
Started by Michaelangelo, June 27, 2006, 01:51:03 AM

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Theres a mirror in my home
On the other side the my reflection will roam
The reflection of another side of me
Sometimes it will be the only thing people will see
And I became invisible and my reflection remained
As he sits laughing as his victims as his clothes were blood stained
Its all people know of what I truely am as a man
So I deal with it any way I can
There are those who see the truth making me appear
And the reflection is only hidden to those I hold dear
Those who choose to understand the real me inside
And to them my reflection will hide
The real me becomes real to those who believe
And not see the reflection who chooses to decieve
But there are those who choose to only see the reflection
And of me they don't care or have no recollection
Forget what you think you know about the mirror
Ignore the reflection and come a bit nearer
And as you come closer I will appear true
If all you see is my reflection, then maybe its just you

This golden record

This golden record is the number one hit
This golden record sounds like shit
It soared to the top of the billboard chart
The outer casing is ripped apart
The hit song gets tons of radio play
Nevermind the fact that it sounds so gay
Its the album that everyone wants to hear
Its as wonderful as drinking stale, warm, beer
Its the same album they play again and again
It skips everytime on track number 10
But yeah its worth all the cash in your bank
Simply because of its number one rank
Its the album that everybody dances and sings
Nevermind all the hypocrisy it brings
So go right out and buy the album too
Nevermind that fact that it sucks to you


Those are quite good.

Nimrods Son