out how someone could pull her leg when they were not touching her and were incapable of magic. CB answered the question, "Astoria is off the west coast of Wales. It appeared back in the nineteen-fourties when the magic came back."
   "Understood. There are no major islands off the west coast of Wales, save Ireland, on Homestead."

   The next few hours were spent with LK and Altaica being de-briefed and them learning about their hosts. Lady Gadel's mind was in a whirl with what she was hearing. Not only from the two visitors, but what the RCSI's people were letting on of what they knew. In her mind she felt that Queen Raewyn and Lady Rashanna may have underestimated the true power of Queen Mousira  and Britain.


To be continued.

When it's a tie at a grade crossing, YOU lose.

A PSA from the railroading lion and Operation Lifesaver.


It was decided that the two Lion's Den officers would make use of an unused RCSI flat in Leystone for the duration of their stay. LK had a few concerns about them being there.
   "Commander," LK started, "I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I can see issues with us staying in a public area."
   "Such as?" CB queried, though he probably knew what was coming.
   "First off is our size. We seem to be the tallest furs around. It's not the flat that would bother me, as I can go quad, which I prefer. What I'm referring to is that we stand out in a crowd."
   Ruby snickered and Max gave her slight jab in the ribs with an elbow.
   LK heard her and turned to face her. "Gypsy, I knew there was two ways to take that statement. When one is as tall as Altaica or I you hear the jokes and make them yourself," LK said with a slight laugh.
   Just CB was about to reply Altaica said, "Not only that we are of two species that are not anthros on this planet. If we were another species we could probably blend in, but being lion and tiger ..."
   CB put a finger to his chin and said, "Yes, I can see where that may be a problem. That is why I suggested Leystone. Not only is it where RCSI has quarters, but there are more than a few unusual creatures that call it home. While you would be different you would more or less blend in, as those of that area are used to seeing strange people and the like."

   Lady Gadel, who to this point was almost left out of the discussions, and feeling put out by it said, "Can I talk to you, Captain and Commander? In private?" She had a feeling that her orders to find out everything about her new home included this.
   Altaica looked at LK, who nodded very slightly, then she turned to the hound. "Lady Gadel, we would be honored to talk to you in private." What she was thinking was, "We'll talk to you, but I'd bet you wouldn't understand three quarters of what we say."


More to come.

Comments very much welcomed.

When it's a tie at a grade crossing, YOU lose.

A PSA from the railroading lion and Operation Lifesaver.


Interesting how Gadel would try to gather more information on people she barely even understands their explanations. If this Gadel is anything like the Gadel from the actual comic, then she may be left more confused then enlightened from her talk with them.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: joshofspam on August 07, 2011, 07:06:29 PM
Interesting how Gadel would try to gather more information on people she barely even understands their explanations. If this Gadel is anything like the Gadel from the actual comic, then she may be left more confused then enlightened from her talk with them.

Exactly my point. :=3

Gadel was told, IIRC, to learn all she can. I haven't plotted all out yet, but Gadel will not try to learn all that much about LK, but what LK and Altaica know of Britain, Even if there are differences, there will tend to be similarities.

When it's a tie at a grade crossing, YOU lose.

A PSA from the railroading lion and Operation Lifesaver.