The ban game, v06

Started by VSMIT, July 13, 2008, 02:11:19 AM

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Jairus is banned by not considering the all-mighty U-turn. (If a pattern hasn't developed, most of the things I say are to be taken as a joke and not a personal atack, I gaurd against this because of past misunderstandings.)

Listening to: The

via FoxyTunes

Listening to: The

via FoxyTunes


shadowterm is banned because sometimes pulling a u-turn is illegal.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

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Jairus is banned for being afraid of the law. though I suppose that is usually more to be rewarded than punished.

Listening to: The

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shadowterm is banned because police officers are among the few people who automatically gain respect from me. I don't fear the law: I respect it. Which means that I respect it enough to break it if a genuine injustice comes up...
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Jairus is banned because no one is above the law. (I love to switch sides in an argument too. :) )

Listening to: supermetroid bossmedley
via FoxyTunes


shadowterm is banned because if a law is truly unjust, then as responsible citizens it must be opposed! And I don't mean little things like having to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle or going the speed limit, I mean big things like rights and liberties.

Okay, this is getting a little too heavy... how about something silly?

shadowterm is banned because of Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuz. And if you know what that's from, congratulations.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

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Jairus is banned by spoon man (2 of 5 spoon man bans)

Steal the rhythm while you can, Spoonman
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


e_voyager is banned because the spoon man is being forked.

Listening to: supermetroid bossmedley
via FoxyTunes


shadowterm is banned because that was either a terrible pun or a double entendre. I don't know which is worse.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

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Jairus is banned by the specters.


Slowtini is banned by the everywhere poke`balls technique
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


e_voyager is banned by Prof. Oak (I always that that his first name should have been Rowan (say it together) but Samuel's okay too, I guess)
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

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Jairus is banned by prof. chaos

Listening to: supermetroid bossmedley
via FoxyTunes


shadowterm is banned because the Simpson's did it first.

*cue Chaos...* "Awe, applesauce!"
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

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Jairus is banned by Fox Television Network

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Shadowterm (Crowe- that's a mouthful.) is banned because, going back a few posts, nothing is really too heavy for this thread in my opinion. It's just that most banners prefer funny to grave. And who's to blame them?
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


shadowterm Pagan is banned by UPN. You have no idea how bad that is.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

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Jay's banned because, seriously, your egg hadn't hatched a whole day and you have another one already? Jeez...
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Jairus Pagan is banned by my OCD-like need to read an entire archive of a comic and post on a forum at the same time. (Pagan, a common nickname used for my user name is shadow. I don't mind if you use it in light of its length.)

Listening to: mp3
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Listening to: mp3
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shadow is banned because I have the same problem. Except I read archives in binges of a hundred or so.

And Pagan's banned because the new egg was abandoned and I felt like rescuing it... what?
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

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Jairus is banned. Crowe, greedy much?
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Pagan is banned because I couldn't just leave it there to die! I mean, sure, someone else might have rescued it, but I couldn't take that chance!


I'm talking about a freaking digital dragon avatar. I have problems. Oh wait, I knew that already. Never mind.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Jairus is banned by his somewhat misplaced maternal instincts.

Listening to: Actraiser
via FoxyTunes


shadowterm is banned because I just have this reaction to all things cute and cuddly... then again most men seem to have basically the same reaction. And yes, I just called a digital dragon cute and cuddly. Shut up.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Jairus is banned when he reads this. Your first barely hatched in time. It's still at death's door. You may have picked up a defenseless egg and gave it care, but who's to say it will live? Your efforts? They are in vain.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Pagan is banned because at least I'm trying.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Jairus is banned by my instinctive reaction to anything screaming and crying and pooping being to throw it out a window and get another one.

Listening to: Theme
                    / Bryyo

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shadowterm is banned because I fear for his children. Besides, its not like I rescue random animals on the road... just little virtual ones. And dogs make me go "Awwwww..."
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Jairus is banned by my inheritance of the self-preservation of my own species that influenced my decision to never produce one of those screaming flesh sacks that seem to be Americas last renewable resource.

Listening to: mp3
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I hate to ban you shadow, for finally, at last, my search is over. Another hater of the ankle-biters. Well met comrade.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!