[Audio] The DMFA Radio Project's 2nd full release: Recipe for Disasters

Started by Tapewolf, October 05, 2007, 03:31:44 PM

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Okay, this is about three months late, but hopefully it is worth the time and effort that has gone into it.

This is a full-cast recording of DMFA's "Recipe of Disasters" arc, which runs from 274-320, complete with sound effects and incidental music.

Here are the download links, but be aware that it is about 30 megabytes in size and 24 minutes long.  The mirrors are greatly appreciated  :3

Download links

Main site:  http://dmfa.it-he.org/dmfa/disasters.mp3

Mirrors here from llearch, and here from Tezkat. Your bandwidth is appreciated. ;-]
-- llearch

If you find it handy to track the comic, that starts here:  http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_274.php
See also: http://dmfa.it-he.org


Uncredited cast include Jack McSlay as Pyroduck and Poofyspikes as the jerk.  Sorry guys.

Known issues include low quality in some of the source material, a fading problem on Merlitz, missing rat in 309, variations in volume between some segments and the aforementioned names missing from the credits.  Some Tezkat voices are taken from obsolete files.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



I liked the bat in the hair bit again it's funnier  than the one in the strip.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Good show everyone! :mowcookie

Quote from: Tapewolf on October 05, 2007, 03:31:44 PM
Known issues include low quality in some of the source material, a fading problem on Merlitz, missing rat in 309, variations in volume between some segments and the aforementioned names missing from the credits.

I don't see how you could be missing my Basement Rat #3 line from strip #309. I posted all of his lines as a single file two years ago. You must have it, since you used the #319 line from that file. :animesweat

It also sounds like you used the old recording for Edward in #299. (Kill it with fire! >:]) Ditto for the extras, although I suppose those were at least passable the first time around.

Also... second mirror, in case anyone's interested. :3

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Thanks for the comments, everyone...

Quote from: Tezkat on October 05, 2007, 09:40:40 PM
I don't see how you could be missing my Basement Rat #3 line from strip #309. I posted all of his lines as a single file two years ago. You must have it, since you used the #319 line from that file.

Actually I got confused about which rat was which.  I didn't think that one was yours...
Either way, it didn't seem worth the effort of having to remix three entire scenes just over one rat not saying the word 'cool'.   >:3

QuoteIt also sounds like you used the old recording for Edward in #299. (Kill it with fire! >:]) Ditto for the extras, although I suppose those were at least passable the first time around.
Oops, yes I did use the old Edward.  Truth be told I preferred the original extras.

QuoteAlso... second mirror, in case anyone's interested. :3

You know, it's just occurred to me that I think I was trying to make Fa'Lina sound like SHODAN from System Shock... :B

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E