Moe's Back! with "Atmos" (1/29/07)

Started by Moekii, December 02, 2006, 10:29:09 PM

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Sheezy page, with Download

Sheezy page, with Download

"Dance With Me [Catalyst Mix]"
Sheezy page, with Download, and links to original author's pages

"Sinister Sundown" Moe Mix
Sheezy page, with Download

"Force of The Heavens"
Sheezy page, with Download, and links to the other person

Sheezy page, with Download

Sheezy page, with Download


You know, i thought to myself "i should get more active in the DMFA forums, i used to do so much there!" then i realized that no, no i didnt....all i did was propagate the random insanity plus thread and make totally OT comments in totally OT threads and rarely did actual DMFA things on the DMFA forums.

so i decided id stick to doing musical things in the art section :] so heres all the stuff i didnt post here since the last time i did! also ive given up trying to sell my music, so most of the time there will be a FileFront download link within the Sheezyart submission's description :]

ALSO!:::: you'll note a little "yes or no" thing on the pages. even if you dont  have an account YOU CAN CLICK IT! so if you like it, CLICK YES!! if you dont CLICK NO!! ;D beans.

list beans (this is oldest to newest. meaning if you think whats up top sounds like  crap, go to the bottom for likely better sounding stuff :])

Sprint 2
Break 198
Quiet Conflict
River Styx Mix
In The Light
Hungarian Rhapsody No.2
Get Up
Classical Change
As You Do
Flying Battery Zone omg a remix
Toxic 2
Chill 2

and thats it ;D

im not making songs with the astonishing frequency that i used to, so i think ill actually make a new thread per new song, because as i remember  the last time i made a thread here replying to it and even updating the topic name and date didnt seem to catch the point that "omg a new song exists!"

so eayh, if you go through my sheeyart gallery and find a song thats not up for download tell me if you want to download it and ill see if i can find the song to put up :]

*edit by Damaris- bah!  Horizontal Scroll*

Xuzaf D

Question: Have you created any Street Fighter remixes? SFII has my favorite game music it seems, so I can't help but wonder wether or not you might have at least one.


ive never remixed SF music :p i dont really remix stuff that much.

tho, i spose i could give it a shot to see whats what :p


Just to let you know, I always felt that th DMFA forums were a little empty without you and your music... and now there back! YAY!!~

Commentary as soon as I sign up to DL music...  :)

Jim Halisstrad


*cries* ish teh moe

<.< >.>

Yeah, delayed reaction to seeing a good guy come back. Sorry.


Drake Manaweilder

F***** A man!  :mowhappy
sorry, i just really love the KH battle music.


1KHz is pretty good, especially considering I don't usually like that style of music.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Ive been working on this collaboration between me and another Sheezy cast member, i think it turned out well ;]

Force of The Heavens



Breakbeaty fast string goodness :]

Drake Manaweilder

I don't think the strings really mixed too well with the drums in this one... I loved the beat though.


"Dance With Me [Catalyst Mix]"
Sheezy page, with Download, and links to original author's pages


omfg theyre so much coolness to work with and they make songs so very awsome....WOO!


Way awesome. I never really got around to saying it, but your music really appeals to me. I should probably just download it all sooner or later. I'm just so darn lazy! :B
But yeah, keep making it. It's candy for ears.
/kicks the internet over


;D i'm glad you enjoy it :] feel free to download everything ever :p


 :U All I can say is WOW. Truly awesome stuff you have here.

*goes on a downloading spree*  :ipod


;D im glad you guys enjoy my stuff :]

heres the newest:

Sheezy page, with Download



"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Sheezy page, with Download

I just got this new VST called "Atmosphere" from the company Spectrasonics.

words can barely express how ridiculously awesome it is. this song is just the first crack at it ;D

enjoy :]