Re: Person Above You (P.A.Y.): The Warm Fuzzies Strike Back

Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, August 14, 2007, 01:40:56 PM

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I understands the value of doing nothing and how doing nothing is so relaxing, I agree, doing nothing is great, just reading a book in.... *wanders of the a reference to his vacation*

Sienna Maiu - M T

Although having an apparently scattered mind, Aiyno is great fun to talk to.

Also, he's very good at making me feel bad. With the simple click of a button he can make you discover that you've known him for quite a while, except for under two different other names, by which you knew him as a close friend. Also, knowing his distinct art style, it makes me feel bad.
So bad in fact that it made my laptop battery die just as I typed the word 'also', which in turn caused the system to restart, and in turn remaking me mark down the words of my grief.

So good job on the guilt-trip.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Sienna appears to enjoy guilt trips. I wonder why...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


llearch n'n'daCorna wonders why, I wonder why he wonders why, is he happy wondering why? He is still a great box and maybe now a great wondering box. :P

also Sienna, I am a hard person to find in different places, I use many names. I would use a single name but every time I join a forum.. I'm just to shy to show myself everywhere I also don't want other places to come and haunt me  :B , thus I hide under a Alias, one of many.. Heck, I only have aliases  :animesweat

llearch n'n'daCorna

Aiyno appears to miss the rhetorical nature of the wondering.

Perhaps some more sadonicism or sarcasm is required?
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


 llearch n'ndaCorna, while possibly not the most sensitive soul around, it quite insightful for a box. Certainly, enough to wield wit with a deft hand, and also enough to know when wit is perhaps uncalled for. A very erudite and eloquent box he is - not exactly something your faux-porcelain gift at Macy's might come from.


I'm sure there are plenty more awesome/nice things to say about Cogi, but I can't think of any. :<

I am not worthy! D:  ...Or maybe I should go get some sleep.



Sienna Maiu - M T

 :U GASP!!!
techmaster-glitch used the shifty-eyes!!!
He's my hero...  :3


Sienna is the first person in living memory to ever call me a 'hero'...I don't know what to say...  :S

Sienna Maiu - M T

The awesome continues!


Sienna obviously likes the lesser used smilies.

(This is my personal favourite: :boogie)


xHaZxMaTx want the  :boogie to be used more, it's indeed nice to see the lesser used smillies being used  :animesweat tho I probably have a favorite one myself I can't think of it  :P xHaZxMaTx knows his, he's awesome like that  :smile


Aiyno is one of the reasons why I have a low selfestean in this place.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Omega needs to post here more. Given just a few posts, there'll be more than enough ammunition for a major ego increase. Just try it...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



xHaZxMaTx doesn't have as much ego as llearch, I'm assuming, however he does have a lot of avatars.  >:3 Their of nice of course. ..yes.

Sienna Maiu - M T

oh Aiyno... he truly does always have something (nice) to say. Despite his own beliefs on the existance of pie.
Although many a times I've been left with naught to say, somehow he always manages to come up with a new way to suprize me.

lucas marcone

sienna spreads random glorifacation. it's a good thing trust me.


Lucas has an impressive avatar picturem but I doubt that he made it himself.  ;)


Omega seems to have 'compliment' confused with something else. :lol  Based on some of his other posts, however, I don't think English is his native language, so I can't hold it against him.  I'm sure he'll get it soon enough, though. :3


^Hazel has empathy for everyone. For the big and the small.

(Uh, Perhaps in the future, I should choose my words more carefully. The standads of what's 'nice' and what's 'not' in here are not yet clear to me. I was just being merely sincire)


Omega is trying his hardest to fit in to the CW Mansion. I have respect for the newbies, but he might be trying just a wee bit too hard. It's alright though. I wonder what he's going to be like once he's been completely assimilate-eh-I mean, gotten used to this place as a regular ;)

llearch n'n'daCorna

tech should know what assimilation does to one.

After all, he's been here long enough to lose all his sanity, and yet, here he is, posting useful content. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


llearch n'n'daCorna is posting useful content in greater quantities than anyone else, but he also posts in greater quantities in general :P


Aiyno's posts are things of quantity, like the fabled bottomless mug of mead, and largely with the same effects.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Cogidubnus surprizingly got into posting on Aiyno, just as I had come up with something to say (or new at the very least).
Despite this shock, Cogi is still a very nice sight to see, reminding me in many ways of another lad I once knew (which I do know I've said before) in both manner and articulateness. It is so very nice to meet an articulate person. Preferably not even a jerk in this case. For it seems that the articulate can be jerks just as much as the illiterate. You just happen to notice more, because there are less of them around.

I'm sure if one were to dig through that post, they would be sure to find some comments of merit on the one known as Cogidubnus.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Such digging is unnecessary. The post Sienna makes is from Sienna, and, as such, will have meritorious comments upon whoever it was commenting upon. Nuff said. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Sienna Maiu - M T

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 24, 2007, 06:10:08 PM
Such digging is unnecessary. The post Sienna makes is from Sienna, and, as such, will have meritorious comments upon whoever it was commenting upon. Nuff said. ;-]
So then if I were to call you 'cheese'...?

Llearch. Always entertaining. A riot to be sure, plus - he starts them. You can always count on him to be snarky but lovable. Easily remembered, and not necessarily for his possible misdeeds either.
He also now has art.
oh yes. Art.


Sienna has a great singing voice and doesn't succumb to stage fright.  I wonder if she takes requests. :P