Moe's Music/Art Thread (updated 8/16 two new songs)

Started by Moekii, July 21, 2006, 11:23:17 AM

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Ima post music here when its new, ima post art here when its new, and im also going to pimp my CD :D (CD info here)

first, list of new songs newest to oldest:
Rain 2
Prada a Remix
160 Degrees aka "DnB3"
Pattern (super classical)
Finished 157
Electro 44
Cold March aka "Consumed"
Riboflavin (meta classical)
City of Ghosts
Blue 52
SPJ (Simply Panda Jenn)
Jang 2 (originally written by this guy)
My Storm (super classical)
[messenger](super classical)
*pant* *wheeze* whew....MORE
Xeally Now
Rorshak Beat with corresponding rap by Rorshak
Rules of D1s/order
War of Heaven Within
In The Dark
Creepy Trance
Creepy Menu
Moonlight Sonata naturally, originaly by Beethoven
Creepy 2
Live Wannabe
Greyscape original score by Dan "Slick"
Moeken original by Paul Oakenfold
Inhuman N original by...oh yea, me! :D
Kombat Immortal original by this guy whose name is inside the description

i think thats everything you guys havent heard...i hope ;]

but wayt...theres more! i have ART too. granted...its all CD art :p
CD face
CD back
CD Cover back
CD Cover

when i come out with new stuffs theyll get posted as a reply, rock out yalls!


You made all that yourself?  :erk
I think it's GREAT, seriously, I would love to do things like that so fast!
Some of those songs could be used in heroic fantasy games, like Neverwinter Nights, dunno why, I just thought about that while listening the song Rain.


this is a years worth of songs :p

im glad you liked them =D


Quotethis is a years worth of songs :p
Yes, but sometimes you put behing a song "done in 4 hours", or something like that : lol, iIld need monhts to do something like that XD (mostly if i'm suing FL  : I've never understood that program).


I'll just have to assume that these songs are also on your Soundclick pages (here and here), because it's much easier to download that goodness on Soundclick.

EDIT: Well, some of them are.


there's not too much point in selling music if you can freely get it online now is there :p

[edit] i dont know exactly how many are up there, but its less than half and its none of the new ones


I have to give you credit. I REALLY like City of Ghosts. The name sucked me into it, and it sounded great. The beginning part with the piano was classic. Excellent job! Send us more!


Some of your songs have rather lengthy pauses at the end. Why not just use something like Audacity to chop off the long silence?


Quote from: Poofyspikes on July 24, 2006, 01:02:49 AM
Some of your songs have rather lengthy pauses at the end. Why not just use something like Audacity to chop off the long silence?

well crap...i normally check for that and set it to chop the remainder, like if i had long release at the end or something. ill fix em up later. cause im lazy like that :p

anyway heres the new one

Flag Arena


Quote from: Moekii on July 25, 2006, 11:30:10 PM
anyway heres the new one

Flag Arena

Urgh - flash player.  Pretty good music though, although I think it needs some visuals to go with it.  It would kick ass in something like Deus Ex, or System Shock 2, but it's not the sort of thing I'd usually just listen to.  That's a matter of taster, though.

Where did you get the choir from?  It's not quite right for the M400 or orchestron, although it has the same ethereal quality to it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


its a GM Standard soundfont.

the ethereal quality was made more so via extreme stereo reverb and a tiny bit of filtered delay tho :]

and the song itself was very much made to be background music, so its good that you picked up on that :]

Drake Manaweilder

that "flag arena" sounds like something you would hear in Unreal.. and all your stuff sounds very good in general. I also like the fact that you make a few different types of music. (classical/ techno-ish/rock)


All the stuff seems of very high quality. So far I like In The Dark the most. :januscat



i felt like doing something under 140 bpm :p


That last one is nice I think, great job!  :)

James StarRunner

That's alot of music to listen too! I like your latest one so far, I'll have to listen to the rest as I catch up on my messeges and such.


Urk, I forgot to mentioned I rather liked that one.  I'll have to check them all out at some point, but frankly the flash player is a pain in the arse.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


glad you guys like the stuff :p

terribly sorry about the flash player, but it's better than say...newgrounds. with its 4 mb song limit :p

anyways, new song!


the product of listening to iTunes radio, more specifically BassDrive DnB station :p



new song!


something a little different from my recent stuff

enjoy :]



new song!


showing that it can be slow as slow is but still DnB :]


I still really like City of Ghosts.
Dude, how much did you pay for that program to make the  music? My stuff would sound so much better with it. Could you please tell me how much and where you got the program? It would be ever so helpful....Thanks in advance (if you choose to help.)


prices vary depending on how much stuff you get with it :D


I agree with thee about DnB6, really is great. 180 Degrees sounds like it could be in Halo.
All this music sounds like it's performed by a real band at concert. Yet you are only one. Such a talent is great for this one to behold. :januscat


this one you guys can actually download for now :D


crazy long DnB track :p


llearch n'n'daCorna

I had a cd arrive today.

3 minutes and 50 seconds later, I have a collection of oggs, to which I shall be listening.

I <3 my work desktop. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 16, 2006, 09:09:39 AM
I had a cd arrive today.

3 minutes and 50 seconds later, I have a collection of oggs, to which I shall be listening.

I <3 my work desktop. :-)

damn that was alot faster than i though itd be :D

llearch n'n'daCorna

It was a heck of a lot faster than *I* thought it'd be, too.

Good moosic to think to. Pity my mp3 player doesn't do ogg, and my ogg player doesn't have a hard drive at present...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


you cant rip them into mp3s?

they were originally coded directly to mp3 format so there's no quality you're missing in doing so :p