Who is your favorte Cv Hero

Started by Trevor, July 03, 2006, 09:12:10 AM

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Who is your favorte Cv hero?      

5 (33.3%)
4 (26.7%)
5 (33.3%)
Trevor <----- choose him    
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Pumkin man
1 (6.7%)

Total Members Voted: 3


Copyright 2006  by Trevor C Belmont All rights reserved
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If you copy this document, in any way, you do so at your own risk.   

Nimrods Son

Now, that really hurt. I thought you trusted us? And now this prove of distrustfulness (?) ;)


don,t take in personal         
will you forgive me ? :3     


Dude it's just a cheesy poll. The hell would you need copyright info?


This poll is provided by the author "as is" . 
fore more info about not pay attention to authors rights search on the internet

Nimrods Son

well.. it's alright if take this stuff seriously, but I don't think this forum is an environment where anybody would ever want to take something from you or sue you for not taking full responsability for your polls.


Sonia's not on the list?! :( *walks away*


I don't know why, but I'd have to go with Alucard as the all-time best. Probably has something to do with Castlevania: Symphony of the Night/Nocturne in the Moonlight being the first Castlevania of it's kind. Sure Castlevania 2 was alright, but it just can't match up in any way. Also being able to use weapons other than the whip is nice.



I dont know too much about "Alculard" what game was he in? :p

For me, the coolest one is Trevor Belmont... lots of potential for fan fiction and stuff. Richter and Simon are too burned up

Nimrods Son

Yeah, that Trevor thing... but has Simon all in all had more than two Games?


Simon has been on Vampire Killer, CV1, CV2, CV4, Chronicles, Haunted Castle? as well as cameo appearances in some other titles...


Alculard, the hefty but still really hot and somewhat androgenous half-brother of Alucard, sof of Dralucla.


I'm going for Simon Belmont, myself.

Any man that can stand in a constantly rotating Mode 7 room and not throw up at least once is a manly man of much manliness, worthy of capacious amounts of respect.

Plus, he was the most worthwhile character of the Captain N cartoon.  (I admire any character that has a pet sentient weapon named 'whippy'.)



I  have updated the poll
have fun


oh man, Richter is the greatest!
rondo of blood forever!!!!!!!!