The Castle (OOC) - Open

Started by Stygian, February 14, 2007, 05:22:38 PM

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1. Don't be such a child.

2. We are not "incredibly" strong as you seem to think we are. And no offense, but you've got a character who's only 17, was/is an adventurer and apparently has a degree. Its just the fact that you just jumped in head first during our stand-off and started kicking away the dog-like creatures without thinking things through. There is no competition for the limelight here, so don't go around thinking you have to be the center of everything. Everybody will be given a chance to step into the limelight.

3. I would not reccommend snapping back at Stygian like that, especially since he is the one who is running the rp, and therefore has the power to kick you out should you continue to snap at him like. It's perfectly fine to explain why you don't understand our requests, but snapping at people like isn't going to do you ANY favours, and this is coming from a guy with experience.

lucas marcone

Gar, i wasn't snapping back at anyone. I'm not competeing for the lime light but if I'm too weak to kill anything or even stand up to them in a fight how am I supposed to have fun? You're all kicking ass willy nilly and I'm stuck on the sidelines going "Go team go!" or haven't you been paying attention? Anytime i do get to see action I am 1. knocked out 2. stopped by an ally 3. insulted sorry if I seem pissy but I have a good reason. IC post edited by the way.


Well seeing as I've only just returned to the forums in a over a month, coupled with the fact that my life is quite busy at the moment, I haven't had time to read back on the rp, so you could say that I haven't been "paying attention".

Mel Dragonkitty

Lucas, the issue is that you never pay attention to what is going on and pop your character into places he can't possibly be, which always seem to be in the middle of the action, interrupting a fight already in progress. Stygian is not stingy with opponents; no one is allowed to sit in the corner. If you had actually read his post you would have seen that if you had stayed in the room you were in instead of mysteriously teleporting into the next one we have three monsters the size of horses to fight, as well as the succubus. Also, if you had read any of the posts, it is glaringly, red lights and sirens obvious that this panther is Aisha's special arch-nemesis. That fight is hers alone. If you want to fight there are three hyena-men in the social room. Take your pick.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

lucas marcone

the problem is understanding you guys. you see i thought aisha was in our room as well. also she need only ask and my attention is else where. you watch movies right? come big bad final bos the trusty side kick jumps up to hel then the hero says something macho and meaning ful about how this is his fight alone and the  side kick focuses on the henchmen. i was just complaining about how you guys are able to kick ass and yet tell me i can't take on even the weakest demons.

Aisha deCabre

It's not really that hard to actually read the posts, Marconi, and see what's going on.  By the way, yes, I want you out of this fight.  Sorry if I didn't make things clear, but sometimes you have to look between the lines and read the intonations in the posts.

Also, nobody's told you that you can't take on any demons.  Like Mel said, there are plenty of them fighting back in the room you were in.  And plus, your character is injured, isn't he?  That's the only reason why people'd tell your character it might not be a good idea to fight.  But as for you yourself, the only problem we have with you is that you want to be convenient.  And there are times when your character will have the ability not to be, and you have to recognize those times.  Otherwise, it's called metagaming.

Try to understand where we're coming from, here.  Without becoming frustrated.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

lucas marcone

as stated befor thought ya were in the room my bad. it never happened.


I am not about to question your sense of fun, Marcone, but if brainless asskicking is it then I do not share it. This is a hangout, a sort of character personality-vent, or a testing ground if you will. I am not about to turn it into a demon-slaying bowling alley. If that was what people really wanted RPs like the 'Circle' or 'Journeys with a Kitsune' or whatever would still be up and most active. They are not. This one is.

Then there is the issue of your character. I have nothing to point out save what Gareeku has already said; he is a being, unextraordinary save for being an adventurer at a young age, and far weaker than the opponents that we are currently facing. But power or 'awesome factor' is not the point. The gameplay is. Stygian is powerful, yes. As is Keaton, and Cog if anyone has grown stronger since entering the castle. Mel, being a dragon and a talented one at that, is powerful enough that she could probably ice us all if she went at it the right way. But do you see her seeking out fights? Also, we all have trouble overcoming these things. Stygian's thrown around cars and turned people insane with but a touch in other RPs, and he's still taken hits and injuries and has to put up a fight. What makes you think that you could just drop-kick something that can give him a run out the window?

Lastly, and most importantly, I want everyone to tread more carefully. Most of you are writing and acting brilliantly IC, but when others fly off the handle and suddenly do utterly ridiculous things out of misunderstandings or sheer lack of thought it becomes that much harder keeping this thing firing on all cylinders. Sure, you can choose not to comply. But I think you'll find that the other players will most likely ignore you then.

lucas marcone

it's not just about the fighting. I feel left out. plain and simple. i also feel like everyone brushed Ian aside and writes him off as an untraind child. he is not.

i apologise before hand if i make any mistakes. if you see me makeing any point them out, and we can discuss what i thought against *reality calmly and without getting our undies in a knot.

*imagine me useing a word like that in an RP of all places.


*Blinks* Well that was quick. Guess I was too slow.


Um... so sorry, Boog. But you will have your opportunity. You can go ahead and go crazy if you so like.


You're too kind *grins* but I think I'll give it a minute before I do. Crazy might be able to wait.

lucas marcone

is keaton in the same room Ian is?


No she is not. Keaton is in an entirely different room and has reached it by a different route separate from the one your group was, which was why they were lost to begin with besides unclear directions. I understand that things can be confusing, but if you thoroughly read through the posts and didn't skim for where your characters are mentioned there wouldn't be any problems.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

lucas marcone

thanks for answering but jeeze! how many times do i have to repeat myself? i read everyones posts! i just don't understand all of it all the time. the way aisha put it (if the healer was with you) you had found us. just misunderstandings that's why i asked.

Prof B Hunnydew

Sorry Ian, I will try to include you in my post more, as well..  As much as I get to make difference.   :mowdizzy  PBH 


Oh, not you too...!

Just try and read the posts, use your heads and ask if anything's bloody uncertain! And don't behave as if this were some flaming family excursion!

There. Now I've snapped at you. Me. Just hope that does it.

lucas marcone

let me get this straight... I've had a chance for my brain to "defrag" as it were. mel, jeramiah, ketefe, bam and i are on the third floor in a large room not far off the stair case.

gog keats sal and styg are on the second floor in a room in not sure as to the location from the staircase.

gar and the panthers are in the mentioned third floor staircase landing fighting

am i correct? if i missed anyone shout up and say where you are please.

also when i said i couldn't understand you guys is because im used to much more direct expressions of where people are in an RP with much simpler layouts. this place according to you guys is like the movie labrynth!

Prof B Hunnydew

 :mowcookie :mowcookie :mowcookie to Stygain

No no I'm not mad, and I will not dictate, how my acts will do to the NPCs....But it is hard to read through all the entrys, at speed.  I think of something and the rest of you are sometimes two or three post ahead of me.


llearch n'n'daCorna


Would you do me a favour and post a translation of the Spanish in your most recent post? I'm sure it was just an oversight - I know -I- didn't realise it hadn't been translated until after Aisha mentioned something about her character's mother...

*grin* Muchly appreciated.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

i thought cog and them were on the second floor. how could she know? unless she heard the screams maybe?

Aisha deCabre

If the "she" you're talking about is Ryn, she and everyone else are on the third floor, bar for Aisha and Asal.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Ah, right.

Hokay, so here's the deal... The castle is large. It is meant to be labyrinthine. Chances are that if you aren't directly interacting with someone else or expressively in the same room, you're nowhere near them.

And as for the translation...

'Your family was nothing! We created you! And that miserable mother of yours was lucky to have even a shred of our blood!'

llearch n'n'daCorna

Danke. Aisha's post makes much more sense now. :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Aisha deCabre

Out of courtesy, my apologies for the length of this one, I should probably put.  But hey.  I was inspired.   :3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

llearch n'n'daCorna

.. and inspiring.

Nicely done.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone guys theres going to be a word limet to posts soon :P anyway i just got home and im too damn tired to read all that. ill catch up tomarrow night. i might not be back till 6pm tomarrow though.

llearch n'n'daCorna


I have this terrible image of Christopher-Robin-carrying-Pooh-downstairs style travel.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


She's unconscious. I'm sure she didn't feel a thing.

When she wakes up, now, well... >:3


I wish people would take a little consideration into account before they decide to go on a huge posting spree, especially when some of us have work.