Weird/Scary/Cool/Awesom Dreams! (Talk about yer dreams!)

Started by Nikki, August 07, 2007, 12:37:15 PM

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ok, so i'm dreaming. and i'm having a dream about me being in the Kingdom hearts world, and i'm somehow imprisoned by Organization 13. So the rest of the dream is me going along trying to escape, when i get in a battle with Mansex...erm...Xemnas 8D

So i'm getting my ass kicked and suddenly this weird silver-haired emo-looking dude comes and basically trips Manse...Xemnas, and takes me away.

So now we're in this weird room in the organization's hideout and he's telling me to go and get away So my natural reaction is to ask his name, and since i didn't know it at the time, he said it was not important and that he would help get away if i promised to stay away.

So i ask him how i could thank him, and he just says to remember him. And i guess i looked sad, so he lifted my chin then told me everything would be fine. So then i ask him if he was going to be alright and it basically turns into a romance scene (that i am SO gonna draw...) and he kisses me...but i don't get that far into the kiss, which i was REALLY enjoying, And my dad wakes me up.

I try to go back to sleep but all i can see is a monkey dancing DDR =<

So after i'm fully awake, i start thinking about the dream, and who the hell that guy was. So, instead of turning on my PS2, i go on DeviantArt and search for 'Organization 13' and i can't find him until i see some fanart of Organization 13 and i see him!

Naturally i'm really excited so i keep looking for his name...and the artist doesn't specify. So i'm pissed.

I keep looking and suddenly i see a portrait of him, and THANK THE GODS his name is there. So i find out that it's Zexion!!

And what really gets me is that i've never seen the guy before, even on the profiles in KH2. I never played chain of memories and apparently he's in could i have dreamt about him if i didn't know who he was? that's what's really got me confused...And especially since i LOVE Axel!! Why not Axel!!??


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Zexion just looks like a generic emo-kid. You probably just dreamed of a generic-looking emo kid. Either that, or you had seen a picture of him before and you had forgotten.
It's a dream. Half the time it's just your brain spewing random nonsense from your subconscious. You had a basic fangirl dream about fictional characters. It's not a cause for alarm.


Have you ever read a webcomic called Ansem Retort? He's used quite prominently in that.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


i've never seen him before!! that's the point!! and most Emo kids i dream about die halfway through the dream and have black hair!!

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Then you must be full of voodoo. It's the only explanation.

You probably just saw a picture of him online and forgot about it.


Zina's probably right. The fact that he's emo means millions of little girls want to have his emo babies and therefor vandalize the internet by slapping him up everywhere along with Sasuke.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


ewwwwwwwwwwwwww sasuke....

but i SERIOUSLY have never seen him before. Even when something like this happens with someone else, i always go 'I know i've seen him/her before...' but this time it was more like "Oh my god who the hell was that?!"

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


At least your dream kiss sounded better than the one I had in my dream last night. Ugh, slobber.  :<


Quote from: RJ on August 07, 2007, 11:38:34 PM
At least your dream kiss sounded better than the one I had in my dream last night. Ugh, slobber.  :<

Sorry. :C
Next time I'll do better.


Oh, it could be worse.  When you get really sleep deprived (or maybe when the potheads below you really start lighting up), you start mixing up reality with dreams.

That's when things start to get freaky, and you consider calling up your secretary to reschedule that lunch with JFK, and then you realize that you don't have a secretary, and only *then* do you realize that JFK has been dead for years.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Quote from: superluser on August 08, 2007, 01:40:39 AM
Oh, it could be worse.  When you get really sleep deprived (or maybe when the potheads below you really start lighting up), you start mixing up reality with dreams.

That's when things start to get freaky, and you consider calling up your secretary to reschedule that lunch with JFK, and then you realize that you don't have a secretary, and only *then* do you realize that JFK has been dead for years.
Oh frig..WHY TELL ME NOW?!

Amber Williams

Honestly? I dont buy into the whole dream=something significant.  I think the REM cycle is like a mental defragmenter that is sorting bits of memories and fluid thoughts and that if people wake up really close to that time period, they have vague recollections of the pieced together bits.  Oftentimes dreams don't hold to any rational sense and at most there may be recurring themes that might be similar to multiple people...however I buy into it as much as I buy into zodiac symbols.

As for you having a dream about him without knowing who he is?  I somewhat think you had a vivid dream, but there were vague elements and after the fact you came across a coincidence and are attributing it way too much.  I play kingdom hearts a lot from what I gather, and god knows silver haired bishounen run rampent through Squaresoft. 

Ultimately though, what matters is what you think.  If you want to give it massive credit, by all means.  If you want to chalk it up to one of those wacky coincidences, go ahead.  But I can likely bet no matter the case, it isn't going to be a singificant force in your life that really affects or matters in the grand scheme of life.


Quote from: Zedd on August 08, 2007, 01:54:56 AMOh frig..WHY TELL ME NOW?!

SPOILER: Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald!

Quote from: Amber Williams on August 08, 2007, 02:43:25 AMsilver haired bishounen run rampent through Squaresoft.

True.  When I first read Xze's post, I thought she ran into Sephiroth.

And as to dreams, ``''

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Hm... I think it's possible for your brain plays tricks on you, and if there's something in a dream that worries you, and you go searching for it. And then you end up attributing it to something in desperation for an answer and closure. It's a deja vu feeling when you finally think you've found the answer.

Quote from: superluser on August 08, 2007, 03:24:33 AM
True.  When I first read Xze's post, I thought she ran into Sephiroth.

And as to dreams, ``''

Sephiroth is the kissing-type?

Amber Williams

Quote from: RJ on August 08, 2007, 09:08:11 AM
Sephiroth is the kissing-type?

Well if all those ladies who claim Sephiroth is their soul mate and are married to him are right...


One day, I will get married to a fictional character.
And we will happily ever after in my fanfics. You'll be jealous. :C


ok i had another dream like the one i mentioned, and it wasn't as bad...just a little bit creepier...

and as for the silver-haired bishies..well..i guess silver and white are popular cuz they're not natural? 8D

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: Amber Williams on August 08, 2007, 03:27:49 PM
Quote from: RJ on August 08, 2007, 09:08:11 AM
Sephiroth is the kissing-type?

Well if all those ladies who claim Sephiroth is their soul mate and are married to him are right...
Then there's going to be some shit going down when they figure out.

Aisha deCabre

Quote from: Xze-Xze on August 08, 2007, 04:10:48 PM
ok i had another dream like the one i mentioned, and it wasn't as bad...just a little bit creepier...

and as for the silver-haired bishies..well..i guess silver and white are popular cuz they're not natural? 8D

Oh it's easy.  They make a lot of silver-haired bishes for the sole purpose of fans drawing them as wolves.   :P

...Well that's what DA says!  >.>

On another note, I must say that I've never had a dream so vivid and was able to remember it.  Even when concerning a video game, but whatever dreams are it's simply a part of the mental experience.  Think of it like your subconscious remembers things better than your conscious does.  :3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


i AWAYS can recall my dreams...i just can never continue ones that are interrupted =<

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I watched a bunch of horror movies a few nights ago, then wound up having a dream in which some muslim guy (lots of them in my neighborhood) beat up my little brother and I crucified the guy using discarded rebar and my foot :erk
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Quote from: Zina on August 08, 2007, 04:09:00 PM
One day, I will get married to a fictional character.
And we will happily ever after in my fanfics. You'll be jealous. :C

Why not now?  One lady married herself, and another guy married his dog.  Looks like right now's the time for bizarre marriages.

I now pronounce you Fictional Character, and Wife.

On the topic of dreams, I tend to agree with both Amber AND Superluser.  Usually, it's just your subconscious on defrag, but sometimes, there's significance.  I was into dream interpretation once, but I've since abandoned it, as it can be VERY DANGEROUS if done by the wrong people.  99% of humanity are these "wrong people."

Amber Williams

Another issue with dreams is that people tend to focus on details but not the overall theme.  I've seen people who have those dozen inch thick dream-books trying to decipher the smallest details of their dream that they tend to gloss over just the overall experience. 

Rather than focus on the individual players, you should instead consider the overall theme: imprisonment and rescue.  If you are one to buy into dream meanings, those two themes tend to often imply that you A) are feeling trapped in some aspect of your life and B)there is an aspect in your life you feel is being neglected. 

But really it all depends on how much people want to buy into deeper meaning of dreams and such.  If it really turns your crank to think your dream has some big connection with forces beyond, then go to town with it.   Whatever makes you happy.


Quote from: Zina on August 08, 2007, 04:09:00 PM
One day, I will get married to a fictional character.
And we will happily ever after in my fanfics. You'll be jealous. :C

Hooray! :>


Quote from: Amber Williams on August 08, 2007, 11:23:44 PM
Another issue with dreams is that people tend to focus on details but not the overall theme.  I've seen people who have those dozen inch thick dream-books trying to decipher the smallest details of their dream that they tend to gloss over just the overall experience. 

Exactly. Whenever I'm stressed over deadlines, I tend to have dreams where I go on trips and leave behind something important, and by the time I realize it, it's too late.
Details and the setting are normally different, but the theme is always the same.
People need to realize that details within dreams typically aren't important, but the overall theme can be pretty enlightening. Dreams can help you come to terms with issues you weren't even aware are problems.


Quote from: Kasarn on August 09, 2007, 12:03:14 AM

Hooray! :>

I registered for the express purpose of marrying Pygmalion's statue of Galatea (which I had to add).

Now I'm probably going to get tons of spam.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


ok maybe we can turn this into a 'talk about your dreams' thread...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3




On a slightly similar topic, does anyone else have a special dreaming period when they have one or more dreams? I find that before you have to wake up, if you reserve above half an hour just for sleeping in, you can have 1 or more dreams..... at lest, thats the case for me...


You mean by waking up and then going back to sleep?  Yeah, I usually have multiple dreams then, and they're almost always the weirdest.