Another question for "God"..

Started by Destina Faroda, August 23, 2006, 08:47:07 PM

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Destina Faroda

I know the characters of CVRPG are your characters, but I wonder, how often do you think of them?  Do you think of them most of the time during your walking day?  Do you often speculate about silly things that will never come to be like, "What if CVRPG were a fighting game?"  Are the characters living personas within you, or you have a tighter rein on them and keep them in the back of your mind, summoning them only when necessary?
Sig coming...whenever...


Bear in mind that if I use this question in DSWC, it'll prolly have a different answer, for the sake of the funny...

The characters in CVRPG are their own people. Their personalities in my mind are fleshed out enough now that... well, it's sorta like flipping a switch and more like they just kinda turn on themselves when I need to write their dialogue.

Take the Tales of the Fallen Supplemental I wrote last week. The dialogue for Angel is, in my mind, definately Angel. Especially when he's bantering with Sindra. Angel has a mean streak, and when he feels like it, he uses it.

Now, I have to admit there's a bit of me in all the characters, but they all act differently in my mind. Whether that makes them really their own people, or switches I can turn on I can't tell. I certainly know that I'm not happy when they don't sound like themselves.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Destina Faroda

Well, if you have yours on a switch, then that's good.  That way their entire life stories don't overrun your brain with every spare moment, causing you to go into a catatonic state where you imagine their lives as they grow older, their defining experiences, and the never ending saga of them and their descendants.
Sig coming...whenever...