The joys and woes of moving.

Started by Mao, September 03, 2008, 09:12:29 AM

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So for the last month or so, I've been prepping to move into my new apartment.  I've had all of the paper work done for two months.  This includes the transfer of all of my cable services (internet, phone, tv), my power services and all of the required things that go through the Rentalsman.  Somehow... miraculously.. all of it has gone wrong.  Cable guy messed up the date on his personal calendar and almost didn't show up.  When he did show up, he forgot to verify my modem and as such, even though it's all wired to go, I have no internet at home.  According to their rep, it will take 48 hours to do get it verified now that the job has been closed.

The Rentalsman assured me that my apartment had been inspected and that the superintendent was informed of all issues that needed to be resolved before we moved in.   Like the plugged bathroom sink, the old and broken door knobs, which broke and trapped my housemate in the bathroom when she was getting ready for work and so on.  As you can guess.. none of the list was done.  Not even the lock for our back door.  How nice.

The joy however is that I'm finally free of my housemate's horrid sister who lived with us previously, my cat has taken a liking to the new place and is even better behaved now for it, and there are buttloads of hot university girls living in that building (two of which I have numbers for already!).

Anyway, once I get all settled in to the new place it should get better.  At this point I'm still debating whether or not the pluses outweigh the minuses, but things are looking like they might be good.

Edit:  Still no internet and the girls wanted me to set up their wireless.  Moving sucks.