Hi there

Started by k9evilfox, February 01, 2007, 10:51:53 AM

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Hi there, I'm Krystina Estes. I'm kinda shy, but I open up quick.


Welcome to the board, Krystina. The name's Keaton the Black Jackal, author, artist, and overall insane Black-Backed Jackal Succubus. Nice to meet you. *hands you her card*

Please enjoy yourself here. :3

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Welcome.  I must admit I was kind of hoping your username 'k9evilfox' was a play on Karn Evil 9'¹, but whatever.

I'm sure others will jump in and tell you who and what to be wary of.  :P
Now I must return to my unending battle against the Symbian OS.

¹We already have a 'RUSH Fox' - an 'ELP fox' would have been a good addition.  I'm hoping to eventually collect the entire set

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Roureem Egas

Hi and welcome. Excuse me while I go space out somewhere like I'm half-asleep.  :)


Welcome enjoy your stay.   :)
Watch out for a white wolf that tells you to watch out for me 


*Stygian slithers in like the creep he is*

Heeeeey! Another member. We seem to be accumulating them at an alarming rate. Please, enjoy your stay. Just stay clear of the shadows. And return to your quarters before nightfall...  *he grins horribly*

Oh, and I am sure someone will ask you to hand in your sanity. If you need a fake one, just let me know.


Greetings, Krystina! Welcome to the insanity! Pull up a seat, have a drink of your choice, and relax into the weirdness that inhabits this forum.

Enjoy your stay!


*waves* HI, enjoy your time here.

visit the pay thread >:3 or don't.. but you have to do one of the two!  :U I'm Aiyno, totally sane and such

llearch n'n'daCorna

Welcome, hiya, pull up a pew.

Try to have fun, and watch out for anyone who tells you to watch out for things. They're not to be trusted.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Why hello! I am 7 Itos Atio, Monitor of Installation 00. :)

Please be aware of the mows, they'll eat your cookies. Also be aware of... well, almost everyone, they'll eat your soul and/or sanity.
This generic comment was brought to you by:


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Tiny crested flint

Welcome, tell us more about yourself.

yes, it is required to at least accept the squirrel's muffin basket. I survived them anyway.

Oh, and uhm... im not important enough and it takes so much less energy instead of trying to understand me.  That is why you should    IGNORE ME!!!!



You kids, and your silly jive talk!


Coming from the guy who says 'boss' as in, "That's boss!"


Quote from: Density Destiny on February 01, 2007, 05:12:59 PM
yes, it is required to at least accept the squirrel's muffin basket. I survived them anyway.

:dface I'm losing my touch.

Anyway, welcome! Please accept this big basket of muffins! :rj


Welcomes to the forum...I bring you cubi hugs! >:3


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 01, 2007, 11:07:59 AM
Welcome.  I must admit I was kind of hoping your username 'k9evilfox' was a play on Karn Evil 9'¹, but whatever.

I'm sure others will jump in and tell you who and what to be wary of.  :P
Now I must return to my unending battle against the Symbian OS.

¹We already have a 'RUSH Fox' - an 'ELP fox' would have been a good addition.  I'm hoping to eventually collect the entire set

Yes, but it is this blind allegiance to this band which makes me unique, meaning I'll sell for more on EBay. Or made illegal copies of... Whatever works.  ;)

Welcome to the show, Ms. Krystina... *Bows*
Hope you plan on staying awhile!

P.S. I don't remember getting any muffins...  :cry

Castle Pokemetroid

Quote from: RushFox on February 01, 2007, 11:35:36 PMP.S. I don't remember getting any muffins...  :cry

They sell anything on e-bay. I've found then selling "talent" and "drawing skills" and real vomit before.

And hi new person of sorts.


er, CP, what does ebay have anything to do with what you quoted?


*appears in a flash of blue light*

HI! Welcome to this place - a dimension of sight and sound, but mostly of mind.

Leave any remaining sanity at the door, in the secure storage provided, and make sure to hang on to your claim ticket.

Beware of the squirrel-borne muffins, the mows, the talking boxes, and any who would tell you to watch out for those of us who tell you what to watch out for.

Have a welcome gift. *gives the new person a souvenir coffee mug*

Enjoy the forum, where the insanity party never ends!

*waves, and vanishes in a shower of coloured sparkles*

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Oh, wow! You guys sure know how to make a half succubus feel welcome! Thanks. Due to incidents in past forums, I have to inform you that I can only get online at school because my internet at home isn't working and even if it was my parents wouldn't let me use it. However, when I do get on expect some pretty interesting posts from me.

On a diferent subject (Because I'm bored) I was only able to access this forum a few days ago when I found a proxy server that could bypass the school web blocks. Before then I couldn't get to this forum because it was regestered as a gaming site. I've been wanting to get here so badly because this is where my hero, Amber Williams, resides. Now I'm here to wreck some havack on the message bords!

P.S. (I don't normally have this much to say. Posts this long from me are quite rare.)


Quote from: Krystina on February 02, 2007, 10:36:01 AM
Before then I couldn't get to this forum because it was registered as a gaming site.

:U Your school is EVIL, evil I tell ya! Even my school doesn't block it and they have people there that'll bitch about anything. bitch: "You where looking at a site about Hungary, you should be busy for school."  me: "I have a PRESENTATION about Hungary d.u.h." ...and then she kept bitching till one of my classmates confirmed what I said ¬_¬

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Krystina on February 02, 2007, 10:36:01 AM
On a diferent subject (Because I'm bored) I was only able to access this forum a few days ago when I found a proxy server that could bypass the school web blocks. Before then I couldn't get to this forum because it was regestered as a gaming site. I've been wanting to get here so badly because this is where my hero, Amber Williams, resides. Now I'm here to wreck some havack on the message bords!

Different. Wreak. Havoc. Boards.

Hope that helps. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


llearch, you forgot "registered" D:<


Oh, I'm sorry. The proxy sever won't let me use the spell check. Thanks for catching that. Can't even use smilys.

Faerie Alex

Hmm... your school's proxies are odd. Are they blocking images? I've seen my school's computers balk at images that my home comp won't.

Quote from: Krystina...when I found a proxy server that could bypass the school web blocks...
Funny, I've heard that people at my school used something similar to get onto gaming sites. Then they changes the other sever's proxies.

And before I leave, welcome from a fellow member who occasionally uses school computers to access the forum. :3
Jeez I need to update this thing.


I wonder succubus type you are.....*scratches his fluffy red chin*

Tiny crested flint

Quote from: RJ on February 01, 2007, 09:34:00 PM
Quote from: Density Destiny on February 01, 2007, 05:12:59 PM
yes, it is required to at least accept the squirrel's muffin basket. I survived them anyway.

:dface I'm losing my touch.

Don't belittle yourself RJ, *groans in agonizing pain* :yuck :sneeze your touch is just a potent as always, *cough, hack, wheeze*  :ill :blarf I never said that I survived without being completely scarred/deformed/wreaked/paralyzed/traumatized for life. :boom  Don't feel bad.  That's just what I get for being so addicted to any kind of baked good. I was lucky to survive. :) *passes out from the horrifying memories.* :knifed


Hi newbie. :3

Yah, school proxy-things suck. But the one my school uses makes me laugh. 'Cuz it's stupid. Like it'll block Google Images, but not any other search engine thing. And it'll block 4chan, but not 7chan or fchan. :< I can't use a proxy thing to get around it though. TRUST ME, I'VE TRIED. :< :< :< :<

Oh, and don't trust the box-mod. I hear he eats newbies.