Brotherhood of the Machine (OOC Thread) {02}

Started by Azlan, August 13, 2007, 12:20:43 PM

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Quote from: Arcalane on October 11, 2007, 03:16:32 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on October 11, 2007, 02:15:32 PM
But, Ram hasn't done anything wrong...

Technically no, but since the group had no warning of his presence in the area, and as he didn't care to introduce himself before now, naturally, folk are going to be more than a little edgy at sudden extra comms activity.

The fact isn't that Ram did something bad, but that Az could have done something a lot different that could have derailed quite a few Plot Trains. :B

The thing is, Ram missed one of the opportunities to jump in, when the Rebellion convoy joined us. Eraser was suppoosed to be on it. Since Ram missed that, we decided Eraser was supposed to be on it, but his alarm didn't go off :P
Then, when he tried to catch up with the convoy, he got held up by a BOTM squad. (killed them, of course)

So, if anyone was to shoot, him, if you recover the body later, not ony would you find nothing but Rebellion equipment on him, but if you take it back to camp, the Sergent would give you a major chewing out, which is nothing compared to Jackson himself would say, since Eraser works directly under him.

Ryudo Lee

Well this is something that needs to be worked out in play.  And I guess it would have been nice if I was informed that he had planned to come in with the cavalry.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Sorry about that, but to be honest, we didn't even think of it until the opportunity passed when Ram was away. Once we thought of it, it seemed to fit in well enough.

But you're right. We should have told you about that little detail. My apologies that we didn't.


If there isn't a suitable response by morning PST, I'll have to take the shot and we will see where it goes.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


What? Why? Rammenstien isn't on all that often, it's not his fault. (I warned him he needs to be on more...) Jesus, even from Jexx, the psycho's point of view, there wouldn't be a reason to just shoot him like that. If he was an enemy, you'd be dead already, period.
Just give Rammy some time. He will be royally pissed if you shoot him.
(sheesh, talk about total overreaction...)

EDIT: Wait a second... he already answered you, dammit! This is your most recent post, Azlan...
Morgan pulled back from the edge, swung his weapon around and thanks to the comm signal, drew a target on this new intruder.  The fox talked in such a manner, based on voice tone and tension, that indicated that he spoke truthfully and with conviction, but cleverer spies have existed. 

He ignored the amateur remark from this mere sharpshooter and concentrated on sending a tight, secure beam transmission back to Exo and hopefully the rebellion leader, Morgan made a quick demand, You have 30 seconds to validate Ram's identity before I am forced to terminate his life functions.

He heard Dorcan's request and responded on the public channel, "I am too busy to comply, please carefully move to an opening and use your own transmitter."
And Rammenstien replied with this:
The fox chuckled at both the threat he recieved and Morgan's sudden action, which he was able to catch sight of. "Wow, so hostile. Believe me, if I was truely here to take you out you'd be dead already, given the fact that I was able to take an overlooking position undetected. Like I said, I am here to help. Now, if you would kindly stop aiming that at me and go back to covering the others, I, and probably those you should be looking out for, would much appreciate it."
And the only thing after that is Tapewolf's post. So, no one's asked him anything.

Though, if you mean a responce from Exo/Arcalane or Ryudo, in accordance with you asking them to positively identify Eraser, just be patient. Damn, man.


Quote from: Azlan on October 12, 2007, 02:50:16 AM
If there isn't a suitable response by morning PST, I'll have to take the shot and we will see where it goes.

Warning shot?  Incapacitating shot?  Either that or one of Ryudo's characters in the team could vouch for him.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on October 12, 2007, 02:58:15 AM
What? Why? Rammenstien isn't on all that often, it's not his fault. (I warned him he needs to be on more...) Jesus, even from Jexx, the psycho's point of view, there wouldn't be a reason to just shoot him like that. If he was an enemy, you'd be dead already, period.
Just give Rammy some time. He will be royally pissed if you shoot him.

People are, generally, pissed when you shoot them. :B

Besides, it's a perfectly valid reaction. Now if the guy was worth his money he'd have already fired, yes, but more often than not, most prefer to introduce themselves first.

A kill is a definite no, on the other hand. Vantage points + people getting sniped = oh crap, they just found a dead rebel operative, you bloody morons. :U

Did someone mention wrenches and running machinery? :B


Is Dorcan going to be able to hear this?  I'm assuming he can't do a long-range transmission to Exo since he's in the tunnel, but now Morgan has a channel open, are the people in the tunnel going to be able to hop through the others on the roof?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Quote from: Arcalane on October 12, 2007, 11:10:19 AM
Did someone mention wrenches and running machinery? :B

Nice save.  Ram, if you could come up with something that sounds reasonable, we'll go with that for your story.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Arg, finally! Bloody internet and phones have been out since last night. Just got them fixed a few minutes ago.

Anywho, I would like to apologize for any confusion I have caused. It was not my intention. Please, forgive me.


Subtle as a clown in a mime convention, Tape? :B


Quote from: Arcalane on October 13, 2007, 09:53:44 AM
Subtle as a clown in a mime convention, Tape? :B
To give Jexx some credit, he's actually fairly good at traveling by the rooftops.  But I doubt Morgan or Dorcan are likely to forget when he smashed the shed window.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on October 13, 2007, 02:48:54 PM
Quote from: Arcalane on October 13, 2007, 09:53:44 AM
Subtle as a clown in a mime convention, Tape? :B
To give Jexx some credit, he's actually fairly good at traveling by the rooftops.  But I doubt Morgan or Dorcan are likely to forget when he smashed the shed window.
lmao, I forgot about that!

Ryudo Lee

In case Ram comes into another problem, the backup soliders can provide a solution to those turrets.  Or they can just let Jexx loose.  Whatever works.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Just a notice, Rammenstien does not have access to any computers about every other week, and thus he has asked me to roleplay his character for him during those times. However, I do have contact with him, even though he doesn't have a computer half the time, so I will know what he wants his character to say and do directly from the source.

Ryudo Lee

That's fine I suppose.  Just try and keep up with it, okay?

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


I'll try. I didn't post anything for Erase yesterday because, for some reason, he never picked up his phone even though he told me to call. I'm gonna see him again today, I'll try and find out what the heck happened.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on October 16, 2007, 09:39:07 AM
I'll try. I didn't post anything for Erase yesterday because, for some reason, he never picked up his phone even though he told me to call. I'm gonna see him again today, I'll try and find out what the heck happened.

Ah well, keep us updated... if he's not available, let us know in the OOC and we'll go with Jexx instead for this bit.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Just as a note - not that it particularly matters at this point - but I'll be even more limited in my posting habits until Thursday. I'm posting from another PC at the moment and won't be back home until the aforementioned date. :B

Ryudo Lee

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Alright. Finally got Rammenstien's reply up. It's, give or take some words, exactly what he wanted me to put up for him, I actually had it all written down. Turns out that my communication with him yesterday and today wasn't as good as I expected, but it'll be better tomorrow. He still won't have access to a computer himself until Friday.
The responce isn't all that long, but due to lack of adequate contact I was unable to tell him word for word what's been happening. I did give him the general gist, though, that Dorcan asked if he could come down and snipe the turrets. Rammenstien prefers his character stay put for now. I swear, I did not make up the bee part, he just really wanted that for some reason. Don't ask me, ask him when he gets back :B
Just some FYI regarding Ram.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on October 16, 2007, 08:04:18 PMI swear, I did not make up the bee part, he just really wanted that for some reason. Don't ask me, ask him when he gets back :B
Just some FYI regarding Ram.

It's a quick demo of his augmented vision.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Or maybe it's just a demo of the power of his scope.  Which means he's aiming at Josh.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


I'd say his vision. He doesn't need his scope unless he goes beyond 8 miles...

EDIT: Oh, bugger, my bad. He needs his scope to go to 5-8 miles. Less than that his "normal" vision is good.


Alright, just a little note regarding the last few sentances of my recent post. I've imagined this tunnel as part of a network, which is what the agreement of it was when we first came across it, so that's why there's an intersection. Jexx, however, is plowing into this head on, shooting first and asking questions never. He doesn't care which direction he's going. That's why the others need to keep up with him--to call the direction he needs to go. "Right! Left! Left! Straight! Right! Straight! Left-no your other left!". Otherwise, Jexx will just keep on going, taking whatever turn happens to click in his random whim, before finally going so long that he realizes he's lost. No matter, just wait for they others; all they have to do is follow the path of broken, smoking turrets ;)

I'm also still holding out hope that someone is going to notice that Jexx's markings keep glowing and point it out, or at least mentally acknowledge it and bring it up later... :rolleyes

Ryudo Lee

It's gonna be more like a spider web, where all the tunnels converge on a single point under the center of town, and have intersections between them.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


That's the kind of network I thought. But that still means there are intersections, turns and bends regardless, right?

Ryudo Lee

Right, the walls are all gonna be curved since it's gotta support a network of cables so there's bends, rather than corners.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Memo to self - ask Jexx about the markings when we catch up with him.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Oh great. I was hoping that Dorcan and the soldiers would be right behind Jexx. But now you've given him the command to 'stop'. Once Jexx stops, he will instantly fall out of whatever funk he's in without ever realizing he was in it in the first place. This means he won't be able to do it again on purpose, which means that he won't be able to plow through turrets as fast as he was. He can still plow through turrets, just not like he is now.

I was planning for this exact thing to happen AFTER we reached our destination, with Dorcan yelling 'stop', because I figured he would do that. I have apparently figured right, but my timing is way off. I never imagined that it would be over this quickly.

Ah well. I'll just have to go with it