07/19/06 Canada migration on hold

Started by thegayhare, July 19, 2006, 12:31:58 AM

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I know you have a lot to do Amber, but take a day or two for yourself. Go to a movie. Eat a picnic lunch in the park. Eat dessert first. Anything you enjoy.

I know when some screwed up incident like that happens, it can seem to replay over and over. It can help a lot to distract yourself for a few hours and clear your head.  :mowmeep


Oddly enough, the only two webcomics I read have major issues.

From "Concerned"



I keep trying to think of something witty and/or funny to say about the situation, but I keep failing to come up with anything I'm not afraid might get taken the wrong way.  I suppose then I'll have to settle for just offering my heartfelt condolences and best wishes.  Your fans wish you the best Amber, and a little kink like this won't matter in the long run, even if it does suck temporarily. 


Quote from: Evil.Iguana on July 20, 2006, 10:50:53 PM
I keep trying to think of something witty and/or funny to say about the situation, but I keep failing to come up with anything I'm not afraid might get taken the wrong way.  I suppose then I'll have to settle for just offering my heartfelt condolences and best wishes.  Your fans wish you the best Amber, and a little kink like this won't matter in the long run, even if it does suck temporarily. 

You're telling me! We all wish we can say something about the situation that can help Amber get over her "Phear of Canadia" or even donate. After my long rant the only stress-reliever I pulled was a cheesy "We don't sat aboot"... That's a French pronunciation misconception FYI (so Quebec and Montreal count).

Buuut we can all just wait for the best. Thats all it real boils down to, support Amber in ways we can and wait.


Quote from: Evil.Iguana on July 20, 2006, 10:50:53 PM
I keep trying to think of something witty and/or funny to say about the situation, but I keep failing to come up with anything I'm not afraid might get taken the wrong way.
Umm... how about...

The guard just ran out of syrup, is all! :D


The guard missed his possum lodge meeting and was cranky.   :ferret


Regal is absolutly right, but i know these feelings are all to easy to slip into when your turning things forward and backward in the head. I hope Amber has got someone close to her who can help her think of something else. Fanbase is all fun and stuff, but a forum cant match some personal aid when it comes to these things.

Wishing Amber much luck for tomorrow!

Amber Williams

Compthulu Update

well guys...basically what I worried has happened...its a total hard drive scramble.  While the drive isn't an unmoving lump and can be spotted, basically all the fileworks on it are scrambled and/or fried.  On top of that, the motherboard is pretty much on its final legs meaning at this stage and point....its looking like I will in fact be better off just getting a new computer.

(I think it goes without saying when a person who has been repairing comps for a living since 1998 goes "oh shit" when he sees what has happened...that you are in for a fun ride)

So yeah...total data loss.  I'm sure a general "you should have backed up" is in effect.  One redeeming factor is my older compy...the one that I left with my brother...likely has some of the really old files. However, as some of you probably are going to grimace at, the thing lost and likely unsalvagable is in fact the high rez versions of a good chunk of DMFA comics(including all of Abel's Story) and a hefty chunk of Mab's Land art.

Then there is all the annoying software lost: While I own Photoshop, my two filter programs (Eye Candy and another who's name is eluding me at the time) are gone, I've lost CuteFTP, my fishy screensave(Yes I know I'm just wangsting now), and my scanner cd is gone astray(though luckily it seems Microtek is nice enough to offer downloads so it might not be total loss there)

But yes.  Sucky-tastic for meeeee...and I think the second to worst part is I'm honestly too freaking down and tired already to put up a fight or a fuss.

So the gameplan is as of now, I'll be going to Indiana ASAP...and while there I will likely buy a new pc and start the long process of trying to get up and running again.  With some good fortune, I will be up and running and at least making some new comics by next week.  Cause I'm a mini-workaholic and I'll be danged if I'm gonna quit doing DMFA just because the universe is using me as a cosmic hackey-sack.

I dunno...I might send the hard drive itself off to a couple people who said they'd love to try to salvage...but as of this time, yes its the worst case scenario and has now put me in a spot.  Odds are getting a new comp will take a chunk out of my finances...and considering how I am trying to show financial stability to Canada...it almost feels like a competition of whats more important.

It really is somewhat...laughable...how ones life can suddenly go completly topsy turvy in a matter of a few days.

Urgh...I keep telling myself I have a plan...but honestly i dont have a clue anymore what I should be doing. I just feel dead inside but am too tired to really feel anything anymore about it.

I'll update again later when I have talked with Dmoon about travelling.

Amber Williams

I'm going on the assumption that the person who is working on my computer and making frustrated noises is well aware of the benefit of recovery programs.  As I said, as of this time I'm going on the assumption that yes, the hard drive is toast, the motherboard is pretty much also, he will take it with him to his coworkers and friends to try alternate possibilities...but at this time I'm going to take bullet and try to stop clinging to the hope that my hard drive will miraculously recover and instead work as if I am never going to get those files back.

Onto other things:

Netami: I'm really not sure the average cost.  I've been hearing numbers from $600 and up...at this exact moment I will likely be able to field the costs of a new computer if need be.  Right now though I've been getting hit left and right with computer strategies and what I should/could/might do in regards to a new system.  Between that and the Canada...I'm drawing a blank.  Part of me wants to say that between all three things, I should try to shoot for close to $3000 ($1000 for estimated computer stuff, $2000 for the Canada fee) but I feel like thats asking way too much.  Then again, the donation tally thus far is around $1800 I believe.  I had originally hoped that the hard drive would have been recoverable and that would have been that...

Tapewolf:  I am gonna apologize in advance, but I'm a bit crabby.  Please please please...do not talk about various methods for me to save the high rez files...especially if they include talking about rescanning and colouring the old archives at this time.  Yes, I am unhappy I've lost the files...but right now I'm a bit more concerned about future comics and getting back on my feet rather than how to preserve the hi-rez history of DMFA.  Once I am back updating and in a schedule that isn't "oh snap the world is trying to crush me", then I can sit down and seriously start to figure something out in regards to the archives.  Really at this moment I'm half tempted to say the hi-rez files can bite me...

Once I get a computer up and running, then I can prolly worry about most software I lost.  Odds are that will get resolved in a single evening.  Really the major downfall is my personal stuff.  My MP3s, game files, (porn), the website images that are long since gone.

I'm not sure of costs...not sure of delays...not sure of much of anything right now.  I want to say that I can get a new compy up by Wednesday and be updating again by Friday...but I really dont know anymore.. It seems everytime I set a plan or strategy something new hits me left field.

On good news though, the budgie is doing great!


3000 is fine. Have you really come to expect anything less from your fanbase after all this time?

A thousand bucks will get you a kick ass computer no matter where you buy it, so I'm not too worried about happy financial planning. All you should be lamenting about is a huge amount of lost work and I guess porn.


Quote from: Amber Panyko on July 21, 2006, 06:27:40 PM
...  (porn)...

Very important: the internet runs on porn.
In the future, the size of a hard disk will no longer be measured in gigabytes, but in the amount of porn it can hold.

Quote from: Amber Panyko on July 21, 2006, 06:27:40 PM
On good news though, the budgie is doing great!

YAY! Hurrah for the birdy! :choco
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</

Amber Williams

Its like this..don't get me wrong....I am unhappy at the data loss...but I can't honestly say I want to spend multi-k potential just to retrieve some high rez files, a few MP3's, and various things.  Especially when I am at the same time trying to save money for a move to Canada and a wedding in a few months.  In terms of my priorities, saving the files is taking the official backseat.

At this time, I'm working with Mat on putting together a computer.  It's hard for me since my first impulse is to rush out and grab a PC simply beccause it feels really awkward without one.  However in the long term, I suppose waiting a few extra days for a higher quality machine would be far better for everyone and everything.  Mat's taking my old tower for the time and will likely use some of the better parts from it in the new one...though I really dont know all of what goes into the computer.  I'm still in "yay. At least Microtek has my scanner program on downloads." mode combined with "I still cant believe this week happened"  It's been really frustrating overall...combined with the fact I cant do any of the things I want to do. I'm not sure how long guest comics will hold...but if any of you artist peeps out there wanted to throw some around, this would be a great time.

Current timeframe is that I can do some updates from Dmoons comp by Wed-Fri at best...at worst, I dont know how long I'll be out. 

In terms of the new compy-to-be, the only thing I really remember him speaking of was the DVD thingie burner...and also installing some form of dual hard drive that acts as a mirror to the main in case one of them goes bad. (I also heard the term RAID...but meh if I know)  I will say now I know little to zilch about atual hardware...so any technobabble about system stuff is going right over my head.

I'm pretty much going to put down $1000 of the money into an upgraded system.  I might need to use some of that for a new monitor though since Mat noticed(and I did too when he showed me) that the one I have has been fading in and out and flickering.   He's currently going to go around and get price estimates and give me a final tally early in the week.  Who knows...maybe I cna get one that looks pretty too.

Right now though, I am likely going to focus more on the drive to Indy...another 8-9 hour trip. From there I can work out further PC things as well as start working on all my paperwork for canada try 2.  At this point in time, all i can do is sit and try to keep myself occupied despite having all my stuff either in a car, or broken. XP


Quote from: Moonfire on July 19, 2006, 05:28:38 PM
Next, all the official information from Canada is at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/faq/immigrating-1.html. I'm not sure if her chances are better at going skilled or business. (Business is where the 'self-employed and creative' types go.)

Uh... none of the above?   :mowtongue The application process for either of those could easily take years and would require a history of full-time employment and/or income levels that Amber probably doesn't have (not to mention that pesky $10k minimum bank balance). It would be best for Mason to sponsor her as a family member (spouse) after they get married.

While familiarizing oneself with all of the regulations is a very good idea, a little professional advice may be prudent when dealing with such important matters as... say... moving to another country. Also remember that the US does not recognize dual citizenship and is quite picky about residency status--if she doesn't sort things out on both sides of the border, Amber could have complications crossing back in the other direction as well.  :mowdizzy

My guess is that Amber had so many problems at the border because she declared her intention to "move to Canada" or some such, which isn't a terribly wise thing to do unless you already have your immigration papers in hand with all the I's dotted and T's crossed--and she can't really do that until after she ties the knot. The guard would probably have waved her through if she had told him she was going up to spend time with her fiancé. "Visitors" and "residents" are bound by very different rules.

Quote from: Amber Panyko on July 21, 2006, 06:27:40 PM
Part of me wants to say that between all three things, I should try to shoot for close to $3000 ($1000 for estimated computer stuff, $2000 for the Canada fee) but I feel like thats asking way too much.  Then again, the donation tally thus far is around $1800 I believe.

Um... what "Canada fee"? There's no fee for an American citizen to get into our country, and Canada cut its immigration fees in half a few months ago (now $550 up front for a family-sponsored application and another $490 when approved--which will take months, and you shouldn't have to pay any of it until after the marriage anyway). Unless you're also counting the costs of moving, marriage, and/or lawyers, that's a lot less than $2000.

Either way, I'm sure we can scrounge up the cash you need. What are fans for?  :mowcookie

Quote from: Forgotten on July 21, 2006, 04:25:28 AM
You're telling me! We all wish we can say something about the situation that can help Amber get over her "Phear of Canadia" or even donate. After my long rant the only stress-reliever I pulled was a cheesy "We don't sat aboot"... That's a French pronunciation misconception FYI (so Quebec and Montreal count).

Actually, no... the "aboot" thing is a misperception of Canadian raising, a linguistic phenomenon much more common in southern Ontario than Quebec. Our pronunciation of "about" (as well as "sorry" and numerous other words) is in fact slightly different than that of most Americans. In many parts of Canada (and bits of the northern US), speakers raise their tongues slightly on certain gliding vowels (like the "ou" in "about"). While locals can easily distinguish "about" from footwear, others can mistake it as such because the vowel is higher than they're used to hearing.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle, eh. :mowhappy

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

Amber Williams

Once I get to Dmoons house(either today, tomorrow, or Monday) I can likely hobble together some form of counter for the main site.  (The amount currenty though has gone up to 2400 since yesterday due to about 600 in donations.  I admit though my math sucks and thus have no calculator to factor the paypal fees and donations of $5-$10 properly.)  That or if Dmoon wants to try updating the site with some status update, thats his call.  I'd kinda prefer something new be said rather than the message from Wednesday. X_x

Once Mat is done dismantling my old tower, odds are he'll send the old hard drive along with the new and improed compy...so I'll likely let Dmoon have at it, and if there is no hope there, I'll send it off to one of the random people who have asked for it.  But yeah...I'm currently not holding my breath and am more trying to shuffle into a mindframe to keep a chin up and work towards future things.  I just knew I should have updated Matilda's wallpaper when i first got it rather than wait till I was in "Canada"...

But yeah...much to do...I really am missing my good old fashioned rut er...schedule of updates.  I'm just really worried that I'm gonna fall off the map and turn into those comics where the last message you get is "I'll be back soon!" and then its been 2 years with no sign of them...


You mean those jerks over at Elf Only Inn.  D:

Yeah I dont see that happening.


Quote from: Amber Panyko on July 22, 2006, 06:57:21 AMBut yeah...much to do...I really am missing my good old fashioned rut er...schedule of updates.  I'm just really worried that I'm gonna fall off the map and turn into those comics where the last message you get is "I'll be back soon!" and then its been 2 years with no sign of them...
Aw, don't worry... several people here know where you live  >:3
No, wait... you're going to move...  D:

Amber Williams

BWAHAHHA>...*takes the money and runs*


Quote from: Sid on July 22, 2006, 07:17:47 AM
Quote from: Amber Panyko on July 22, 2006, 06:57:21 AMBut yeah...much to do...I really am missing my good old fashioned rut er...schedule of updates. I'm just really worried that I'm gonna fall off the map and turn into those comics where the last message you get is "I'll be back soon!" and then its been 2 years with no sign of them...
Aw, don't worry... several people here know where you live >:3
No, wait... you're going to move... D:
Ya, but how hard could it possibly be to find someone in Canada?  It's not like anyone actually lives there. :lol


I'll kick darkmoon and send him to work on a counter.  I bet he would have a blast wit that.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Quote from: Amber Panyko on July 22, 2006, 07:26:31 AM
BWAHAHHA>...*takes the money and runs*

tags the Amber with GPS then sets back and watches her from the Orbital Ribbon Platform.


Okay.  Most (not all, for some reason) of the hardware related stuff has been moved into a new thread.  KEEP IT THERE.

Any new hardware related comments in this thread WILL BE DELETED and sent to the abandoned mine for all to mock, since obviously those people cannot follow directions. ;)

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Sorry, couldn't see the new post.  Hotel connection interrupted the "new post" warning.
"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." -Albert Einstein


Quote from: Damaris on July 22, 2006, 09:12:42 AM
I'll kick darkmoon and send him to work on a counter.  I bet he would have a blast wit that.
I also still have that Dynamic War Counter somewhere, I think. Dunno if you're going with regular images or PHP, but if you wanted to go for PHP anyway, I could tweak it for as-counter usage in a couple of minutes. *shrugs*

I certainly don't want to take away Darkmoon's joy of coding and dunno if this is what he had in mind, but it's something Amber (or whoever) could update from just about any browser on the planet. Just an offer since I got the stuff here.

EDIT: Eep, nevermind, just noticed the additional counter on the site. Nothing to see here, please move on...  :zombiekun2


Aw. Poor Amber. I hope everything works out.

I wish I could help you yanks overthrow Canada, but as a fellow member of the Commonwealth, it would feel wrong. But one day, one day I'll be banished. And not even Vincent Price can save you, Canada. *Bides time* Boycott maple syrup! We'll have their economy on its knees.


I don't think this counts as a hardware issue but...

Ohh Amber lost porn...

Well if she likes I could send her a copy of my private collection when I send her cookies...

It's mostly boys, and I doubt it'll have anything of what she lost but with over 11,000 images I'm sure I've got something she'll like


What the hell is up with the number of 5 page comic threads lately?


Le Gasp!

Amber had Porn on her PC?!

topher chee

*gasps as well*
hehe silly amber


Quote from: Lone_Wolf on July 22, 2006, 09:46:59 PM
Le Gasp!

Amber had Porn on her PC?!

Didnt you know? porn files grow in uninhabitated areas of the harddisks over the years.

And we all know that Ambers done pron comissions before! Did you think a professional like her would do that without reference?


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E