The Belly-Up Tavern -Beware the Purple winged angel-

Started by familyghost, November 28, 2006, 08:22:56 PM

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Kitsune Ascendant

*after waiting some time with no response, Moonsoul decides to repeat her request*

I'll need one of those styx wines, the bottle of foxshadow you opened, some gryphon claw (it's one of the more popular white wines where I come from), a little lemon juice, and a little lime juice. oh, and a ice cube tray.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


 The man in black smiles, and rests his chin in his hand.

"I mean that inciter of trouble, maker of debauchers and corrupter of all good men. Scoth. I heard you mention a delightful bottle of Irish Scoth just now. That would do nicely"


Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on December 01, 2006, 10:51:59 PM
Turning on his stool the wolf sized up the angel. Grinning like...Well the wolf that he was, he handed the coin bag and card to Angela. "Sorry lass, I couldn't help myself. I was felling a bit drained and a bit of anger from such a lovely angel  as ye, well t'was a fine feast will ye forgive me?"

Not wanting to break eye contact with such a fine female form, the cubi tossed Wrath another one of his cards, which read:

Captain Paladin Sheppard

Contact details followed the name and title in varied languages.

Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on December 01, 2006, 10:51:59 PM
Turning on his stool the wolf sized up the angel. Grinning like...Well the wolf that he was, he handed the coin bag and card to Angela. "Sorry lass, I couldn't help myself. I was felling a bit drained and a bit of anger from such a lovely angel as ye, well t'was a fine feast will ye forgive me?"

Not wanting to break eye contact with such a fine female form, the cubi tossed Wrath another one of his cards, which read:

Captain Paladin Sheppard

Contact details followed the name and title in varied languages.

After Paladin's apology Angela's feathers returned to normal, but she still looked unhappy, but cracked a small smile.  "Next time you want some anger to feed off of just ask for someone to put Wraith in a polka-dot costume, his wife loves to do that."

"And you wonder why you were kicked out of heaven?" Wraith cast a rather annoyed look at his employee and then turned to Spaz and whispered something into his friend's hood.

"You can't be serious..." Spaz's was definately not pleased, but Wraith gave the taller spectere a look to kill... again.  "All right I'll go get Babs..."

"You... the kitsune who ate some of the gremlins, your order will be a few minutes we need Babs to wake up to get to some of the other wines." Wraith said and without looking back at the man in black, slide a glass and bottle of the finest whiskey he had.  "Be careful, I used that stuff to clean some tar off wheelbarrow and that was fifty years ago."

A few minutes later Spaz came scrambling up from the back room completely panic sticken and crying like a little child.  "I got the drink... I hope your happy."

"Half way there." Wraith smiled.  "Take that gryphon drink and the other stuff our new kitsune friend ordered over to it's table."

"I think it is a female, Wraith." Spaz said flatly as he took the orders over to the table. 

"ALL RIGHT!" A voice called from the back.

"She's late." Wraith looked at the clock on the wall.  "Normally she's up and after him in a few seconds."

"Where is that golden eyed freak!" Babs came storming out of the back room.  Babs was not all that intimidating, standing only five foot one with bright pink hair, red skin and brown horns.  Her schoolgirl uniform did not help her intimidation factor and as soon as she realized there were customers she tried to run.

"Hold it!"  Wraith shouted.  "Take orders now."

"Or what?" Babs snapped.

"You loose your job and apartment." Wraith said flatly.  "And I'll make Angela take you home."

"HEY!" Angela snapped. "That's not necessary, let Perfection take her home."

"Can't the Verge is filling up." Perfection said.

"How do you fill up a limitless capacity?" Wraith looked at his friend.  "On second thought don't answer that, I like my IQ right where it is."

Paladin Sheppard

"Nah I prefer female anger its sweeter than male." He said, flipping a platinum coin to the angel. Paladin was glad she couldn't mind read, she'd  hit him. Pal wasn't sure, her surface thoughts were somewhat shielded. "You cook pizzas here lass? Something with plenty of meat and BBQ sauce would be great."


Quote from: Mel Dragonkitty on December 01, 2006, 10:39:09 PM
Then she spotted another familar face and waved. "E? Is that you?"

E blinked then turned. there was a white feline wit the familiar energy signature. " greetings Mel. i was unaware that i would encounter you here.. one moment i'm attempting to order a drink." e turns to the wrath. " not by water i men H20 and by peroxide i mean H2O2"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"well, moonsoul would you like a drinking partner or what... I have the synx right here if your up for some and that other wine that you have smell great."  Looking over at Moonsoul, who is getting the next wine in line which is the gryphon drink.

Kitsune Ascendant

*taking the bottle of gryphonclaw, Moonsoul pours some into each of the compartments of the icetray. adding a few drops of lime juice to each, she then moves her hand over the tray, instantly freezing it. the ice seems to have it's own  ideas about how light should bend, and gives most who stare at it a minor headache after a few minutes. taking a few cubes and placing them in a large glass, she then pours about half a glass of the styx wine, adds a bit of lemon juice, and quickly pours the foxshadow in. the icecubes bubble away, and a thick, seemingly endless fog pours over the edges, disapearing at the bottom of the glass*

heh. only thing known to knock Inari for a loop. *takes a sip* you know, ever since I can remember, I never actually got drunk. it was sober-sober-sober-sober-THUD! *slaps the bar lightly for effect* usually takes about 10 glasses of this to get that in me these days.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Waka walks over to moonsoul. Looks her up and down to make sure she was ok then grabs his drink and starts at it himself. "So moonsoul where do you come from... if i may ask?"


Boogey staggered out of the back room. He didn't remember much of what had happened, save for that some gremlins had been very mean and then it got really bright and that people thought he'd been hurting people when he'd been just standing there and now there were people he sort of recognised but couldn't quite recall and that he was just so confused...
"Um, may I take you up on that offer of free drinks?" Boogey asked Wraith, looking quite sorry for himself. "Nothing too strong, but something to take the edge off. I've had such an odd day..."
Meanwhile, two tentacles snaked out of the coller of his shirt (again, unnoticed by him) and waved at a certain dragon at the bar. Once again one twisted into cursive letters.
Hi Mel! How's the world treating ya?


Stygian came back in, taking off his hat, followed by a tall, blue-dressed canine woman who looked like a Dobermann. He had picked up a thick newspaper from somewhere which he held rolled up in one hand. Hanging his coat on a proper hanger this time, he walked up to the bar. He only took a moment to look at the Boogeyman who made a less than charming appearance, before he too spoke to the wraith.
   "Sorry to remind you, but I would like that meal now. You really don't have to cook it, but I would like some fruit with it as I said, and a good strong red wine," he said, laying an envelope on the counter. "That should cover my tab," he simply stated.
   With his mind, he prodded the Boog in the side slightly, and spoke to him alone.
   Hey, old pal. Are you sure everything's alright? You're looking kind of dizzy there.


Boogey looked around hurridly.Who said tha... Slowly, his eyelids got heavier and he fell into a bit of a daze.
Things have SUCKED! Another voice replied, and a mildly more familier voice at that, I @#$%ed up translating myself again! Some other thought entity had been leaving this area just as I walked in, and we ended up integrating aspects of each other. I was phased before I could finish fixing it! The guy had been someone's idea of a cubi character for some novel, and so now I only have control over the subconcious stuff like the tentacles. And if that's not enough, there was a mental noise that could only be described as a grumble, My self-image was left in charge of the non-subconcious stuff. Today sucks.


Stygian would have smiled. That was a lot more familiar to the Boogeyman he knew.
   He's... you're not looking too handsome for a cubi, really. Is there anything that I could do? All I can offer you right now is this dobie girl that I picked up. I was planning on eating her later, but I can do without for the time being.


Man, you are one messed up individual. I mean honestly. Perfectly nice young women and you just plan on eating her. A waste and a crime, I tell you. There was a mental rolling of eyes. And I'm not all cubi, I've just taken on aspects of one. The appearance is aforementioned self images fault. Nothing to be done for it for the time being. The girl being let be would improve my mood though. Simply not gentlemanly, eating someone.


She was the one who started waving a badge around. I tried to talk her to sense, but I guess I did a poor job. In either case, she has a better chance of living if you take her. Otherwise she might remember if I let her go unscathed. And it's my principle not to leave evidence behind. But I guess I could try and talk to her again, if you are so offended...
   Stygian was simply stating something. He didn't sound the least bit frustrated, if one should interpret a voice in one's head as sounding like anything. That only served to underline what he was saying further.


Badge? Alright, what did you do now? The "self image" looked like it was asleep at this point, which was used as an opportunity for a few tentacles to snake out and weave around until they were a decent approximation of Boogey's real face; cartoony, large eyes, long shaggy hair, and a wide mouth. The tenta-face was giving Stygian what could only be called a Look. Besides, in my state what could I do with a pretty girl? Both I and my self image are too polite to try anything, and with a face like this I'd be even worse off.

Mel Dragonkitty

If it would end this rather dull argument about morals I can wipe today out of her memory, offered Mel. I usually just copy people's memories but destruction is also an option.  She paused then added, Unless Stygian would rather I not have access to whatever it is he's charged with this time. She was still just sitting on her stool crunching gems but her eyes had the mischievous glint of a bored dragon.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


E sighed. he's been doing that a lot lately and most of it that came from feeling powerless. "Powerless? you have powers that most post chaos gods could barely dream of!"  "if that's true then why and i unable to protect those  i consider allies" "you could lock them all in special made home and watch over them?" "no i'm not monster" "you two stop arguing!" "that's it everyone sleep. Pots Peels." E slumps onto a stool his inner voices quite fora time. "darkness and anger." he grumbles. "who's next?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


*Karl saw E and went over to say hi*

Karl: hiya, E. How's Zero...has he been joining your twin, Forte, in chasing girls again?

*Karl was obviously joking about E's Brothers*

Karl: well, anyways...I've been back on earth recently...Your Papa was having a Conniption fit about Gospel leaking his fluids on the Carpet again...was a funny sight, actually.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


I'm not entirely sure just yet, Mel. If Boogey can support my arguments she might take reason. If not, well... Then I'll leave it up to you. I can't deal with her memories that easily without continuous interference, and that might still mess her up. I'd rather you not leave any magical traces though. Oh, and please don't steal into the link like that. I hate it when people do.
   With that, Stygian turned away and joined the girl who had sat down at a table in the back of the tavern's common room.
   Hey, Boog. Or Mel. Could you help me out on this one? I don't think she'll just believe me straight away.


Still not knowing what you did, and in my currant state that would mean speaking with her telepathically, and I can't set those up. I can only respond to them. Like an echo, sort of. The tenta-face broke up and slid back into the coat, Though I'll gladly advise, or speak for you if you can add her to the link.

Kitsune Ascendant

A very interesting question, waka. and one I'm not completely sure has an answer. My last home was a world that I chose for it's laws of physics, or lack thereof in many cases. It was always an adventure trying to get to a particular place, and because of it everyone was unhurried and easygoing. It had been the first place I had felt truely at home in a few hundred years. before that, I had been wandering universes, not completely sure what I was looking for. Or, for that matter, if I was looking for anything.  my homeworld, which I had lived on before that, is, for reasons that can't be properly explained in spoken language, unreachable, though I should be able to get back there in anohter hundred years or so.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


She's a mage, and whatever you say I can pass on to her directly. She wouldn't have just come in and sat down if I had asked her to... Stygian "said", sitting down on the other side of the table, facing the girl. There will be no problem with communication, besides her probably not wanting to listen.

((OOC: When I am speaking to someone "telepathically", that means that I am actually touching them with a part of my essence. It is how it works for me; I don't "broadcast" my thoughts for all to hear, because I need to make "contact" with them for it to work, and only if I stretched out in all directions would it form a field. Now, I do realize that you would probably all be pretty curious, and I would have nothing against letting Mel in on the conversation, even if she did just hijack the link. But I must make it clear that I am very specific with this, and that any and all attempts to "tap" the link will be considered very offensive and dealt with in the appropriate manner.))


I forgot, you like to be all cryptic. Are you delibratly avoiding telling me what you did? I can't give any advice if I don't know. And what did you do to this girl other than "just ask"? That familiar voice is starting to sound exasperated. Just like old times then.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel hopped off her stool, sliding on her feline illusion as she did. The persona was carefully designed to create feelings of trust and protectiveness in the viewer; her hunting outfit. "I don't leave traces, it's a point of pride. Most of my donors never realize they've been duplicated."

OOC:  Sorry.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Stygian muttered, knowing that all too well. He was just lucky he had changed since past.
   I don't like to be straight with people, since mostly that is either inconvenient or it just means you have to explain everything for them to understand. But I guess you could say I infected her. Mages are no trouble for me anyway. All magic, no skill...
   He turned and drew out a chair for the Boogeyman. Then he looked at the girl intensely. He tilted his head slightly to the right, as her eyes started widening, and darted all over. The look on her face was nearly panicked. She opened her mouth as if to scream, only to find that no sound came.
   "You have no motor control from the neck down, so you won't be making any noise," Stygian stated.


Smooth, Stygian. Real smooth. Bet that just has the ladies lining up at your door, huh? As stated, the only thing that my concious mind is in control of right now is the tentacles. Ah hell... The dormant Boogey slumped that much more in his seat, and two tentacles snaked across the room to the chair. They drew themselves up to the table and rested there, the claws of each tentacle in the air slightly and touching clawtips, like someone resting their elbows on the table.
As stated, can't initiate mental conversations. Either add her into the link or speak for me. Let her know that I'm on her side. And give her back her freaking voice, or we wont be able to reach any conclusion to this at all. Just don't let her have enough of her voice back to be really loud or something like that.


Stygian cast him a sidelong look with raised eyebrows, before he let a part of the girl's thoughts slip to the Boogeyman. She was practically babbling, or rather her thoughts were stressed and incoherent. But she mainly seemed to wonder what the hell Stygian and the Boogeyman were, and why she couldn't move or use her magic.
   "Your magic is useless... Tanya. Yes. I have breached your mind shield too. Once I get close or forceful enough, that's no big deal. I know why you are after me, and I know what you feel. You can't move because I infected your body. You've got a little portion of me swirling in your brain right now." Stygian said, knowing full well that this would scare the girl beyond hope. Things became easier that way. He'd let Mel be the good one. And as expected, the girl flooded with fear and the wish not to die. A tear trickled down her eye. Then another one. Stygian ignored it.
   "These two people are Boog and Mel. They have nothing to do with this, except that they know me. They are the reason you are not back in your little darkness, since I wouldn't have let you go, had they not been here."


Ah, good, I can send back in the other direction in this link to her now, If it helps any, THIS person agrees that THIS one, one of the tentacles guestured at Stygian, Can be a jackass sometimes. I am of the opinion that his killing you would be a bad thing, and would like to find a way to avoid his doing so. Now then, since he seems loath to tell me, another wave at Stygian, What did he do now?

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel touches the woman's hand, bringing herself to the canine's attention. "I'm sure that she wants to help us understand." Mel's voice was now softer, sweeter, and somehow managed to evoke the scent of daisies. "Miss Tanya, it is Tanya isn't it, seems like a very intelligent woman who will understand we only want to help." The voice was soft, forcing the woman to concentrate on the normal one, the trustworthy one. "Talk to us."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"I can't...?" The girl said, then looked as surprised as afraid that she actually could "voice" her thoughts again. She looked at Stygian, then at the Boogeyman. Then she fixed eyes with Mel again, taking her in, and growing just a bit calmer. Then she eyed Stygian again with intense fury.
   "He killed my partner. I am working for the Yves Magical Control Agency. We ran into this... thing," she said, her eyes boring holes through the air with contempt and hate, "about a month ago, when he broke into a secured facility meant for keeping sacred artifacts and documents. He destroyed the place, and killed my partner while doing it!"