you learn someting new everyday

Started by thegayhare, July 30, 2007, 03:49:11 PM

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and today I learned I'm a lazy good for nothing ingrate.

Or at least so says my sister

I guess buying groceries for my mom and her don't count for anyting and cleaning up cat poo, or doing laundry, or getting the house ready to sell or trying to sooth the tension levels between the varius people in the house don't count for nothing...

oh well

maybe it's days like this that they invented anti depresents for



and now it's aparently my fault she's decided to kick herself out of the house...

pills arn't enough for this shit I'm gonna get drunk


No! Don't get drunk! That will just make things worse! Take a nice nap instead. Maybe everything will get a little better tomorrow...


Don't get drunk.  Get tipsy.  Lot more fun than getting completely smashed.

(actually, depending on the antidepressants, drinking might cause some interactions, but I'm no doctor)

Anyways, did you tell your sister about the many things that you were doing to help?  That you were in fact working hard to do whatever it is you had to do, and that she didn't really give a fair assessment of you? (assuming that all that's true)

Sigh.  Family.  You sound like you need a hug.


Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Generally, in those sorts of arguments, putting in your 2c worth of logical thought just makes things worse.

At least, in my experience. :-/

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Damaris says: I recommend raspberry vodka and coke.  That is my anti-murder right now.  Thank god there's only 9 more work days until school starts.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 30, 2007, 08:48:03 PMGenerally, in those sorts of arguments, putting in your 2c worth of logical thought just makes things worse.

In my experience, putting in your two cents dramatically escalates the current argument, but slightly defuses future ones.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Oh yes I did

I explained that while I am not perfect I do a lot to help out, and I stated that she's not exactly blameless in the current stress levels that pervade our family unit... 

At which point she said she never imagined her family hated her so much so she's moving out

and all we have in the house is beer and gin... bah and I'm broke so I couldn't by my own booze
(I hate gin)

so it's water for me tonight, oh well it'll help me wash down my turky burgers


sounds like your sister is trying to push her inadequacies off on you.

I recommend pointing and laughing.  It'll only irritate her now, but it'll make her a better person in the future.

Most importantly, don't let people get to you when they clearly just need someone to whine at.  Even with siblings, pointing out how stupid they're being is far more fun than actually taking what they say to heart.


a bit of sympathy/empathy and some unwanted advice may lift your spirits a bit.

lesson 1- recognition.

when i was growing up i was more or less the family's 'bitch', mowing the lawn and taking out the garbage dont seem too hard untill you realise its 4 acres of tree infested hill in the middle of a swamp, mowing is a high speed collision obstacle course and taking the trash out can be a 1/4 mile hike carrying things that smell worse then the surrounding cows. in addition to doing the dishes, half the cooking, almost all of the cleaning, hanging drywall, digging ditches for electrical conduit, and occasional lumberjack duties i was also insulted, degraded, beaten, and belittled at every opportunity for being a lazy useless moron. why was this? well for starters i was a retard so they were often justified, but they also took everything i did for granted because they DID NOT SEE ME DO IT. apperantly spending all your free time busting your ass dosent help at all unless you do it on someone ELSES free time where they're bothered you have to ask them to move so you can vaccume under them or please open the door cause both your hands are full of lumber.

moral of lesson 1- if you bust your ass make sure they know about it, in subtle ways that can imply guilt trips while concealing the real amount of time they don't see you, playing video games but theres every possibility you COULD be doing work for all they know.

lesson 2- comparison

obviously i was never appreciated, and openly insulted. my two older siblings however got off light, often weren't around at all, and most likely gave me their chores and promised me a steaming pile of beat down if i didn't have it done by the appointed time or let the parents find out i was doing it for them. recently however i was post humorously promoted to 'the good son'. my sister, long the favorite for having gone to collage and being ever so smart and nice and all that rot... well, she sold the trailer she had been living at and realized she had no place to live so moved in with our mother. at the beginning she and her husband had promised it would only be for a few weeks, they would help out, and pay some money to ease the finantial stress of my parents.

this stay would last 5 months, not a red cent would be paid to my low income parents, and my sister would become an unholy terror. not only did they refuse to help in any way they ate up all the food (usually the expensive food, four pounds of hamburger for one meal and factory grade cheese blocks vanished over night), complained about the food, asked for money despite making well over twice what my parents make, and frequently belittled my mother. this abuse is inexcusable- sis and her husband make over twice what my wife and i make, yet we live in an apartment with much higher rent then their trailer and do not have to borrow money like they do. also, my sister is a teacher and has off these last months, but would rather let my parents take out a second mortgage then work a part time job to lend a hand.

the last straw was their kid, who sis insisted be potty trained HER way... he spent almost a quarter of the day on the potty, eating his meals and coloring while sitting there... despite my mother having a medical condition where when shes gotta go shes GOTTA GO whether or not a toilet is available- sis says potty time is more important even though all the kid was doing is 'playing with himself'. when my mother complained my sister flew off the handle- saying SHE was highly educated, HER friends were highly educated, my mother was not educated and her friends were not educated and have no business tellin my sister what to do... after all, my sister read A book. in addition to openly insulting my mother the little tyke had discovered he could kick, bite, punch, scratch, and pinch without any repercussions- all he had to do was walk three feet away, look at you, and then let out a calculated wail that would make people think grandma had beaten him up. sis says 'oh, thats because he feels bad about hitting you', what a load, if he had known it was wrong he wouldn't have done it repeatedly.

Moral of lesson 2- you are NOT that bad, and you can prove it. merely find someone who makes you look like a saint and expose the desired parties to them for an extended period of time. fortunately the world is full of annoying relatives and the infamous 'other peoples kids' for exactly this purpose. if you fail to find any of sufficient magnitude ask some friends they don't know of to come over and act like the biggest J-holes in the world who make you look like the perfect son.

QuoteThe board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last...
The great battle of our time.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


sory every body

I guess tensions just reached a boil here and everybody sorta blew up

everyones calmer now and I'm sorry I drug you folks into this

llearch n'n'daCorna

No worries.

At least you know we're here for you.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Brunhidden da Muse on August 01, 2007, 04:22:32 AM
when my mother complained my sister flew off the handle- saying SHE was highly educated, HER friends were highly educated, my mother was not educated and her friends were not educated and have no business tellin my sister what to do... after all, my sister read A book.

I'm assuming your sister works for the American public school system.

Lesson 1: Nobody[/b][/u] is less educated than an American grade-school teacher, but nobody will claim to be smarter than the same American grade-school teacher.

At this point, I have marginally more respect for the Al-Queda terrorist network who want every man, woman, and child in the United States of America dead than I have for the American public school system.

Oh, no worries, TGH, everyone has one of those days once in a while.  It always helps to vent a bit.


Whenever me and my sister got into fights she'd tie me up and lock me in a closet. I'ts like a family's job to care about one another and even though it has some rough moments it usually recovers with time and even if it doesn't there's always someone willing to back you up.


I wouldn't be so dismissive of the public school teachers, Raist- they have to not only teach, but act as therapists to these terrible, undisciplined children.  The can't touch them, and the kids know they won't get any "real" repercussions from their parents.  And really, many of the education specialties they have to go through aren't the easiest.

Now, that said, anyone who says "I'm highly educated" or "I have good genes" or something like that in an argument... they're the ones that it obviously didn't take on.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


It really depends where you are. Believe it or not, some schools in the US get adequate funding, and have competent staff.


Quote from: Raist on August 01, 2007, 10:22:10 PM
Quote from: Brunhidden da Muse on August 01, 2007, 04:22:32 AM
when my mother complained my sister flew off the handle- saying SHE was highly educated, HER friends were highly educated, my mother was not educated and her friends were not educated and have no business tellin my sister what to do... after all, my sister read A book.

I'm assuming your sister works for the American public school system.

Lesson 1: Nobody[/b][/u] is less educated than an American grade-school teacher, but nobody will claim to be smarter than the same American grade-school teacher.

At this point, I have marginally more respect for the Al-Queda terrorist network who want every man, woman, and child in the United States of America dead than I have for the American public school system.

I know a few former and current grade-school teachers, family and friends who busted their asses for years if not decades, and although they wouldn't want me to say this on their behalf, I will tell you to go fuck yourself anyway.
The power and the glory is over, so I'll take it.
The power and the glory is over, so I'll make it.
The power and the glory is over, and I'll break it.
The power and the glory is over....

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Damaris on August 02, 2007, 07:52:17 AM
Now, that said, anyone who says "I'm highly educated" or "I have good genes" or something like that in an argument... they're the ones that it obviously didn't take on.

But... I'm highly (self) educated and I have good genes... ;-]

... admittedly I think it's the attitude my parents passed on to me environmentally that is more important, and has been more useful to me, than the abilities that they genetically gifted me with.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: thegayhare on August 01, 2007, 12:32:24 PM
sory every body

I guess tensions just reached a boil here and everybody sorta blew up

everyones calmer now and I'm sorry I drug you folks into this

Fuggetaboutit, man. If things hadn't gone alright nobody would expect you to appologize, so all you're appologizing for is things going alright. If that was a let down for us you probably wouldn't have posted the topic. :rolleyes


Quote from: DarkAudit on August 02, 2007, 09:54:24 AMI know a few former and current grade-school teachers, family and friends who busted their asses for years if not decades, and although they wouldn't want me to say this on their behalf, I will tell you to go fuck yourself anyway.

Me, too.  I'm no teacher, and I don't personally know any, but yeah, on behalf of most of the teachers out there, Raist, I'd suggest that you blow it out your ass.

There are a few out there who are power-hungry bastards and total dicks, but thinking back on it, I think I can name one.  Most of the people that my classmates whined about were actually better teachers than the others.  Yes, that includes the one who wore her hair in a bun and had a glass eye.

I had a professor once who told us about his years as a schoolteacher.  One time, he saw a couple of girls beating each other up, so he separated them.  He got hauled into the office for that one, at which point he decided that college probably paid better.

You want to know the real bastards in schools?  The administrators.  It is for them that the axiom ``It is a well-known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it...  Anyone capable of getting themselves made President should by no means be allowed to do the job,'' was written.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Quote from: DarkAudit on August 02, 2007, 09:54:24 AM
I will tell you to go fuck yourself anyway.


Maybe I've just been running into all the bad cases.  The state of Colorado is going down the tubes, what with Denver taking over everything.  They're taxing our rain water, and sending it to Denver, and anybody who objects gets their kids singled out in school.


Quote from: Raist on August 02, 2007, 08:53:34 PMThe state of Colorado is going down the tubes, what with Denver taking over everything.  They're taxing our rain water, and sending it to Denver, and anybody who objects gets their kids singled out in school.

Oh, I see what you're saying.  I've run into that sort of crap before, as well.  That doesn't have anything to do with how smart the teachers are, which is what you were complaining about in your first post.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Quote from: Raist on August 01, 2007, 10:22:10 PM

I'm assuming your sister works for the American public school system.

Bingo, as a matter of fact shes a teacher for emotionally disturbed/autistic children. however she was like this long before she ever had a job.

Colorado must have its good points, and i assume its gotten better sinse Casey Young moved there.

QuoteIt tastes like burning
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


It's got beautiful scenery, and while most people complain about the lack of air up here, I argue that since it's dryer and cooler, it makes the sky feel more open.  Maybe I'm imagining things.

Colorado used to be a state with a lot of freedoms and rights, and low taxes and not very many of them, but we've got a lot of Californicators and Texans moving in and voting in bonus taxes, and a lot of our civil servants are being bribed and paid off by said Californicators and Texans.

Yes, knowing that California and Texas are downstream makes me very satisfied when I flush.(no offense to anybody here from California or Texas, you all seem quite civil, but I argue this is the exception, not the rule.)


Quote from: Raist on August 11, 2007, 11:55:13 PM

Yes, knowing that California and Texas are downstream makes me very satisfied when I flush.(no offense to anybody here from California or Texas, you all seem quite civil, but I argue this is the exception, not the rule.)

It's okay, we produce all the crap that wacks your kids and neighbors on TV, music and movies.  I'm satisfied I can be in a state that destroys the rest of the known world.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Raist on August 11, 2007, 11:55:13 PM
Yes, knowing that California and Texas are downstream makes me very satisfied when I flush.(no offense to anybody here from California or Texas, you all seem quite civil, but I argue this is the exception, not the rule.)

*coughs rather loudly*