Weapons crafting

Started by thegayhare, February 24, 2007, 10:51:07 PM

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Well I was dubbing around on Youtube and I came across this video of a guy testing out his home made combat suit

He had built in paintball guns, bottle rocket launchers, flame throwers, extending sword, air cannons, and this fireball cannon.

all pretty rickity looking mostly pvc piping, ply wood and duct tape

check it out if you wanna see for your self


the thing is it got me thinking about some of my own weapons designs

I've got Ideas for flashy wrist mounted swivel blades.  If I build these ones I'll make them as boffers atleast first

and I've got and Idea for spring mounted claw style punch daggers

The one I want to try and build for sure is my  spring mounted forearm sheilds
I've got two possible ideas

basicly a spring mounted metal fan
I think the double unit one is the best since a single unit would have the central collum sticking out that a weapon could get caught on,  while  the double would have an angle that the blade could slide off of.

I've also been thinking of trying to build a rive bow, as well as a scale model ballista and a roman figure 8 sheild.

so what do you think

is that to weird?


Interesting designs. Do you fold the shield back manually when not in use, or do you have something designed to pull it back?

Also, if you used heavy enough gauge metal and sharpened the edges, your shield could be used as a weapon in a pinch.

I've tinkered with weapon design, mostly sticking to polearms or blades. I've always been rather proud of my morningstar made from a softball. For something built when I was twelve, it's stood up to years of punishment.


most likely you'd have to pull them back manualy  An automatic version is probably beyond my abilities.

Hmmm put a few teeth on the inside  of the double sheild for a snap weapon

but I do know what you mean.  I thought of having the sheild sections  with spikes for a saw look.

but anyway any sheild can become a weapon in a pinch

Any way here are sme quick and dirty designs for my bladed weapons

The top one is my Idea for a swival blade,  sort of similer to the ones used by bloodrayne.  It would be fastend to your forarm and at rest the blade would extend back past your elbow and when ready it would swival around and lock into fighting position

Large and flashy but rather impractical

and the bottom is my claw style punch dagger
top veiw and then a diagram to show how the blades would work

basicly the whole thing would be fastened to your forearm with  a metal bar extending from rgw weapon just alittle past the knuckes.  It can be used as a knuckle duster.  when used would swing forward snaping into place extending past the metal bar (which keeps the blades from also cutting your hands)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Shifting the discussion back to the video, it seemed fun, but impractical.

The aim was -way- slack. In my opinion, if you're going to build something, build it accurate. Build it so you can hit a dime at 200 paces. Otherwise you're wasting your time.

Area denial systems are something else - for those, you want -lots- of fire, quickly. And what he's got is a non-lethal accurate system, and lots of weight in the barrels and stuff - very little in the ammo, and very little accuracy in the delivery methods of the lethal ammo...

Go figure.
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