DSE: Chapter 1 | The Beginnings [OOC]

Started by Arcalane, September 30, 2006, 10:46:31 AM

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A new RP concept I've got in mind which basically involves the crew of a ship and their adventures through space, time and who knows what else. ;)

Obviously all characters are part of the ship's crew (and there will be NPC crewmembers), and their vessel is a fairly small one right now. A simple explorer's ship with plenty of fuel, supplies, but not very well armed or armoured. What happens from there is... up to them.

All sorts of crew positions are open, as are species. If you want to be an acidic gelatin blob from Sardaukar V, you can be an acidic gelatin blob from Sardaukar V. Just take in mind there may be trouble with communicating with your fellow crewmembers. :U

Currently this is just a call for interest/recruitment post. I'm slowly working on the backstory to the setting.

And yes, it's called "Chapter 1" for a reason... you'll see why.

For those of you wondering why I have this up, it's because 2 out of the 6 players for Wastelands are currently MIA which makes it a little difficult to continue.

‮As for further experimentation, this is an encoded message using the Alt-Code Reversal Technique.


Ex-Freelance Captian *coughpriatecough* Joshua A Prowell, at your sevice.
This sounds like an adventure truely right up my alley. ;)


Verain Thivirith could most likely find his way to this. Just needs to find a suitable crew position.

lucas marcone

if you manage to get this off the ground ill join up.


The only other RP I'm in has ground to a screeching halt, so I'm in. Rather liking the character options thus far  :mwaha

lucas marcone

heh if this starts up.....when line in the stars swings out of its officers buisness crap and focuses on the crew and lotsa fighting again, then ill be in three.


Heh, one thing Line in the Stars taught me: Don't make your character unimportant.


I might join. Maybe in a biological body this time...
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lucas marcone


Maybe we should let Sheridan speak up before we start laying claim to postions.

lucas marcone

establishing ranks through the ancient laws of "dibs" now will save time and fighting in the long run.


In that case I think Verain shall lay claim to the position of communications officer. Due to the diversity to be expected among the stars this would seem a logical position on an exploration vessel, and I figure psionics would be of some use there.

lucas marcone

thats a detail you have to take up with the createor


Quote from: Sheridan on September 30, 2006, 10:46:31 AM

All sorts of crew positions are open, as are species. If you want to be an acidic gelatin blob from Sardaukar V, you can be an acidic gelatin blob from Sardaukar V. Just take in mind there may be trouble with communicating with your fellow crewmembers. :U

Whether psionics (or something similar) is available or not I'm still calling dibs on the position of communications officer or its equivilant.


There's nothing to stop you from being part of a psionic race. Just remember that this basic rule applies;

The greater your psychic/psionic power, the weaker your physical body must be. Same goes for all magic, etc.

I'm going to let you all decide who is in what rank (in fact, I'll start a poll for captain nominations) and one more thing...

The usual rules apply. If your English (Grammar & Spelling) is not as good as it could be, or your character profile is sorely underdeveloped, I'm going to have to turn you down. Simple. ;)

That said, here's a quick character sheet you can fill in.

Quote from: TEH SHEETName: Or closest translation to Galactic Standard, aka English
Age: If Important (may not be to non-organics)
Gender: If Applicable
Species/Race: Name in Gal-Standard/English

Tell us how your character looks. Are they tall or are they short? Fat or thin? Handsome or ugly? What kind of clothes do they wear? Standard civvies, or military clothing?

Species/Race Data:
Fill in a paragraph or two - three or four if you want - describing how your race evolved (or who built you), how it looks, what senses it has (ie, infravision, hypersonic hearing, but no taste) and how technologically evolved it is. An acidic gelatin blob from Sardaukar V might be very simple, but have some innate abilities - like the ability to sense nearby life forms via electrical energy (like a shark can) or detect brainwaves - and thus make a very good 'bloodhound'. You get the idea, right?

Describe the personality of your character. Are they efficiency-obsessive, or very laid back? Are they liable to snap at the drop of a hat, or always on top of things? Are they always diplomatic, or do they say what's on their mind all the time, without tact? May not be applicable to all races, such as our acidic gelatin blob from you-know-where.

What's your character done for a living before this? Were they a Mercenary, Pirate, Swashbuckler, Rogue, Thug, Bodyguard, Assassin, Bounty Hunter, Policeman, Security Officer, Teacher, Flight Instructor... what have they done? Why did they do it? Why did they leave/quit? Have they been in trouble with the law? Have they ever killed someone? In cold blood? For money? Or did they lead a relatively normal civilian life, and are now looking to escape from the monotony?

Personal Possessions:
Does your character have any personal possessions? A handgun that saved their life, or a memento of their family? An armour fragment from a ship they destroyed? A family heirloom, or ancestral keepsake?


I guess I'll bid for head of security.

Name: Joshua Prowell
Age: undisclosed
Gender: Male
Species/Race: undisclosed

Appearance: Hansome
Height: 74"
Build: lean and muscular, somewhat athletic
Coloration: short black fur, black hair down to small of back (usually in ponytail) w/ 2 bangs coming down to mid neck
Eye Color: bright apple green
Clothing (armor): black leather biker jacket worn over a white long-sleeved shirt with laces down 1/4 of way down from neck line and a small black pawprint on its left chest, blue stonewash jeans.
The jacket is lined with a protective layer of composite mesh. Shape of feet (paw-like) prevents footwear, save specially designed ones.

Species/Race Data:
Joshua was created as a genetic experiment in super-solider creation. He was made to be stronger, faster and tougher then any normal being (at least 2x norm). Also his senses where heighten above any normal standards (at least 2x norm). He is actually capable of surviving unprotected, outside a spacecraft for a limited time. Given the extent of work put into making the body they enhanced its ability to resist foreign elements such as disease and toxins, as well as an enhanced healing rate a kin to regeneration. A drawback that was not overcome before Joshua escaped is that extended use of the healing or large injuries can tax him physically.
Training wise Joshua is an expert in firearms and hand –to-hand. He is also trained enough in piloting to handle a number of small crafts if needed.
As a side-effect, Joshua is capable of limited energy control. This includes, but is not limited to, storing, releasing and redirecting energy flows. Storing and redirecting require physical contact, but releasing can be done at a range as bolts. This does have a draw-back though; these abilities leave Joshua weaker the more he uses them as they take a physical toll on his body.
(And just for appearances, his eyes can glow if he wants them to, or if angered or stressed)

Joshua is very laided back normally, friendly and out going to say the least. He has a tendency to be very flirtatious with the ladies. Also, he is very protective of anyone he views as a crewmember under his care.
When angered, he can become very cold and vicious. Thankfully he's not one to be angered easily. While an able fighter when needed, Joshua tries to think through problems before resorting to full blown violence.

Though Joshua is very of tight-lipped about his past; he does hint at both a military-like past and a once active pirate-like life style.

Personal Possessions:
A silver pocket watch and chain w/ engraved pawprint on cover. This seems to be a personal momento.
A protective jacket. (see above)
Dual solid ammo pistols designed to accept nearly all ammo type. These seem to be his preferred weapons, unless solid ammo proves to be ineffective.
Medium powered energy rifle. For when his pistols don't work.
Composite alloy combat blade.

I think that sound be enough to get the ball rolling. Any objections?


Objection #1:

If you continue using green, expect trouble. It is not necessary.


Name: Maria Sandra Angel
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Human - Fighter
Rank: Squad leader

Appearance: Angel has tousled long dark hair, chocolate brown eyes and wears a light grey overall that reminds of a military uniform A black belt around her waist holds tools and at least one knife. Her face is soft and her eyes looks relaxed and gives a reassuring feeling when you look at them. She is slim and quite small (1,46 meters).

Species/Race Data: Human history, is it? Fascinating. Err... Right, the Fighter classification was used by the MSA to label minds suitable for being in a Battle Group. A fighter can stand high mental strain and puts principles before the individual, this makes them 100% loyal and hard to break down.

Personality: Some would describe her as aggressive others would say she's straightforward. In either case she will not hesitate to say what she thinks or do what she wants. This laidback manner is sometimes misinterpreted by senior officers as disrespect.
Angel may be confident in her own skills but usually underestimates allies that she haven't worked with before. This means that she will rather do things herself to make sure they get done right.

History: Angel's mother was a commander and Angel was early recruited and sent to special training. Her teachers thought she would inherit her mother's talent for leadership and was in the beginning trained in tactical and electronics. Angel didn't like all the theoretical subjects and got bored of the academy after just a few months. Her teachers noticed this and after a psychology test they found out that Angel was a fighter. They offered her commando training but it was too late, Angel was sick of the military and all their rules.

Instead Angel joined the M Security Agency which is a large security company in this quadrant. MSA were setting up a new special unit to broaden their range of services and Angel was trained in zero gravity combat. After she had completed her training she formed MSA's 1:st Tactical Boarding Crew (aka Angels). With her crew she helps solving hostage situations in space and taking back hi-jacked ships.

The Athure Corporation wanted someone with experience from dangerous 0-G environments and MSA suggested Angel. She doesn't really understand why, gathering samples from asteroids seems very simple to her but she won't question MSA's decision.

Personal Possessions:
Some gifts, mainly from her mother.
A PDA with digital memories and thoughts.
A multitool knife (another gift from her mother).
Remotely detonated high explosives.
A 0-G armored suit.
Hammer heavy rifle.
A light sidearm.
Medical kit.
Repair kit.
5 uniforms.
Training clothes.
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I apologize, I just happen to like green. But if you want, I will refrain from using it here.


I mightjust be interested.
A question, though- What sort of ship is it? Is it going to be smallish (as in less than, say 20 people), or be more like Startrek, with a full hundred expendable crewmen?
Also, are we talking grimy, get-by-however-you-can space, or is there fancy shiny technology kicking around all over?
/kicks the internet over


Quote from: Joshua on October 04, 2006, 01:15:33 PM
I apologize, I just happen to like green. But if you want, I will refrain from using it here.

I happen to like Beige, but you don't see me using it everywhere do you? :P


Quote from: Eibbor_N on October 04, 2006, 08:37:42 PM
I mightjust be interested.
A question, though- What sort of ship is it? Is it going to be smallish (as in less than, say 20 people), or be more like Startrek, with a full hundred expendable crewmen?
Also, are we talking grimy, get-by-however-you-can space, or is there fancy shiny technology kicking around all over?

1: Smallish.
2: Bit of both. There's a divide between civilian, corporate and military technology. Civvies get the junk, Corps get mid-range, and Military have the effing shiny stuff that civvie pilots can only dream of having. ;)


Name: Rickardo (Full name is Tglek'rk Rkkkkrdondrusk Archivist)
Age: Not important
Gender: Assumed to be male
Species/Race: Rouligus A.K.A. "Lovecraft's Heart Attack"
Rank: Navigation officer and General Handyman

Gleaming brass hide (technicly a sign of poor health not unlike acne for his species, but not so bad looking to other species), ragged tweed coat, thin and wirey with long, well groomed golden-looking antienni. Usually seen carrying armfulls of books, papers, tools, or other objects to be humerously dropped all over the place when something goes wrong. He has emerald-green eyes, and hot pink veinlike markings up and down his back and on his shoulders. There's a filter implant that looks not unlike the speaking grille for an intercom on his neck, and two implants for storage compartments that open out from his exoskellington on his sides, below where a human would have a ribcage.

Species/Race Data:
Rouligi are called "Lovecraft's Heart Attacks" because, while Lovecraft invisioned alien entities to be insectlike, these graceful, metallic creatures are anything but the monsters he invisioned (at least in appearance). Rouligi are where biological and mechanical life starts to become less and less different. They're literally the first natural cyborgs. Rouligi names are made up of a string of identification numbers in their language, followed by a personal identifyer that may change many times over the course of their lives. In addition to literally having skin of iron, being naturally cybernetic allows them to upgrade themselves with new parts with ease, although most wont go overboard changing their appearance for the same reason humans don't; a chainsaw arm may be USEFUL, but not really attractive.
A Rouligus is only a little shorter than a human, maybe a few inches, but their hunched posture puts them normally about a foot shorter. They look not unlike humanoid crickets made of quicksilver and metal (or at least a healthy one does, see above) with hands made up of ten long, dexterious fingers arrayed around a central palm.

Timid, and shares most Rouligi's fear of other species. Not enough to not work with them, but enough for him to be all the more timid for it. He tends to spend a lot of time either finding someplace to hide from the rest of the crew or pouring over old books (from "Huckleberry Finn" to "An analysis of proper use of algebra in the agricultural setting." He's not very picky). He's not very good at being polite, but more out of ignorance than malicious intent; he doesn't know how to be tactful, it's not something he had to worry about prior to joining the crew. Rouligi are tactless to begin with, and prior to joining the crew he was just a cloistered historian. He gets mad if you try to tell him how to do his job (one of the only times you'll ever see him mad usually), and is saving up for a rebreather addition for his air filter so that he could smoke again without worrying about his health.

Before this he was an archivist, or historian. This does not tend to a fascinating life. However, he does have an extensive knowledge of maps and what happened on them. When he had the opportunity to join the crew he only barely stopped to pack (although he did stop to invest in several books on proper manners with other species, most of which he didn't understand, and a few bottles of liquid courage that lasted him a whole three minutes). He got into a habit of smoking a pipe, but since hearing about it's effects he's kicked the habit until he can afford that rebreather.

Personal Possessions:
Books and scrolls, lots of 'em, as well as some spare parts for himself, various hygene devices that are useful to him and terrifying for the rest of the crew (such as the infamous aorta-brush), his tools for that whole handyman thing, various modeling kits and art supplies (everyone needs a hobby), his old pipe kept in a glass case, and a plush cuddlefish named Ulga.


Do you need a browncoat to participate?   :3

Anyways... you mentioned initially an explorer vessel and the technology is a mixture of "get-what-you-can" and shiney wonders indicating a mid-range approach.  Does this mean that the ship and players are corporate space jockeys or are you looking at private individuals?
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Corp/Gov lackeys. Government means little in DSE, except for the Corporate Alliances.

Rumours persist that some corps have military gear, and it's obvious that most Corp Navies are better funded than Military Navies. Mostly in number rather than equipment, however.


(looks up at earlier character bio) um, the entire crew doesn't have to be from the same time period, does it?


Quote from: Boogeyman on October 05, 2006, 08:04:11 PM
(looks up at earlier character bio) um, the entire crew doesn't have to be from the same time period, does it?

Unless your character has a specific means of -travelling- back in time to join the crew, then yes.

Jumps through aforementioned time may be rare and not particularly far.


Alright, gotta fix that then. Edited my bio.

Castle Pokemetroid

Name: Unknown. Only known as "Guard"
Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown
Species/Race: Unknown

It's a huge eight foot tall living armor. It is thought to be a robot, but it uses no batteries or oil anything. It carries a sword that's as long as it's hight. It's entire body is covered with unbreakable steel, but that also makes it really slow.

Species/Race Data:

None. Dosen't even talk. It's known to attack without reason.


Personal Possessions:
Serves as the most greatest body guard. His sword can shatter even diamonds.


Pull the other one, it's got bells on.

Or in other words;

GET THE HELL OUT OF MY THREAD. There is no way - come hell or high water - I'd let that past.


Harsh... but I have to agree, that is even more vague than a disposable NPC.
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