RP characters DMFA inspired you to make!

Started by Akisohida, May 03, 2010, 10:24:34 AM

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Ok, I figured I would show off what Amber inspired me to make about 3 years ago. (Nov 8, 2007).

A few notes:
'Mythos' in my use, is 'half-elemental'. (I did want to still be origonal!) So this guy is an Ice-Mythos Cobrataur, meaning a Cobrataur who is half Ice Elemental, or half made up of focused, primal ice magic.

A Mythos in my world can survive and heal from more lethal attacks because of being half-magical in nature. The downside is that certain magical spells (dispell, magic suppression, magic draining attacks) can make him sick, ill, comatose, or kill him, depending on the strength of the spell.

Also, the size and scaling may be off, simply because I suck at proper scaling. >.>

Before you stands an odd critter indeed! Six and a half feet tall at the head and nine feet long from forelimbs to tailtip, this critter must be an adult of its kind. Starting at the head, the first strange thing you notice is that it has three eyes! That right, two where you would expect eyes to be; both blue, and then one in its forehead; which is golden! Lower down, you notice the critter has no nose and, below that blank area, is the things mouth. When the taur-creature laughs, you see it has VERY sharp teeth and a forked tongue, though its tongue is not thin like a snakes and so the critter does not lisp. Taking in its head as a whole, you notice the taur also has a cobras hood that always seems manteled, even when it is relaxing, though the hood does fold back a little when it is confused or scared. Just like a normal furs ears.
The creatures face and down its neck are a green color, and though this color runs all the way up and over to the back of its head, it become blue about halfway over each eye, making the hood blue on the back but it is green on the inside. When it waves to you, you notice the taur has four fingered hands, though it does not seem to suffer for ability to grab things.
Now onto its chest! Its chest is, like its face, green. The taurs chest is flat, marking it as male or a masculin female. It does not help the guesswork that the creature has no nipples. Lower still is its lower taur half, its underbelly is green and its sides are blue, with its back having a 'skunk stripe' of green that is, as noted earlier, connected with his underside via his face. Its feet are two-toed and lack any claws that can be seen.
The green of its back and belly taper out about an inch from its tailbase (and undertail, respectively), leaving its tail, which is about half the length of the rest of its body, fully blue. Eying that tail, which tapers into a whiplike tip, a person may get the feeling that, if cracked right, it could leave natsy welts or even split skin.
Taken as a whole, the taur is rather odd and looks a little shiny due to its very short, silk-like fur. Also of note is that there is 2 scars on his back, in an 'X' shape.
His left arm also has a scar going from the shoulder down all the way to the wrist. It looks like the scar once went down the back of his hand as well but that hand is long gone. Replaced with what looks to be clear crystal or glass that still flexes like his flesh hand did.
The taur currently seems to be wearing a vest made of linen. The main body of the vest is a muted crimson and edges of the vest (the cuffs and such) are gilded and glint softly in the local light. Rather than closing with buttons or such, it is open, revealing his muscled chest, with a fine, golden chain making a link across the opened front.

More notes:
The 'crystal hand' is from an RP where he tried to use his natural (if still magical) abilities in an area where magic was suppressed by the gods (thereby suppressing his magic without impeding his ability to function). Forcing it caused the spell to backlash and freeze, and shatter, his hand. Once he was away from that area, he was able to use his abilities to create an ice-hand for himself.

The 'X' scar on his back is from his warrior-training days. He and a friend tried to come up with some flanking attacks that played off their personal skills..and ended up with him putting his friend in a short coma. Since it was out of bad planning rather than an actual attempt to harm his friend, and his friend DID get better, he was given 40 lashes with a whip; 20 in one exact spot and 20 in another.

The scar on his arm was when his High Captian was abducted and he went off half-cocked to find her. While interrogating some thugs, one manged to pull a hidden knife and gashed his arm wide open before finding a broken chuck of wood and running it into his chest.


Nagendra-Azziz Mu'Tasim comes from a land that his kind were forced too to avoid being enslaved about 10,000 years ago. It is a cold, desolate place where it always snows and many of his kind died. Those that lived eked out a miserable life, for generation after generation, until the young started living longer and aging slower after maturity. It was also noticed that the cold was not affecting the newer-born as much and research started on why. A few generations passed (the cobrataurs living a lifespan of about 150 years now) before it was found that the air was so magically charged, it was mutating them. After about 2000 years, it was found that they were living about 1000 years at a stretch and the cold was no bother. It was also at this time that the outside world found out that they existed out here. The descendants of those who forced them into this land came in though one of the four passes though the mountains that ring the land. Termed the 'Pnaydrmacc' ("PEnahae-de-ramah-ku-ku"), or 'Breathless' Mountains because they 'Stretch so high, the very air gives up climbing' by the cobrataurs, the only way in is through one of four passes. Trade started with the outside land and all was well for about 2000 years, the Mythos trading the meat and pelt of those arctic creatures for better tools and trinkets. Then, the outsiders got greedy. Not knowing that the gold and gem baubles were from long-ago trades, they decided to attack, steal, rape, and enslave, decimating the Mythos' numbers before they were pushed back.
After this travisty, the remaining Mythos quickly built gates at every entrance and started training as warriors to watch over the gates, not allowing anyone in, nor could any Mythos leave. So it stood, for another 4000 years, the Mythos well-versed in living as warriors, the younger ones sent to guard the gates where trouble was less likely and then guarding more dangerous gates as they got older. Anyone who tried to get in was turned away, as the Mythos did not want another war. Those who tried force, however, were killed and their bodies were tossed into chasms, with no equipment or gear taken.

Nagendra was banished from his lands when he decided to skip his three-month stint at gate-guarding to be with his girlfriend. Deemed un-warriorlike and thus a danger to everyones safety, but his crime not one worthy of death, he was cast out under pain of death should he return.
Now he wanders, quite unsure of what to do with himself, unable to speak all but his native tongue at the moment, and raised on the ideas that everyone in the 'Outside Lands' is an evil, dangerous person.

Anyways, that's my character! Based off of Matilda, but altered enough in background and such to keep him origonal! :)
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.


Our DM uses Tri-Wing Daryil as an NPC. This leads to awesome situation, like when we were fighting some bosses - Our group one, Jakob other, and Daryil next one.
We finished ours, daryil got bored, put a hole (literally a conjured up one) through the other one's head, then submerged the third with several tonnes of icecream...
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Hey, something's that not a cubi or demon! :D

As for DMFA-inspired RP characters, really, you only have to look in the Haunted Ballroom (come to think of it, this thread itself might get bumped over there...)


hey now, demons are moderately rare... you're more likely to find an Angel or Cubi than a demon... Were are decently common as well :P

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Not if I can help it.  I think this is pretty awesome.

My own character, Mao (A being, essentially), started out as a result of liking the DMFA world, but also really liking one of the characters on her old site (mabsland.com), Boko.  Mao has been in a few rp's (one here in CMF) and several stories so I won't link a character description as it's been slightly different each time, but honestly, this character wouldn't exist if it weren't for her and her imagination.  I've also got another character in the works based off of her DMFA world, but they're not quite complete yet ( I will say this much though, they're a demon).


"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Quote from: AmigaDragon on May 04, 2010, 11:14:56 AM
Umm... what?!?
He meant the Were race.  The plural is actually 'Weres' according to Demonology, but I had to look that up myself...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I don't know about RP characters, but DMFA has inspired me to think up a whole webcomic world, the main characters of which I have been recreating in videogames (Oblivion mostly).
A Scarydragon approaches!

>[Word Play]
     [Backwards Logic]


I made a 'cubi clan but I haven't posted it anywhere if only because I feel super creepy doing so, like Im riding on coat-tails of more creative individuals.

The clan leader was a scorpion-like mythos. The affinity of the clan was wonder, specifically the wonder one feels after intellectual discovery. Most took up scientific professions, typically in pharmaceuticals, to experience the emotions one exudes after finding cures for illnesses and various ailments. Some also became teachers for younger beings because children are always learning/figuring things out. My character Mynxine was actually an elementary school teacher who absolutely hated her young charges but stuck with it because of the constant buffet they basically provided.

The clan leader was named Ta'bitjet after the Egyptian goddess of cures. Obviously she's dead but I like the idea of an insect-like clan leader, kind of the hive mind queen to some extent. I also adore insect anthros (despite my main one being a Fennec fox), so...

Once Amber started doing the Clan Leaders posts I figured the clan quirk was red eyes, as it was something Mynxine always had but I was never sure from where. So it was just convenient.


Quote from: Trebaruna on May 04, 2010, 04:55:24 PM
Once Amber started doing the Clan Leaders posts I figured the clan quirk was red eyes, as it was something Mynxine always had but I was never sure from where. So it was just convenient.

Ironically enough, one of my cubi clans (18 total! :eek I swear I didn't intend to make that many; my creativity lacks an off switch.......:sweatdrop) has the same quirk, but different affinity of course.

Quote from: Scarydragon on May 04, 2010, 12:11:54 PM
I don't know about RP characters, but DMFA has inspired me to think up a whole webcomic world, the main characters of which I have been recreating in videogames (Oblivion mostly).

I've been inspired to make my own webcomic, too!  :mowhappy Completely, original of course with some of my own creature creations in it. I'm right now in discussion with an artist, who's willing to team up with me on it; since regrettably I'm more of a writer than an artist. :<

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


Quote from: Scarydragon on May 04, 2010, 12:11:54 PM
I don't know about RP characters, but DMFA has inspired me to think up a whole webcomic world, the main characters of which I have been recreating in videogames (Oblivion mostly).
Kind of true as well, better said,  i relocated to the universe a comic which started about two months before i found out about DMFA when reading the system shock misbehaving (Thanks Tapewolf!) on IT-HE.
So far it kind of sucks, i hope to get better - at least i don't  have a shortage of joke ideas unlike before.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


This character is not inspired by DMFA but revamped from a few characters in DMFA's universe.  She is not specifically for RP but a character I made in a universe.

Morgana "Raven" Aensland
Race: Demon
Class: Succubus
Age: Over 5000 Standard years.  Exact age unknown.
Stage in Life: Tri-Wing *
Occupation: Dark Arts Defense Teacher

Morrigan is a master at magic with few equals.  Nicknamed Raven due to her 'raven' dark hair and eyes.  Lost her first back wings in an unrecorded accident, instead of allowing them to regenerate she replaced them with technorganic wings that look exactly like her original ones.  Raven is full of mysteries, few know how she is over 5000 years and why she is teaching classes that defend against black magic and how to defend against demonic creatures being a demon herself.  When asked she replied, "I like the challenge."  Surprisingly all her students pass her class with a grade of B or higher.

* Succubus and Incubus wings 101
The wings of the Cubi develop at different stages in life. 
They are born with their larger, first back wings and have access to generic magic until the age of around 100. 
At the approximate age of 100 cubi start to develop their natural abilities and magic, this stage in life is marked with their head-wings growing.
At the approximate age of 1200 Cubi develop their third and final set of wings, their second back wings.  At this stage in life their magical abilities are at their peak and have few rivals.  It should be noted that most cubi are killed for various reasons before they reach the age of 1200, it is estimated that one in one thousand cubi reach this age.  At this age the cubi is treated as a highly prestigious member of society and their advice is taken with high regards.  Generally speaking tri-wing cubi die before the age of 2400, looking similar if not the same as they were at 100.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


I've had plenty of characters inspired by Amber's style, but if I had to pick one character that's really inspired by DMFA as a whole...

Davelli Kish'Ta
Race: Demon
Class: Succubus
Age: 16
Stage in life: Teen

Davelli is one of the youngest of the clan of Kish'Ta, and is considered by many cubi to be a waste of a perfectly good bloodline. Despite her clan affinity to fear, Davelli is quite a terrified individual. She feels uncomfortable in most situations and has an irrational anxiety towards spiders, dream portals, fae, and floxen. On the positive side - she never goes hungry.

Davelli really only came into being because everyone in Lost Lake on Furc has gotten back into roleplaying, and the folks who have cubi characters really wanted me to make one as well, Kish'Ta especially - so Davelli is part of her clan. That way no matter how awkard the roleplays are, Davelli is at least somewhat comfortable since her great great grandmother is usually around for them. Although Kish'Ta scares the living everything out of Davelli too.

She's lived in the same house for most of her life and refuses to go outside. She actually spends a lot of her time ducttaping the windows shut to make sure no fae magic can get in.

Quote from: Trebaruna on May 04, 2010, 04:55:24 PM
I made a 'cubi clan but I haven't posted it anywhere if only because I feel super creepy doing so, like Im riding on coat-tails of more creative individuals.


DMFA reader since 2000!


One of my characters was modified for a time by DMFA.

Race: Human
Age: Mid-20s

Salinthia is the daughter of a shopkeeper and his wife living in a moderately-sized town.  Unfortunately this town had a secret cult devoted to an elder demoness who was trying to get at and kill my dragon character, Shvoratz.  The cult managed to partially summon her, her mind/soul specifically, so then she needed a body.  She found and posessed Salinthia out of convenience (proximity mostly).  The demoness' plans turned out to be harder to implement in the mortal world than initially intended so she eventually took over the whole town, summoning lesser demons and warping the populace.  Because of the extended stay in a human body and the demoness' actual power level Salinthia's body warped unintentionally.  She grew to resemble the demoness' true form; her body very much resembling Kria's though her fur and wings are black, she has a rat-like tail, a line of purple scales running down her spine, and has 2 horns curving gently back from the sides of her head.  When Shvoratz caught wind of a demon-infested town he brought the might of a nation to bear against it, and realizing that her plans were lost, the demoness abandoned Salinthia's body.  Her mind having simply been shoved aside and put in a comatose state for the duration, Salinthia wakes up in a half-demon body in the middle of a warzone that developed initially to destroy her posessor.  Not an enviable position.

Here she is when I first developed her.

And shortly thereafter I started reading DMFA.  (Her scales are black, but they switched to purple later 'cause I wanted to)

Her magical abilities fluctuate as I include her in various games.  She initially had just minor manifestations of the demoness' powers due to the posession, though sometime after that I expanded her capabilities to be more along the lines of a Sorceror from D&D (because she eventually became Shvoratz' mate, and some of his magical aptitude rubbed off on her).
            <-- #1 that is!


DMFA did not only inspire me to make a RP-character, it introduced me to the RP-topic in general and to the concepts of furries and to furaffinity and to webcomics and to bunch of other stuff. So, all in all, it is thanks to Amber and her imagination that I'm soon going to join a RP-game on this forum :) Character-description can be found here. (Just wondering: is it a RP-something or an RP-something? Depending on reading/pronounciation I think both could be correct?)


While technically not an RP character per se, my very own Milnea was at least aesthetically inspired by DMFA's cubi... with a few twists in the racial profile, of course.

plus she's fun to draw.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Turnsky on May 07, 2010, 05:29:44 AM
While technically not an RP character per se, my very own Milnea was at least aesthetically inspired by DMFA's cubi... with a few twists in the racial profile, of course.

plus she's fun to draw.

Lucky. XP

Every time I describe Nagendra to my non-DMFA friends, they blank. >.> Next time I have a positive cash flow, I will need to get a pic of him drawn by someone. XP
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.


Quote from: Ketchup-Crumbles on May 07, 2010, 05:18:02 AM
DMFA did not only inspire me to make a RP-character, it introduced me to the RP-topic in general and to the concepts of furries and to furaffinity and to webcomics and to bunch of other stuff. So, all in all, it is thanks to Amber and her imagination that I'm soon going to join a RP-game on this forum :) Character-description can be found here. (Just wondering: is it a RP-something or an RP-something? Depending on reading/pronounciation I think both could be correct?)

You're the one who stole Teal!  So how did you get introduced to DMFA?

P.S.  Welcome to the nerdy side of the force!   :trooper
P.S.S.  If you want to get technical, since the "R" in "RP" stands for "Role," it should be '"a RP."  However, since most people just say "arpee" using "an RP" is quite common, and nobody will call you on it.
            <-- #1 that is!


Funny you should make this topic -- I've barely done any message board roleplaying, but that hasn't stopped me from creating a "go-to" character for things like fanfiction scenarios, or the off-chance that I did take part in an RP.  In fact, around the time I first saw this -- procrastination ahoy -- I had finally gotten down the details of this one particular character of mine.

I had tossed around a few half-thought-out "lynx" characters for a long time, but it was DMFA that got me to do something a little more concrete with the idea.  Meanwhile, Mab's Land has done a great deal for my creative side.  Now this is happening: One character, many variants, hardly used.

Name: Varies between "Caswin" (which is what I've gone with in practice so far) and some variation on "Cas Warner" (something I've tossed around if I ever need a more realistic name, with thanks to Robert Heinlein)
Species: Being / Feline (if not a lynx, then close)
Age: Early 20s
Hopelessly beige physical description: Tall, thin and lanky.  Grey fur with black highlights.  Favors conservative clothes.  Blue eyes, details of which are subject to change.
Personal characteristics vary from version to version, sometimes wildly.  The incarnation I have in mind right now is a professional actor, with a remarkable ability to get into a mindset or character very quickly, to the point of unconsciously mimicking a person's mannerisms as he talks to them.

Something tells me I didn't think my cunning plan all the way through.  However, at the acknowledged risk of bumping a week-old topic with a half-baked post, I just want to get this guy out there already.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.