Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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Prof B Hunnydew

I am not sure, about the guard. He has head trauma and I darn not use any drugs.   I will strap the guard down if you want.  The guards chip is dormant, now without the control signal.  I need to see how he will react in a non brotherhood control environment, once he is awake.  Chad could be out of it for a few days, once I flush his system of the drugs that evil Doc ejected into him. " reports the doctor


lucas marcone

Josh hung up the phone. "Well Dorcan looks like we'll get that card game afterall." Josh said tossing the phone aside.

Prof B Hunnydew

Inside one of the van with isolation field on full, the Doctor secures the guard.  She is sure, he will sleep for now, but her thoughts and worries are on Chad.  The young doctor was not doing well, she would have to flush his system of the unknown poison from that evil bulldog.  Chad's chip also non functional, but the drug was reacting with the chip, and it is breaking down.

Sally has no choice, she is going to have to remove the chip from Chad....and remove this poison from him.  She closes the curtains of the van.  She removes Chad's shirt, and then her own.  The Doc needed to cover her friend with herself to touch him fur to fur as much as she can. She pours her life force into him, as steady light fills the van's windows.  She see that the young doctor's breathing was getting quick and shallow, his heartbeat irregular.  She knows, only her hope is her magic alone.  The poison is becoming too unpredictable, for the normal medical technologies.  She places her hand on Chad's heart and pushes the muscle numbing poison out of the heart and body.  She forces it into his kidneys.   

Chad's life signs returns as the drug is pull out of his blood. After that, the otter girl pulls herself up and cuts into her patient's neck.  Her hands guide by her magical senses, she quickly cut the implant out as her magic heals her own cuts.  She is faint with exhaustion.  Her hands quakes a little, she has to heal her own mistakes and remembering to heal his nerves. Finally, she drops the chip into an empty plastic bowl.

  Sally quickly cleans up her paws and then the tried otter goes to check up on the patient only to fall asleep on him.     Dr Joywaves is found half naked over her equally naked friend/patient Chad Westling


lucas marcone

Josh was the first to discover the two. He was curious as to the light. "Doc! wow! way to go Chad!" then he realizes something and quickly closes the door. "They're fine..... really they are!"


   Jexx looked up at Josh. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but then closed it, shaking his head. Jexx picked himself up and walked over to a tree trunk and settled down in front of it, crossing his handcannons in front of him and going still.
   His eyes didn't close.

lucas marcone

Josh reopened the door and poped inside. He put both parties shirts back on.  "Didn't know you guys were sleepin'. Something with that kinda lightshow must have tired you out, huh sal? Josh rested a hand on sally's forhead. "Rememdium lux lucis vulnus." Josh watched as she started glowing faintly.

Prof B Hunnydew

Josh will notice that Sally has lost weight, some 10-20 pounds, and is now on the slim side.  She is also very pale in her ears and nose.  Yet, after the gift of magical energy from Josh, the doctor looks more asleep than in a coma.  Her breathing grows stronger as a golden glow pulses over her for a second.  Her hand reaches for the sheet covering and she covers herself and Chad as her cuddles with Chad for the night.

The guard also sleep through the night, and a new dawn finds the Doc looking a mess in ill fitting clothes and shriving with her morning coffee by a small fire.


Ryudo Lee

The night passes and the dawn comes.  As probably most everyone starts to wake with the morning sun, a new sound would bring them to attention: the sound of three vehicles coming to a halt in their staging area.  The doors to the vehicles opened and several rebellion soldiers, and a few doctors, started pouring out of the vehicles.  The one who appeared to be in charge stepped forward and saluted the group.
"Backup has arrived." He said to the group and turned to other groups of soldiers "You, set up a perimeter, you get the lab ready, you get the supplies."
As the leader of the troops gave his orders, the doctors approached the group.
"We were told that you were able to detain some of the people from town.  Where are they?" One asked.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"In that van," said Dorcan, pointing.  "One of the doctors from the hospital, and a security guard who was with him at the time."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx, being awake the whole night, unable to sleep in this open environment (though it's not a problem for him, he's 'trained' himself to be able to go without sleep for a time), heard the incoming vehicles well before he saw them. He stood up, and just a short time after, the vehicles rolled into the camp. Even though he knew full well they were on the same side, Jexx was very tensed up; his handcannons were even charged. It took a great deal of internal strength to will himself to calm down. When he did, he stood back and decided to just watch what was going on for now.

Prof B Hunnydew

 "Eeeek!" shrieks the Doc at first sight of the rebel doctors at a distance.  She races from van to van looking for something as she tries keep her oversize clothes from flying off her  She finally finds her suitcase in with the patients and then flies inside to locks the doors. 

The van does a short dance as the doctors walk up to the van... "ah Dr Joywaves.?" asks one of the doctor.. But the stern Head Doctor tries to open the lock door and bangs on the back doors. "Open up in there Joywaves!"

The young otter doctor pops out of front side door as she hastily fixes and straightens her clothes up.  "These are my patients Doctor..." shouts Sally as she comes around to the back.

".... Not any more, DOCTOR! if you can't stop yourself from abusing them.." shouts the rebel head doctor and stops as he look at her.  "It seem you have taken my advice and loss a few pounds." he says  with a smirk.

" Grrr Is this because I wouldn't bake you Brownies?" asks Sally with a cute smile.

" This is about your unprofessional matters, your seemly conduct that you must act about at all times."

The other doctor and staff were moving Chad to the lab area and were about to remove the guard, "Wait stop, he still has the implant.. Is it safe for him to going outside of the radio anti-EM field of the van?" Ask Sally as she stop them from remove him.



The approach of the vans alerted Morgan and he warily watched their approach.  He still had a slight nagging headache, but it did not effect his focus. 

When rebellion forces exited, he relaxed and soundlessly dropped from the tree, landing gracefully.

Standing, he walked over to the person in charge and gave him a warm smile, "Top of the morning to you lads, I trust you had a safe journey and roads were clear of traffic on your way to work... or for those of you who aren't of the service, no incidents travelling and you weren't observed on your way here?"

As he greeted the soldiers, he spied Sally out in his peripheral vision, "Er, what is with the doctor?  She is on an excellent weight loss program."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

Josh woke to a loud commotion. "For the love of the holy father some people are still trying to sleep! Oh F*** it I'm up!" Josh had only gotten a few hours sleep and looked the part as well. Josh struggled to keep himself from shivering with fatigue and he was completely zonked, so he went to find something to eat. "Anyone make breakfast yet?" He asked to noone in particular.


Stirring from it's short morning diagnostic cycle, the warbot shakes off the last of it's 'sleep' and marches over to the apparent leader of the reinforcements, heavy pistol already in hand as it glares at them.

"State your identification immediately." it intones calmly.


Dorcan looked confused.  Have I erred?  He wondered.  It had been reasonable enough to assume that these were the reinforcements, since they had arrived politely and not killed anyone.  This was in stark contrast to the Brotherhood, whose method of greeting him thus far had consisted solely of pointing guns at his head.

But if Exo didn't recognise them...?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


If Morgan had possessed fuzzy fox ears, they would have laid flat against his head, as it was his demeanor shifted to defensive, The Exo unit does not recognize them, this could be a problem.

Morgan stood by, ready to act if the answer did not satisfy Exo.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   Jexx also noticed that Exo didn't seem to recognize their reinforcements. He looked around at them, and his paranoid side started creeping up in him. This could be nothing, or it could be something. But don't take chances. he thought.
   Jexx placed his handcannons behind him, and softly began charging them. They emmited a faint red glow and a barely audible low hum.

Paladin Sheppard

Being shielded by the van Doc Joywaves had taken up residence in, Victor drew one of his pistols and walked round the side. Keeping the pistol behind his back he looked over to Sally.

"You ok Doc?"

lucas marcone

"Oh come off it you paranoid skeeze balls! If they were anyone other than the rebels we'd be dead by now!....And where on earth did I put my shirt!?" josh's attitude was just getting going.

Ryudo Lee

The leader of the soldiers turned to Exo with a sort of confused look on his face.
"Exo, stand down.  You know damn well who we are." He said. "We're your backup.  Control informed you that we were coming yesterday."
It was quite obvious that he and the rest of them were Rebellion.  They were all wearing Rebellion uniforms.  Heck, this guy just called him by his name.  Exo might even recognize a few of them if he were to look around.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Prof B Hunnydew

"Oh oh Dr Stern, think of the patients... not only these ones..but all of the ones in town.  If we shut the brotherhood control signal down.  How will they react with the chip still inside their heads?   Will they seek treatment after this is over?  What treatment is going to be better for all of them.  Will they know what the brotherhood has done on their own? 
         This guard needs to wake up in a control environment.  If we are going to get any answers!!!" shouts Sally at the head rebel doctor...

Meanwhile the guard is waking.... *groan*



"Sally... Sally... just calm down," Dorcan said, standing between her and the medics as though she was about to attack them.  "I don't think anyone has suggested shutting down the signal until we better understand what it will do to the populace."

These guys are nuts, he thought to himself, and not for the first time.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

The doctors backed off as Sally started shouting.
"Woah, woah, calm down." One said. "That's all what we're here to find out.  We brought a lab to do some testing to see what, if anything, we can do for these people."
He motioned to the larger van where some soldiers were pulling out supplies and building up a makeshift lab.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Prof B Hunnydew

"Okay Well, I should I can"  starts Sally
"*groan* God, Ma just five more minutes." moans the guard with his eyes still close.
"Fine, Five minute.." says the otter doctor and closes the vans doors on the guard patient and leaves the other doctors to finish building the Lab.

She walks over to Chad, as he is now, more awake... and asks him how he is feeling...
"Hey, Sal, you are still not playing nice with the administers, I see." says Chad.  "May I ask why I'm or we are in the woods with a bunch of military types.?"

"Yes, but first do you remember anything about the brotherhood?  Dear Chad?  What are your feelings towards they now?" asks Doc Sally with a kind smile.



Exo stands for a moment, muttering as it runs through image recognition and it's internal database.

"Ah, you." it eyes the leader, change in tone subtle on the last word, but still noticeable by more alert listeners. "I should have expected Jackson to send you of all people. No matter."

It pauses, thinking.

"Query: Why the sudden deployment of reinforcements? Unless you are foolishly planning to storm the tower there is very little a group of this size can do in this scenario."


Morgan relaxed a bit, relieved that he didn't need to engage in more pacification duties.  Bowing a bit in apology, Morgan flatly stated, "Just being cautious."

Dismissing himself, he headed over to the van containing the supplies and produced a few standard issue field rations.  He consumed them with gusto, not minding the taste of condensed nutrition.

He then retrieved his case from the van.  Carefully he opened it and began his morning ritual of cleaning the large rifle.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

Josh, not knowing what a standard feild ration is or where they were, didn't think to look. Only after seeing Morgan eating...or what looked like it did he realize that's where the food was. So he got a ration and sat down hopeing a "good" brekfast would take the edge off a night of little sleep.

Ryudo Lee

"We're not going to storm the tower.  That would be foolish.  We're under specific orders from Jackson.  If you think that you can undo whatever it is that the Brotherhood has done to these people, we're here to help in whatever way we can.  We have soldiers, supplies, and a mobile lab.  If you don't think you can undo it, we're here to take control of this area for further study, hence the lab and the white-coats, and then send you back to HQ for your next assignment.  But it all boils down to this: is it possible to undo what the Brotherhood has done to these people?" The lead soldier says, and awaits an answer.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"That remains to be seen as to whether the method of control can be removed, something we may be able to make headway on, assuming your convoy brought more specialized medical equipment - which it seems to have - and more..." it lowers it's voice for a moment, glancing to Sally, then back to the leader "...experienced and disciplined personnel."

"Consideration: It may be necessary to remove the nerve center of this operation - ie, the transmitter - as simply cauterizing the individual recievers may not be enough, if the indoctrination is of sufficient strength. On the other hand it may be possible to broadcast a countersignal to block out the Brotherhood's propoganda... there are a number of possible solutions, any one of which could be a success or... it pauses "...a catastrophic failure. After all, the last thing we want to do is subject any of the citizens to anything unpleasant in our attempts to nullfy the Brotherhood's control."

Exo stops talking, then glances at the mobile lab. [That thing must have been hell to get down the old roads...], it pondered to itself.

"For now, only time may hold an answer to this situation-- something we have plenty of; unless the Brotherhood discover our location."

lucas marcone

Josh threw a small branch near Exo's feet. "Nock on wood, mandroid."
It was his small way of showing consern and comradery.