8/11/06 Racism is bad mkay....

Started by Zedd, August 11, 2006, 03:41:04 AM

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Not bad draw there but still Dan still has that problem ya know? Heh well I guess a little learning helps ya know?



Nerverless we know now Dan cant sing worth dinodoodoo


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Now I'm stuck with 2 songs in my head: "a little bit racist", and "the internet is for pr0n". :<
Quote from: Netami on August 11, 2006, 03:53:28 AM
:V :C >3 :[ :O :C 'A' :> :c :E :0 :] :[ :D :O 'A' :S :> :S :V :[ :boggle
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</

King Of Hearts

Well you could try to combine those two songs o that only one song would be left in your head... let's see...

The internet is for racist porn? No... The internet is bit racist? hmm... I get it! The internet is a little bit racist for porn!

Reese Tora

The internet is for porn.
The internet is for porn.
Why you think the net was born?
Porn! Porn! Porn!

yay for Seth Triggs! (who I believe is the author of this wonderful travesty >:3 )
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


*Charline smirks*  I'm not racist.  I'm 'speciest'.  All species save for lion-cubi-goddeses are inferior!  And since I'm the only lion-cubi-goddess, everyone is inferior to ME!   >:3  *she grins evily and flexes claws*  Does anyone dare defy me?  :kruger

*Charles leaps up!* I do!  *blinks*  Why did I just do that?  :eek  *Charline slicy-slicies da hiyouman*    :knifed

Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



"I'm not racist, racism is a crime, and crime is for [ethnic group goes here]"


the question on my mind is who drew it...

I already assumed  Dan couldn't sing. 
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

Ted Schiller

Quote from: Alondro on August 11, 2006, 10:52:53 AM
(snip)  Does anyone dare defy me?  :kruger (snip)

Strong Bad

With regards,

Seth C Triggs

Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on August 11, 2006, 11:18:57 AM
the question on my mind is who drew it...

I already assumed  Dan couldn't sing. 

Heh heh...it was me...

BIBP Webcomic - bizarre and NSFW - http://www.bibp.com

Kitsune Ascendant

Quote from: Alondro on August 11, 2006, 10:52:53 AM
*Charline smirks*  I'm not racist.  I'm 'speciest'.  All species save for lion-cubi-goddeses are inferior!  And since I'm the only lion-cubi-goddess, everyone is inferior to ME!   >:3  *she grins evily and flexes claws*  Does anyone dare defy me?  :kruger

*Charles leaps up!* I do!  *blinks*  Why did I just do that?  :eek  *Charline slicy-slicies da jews*    :knifed

I think you forgot about me when you said all species are inferior  :nod

and dan's singing. can it really be called singing? I mean, he is a cat...
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!

Drake Manaweilder

Quote from: Kitsune Ascendant on August 11, 2006, 01:11:04 PM

and dan's singing. can it really be called singing? I mean, he is a cat...

parden the lame joke, but maby it's hissing with style?


Arggg.... I just got the Internet is for porn song out of my head, now look what happens...



Different tastes of course, but apparently it's good to non-human ears.


*Charline growls*  Someohow, someone modified my post to say 'jews' instead of 'hiyouman'.  Since I logout every time and have told no one my password, I must assume that this forum is not at all secure.  Thankfully, that password is only used for forums. 

And it wasn't at all amusing.  Now I know there's an anti-semite Nazi/Islamo-fascist someone around here who's hacking people's passwords... I shall exterminate this twit with great pleasure.   :kruger

EDIT: And now this post has been altered even after I changed my password.  I'm not Jewish, but I have several good friends who are.  This had better stop very soon.  I am getting quite annoyed.
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



How your incompetence can still grow by the day is hard to comprehend.


Quote from: Alondro on August 11, 2006, 02:33:09 PM
*Charline growls*  Someohow, someone modified my post to say 'jews' instead of 'jews'.  Since I logout every time and have told no one my password, I must assume that this forum is not at all secure.  Thankfully, that password is only used for forums. 

More likely it's a script in the forum your tipping,  similer to the Jack boarsd Matt script

everytime some one types a post that contains the name Matt it gets posted as Dolphin****er instead  only with out anything blocking your veiw of the words. 

some other forums use similer things to filter out bad language


We shall see... I shall type 'jews' and then 'hiyouman' and we shall see if only the one changes.

EDIT:  Ah-ha.  I see, but that is quite innappropriate.  I'm quite certain there'd be an uproar if it were changed to 'Muslims' or 'gaywads'.  The dolphin f'''''' is different because that's not targeting any group in particular.   Plus, with all the hate speech being spewed in Iran and other countries at this time, don't you all think it's more than just a little ignorant to include such a thing in the scripting?
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Eh, so you got tricked by a forum script. You're only human.

Racism is annoying -- it's a bad idea to express it, but it's an emotion so you can't really control feeling it, and often people can pick up on it even if you do your best not to act on it.


still has no Idea what the  triger word is but there is a way around a filter like this

simply break up the word

this can be done easy as putting a space or for a smoother look try this


It comes out like this but dosent trigger the filter

Ohhh never mind that doesn't seem to work here

oh well


Racism and other prejudices that we have are natural (alright you can also call it cultural, but the fenomen is natural), they may be annoying or downright insulting but they're natural. Unless we have actual experience with several members of a community or "racial" group all our opinions concerning them can be termed prejudice or racism, some might be flattering however. As long as we have open minds and know that we do have prejudices and racist thoughts (however slight) we can better ourselves fairly easily. But maybe I should stop talking now, don't want to start ranting about such a subject.


The wordfilter was apparently set because of a post in the "Post your info" thread. If I see things correctly, the filter replaces <Gareeku-explanation-quote>"a human, just spelt stupidly"</Gareeku-explanation-quote> with "jew". Whatever. Don't see what the big deal is.

And wow, we're not even on page two of a racism thread, and Nazi Germany already made a brief appearance (even though the quote-worthy appearance was edited out again, boo hoo)! This calls for




Roureem Egas

This strip brought back memories of first semester psychology. That was always fun, even though there was this one brat I wanted to hit.  :zombiekun2

Amber Williams

Back during the whole changing from "draggy" to "yiffy" incident, I pointed out that an equally if not greater annoying term was the deliberate mispelling of the word human.  Since Dmoon was already in that section, he decided to go ahead and fill in another word...and since he himself is jewish, he thought it would be an interesting and funny spin to turn the whole thing into something that actually could be considered more an insult since it was likely anyone using the whole mispelled human term was using it in such a way that simply changing the word would take a creepier meaning.  I actually ran it by a few of my jewish friends and they got a chuckle from it.

(the word more or less is hy-ooman but without the bar in the middle, as thats the simplest form of that mispelling, and the word it changes to is jews.)

That said, I never liked it when people deliberatly mispell the word human. Triply so when the intent is to make the word come across as an insult or something inferior.  I hate when people mispell anything on purpose, but that particular mispelling grates my nerves something fierce.  It's offensive to me just as someone using a racial slang would be offensive to those of that race or ethnic group.  It is quite possibly the most annoying furry-slang I know of, and that is pretty high standards considering some of the inane words out there.

Though I can't help but be a bit amused that of all the times the script kicks in, its in a thread about racism being bad.  Though really the intent of the script wasn't so much meant to be a lesson in ethics so much a quick knee-jerk reaction in response to people using a word that is incredibly bleh yet seems to be ok to use by many.  It wasn't meant to ridicule anyone, and definatly not insult/offend people.  It was more or less an afterthought and it was likely a matter of time before someone tripped up the script.

But seriously, racism is bad mmkay.


Quote from: terrycloth on August 11, 2006, 02:58:55 PM
Eh, so you got tricked by a forum script. You're only human.



The internet has caused some degradation of the english language, and I'm for anything that seeks to rectify that problem.