Mikelo VS Pip

Started by StrawberryPistol87, December 18, 2009, 10:11:16 AM

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I saw in wallpaper wars Mikelo's comic is going to begin after Abel's comic! squee!
cool! Mikelo is pretty cute for a turtle.



Agreed with Mikelo probabbly gonna take a while.
but i think around July next year. or at this time next year.


Quote from: StrawberryPistol87 on December 18, 2009, 10:11:16 AM
I saw in wallpaper wars Mikelo's comic is going to begin after Abel's comic! squee!
cool! Mikelo is pretty cute for a turtle.



Agreed with Mikelo probabbly gonna take a while.
but i think around July next year. or at this time next year.

Uhhmmm.. sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure Amber herself has said that it may be a very long time until she picks up Mikelo's story.  As it currently stands, she's got another project lined up with a friend of hers that she (last I spoke with her) seems to be lining up to do after Abel's Story.  That said, I can picture her sneezing and changing her mind as a result.  She's right awesome like that.

Edit: Just for reference.. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2944717  this is one of the most clear comments from her to that effect.  I'm a big fan of hers and Mrs. Perez so , while I was disappointed to find out that I'll still not get to learn about Boko (the character that drew me to Ambers work the most strongly), I still get to see a collab between two of my favorite artists.



See my edit above.  I'm just as disappointed by this as you are, but there is a silver lining. :)


Quote from: Mao Laoren on December 18, 2009, 10:42:17 AM
See my edit above.  I'm just as disappointed by this as you are, but there is a silver lining. :)

I know, lets wish on it. and see what happens  :kirby

EDIT; Cool i didnt know she was member of that site (mayby i should register too)
wait, i saw a missmab on DA (deviant art) and she was banned. was that her? or a fan?


Don't know.  But it's likely a case of someone impersonating her.


Quote from: Mao Laoren on December 18, 2009, 01:27:16 PM
Don't know.  But it's likely a case of someone impersonating her.

thought so, and she was banned. think she was spamming allot or something. :ipod