It's been a while...

Started by Sid, April 28, 2007, 02:59:32 PM

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Hey there!

I'm finally back on the forum and boy, does it feel great to be here. :)
The first half of my away-phase (counting since the last chapter of Walking Down the Unseen Path) had been filled with reading all six Harry Potter books. After that, I idled for a few weeks and then stumbled over Conservapedia.

You might've heard of that place, it's made the rounds in a few news articles and tons of blogs (just google for the name and read through the results). For those who missed it: It's a Wikipedia-like encyclopedia project, but with an ultra-conservative bias. They treat the Bible as a 100% accurate document for history and science, they "know" the Earth is just 6000 years old (and that it was created by God in six days), and they are fairly certain that all negative things on this planet came from liberals. Oh, and science is, like, totally bad.

Go check it out if you like (Link), I suggest articles like "Heart", "Theory of evolution", "Kangaroo", or "Examples of Bias in Wikipedia" (to see how ultra-evil-liberal Wikipedia is in their eyes). But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Trust me, that place is full of articles that make you go ???

I actually joined the place, partly because I liked the idea of helping a young project getting to its feet, and partly because the idiocy of some people there is so extremely entertaining.

But in the end, I got perma-banned for questioning a sysop ("I am a twenty-year veteran of the United States Navy, and strongly believe in God, Jesus, the Bible, conservatism[...]") about him banning people for completely personal reasons. And I came to realize that they don't want people like me (read: people who don't take the Bible literally and try to be rational) there. They just want conservative yay-sayers to pat them on the back.

So yeah, whatever. I've been neglecting the forum and my fanfic. Gotta fix that, assuming that people here are still interested.

And do tell: What did I miss?


Wow, that evolution topic is... boring... Damn, I made it about a 1/4 of the way and had to stop reading.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Sid on April 28, 2007, 02:59:32 PM
I'm finally back on the forum and boy, does it feel great to be here. :)
Good.  I for one have noticed your absence, not least because I'm still waiting for Unseen Path to continue.

QuoteThe first half of my away-phase (counting since the last chapter of Walking Down the Unseen Path) had been filled with reading all six Harry Potter books. After that, I idled for a few weeks and then stumbled over Conservapedia.
I think the Kangaroo page alone has exceeded my BS quota for today  >:3

QuoteSo yeah, whatever. I've been neglecting the forum and my fanfic. Gotta fix that, assuming that people here are still interested.  And do tell: What did I miss?

Absolutely.  Llearch has set up a story server for various writings which he likes, and I do believe he would like to have 'Unseen Path' on it too.  I'm currently using it for drafts of 'CJP' and 'Future History'.

On the writings front, CJP has just finished a short three-chapter mini-arc, and 'Future History' is going great guns (complete with an illustration by Turnsky).  I can't remember if it was launched before or after your departure, but I do remember discussing ideas with you so I figured you might be interested in how it's turned out.

Cogidubnus has begun his own stories, Mana is working on one too and Superluser has been threatening us with one but hasn't yet published anything :P  Aisha's story is ticking over happily.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 28, 2007, 03:12:58 PM
Absolutely.  Llearch has set up a story server for various writings which he likes, and I do believe he would like to have 'Unseen Path' on it too.  I'm currently using it for drafts of 'CJP' and 'Future History'.

Look closely. It's already there. :-P

And I missed you, too Sid. Of course, you might be able to tell by the PM I sent... :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


And oh dont forget Ambers muse always win

Faerie Alex

I have this to say about Conservapedia:
Jeez I need to update this thing.


You need examples? It's Conservapedia, a website dedicated to providing information with a Conservative Bias. No examples are needed!
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...



*dies*  That's full of awesome and win.  Two cookies for you.

:mowcookie :mowcookie

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Well, you're darkmoon. I'd normally have expected you to ignore the post altogether.


Ah, see, there's your first mistake. I actually read everything, I just normally don't post.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


That makes better sense, though with the forum in the state it's in, I can't imagine it's good for your health.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I thought it was hosted in California... now I'm going to have to research it.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon on April 29, 2007, 10:48:58 AMI thought it was hosted in California... now I'm going to have to research it.

AW HAHAHAHAHAH!  snicker. cough.  BWAHAHAHAHA!  I'm not laughing at Darkmoon, I'm laughing at this:

   Andrew Schlafly
   521 Fifth Ave. - 17th Floor
   New York, New York 10175
   United States

Schlafly?  As in Phyllis Schlafly?


IP Address city:     Houston
IP postcode:    77060
IP latitude:    29.934200
IP longitude:    -95.405701
ISP:    Everyones Internet

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Darkmoon on April 29, 2007, 10:48:58 AM
I thought it was hosted in California... now I'm going to have to research it.

To be honest, I haven't got a clue. I just picked a state out of the air...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Thanks for the warm welcome, guys! The story archive server looks nice, and thanks for uploading my stuff already :)

Quote from: superluser on April 29, 2007, 11:20:29 AM
   Andrew Schlafly
   521 Fifth Ave. - 17th Floor
   New York, New York 10175
   United States

Schlafly?  As in Phyllis Schlafly?


Yes, the very same. Andrew Schlafly (son of Phyllis), the lawyer who asserts that abortions definitely increase the breast cancer rate (and incidentally offers to represent women who were not told this prior to their abortion - no conflict of interest here, no sir!) and that mandatory vaccination is evil (or something).

Here are his edits, by the way. The man made some REALLY bizarre entries and even told a doctor (special field: internal medicine) to get out when it came to editing articles about medicine (because Andy's view of things often enough goes against what scientists say... but this only means that scientists are wrong).

He also went into interviews where he stated that Wikipedia is a "mobocracy", filled with liberal bias. Oh, and that Wikipedia is "anti-intellectual" and full of porn.

Oh, but the killer (that pretty much drove me away for good) is the coverage of the Virginia Tech shooting. Aside from quickly pointing out the bad, BAD internet culture and how the killer was totally anti-Christian, Andy "found out" that the poem published by the English Class (after the events) pushes a liberal agenda: Link to box that had been on the front page.

This sparked this heated discussion. Something to keep in mind: Aschlafly (Andy), TK, Ed Poor, and Karajou are admins there.


Quote from: Sid on April 29, 2007, 01:21:46 PMAndy "found out" that the poem published by the English Class (after the events) pushes a liberal agenda: Link to box that had been on the front page.

To be fair, that's a pretty terrible poem.  It basically says something like, ``Dear grieving parents and students, your personal tragedy is not as important as the other terrible things that are going on in the world.''

That's not to say that AIDS or child soldiers or poaching or clean water or bombs or soil erosion aren't more important.  They probably are.  I just wouldn't say that to someone who just lost a child.

Also, does anybody else think that it would be fun to see Netami trolling Conservapedia?

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Quote from: superluser on April 29, 2007, 05:48:59 PM
Also, does anybody else think that it would be fun to see Netami trolling Conservapedia?
Okay, that made me laugh out loud.  It probably shouldn't, but it did...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: superluser on April 29, 2007, 05:48:59 PM
Quote from: Sid on April 29, 2007, 01:21:46 PMAndy "found out" that the poem published by the English Class (after the events) pushes a liberal agenda: Link to box that had been on the front page.

To be fair, that's a pretty terrible poem.  It basically says something like, ``Dear grieving parents and students, your personal tragedy is not as important as the other terrible things that are going on in the world.''

That's not to say that AIDS or child soldiers or poaching or clean water or bombs or soil erosion aren't more important.  They probably are.  I just wouldn't say that to someone who just lost a child.

Also, does anybody else think that it would be fun to see Netami trolling Conservapedia?

Well, yes, I'm not exactly the biggest fan of the poem, either. But saying that it's pushing a "liberal agenda" is... a bit much. Especially when the main point of criticism is "No mention of God".

And yes, I too had to imagine some people from boards I went to over the years posting there. Great mental images ;)


Quote from: Sid on April 29, 2007, 07:41:21 PMWell, yes, I'm not exactly the biggest fan of the poem, either. But saying that it's pushing a "liberal agenda" is... a bit much.

Didn't I say that?  I think I said that.  I...didn't say that.  Yeah, that's about as much of a liberal agenda as the 7-day week.  I'm sure somewhere, deep in the ``liberal agenda'' there's something that says ``AIDS is bad,'' but I'd expect that most people have that as part of their agendas, as well.

I don't think I saw you anywhere on Conservapedia, though, Sid.  What was your username?

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Quote from: superluser on April 29, 2007, 09:10:53 PM
I don't think I saw you anywhere on Conservapedia, though, Sid.  What was your username?

I've been banned for more than two weeks already, so you'd have to dig a bit ;)
My name's the same as on the DMFA Wiki, Sid_3050 (or just go here). My user page has a fancy list of all my bans (except for the most recent one, of course), and my talk page has a few nice flamefests with idiot sysops. :P

llearch n'n'daCorna

I note they're unable to spell, either.

"This user engages in edit wars and battles with others continually, and refuses to stop. He will not be allowed back except under Aschlafly's discression"

You'd think, as the guys running a large public forum, they could do something about getting discretion spelt correctly... :-]

Nice to see you've been riling them up, Sid.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Conservapedia? I'm all for Wikiality, baby, even though I don't have nearly enough truthiness to contribute.

I've browsed through Conservapedia in the past before and had to stop once I realized that the whole thing wasn't an enormous sarcastic joke. From what you've said I dread to read the Virginia Tech massacre article. I really do dread it. You are a brave, brave man, Sid.

Though enough about that. Welcome back, Sid! :) It's fantastic to see you back--personally, I was wondering where the frig you went to.  :hug Don't ever do that again! >:O

Nah, I kid. Welcome back. :3

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Quote from: Sid on April 30, 2007, 11:29:54 AMMy name's the same as on the DMFA Wiki, Sid_3050 (or just go here). My user page has a fancy list of all my bans (except for the most recent one, of course), and my talk page has a few nice flamefests with idiot sysops. :P


You got a warning for suggesting that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant?  And for using sarcasm?  I think I may have to whip up a warning label for sarcasm.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Are you guys making fun of poor Conservapedia?

:raph Those guys have good taste! They're the only trustworthy wikipedia out there, you know.


Quote from: Netami on April 30, 2007, 01:48:58 PM
Are you guys making fun of poor Conservapedia?

:raph Those guys have good taste! They're the only trustworthy wikipedia out there, you know.

Yes trustworth as monkey flying out of my fathers flat f*#@ing a&$ :3


Your User talk page is simply hilarious, Sid. XD
"Did I call you stupid? Did I call you a drunk? Did I call you a fool?" XD You hurt his feelings, I think. SHAME ON YOU, SIR. SHAME ON YOU.
/kicks the internet over