Ryudo Lee's Legacy: OOC Topic

Started by Aisha deCabre, December 22, 2006, 02:53:44 PM

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Aisha deCabre

Okay people...feel free to have this deleted if it's not needed, but I felt it had to be made.

There's too much OOC chatter going on in the RP I feel, and the story doesn't seem to be going much anywhere, because there's no clue as to how to proceed fully.  If this thing is planned to be as large an RP as the last topic was, some planning needs to be done.

First of all, I think somehow the first RP needs to be resolved, if it hasn't been said already (please correct me if it has...)  Everyone basically knows the backbone of the story then, right?  Gathering all of the fallen pieces of the angel before the baddies can get their hands on it.  Let's say it was.  Was it put somewhere, hidden?

Also by now the whole story would be quite known or at least heard of through the land.  Maybe there's another force willing and ready to recapture it?  Because of lack of ideas, at least it's strongly suggested by me that this be related to the previous story.

Ideas and comments here, please.  I just thought, if this RP's being brought back, it ought to be brought back right.   :mowwink
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

topher chee

I agree that this is a good idea, I was hoping elevating the action in the RP and I did not know the exact powers of Sliverina so I didnt want to control what she did to Topher.  THus I left the option to you, since you made the character and would have a better understanding of her powers.


Slevrani’s powers are great, but her one true weakness was found out far too quickly.

Aisha deCabre

Indeed.  One fundamental rule is to have things dragged out as much as they could.  Perhaps Slevrani might've just feigned defeat and just disappeared?

Either way, we still need to think up ideas for the story as a whole.  And I think that if anyone new wants to come into the RP, they might sign up here, too.  Hopefully the grandmaster of the RP himself can help out...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Cheese Foxlee

Absolutly.  But no bodies heard from Ryudo Lee, since huricane Katrina.

Aisha deCabre

Yeah...would be nice to hear from him though...

I was referring to you then.   :mowtongue
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


That last post of mine (concerning the Maonis Jewel) won’t turn into a plot arc unless you want it to. So, do you guys want it to?

topher chee

Well at the moment i am planning on having topher being captured and put in quarintine.  Anyone up for a rescue?


Right now i don't think that we know where you are so... how can we rescue you?


I know! Just because Sylva is a necromancer doesn’t mean she can’t have a spell or two that don’t concern life.

Cheese Foxlee

Refurring to me?!  the only thing I'm grand master of is spamming! Lol, I'm working on trying t get the story going.

topher chee

*ponders a bit*
Maybe i can shoot up some flames eh?  maybe that big boom thingy can be from me eh?  or as you guys are investigating i can shoot some flames to draw your attention.


Hmmm... well, that does sound fun in a way... but I'm too busy stealing souls and stuff. Meh. I vote for going on with finding the pieces of the angel. And then we shall do what we will with it... Meheheheheee...

topher chee

*sobs*  You're just gonna let me get experimented on!?  *sobs harshly*

Aisha deCabre

Well, there were a few things going on at once, you kinda went away from everyone's notice...the fact that there's a lot of people in the inn already, watching the outcome of this demon woman's death and suddenly hearing an impact, they wouldn't notice at first that someone is missing.  ^^;

But rest assured you're on the to-do list...soon as we figure out a backline plot for this whole thing.  Another angel has fallen, I presume...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Cheese Foxlee on December 22, 2006, 06:22:39 PM
Absolutly.  But no bodies heard from Ryudo Lee, since huricane Katrina.

I saw him online week before last, I think. I didn't say anything, being busy at work, but he was on MSN. Or, at least, someone with his account...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


If you all want me to stop participating, someone could at least say so... ignoring me is so juvenile.  Additionally, Carran participated in the quest for the Angel as well, I just haven't said anything in that regards because I really don't know where we left off in all this and at what point this restarts.  Gimpy, that is Cheese Foxlee, asked if me if I'd like to get back into this. 

It would be nice if we had some sort of unified plot to go after...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

topher chee

Haha Im just playing Aisha.  That sounds good
Azlan its all good, I think its just still sinking in.  Please stay.  I'm stuck somewhere, wanna help.


Quote from: Azlan on December 24, 2006, 04:17:17 PM
If you all want me to stop participating, someone could at least say so... ignoring me is so juvenile.  Additionally, Carran participated in the quest for the Angel as well, I just haven't said anything in that regards because I really don't know where we left off in all this and at what point this restarts.  Gimpy, that is Cheese Foxlee, asked if me if I'd like to get back into this. 

It would be nice if we had some sort of unified plot to go after...

See me? Standing here? Oogling the... well, not oogling, but disliking the mage. I spoke to you! You destroyed the woman! I ma... gah! Stop being as emo as your av, Az!


Quote from: topher chee on December 24, 2006, 02:27:07 PM
*sobs*  You're just gonna let me get experimented on!?  *sobs harshly*

Trust me. I have my ways of getting my characters involved, as you will soon see.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Just in case anyone was missing this all, I mentioned to Ryudo, when he reappeared.

He said, in selected segments (ie, I've trimmed what he said to make it funny :-)

Quote from: Ryudo Lee
Oh man I haven't been in there in a long while
Mind passing a message on for me?
Just let everyone know that I'm still alive.  I survived Katrina with next to no damage or loss.  I just spent a lot of time away from home cuz we had to leave due to no power or water.  Since then, my job has been eating at all of my free time.
If I can get some time to myself, I'll sign into the new forums and post a more detailed explanation
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Aisha deCabre

Wow, now that'd be awesome.  Glad to hear that he's doing well.   :mowhappy
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Cheese Foxlee

Azlan, ofcourse we want to back, and I'm sorry if you've been getting ignored.  It is great to here that Ryudo is ok. I'm not sure Ryudo would actually coming back into the RP, although if he did that would be awesome, cause I stink as a leader.  I haven't been paying much attention to the postings lately, but that's mostly cause I'm out of town for the next couple of weeks and I'm working on a low speed connection.

(Gawd it sucks when a 20 minute post takes an hour!)

The idea of a second angel is pretty much what I was going for, eithere that or it is the same angel, (only cursed or something). My ultimate plan was to some how tie in the Idea of Ryudo and his family disapearing, and going on a quest to find them; even if it ment they had to be dead.  Topher being captured and there being a rescue work well, plus it leaves the bord open for a DUAL RP, kinda like what happend with Ryudo's Son and the Gryffon in the last RP. I'm glad to see that the RP as grown and evoled without much of my guidance.

Cheese Foxlee

Also, I was hoping that Llearch would be willing to join. 

Aisha deCabre

Now THAT sounds like a good plan.  It leaves room in the RP for many possibilities and for a large party if enough people are willing to be active.   :3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


That sounds really good ^.^ The trick is to not make it too similar to the plot of the original RP, in my opinion.

Ryudo Lee

Wow, I'm like, loved... and stuff.

Anyway, I'm glad someone actually remembered me (and by name no less!)  As was posted, work life has been hammering me into the cement lately.  Hopefully that will change soon enough.  I'm getting a job with Immigration!


I actually attempted to sleep through the whole ordeal.  I woke up about five or six times during the storm.  At the time, I was living in my own apartment.  The apartment had next to no damage, and it was a close one too.  The tree next door ended up leaning against the apartment, but there wasn't any damage.  I remember waking up and looking out my kitchen window just in time to see the tree out front break in half and fall over.  I didn't get any flooding, just some tree falls.  The apartment complex across from me wasn't so lucky.  They're the ones that got flooded and collapsed ceilings and everything.  It was some nasty stuff.  I stayed there two days before I finally got through to my folks on my phone.  Like an idiot, I forgot to buy batteries for my radio, so I never knew the levees broke.  Luckily I did freeze a lot of water beforehand, so all my food was safe. 

Anyway, from there we packed up and headed to my grandparents house in Franklin, LA.  We stayed there about two weeks until I got a call from the office, telling me to show up at our Lafayette office.  So I went and stayed with a friend in his dorm in UL for about two weeks.  I stayed with my grandparents during Rita.  It wasn't too bad.  They lost power, but a neighbor brought us a brand new generator and some gas to run it.  Them some good people.  Then they opened up Metairie, and so we went back home.  New Orleans was still flooded, but I had water, power, cable, and internet.  For a time, I worked out of our Mandeville office until they finally opened up New Orleans. 

And on that day, (it was a monday) I got into a car accident.  The street lights weren't working, and as a stopgap they put up these stop signs on tripods.  The guy who hit me didn't see the stop signs and swerved to not hit the person in front of him and hit me.  My car was totalled.  I wasn't too injured, just some chest pains.  The insurance money I got was enough to get another car.

I may poke my head in a few times here and there.  I don't really have the time to participate in another RP.  I partially play in a different RP, and then there are my D&D games.  Most of my actual free time is spent being a vegetable in front of my computer and tv or sleeping.


Everyone has a better sig than me...

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS BACK!!!

Aisha deCabre

Man, you've had it rough...

But we're glad to see that you're okay.  Have a mow-cookie.  :mowcookie  And your sig looks just fine.  The simpler the better...nobody likes their eyes blasted out by shinyness.   :mowwink
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.