Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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lucas marcone

"If that is the case we will need some water and provisions, Mia." Josh said. "Man, we'll be ready for the apocalypse if we keep going at this rate." Josh snickered to himself.


"My apologies for messing you around like this, Doctor," Dorcan began calmly as they entered the office.

"Mr. Phoenix will have to be told of course, but I don't want the others to know that I'm an android yet."  He sighed.  It was a very good sigh - he even exhaled.  But his chest didn't move - the air being drawn in through his nose.

"I guess they will work out it eventually, but I'd like to stall this for a while until I can better judge what their reaction is likely to be.  For now, I'm happy to let them think I have augmentations... which is true, in a way.

Do you still wish to scan me?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

"An android?  Well, that explains the wings and stuff... The Scanner is also good with mechanical devices..Many of your -our team mates will be surprise I even know about a some of their cyber improvements.  But you could have them remove your wings even temporary, for this mission. No?  And don't worry to much about being an android to this lot, they all have something to hide.?  Do you want Braiye to know this?" asks the Doc

The doctor does laid a hand on Dorcan and sudden Dorcan read the doctors feelings but also that the doctors sense his own feelings, something he like he would feel with another cubi.  She just doesn't know how or what she is doing.  she sudden pulls back in shock, when she see Dorcan reading her too.

"OH OH ah Well, If there is nothing I can do for .. for you , Mr Dorcan" stammer the Doc" Please send Braiye in "  She opens the door and send Dorcan out.


"The wings are natural where I come from," he said.  "although they do mark me for a magical Creature.  When I was still alive, before my... accident... I was able to hide them by magic, which I had to because we were hated and feared by ordinary mortals.
While I probably could remove them, it would prompt some awkward questions.  Especially when I put them back in.  And no, I'll tell Baiye in my own time, if you don't mind."

As the doctor touched him, he found he was able to sense her mind.  The doctor panicked and lost composure as she let him out.
Damn it, he thought.  The others will notice that.

"It's your turn now," he said to Baiye, and sat down.  The feeling when the doctor touched him had been so natural that it was only later when he remembered that he shouldn't able to read minds anymore.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

"This place feels alot smaller the more time I spend in here." Josh said calmly and quietly so that maybe the three closest people heard. "We need to get going soon."


Exo turns to Baiye.

"Unit is not made for field maintenance, although the transponder should be somewhere around..."

It traces one finger over it's chest plate, then taps twice in one place. The plate loosens and the bot lifts it away, revealing an extremely solid internal structure with wires everywhere. Most of it is empty and could easily suit many upgrades for future work. It peers down into the tangled mess, then taps a small black box.

"...there, if schematics are correct. Do not touch the power core."

The power core is indeed pretty dangerous looking, a metal cylinder held in the frame, many many wires running off it to various modules in the casing, and the cylinder is marked with hazard stripes. Through small slits in the casing, an intense white light pours out, though there is no radiation emission.

Exo then turns it's head towards Morgan, holding still.

"If Unit's transponder is still functional, then Unit will attempt to infiltrate and investigate the Tower, whilst the remainder of the group examine the populace of Northon. My transponder will allow an approximate hour window of disguise before the Brotherhood start paying attention once I have entered the tower. This should be more than long enough. If the source of control is the tower, then it may be impossible, or extremely dangerous, for any of the group to attempt to go near the tower, depending on signal strength."

It pauses, thinking, then points at Jexx.

"Jexx, examination of other high places may also yield vital information. It would not be impossible that the Brotherhood would hide their control method in plainer sight, such as a church's bell tower."

It pauses again.

"In fact, the only way the Brotherhood could subvert control of this unit would be to physically find an emergency access port, of which there is only one, hidden in a compartment in the right wrist. Accessing the port requires the correct application of pressure in the correct spot, as with the chest plate... note the Brotherhood no longer have any schematic or research data regarding this unit, and subversion becomes almost impossible. This unit possesses no wireless connection capability, for extremely good reason... if any back door systems remain in place, then the Brotherhood would no doubt aim to use them to regain control. Given this unit's choice of alliegance... suffice to say, results would not be pretty for the Rebellion if this unit was subverted at the correct time..."


Griffith replied to Josh.

"It's a bloody town, it's not going to go away in a few hours. Relax."

Ryudo Lee

Jackson cleared his throat to get attention focused back on him.
"Well, it appears you all seem to know what you're doing.  Use your best judgment.  Use discretion.  And above all, keep everyone safe.  We don't want any innocents caught in the crossfire." He says and then looks at his watch. "I have something to attend to.  Your vans are out back, be careful."
With that, he turned and walked out, leaving the map of Northon open on the wall.

Mia finished writing up everyone's requests and headed over to the equipment stockpile to fill as many of the requisitions as she could.
"This could take a little while." She says as she heads to the stockpile.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Paladin Sheppard

Victor leaned against the wall next to the office as Docan walked out. "Spose I need to get checked out aswell...After the Doc checks out Baiye." He chews on an unlit cigar butt. "You lot have fun now, I'm sticking round but not enough cash in this mission for me, maybe later."


   Jexx was standing around watching the proceedings. But when Dorcan (whom Jexx could not stop thinking of as Bizarre-O-Wing) came out of Doctor Sally's office (in an unusually short amount of time) said doctor looked quite shaken, while Dorcan looked fairly normal.
   What the-, Jexx thought. Waaaiiit a sec, a very pretty doctor, a strange guy from another world we know nearly nothing about, wanted his freaking examination in private, and now the Doctor looks like someone just....just... Jexx then narrowed his eyes and stared, hard, straight at Dorcan. I'm not much one for chivalry, but if you threatened or touched her, I will personally rip your wings right off. Because that is just plain wrong. Jexx thought this almost as if he thought Dorcan could actually hear him. What Jexx didn't realize is that Dorcan did. As these intense thoughts roilled out of Jexx, just for one moment, his markings glowed again...


Baiye blinked hastily as Dorcan called her over to Joywave's office...

"Half a mo', Exo - I guess I need my checkup too... Gid; can you check it out for a moment? See how it's hooked in?" She smiled, "And I know better than to mess with a power core I didn't install."

"M'kay. But won't come within a tail-length of that power core - it scares me." To Exo, he added "Don't make any sudden movements... If you had an upload port this would be so much easier... but no worries."

She turned and jogged over to the Doctor's makeshift office - She seemed a little out of sorts, sitting in her chair - but maybe her head was just spinning from dealing with this onslaught of new recruits. Baiye's was.

"Any information you need? I'm 100% organic, but that's about it...." She hesitated a moment, not meaning to pry, but...

"Are you alright, Doc? You don't look so good yourself..."

In the meantime, Gidget was up on his hind paws, barely peeking down Exo's open chest plate - his tounge sticking out in concentration and his ears flicking furiously as he analyzed the sparse tangles of wires and chips.

As he worked, he made some small talk, bringing up his own systems.

"I have a wireless and a wired connection port I use frequently - I suppose my system has more back doors than front doors." he chuckled once as he continued peering down into Exo's system. "But Baiye installed somewhat of a 'self-destruct' device - I can wipe my entire memory drives, so I'd be of no use, should the Brotherhood get a hold of me. Not that I'd want them to.... Ah, I think I spotted it Exo - but I don't want to touch it - I'll leave that for Baiye to work out. Clumsy paws and all." Gid pushed gently off Exo's frame, sliding back into a seated position, looking up at the much taller 'bot.


Dorcan heard someone hating him as he studied the map that Jackson had left.
He was used to hate although they seemed to have some very odd ideas about what had happened between him and the Doctor.  He smiled faintly to himself.  The body Jakob had designed was sufficiently complete for him to be able to do the sorts of things that the other person was thinking in terms of, but such thoughts were far from his mind.
In any case, it meant they didn't know he was a machine yet.  Dorcan's brow furrowed as he suddenly remembered that he shouldn't be able to hear anyone's thoughts at all.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan removed his jacket and unstrapped his shoulder holsters for the ion pistols.  He placed them, as well as his laptop, in the trunk of his car, but he paused when he noticed the case.  He stared at it for a few moments and finally removed the large gray case before closing the trunk. 

Morgan did not put this case down, he seemed a little apprehensive as he stood there holding it, but anyone would if they carried a light vehicle cannon masquerading as a rifle.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

"oh Oh Okay No no I'm fine, Dorcan is little unusual... It is my re-action to something he ..Well, he can tell you when he is ready, and It is not threatening at least to us."  says the Doctor.  She slowly loses her shocked look as she goes about her business with her equipment.

"Well, my dear girl, Since you seem to want a private exam, too.  Let's close the door and I will asks that you just remove her shirt, and we do a full exam."  says Dr Joywaves as she checks her scanner and looks into Braiye's eyes and ears.  She seems to avoid touching Braiye, when she was very touchy feely with everyone else out in the common area.  Something else she didn't use with the others. the Doctor goes to get her stethoscope out of the her bag, as she waits for Braiye to take off her shirt. 



Baiye blinked again.

"Uh, Okay." She had the faint feeling she was trying to hide something, but she pushed it out of her mind as something that she didn't need to get involved with - at least not right now.

Baiye blushed as the doctor asked her to take off her shirt, hesitated a moment, and then proceeded to pull off her short tactical vest, followed by her equipped electronics, as well as her gloves and the armband around her right elbow - which left her in her  skin-tight crop-top "flight suit" - a sort of matte spandex, one supposes.

"Er, will this do? I can't take off much more without feeling... a little under-dressed."  She blushed a wondrous shade of magenta - and her typical embarrassed smile made another showing.

She wondered about the sudden change that she seemed distant. Maybe the otter had something against her? She certainly hoped not - she hated feeling so out-of-place. Joywaves said it was about Dorcan... but then why was she being so twitchy around Baiye?

Prof B Hunnydew

"Well, Baiye, You can keep your underwear and bra on, I just want to listen to your chest" says Sally with her back turn to the girl and pulls out a vile of fluid and pressure shot-gun.  "I can give you a anti-pregnancy shot good for six months, if you need it.  Unless you are pregnant, now."

Edit: the Doctor says after seeing Baiye's look, "Hey, You are a young pretty girl and we all have need, just be responsible"



"Er - Um... I, I believe I'll be just fine without it. Th-thanks for the offer." Bayie's face turned from bright magenta to pure crimson. Oh, God. What have I gotten myself into?

"Can we, um... hurry and get this over with - I'm sure we, or at least, I need to get back to the planning with the guys... and Exo's waiting on me for some circutry - I believe..." She tried her best to sound urgent without degrading to utter pleading - but this was the most invasive - No, it was just too weird for words.

Baiye hesitantly peeled off her shirt too, tossing the stretchy top on her pile with the electronics and vest. She looked down at the ground, shut up, and just waited for the exam to be over.

Prof B Hunnydew

The doctor hesitantly touches Baiye's chest and back as she listens to the girl's heart.   As more time going on, the doctor seems to grow confident and more friendly to the girl.. She finishes the exam quickly, and tells Baiye that she can get dressed. 

With a look of relief, the doc smiles at the girl.  "With that over with,  we can be friends Yes?" asks Sally as she pats the girl on the back once the tech girl is dressed again.  "I promise to send all the mechanic repairs your way." 



Baiye sighed with relief as the rest of the exam went without a hitch. She shimmied into her 'suit, pulled on the vest and re-aligned all of her gadgets. She looked up to see the otter smiling down at her, more confident now, it seemed.

"Friends." She grinned - still somewhat off-center, but better to leave as "friends" than to leave feeling awkward.

"Now, let's go see what the boys have been up to - or do you still have someone to check on?" She pushed herself off the examining table, landing with her arms spread like an Olympic gymnast. She smirked, obviously amused now.

"And was there anyone I was supposed to examine - say Exo? I don't know what to make of the golem myself - he's certainly not anything I've ever seen before... But steam technology shouldn't be that different, I would hope..." She grumbled this last comment under her breath, her mind obviously on gears again.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Yes, I may have someone I missed.." says the Doctor and opens the door to the common area and the boys with a smile.  "Okay Who did I miss?" shouts the otter to the room in general.  "Remember If you miss me now, I will find you out and It will not be pretty"


Paladin Sheppard

"That'd be me Doc." Victor says from the wall next to her, absentmindedly he swaped the cigar to the otherside of his mouth.


"It seems our part of the mission will consist of examining the locals," Dorcan said to Baiye as Sally went to examine Vic.  "I wonder whether we should go around with clipboards asking questions for a survey.  It would give us information and we could pretend we're doing market research if anyone asks awkward questions."

"By the way, did the doctor seem at all... well, odd to you?" he added.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

"Greetings Mr Davion" says the Doc with a handshake.  But once she touchs Victor, she pulls him in the office and leaves the door open. 

"Goddess, Who put these cyber systems in?  Your bio sensors were recalled years ago, you are lucky that they have not failed, yet.  Why you are not screaming in pain?.. is beyond me.  Here is this will reduce the cyber rejection." She shouts angeringly as she attack him with her shot gun.  *fusss* in his chest.  Her touch on his chest tingles and then a quick flash of warmth spreads thoughout his body.  A dull ache that was just below the surface of Victor's awareness is suddenly gone.  The cyber sensors suddenly sending more information and data for a few seconds as the mind adjusts to the backlog/speed of data from some of the cyber enhancements.   Victor feels just like new as if it is the day after he's cyber implants were installed with no pain or problems.

"Okay, I can replace the worst bio interfaces in the arms and your left leg, but not now.  As I said, you luck out in being one of the small group, who weren't very corrosive to these sensors,  and they also use a different brand sensors for the other enhancements... mmm.  Still the ones you do have are slowly failing, and are poisoning you.  You should be fine for a week with this shot, and I can do this again for a few weeks.  Still, I will asks Mia for the replacement that I need for you.  That is it, the exam is over  If you have any question, we can talk later.  Next?"


To the magic users, they only may see a flash outline around the doc and spread across Victor for a second.

Paladin Sheppard

Victor grimaced as Doc Sally gave him the news about his implants. "I'm gonna kill that brotherhood puke if I see him again, I paid for top of the line gear and I get second hand junk!" He thanked her and left.

He went looking for Jackson.


   Jexx noticed the exchange between Victor and Doctor Sally, and chuckled a little. Jexx then looked around startled when Victor said he got his imperfect equipment from the 'Brotherhood'. "Wha-what? Did you just say you got your cybernetic implants from the Brotherhood? As in, the Brotherhood of the Machine?" Jexx asked incredulusly, his suspicion levels cranking up several more notches.

Paladin Sheppard

"I did and aprently I got cheated too...Yet another thing to tack onto why I won't work for em again list." Vic turned and looked at Jexx. "I'm a merc, I take contracts but I've been screwed over by those guys too many times. If the Rebelion is willing to pay I'm willing to work. Now have you seen Jackson? I'm hoping to cut a deal with him regarding these implants"

lucas marcone

"calm down, Jexx" Josh said. "If there were a reason to worry about stuff like a tracking system he, would have been dead a long time ago."


   "Oh, that's not what I was worried about," Jexx said as Victor walked through the doorway that Phoenix had gone down himself a short time ago. After Victor had gone through, Jexx continued, "I was more worried about him still being on the Brotherhood's side." That or he could have been a brother from Project Fusion. And I don't know if that would have been better or worse. Jexx thought to himself.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Please, Boys !  Whoever implanted Victor may have run out of the right sensors at the time of his upgrade and used the bad ones out of necessary or ignorance.  Even at the present rate of decay, Victor would have had few years before he was really cribbled, but by then the poisonous mercury would have destroying much of the his normal nerves, but he would not live about a few months after that." says the Doc sadly.  "Now,Victor would have found out about this is in time, long before his death."


lucas marcone

"Maybe we should have Bayie look at the boy soon. Outdated electronics can be a pain if you don't take care of it." Josh said with a look of concern for his fellow team mate.