Hey there!

Started by Temiree, February 16, 2007, 11:51:24 PM

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Quote from: BillBuckner on February 17, 2007, 04:07:35 PM
Quote from: Aiyno Wolf on February 17, 2007, 04:05:07 PM
Bill is evil, Boxman is evil, Darkmoon is evil... or just misguided
I resemble that remark.

You just say that because...  :U You want no one to know! So you can get them while they´re not paying attention  >:3

and llearch never agrees with me so no surprise there  :3

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'm just dyspeptic.

... for everyone around me. :-)
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Quote from: Temiree on February 17, 2007, 10:12:12 PM
Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on February 17, 2007, 06:30:27 PM
Yay! More fresh meat/victims/partners in crime/sacrifices to the Dark Lord Zorc!

Hello hello, nice to meet you, Temiree. :3 The name's Keaton the Black Jackal, but Keaton, KBJ, and "Oh my God You're So Freaking Stupid" is also appropriate. In fact, I believe the last one fits me the most. I am also a fellow artist, so it's great to see another artist around here. Hope you post your art sometime, as the sample you've provided looks awesome.

Well, that's it for my too-long welcoming post. See you around the forum!

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Thanks for the great welcome. :3 I enjoyed reading it. But yeah, I'll be posting my art here whenever I complete anything. Just a note ahead of time, don't insult my hands. I know they look bad. xD

Hey, no problem. :3 I'm glad you did, and that's fantastic to hear. And bah, I didn't even notice any flaws about the hands... I have a rough time drawing 'em too.

~Keaton the Black Jackal