Mathell's Charicter Creation (Charicter Sketch'n)

Started by Mathell, October 12, 2006, 12:50:05 PM

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Hello people.  Haven't been here to long and I'm still try'n to create a good charicter for the world.  Everything is still very much up in the air but I'm narrowing it down angle of some canine race.  The story so far includes Light and possible some green oriented magic (not sure how that all works 100% yet, yell at me if that sounds wrong(if theres black/white magic is there Green?(plantlike))) <-- to many of these things!

Anyway that aside.  I'm hopen I can get some feedback on what I got done so far with my charicter here


You mean angel right? Well dont be a cubi...Theres too many already  :P Sides it looks almost familer...

llearch n'n'daCorna

"Green" magic basically is a cross of white and black, technically.

"White" is magic that is used to heal, to nurture, to help.
"Black" is magic that is used to damage, destroy, or pervert.

So, for example, growing a tree is white. Growing a tree to impale someone on it is perverting white to serve black purposes. Twisting a forest into dark, macabre shapes, is black. Healing a forest into growing straight and true is white.

It's a large world, and there's room for people who aren't necessarily black or white, but are just trying to do their best with what they have. Elves, in the, well, fairly typical "we're staying by ourselves and everyone else can stay away and leave us the heck alone" type, is not necessarily black -or- white... usually you find groups of either.

If you think back to Tolkien, Orcs, or the Uruk-Hai, were "black" perversions of the "white" elves. But, if you think of other types, you've got the Drow, who are "black", and the "elves" who are white, yet they're basically the different sides of the same coin, as it were.

Does that enlighten you at all? I'm trying to throw some info up here, in the hopes that some of it will stick :-) and make something gel for you, so you can decide...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Angels are generally light-magic based.  I'm sure you knew that already though :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Drake Manaweilder

I can't say i can make comments on his magic (as i've honestly never herd of "green" magic aside from llearch's and your comment) or his allignment, but i can coment on the art:

His hands seem a bit small for the build you gave him
His head is a bit square-ish

Looks feicken' awsome though! lots of win to the wings!

...also now that i've thought a bit i beleve white and black magic are just another way of saying "Light and Dark" magic.. and the "green" magic you seem to be refering to would be called just plant or grass magic... least that would be my guess..


Quote from: Drake Manaweilder on October 12, 2006, 03:43:32 PM
...also now that i've thought a bit i believe white and black magic are just another way of saying "Light and Dark" magic.. and the "green" magic you seem to be referring to would be called just plant or grass magic... least that would be my guess..

Earth magic, basically.  And yeah, I rather like the character design.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


More like Nature magic, plants and animals as well as a slew of the elements. Most often portrayed as supportive and boosting with not so much in the way direct damage. But then again the ability to turn someone into a regenerating, stone crushing powerhouse through magical boosting can be pretty powerful.


Alright well I understand the magic portion now.  It seems more of a 'good/bad' thing than to associate with healing or death like I thought.

Thanks for the tip on the avatar too, I'll keep that in mind when I work on him again.

Roureem Egas

FYI I heard that in one of the new FF titles "Green" magic encompasses status magic. You know poison, sleep, confusion, all that jazz. The ability to control plants falls under the headings of Earth, Plant, or Nature.

And about the around a bit with the ear placement and muzzle. To me, the ears look like they've been placed wrong and the muzzle just looks a bit off.

Jack McSlay

Quote from: Aldoun on October 12, 2006, 04:11:41 PM
More like Nature magic, plants and animals as well as a slew of the elements. Most often portrayed as supportive and boosting with not so much in the way direct damage. But then again the ability to turn someone into a regenerating, stone crushing powerhouse through magical boosting can be pretty powerful.

angel druid! :3
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Quote from: Roureem Egas on October 12, 2006, 08:36:18 PM
FYI I heard that in one of the new FF titles "Green" magic encompasses status magic. You know poison, sleep, confusion, all that jazz. The ability to control plants falls under the headings of Earth, Plant, or Nature.

I've heard about that with the newest FF. It's all to do with buffs and status changes, yep. Quite interesting really to class it as a magic type all of it's own than spreading it between black and white.

Other than that, I generally tend to think of "green" magic as a kind of nature magic.

EDIT: >.>


Damn you and you're talent RJ!  :mowhappy (Really I love that you amazing artist you!) As it was I was planning to take the symbol off the clothing, I was just mess'n around with the idea there and then.  And thanks for all the ideas from the other people too.  He is a bit odd in the head aint he?

For the longest time I've been draw'n without guidelines.  Most everything Is self taught since early 2005 when I started.  Right now the guidelines I play with are more rounded box than circle, they just kind'a evolved that way since I started use'n em but I'll work on it.

Heh, The green magic or so I called it comes from the story idea's I'm running with where he is (or was) living with an actual druid for a good deal of time and pics up more nature oriented magic.  No master by far but its there and he will probably go more under the traditional white.  While I'm still play'n with it the leading idea is some sort of... darker past that was forgotten after a tumble off a cliff lead to an amnesia state (wow amnesia, like a soap opera but without the evil twin!) so he hardly remembers who he is or what he's capable of so he kind of has to relearn magic (among other things) altogether.  (though he kind of picks up on it faster since he's done it before but just can't remember.  Kind'a like muscle memory)

Meh, more blah blah.  I'll get somethin else up here shortly but now with RJ it'll just look like crap!  *scratches chin* Maybe I should run that pic through paintshop...


Quote from: Mathell on October 13, 2006, 08:46:41 AM
Meh, more blah blah.  I'll get somethin else up here shortly but now with RJ it'll just look like crap!  *scratches chin* Maybe I should run that pic through paintshop...

Design-wise, I actually prefer yours.  RJ's version is obviously better-executed though.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

That might be because RJ has had more practice, there.

(in other words - try again, because you'll get better :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


OK how about this?

Less boxy in the face.  (I don't know why I put in a sword... I can never think of a good pose!

EDIT: Reposted pic

James StarRunner

Wow! You lucky guy! You've hardly been on that long and you already have gift art!

There's some goofy things with transparencies in your pic, but it still is a good design.


Not sure what you mean, whats goofy with the transparancy?

And yes, it is awesome I already got cool gift art!  Now I have to do stuff for you people.. I got a weekend and a pencil, maybe I'll spend some quality time with them, get my a paintshop pro go'n have a fun time!


Jack McSlay

Quote from: Mathell on October 13, 2006, 06:39:42 PM
Not sure what you mean, whats goofy with the transparancy?

And yes, it is awesome I already got cool gift art!  Now I have to do stuff for you people.. I got a weekend and a pencil, maybe I'll spend some quality time with them, get my a paintshop pro go'n have a fun time!
you're using Internet Explorer (Exploder?) right? because IE doesn't handle transparency well, therefore it won't display a lot of transparency. in this case, all the white areas are transparent on non-IE browsers
Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to resume.


Here's a repaired version for people who are not using the broken web browser.  I've also improved the contrast.
[Not anymore - Matt has fixed his]

The friendly smile is perhaps out of place considering the fact that he's got a sword on standby.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Darn you for being faster than me! :mowhappy

Ah well, still I replaced the one above with something I THINK is fixed, i'm not sure...


Quote from: Mathell on October 13, 2006, 07:46:37 PM
Darn you for being faster than me! :mowhappy

Ah well, still I replaced the one above with something I THINK is fixed, i'm not sure...

It is.  I'll take mine down :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tapewolf on October 13, 2006, 07:29:37 PM
The friendly smile is perhaps out of place considering the fact that he's got a sword on standby.

"Walk softly and carry a +6d4 broadsword" ?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Heh, maybe he's happy he's got the sword XD

nah, Like I said, I have problems with poseing.  A great deal of my pics have the face at a similar angle and I never know what to make them doing.  If I didn't put the sword in there he'd probably have his arms at his side or something.

O and thanks to the person for hosting a fixed version untill I got off my lazy bum and fixed it myself XD


 :B Mind you, I'm quite hopeless at drawing canines... and my version looks girly  :U


Quote from: RJ on October 14, 2006, 01:52:57 AM
:B Mind you, I'm quite hopeless at drawing canines... and my version looks girly :U

Thats no problem with mine..He looks almost girly


 D: The designs are awsome. Truelly, they are. I'm just wondering Mathell what fur and clothing colours have you got in mind to fit that design. *Aiyno is the curious type

He doesn't look that girly to me... more like a bish... wait, that's almost exactly the same...


Heh, I've been going over a bunch of colors and haven't liked anything thats turned up yet.  Though In general I'm thinking some odd color like blue/purple/green etc just to make it more of a fantasy creature but like I said still thinking  :mowtongue

As for the cloths same deal but I'm leaning towards blue since I just like that color  :mowhappy

In any case I still love the gift art, was very impressive RJ I loved it even if ya say he looks girly.   :mowcookie


Quote from: Mathell on October 14, 2006, 09:25:18 AM
Heh, I've been going over a bunch of colors and haven't liked anything thats turned up yet.  Though In general I'm thinking some odd color like blue/purple/green etc just to make it more of a fantasy creature but like I said still thinking  :mowtongue

As the Demonology says, Angels usually have bright-coloured markings.  Doesn't say about the wings, though - the guy illustrated has quite dark feathers.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E