A dissection of Abel Dimitri Rewanz, how I see Abel (10-21-2006)

Started by Madmann135, October 21, 2006, 04:00:31 PM

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Abel Dimitri Rewanz or Abel for short

This is going to be a Disection of How I see him, how I view his personality.

Abel's past.

Parents:  In all likelyhood Abel inherited his Cubi side from his mother.  Be it that she wanted a simple life or was just hiding May Rewanz married an adventurer and had a loveing family.  Despite the fact that because Abel was born with wings they did their best to live a normal life.  May and Cid Rewanz had a loving relationship and it was displayed numerous ways and some dangerous ways.  The main reason I said dangerous is because while they were living at Zinvth cid was an adventurer, living in a demon city while hunting demons is risky buisness yet he willingly offered to do such a dangerous action.

Young Abel: In his young life with wings that presented a problem.  Not only did it prosent a problem with him trying to make friends but it presented a problem to his family who delt with it as best they could.  Said problems included being shunned by numerous people, children violently teasing him difficulty with Abel finding a place to lern which was delt with when they moved Zinvth.  At Zinvth Abel was not shunned because he was diffrent, it was a place where he was in essence himself.

Abel's mom:  Considering that Abel's father was an adventurer and Abel is an Incubus it stands to believe that May was or is a Sucubus (or how ever you spell it).  Not to mention the fact that they were able to acclimate to the demon city Zinvth ment that one of the two probably lived there before.

Current Abel:
Abel's nice side:  Abel puts up a front that he's evil, though I believe that he is just a nice guy.  I present that Abel in essence kept Jyrras from Harm while he was on SAIA grounds, put up a mental block on Jyrras so that Dan wouldn't read his mind by accident, helped Dan impersinate his sister and he was going to give Merlitz a card as a peace offering. 

Abel's at SAIA:  Abel at SAIA was quite the prankster, he was BANNED from the library for an unknown insident which probably took time and brains to execute.  Abel is also well versed in "Mind-Jaming" and "Misleading" which also indicates that he didn't want others to read his mind or learn much about him.  Abel keeps to himself yet made friends with ALL the Warp-Aki which probably ment that he was more comfortable around the friendly and less complex individuals example the other Cubi.  As a stretagic manouver or shear luck Abel managed to become friends with Fa'Lana who is one of the more powerful Cubi at SAIA, that not only ensured his safety but gave him a little leverage with numerous dealings.  In adition to becoming principal's friend Abel is said to be the longest staying student at SAIA, that implies numerous things mainly that either he had no where to go or that he felt safest at SAIA.

Abel's fashon:  Abel is also well known for changing outfits, room decor and just about anything he could get his hands on.  Normally such changes occur when he is extremely bored and he does such changes quite quickly.  In addition most of Abel's changes once done were liked, namely Jyrras's outfit change.

Abel at Lost Lake:  Despite being uprooted at a place where he choose to live at and being Forced to live in a foreign and unknown place with beings other than creatures.  Abel is still learning

Abel and Jyrras:  Though some might argue against me I believe that Abel and Jyrras are becoming fast friends.  Abel is unable to Emotion-Jamm Jyrras yet Jyrras takes Abel for face value.  At SAIA Abel in short protected Jyrras as he was hiding from a fan crazed sucubus and after that Jyrras got to know Abel a little better at the shopping mall.  When Jyrras was hurt by Widly's book Abel witnessed it, at first one would say that Abel didn't care about it but when he confronted Widly about it one could say that Abel's true feelings came forth.

Describing Abel as a jerk and aragant bad guy is only describing him as he wants you to describe him.  Abel is very secretive and very personal, he puts on a front and doesn't want others to see his nice side.  Such was shown when Jyrras 'beeped' Abel's nose

The last things I will say is this.
WHAT is up with his eyes.  That's both weird and Cool at the same time... AND What is his obsession with no shirts?

That's all I can think of for now.  More to come as more of his charactor comes forth

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Might have to consiter all the people had to put up with at SAIA...Specialy other cubi like myself in my story...I could say me and him could be well buddys in a way but thats just my side of the story..Yet I found him quite hard to grow on...


Well... I didn't say anything about being friends with him but knowing him in order to be such one would have to go through numerous trials.

Jyrras probably litteraly fell into a situation that helped him become a friend be it a bit of a distant friend

I just realised something
Abel's personality is the Classic "leave me alone" personality (mine).  He has few friends, he does things that others may find annoying but doesn't like confrentation.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Quote from: Madmann135 on October 21, 2006, 04:00:31 PM
May and Cid Rewanz had a loving relationship and it was displayed numerous ways and some dangerous ways.  The main reason I said dangerous is because while they were living at Zinvth cid was an adventurer, living in a demon city while hunting demons is risky buisness yet he willingly offered to do such a dangerous action.

I don't think he did that.  Although he threatened to take up adventuring again, it's more likely that he got a less dangerous job (does Zinvth have a shipyard?)

Also, I don't think you mentioned that Abel is a capable librarian.

QuoteAs a strategic manoeuvre or shear luck Abel managed to become friends with Fa'Lina who is one of the more powerful Cubi at SAIA, that not only ensured his safety but gave him a little leverage with numerous dealings.

In his bio it states that Abel has been more-or-less adopted by Fa'lina.  I could be reading too much into this but that suggests to me that both his parents are dead (this would explain his long depression at the start of his course).  One of them (the Being) is certainly going to be dead, and if the other isn't dead, they have fallen out big-time.
(This might be the reason for his won't-pretend-to-be-someone-else attitude, though)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


The main thing you see with the way Abel interacts with the other characters is that he never, even when you're shown what he's thinking to himself, never let's himself get close emotionally to anyone else.  He's able to function socially, but there's a line he doesn't cross.

He was close to his parents and to Cynthia when he was a kid.  Cynthia died of course, and so, probably, have his parents (in the DMFA timeline, anyway), so Abel is pretty much alone.  He might not like being that way, but he doesn't look like he wants to deal with all the possible problems and dissapointments either.     


Quote from: Madmann135 on October 21, 2006, 04:00:31 PM
In adition to becoming principal's friend Abel is said to be the longest staying student at SAIA.
No he isn't the longest staying student. The complete course (or perhaps just doing everything) supposedly takes around 400 years; Abel, at 399 years old, would have been towards the end of his time.

Quote from: Madmann135 on October 21, 2006, 04:00:31 PM
What is his obsession with no shirts?
He's covered in fur and clothes just get in the way of shapeshifting

It has also been suggested that he isn't actually wearing anything at all >:3


Quote from: Kasarn on October 21, 2006, 10:54:03 PM
Quote from: Madmann135 on October 21, 2006, 04:00:31 PM
In adition to becoming principal's friend Abel is said to be the longest staying student at SAIA.
No he isn't the longest staying student. The complete course (or perhaps just doing everything) supposedly takes around 400 years; Abel, at 399 years old, would have been towards the end of his time.

Quote from: Madmann135 on October 21, 2006, 04:00:31 PM
What is his obsession with no shirts?
He's covered in fur and clothes just get in the way of shapeshifting

It has also been suggested that he isn't actually wearing anything at all >:3

I bet some ladies are hoping that little rumor is true.

I said that Abel was longer there because from when the Evil Principal said he already graduated I thought that he was just there longer.

Of all the charactors at Lost Lake, Abel is in my opinion the one with the most personal issues that are unresolved.

The distancing himself emotionaly from others is a bit of a risky move.  One it keeps others at bay but it also starts an endless loup of a visicous personal cycle.
He keeps others at bay so that he doesn't get hurt but he is alone and hurt because he kept others at bay.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Reese Tora

hmm... maybe I missed the thread on it, but I would say there are two other possibilities beyond that Abel is a cubi from his mother's side.

There's a possibility that Cid Rewanez is, himself, a Cubi and an adventurer.  Dan is, it's not unheard of.  He would have to be hiding his wings of course, and that would beg the question as to what an experienced and mature cubi (as nessesary to be able to hide wings) is doing as an adventurer as opposed to other things.

Also a possibility, is that Cid is not Abel's biological father.  That Cid is Abel's father is of no doubt in my mind, mind you.  Were this the case, there's a few ways that Abel could have been concieved, very plot like and stuff.  One, atleast, has been aluded to earlier in the story, where the principal at the being school he attends implied to May that she doesn't nessesarily believe that Cid is the father.

But that's a little off-topic, now, isn't it?  I'mma sleep and be coherently on-topic in the morning.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: Kasarn on October 21, 2006, 10:54:03 PM
Quote from: Madmann135 on October 21, 2006, 04:00:31 PM
In adition to becoming principal's friend Abel is said to be the longest staying student at SAIA.
No he isn't the longest staying student. The complete course (or perhaps just doing everything) supposedly takes around 400 years; Abel, at 399 years old, would have been towards the end of his time.

Yes.  That was what originally prompted me to reply, and I clean forgot :P
You would also have research students, and those wanting to become professors themselves would also have to study first.  My brother has been at university for about 8 years, and he's only got to the 'Doctor' stage.
It's quite likely that there are other (useful) things which Abel could study, but doesn't want to or can't be bothered with.

Destania (which not technically a student) must have been in SAIA for the best part of a millenium, unless Aary was the first and only pupil she mentored..

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I think May is the Cubi. This just hit me the other day.

Observe Abel's father's age here:

Observe His father's age here:

  And then look at may. She's barely aged, if at all. Just a little hair color, which a Cubi could easily fake. Well, a Cubi could probably eaisly fake age, but then again, why would they want to? She's aged very, very well is she is not a Cubi, and it makes sense that she would not look to old if she was.

  Make sense? Savvy? I sometimes write obtusely, to my chagrin.


Quote from: Cogidubnus on October 22, 2006, 01:12:08 PM
I think May is the Cubi. This just hit me the other day.
...look at may. She's barely aged, if at all. Just a little hair color, which a Cubi could easily fake.

Indeed.  That and the 'May-doesn't-eat' thing (also the inlaws-in-Zinvth business) are why I think she is the 'cubi, although to be honest it was my gut feeling from even before the Abel Arc started  ( http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_Bonus012.php )

Whether it's true or not is another matter.  It could all be a diversion  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


It all depends who the cubi parent....As long we get an answer


well... it looks like my disection of Abel has some intresting replies.

I wonder if Amber is thinkint that I'm reading her mind in some way shape or form.

No I'm not Amber!

Stop thinking that!


:mowtongue had to put that in for fun

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


No one can read Amber's mind. If one attempted to do so, a defensive mechanism of reverse-feedback mows would explode out of the offending psychics mind and consume his head from the inside out. :mowninja


If anyone can read her mind would be her brother or maybe her soon to be hubby  :eager


Amber's mind probably has the same psychic defense mechanism as mine or a little diffrent.

My defense mechanism is that my brain's thoughts is so scattered, violent, destructive, disturbing, insane, weird that if anyone tried to read it they would go into either a stupor/coma brought on by my thoughts or just die from fright alone.

The benefits of insanity... psychic killer

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Just to remind you, Abel has some-- reservations related to Daniel being Edward Ti'fiona's son. Fa'lina and probably the whole faculty knows it. (Yes, 'related to', and not 'about'.)

Simply for reference.

QuoteWhat is his obsession with no shirts?

Incubi/succubi vanity. This is a given.

QuoteWhat is up with his eyes?

Mm. Good question, albeit asked before. It is one that will not be answered just yet.
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)


Lets give the master of insanity button pushing a round applause for his majestic ways being right 99.98% the time  :3

Reese Tora

Quote from: Cogidubnus on October 22, 2006, 01:12:08 PM
I think May is the Cubi. This just hit me the other day.

Observe Abel's father's age here:

Observe His father's age here:

  And then look at may. She's barely aged, if at all. Just a little hair color, which a Cubi could easily fake. Well, a Cubi could probably eaisly fake age, but then again, why would they want to? She's aged very, very well is she is not a Cubi, and it makes sense that she would not look to old if she was.

  Make sense? Savvy? I sometimes write obtusely, to my chagrin.

He's got a beard with greying hairs and a scar (not an age indicator excepting it's rather pink to be an old scar).

She's got greying hair and is dressed kinda like an old lady.  I see no great disparity in thier apparent ages.  Maybe I'm missing some age-clues that you could fill me in on?

As for not eating, the only evidence to not needing to eat is an off-hand comment on not eating much.  I make similar commants to my mom about how she's wasting away.  (Actually, she's maintaining a healthy, if a little above average, weight, but that's besides the point.)
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


AS I know Abel so far he's complicated, and tends to do those things for self perservation. But I think he should open up a little bit and not be so defensive all the time. But hey that's me talking here and I don't know what I'm talking about all the time.

Faerie Alex

There's something that bugs me about whether his mom is the cubi.
Notice that she doesn't recognize the clan marking. I would think that if she was the cubi, she would at least recognize her own marking. Also, in the first few comics, it's Cid who it taking the wings in stride. I don't know if this means anything, but it's a thought.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


No one knows yet my dear friend...Let Amber tell us soon...And it will be found soon


Quote from: modelincard on October 27, 2006, 04:55:36 PM
There's something that bugs me about whether his mom is the cubi.
Notice that she doesn't recognize the clan marking.

One school of thought is that she doesn't want to reveal her 'cubi heritage in front of Cid and is therefore feigning ignorance.  Alternatively, she might be fishing to see if Abel knows what it is...

Remember, Cid might kill her if he discovers she's a soul-eating monster.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on October 27, 2006, 05:12:18 PM
Quote from: modelincard on October 27, 2006, 04:55:36 PM
There's something that bugs me about whether his mom is the cubi.
Notice that she doesn't recognize the clan marking.

One school of thought is that she doesn't want to reveal her 'cubi heritage in front of Cid and is therefore feigning ignorance.  Alternatively, she might be fishing to see if Abel knows what it is...

Remember, Cid might kill her if he discovers she's a soul-eating monster.

Or he just might just know already


If, one cold grey morning, I was to discover that my wife was a soul eating monster, I don't think I'd try to kill her. She's a soul eating monster - she might kill me. :<


No I think he loves her so much the past is the past. And besides I think the both of Abel Parents should realized that Abel is the product of both parents. I think the whole Cubi thing I think Abel mother didn't want to rush things with Abel hertiage at that point in his life.


It could be numerous things on why May was surprised with the 'Tatoo.'  These are a few tht poped in my head.

1- The Cubi Genes are Recesive, May (or posiably Cid) didn't show any signs but passed the genes onto her son Abel.  Therefore she was Genuinely surprised.

2-The "I know what's going on but I will pretend I don't" game

Though I will say this
May Aged exently but Cit was a little less fortunate.  Yet still they both look great for adults in their early-late years.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.

llearch n'n'daCorna


I believe it has been said somewhere that beings and creatures live long, but degenerate fast at the end. Unfortunately, I can't remember if that was Amber, or if it was in some other story entirely.... :-/
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