Worst day ever (that didn't involve the internet) (IT'S OVAR)

Started by Aridas, July 17, 2006, 06:06:37 PM

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Not sure why or how, but there was a huge storm today, and i'm busy typing this on the laptop since the power's been out...

Long story short, i'll just give the damages, maybe a bit of story along with it.


Two really old trees near our house (and they had names,apparently. The builders and owners of this house who came before us kinda named them as kids because they didn't have any kids themselves.)

One Magic Garage (the thing you have to bust your ass setting up the wood frame for, and then toss a thick tarp over. Apparently anchors and sandbags weren't enough to keep it from being blown away in the rain.)

A lot of cardboard

Almost our telephone line (half of the closest tree fell down over it. the cord is pulled loose from its little prison instead, thankfully)

Tons of furniture and stuff that we put IN the magic garage, most of it either being apholstered, or chipboard/whtever it's called (meaning that it's even harder to fix, if at all)

And some other stuff I can't remember at the moment.


A few trash cans blown across the field, stopped only by thick newbie trees.

A plastic pail (they type they store gallons of flammable crap in,for furniture refinishing of course) that was empty ended up UNDERNEATH some rubber we had placed down as a kind of mat.

eavestroughs on both sides of the house torn off, but the shop's eaves were untouched.

Storm broke off the tops of some old birch trees that were already in bad shape to begin with

The second, fartherest tree,is apparently more than one tree.... Only the part of the half closest to the house was torn off,and a perfectly normal looking part comes out from the same spot. We literally lost 1/4 of a tree.

The saddest parts:

Nothing will ever be the same here

We were hoping to take and use the best of the furniture that's now drenched when we move out somewhere at the end of the month. Now I'm not even sure that's possible.

EDIT: Hell ended about 3 or 4 hours ago, apparently. So from monday, that was maybe 4 days without power. Just great. They were making me expect Saturday at the most and 8PM tomorrow at the least, but they had to go and do it early after pushing back the time so much. Now I don't get to leech off of other peoples' power and connections. At least I won't miss my shows tomorrow. But too bad that any and all perishables in the fridge are dead.


Whoa shit dude, where do you live? That sounded like a huge storm! And right before you were gonna move, too...


Somewhere in what's considered the Sudbury region, of Ontario. It's pretty big now, so I don't really know where among it I am anymore. Even though it happened though, I'm hoping we can salvage and un-damage the furniture, because i'd rather have those ones than buy new ones.Figures that moving at the end of THIS month is the worst possible time.A couple months back and there wouldn't be anything left in the garage to get destroyed. Heck,we'd probably MOVE the damn thing too! I feel bad for the trees though, considering the attachment of the previous family...

Just hoping insurance covers all the ruined crap, and that anything we can't salvage of it we actually GET something for. I don't trust insurance companies. Never had any experience with them, but I'll bet they're cheap.


They're pretty cheap, but I'm sure you'll get an okay amount for your losses. It wont feel like much, nothing can really repay losing something you've become attached to. I hope your move goes well, where're you looking at?


just somewhere farther in town where we can get some actual services. and evil city water.

Also, as an update on the damage report, we've got some bigtime "damage" all over, fallen trees everywhere. A tree even fell on some guy's house apparently... but our driveway is blocked by four adult trees, as a result, cars can't come in or out. This sucks.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on July 17, 2006, 07:28:49 PM
just somewhere farther in town where we can get some actual services. and evil city water.

Also, as an update on the damage report, we've got some bigtime "damage" all over, fallen trees everywhere. A tree even fell on some guy's house apparently... but our driveway is blocked by four adult trees, as a result, cars can't come in or out. This sucks.
*Chances a hug and a cuddle-luff* things'll work out..just be thankful you didn't get hurt ;-; i'm happy that your (almost) okay...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


SW Michigan just got nailed by some serious storms, too.  All this extreme heat and humidity the US and Canada have experienced the last few days set it up such that the next serious cold front to come through would cause major severe weather.  Such is the cycle of summer in North America.

I wish you luck in rebuilding, and I'm happy it wasn't more serious.  (Major storms can do a lot more damage than that.)  It won't be easy, but you'll get there. 
"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." -Albert Einstein


Phew. They finally put the phones back in service. They cut them out manually, probably to let the tree guys go to work. the fallen trees aren't leaning on the power lines anymore, and they even got the trees off our neighbour's house. What sucks is that most of these trees aren't even snapped, they just got pulled out of the ground, WITH the ground. Basically from this:


to this:
