2019-05-06 [DMFA #1922] - Things you should know first

Started by Tapewolf, May 06, 2019, 06:16:58 AM

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Might also be worth mentioning to Matilda that Cyra is in hiding and if anything bad happens to her it will break Dan.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on May 06, 2019, 06:16:58 AM
Might also be worth mentioning to Matilda that Cyra is in hiding and if anything bad happens to her it will break Dan.
Or how bout mentioning she really wants grandchildren and a powerful dragon is hunting her entire bloodline?

You know, I've started to wonder if Destania's father might have been the dragon that was leading that soul sucking city. I know the stronger creature or being usually has say in what the child will be in such a paring. But it was a soul eating dragon and soul eating has been suggested to damage a soul eater in certain ways. Is Destania significantly older then Cyra's disastrous plot?
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

MT Hazard

Dan, you might want to clarify what she was normal sized until she became a clan leader, before Matilda imagination runs away with her.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 



For a second there I thought Matilda was saying it'd be fun to be seduced by Aary. The comic shifted tones really fast for a split second for me.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


Honestly I don't blame Matilda. My mind break trying to consider that as well. Especially if he was still around after she became a clan leader
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quote from: joshofspam on May 06, 2019, 09:35:33 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 06, 2019, 06:16:58 AM
Might also be worth mentioning to Matilda that Cyra is in hiding and if anything bad happens to her it will break Dan.
Or how bout mentioning she really wants grandchildren and a powerful dragon is hunting her entire bloodline?

You know, I've started to wonder if Destania's father might have been the dragon that was leading that soul sucking city. I know the stronger creature or being usually has say in what the child will be in such a paring. But it was a soul eating dragon and soul eating has been suggested to damage a soul eater in certain ways. Is Destania significantly older then Cyra's disastrous plot?
Well, I think Cyra said she used to have many children before the War, so lets assume she got around a lot before ascending. And as she couldn't have children after ascending it is safe to assume Destania was born before the plan fully unfolded and then went sideways


Quote from: joshofspam on May 06, 2019, 09:35:33 AM
You know, I've started to wonder if Destania's father might have been the dragon that was leading that soul sucking city. I know the stronger creature or being usually has say in what the child will be in such a paring. But it was a soul eating dragon and soul eating has been suggested to damage a soul eater in certain ways. Is Destania significantly older then Cyra's disastrous plot?

According to Amber in the forums she's 7,026 as of the modern day, and I'm sure the comic itself has used 7k, which is also used as a vague number regarding the war starting and the Academy founding and Fa'Lina says Dee was a 'young lady' when she was placed under her care. But when speaking in millennia stuff like that is pretty vague.

I remember trying to compile stuff like this a few years back when I had the same theory. I think I'd misread some stuff, like Cyra's Clan Leader page, to say that she'd ascended over 7000 years ago which left her with only a 26 year window after Dee's birth for the plan to go off. It actually said she was 7-8000 years old so everything could have happened in the high 6000's ago and still qualify for roughly 7000.

Also, paradoxically, I thought it helped explain why she looked so much like her mother in a 'takes after the non-Cubi parent' world, if it was a form she was made to take out of worry regarding how things were at the time. That said even applying what I've said to Dan and Edward, I'm sure something noticeable would've slipped through.

I think it's more likely just some guy who isn't really that important. Honestly it could just have been some one night stand for the specific purpose of having a kid, as the mother if she just wanted another clan member she doesn't have to stick around past conception.

Quote from: e_voyager on May 06, 2019, 08:08:56 PM
Honestly I don't blame Matilda. My mind break trying to consider that as well. Especially if he was still around after she became a clan leader

Whilst I don't think he was, for the reasons I mentioned, and if nothing else that she had to at least appear to be free to the Dragon I did come across a fun tidbit:

It's kinda implied on Taun's page that she had one of these relationships. It mentions she had an Adventuring stepson who she later had Cubified and made a member of her clan, which would imply she and the dad had one of these. Not, if you lined them up, my first pick of 'Which Clan Leader had a post-ascension marriage' but there you are.


Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.


Now that I think about it, I do hope nobody is eavesdropping on them... :<


Does Aary count as a reasonably sensible adult, here?  I think she knows enough to keep an eye out.