Man hurt after blasting wheel with shotgun / Gun Control debate, onoes

Started by Zedd, November 16, 2007, 01:39:02 AM

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Just like the title says...Weridst newsreport to hear and read:
QuoteThe 66-year-old American shot the wheel from arm's length with a 12-gauge shotgun and was peppered with ricocheting buckshot and debris.

According to a sheriff's office report, he was taken to Tacoma General Hospital with severe but not life threatening injuries.

His legs, feet and abdomen were worst affected, but some injuries went as high as his chin.

The man had been repairing a Lincoln Continental for about two weeks at his home near Southworth in Washington state, about ten miles from Seattle.

He had successfully removed all but one wheel-nut on the right rear wheel and resorted to firepower out of sheer frustration on Saturday afternoon.

"He's bound and determined to get that lug nut off," said Deputy Scott Wilson. "Nobody else was there and he wasn't intoxicated," he added.

The US has the highest rate of private gun ownership of any nation and the "right to bear arms" is enshrined in the constitution.

Under federal laws the sale of handguns is limited to over-21s, although over-18s can buy "long guns" - rifles or shotguns.

Some people are barred, such as more serious criminals, including those convicted of domestic violence or subject to a court order over harassment, illegal drug users, illegal immigrants, the mentally ill and those dishonourably discharged from the armed forces
Its so lucky the guy is still alive somehow... :erk

Sienna Maiu - M T

my lollerskates are on.

I should stop posting now.
Good to know who can't bare arms now though. >:3



I think the US should bar stupid people from owning guns, too. (or not, and let the problem solve itself).

I'm going to say something that might lead to a discussion or me getting flamed (maybe).
I think the "right to bear arms" in the US constitution is an archaic leftover from a time when law-enforcement wasn't in place across the nation, and the only way to defend yourself from thieves, robbers, looters, killers, and other unsavouries was to have some firepower on your person.
Now that law-enforcement is in place across the nation, maybe it's tome to put the right to bear arms to bed, and move on. Right now, guns are causing more problems than they solve anyway.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Quote from: Vidar on November 18, 2007, 02:46:40 AM

I think the US should bar stupid people from owning guns, too. (or not, and let the problem solve itself).

I'm going to say something that might lead to a discussion or me getting flamed (maybe).
I think the "right to bear arms" in the US constitution is an archaic leftover from a time when law-enforcement wasn't in place across the nation, and the only way to defend yourself from thieves, robbers, looters, killers, and other unsavouries was to have some firepower on your person.
Now that law-enforcement is in place across the nation, maybe it's tome to put the right to bear arms to bed, and move on. Right now, guns are causing more problems than they solve anyway.

I agree entirely with that. Specifically, it says that the right to bear arms will not be infringed because of a militia being needed for the security of the state...someone should point out in the Supreme Court that if someone doesn't actually belong to a militia, they don't need a gun.

Of course, we don't have militias anymore, them being useless, unnecessary, and outdated >:3

I have a severe hate of the National Rifle Association...I think every one of them should be shot with their own guns, see how they like it.

Sienna Maiu - M T


Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 18, 2007, 04:56:15 AM
Maybe they should just outlaw guns entirely?


Seeing as how much Americans love their things that go boom, that might not be such a good idea. There's too much reistance for an all-out ban to be successful, but the USA could always ban the sale og guns in wallmarts across the country for a start, and slowly work it's way up from there.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Well, for one thing, people like having them, and for the issue of 'safety', you can get hurt badly with just about anything other than Nerf stuff...

Heck, I am pretty sure that more people die in a week from car crashes than from anything gun-related(at least, here in the US, not counting wars and such) in a year, so I figure its low on the scale.

And yea, Americans *do* love things that go boom!  :3

Also, a segment of the population has been attempting to get guns banned for who knows how many years, yet they aren't now. Why? The majority of people like them. Simple.


Pasteris.ttf <- Pasteris is the font used for text in DMFA.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: RobbieThe1st on November 18, 2007, 08:04:02 AM
Well, for one thing, people like having them, and for the issue of 'safety', you can get hurt badly with just about anything other than Nerf stuff...

"Hey, these things work much better if you take the foam off" *whack*

Quote from: RobbieThe1st on November 18, 2007, 08:04:02 AM
Heck, I am pretty sure that more people die in a week from car crashes than from anything gun-related(at least, here in the US, not counting wars and such) in a year, so I figure its low on the scale.

.. that's not as good as you might wish. There's more people die in car crashes in the US alone, per year, than in the entire Iraq war.

That doesn't mean there's not very many die in the war. It means there are -very- many that die on the roads. Pick another statistic.
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*Cracks knuckles* Oh this is gonna be a long one...

Alright first off I personally think that the whole 'right to bear arms' is another way of saying 'The overblown right to hide being a cowardly fuckbag behind the ability to pull a two inch semi circular strip of metal and fix anything'. Seriously guns just make cowardly retards think they're safe. When you really look at it having a gun in the house doesn't protect anything, other then your peace of mind. If someone breaks in odds are they'll have a gun and, unless you're so paranoid that you sleep with one tucked under your pillow, they'll be able to shoot you long before you get it out of the closet. Besides that guns aren't the best home invasion weapons anyways. They rely on line of sight and a direct line to the target. That means invading any overly cluttered house in the world with a gun is like trying to play pinball with a wad of gum instead of a bouncing metal ball. You're more likely, in the event of a home invasion, to defend yourself with a shoe or the nearby home phone then you are the gun in your closet.

The US needs to stop pandering to the redneck demographic and realize that the reason they have the highest gun crime rate in the world, is BECAUSE of the fucking gun laws. Canada allows you to own weapons but you have to get licenses and shit for them and you have to go to specialty stores that will actually verify all your information. Unlike our brothers to the south who can walk in to the nearest Walmart and pick up a jug of milk, a t-shirt, two sofas, and a semi-automatic assault rifle. Then have it all rung in by some pimple faced kid who doesn't even know enough of the alphabet to get to the letter I much less associate it with the letter D.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 18, 2007, 09:12:47 AM
Quote from: RobbieThe1st on November 18, 2007, 08:04:02 AM
Heck, I am pretty sure that more people die in a week from car crashes than from anything gun-related(at least, here in the US, not counting wars and such) in a year, so I figure its low on the scale.

.. that's not as good as you might wish. There's more people die in car crashes in the US alone, per year, than in the entire Iraq war.

That doesn't mean there's not very many die in the war. It means there are -very- many that die on the roads. Pick another statistic.

Also, saying "more people die from a than from b, so we don't need to do anything" is a stupid and irresponsible thing to say. If lives can be saved, save them, and don't be lazy about it.
Fact is, people die from guns getting fired at them. You'll probably never get rid of all the guns, but limiting their availability is bound to save some lives.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Quote from: Netrogo on November 18, 2007, 02:21:44 PM
*Cracks knuckles* Oh this is gonna be a long one...

Alright first off I personally think that the whole 'right to bear arms' is another way of saying 'The overblown right to hide being a cowardly fuckbag behind the ability to pull a two inch semi circular strip of metal and fix anything'. Seriously guns just make cowardly retards think they're safe. When you really look at it having a gun in the house doesn't protect anything, other then your peace of mind. If someone breaks in odds are they'll have a gun and, unless you're so paranoid that you sleep with one tucked under your pillow, they'll be able to shoot you long before you get it out of the closet. Besides that guns aren't the best home invasion weapons anyways. They rely on line of sight and a direct line to the target. That means invading any overly cluttered house in the world with a gun is like trying to play pinball with a wad of gum instead of a bouncing metal ball. You're more likely, in the event of a home invasion, to defend yourself with a shoe or the nearby home phone then you are the gun in your closet.

The US needs to stop pandering to the redneck demographic and realize that the reason they have the highest gun crime rate in the world, is BECAUSE of the fucking gun laws. Canada allows you to own weapons but you have to get licenses and shit for them and you have to go to specialty stores that will actually verify all your information. Unlike our brothers to the south who can walk in to the nearest Walmart and pick up a jug of milk, a t-shirt, two sofas, and a semi-automatic assault rifle. Then have it all rung in by some pimple faced kid who doesn't even know enough of the alphabet to get to the letter I much less associate it with the letter D.
I have been waiting forever for someone to get this. Beautifully well said, Netrogo.

What people don't seem to get is that they don't need personal firearms anymore, but they go on about how they do just because they can't let it go. It's saddening and sickening. Also, from the hunter's perspective: They need guns to hunt. They contend that there isn't anything wrong with hunting.
To a few points, I will agree. Predation is a natural part of the life cycle. Things die. Human hunting isn't much of a problem to me, just so long as nothing goes to waste and it isn't overdone. But guns? Do you really need one to hunt your dinner? Hmm...let's look at our ancestors, shall we? Did they have guns? No... Could they go to the nearest supermarket and buy some fish off the counter? No... How did they get food? They hunted it with either a spear OR THEIR BARE HANDS. The reason why i don't like guns in hunting is, so long as the hunter is a good shot, the chances of survival for the hunted are almost nil. One shot and it's over. No contest over who's the stronger or faster. Just a speeding chunk of metal and wham. I say to all the hunters in the world:
If you want to hunt, get out a whetstone, your pocketknife, some rope, sharpen a rock, straignten a stick, and put the rock on trhey stick. There you go. Instant hunting weapon. See if you still want to hunt now.

Quote from: Vidar on November 18, 2007, 02:35:20 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 18, 2007, 09:12:47 AM
Quote from: RobbieThe1st on November 18, 2007, 08:04:02 AM
Heck, I am pretty sure that more people die in a week from car crashes than from anything gun-related(at least, here in the US, not counting wars and such) in a year, so I figure its low on the scale.

.. that's not as good as you might wish. There's more people die in car crashes in the US alone, per year, than in the entire Iraq war.

That doesn't mean there's not very many die in the war. It means there are -very- many that die on the roads. Pick another statistic.

Also, saying "more people die from a than from b, so we don't need to do anything" is a stupid and irresponsible thing to say. If lives can be saved, save them, and don't be lazy about it.
Fact is, people die from guns getting fired at them. You'll probably never get rid of all the guns, but limiting their availability is bound to save some lives.
You make a very good point as well, Vidar.

What are guns designed to do? What is their one, and ONLY, function? To kill instantly. They are never defensive weapons. So of course people die whenever they are fired.
As for the number of car accidents, I've imagined a system where every single car is computer-controlled, and all linked together on a nationwide network. They all work together, plan out their routes, and above all, never have an accident, because they all know exactly where all the other 'parts' of themselves are at the same time (Yes, there are plenty of technical aspects to this, but I've thought of most of them. If anyone requests or challenges, I can provide a rundown of how the whole thing works).
Bacially, I'm saying: No more human driving. At all. Zip. Nada. Humans, especially Americans, suck shit when driving. And by that same thing, no more civillian ownership of guns.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 18, 2007, 02:57:04 PM
Quote from: Netrogo on November 18, 2007, 02:21:44 PM
*Cracks knuckles* Oh this is gonna be a long one...

Alright first off I personally think that the whole 'right to bear arms' is another way of saying 'The overblown right to hide being a cowardly fuckbag behind the ability to pull a two inch semi circular strip of metal and fix anything'. Seriously guns just make cowardly retards think they're safe. When you really look at it having a gun in the house doesn't protect anything, other then your peace of mind. If someone breaks in odds are they'll have a gun and, unless you're so paranoid that you sleep with one tucked under your pillow, they'll be able to shoot you long before you get it out of the closet. Besides that guns aren't the best home invasion weapons anyways. They rely on line of sight and a direct line to the target. That means invading any overly cluttered house in the world with a gun is like trying to play pinball with a wad of gum instead of a bouncing metal ball. You're more likely, in the event of a home invasion, to defend yourself with a shoe or the nearby home phone then you are the gun in your closet.

The US needs to stop pandering to the redneck demographic and realize that the reason they have the highest gun crime rate in the world, is BECAUSE of the fucking gun laws. Canada allows you to own weapons but you have to get licenses and shit for them and you have to go to specialty stores that will actually verify all your information. Unlike our brothers to the south who can walk in to the nearest Walmart and pick up a jug of milk, a t-shirt, two sofas, and a semi-automatic assault rifle. Then have it all rung in by some pimple faced kid who doesn't even know enough of the alphabet to get to the letter I much less associate it with the letter D.
I have been waiting forever for someone to get this. Beautifully well said, Netrogo.

What people don't seem to get is that they don't need personal firearms anymore, but they go on about how they do just because they can't let it go. It's saddening and sickening. Also, from the hunter's perspective: They need guns to hunt. They contend that there isn't anything wrong with hunting.
To a few points, I will agree. Predation is a natural part of the life cycle. Things die. Human hunting isn't much of a problem to me, just so long as nothing goes to waste and it isn't overdone. But guns? Do you really need one to hunt your dinner? Hmm...let's look at our ancestors, shall we? Did they have guns? No... Could they go to the nearest supermarket and buy some fish off the counter? No... How did they get food? They hunted it with either a spear OR THEIR BARE HANDS. The reason why i don't like guns in hunting is, so long as the hunter is a good shot, the chances of survival for the hunted are almost nil. One shot and it's over. No contest over who's the stronger or faster. Just a speeding chunk of metal and wham. I say to all the hunters in the world:
If you want to hunt, get out a whetstone, your pocketknife, some rope, sharpen a rock, straignten a stick, and put the rock on trhey stick. There you go. Instant hunting weapon. See if you still want to hunt now.

Nice idea, but the people of the pre-gun era were hella-trained with their weapons because they are a hell of a lot more difficult to effectively use than "aim, pull trigger". Fat overweight city-dwelling weekend warriors are completely incapable of hunting with spears or bow-and-arrow arrangements. Part of this is because city folk can no longer even track and find their prey anymore. With this low level of skill in hunting, the old tools would be absolutely useless.
Also, since MacDonalds-fed lard-asses tend to make the ground they tread on tremble with their footfalls, any critter still around when they enter a forest a) is stupid b) has a death-wish c) is really deaf.

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 18, 2007, 02:57:04 PM
Quote from: Vidar on November 18, 2007, 02:35:20 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 18, 2007, 09:12:47 AM
Quote from: RobbieThe1st on November 18, 2007, 08:04:02 AM
Heck, I am pretty sure that more people die in a week from car crashes than from anything gun-related(at least, here in the US, not counting wars and such) in a year, so I figure its low on the scale.

.. that's not as good as you might wish. There's more people die in car crashes in the US alone, per year, than in the entire Iraq war.

That doesn't mean there's not very many die in the war. It means there are -very- many that die on the roads. Pick another statistic.

Also, saying "more people die from a than from b, so we don't need to do anything" is a stupid and irresponsible thing to say. If lives can be saved, save them, and don't be lazy about it.
Fact is, people die from guns getting fired at them. You'll probably never get rid of all the guns, but limiting their availability is bound to save some lives.
You make a very good point as well, Vidar.

What are guns designed to do? What is their one, and ONLY, function? To kill instantly. They are never defensive weapons. So of course people die whenever they are fired.
As for the number of car accidents, I've imagined a system where every single car is computer-controlled, and all linked together on a nationwide network. They all work together, plan out their routes, and above all, never have an accident, because they all know exactly where all the other 'parts' of themselves are at the same time (Yes, there are plenty of technical aspects to this, but I've thought of most of them. If anyone requests or challenges, I can provide a rundown of how the whole thing works).
Bacially, I'm saying: No more human driving. At all. Zip. Nada. Humans, especially Americans, suck shit when driving. And by that same thing, no more civillian ownership of guns.

As for the car stuff, there is a show on Discovery that details exactly that kind of system, though it is still very far into the future. I first see a transition era, where automatic vehicles and traditional cars operate side by side. Also, people like being in control of where they go, and are reluctant to hand that control over to a computer.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Quote from: Vidar on November 18, 2007, 03:17:26 PM
Nice idea, but the people of the pre-gun era were hella-trained with their weapons because they are a hell of a lot more difficult to effectively use than "aim, pull trigger". Fat overweight city-dwelling weekend warriors are completely incapable of hunting with spears or bow-and-arrow arrangements. Part of this is because city folk can no longer even track and find their prey anymore. With this low level of skill in hunting, the old tools would be absolutely useless.
Also, since MacDonalds-fed lard-asses tend to make the ground they tread on tremble with their footfalls, any critter still around when they enter a forest a) is stupid b) has a death-wish c) is really deaf.

That's the whiole point. It would do these fat asses some good to get some REAL survival excersise.

Quote from: Vidar on November 18, 2007, 03:17:26 PM
Also, people like being in control of where they go, and are reluctant to hand that control over to a computer.
I know that. I say to those people the same thing I'm saying to everyone who wants to keep their gun:
Suck it up and shut it up asshole. Look at the REAL propblems, then say you keep your stance, THEN look me in the eye and just TRY to tell me you aren't a selfish son of a bitch who doesn't care about the safety of others.

Human, especially Americans, are irresponsible with their cars. Humans, especially Americans, are irresponsible with their guns. Since it's obvious that not everyone can up and be responsible, take that responsibility away. Problem solved.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Quote from: thegayhare on November 18, 2007, 11:22:46 AM
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 18, 2007, 04:56:15 AM
Maybe they should just outlaw guns entirely?


Well hunters would disagree with that

I was actually thinking about that as I typed it.

Quote from: Netrogo on November 18, 2007, 02:21:44 PM
The US needs to stop pandering to the redneck demographic and realize that the reason they have the highest gun crime rate in the world, is BECAUSE of the fucking gun laws. Canada allows you to own weapons but you have to get licenses and shit for them and you have to go to specialty stores that will actually verify all your information.
Dude.... seriously? I just assumed that they also had to fill out forms O_o

Quote from: Netrogo on November 18, 2007, 02:21:44 PM
Then have it all rung in by some pimple faced kid who doesn't even know enough of the alphabet to get to the letter I much less associate it with the letter D.

Oh. That's good.

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 18, 2007, 02:57:04 PM
As for the number of car accidents, I've imagined a system where every single car is computer-controlled, and all linked together on a nationwide network. They all work together, plan out their routes, and above all, never have an accident, because they all know exactly where all the other 'parts' of themselves are at the same time (Yes, there are plenty of technical aspects to this, but I've thought of most of them. If anyone requests or challenges, I can provide a rundown of how the whole thing works).

But... what about privacy? I know it's a fine line, but still...


Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 18, 2007, 10:15:37 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 18, 2007, 02:57:04 PM
As for the number of car accidents, I've imagined a system where every single car is computer-controlled, and all linked together on a nationwide network. They all work together, plan out their routes, and above all, never have an accident, because they all know exactly where all the other 'parts' of themselves are at the same time (Yes, there are plenty of technical aspects to this, but I've thought of most of them. If anyone requests or challenges, I can provide a rundown of how the whole thing works).

But... what about privacy? I know it's a fine line, but still...

...What does privacy have to do with this? I, for one, want very much to NOT drive a car, if that means no one else does and it's all done by computers, as opposed to total dumbasses who can't tell 'yellow' and 'red' from 'goasfastasyoufuckingcan' and 'letsblowitanyway'. Sure there are plenty of people who do drive responsibly, and some would say this is unfair to them, but seriously...
Why do you WANT to drive so badly in the first place? What is the point? If the driving is being done for you, think of this; car could be build so that all seats face the center, and everyone can look at each other, talk, pass the time, and no one has to worry about that unnecessary burden called the 'steering wheel'. It just does not make any sense to have a human behind the wheel if it can be done otherwise.


this thread could have been funny and now it is ruined because people take things so damn seriously.

This thread is a story about a guy who injured himself because he used a shotgun to do something a shotgun is not designed to do. He is stupid. Can we talk about that, instead of one of the most divisive issues in our nation's current political state?

If you want a gun debate, make a thread. In related news, this guy is stupid lolololo.


I keep asking myself why Bill was made a Mod.  And then he makes posts like this.  And then I forget about that, because I'm too busy laughing.

Also, that was the only response to this thread I have read since reply #5.


Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 18, 2007, 10:15:37 PM
Quote from: Netrogo on November 18, 2007, 02:21:44 PM
The US needs to stop pandering to the redneck demographic and realize that the reason they have the highest gun crime rate in the world, is BECAUSE of the fucking gun laws. Canada allows you to own weapons but you have to get licenses and shit for them and you have to go to specialty stores that will actually verify all your information.
Dude.... seriously? I just assumed that they also had to fill out forms O_o

you do, atleast for hand guns and the like anyway.  When I purchased my revolver (mock me as a coward if you like but I'm a gay kid who grew up half an hour from chuck a homo bridge)   you fill out some forms, they fax it off for a back ground check and you wait in the gun shop it can take several hours for me and my dad it was only 30 minutes (I took that time to find me a nice pair of second hand pacmar grips.  I don't know about rifles or shotguns since I've never purchased any mine were always gifts.

and before some of you scoff at hunters and the like some familys do rely on the game to supplement there food.  A deer can go along way towards stretching a tight grocery budget.  I agree that sport hunting is horrible, but some hunting is nessicary.  My dad was a life long hunter he hunted with bow, rifle and black powder.  he also worked closely with wildlife groups to monitor the herd levels in the state.  Because of humans activities  natural preditors have lower populations.  With out the preditors to keep the herds in check there is a chance for overpopulating area's which can lead to several problems.  in the case of deer that can be increased traffic accidents as the larger population is forced into more human habited areas and starvation since the unchecked herd can deplete there food suppley. 


Shotguns: When regular tools just aren't good enough.

Around where I live, it's not uncommon for people to have 3 or 4 guns for hunting. Suffice to say, I'm one of the ones who don't hunt.

What about using guns for target practice? I'm a good shot with a pistol, but that says nothing about if I'll actually use one for anything else. As far as I can tell, people like guns, and we can't do much about it.


Quote from: Netrogo on November 18, 2007, 02:21:44 PM
*Cracks knuckles* Oh this is gonna be a long one...

Alright first off I personally think that the whole 'right to bear arms' is another way of saying 'The overblown right to hide being a cowardly fuckbag behind the ability to pull a two inch semi circular strip of metal and fix anything'. Seriously guns just make cowardly retards think they're safe. When you really look at it having a gun in the house doesn't protect anything, other then your peace of mind. If someone breaks in odds are they'll have a gun and, unless you're so paranoid that you sleep with one tucked under your pillow, they'll be able to shoot you long before you get it out of the closet. Besides that guns aren't the best home invasion weapons anyways. They rely on line of sight and a direct line to the target. That means invading any overly cluttered house in the world with a gun is like trying to play pinball with a wad of gum instead of a bouncing metal ball. You're more likely, in the event of a home invasion, to defend yourself with a shoe or the nearby home phone then you are the gun in your closet.

The US needs to stop pandering to the redneck demographic and realize that the reason they have the highest gun crime rate in the world, is BECAUSE of the fucking gun laws. Canada allows you to own weapons but you have to get licenses and shit for them and you have to go to specialty stores that will actually verify all your information. Unlike our brothers to the south who can walk in to the nearest Walmart and pick up a jug of milk, a t-shirt, two sofas, and a semi-automatic assault rifle. Then have it all rung in by some pimple faced kid who doesn't even know enough of the alphabet to get to the letter I much less associate it with the letter D.

Try this in any middle eastern country.

Yeah, banning guns only works as well as the criminals are going to let it.  Hell, most of the time the only thing holding society together when a policeman isn't around is the blatant fear that some one in the crowd will shoot you if you try something, hence the small pockets of peace that occur in the middle east.

I'm sorry, but I'm not just going to sit on my ass and wait for the police to get their asses to my location while I'm being robbed.  By God, I earned the money I have and any bastard that dares to try and unfairly take it from me is going to have one hell of a battle if he's going to even so much as think of touching my wallet.

Besides, while gun-related crimes are lower else where, crimes in total go up because as I've said, the police can't be everywhere unless you live in a police state in which case you're usually fucked anyway cause the police are the ones committing the damned crimes in the first place.

In short, don't blame the freaking guns you loons, blame the people wielding them.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

Sienna Maiu - M T

Fine, here's your related content;
Has he never heard of WD-40?

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 18, 2007, 10:35:32 PM
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 18, 2007, 10:15:37 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 18, 2007, 02:57:04 PM
As for the number of car accidents, I've imagined a system where every single car is computer-controlled, and all linked together on a nationwide network. They all work together, plan out their routes, and above all, never have an accident, because they all know exactly where all the other 'parts' of themselves are at the same time (Yes, there are plenty of technical aspects to this, but I've thought of most of them. If anyone requests or challenges, I can provide a rundown of how the whole thing works).

But... what about privacy? I know it's a fine line, but still...

...What does privacy have to do with this? I, for one, want very much to NOT drive a car, if that means no one else does and it's all done by computers, as opposed to total dumbasses who can't tell 'yellow' and 'red' from 'goasfastasyoufuckingcan' and 'letsblowitanyway'. Sure there are plenty of people who do drive responsibly, and some would say this is unfair to them, but seriously...
Why do you WANT to drive so badly in the first place? What is the point? If the driving is being done for you, think of this; car could be build so that all seats face the center, and everyone can look at each other, talk, pass the time, and no one has to worry about that unnecessary burden called the 'steering wheel'. It just does not make any sense to have a human behind the wheel if it can be done otherwise.

I am refering of course to the fact that the government would always know where you are. Also, have you never heard of watching the landscape?


Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 18, 2007, 11:44:38 PM
I am referring of course to the fact that the government would always know where you are. Also, have you never heard of watching the landscape?
Um, how would the gov't know where you are? The system is closed and automated, only regularly check by technicians to make sure everything's working hunky-dory. And the landscape? Simple: Turn your seat around.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 18, 2007, 11:49:26 PM
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 18, 2007, 11:44:38 PM
I am referring of course to the fact that the government would always know where you are. Also, have you never heard of watching the landscape?
Um, how would the gov't know where you are? The system is closed and automated, only regularly check by technicians to make sure everything's working hunky-dory. And the landscape? Simple: Turn your seat around.

Fair enough.

But I'd still say they would want access.
And who would operate it anyway? Not all cars are by the same maker, so somebody would have to control it, and where would they make their money?


I don't think they heard you, Bill.  You might try talking louder.


I'd split this topic, but there's nothing to split it from. Renamed instead.


Sorry 'bout that Bill. For years I've associated guns with stupid so hearing some retard shot himself doing something stupid with a gun just brought to mind the whole problem in general...

Oh god... I kendalled the joke :<
Once upon a time I actually posted here.

Sienna Maiu - M T

So I have a question... does the fact he was richocheted with debris, mean he was succesful?


Oh, what the hell. I rename the topic, and people suddenly start talking about the original subject?

I hate you all. Die.  :cry
