Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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"Let's just say the Brotherhood is an enemy of all. Thanks." Gerald explained, "The Brotherhood have been bugging and hacking me trying to get to my major battle AI systems, I used to program for the military. So, frustrated, I uploaded my two most important AIs into me, and wiped my computer's hard drive with a super magnet. Besides, everytime I get a patdown, they dismiss it, asuming it's as old as it looks. That, and it can be programed to look like most any weapon."


Dorcan looked around. He'd never actually frisked someone before and he was afraid he'd get it wrong.  But there was no-one else he could see to hand.

Jexx was going to be rough, Victor and Morgan had left camp, and Griff had too by the looks.  Josh was asleep, Exo... somehow he couldn't see Exo frisking an organic lifeform working out too well.  Or Mister for that matter.  That left Baiye and the doctor. 

Here goes nothing, he thought and gave it his best shot.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


  Other than a concealed laptop that was pressed up inside Gerald's backpack, Dorcan found very little, not even much food left in it, most of the food was just berries and other abundant fruit.
   "Ya know, I wouldn't trust those, Mars says they're good for me, but I swear he wants me dead... Do you know where I could salvage some parts for my laptop? I could always use some upgrades!" Gerald said, obviously sidetracked, or derailed completely for that matter...


   Jexx was slightly relieved that Dorcan's search yielded nothing more dangerous than a laptop that might give you a bruise if swung, but Jexx still wasn't entirely convinced. It was something that this Gerald said. "You said that one of the two AIs in your head is a combat AI." Jexx narrowed his eyes. "What are it's capabilities, exactly?"


Gerald sighed, "To tell you the truth, I don't know it's full extent, or all of his capabilities. What I do know is this: 1: He increases my speed, strength, and endurance; 2: He can use most any weapon, even if it's impromptu; 3: He increases my accuracy to more than pinpoint; and 4: I can only do one of two things: wait, or abort. Mars, or 'Project: Mars' as he was conceived, was designed to be a standalone war droid AI, set to be in mass production in three years, not an assistant AI. I heard the brotherhood was making a new war droid factory, so I ran. Panicking, I put his files 'next' to Omega's, and so, whenever I'm forced to attack, Mars activates and pushes my body to its limits. But I'd rather be in pain for a few days than dead." He smiled.


   "Ok, the creepiness of having some voice in your head posses you at any time aside...what I'm really concerned about is; is this 'Mars' any good at hand-to-hand or close-quarter combat?" Jexx inquired.


Gerald thought about it, "Well, he doesn't specialize in it no, he likes... more intresting things, for lack of a better term... I'd say just about fifth Kyū, not real good, I've seen better..."


   Jexx just continued to hold his handcannons out, the red glow from the barrels still present. Well, if essentially weaponless he wasn't that much of a threat...
   "Ah, caution and paranoia be damned." The red glow from the barrels went out, and Jexx lowered his handcannons. Of course, he didn't morph them into hands, he only does that when he actually as immediate need of them.


"So... wacha' guys doing anyways? Any way I could help?" Gerald asked, his cyber eye fixed on Dr. Joywave's computer.
Umm, Omega, Error E:M:432, Eye's not moving
<Shut up, I know, this is intresting, look!> She said, hushed, relaying the information being sent to the computer to Gerald's eye as well.
This is intresting... Gerald thought, hiding a smile.


"Good sirs and madam," Mister addressed Gerald (assuming that was the proper introduction to a multiminded entity), "While we apologize for our earlier reaction, I would not yet ask that were I you. Innocent though you may be, an untrained man in an otherwise balanced team may jeopardize this mission. Furthermore, I don't believe our superiors would be entirely pleased with our taking on apprentices."


Baiye streached and yawned from her place snuggled beneath a nearby tree. Good food, comfortable ride... it made her so drowsy. Aaaahynnn... She didn't even notice the cat that had caused the ruckus at first - still half asleep in her dreamworld of wires, nuts, and bolts.

Gidget messaged her a "silent" communicaion - straight from his internal drive to her headphones, relaying the details of the last twenty minutes or so... and especially perking her interest at the mention of the AI's. She seemed almost visibly intrigued, her grey eyes alit and a smile creeping up on her face.

"Mornin'." She pulled herself to her feet, streaching her arms up and twisting her shoulder blades as she woke herself up.

"So - Gid mentions something about an A.I.? Or two? That's nifty... Can they upload themselves elsewhere? Say if we needed to interrogate you... could you put your AI into Gidget, perhaps? For all purposes he's stripped of weaponry - worst he could do was bite somebody... so it seems a little more... Practical."

"I object..."

"Overruled, Canoid 001. You're my toy - I can play with you if I want." She smiled a somewhat evil grin, her eyes sparkling.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Ah I may not be military minded, but Uploading an combat AI into even a unarmed robotic Dog, may not be a "good" idea.  Especially an AI who may want to kill his creator and the robot can repair niuld things." the good Doc Pipes up as she finds the bullet in Gerald.  "Now, WE will stay still because this is going to hurt"

The bullet wound area suddenly feels warm and Gerald's nanites report that the bullet is moving slowly back up the wound path as the flesh begins to healing and closing up behind it.  There is a dull pain caused by the bullet recuts the fresh.  The pain inceases as the bullet reaches the skin and than the air.  The bullet falls to the ground as the pain gets to be like a hot iron, but the otter quickly covers the bullet hole with her paw and the warm milk feeling returns and then it fades away.  The wound is heal as good as new.

The Doctor looks very tried as she stumbles to her feet and slowly walks to the vans. 
"Come on lets get packing, if we have to move." grumbles Sally  The doctor looks exhausted, and stops to rest against the nearest van.



Exo pops it's head out of the main command van, scanning down the group with thermals out of laziness.

"Irate Request: Would you all please stop making so much noise? Fine-tuning configuration of a phase frame manifold is extremely-- oh--" It pauses. "Disregard previous statement. New response: Query: Who is this newcomer?"


   "Eh, he's a shifty guy if you ask me. I'm still not sure I trust him, but oh well. That's probably not quite what you wanted to hear, warbot. He says he was lost in the woods, and happened to stumble his way here. He's got a mix-n-match laptop, some funky energy pistol that can disguise itself as just about any other kind of pistol, and two damn queer AIs locked up in his head that can take control of him at any time. One of 'em is supposed to be a tactical analyst of some sort, the other is a combat AI." Jexx explained.
   "In fact, if he had made a wrong move, (which he almost did), you probably would have missed the fireworks. Or barbacue. Or whatever your preferance."

lucas marcone

"I rather like BBQ. specially with smokey sauce." Josh's voice lazily meandered out of the van he was trying to sleep in.


"Woah, hey! I am NOT queer thank you very much! And besides, we're not 'locked up' here! We can jump out at any time!" Mars yelled in his own special way: a dark, deep, near demonic voice.
"Calm down... what he means is, they can go to anywhere onto anything with a wireless reciver... So long as it allows uploads..." Gerald added, "And as for the 'killing me' bit, he knows his algoritums lead to self-termenation if he does not follow the Laws of the Machine. Oh! Speaking of which, may I use my laptop?"

lucas marcone

Josh unable to sleep wandered over. "what he means is strange not homosexual." Josh sat down. "I think haveing multiple personalities of your own free will is a bit odd too. dosen't one tend to try to get rid of the excess personas?"


Exo makes a 'snrk' noise, then pauses. Then snickers some more before suppressing itself.

"Correction: You forget, young comrade, that Unit does not miss. Unit merely fires warning shots." It blinks, changing to UV as it looks at Gerald, then flicks back to standard colour. "Negative. We cannot risk our location being given away so soon. In fact, one of you, bring it over here."

Of course, any attempts to access Exo's systems by the AI are fruitless, since he has no connection, though would easily be mistaken for a humanoid in a battlesuit - save for the method of speech.


   "I'll be only too happy to oblige!" Jexx said. Jexx walked over behind Gerald, only morphing one handcannon into a hand at the last moment, and taking a firm grip on his shoulder. The other handcannon was pressed into Gerald's back, prepared to be used, but not actually powered up. Jexx figued he could afford a little 'leniency'.
   "You heard the big bot. Start walking. And if you have any thoughts otherwise, take a good look at him. Is that the kind of robot you wanna argue with?" Jexx asked rhetorically.


"No, but then, in most of my arguments with AIs or androids, they're right on the nose." Gerald grinned, walking, "Hey! no need for the cannon thingy!"


   "If I think there's a need for my cannons, then there's a need for my cannons." Jexx said, grinning back. With just a veeeery slight psychotic tinge to it. Jexx escorted Gerald all the way to the back of the van, where Exo was waiting.
   "He's all yours, Exo." Jexx said, releasing Gerald.


((OOC: Stop bullet posting both of you, fgs.))

Exo reaches out one hand toward Gerald. "The laptop, if you'd be so kind."

Paladin Sheppard

In Town

Deciding that he'd do some recon on the Brotherhood facility in town, Victor walked towards the tower. Just short of reaching it he stoped in an ally and started to scan the place using the zoom and IR functions of his eyes.


"What are these so-called 'Laws of the Machine'?" asked Dorcan, following Gerald as he was led to Exo.  "I take it they are something to do with the Brotherhood of the Machine?" he added nervously.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"They're a set of laws I created for robotic and electronic entitys." Gerald explained, giving his laptop to Exo, "And, no this has nothing to do with those coo-coos."
"The first law basicly state that a robot or AI cannot harm a human without authorization from creator, and must give said human a warning and ample responce time, unless told otherwise." Omega explained "The second law states that a robot or AI must stop any very hazardous activitys that would result in human casualtys, unless given an override."
"That's the jist of it, keeping it from going on a rampage due to a virus or something..." Gerald finished


"So it doesn't apply to furs, then," said Dorcan, his worst fears confirmed.  "..or sentient robots..." he added, looking at Gid and Exo.
"Come to that, it doesn't apply to you, does it?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Well, it has a verrry broad description of a human, in fact, I should have said life form. I mean, that would be dumb on my account, being a furre myself. Omega! Define 'Human'" Gerald frowned, "I perfer 'anthro' myself... oh well..." he added, mumbling
"Human- A sentient creature."
"They very so much, I couldn't get a detailed definition if I needed one."


Exo steps fully out of the van, holding the laptop carefully in one hand as it opens it up and goes through the motions of starting it up. Gerald (or any of his AIs) might notice the bot has no obvious access ports, and also surely notice that the 'bot is using it's hands as any non-implanted being might.

"Query: Login?" it glances at Gerald.

Ryudo Lee

Victor wouldn't get much from his scan, just all the usual stuff that comes with a Brotherhood tower.  Although, he would get a very faint signature of an electromagnetic field.  It was weak, very weak, such that his sensors were having a hard time locking onto it, but it was definitely emanating from the tower.
"Hey mister!  Whatcha doin'?" A child's voice came from behind.
A male kitten, standing no higher than his waist was looking at him from the other side of the alley.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Name is Scavenger, PW is 'I reject your reality and substitute my own'"