Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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Sathariel looked confusedly at Mel.
   "I don't have a designation for the memory definitions yet. I have to create the partitions first, and I... I haven't done that yet...", she said, and blushed, looking ashamed.

Mel Dragonkitty

"It's important to keep your own memories separate. You can't live through a stranger's memories. Gatherers make that mistake sometimes." Mel let some memories slip past her shields, interventions for Gatherers gone mad from living too much in other's lives. Clan members who needed to be hunted down to have their minds erased and rebuilt. Because of her reputation as quick and painless in grabbing memories Mel usually ended up in the forefront of these interventions, emptying the minds of relatives. "Having conflicting memories can drive you insane. When I grab a memory I quickly tag it and store it without handling it very much. Remember, Sathariel, this is data, not a substitute for life."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


spoken with true wisdom. many of those i corrupted felt that by using my power and what memories of power that i let them see that they had become gods. the figure taps his cane. on the ground. still there is no help for living life yourself. is that not what you are out here and not still under the protective shadows of your elder brothers? the figure looks around. I don't supposes you know were Boogey is? i suspect that he';s grown a new body by now and i could sues some assistance.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel looked around, slightly startled at finding herself and Sathariel not alone. She laughed a bit when she realized what had been said, "Yeah, brothers who think you're made of spun glass can be a bit restricting. I think you'll find Boogey inside, near the noise and light toy, with a cardboard box on his head."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Taking Aisha's hand in his, Gareeku rose to his feet, giving Stygian an apologetic look. Upon hearing Aisha's compliements, the wolf blushed, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink.
"Well, I don't know about that..." he said. Gareeku was pretty modest at the best of times, and this time it was no exception. Hearing Aisha's comment about a rematch, Gareeku grinned.
"You bet." he replied, the grin still on his face as he spoke.

Looking around, the wolf raised an eyebrow as the environment morphed, becoming what could only be described as a water-logged ancient underground city.
"Fascinating..." the wolf commented quietly with a degree of awe as he looked at the magnificent-looking architecture. Feeling the water with a foot, Gareeku found it to be pleasantly cool. Watching Aisha sink her feet into the water, he grinned, making sure all his clothes were off save for his deep blue trouser/pants and dive-bombing into the water. Swimming back to the surface and poking his head above it, the wolf grinned at the panther sitting by the water's edge.
"Well now. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were the first feline I've met who doesn't mind the water." He commented playfully with a slight laugh.


Ah i think you Mel the dark furred K9 reaches up tipping a hat to Mel. as the reoriented  on where Mel said he would be. "and if you see her tell your grandmother "shadow mutt said hi" though she is the only one allowed to refer to me like that with that he was gone heading for the Boogeyman
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Aisha deCabre

When Gareeku made it back to the surface, he would see that Aisha was dripping a little bit, as his divebomb had caused a good splash.  With a laugh, her head shook rapidly, then she grinned down at the wolf in the water, splashing a little back at him with her foot.  "Yah, I kinda had to learn to not mind it."

Then she brought her feet from the water, looking as if to go find a place to dry off, taking a few steps away from the edge.  But then with a smirk, she charged towards it and leapt into the air, executing a not-too-perfect swan dive, landing a ways behind him.

When her head poked above the surface again, she blinked and tilted her head to get the water out of her ears, laughing.  "Of course, if you're a feline whose fur is so dark it absorbs light, you tend to like it anyway."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


OOC: Did I miss something? Did Joat leave?


((OOC: Well he's probably away over the Christmas/New Year period.))

Grinning, Gareeku watches as Aisha dived into the water. Listening to her speak, the wolf laughed softly at her words.
"Quite the opposite for me," Gareeku replied with a grin, "Though I am a canine, so I quite like the water."

Grinning mischievously, the wolf then suddenly dived underwater. Resurfacing right in front of Aisha, Gareeku quickly snuck in a kiss to the panther's lips, before diving back underwater again.


*Karl then dived deeper into the water, and found some sort of storage device with a a water droplet w/ shield Icon on it's screen*

Karl: Ah! Aqua Barrier Generators! They will Allow us to breathe underwater without the Scuba Gear...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had laughed softly at Gareeku's statement.  "It seems all of you canines are--"  But her sentence was stopped short when he dove under the water.  Her eyes scanned the surface, but because of the reflections of the city buildings above and below, it was hard to keep track of him until he had surfaced and kissed her.

Caught by surprise, she blushed and looked around again, a similar grin forming on her face.  "Oh, get back here, you..." the panther chuckled and took a deep breath before diving under as well.

While Aisha glimpsed the underwater portion, she was surprised to see it just as intricately built as the city above it, with several tunnels and glass tubes.  Heh, it's like Atlantis or something.  Que bonito.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


*Karl then came up carrying several wrist devices, no doubt the Aqua Barrier generators*

Karl: anybody up for an Exploration of the city?

(OOC: I was going to ask people via PM system if they wanted to join the Dating RP...but then I thought people might complain about it)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


the dark furred canine entity enters the area where he perceives Boogey man's presence.  hello Boogey if you have a moment i could yous you assistance the white top of his cane stands out against his black fur and dark black suite. his cane below the head is a sleek black staff as well.  It involves an..  ah ... Ailing acquaintance of mine. we are very close you see though we rarely get along it is in my best interest to help them in this case.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Hm?" Boogey looked up from the game at the newcomer, hitting pause, "Sorry kid, just a sec. Now then, what do you need? Better yet, who are you?" Boogey took a deep breath through his nostrils and pondered, "You SEEM like some sort of highly advanced concept," he mused aloud and took another deep breath, "But you have neither the look nor the other attributes. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Lets start with names, hm?"


the stranger laughs and the area around him seems the quiver. he practically seethes of darkness but not evil. You know me though you may not have recognized me as you have yet to see me outside of E's head and even then you  have seen me in my in chooses form. i am E's companion. you may call me e or erebus as you chose. Erebus taps his cans all alt the shadows in the room respond his his will and become animate and surround him in and mobile haze   for a moment before dispersing. but i digress. not is not the time for parlor trick. i'm worried. e has retreated deep within that computer mind of his and i can not reach him i fear that he will not returns of his own free will and was hoping an entity like yourself could circumvent his defense and  if not retrieve him at lest check on the state of his mind.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Boogey sighed. "Well, why not? After all, it's been a whole 16 minutes since something ominous happened. Was starting to think this place was getting boring," He grinned at May, "Well, tough luck there. This sounds like a big deal. We can have a rematch later." Standing and dusting himself off, he looked Erebus up and down, "Yeah, I remember you now. The one who offered me a body. Well, if I ran into you in E's head that explains my first impressions. Can you give me more background on the situation? Why would he not wish to come back? Are we looking at a full blown denial of reality and instead chosing to dwell within his nice safe subconsious, or simple shock? In short, what am I signing up for?"


“You know I would’ve won, anyway,” May says with a smile. “Anyway, the only things I know in the way of mind spells are the Mental Ward and Detect Alignment. I know a lot of offensive magic and Easter magic, ‘cause that’s my Variant, but that’s about all. I don’t think I’ll be of much help.”

“You know, every time my brother fades out of reality, I just give him a whack to the head. That always seems to do the trick. Think it’ll work for this?” Valencia says.

“Somehow, I doubt it. This isn’t exactly daydreaming. This is a psychiatric thing.”

“Oh well. At least we know someone who knows pretty much everything about everything having to do with science, including psychology.”

As if on cue, my one of my tendrils comes out and begins pecking me on the head. I wake up quickly and bat away the tendril (softly), all in one maneuver. “I don’t need emotions to give me a headache. My tendrils are *yawn* doing a fine job of that as it is,” I says.

“Oh, look at that. Heְ’s awake,” Valencia says. She then walks over to me. “Hey, Joat, wanna do us a quick favor?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Not really.”


Erebus is as you would say a denial of reality. he's pretty good at that you see being who he is. in this Case he's retreated into a past that may not have been to avoid the pain ad guilt that he's feeling now. as he speaks mental images began to play out again the darkness showing Erebus's memories of what let to this situation.  though he is not the first of his line E is very old you see. he inherits the burden of all those that came before him as well as the power. the problem is that just a few weeks ago his daughters mother "some one whom he had yet to actually meet in the flesh"  fell ill. Erica his daughter called to him over  the lay lines of existence just like i taught her to and called us to and try to save her. "he tried to arrive the day before she called us to come back in time but being inept at it we landed weeks in the past. E tried he really did but he could not save her form the effects of old age and he's taking it as if this is his fault. now he's relives the memories of his predecessor morning the woman even though he's barely meet her. what's worst is that i have no memories of the woman to use as command ground to break into his sealed off mind. Erebus shook his head. But there is hope being a programmer he tends to leave a secured backdoor into any systems he uses ore redesigns his body is no different. if you can convince him to let you in then i thing you can convince him to come back. if all else fails there is the star trek ploy but in this state i can't even  reach him to propose it. still Erebus wonders if even that would work. E hates time travel as it but telling him that his memories of the past are really of the future? would he fall for such a thing even in his grief ridden state?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Right, so we're looking at survivors guilt. That could make for a dangerous state of mind to be wandering around in. Then again, since he's a robot he probably lacks many of the usual mental defenses. Alright, show me to him." Boogey replied.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel allowed herself a glance through the doors into the lounge. The new entity seemed to be talking peacefully with Boogey. Good thing too because anything her grandmother was friendly enough with to endow with a nickname was something Mel wasn't qualified to be anything but polite to. The Grand One only seemed to know entities who qualified under mad, bad, and dangerous to know.

If the discourse looked like it was getting out of hand she remembered the way around the house to the gym where the big boys were playing. While she may have discovered today that she had some sort of native ability to save herself in time of trouble she didn't actually have a skill set to go with it. Run and find someone was her skill set and she wasn't embarrassed to use it.

She turned her attention back to her companion. "Promice me you'll fix your partitions the first chance you get, Sathariel. You don't want to risk your brand new memories, do you?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


“So it has something to do with the mind? Well, unfortunately, I’m not much in the ways of psychology. Even I have some weak areas. On the other hand, there is always that one potion I made,” I say.

“‘One potion’?” Valencia repeats.

“Yeah. I haven’t named it yet, but it pretty much ‘resets’ the mind and energizes the body. That is, it wipes all the current emotions and thoughts from the person while leaving their knowledge, memories, personality, etc. intact. That is not to say that the person will forget what they were just thinking or feeling. It just pushes those thoughts and emotions back. In short, it clears up the mind without causing any permanent effects,” I say, “I created it on accident when working on an energy drink, which explains why it energizes the body. Unfortunately, that particular potion takes longer to make than Samanthium. About five days per dose, actually. I have one dose prepared thus far, but I don’t know if it would help this situation. But then, who knows? It just might.”

Aisha deCabre

As Aisha continued to look around underwater for Gareeku (though looking for anything would probably be quite daunting as the city was large and deep), she had suddenly spotted Karl.

Unable to really speak underwater, she merely tilted her head before suddenly noticing that she was wanting air, and pointed above as a gesture to go back up.  Kicking her way back to the surface, her head exploded above the water with a loud gasp. 

The pantheress leaned an arm against the surface of the platform while she regained her breath.  Assuming that Karl followed her, and noting that there was another splash nearby signaling that someone else had surfaced, that was when she said, "Exploration, huh?  How would we all go about that?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


With a nod Erebus stepped into the  shadow behind him with the shadow lingering as it created a direct access rout to where E's shutdown body was rest./ the sound form his hard drive was still humming as Erebus arrived and he was unsure if this was a goof thing or not at this time.  with in a moment he was ready to return to E's shadow and if Boogey need transportation inside of E's mind at least the part that was not sealed off he could arranged that as well but he did not thing that would be necessary at this  point.

Erebus looked at E. when he had awakened with this e he had simply been an energy ball wondering around without a body with some memories of human life. with some convincing he'd talked e into spying on the most evil being of the planted and the tow of them were caught for a time and studied as the scientist a mister Albert Wily attempted to understand and clone their energy. in the end he came up with a few pale imitations the stronger of with he called zero point energy as it required not outside force to retain or increase it's strength. in the end  E wanted freedom as human doe escaped into the robot know as forte fore a day or so before  slipping fort to seep into the energy system of the wily fortress.  A blue robot arrived a few days later and began destroying things in the fortress. Erebus had tried to convince E that this blue robot was evil and planing on destroy the building but e would not have it. e stole one of the  stored spare bodies of the robot named forte and escaped. a few hours later the fortress was destroyed. since then E had always looked at his advice with a grand of salt. it had been fun teasing him and tricking him when he could but now he was in danger of losing him and his grip in the material world. what was worse was that he'd started to become fond of this one.  he really did need Boogey's help.

"I'm sorry about the wait i was remebering a few things. Are you ready to try mister Boogey?" asked Erebus as he came out of his laps of memory
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Boogey simply nodded once. "Find E. Make him get over himself. Get him out of his own subconcious if I have to drag him out by his metaphorical hair. Got it. Lead the way."


“If that plan fails, we could try my potion. Wake me when and if you need me to go get it.” I then go back to sleep.

In the dreams of Sylver and I…

My dream
I am in my lab-room, designing a device that will, in essence, end world hunger. Suddenly, a bright light begins to shine from behind me. I look toward the source of the light and see a glowing door. I stop what I am doing and, out of curiosity, approach the door. It opens on its own and I, going against my better judgement (as a mad scientist, I tend to do that often, ‘cause you don’t exactly get the title of MAD Scientist from a box of cereal, after all), walk through the door.

Sylver’s dream
“Where am I?” Sylver asks as he looks all around, seeing only pitch-blackness.

Suddenly, a familiar voice says, “You are exactly where you should be.”

Sylver turns around and sees me, glowing white. “What do you mean?”

“You are where you should be. You are out of everyone’s way. Nobody will ever again have to listen to you ramble about how you have a soul. Never again will anyone have to hear such filthy lies,” I say.

“They’re not lies! How could you say such a thing!?”

“My words are truth. When you were born, I told you the lies of how you came to life before I installed your personality software. You swallowed it up as I programmed you to.”


“You are nothing more than a mere machine, Sylver. Yes, I lied to you.”

“You’re lying to me now!”

“No. My words are truth. You must know this, Sylver. And you will believe me.”

*OOC: It’s natural to sometimes doubt the reality of one’s own sentience. Unfortunately, Sylver seems to be getting a large dose of it here.*


Grinning, Gareeku watched from behind a pillar under the water as Aisha looked for him. Noticing Aisha swim to the surface, the wolf suddenly realised that he too was running out of air.

Reaching the surface, Gareeku inhaled deeply, taking in the air above the water.
"Hmmm, I suppose someone who knew a breathing spell could use that, though if anyone's got any air tanks then that would work too" the wolf replied after listening to Aisha's question.


Stygian had stood for a short time just watching the panthress and the wolf playing in the water. After a minute or so, he had gone on to gazing at the architecture again, and then he had just sighed and smiled to himself. These people really had no attention span at all, he thought to himself. He knew custom said he should have been insulted at them leaving before he had his match with the wolf and they had all exchanged bows and comments on the matches again, but he found that he couldn't really care. They had skipped most of the dancing too. They really are caught up in each other, aren't they?, he thought.
   When they swam off again, he decided to take the opportunity to look the place over. He fished out his black etui of slim cigars from hell knows where, and lit one with his titanium-cased lighter. Then he took a step out on the water, and walked, looking around and above himself while breathing little streams of greenish-grey.
   Huge distances and a shadowy but clear layout, he thought pleasedly. Yes, We can learn. Still, it's nothing compared to how curious it is to learn more of these people. The panthress still has that thing in her that needs investigation, as does the wolf have some curious things to him... He grinned. They probably wouldn't like any of the myriad things he thought of at first, but things tended to grow on people. And inside of them, he thought humorously and chuckled a bit.
   He looked over his shoulder at the two figures still playing around in the water, and all his thoughts stopped. Then, he made another smile, and started running against them. His bandages seethed as they changed into a pair of simple black bathing boxers while he did. Then, he made a flip to the side and leapt into the air, spinning.
   "Who gives a damn?! Raaaargh!", he shouted, as he flew over Aisha and Gareeku, and then stretched out his arms and legs to the side and hunched his back which was now turned against the water. The splash as he hit the surface was huge.

Aisha deCabre

Glancing back at the wolf upon hearing him, she nodded with agreement.  "There should be some around somewhere...unless Karl seems to have a better idea," she added upon glimpsing the devices he had brought with him.  "Either way, it sounds fun.  Maybe there's treasure or something in..."

That's when Aisha noticed that Stygian was making a running leap for the water's edge.  Having noticed the position he was in when jumping, the panther's eyes widened.  "Whoa!" she exclaimed and started to dive under to escape the splash, just a little too late at having been caught up in it.

When her head poked up at the surface again, she swam back over next to Gareeku with a laugh while looking to where the bat had landed.  "Someone's loosened up a little."  Then, with a grin, she laid her hands on the wolf's shoulders and playfully dunked him.  "By the way?  Gotcha," she smirked.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Hearing Aisha's reply, Gareeku laughed softly.
"Hehe, yeah. Karl always seems to have a device at hand." the wolf replied with a grin. "We might find some treasure, you never know. I certainly wouldn't complain..."

It was then that Gareeku noticed Stygian running towards the water, before jumping in and creating a large splash. Gareeku eyes widened as what he saw was Stygian actually walking on the water.
"Well now, you don't see that every day..." he commented, staring with great interest before closing his eyes as the water washed over him, the wolf laughed softly as he saw Aisha resurface.
"Yeah he certainly has. Personally I prefer it from his normal brooding self." Gareeku replied jokingly.

It was then that the wolf's eyes widened in surprise as Aisha dunked him. Underneath the water, Gareeku then grinned, before grabbed the panther's legs and pulling her under, grinning at her underneath the water.


After having lain limp in the water for a second, Stygian dove deep and hurtled through the water against the bottom, while still looking at the ones behind him. His teeth flashed in a little grin as he sank deeper, the two of them having become a small pair of shapes above him as his feet finally touched the bottom quite many metres below. There were no bubbles from his mouth, and he stood looking very much alike one of the sunken columns and statues strewn around him.
   There was an odd sound and movement in the water as his skin cracked, and darkness emanated from within him. He changed...

   Sathariel looked at Mel with a shy smile.
   "Don't worry. I won't", she said, with much more confidence than she had showed up until then. Then, she suddenly looked a bit puzzled, and turned her head around as if searching for something. "What...?" She looked a bit worried. "The others. What happened to them? There was something else coming on, and then..."