I think we've lost a great comic

Started by thegayhare, May 10, 2007, 12:24:26 AM

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It looks like Carpe Diem might be gone


Hmm. A few of my friends read that.
I never could get into it, personally. Kinda boring to me.


I always thought it was a tad boring as well. However, I stopped reading it a few months ago when I got bored with webcomics in general.

Anyway, announcement is here.

I never paid attention to what their LJ community was, so bleh.

edit: hooray for guessing :P

Roureem Egas

Yeah, Graveyard Greg said it's over. It's kinda sad, since I like that comic. Seems like a bunch of comics I read at length seem to either be on their home stretch or having other issues. I understand where Greg is coming from though.

For now, it seems to mean that if I wanna stare at Kevin, I'll have to haunt the LJ they have or buy the comics someday. I'd also need the space to hold stuff though, if it comes to that...

EDIT: It seems that the LJ links to where the comic was, so no archiving there. :T *puts the comic list on an eventually-to-buy list*


Aw man...

It was the only soap operaish comic I ever got into
I'll miss it

so thats two of my favorite comics shutting down

Roureem Egas

Two? What would the other one be, if you don't mind?


Quote from: Roureem Egas on May 10, 2007, 01:17:37 AM
Two? What would the other one be, if you don't mind?

The auther of Fur will Fly has announced that the comic is ending after they finish the current wedding arc.

Truthfully I'll miss Carpe Deim more

but I can understand the reasons behind it


Well, I paid attention to it and Fur Will Fly, but both really seemed to be losing steam in the past year.  Fur Will Fly lost their primary artist and apparently storywriter, as both the artwork and continuity/flow dropped off severely.  I mean, they never even got to the human-world where the alt canine Brad was still stuck.  Not to mention, it was taking forever to get anywhere.   When your main character is stuck under a refrigerator for nearly a month's worth of comics, you have problems in the writing department.   :P

I also lament the loss of silly little "Jajuka" (Charline laments it more, cuz she likes watching helpless little creatures get devoured).  The artist/writer Felpur was just getting into stride with that cunningly carnivorous python when RL demands became too great.

But that's the way of net publications.  On a better note, "Untitled" is going again, as is "A Doemain of Our Own"... which won an Ursa Major award, BTW.   Susan Deer is an awesome person.  :3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.
